Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra Pazin - Pula studeni 2013. International Scientific Conference Istrian economy yesterday and tomorrow Pazin - Pula november 2013 KNJIGA SAŽETAKA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS KNJIGA SAŽETAKA / BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Posebna izdanja 29 / Special editions 29 Izdavač / Publisher Državni arhiv u Pazinu / State Archives in Pazin Vladimira Nazora 3 52000 Pazin Tel. + 385 52 624 077 Fax. + 385 52 624 472 e-mail: [email protected] Za izdavača / For the Publisher Elvis Orbanić Urednici / Editors Alida Perkov Elvis Orbanić Mirela Mrak Grafička priprema / Prepress David Ivić Prijevodi / Translation Prevoditeljski centar d.o.o. Irena Grubica Lingua plus Korektura / Proofreading Jelena Livak Tisak / Printed by Grafomark d.o.o. Zagreb Naklada / Print run 250 ISBN: 978-953-7640-18-7 . Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra Pazin - Pula studeni 2013. International Scientific Conference Istrian economy yesterday and tomorrow Pazin - Pula november 2013 KNJIGA SAŽETAKA BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Pazin, studeni 2013. / Pazin, november 2013 ORGANIZATOR Državni arhiv u Pazinu SUORGANIZATORI Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Sveučilište Ca’ Foscari u Veneciji POKROVITELJI Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović Župan Istarske županije mr. sc. Valter Flego POČASNI ODBOR prof. dr. sc. Andrea Zlatar Violić, ministrica kulture Republike Hrvatske mr. sc. Valter Flego, župan Istarske županije Renato Krulčić, gradonačelnik Pazina Boris Miletić, gradonačelnik Pule prof. dr. sc. Alfio Barbieri, rektor Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli prof. dr. sc. Carlo Carraro, rektor Sveučilišta Ca’ Foscari u Veneciji prof. dr. sc. Slavko Krajcar, predsjednik Čakavskog sabora akademik Petar Strčić, voditelj Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti HAZU u Rijeci, područna jedinica u Puli Giovanni Radossi, ravnatelj Centro di Ricerche Storiche Rovigno, Rovinj Vlatka Lemić, ravnateljica Hrvatskog državnog arhiva Raffaele Santoro, ravnatelj Državnog arhiva u Veneciji Gian Angelo Bellati, direktor Saveza komora Regije Venecija Jasna Jaklin Majetić, predsjednica HGK – Županijske komore Pula Mario Paliska, predsjednik HOK Istarske županije PROGRAMSKI ODBOR dr. sc. Alida Perkov, predsjednica akademik Josip Bratulić akademik Tomislav Raukar akademik Petar Strčić prof. dr. sc. Giuseppe Barbieri prof. dr. sc. Miroslav Bertoša prof. dr. sc. Valter Boljunčić prof. dr. sc. Marijan Cingula prof. dr. sc. Giancarlo Corrò prof. dr. sc. Darko Dukovski prof. dr. sc. Marli Gonan Božac prof. dr. sc. Egidio Ivetic prof. dr. sc. Danijela Križman Pavlović prof. dr. sc. Mara Manenete prof. dr. sc. Claudio Povolo prof. dr. sc. Jusuf Šehanović prof. dr. sc. Nevio Šetić doc. dr. sc. Maurizo Levak dr. sc. Dean Krmac dr. sc. Marino Manin dr. sc. Elvis Orbanić dr. sc. Barbara Sladonja dr. sc. Stipan Trogrlić ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR dr. sc. Alida Perkov, predsjednica Gian Angelo Bellati, Savez komora Regije Venecija Viviana Benussi, Istarska županija Mladen Ferenčić, HGK Županijska komora Pula prof. dr. sc. Sandra Krtalić, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Nela Načinović, Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula dr. sc. Elvis Orbanić, Državni arhiv u Pazinu dr. sc. Boris Sabatti, Istarska razvojna agencija Vladimir Torbica, Istarska županija Mirela Mrak, tajnica skupa ORGANIZER State Archives in Pazin COORGANIZERS Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Ca’ Foscari University of Venice CONFERENCE PATRONS President of the Republic of Croatia Prof. Ivo Josipović, Ph. D. Istria County Prefect Valter Flego, M. Sc. HONORARY COMMITTEE Prof. Andrea Zlatar Violić, Ph. D., Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia Valter Flego, M. Sc., Istria County Prefect Renato Krulčić, Mayor of Pazin Boris Miletić, Mayor of Pula Prof. Alfio Barbieri, Ph. D., Rector of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Prof. Carlo Carraro, Ph. D., Rector of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Prof. Slavko Krajcar, Ph. D., President of the Chakavian Assembly Academy Fellow Petar Strčić, Director of the Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional Unit in Pula Giovanni Radossi, Head of Centro di Ricerche Storiche Rovigno, Rovinj Vlatka Lemić, Director of Croatian State Archives Raffaele Santoro, Director of State Archives of Venice Gian Angelo Bellati, Director of the Regional Union of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Jasna Jaklin Majetić, President of the County Chamber in Pula, Croatian Chamber of Economy Mario Paliska, President of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the County of Istria SCIENTIFIC COMITEE Alida Perkov, Ph. D., Chairman Academy Fellow Josip Bratulić Academy Fellow Tomislav Raukar Academy Fellow Petar Strčić Prof. Giuseppe Barbieri, Ph. D. Prof. Miroslav Bertoša, Ph. D. Prof. Valter Boljunčić, Ph. D. Prof. Marijan Cingula, Ph. D. Prof. Giancarlo Corrò, Ph. D. Prof. Darko Dukovski, Ph. D. Prof. Marlin Gonan Božac, Ph. D. Prof. Egidio Ivetic, Ph. D. Prof. Danijela Križman Pavlović, Ph. D. Prof. Mare Manenete, Ph. D. Prof. Claudio Povolo, Ph. D. Prof. Jusuf Šehanović, Ph. D. Prof. Nevio Šetić, Ph. D. Maurizo Levak, Ph. D. Dean Krmac, Ph. D. Marino Manin, Ph. D. Elvis Orbanić, Ph. D. Barbara Sladonja, Ph. D. Stipan Trogrlić, Ph. D. ORGANIZING COMITEE Alida Perkov, Ph. D., Chairman Gian Angelo Bellati, Unioncamere del Veneto Viviana Benussi, Istria County Mladen Ferenčić, Croatian Chamber of Economy –Regional Chamber in Pula Prof. Sandra Krtalić, Ph. D., Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Nela Načinović, Public Library of Pula Elvis Orbanić, Ph. D., State Archives in Pazin Boris Sabatti, Ph. D., Istrian Development Agency Vladimir Torbica, Istria County Mirela Mrak, secretary of conference PROGRAM ZNANSTVENOG SKUPA PROGRAMME OF THE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE Četvrtak, 21.11.2013. / Thursday, 21 November 2013 10,30 – 11,00 Pauza / 10.30 – 11.00 Break 18,00 Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula, Kandlerova 39, Pula Paralelne sesije: Pazinski kolegij, Jurja Dobrile 6, Pazin Trajanje priopćenja: 10 minuta, ppt Svečano otvaranje izložbe: Gospodarstvo Pule od sredine 19. stoljeća do Prvog svjetskog rata – iz fundusa Gradske knjižnice i čitaonice Pula Parallel Sessions: Pazin Collegium, Jurja Dobrile 6, Pazin Duration of Announcement: 10 min, ppt 6.00 PM Pula City Library and Reading Room, Kandlerova 39, Pula 11,30 – 13,40 / 11.30 AM – 1.40 PM Exhibition Opening Ceremony: The Economy of Pula from the Middle of the 19th Century to the World War I – From the Holdings of the Pula City Library and Reading Room Petak, 22.11.2013. Državni arhiv u Pazinu, Vladimira Nazora 3, Pazin Friday, 21 November 2013, State Archives in Pazin, Vladimira Nazora 3, Pazin 8,00 – 8,45 registracija uzvanika 8.00 – 8.45 AM Invitee Registration 9,00 – 9,30 pozdravni govori 9.00 – 9.30 AM Welcome addresses 9,30 – 10,00 Uvodničar – Soumitra Sharma: Društvo, civilizacija, ekonomija, regionalne i lokalne zajednice 9.30 – 10.00 AM Keynote speaker – Soumitra Sharma: Society, Civilization, Economics, Regional and Local Communities 10,00 – 10,30 Uvodničar – Robert Matijašić: Historia est magistra vitae ili kako može povijest istarskog gospodarstva biti korisna za budući razvoj? 10.00 – 10.30 AM Keynote speaker – Robert Matijašić: Historia Est Magistra Vitae, or How Can History of Istrian Economy Be of Use for Future Development? 1. paralelna sesija: INTEGRACIJE, INSTITUCIJSKA PODRŠKA, GOSPODARSKA INFRASTRUKTURA, dvorana A Parallel Session 1: INTEGRATIONS, INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT, ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE, Hall A Moderatori / Moderators (Gian Angelo Bellati, Alida Perkov, Maja Cerić) ANDREJ BADER: Medulinsko društvo za štednju i zajmove Medulin savings and credit society GIAN ANGELO BELLATI: Sviluppo economico dell’area Nord Adriatica. Quali prospettive partendo da una ricca e intensa storia comune Economic development of the North Adriatic area. What are the prospectives starting from the rich common history MARIN BEROŠ: Regionalizam, kozmopolitizam i ekonomska globalizacija – susreti i suprotstavljanja Regionalism, cosmopolitanism and economic globalisation – points of convergence and divergence SABINA LACMANOVIĆ: Uloga sveučilišta u regionalnom razvoju Istarske županije The role of the university in Istria county regional development ROMEA MANOJLOVIĆ: Uvođenje strateškog planiranja u istarske jedinice lokalne samouprave Introducing strategic planning to local government units in Istria LELA TIJANIĆ: MARIJA IGNJATOVIĆ, GOCE NAUMOVSKI: ZVONIMIRA ŠVERKO GRDIĆ, MAJA NIKŠIĆ RADIĆ: ANAMARI PETRANOVIĆ: Odrednice konkurentnosti Istarske županije kao razvojni prioriteti Determinants of competitiveness of the county of istria as development priorities Pravnoekonomski aspekti contractus emphyteuticarius u rimskom postklasičnom pravu u srednjovjekovnoj Istri Legal and economic aspects of contractus emphyteuticarius in post-classical roman law and medieval Istria Inozemni kapital – prilika za daljnji razvoj gospodarstva Istarske županije? Foreign capital: an opportunity for further economic development of the county of Istria? Possessio - okvir rimskih pitanja i rješenja u srednjovjekovnoj Istri Possessio – the framework of roman issues and solutions in the medieval Istria ALIDA PERKOV: INES MATIĆ: Internacionalizacija poslovnih subjekata Istarske županije - temelji, izazovi, trendovi The internationalization of business entities of Istria county – foundations, challenges, trends Odredbe o osiguranju tražbina u srednjovjekovnim statutima istarskih gradova i općina Provisions pertaining to security interests in medieval statutes of Istrian towns and communes DRAGICA KARAJIĆ: ALESSANDRA RIZZI: Regionalna suradnja ekspertnih timova za razvoj poduzetničkog učenja u paneuropskoj mreži u cilju dugoročnog jačanja gospodarske konkurentnosti Regional cooperation of expert teams for the development of entrepreneurial learning within a pan-european network with the aim of strengthening economic competitiveness in the long term Rasprava / Discussion 14,15 – 15,30 ručak: domaćin grad Pazin 2.15 – 3.30 PM Lunch: hosted by the City of Pazin 11,30 – 13,40 / 11.30 AM – 1.40 PM 2. paralelna sesija : EKONOMIKA I DRUŠTVOPOLITIKA, CRKVA, PRAVO, dvorana B Relazioni economiche fra Venezia e Istria nel medioevo Economic relations between venice and Istria in middle ages ROBERT KURELIĆ: Austrijska i mletačka politika prema šumama u Istri u šesnaestom stoljeću Austrian and venetian policy on the forests of istria in the 16th century LUCIANO PEZZOLO: Istituzioni e struttura economica nell’Istria veneziana (secoli XVI-XVIII) Institutions and economic structures of the venetian Istria (16th to 18th century) ALFREDO VIGGIANO: Parallel Session 2: ECONOMY AND SOCIETY − POLITICS, CHURCH, LAW, Hall B Comunità ambiente e conflitti nell’Istria del Settecento Environmental community and conflicts in the 18th century Istria Moderatori / Moderators (Željko Bartulović, Mirjana Konstenstabile Rovis, Emilija Stanković) MIRJANA KONTESTABILE ROVIS: EMILIJA STANKOVIĆ: Ekonomski aspekti Dioklecijanovih reformi Economic aspects of Diocletian’s reforms Urad domen Koper 1807-1878 Domain office Koper 1807-1878 STIPAN TROGRLIĆ: Gospodarsko-socijalni program Hrvatskog katoličkog pokreta u Istri prema pisanju Pučkog prijatelja 1899.-1914. The economic and social program of the Croatian Catholic movement in Istria according to the writings of the “Pučki prijatelj” journal from 1899 to 1914 14,15 – 15,30 ručak: domaćin grad Pazin 2.15 – 3.30 PM Lunch: hosted by the City of Pazin 15,30 – 16,50 / 3.30 – 4.50 PM nastavak 2. paralelne sesije: EKONOMIKA I DRUŠTVO-POLITIKA, CRKVA, PRAVO, dvorana B Parallel Session 2 Continued: ECONOMY AND SOCIETY − POLITICS, CHURCH, LAW, Hall B Moderatori / Moderators (Mario Sošić, Deborah Rogoznica, Karmen Markezić) ŽELJKO BARTULOVIĆ, BUDISLAV VUKAS, LORIS BELANIĆ: Gospodarski aspekti ugovora s Italijom nakon I. svjetskog rata Economic aspects of the contract with Italy after the first World War DEBORAH ROGOZNICA: MARIO SOŠIĆ: Utjecaj samoupravno-socijalističkog nasljeđa na vlasničku i upravljačku strukturu tržišno-tranzicijskog gospodarstva Istre danas – case study Effects of the legacy of self-management and socialism on property and management structures in the transitional market economy of Istria today – case study TATJANA TOMAIĆ: Strategija razvoja gospodarstva Istarske županije kroz programske dokumente političkih stranaka: komparativna analiza HDZ-a i IDS-a The strategy for economic development of Istria county as presented in the programming documents of political parties: a comparative analysis between the HDZ and the IDS DANA DOBRIĆ, MARIZA MENGER: Istarski gradovi kao lokalne samoupravne jedinice i njihovo značenje za gospodarstvo Istre Istrian towns as local government units and their relevance for the Istrian economy Rasprava / Discussion 11,30 – 13.50 / 11.30 AM – 1.50 PM 3. paralelna sesija: LOKALNI I REGIONALNI RAZVOJ JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana C Značilnosti gospodarskega sistema v obdobju cone B STO (1947-1954) Characteristics of the economic system in the period of the Zone B (1947-1954) Parallel Session 3: LOCAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall C SANDRA CVIKIĆ I IVANA ŽEBEC ŠILJ: Moderatori / Moderators (Petar Strčić, Klara BuršićMatijašić, Mara Manente) Komunistička propaganda i Vukovarske novine za vrijeme Tršćanske krize Communist propaganda and Vukovar newspapers during the Trieste crisis IGOR STANIĆ: Brodogradilište Uljanik i radničko samoupravljanje 19501961. The Uljanik shipyard and workers’ self-management in the period 1950-1961 KLARA BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ: Gospodarstvo prapovijesne Istre The economy of prehistoric Istria ZORAN LADIĆ: Društvo i gospodarstvo Poreča u kasnom srednjem vijeku na temelju analize bilježničke knjige Antuna de Teodorisa The economy and society of Poreč in the late middle ages on the basis of an analysis of the notary journal by Antun de Teodoris CLAUDIO POVOLO: Controllo sociale in eta moderna Social control in modern times 2.15 – 3.30 PM Lunch: hosted by the City of Pazin 15,30 – 16,10 / 3.30 – 4.10 PM TULLIO VORANO: nastavak 3. paralelna sesija: LOKALNI I REGIONALNI RAZVOJ JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana C ELVIS ORBANIĆ: Parallel Session 3 Continued: LOCAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall C Gospodarstvo Labina u mletačko doba The economy of Labin during Venetian rule Gospodarske prilike u Pazinskoj knežiji prema De Busetovoj vizitaciji iz 1788. godine Economic conditions in the county of Pazin according to the visitation by De Buset in 1788 MAJA POLIĆ: Istarsko gospodarstvo u dnevniku Matka Laginje Istrian economy in the diary of Matko Laginja PETAR STRČIĆ: Gospodarska osnovica hrvatskog narodnog preporoda Istre u 19. stoljeću The economic basis of the Croatian national revival in the 19th century in Istria ANDREA ROKNIĆ BEŽANIĆ: Gospodarske odrednice poslijeratnog razvoja Rijeke Economic determinants for the development of rijeka in the post-war period IZABELA VITASOVIĆ: Utjecaj strategija integracije na poticaj rasta i razvoja poduzetnika na području Vodnjana Impact of integration strategies on stimulating growth and development of entrepreneurs in the Vodnjan area BRANKO KUKURIN: Zanatstvo u Kastavštini – tradicija u suvremenosti Handicrafts in the Kastav region – tradition in modernity MARINELA KRSTINIĆ NIŽIĆ, TEA PRODANOVIĆ: Značaj grada Pule za gospodarski razvoj Istre The importance of the city of Pula for istria’s economic development 14,15 – 15,30 ručak: domaćin grad Pazin Moderatori (Petar Strčić, Klara Buršić-Matijašić, Mara Manente) MARA MANENTE: Turismo come opportunità economica per l’area Nord Adriatica Tourism as an economic opportunity for the North Adriatic area IVAN ŽAGAR: Participacija turizma u gospodarstvu pojedinih mjesta Puljštine od konca 19. stoljeća do 1930-ih godina Contribution of tourism to the economy of various townships in the Puljština region from the late 19th century to the 1930s JASENKO ZEKIĆ: O problemima razvoja vodoopskrbe Pule u razdoblju Austro-Ugarske Monarhije On the problems of water supply system development in Pula in the period of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy Mladen Ferenčić: Razvoj gospodarstva Istre od 1945. do 2012. godine Economic development of Istria from 1945 to 2012 Rasprava / Discussion Istarska prošlost – poslovne prilike Posjet izložbi proizvoda temeljenih na lokalnoj povijesti 17,00 Spomen Dom, Pazin Domaćin: Grad Pazin Yesteryear of Istria – Business Opportunity Visit of Exhibition of Local Historical Products 5.00 PM Memorial Hall, Pazin Hosted by: the City of Pazin 19,00 – večera za sudionike skupa: domaćin grad Pazin 7.00 PM – Dinner for conference participants: hosted by the City of Pazin MAURO PITTERI: Subota 23.11.2013. Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Preradovićeva 1, Pula FURIO BIANCO: Saturday, 23 November 2013 - Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Preradovićeva 1, Pula 8,00 - 8,45 registracija uzvanika 8.00 - 8.45 AM Invitee Registration Paralelne sesije Trajanje priopćenja: 10 minuta, ppt Parallel Sessions Duration of Announcement: 10 min, ppt 9.00 – 11.00 / 9.00 – 11.00 AM 1. paralelna sesija: EKONOMIKE PROIZVODNIH DJELATNOSTI JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana A Parallel Session 1: THE ECONOMIES OF MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall A Moderatori / Moderators (Claudio Povolo, Danijela Križman Pavlović, Flavio Bonin) ZDENKA BONIN: Delovanje koprskih solin v obdobju Beneške republike Activity of the Koper salt pans in the period of the Venetian Republic LIA DE LUCA: I nuovi abitanti: commercio e agricoltura The new inhabitants: Commerce and agriculture SLAVEN BERTOŠA: Neki katastici istarskih šuma XVIII. Stoljeću Some cadastres of istrian forests from the 18th century Agricoltura, pesca e navigazione in Istria visti dal magistrato veneziano ai confini nel secondo ‘700 Agriculture, fishing and navigation in istria as seen by the Venetian court at the boundaries in the second half of the 17th century Tessitori, merciai, ed operatori finanziari in istria l’immigrazione dalla montagna carnica nel ‘700 e nel primo ‘800 Weavers, haberdashers and financial operators in istria immigration from the Carnia Mountain in the 7th century and the early 8th century LUCA ROSSETTO: ´Serbi dio gli austriaci boschi’.due casi comparati del 1849: il montello e montona ‘God save the austrian woods’. Two comparative cases of 1849: Montello and Montona MARINO MARTINČEVIĆ: Uzgoj vinove loze i proizvodnja na posjedu benediktinskog samostana Sv. Ivana Krstitelj u Dajli Vine cultivation and winemaking at the estate of the Benedictine monastery of st. John the baptist in Dajla FLAVIO BONIN: Pridelava soli v severno jadranskih solinah Production of salt at Northern Adriatic salt pans MARKO BONIN: Sečovlje saltworks – The lera section at the beginning of the 20th century DENIS VISINTIN: Istarska poljoprivreda između prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Problemi i perspektive kroz povijest Agriculture in istria between the present and the past: issues and perspectives through history TOMISLAV ANIĆ: Rudnik Raša u vremenu poraća: od simbola uspjeha do ekonomske realnosti The Raša mine in the post-war period: from a symbol of success to economic reality 11.00 –11.30 – Pauza / 11.00 –11.30 AM – Break nastavak 1. paralelna sesija: EKONOMIKE PROIZVODNIH DJELATNOSTI JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana A Small and medium-sized enterprises of Istria in Europe: industrial and production prospectives, how to approach the challenge of competitiveness Parallel Session 1 Continued: THE ECONOMIES OF MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall A 9.00 – 11.00 / 9.00 – 11.00 AM Moderatori / Moderators (Tomislav Anić, Denis Visintin, Biserka Budicin) BORIS SABATTI, DANIJELA KRIŽMAN PAVLOVIĆ: Uloga regionalnih razvojnih agencija u razvoju regionalnog gospodarstva: primjer Istarske razvojne agencije (IDA d.o.o.) The role of regional development agencies in the development of regional economy: the example of the Istrian development agency (IDA Ltd) EDO CETINA, DANIJELA KRIŽMAN PAVLOVIĆ: Uloga inkubacijske infrastrukture u poticanju razvoja malog i srednjeg poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj The role of the incubator infrastructure in the stimulation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Croatia SANJA RADEKA: Stanje vinogradarsko – vinarske proizvodnje u Istri An overview of wine – growing and winemaking in Istria GRACIANO PREKALJ: Autohtono – tradicijski prehrambeni proizvodi, postupak utvrđivanja i zaštite te njihov značaj u razvoju ruralnih područja (na primjeru Istarske županije) Autochthonous and traditional food products, recognition and protection procedure and the significance thereof for the development of rural areas (using the example of Istria county) PATRIZIA MILANI: Piccole e medie imprese d’Istria in Europa: Prospettive industriali e di produzione, come accedere alla sfida della competitivita’ Rasprava / Discussion 2. paralelna sesija EKONOMIKE USLUŽNIH DJELATNOSTI JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana B Parallel Session 2: THE ECONOMIES OF SERVICE INDUSTRIES YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall B Moderatori / Moderators (Slavko Krajcar, Hesperia Iliadou, Pavlo Ružić) DESANKA SARVAN: Komunalni poslovi u gradu Puli u XV stoljeću The city of pula municipal services in the 15th century HESPERIA ILIADOU: Sailing through Istria; 16th century mercantile ships on the route from Venice to Cyprus EDOARDO DEMO: Merci e mercanti della Terraferma veneta in Istria e Dalmazia nella prima età moderna. Alcune considerazioni Goods and merchants of Venetian terraferma in Istria and Dalmatia in the early modern times. Some considerations WALTER PANCIERA: L’attività portuale nella città istriane del XVIII secolo Harbour activities in istrian towns of the 18th century BRUNO CREVATO SELVAGGI: Un’ infrastruttura necessaria: la posta nell’Istria veneziana The necessary infrastructure: the post in the Venetian Istria MARTINO FERRARI BRAVO: La scienza nautica al tempo di Gian Rinaldo Carli ad uso della navigazione mercantile Nautical science at the time of gian rinaldo carli for the use of mercantile navigation NADJA TERČON: Istrian wellness – a factor for increasing competitiveness of croatian tourism NIKOLA VOJNOVIĆ: Općina Lanišće: razvoj turizma u uvjetima periferije The municipality of Lanišće: development of tourism in conditions of peripherality Pomorske gospodarske dejavnosti v Kopru, Izoli in Piranu od sredine 19. stoletja do sredine 20. stoletja Maritime economic activities in Koper, Izola and Piran from mid-19th century to mid-20th century SLAVKO KRAJCAR I DAVOR MIŠKOVIĆ: MILAN RADOŠEVIĆ: HANA LENCOVIĆ: Zdravstveni turizam i malarija: istarska epizoda 1925. Health tourism and malaria: the Istrian episode of 1925 PAVLO RUŽIĆ: Turizam Istre nekad i danas u kontekstu tehnološkog napretka Istrian tourism in the past and the present in the context of technological development KRISTINA BRŠČIĆ: Električna energija u razvoju istarskog gospodarstva Electricity in the development of the economy of Istria Analiza predstavljanja istarskih regija na turističkim portalima – semiotički i sociološki aspekti An analysis of the representation of Istrian regions on the tourism portals – semiotic and sociological aspects MILAN OPLANIĆ: Izravna prodaja poljoprivrednih proizvoda putem Interneta Direct marketing of agricultural products via the internet Analiza razvoja agroturizma u Istarskoj županiji An analysis of the development of agritourism in Istria county Rasprava / Discussion 11.00 –11.30 – Pauza / 11.00 –11.30 AM – Break 11.30 - 12.20 / 11.30 AM - 12.20 PM 3. paralelna sesija POVEZNICA GOSPODARSTVA S OBRAZOVANJEM, ZNANOŠĆU I KULTUROM, dvorana C nastavak 2. paralelna sesija EKONOMIKE USLUŽNIH DJELATNOSTI JUČER I SUTRA, dvorana B Parallel Session 3: THE LINK BETWEEN THE ECONOMY AND EDUCATION, SCIENCE, AND CULTURE, Hall C Parallel Session 2 Continued: THE ECONOMIES OF SERVICE INDUSTRIES YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW, Hall B Moderatori / Moderators (Raffaele Santoro, Nela Načinović, Jusuf Šehanović) Moderatori / Moderators (Milan Oplanić, Nadja Terčon, Milan Radošević) Pregled povijesti istarskog gospodarstva prema gospodarskim fondovima Državnog arhiva u Pazinu An overview of the history of istrian economy based on the Pazin state archives holdings in economics JASMINA GRŽINIĆ, IVNA ŠKORO, JELICA POPIĆ: Istarski wellness – čimbenik podizanja konkurentnosti hrvatskog turizma 9,00 – 11.00 / 9.00 – 11.00 AM HENDI HRELJA: MICHELA DAL BORGO, PAOLA BENUSSI: Itinerari archivistici veneziani per la storia dell’Istria Venetian archivistic itineraries through the history of Istria SNJEŽANA IVANOVIĆ: Gospodarstvo Istre u fondu Republički zavod za društveno planiranje The economy of Istria in the Republic social planning institute holdings MANUELA-CLAIRE WARSCHER: Industry and Workers 1848-1918: Social history in brief JUSUF ŠEHANOVIĆ, KREŠIMIR BRONIĆ: Stoljeće djelovanja Srednje poljoprivredne škole u Poreču Centennial history of the Agricultural high school in Poreč IVONA ORLIĆ, DUGA MAVRINEC: Zbirka gospodarstvo Etnografskog muzeja Istre jučer, danas i sutra The economy collection of the ethnographic museum of Istria yesterday, today and tomorrow NELA NAČINOVIĆ: JOSIP ŠIKLIĆ: Školovanje kadrova za potrebe pazinskog gospodarstva Workforce education for the needs of the economy of Pazin DRAŽEN ŽIVIĆ: Reprodukcija radnog kontingenta kao odrednica suvremenog gospodarskog razvoja Istarske županije The reproduction of the workforce as a determinant of conteporary economic development in Istria county DARIJA BOŽAC MARJANOVIĆ: Marketinška komunikacija regije kroz brandiranje kulturno povijesne baštine – Case study Istra Inspirit Regional marketing communication through historical and cultural heritage branding – a case study «Istra Inspirit» JUSUF ŠEHANOVIĆ, MARIO STAVER: Poljoprivredno visoko obrazovanje u Istri Higher agricultural education in Istria Rasprava / Discussion 11.00 – 11.30 Pauza / 11.00 – 11.30 AM Break Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula u službi gospodarstva Istre The pula city library and reading room in the service of the economy of Istria 13,00 Zaključna riječ Konferencije GIOVANNI LUIGI FONTANA: 1.30 PM Lunch: hosted by the City of Pula Patrimonio industriale e sviluppo locale in Istria Industrial property and local development in Istria BIAGIO MANNINO: L’economia: strumento per eliminare il peso dei confini psicologici The economy: an instrument of eliminating the weight of psychological boundaries 1.00 PM Conference Closing Address 13,30 Ručak: domaćin grad Pula FINANCIJSKO POKROVITELJSTVO / FINANCIAL SPONSORSHIP POTPORA U PROJEKTU / PROJECT SUPPORT RIJEČ ORGANIZATORA S velikim zadovoljstvom želimo Vam dobrodošlicu na međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra. Nadamo se da će dvodnevna konferencija 22. i 23. studenog 2013. godine u Pazinu i Puli biti podlogom za razmatranje povijesnog nasljeđa i suvremenih izazova gospodarskog razvoja Istre. Uspjeh konferencije ovisi o sudionicima, kojih zaista ima mnogo: na temu istarske prošlosti, ali i suvremenog razvoja pristiglo je 87 priopćenja iz Austrije, Cipra, Hrvatske, Italije, Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije. Multidisciplinarni znanstveni pristup istarskom gospodarstvu sudionici skupa razmatraju po sesijama, kronološki od povijesnih analitika pa do propitivanja u suvremenosti. Za istim se stolom susreću arhivisti, arheolozi, povjesničari, pravnici, etnolozi, politolozi, ekonomisti, učeći jedni od drugih o ekonomskoj osnovi Istre, ali i njenih zemljopisnih susjeda, simbiotički promišljajući o isprepletenosti ekonomike i društva, o današnjim i prošlim krizama i svemu onome što se multiplikativno vezuje uz gospodarstvo. Tako su se znanstvena promišljanja polarizirala oko sljedećih tema: Ekonomika i društvo - politika, crkva, pravo Ekonomike proizvodnih djelatnosti jučer i sutra Ekonomike uslužnih djelatnosti jučer i sutra Integracije, institucijska podrška, gospodarska infrastruktura Lokalni i regionalni razvoj jučer i sutra Poveznica gospodarstva s obrazovanjem, znanošću i kulturom. Uvjereni smo da će temeljem izuzetnog interesa znanstvenika ovaj skup doživjeti ponovno okupljanje. Stoga, osim hvala, možemo reći i doviđenja do sljedeće konferencije. dr. sc. Alida Perkov Predsjednica skupa dr. sc. Elvis Orbanić Ravnatelj Državnog arhiva u Pazinu A FEW WORDS BY THE ORGANISER I t is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow. We hope that the two-day conference taking place in Pazin and Pula on 22 and 23 November will provide a basis for considerations on historical legacy and contemporary challenges of Istrian economy. The success of the conference depends on its participants, and they are indeed numerous: we received 87 contributions from Austria, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia, on the subject of past, but also modern development of Istria. The participants of the conference contemplate a multidisciplinary scientific approach to the economy of Istria through sessions, chronologically, from historical analyses to contemporary topics. Archivists, archaeologists, historian, jurists, ethnologists, political scientists, economists, they all meet around the same table, and learn from each other about the fundaments of the economy of Istria as well as its geographical neighbours, symbiotically contemplating the intertwining of the economy and the society, the crises of the present and the past, and all subjects that are multiplicatively linked to the economy. Scientific considerations have thus polarized around the following topics: Economy and Society - Politics, Church, Law The economies of manufacturing activities yesterday and tomorrow The economies of service industries yesterday and tomorrow Integrations, institutional support, economic infrastructure Local and regional development yesterday and tomorrow The link between the economy and education, science, and culture. We are convinced that the conference will be convened yet again due to the extraordinary interest of scientist. Therefore, in addition to “Thank you,” we can also say “Good-bye until the next conference.” Alida Perkov, Ph. D. Chairperson of the Conference Elvis Orbanić, Ph. D. Director of State Archives in Pazin IZ PISMA PREDSJEDNIKA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE C ”. . . ijeneći važnost teme, kao i trud organizatora i suorganizatora u realizaciji vrlo zahtjevnog projekta, prihvatio sam pokroviteljstvo Vašega skupa kako bih dao poticaj Vašem daljnjem radu na valorizaciji istarske gospodarske prošlosti i budućem razvoju. Vjerujem da će skup „Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra“ okupiti veliki broj znanstvenika, ponuditi niz zanimljivih sadržaja svojim sudionicima i gostima te doprinijeti ispunjenju strateških razvojnih razvojnih ciljeva Istre...” prof. dr. sc. Ivo Josipović FROM THE LETTER OF PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA “... A ppreciating the importance of the topic of the conference, as well as the efforts of the organisers and co-organisers who brought this very challenging project to fruition, I have accepted the patronage of your conference to encourage you to continue your work with the aim of enhancing the valorisation of Istrian economic past and future development. I believe that the conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow will draw many scientists, offer a number of interesting topics for its participants and guests, and contribute towards the fulfilment of Istrian development goals...” Professor Ivo Josipović, Ph. D. RIJEČ MINISTRICE KULTURE REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE K njiga sažetaka međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra kroz 87 sažetaka iz područja humanističkih znanosti (arheologija, povijest, etnologija, arhivistika) te društvenih znanosti (ekonomija, pravo, politologija) otvara nam pogled u spoznaju nekadašnjeg razvoja gospodarstva Istre s jedne strane te trasiranja njezine budućnosti s druge. Aktivna je i sustavna institucijska podrška gospodarskom razvoju Istre kroz niz vladinih i županijskih agencija, obrtničkih i gospodarskih komora, instituta. U ovom segmentu možda na najupečatljiviji način to čini i jedinica u sastavu Ministarstva kulture, tj. Državni arhiv u Pazinu koji iskazuje svoje i organizacijske potencijale u smjeru spregnutog znanstvenog i kulturnog valoriziranja Istre. Gospodarstvo Istarske županije ulazi u drugo desetljeće 21. stoljeća po mogućnostima kao regija privlačna za domaće i inozemne ulagače. Značenje najzapadnije hrvatske županije, na razmeđi triju nacionalnih kultura, ne leži samo u poljoprivrednim, industrijskim, a posebno turističkim potencijalima i vrsnoj stručnosti radne snage, nego i u respektabilnom spomeničkom i umjetničkom bogatstvu. Posljedično tomu, tradicija i kultura Istre u ovom programu sagledavaju se iz očišta gospodarstva te predstavljaju hrvatski sastavni udio europskog nasljeđa. Zahvaljujem i s ponosom ističem ulogu Državnog arhiva u Pazinu kao glavnog organizatora, koji je znao prepoznati važnost ovog programa te sveučilišta Ca’ Foscari iz Venecije i Jurja Dobrile u Puli koji zajedno sinergijski djeluju na propitivanju potencijala za boljitak Istre u trolistu: kultura - znanost - gospodarstvo. Interdisciplinarnost i multidisciplinarnost predmetnog znanstvenog skupa iščitane kroz u ovoj knjizi priložene sažetke uz sudjelovanje referenata iz šest zemalja potvrđuju značaj ove manifestacije kakve u Hrvatskoj dosada nije bilo. Uza sve navedeno, Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra još je jedna prilika da se međunarodni znanstveni potencijali uključe u traženje mogućih gospodarskih rješenja. prof. dr. sc. Andrea Zlatar Violić A FEW WORDS BY MINISTER OF CULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA T he Book of Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow provides us with an insight into considerations about the development of the economy of Istria in the past on one hand and an outline of its future on the other hand through 87 abstracts from the area of humanities (archaeology, history, ethnology, archival science) and social sciences (economics, law, political science). Institutional support for Istrian economic development has been active and systematic, provided through numerous government and county agencies, chambers of trades and crafts, chambers of the economy, and institutes. As an organisation within the Ministry of Culture, the State Archives in Pazin also played a most prominent role in this segment, and demonstrated its organisational potentials aimed at a combined scientific and cultural valorisation of Istria. The economy of Istria County enters the second decade of the 21st century as a region of opportunities that is attractive to both domestic and foreign investors. The significance of this westernmost county of Croatia, situated at the meeting point of three national cultures, does not lie only in its potentials in the fields of agriculture and especially tourism, as well as high professional competence of its workforce, but also in its wealth of monuments and art. Tradition and culture of Istria have therefore been considered from the viewpoint of the economy within this programme, and represent an integral contribution of Croatia to the heritage of Europe. I would also like to thank and proudly emphasise the role of State Archives in Pazin as the principal organiser of the conference that had wisely recognized the importance of this programme, as well as Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, working in synergy to promote an examination of the potentials for advancement of Istria within the triad “culture − science − the economy.” The interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character of the conference, evident in the abstracts presented in this book, with the participation of contributors from six countries, confirms the significance of this conference, the first of this kind to take place in Croatia. In addition to all the above, the International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow presents another opportunity for including international scientific potential in the efforts to find possible economic solutions. Professor Andrea Zlatar Violić, Ph. D. RIJEČ ŽUPANA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE I stra, najzapadnija hrvatska županija, leži u srcu Europe i u srcima ljubitelja ljepote. Povoljan geostrateški položaj, očuvani okoliš, krajobrazna raznolikost, ekološka orijentacija u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, bogato industrijsko nasljeđe, razvijeni turizam, intelektualni kapital i poslovni potencijali, obilježja su istarske osobitosti. Gospodarski orijentirana Županija kontinuirano provodi mjere za poticanje poduzetništva i obrtništva. Plinofikacija Istre je započela, čime će naši građani i gospodarstvo dobiti jeftiniji i za okoliš prihvatljiviji energent. Istarski ipsilon traži daljnja ulaganja kako bi se u potpunosti izgradio u punom profilu. Najjača smo turistička regija u zemlji. Istra danas njeguje prepoznatljiv brand vinarstva, maslinarstva te ukusnih delicija poput tartufa, istarskog pršuta, sira, boškarina. Istra je i regija kulture. Želje i nastojanja nas Istrana da uljepšamo i u svijetu afirmiramo Hrvatsku kao demokratski i europski orijentiranu državu - naš je doprinos Europskoj uniji. U tom kontekstu uspostavili smo tijesnu suradnju s mnogim europskim regijama. Gospodarska i kulturna posebnost Istre duguje budućim generacijama potrebu da se prikupi i očuva gospodarska baština. U takvim je nastojanjima dobrodošla inicijativa organiziranja znanstvenog skupa „Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra.“ Ono „jučer“ nas obvezuje kako bi „sutra“ postalo ono što želimo živjeti, a želimo da Istarska županija bude moderna, otvorena i gospodarski konkurentna regija, prepoznatljive kulture i prirodne baštine. Uvjereni smo da će ovaj znanstveni skup o posebnosti istarskog gospodarstva biti inspiracija i motiv da se po uzoru na druge razvijene zemlje zajednički pokrene otvaranje multimedijalnog muzeja istarskog gospodarstva. Čestitam organizatorima skupa „Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra“ i želim puno uspjeha u radu. mr. sc. Valter Flego A FEW WORDS OF PREFECT OF ISTRIA COUNTY I stria, the westernmost county of Croatia, lies in the heart of Europe and in the hearts of all those who love beauty. Its favourable geostrategic position, unspoiled nature, diverse landscapes, rich industrial heritage, well-developed tourism, intellectual capital and business potentials, these are all features that make Istria distinctive. Within its focus on the economy, the County has continuously implemented diverse measures with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship and craftsmanship. The development of a region-wide gas distribution network in Istria has begun, and it will provide our citizens as well as the economy with a cheaper and environment-friendly source of energy. The Istrian Y requires further investments to be upgraded to full profile motorway. We are the leading tourism region in the country. Today, Istria promotes winemaking, olive growing and tasty delicacies such as truffles, Istrian dry-cured ham, cheese and traditional cattle known as “boškarin” as its recognizable brands. Istria is also a region of culture. We, as Istrians, wish and strive to make Croatia even more beautiful and affirm its democratic and European orientation - this is our contribution to the European Union. In this context, we have established close cooperation with many European regions. The economic and cultural distinctiveness of Istria imposes the obligation to collect and preserve its economic heritage for future generations. Within these efforts, the initiative to organize the scientific conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow is most welcome. The „yesterday“ represents an obligation for us to create a „tomorrow“ that we would wish to live in, and we wish Istria County to be a modern, open and economically competitive region with recognizable cultural and natural heritage. We are convinced that this scientific conference dedicated to distinctive characteristics of the economy of Istria will be an inspiration and a motivation to begin working together with the aim of opening a multimedia museum of Istrian economy. I would like to congratulate the organisers of the conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tommorrow, and wish them much success in their work. Valter Flego, M. Sc. RIJEČ PREDSJEDNICE HGK ŽUPANIJSKE KOMORE PULA M eđunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra prilika je da se istaknu i valoriziraju aktivnosti koje su bile pokretači i smjernice razvoja gospodarskog prostora Istre. Pritom su posebice važni pojedinci čije su ideje, entuzijazam i angažman bili ključni u poticanju gospodarskog razvoja. Interdisciplinarnost i multidisciplinarnost te zastupljenost brojnih autora iznimna su vrijednost ovog skupa i predstavljaju najbolji način za isticanje raznolikosti istarskog prostora. Vjerujemo da skup neće biti samo mjesto za akumuliranje znanja i iskustava već i dobar temelj za nova gospodarska promišljanja, valorizaciju i optimalno korištenje resursa u funkciji jačanja budućeg gospodarskog razvoja. Jasna Jaklin Majetić A FEW WORDS OF PRESIDENT OF THE PULA COUNTY CHAMBER, CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY T he International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow presents an opportunity to bring into prominence and valorise the activities that have been the drivers and the guidelines for the development of the economic area of Istria. The individuals whose ideas, enthusiasm and commitment were of vital importance in promoting economic development are especially significant in this context. Interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity as well as numerous represented authors make this conference especially valuable, and are also the best way to highlight the diversity of the region of Istria. We believe that the conference will not only be a place for accumulating knowledge and experience, but also a good basis for new reflections on the economy as well as for a valorisation and optimal use of resources with the purpose of strengthening future economic development. Jasna Jaklin Majetić RIJEČ PREDSJEDNIKA HOK – OBRTNIČKE KOMORE ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE O brtnička komora Istarske županije s velikim se zadovoljstvom uključila u projekt „Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra“. O bogatoj povijesti naše regije često se govori kao o vrlo burnoj, nemirnoj i punoj promjena. Iako se često misli na političke događaje, isti su takvi bili i oni u gospodarstvu. Istra je prošla dug put od isključivo poljoprivredne regije do regije koja se ponosi svojim poljoprivrednim proizvodima, ali i turizmom i ugostiteljstvom, proizvodnjom i drugim djelatnostima. Nadamo se da će i ovaj skup pomoći da se svi njeni potencijali stave u službu održivog i skladnog razvoja. Pri tome želim naglasiti ulogu obrta, kao najmanje i najfleksibilnije, ali ujedno i najranjivije gospodarske kategorije. Među gospodarstvenicima uvijek je postojala potreba za udruživanjem i za stvaranjem organizacije koja će zastupati njihove interese i koja će artikulirati njihove stavove. Iz tog razloga već polovicom devetnaestog stoljeća došlo je do stvaranja komore, koja, usprkos velikim promjenama, postoji i djeluje i danas. Komore su nastale kao izraz potrebe njihovih članova, a snažne komore jedan su od bitnih čimbenika razvoja obrtništva, poduzetništva i gospodarstva općenito, pogotovo nakon pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji. Mario Paliska A FEW WORDS OF PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER OF TRADES AND CRAFTS OF ISTRIA COUNTY – CROATIAN CHAMBER OF TRADES AND CRAFTS I t was with great pleasure that the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the County of Istria joined the project Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow. Our region’s rich history is often described as very tempestuous, turbulent and filled with changes. The above is often said of political events, but it also holds true for the events that took place in the economy. Istria has come a long way, from an exclusively agricultural region to a region proud of its agricultural products, but also of its tourism and hospitality industries, production and other activities. We hope that this conference will also help in putting all the potentials of Istria at the service of sustainable and balanced development. In this context, I wish to underline the role of trades and crafts as the smallest and the most flexible, but also the most vulnerable economic category. I wish to emphasise that the need for entrepreneurs to unite and establish an organisation that would represent their interests and articulate their views has always been present. It is for this reason that the Chamber was founded as early as in mid-19th century, and, despite great changes, it has been present and active ever since. The chambers were established as a manifestation of the needs of their members, and robust chambers are an important factor in the development of craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and the economy in general, especially after the accession of Croatia to the European Union. Mario Paliska Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Tomislav Anić Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište [email protected] RUDNIK RAŠA U VREMENU PORAĆA: OD SIMBOLA USPJEHA DO EKONOMSKE REALNOSTI Sažetak P reobrazbu ekonomske, političke i društvene sfere života nakon Drugog svjetskog rata komunistička je vlast provodila intenzivno. Prve poratne godine provedene su u grozničavom jurišanju za stvaranjem materijalnih pretpostavki povećanja industrijske proizvodnje kako bi se došlo do proklamiranog blagostanja. Veličanjem fizičkog rada i radnih postignuća nadomještao se manjak strojnih kapaciteta. Fizički radnik na taj način postaje pokretačem privrednog razvoja, a u 1949. godini dosegnuta je kulminacija slavljenja rada i radnika. Upravo su spomenute godine rudnik u Raši i njegovi rudari postali simbolom uspjeha novog poretka. Ovo će se izlaganje poredbenom analizom usredotočiti na odnos propagande i ostvarenih rezultata raškog rudnika u vremenu njegove najveće slave. Ključne riječi: Rudnik Raša, Istra, gospodarska povijest, poraće 30 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Tomislav Anić Croatian Catholic University [email protected] THE RAŠA MINE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD: FROM A SYMBOL OF SUCCESS TO ECONOMIC REALITY Abstract T he communist government put fort an intensive effort to effect a transformation of the economic, political and social spheres of life after the Second World War. The first years after the war were characterised by a feverish rush in an attempt to create material preconditions required to bolster industrial production with the aim of achieving the proclaimed prosperity levels. Manual labour and work achievements were celebrated in an effort to conceal the lack of capacities in terms of machinery. The manual worker had thus become the driver of economic development, while the glorification of work and the workers culminated in 1949. It was in that year that the mine in Raša and its miners became the symbol of success of the new social order. The presentation will focus on the relationship between propaganda and the actual results of the mine in Raša in its halcyon days through a comparative analysis. Key words: the mine in Raša, Istria, economic history, the post-war period 31 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Andrej Bader Općina Medulin [email protected] MEDULINSKO DRUŠTVO ZA ŠTEDNJU I ZAJMOVE Sažetak U drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, ekonomska je kriza nemilosrdno zahvatila ruralno stanovništvo Srednje Europe. Seljaštvo u prijelaznom razdoblju iz naturalne u novčanu privredu primitivnom obradom zemlje, razmjerno slabom i skupom proizvodnjom, u nezavidnom je položaju za dobivanje kredita i nabavku najnužnijih gospodarskih potrepština. Neizbježna je posljedica zaduživanje istarskog seljaka uz lihvarske kamate. U tom kritičnom razdoblju devedesetih godina 19. stoljeća započinje ekonomsko uzdizanje sela putem vlastitih zadružnih organizacija. Kreditne zadruge poznatije kao «posujilnice» čine okosnicu gospodarskog oporavka sela. Inicijativom Matka Laginje osnovana je 1890. godine u Puli prva «Istarska posujilnica». Prvo društvo za štednju i zajmove u južnoj Istri izvan Pule osnovano je u Medulinu 1898. godine. Predsjednik i utemeljitelj društva bio je don Luka Kirac. Djelokrug posujilnice protezao se na sela današnjih općina Medulin i Ližnjan. Pred Prvi svjetski rat društvo je izmjenilo naziv u «Medulinsko-Ližnjansko društvo za štednju i zajmove». Glavni ciljevi društva bili su oslobađanje seljaštva od lihvarskih dugova i upućivanje u tehnološki napredno vođenje gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: kreditne zadruge, kamate, posujilnice, don Luka Kirac 32 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Andrej Bader Medulin municipality [email protected] MEDULIN SAVINGS AND CREDIT SOCIETY Abstract T he second half of the 19th century saw economic crisis that inexorably affected rural population of the Central Europe. Given the traditional and primitive farming methods, relatively slow and expensive production, in the period of transition from subsistence to monetary economy the peasants were in unenviable position to get loans for the purchase of the most essential farming necessities. The inevitable consequence of this situation was that Istrian peasants had to borrow money with usurious rates of interest. The economic rise of the villages in this critical period of the 1890-ties began with the establishment of the village co-operative societies. Co-operative savings and credit societies, better known as „posujilnice“ were the backbone of the economic recovery of villages. On the initiative of Matko Laginja, the first Istrian „posujilnica“ was established in Pula in 1890. The first co-operative savings and credit society in southern Istria, outside of Pula, was established in Medulin in 1898. The president and the founder of the society was Father Luka Kirac. The activities of «posujilnica» extended to the villages, nowadays municipalities, Medulin and Ližnjan. In the wake of the First World War the society changed its name into «Savings and credit society of Medulin and Ližnjan“. The main goals of the society were to alleviate peasants from usurious debts and to introduce to them technologically advanced farming methods and management. Key words: co-operative savings and credit societies, rates of interest, «posujilnice», Father Luka Kirac 33 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Željko Bartulović Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] Loris Belanić Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] Budislav Vukas ml. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] GOSPODARSKI ASPEKTI UGOVORA SA ITALIJOM NAKON I. SVJETSKOG RATA Sažetak G odine 1918. završetkom I. svjetskog rata dolazi do značajnih državnopravnih promjena na teritoriju Istre, Rijeke i dijela Dalmacije. Sukladno pravilima međunarodnog ratnog prava zaključeno je primirje Antante i pridruženih država sa Austro-Ugarskom temeljem kojega dolazi do međunarodne okupacije u kojoj Italija ima presudan utjecaj. Okupacija je dovela do poremećaja sveukupne gospodarske djelatnosti na ovim područjima. Uslijedilo je dugotrajno pregovaranje na međunarodnoj konferenciji u Parizu. Većina autora u svojim radovima analizira državnopravna, teritorijalna pitanja dok se gospodarski aspekt marginalizira (pitanje luka, željeznice, flote) kao i specifični ugovori koji ih reguliraju (tzv. sporazumi Trumbić i Bertolini). Uslijedilo je sklapanje Rapallskog ugovora 1920. godine koji je razriješio veći dio teritorijalnog spora, a potom i Rimski ugovori 1924. godine koji se tiču položaja Rijeke. Ipak, najveći dio gospodarskih pitanja rješavao se višegodišnjim pregovorima koji su okončani tzv. Nettunskim konvencijama 1925. godine. One sadrže rješenja o podjeli imovine na ovim prostorima, statusu gospodarskih subjekata (tvrtke), naknadi štete nastale ratom i okupacijom itd. U radu se donosi usporedba ovih, povijesnih rješenja s modernim načelima građanskog prava. Ključne riječi: Istra, Rijeka, 1918-1925 okupacija, međunarodni ugovori, gospodarstvo 34 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Željko Bartulović Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] Loris Belanić Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] Budislav Vukas Jr Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE CONTRACT WITH ITALY AFTER THE FIRST WORLD WAR Abstract I n 1918 the end of the First World War brought about major changes in the public law on the territory of Istria, Rijeka and a part of Dalmatia. Under international law of armed conflict an armistice agreement was signed between the Entente and its adjoining countries and Austria-Hungary. This agreement provided the basis for the ensuing international occupation in which Italy had a decisive influence. The occupation resulted in the overall disruption of economic activities in these regions. It was followed by lengthy negotiations at the international conference in Paris. The issues concerning the public law as well as the territorial issues have already been extensively analysed by many authors, while the economic issues (the issues concerning the harbours, railways, fleet) and the specific agreements that regulate these issues (i.e. the so called Trumbić and Bertolini agreements) were marginalized in these analyses. The ensuing Treaty of Rapallo signed in 1920 solved most of the issues concerning the dispute over territory. It was followed by the Treaty of Rome signed in 1924, which dealt with the position of Rijeka. However, the major economic issues were dealt with during continuous negotiations over several years, which ended with the so-called Nettuno Conventions of 1925. They include solutions about the division of possessions in this region, the status of economic entities (firms), the compensation for war damage and occupation, etc. The aim of this paper is to compare these solutions, which were historical solutions, with the modern principles of civil law. Key words: Istria, Rijeka, 1918-1925, occupation, international agreements, economy 35 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Gian Angelo Bellati Unioncamere del Veneto [email protected] SVILUPPO ECONOMICO DELL’AREA NORD ADRIATICA. QUALI PROSPETTIVE PARTENDO DA UNA RICCA E INTENSA STORIA COMUNE Riassunto I l legame profondo che si è instaurato tra la regione Veneto e l’Istria risale ai tempi della Serenissima Repubblica, epoca di grande splendore e ricchezza culturale per entrambi i popoli. L’entrata della Croazia nell’Unione europea è un’opportunità di scambio e di crescita per l’intera area dell’Alto Adriatico. Dal 2000 l’Italia è il principale partner commerciale della Croazia, il suo primo fornitore ed il suo maggior cliente e tale legame non potrà che rafforzarsi. La Croazia disporrà di fondi strutturali grazie ai quali potrà sviluppare programmi in tutti i settori di attività, potendo investire nella cooperazione transfrontaliera e con le zone limitrofe. Nei prossimi anni verranno avviate nuove progettualità comuni e condivise con la regione Veneto al fine di sostenere: il potenziamento e la razionalizzazione del sistema logistico e infrastrutturale, in particolare Veneto e Croazia rappresentano punti nodali per l’asse stradale est-ovest e per l’asse Baltico-Adriatico; lo sviluppo di attività economiche tra aree geografiche integrate e complementari; lo sviluppo sostenibile, rispettoso del paesaggio, delle tradizioni storiche e delle vocazioni turistiche e produttive dei territori; la promozione di azioni locali, di collegamento tra popoli, di stabilizzazione nelle relazioni internazionali. Parole chiavi: cooperazione, integrazione economica, rafforzamento logistico, nuovi network 36 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Gian Angelo Bellati Regionals Association of Veneto Chambers of Commerce [email protected] ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH ADRIATIC AREA. WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTIVES STARTING FROM THE RICH COMMON HISTORY Abstract T he profound bond that has been established between Veneto region and Istria goes back to the times of the Most Serene Republic of Venice (Serenissima Repubblica), an epoch of great splendour and cultural wealth for both peoples involved. The entry of Croatia into the European Union is an opportunity for the exchange and growth in the entire area of the North Adriatic. Since 2000, Italia is the principal commercial partner of Croatia, its first supplier and its major client and such relations can only become stronger. Croatia will have at its disposal structural funds which will enable it to develop programs in all spheres of activities, as it will be able to invest in trans-boundary cooperation and in the neighbouring zones. In the following years will be launched new joint projects which will be shared with the Veneto region with a view to support the potential and the rationalization of the logistic and infrastructural systems. The Veneto and Croatia in particular, represent the nodal points for the east-west road axis and the Baltic-Adriatic road axis, the development of economic activities between integrated and complementary geographic areas, sustainable development, respectful of the landscape, historical traditions and tourist and productive vocations of the territories involved; the promotion of actions on the local level, the connections between peoples, the stabilization of international relations. Key words: cooperation, economic integration, logistic strengthening, new networks 37 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Furio Bianco Università degli Studi di Udine [email protected] TESSITORI, MERCIAI, ED OPERATORI FINANZIARI IN ISTRIA L’IMMIGRAZIONE DALLA MONTAGNA CARNICA NEL ‘700 E NEL PRIMO ‘800 Riassunto A ttraverso l’analisi di un vasto ed eterogeneo materiale documentario conservato in archivi pubblici e privati (transazioni finanziarie, contratti agrari, bilanci aziendali, testamenti, corrispondenza privata, ecc.) si vuole mettere in evidenza le caratteristiche dell’immigrazione in Istria di famiglie provenienti dalla Carnia tra ‘700 e ‘800 e le ripercussioni economiche, sociali e culturali all’interno delle comunità istriane. Verranno esposte le modalità di insediamento di emigranti, stagionali e permanenti - alcuni poveri e con modesti capitali di esercizio, altri con sostanze patrimoniali e con interessi radicati in vari comparti originari dei villaggi di una vallata carnica (la valle di Gorto ) che tradizionalmente esercitavano un lavoro artigianale (tessitori, sarti, calzolai), molto spesso diversificato in Istria, a seconda della intraprendenza e delle fortune mobilitate, con l’attività finanziaria, con la conduzione di aziende agricole, con l’esercizio del commercio di granaglie e con la produzione e vendita di tessuti. Per comprendere le articolazioni complesse di questa immigrazione (di antica data), particolare importanza ha avuto lo spoglio sistematico degli archivi di alcune antiche casate carniche che in Istria svolsero un’intensa attività nei settori agricolo e manifatturiero. Parole chiave: Attività economica degli immigrati carnici nell’Istria interna 38 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Furio Bianco University of Udine [email protected] WEAVERS, HABERDASHERS AND FINANCIAL OPERATORS IN ISTRIA IMMIGRATION FROM THE CARNIA MOUNTAIN IN THE 7TH CENTURY AND THE EARLY 8TH CENTURY Abstract T hrough an analysis of the extensive and heterogeneous documentary material preserved in public and private archives (financial transactions, agrarian contracts, business balance sheets, last wills, private correspondence, etc.), the intention was to highlight the characteristic features of the immigration in Istria of the families originating from Carnia in the period between the 7th and 8th century and the relevant economic, social and cultural repercussions within the Istrian communities. We will show the settlement modalities of the seasonal and permanent immigrants, some of them poor and with modest business capital, others with substance and financial solidity and with interests ingrained in various departments – the original inhabitants of villages in a Carnic valley (the valley of Gorto ) that traditionally engaged in craftsmanship (weavers, tailors, shoemakers), very often diversified in Istria, dependent on the resourcefulness and mobilised fortunes, with financial activities, agrarian businesses management, with grain trade business and textile production and sales. In order to understand the complex articulations of this immigration (of an early date) of particular importance was the systemic perusal of the archives of several ancient Carnian families which carried out an intensive activity in agricultural and manufacturing sectors in Istria. Key words: Economic activity of the Carnic immigrants in the continental Istria 39 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Marin Beroš Insititut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] REGIONALIZAM, KOZMOPOLITIZAM I EKONOMSKA GLOBALIZACIJA – SUSRETI I SUPROTSTAVLJANJA Sažetak G lobalizacijski procesi svakodnevno utječu na naše živote, kako na globalnoj, tako i na razini lokalnih zajednica. Ovi procesi, premda su uistinu mnogostruki, najvidljiviji su na području ekonomije, što nas je i globalna financijska kriza iz 2008. godine gorko naučila. S druge strane, kozmopolitizam i regionalizam su dvije doktrine koje se javljaju usporedo s jačanjem ovih procesa kako bi odgovorile na izazove koje oni stavljaju pred suvremenog čovjeka. Rad će izložiti osnovne postavke ove dvije ideje, ukazati na njihove sličnosti i razlike, te će u konačnici procijeniti koje od njih su prikladnije za budući razvoj kako naše lokalne zajednice, tako i svijeta u cjelini. Ključne riječi: regionalizam, kozmopolitizam, ekonomska globalizacija, glokalizacija 40 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Marin Beroš Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences [email protected] REGIONALISM, COSMOPOLITANISM AND ECONOMIC GLOBALISATION – POINTS OF CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE Abstract G lobalizing processes affect our lives on a daily basis, both at the local level and at the local community level. These processes, although truly manifold, are most evident in the area of the economy, as we learned from the bitter lessons of the 2008 global financial crisis. On the other hand, regionalism and cosmopolitanism represent two doctrines that developed in parallel with the strengthening of these processes in order to address the challenges faced by the modern man. The paper will present the fundamental propositions of these two ideas, indicate their similarities and differences, and finally present an assessment as to which of the two is more appropriate for future development of both our local community and the world. Key words: regionalism, cosmopolitanism, economic globalisation, glocalisation 41 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Slaven Bertoša Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] NEKI KATASTICI ISTARSKIH ŠUMA U XVIII. STOLJEĆU Sažetak A utor se u ovom prilogu osvrće na popise šuma u Istri te na njihovu kvalitetu po kategorijama (od prve do četvrte klase). Neki katastici donose samo brojčane podatke, dok se u drugima nalaze i imena pojedinih šumskih površina i iz tih su naziva vrlo prepoznatljivi i današnji toponimi. Spomenute su se šume nalazile na državnom zemljištu, ali i na nekim privatnim gospoštijama, koje su u to doba postojale u mletačkoj Istri (primjerice, Momjan, Sv. Ivan Kornetski, Funtana, Kostel, Račice). Kategorizacija šuma, naravno uz moguće promjene u oznaci klase, do čega je protekom vremena često i dolazilo, zabilježena je u preglednom tabličnom obliku, pa se navedeni podaci lako mogu uspoređivati. Šumske su se površine u Istri u više navrata popisivale oko sredine XVIII. stoljeća, a glavni je posao vodio rašporski kapetan, koji je za tu prigodu bio i poseban inkvizitor za šume (Inquisitore a Boschi). Za javne su potrebe posebice dragocjene bile hrastove šume, koje je Mletačka Republika najviše cijenila i iskorištavala. Obrađeni se spisi čuvaju u Državnom arhivu u Veneciji, u fondu Providura za drvo i šume, a bogatstvom podataka koje donose predstavljaju dragocjeno vrelo za poznavanje istarske gospodarske povijesti. Ključne riječi: Istra, šume, katastici, XVIII stoljeće 42 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Slaven Bertoša Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] SOME CADASTRES OF ISTRIAN FORESTS FROM THE 18TH CENTURY Abstract T he author examines the lists of forests in Istria and their quality according to category (from the first to the fourth class) in this contribution. Some cadastres provide only numerical data, while others include names of individual forest areas, which can be easily recognized in present-day toponyms. The mentioned forests were located in state-owned land, but some were also part of private fiefdoms that existed in Venetian Istria at the time (for example Momjan, Sv. Ivan Kornetski, Funtana, Kostel, Račice). Forest categories including, of course, possible class designation changes that were often introduced in the course of time, have been recorded in tabular form for easy reference, making it possible to compare the provided data in a convenient way. Several surveys of forest areas in Istria were conducted around the middle of the 18th century, and the major part of the work was directed by the Captain of Rašpor, who also acted as a special “inquisitor for forests” (Inquisitore a Boschi) on these occasions. Oak forests, most prized and exploited by the Republic of Venice, were especially valuable for public uses. The examined documents are kept in the State Archives of Venice, in the archival holdings related to forest and wood superintendents, Provveditori alla Legna e ai Boschi, and the wealth of information contained therein represents a valuable source for gaining insight into the economic history of Istria. Key words: Istria, forests, cadastres, the 18th century 43 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Marko Bonin Regional Museum Koper [email protected] SEČOVLJE SALTWORKS – THE LERA SECTION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY Abstract S alt Making, which used to be one of the most important industries in the north-western regions of the Istrian peninsula, and especially Piran, has continued to evolve all through to the 1960s. One of the more fundamental changes happened in the early 20th century, when the State bought off and modernized a big part of the Sečovlje Saltpans named Lera. The Saltpans then underwent a restructuring of operations and a division of labor, thus moving to a more industrial way of making salt, while the old, traditional ways slowly gave way to a more modern approach. Gone was the old procedures of saltmaking in individual production units or salt fields, instead specialized jobs were created for specific tasks. Despite an error in reading the climate circumstances lead to an initial drop of salt produced by 35%, the production of salt became more rational and economically sounder. Less people employed meant lower productions costs, greater competitiveness and profitability, thus ensuring the complete control of the State over this lucrative industry. The aforementioned changes are documented in literature and other archived material. Key words: Slovenian Istria, Piran, Saltpans of Sečovlje, Lera, salt production, salt pool, kavedin 45 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Zdenka Bonin Pokrajinski arhiv Koper [email protected] DELOVANJE KOPRSKIH SOLIN V OBDOBJU BENEŠKE REPUBLIKE Izvleček V severozahodni Istri se je zaradi ugodnih naravnogeografskih danosti in političnogospodarskih razmer močno razvilo solinarstvo. Poleg obsežnih piranskih in manjših izolskih solin, so se ob Badaševici in Rižani raztezale koprske soline, ki so bile tako kot sosednje miljske pomembne zlasti zaradi trgovanja s cesarskimi deželami. Ker je bila sol državni monopol in je centralna oblast vseskozi bedela nad njeno proizvodnjo in prodajo, skorajda ni poročila najvišjih beneških uradnikov v Istri (npr. koprskih podestatov in kapitanov ali pa beneških providurjev za Istro), v katerem ne bi omenjali soli: bodisi solne proizvodnje, trgovanja ali tihotapljenja z njo, omenjeni pa so tudi podatki o solnih površinah, solnih skladiščih in podobno. Koprsko sol so poleg prodaje tovornikov vseskozi vozili v Benetke, vsaj od 18. stoletja dalje pa tudi v Dalmacijo. V ohranjenih zakupnih pogodbah za prodajo soli, ki jih je beneški Magistrat za sol sklepal s posameznimi zakupniki (trgovci), je mogoče slediti glavnim izvoznim tokovom koprske soli, nabavnim in prodajnim cenam in deloma tudi količinam prodane soli. Zakupnik, ki je sol odkupil po vnaprej določenih cenah, je imel monopol nad prodajo soli na področju, za katerega je sklenil pogodbo. Država mu je delno krila stroške najemnine skladišč in pomagala v primeru brodoloma ali izgube tovora. Sprva je v takih primerih dobil povrnjeno celotno izgubljeno količino soli, kasneje pa le delno. Zakupnik je bil dolžan prodati dogovorjeno količino soli, kot opravičljiv razlog za izpad morebitne prodaje v dalmatinskih mestih pa so providurji Magistrata za sol upoštevali epidemije kuge ali vojaške spopade s Turki. V kolikor so bile dobrodelne ustanove v krajih, kjer je zakupnik prodajal sol, upravičene do brezplačne dobave soli, jim jo je moral dostaviti, država pa mu je kasneje na osnovi pisnih dokazil (dovolilnic) povrnila stroške. Ključne besede: Koper, solinarstvo, tihotapstvo soli, zakupne pogodbe za prodajo soli 46 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Zdenka Bonin Regional Archives Koper [email protected] ACTIVITY OF THE KOPER SALT PANS IN THE PERIOD OF THE VENETIAN REPUBLIC Abstract D ue to favourable natural-geographic circumstances and political-economic conditions in the northwestern part of Istria, a strong salt industry has been developed. Besides the large Piran salt pans and the smaller ones of Izola, the Koper salt pans stretched along the rivers Rizana and Badasevica, and – just like the neighbouring salt pans of Muggia – were particularly noted for trading with the Emperor’s countries. Since salt was a state monopoly and the central authorities permanently kept watch over its production and sales, there are hardly any reports by highest officials in Istria (for instance, the Koper mayors (podestats) and captains, or Venetian supervisors (providurs) for Istria), in which salt would not be mentioned: either salt production and salt trading or smuggling of it. Also mentioned were data on salt pans acreages, salt storehouses and similar. Besides its sale by forwarding agents, the Koper salt was permanently transported to Venice, and from the 18th century on also to Dalmatia. In preserved lease contracts for sale of salt concluded by the Venetian Salt Magistracy with particular lessees (traders), it is possible to track the main ways of exporting salt, purchase and selling prices and partially the quantities of salt sold, as well. The lessee who bought off the salt at predetermined prices had a monopoly on the sale of salt in the territory for which he concluded the contract. The state partially covered him the costs for lease of storehouses and helped him in case of shipwreck or loss of cargo. In the first time, the lessee received back the whole quantity of salt lost in such cases, but later on he was compensated only in part. The lessee was obliged to sell the contracted quantity of salt. However, justifiable reasons for possible sales shortfalls in the places of Dalmatia recognised by the Salt Magistracy were the epidemics of plague and military attacks by Turks. If the charity institutions were entitled to a free-of-charge delivery of salt in places in which the lessee was selling salt, the latter was obliged to deliver it for free. Afterwards, the state compensated him for costs incurred based on written evidence (permits). Key words: Koper, salt industry, smuggling of salt, lease contracts for sale of salt 47 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Flavio Bonin Pomorski muzej Piran [email protected] PRIDELAVA SOLI V SEVERNO JADRANSKIH SOLINAH Izvleček P ridelovanje soli in trgovanje z njo je bilo v zgodovini ena izmed temeljnih gospodarskih dejavnosti paške, piranske, koprske in miljske komune. Medtem, ko so na Pagu davno prej začeli s pridelavo bele in čiste soli, so pomembne tehnološke izboljšave v Kopru, Piranu in Miljah uvedli 14. stoletju. V omenjene soline so prišli mojstri s Paga in pripravili solne bazene (cavedine) za nov način proizvodnje soli. Solinarje so naučili tudi novega načina priprave tal v solnih bazenih, predvsem pa postopka, kako vzgojiti “petolo”. V tem obdobju je Magistrat za sol v Benetkah dovolil piranskim solinarjem, da so lahko pridelali 3.500 modijev soli letno (modij je imel približno 900 kg). Na kavedin je bilo dovoljeno pridelati 2 modija soli, iz česar sklepamo, da so imeli v piranski komuni 1.750 solnih bazenov. Beneška vlada je imela monopol tako nad pridelavo kot tudi nad prodajo soli na svojem ozemlju. Z lokalnimi komunami je sklepala pet - ali desetletne pogodbe, “Mercati di sali”, s katerimi je urejevala vso dejavnost v zvezi s soljo. Najstarejša ohranjena solna pogodba, sklenjena med piransko komuno in beneškim Magistratom za sol, je iz leta 1375. Pogodbe sta sklepala Magistrat za sol (Magistrato dei sali), ki je predstavljal beneško vlado, in Kolegij XX za sol (Consiglio dei XX savii, Colleggio dei XX del sal) s piranske strani. Kolegij XX za sol je bil sestavljen iz lastnikov solnih fondov in ga je predstavljalo 13 patricijev in 7 meščanov (popularov). Seje je imel večkrat letno, posebno pogoste pa so bile pred predložitvijo in podpisom nove solne pogodbe z beneškim magistratom. Zaradi velikega povpraševanja po soli je beneška vlada leta 1401 povečala limit proizvodnje na 4.200 modijev, s pogojem, da je morala tudi sedmino soli, s katero je do te dobe prosto razpolagala piranska komuna, v Benetke. Leta 1425 se je limit povečal še za dodatnih 500 modijev, tako so v piranskih solinah lahko pridelali 4.700 modijev soli letno. Leta 1636 so pridelavo dvignili na 5.200 modijev, ta količina je bila v veljavi do leta 1749, ko so limit ukinili. V Piranskem arhivu so ohranjene solne pogodbe ali osnutki pogodb iz let 1460, 1470, 1477, 1495, 1505, 1551, 1556, 1561, 1566, 1576, 1588, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1647, 1664, 1702, 1715, 1721, 1726, 1738, 1752, 1768, in 1782. Arhiv hrani tudi prepise pogodb, ki so jih sklepali lastniki koprskih, paški in miljski solin z “Magistratom za sol” v Benetkah. Ključne besede: pridelava soli, uporaba soli, solne pogodbe 48 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Flavio Bonin Maritime Museum Piran [email protected] PRODUCTION OF SALT AT NORTHERN ADRIATIC SALT PANS Abstract T he salt production and the trading of salt has been one of the basic economic activities in the communes of Pag, Piran, Koper and Muggia in history. While the production of white and clean salt on the island of Pag has begun a long time before, the major technological improvements at the salt pans in Koper, Piran and Muggia were introduced in the 14th century. The salt masters of Pag came to the above-said salt pans and prepared the salt basins (cavedini) for the new way of salt production. They also taught the local salters how to prepare the floor of the salt basins, and especially how a “petola” (microbial mat) should be formed. In that period, the Salt Magistracy in Venice allowed the Piran salters to produce 3,500 modii of salt per year (a modi had about 900 kg). It was allowed to harvest 2 modii of salt per cavedin which means that the Piran commune had 1,750 salt basins. The Venetian government had a monopoly both on the production and sales of salt in their territory. It concluded five- or ten-year contracts “Mercati di sali” with local communes to regulate all activities relating to salt. The oldest surviving salt contract concluded between the Piran commune and the Venetian Salt Magistracy dates from 1375. The contracts were concluded between the Salt Magistracy (Magistrato dei sali) represented by the Venetian government and the Salt College XX (Consiglio dei XX savii, Colleggio dei XX del sal) from the Piran side. The Salt College XX consisted of the owners of salt funds, and was represented by 13 patricians and 7 town inhabitants (populars). Its sessions were held several times a year, but especially frequently before submission and signature of a new salt contract with the Venetian Magistracy. Due to a great demand for salt, the Venetian government increased the limit of salt production to 4,200 modii in 1401, but on condition that also one-seventh of salt, which had been till then at free disposal of the Piran commune, should be sent to Venice. In the year 1425, the limit was increased by another 500 modii so the Piran salt pans could produce 4,700 modii per year. In 1636, the production was raised to 5,200 modii. This quantity was in force until 1749 when the limit was finally abolished. The Piran Archives keep the salt contracts or draft contracts from 1460, 1470, 1477, 1495, 1505, 1551, 1561, 1566, 1576, 1588, 1615, 1625, 1635, 1647, 1664, 1702, 1715, 1721, 1726, 1738, 1752, 1768 and 1782. The Archives keep also the transcripts of the contracts concluded by and between the owners of the salt pans in Koper, Pag and Muggia and the Salt Magistracy in Venice. Key words: salt production, salt utilisation, salt contracts 49 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Darija Božac Marjanović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] MARKETINŠKA KOMUNIKACIJA REGIJE KROZ BRANDIRANJE KULTURNO POVIJESNE BAŠTINE – CASE STUDY ISTRA INSPIRIT Sažetak P roces brandiranja regije i gradova kao jedna od metoda promocije duboko je povezan s poviješću, kulturom i tradicijom destinacija s bogatom kulturno povijesnom baštinom te predstavlja značajnu konkurentsku prednost na emitivnim tržištima. U Istarskoj županiji nije dovršen proces brandiranja regije, odabran je tek slogan i logotip, dok oblikovanje cjelokupne komunikacijske kampanje tek predstoji. S druge strane napori kreativnih djelatnika u kulturi i turizmu oblikovali su proizvod kulturnog turizma „IstraInspirit“ baziran na povijesnim činjenicama i identitetskom sustavu specifičnom za istarsko područje. Sustav oblikovanja jedinstvenog kulturno turističkog proizvoda i njegova promocija u ovom slučaju već komuniciraju regiju, njezinu povijest, sadašnjost i budućnost i oblikuju njen doživljaj. Temelj komunikacijskih poruka je jedinstvena i bogata kulturno povijesna baština. Društvena i povijesna kretanja na ovaj su način oblikovala jedinstven proizvod pod nazivom Istra inspirit i strategiju njegove tržišne komunikacije koja u konačnici može predstavljati temelj za brandiranje regije u budućnosti. Ključne riječi: brandiranje regije, promocija, kultura, turizam, apeli, komunikacija 50 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Darija Božac Marjanović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] REGIONAL MARKETING COMMUNICATION THROUGH HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE BRANDING – A CASE STUDY «ISTRA INSPIRIT» Abstract A s a promotion method, the process of region branding and city branding is deeply related to the history, culture and tradition of the destinations with rich historical and cultural heritage and constitutes a significant competitive advantage on the emitive markets. In Istria County the process of region branding hasn’t been completed yet. Only a slogan and a logo have been chosen, while the entire communication campaign still needs to be designed. On the other hand, creative workers in culture and tourism sector have already made their efforts to design a cultural tourism product „IstraInspirit“ based on historical facts and on an identity system that is characteristic for the Istrian region. The system of designing a unique cultural and tourist product and its promotion, in this case, already communicate the region, its history, its present and its future. They also shape the way of experiencing the region. The basis of these communication messages is a unique and rich historical and cultural heritage. In this way, social and historical trends have shaped a unique product entitled Istra inspirit and the strategy of its marketing communication which could eventually serve as the basis for future regional branding. Key words: regional branding, promotion, culture, tourism, appeals, communication 51 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow K ristina Brščić Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč [email protected] ANALIZA RAZVOJA AGROTURIZMA U ISTARSKOJ ŽUPANIJI Sažetak T urizam je već duže vrijeme jedna od svjetskih rastućih „industrija“. Razvoj turističke aktivnosti u ruralnim prostorima otvara nove mogućnosti za obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva koja mogu dodatnim ugostiteljsko-turističkim aktivnostima bolje iskoristi vlastite resurse, osigurati dodatan izvor prihoda za svoje domaćinstvo i tako očuvati vlastito gospodarstvo, ali neizravno i ruralna područja od napuštanja. Agroturizam predstavlja spoj poljoprivrede i turizma unutar jednog gospodarstva. U radu je analiziran razvoj agroturizma u Istarskoj županiji od vremena kada se počinju promovirati i davati prvi poticaji za razvoj agroturizma u Istarskoj županiji, krajem 90-tih godina, do danas. Cilj rada je utvrditi glavna obilježja agroturizma u Istarskoj županiji te na osnovu toga predložiti preporuke za daljnji razvoj agroturizma. Za analizu stanja koristit će se dosadašnja istraživanja o agroturizmu u Istarskoj županiji objavljena u znanstvenim i stručnim radovima. Također, u radu će biti dan pregled znanstvene literature, odnosno, dosadašnje spoznaje na ovu temu u svijetu. Ključne riječi: agroturizam, ruralni turizam, Istra, obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva 52 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts K ristina Brščić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč [email protected] AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM IN ISTRIA COUNTY Abstract T ourism has long been one of the world’s fastest growing industries. The development of tourismrelated activities in rural areas opens up new opportunities for family farms to make better use of their resources and to secure additional sources of income for their households by means of additional hospitality and tourism-related activities, and thus preserve their own farms and indirectly prevent the abandonment of rural areas. Agritourism is a blend of agriculture and tourism on a single farm. The paper analyses the development of agritoutism in Istria County from the late 1990s, when incentives for the development of agritourism in Istria Country were first promoted and provided, to the present. The paper aims to identify the main characteristics of agritourism in Istria County and present recommendations for further development thereof on that basis. Prior studies of agritourism in Istria County published in scientific and expert papers will be used in an analysis of the situation. Additionally, the paper will include a review of scientific literature, i.e. international insights into the subject matter to date. Key words: agritourism, rural tourism, Istria, family farms 53 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow K lara Buršić-Matijašić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] GOSPODARSTVO PRAPOVIJESNE ISTRE Sažetak V išeznačni su pokazatelji gospodarstva Istre brončanog i željeznog doba. Posljednja dva tisućljeća pr. Kr. dugačko je razdoblje u kojem se život prapovijesnog stanovništva temeljio na dostupnim resursima koje je pružao Poluotok. S mjesta stalnih ili privremenih naselja – gradina, na strateškim položajima čovjek je maksimalno iskoristio plodnu zemlju, šume, obalu mora, doline rijeka kako bi vlastiti život i život zajednice učinio što boljim i kvalitetnijim. Pored čovjeka, temelj gospodarstva oduvijek je bio zemljopisni položaj, njegove karakteristike i prirodna podloga. U takvim okolnostima gospodarstvo brončanodobnih i željeznodobnih zajednica uz lov, ribolov i sakupljačke aktivnosti, temeljilo se na dvije primarne grane, zemljoradnji i stočarstvu. Na osnovi materijalnih pokazatelja govorimo i o pratećim gospodarskim aktivnostima poput one metalurške, obrade kamena, keramičarstva, izrade tekstila, obrade kosti i roga, košaraštva i mnoge druge čije tragove naslućujemo ponekad samo neizravno, na temelju analogija ili usporedbe s drugim, bolje poznatim skupinama. Istra se svojim gospodarstvom i položajem vrlo rano nametnula u trgovini sjevernog Jadrana gdje je bila važan čimbenik veze Sredozemlja i Europe. Ključne riječi: prapovijest, brončano i željezno doba, gospodarstvo, materijalni pokazatelji, Istra 54 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts K lara Buršić-Matijašić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE ECONOMY OF PREHISTORIC ISTRIA Abstract T he indications as regards the economy of Istria in the Bronze and the Iron Age are manifold. The last two millennia BC represent a long period of time wherein the life of the prehistoric population was based on available resources provided by the Peninsula. From their strategically located permanent or temporary settlements – hill-forts, human beings had made the best possible use of fertile land, forests, river valleys, in order to improve and increase the quality of their own lives and the life of the community as much as possible. In addition to man, the geographic location, the characteristics thereof and the type of natural land cover, has always been of central importance in terms the economy. In such circumstances, the economy of Bronze Age and Iron Age communities, in addition to hunting, fishing and gathering, was based on two primary economic activities, farming and animal husbandry. On the basis of material indicators, we can also talk about supplementary economic activities, for instance metallurgy, stonemasonry, pottery, textile manufacturing, bone and horn carving, basketry and many others. Traces of these activities can sometimes only be discerned indirectly, on the basis of analogies or comparisons to other, better known groups. Due to its economy and position, Istria became the dominant force in the field of commerce in the northern Adriatic, where it played an important role in the ties between the Mediterranean and Europe. Key words: prehistory, Bronze and Iron Ages, the economy, material indicators, Istria 55 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Edo Cetina Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o [email protected] Danijela K rižman Pavlović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] ULOGA INKUBACIJSKE INFRASTRUKTURE U POTICANJU RAZVOJA MALOG I SREDNJEG PODUZETNIŠTVA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Sažetak S veobuhvatan zakonski, strateški i institucionalni pristup razvoju malog i srednjeg poduzetništva pretpostavka su jačanja konkurentske sposobnosti gospodarstva. Stoga se poticanje malog i srednjeg poduzetništva provodi kontinuirano, uz uvođenje standarda EU i kroz primjenu zakonodavstva za državne potpore. Jačanjem poduzetništva doprinosi se povećanju zaposlenosti, učinkovitosti sustava socijalne sigurnosti, poticanju domaće proizvodnje i izvoza i stvaranju povoljne poduzetničke klime, te se ostvaruju smjernice o malom gospodarstvu kao generatoru razvoja. U radu se identificira kvaliteta institucionalne podrške koja je od presudnog značaja za malo i srednje poduzetništvo i o njoj ovisi koliko će ljudi krenuti u poduzetnički pothvat i koliko će malih poduzeća preživjeti na tržištu na početku njihovog poslovanja. Poduzetnička aktivnost smatra se generatorom gospodarskog razvoja jer utječe na stvaranje novih ideja, radnih mjesta, utječe na pozitivnu atmosferu u zajednici te je dotok svježeg kapitala. Temeljem prikupljenih podataka autori će oblikovati i u radu predstaviti međusobnu povezanost razine institucionalne potpore poduzetništva kroz ulaganje u inkubacijsku poduzetničku infrastrukturu i razvoja poduzetništva. Ključne riječi: malo i srednje poduzetništvo, institucionalna potpora, gospodarski razvoj, Hrvatska 56 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Edo Cetina Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd [email protected] Danijela K rižman Pavlović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE ROLE OF THE INCUBATOR INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE STIMULATION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Abstract A n overall legislative, strategic and institutional approach to the development of small and mediumsized enterprises is a prerequisite for boosting the economic competitiveness. Therefore, the stimulation of small and medium-sized enterprises has been implemented continuously, along with the introduction of EU standards and through the implementation of state support legislation. Strengthening entrepreneurship contributes to employment growth, to the efficiency of the social security system, stimulates domestic production and exports, and creates a favourable entrepreneurial climate. It also reinforces the notion about small business as a generator of development. This paper seeks to identify the quality of institutional support which is of crucial importance for the small and medium-sized enterprises. It depends on this support how many people will venture into entrepreneurship and how many small enterprises will survive in the market at the beginning of their businesses. Entrepreneurial activities are considered to be a generator of economic development because they influence the creation of new ideas, job creation, make impact on positive climate in the community and represent fresh capital inflow. Based on the data collected for this paper the authors will elaborate and present the interrelation between the level of institutional support to the entrepreneurship through the investment in the incubator entrepreneurial infrastructure and the development of entrepreneurship. Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises, institutional support, economic development, Croatia 57 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Bruno Crevato Selvaggi Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] UN’INFRASTRUTTURA NECESSARIA: LA POSTA NELL’ISTRIA VENEZIANA Riassunto L a comunicazione organizzata, con scambi regolari e sicuri di corrispondenza, è infrastruttura necessaria per l’organizzazione economica in età moderna. Dopo sistemi riservati, occasionali e lenti d’età medievale, dall’inizio del Cinquecento comincia ad organizzarsi in Europa occidentale un sistema postale sulle grandi direttrici ben organizzato, universale, regolare e veloce. Presto viene considerato regalia e avocato a sé dal principe pressoché ovunque, mentre a Venezia sino a metà Settecento il sistema viene lasciato all’imprenditorialità privata. La “Compagnia dei corrieri” organizza viaggi regolari nei territori dello Stato da terra e oltre; verso l’Istria opera solo verso Capodistria, con percorso marittimo o terrestre a seconda della stagione. La posta da e per il resto dell’Istria è scambiata direttamente o via Capodistria usufruendo delle “occasioni” marittime e terrestri. Il sistema pare aleatorio e non organizzato, ma di fatto assicura scambi regolari ed efficienti per tutta la penisola. La sua conoscenza è utile alla comprensione dei fenomeni economici, perché questi si adattano alle frequenze e alle modalità della comunicazione organizzata. Lo studio viene svolto soprattutto con il fondo della Compagnia dei corrieri e di altre magistrature veneziane, nonché con lo spoglio di diversi epistolari. Parole chiave: Venezia, Istria, Posta, Compagnia dei corrieri, Occasioni postali 58 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Bruno Crevato Selvaggi Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] THE NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE: THE POST IN THE VENETIAN ISTRIA Abstract T he organized communication, with regular and safe exchange of correspondence, is the necessary infrastructure for economic organization in modern times. After the reserved, occasional and slow systems of medieval times, at the beginning of the 15th century in Western Europe starts the organization of a postal system on the main routes, well organized, universal, regular and fast. Soon it is everywhere considered as an additional income of the local authority, whereas in Venice until the mid-18th century the system is left in hands of the private entrepreneurs. The “Compagnia dei corrieri” ( The Messenger Company) organizes regular trips in the territories of the State by land or further; towards Istria it operates exclusively towards Capodistria, with maritime or terrestrial itinerary depending on the season. The post from and to the remaining part of Istria is exchanged directly or via Capodistria taking advantage of maritime and terrestrial “special offers”. The system seems uncertain and unorganized, whereas in fact it ensures regular and efficient exchange for the entire peninsula. The knowledge of it is useful to comprehend economic phenomena, since these adapt themselves to the frequencies and modalities of the organized communication. The study is carried out mostly with the funds of the Messenger Company and other Venetian authorities, as well as the perusal of various letters. Key words: Venice, Istria, Post, Messenger Company, Special postal offers 59 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Sandra Cvikić Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] Ivana Žebec Šilj Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] KOMUNISTIČKA PROPAGANDA I VUKOVARSKE NOVINE ZA VRIJEME TRŠĆANSKE KRIZE Sažetak U ovom radu se daje prikaz odnosa vukovarske javnosti prema problemu Tršćanske krize 1953. – 1954. godine pod utjecajem komunističke propagande „nove Jugoslavije“. Na temelju članaka koji su izlazili u Vukovarskim novinama za vrijeme Tršćanske krize, u radu se kroz povijesno-sociološki pristup istražuje kako su na lokalnoj razini komunističke vlasti prikazivale rješavanje tog problema u okviru svog propagandnog aparata, i na koji način su sukladno proklamiranoj Titovoj međunarodnoj politici građani razumjeli i davali svoju potporu hrvatskome narodu u Istri. Rad na primjeru Vukovarskih novina u svom zaključku stoga ukazuje na činjenicu da je političku situaciju pograničnog pitanja, komunistička vlast na čelu s drugom Josipom Brozom Titom rješavala na razini teritorijalnoga geo-političkog problema ne povezujući ga s gospodarstvom i utjecajem kojega će pripajanje Trsta i tršćanskog područja Italiji, u budućnosti imati na lokalno stanovništvo i razvojni potencijal Istre u cjelini. Ključne riječi: Tršćanska kriza, komunizam, propaganda, gospodarski potencijal 60 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Sandra Cvikić Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences [email protected] Ivana Žebec Šilj Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences [email protected] COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA AND VUKOVAR NEWSPAPERS DURING THE TRIESTE CRISIS Abstract T he paper presents an overview of the attitude of the public in Vukovar to the issue of the 1953-1954 Trieste crisis under the influence of “new Yugoslavia’s” communist propaganda. On the basis of articles published in Vukovar newspapers in the course of the Trieste crisis, the paper applies a historicalsociological approach to examine how the communist authorities portrayed the solution of the problem on the local level by means of their propagandist apparatus, and how the citizens understood and provided their support to the Croatian people in Istria in accordance with Tito’s proclaimed international politics. Using the example of Vukovar newspapers, the conclusion of the paper points to fact that the communist government headed by Comrade Josip Broz Tito approached the political situation related to a border area problem as a territorial geo-political problem, without connecting it to the economy and the impact of the annexation of Trieste and the region to Italy on the local population and the development potential of Istria in general. Key words: the Trieste crisis, communism, propaganda, economic potential 61 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Michela Dal Borgo Archivio di stato di Venezia [email protected] Paola Benussi Archivio di stato di Venezia [email protected] ITINERARI ARCHIVISTICI VENEZIANI PER LA SOTRIA DELL’ISTRIA Riassunto I l contributo intende illustrare le fonti archivistiche conservate presso l’Archivio di Stato di Venezia, con particolare riferimento agli archivi dei consigli sovrani – Maggior Consiglio, Senato, Consiglio di dieci – e con approfondimenti nella documentazione prodotta dalle magistrature veneziane con competenze prevalentemente economiche. Saranno evidenziate delle linee di ricerca per la storia e lo sfruttamento del territorio della penisola istriana in ogni sua componente ed in particolare i boschi, fra cui primeggia il pubblico bosco di Montona, e le cave di pietra cui tanto deve l’architettura veneziana. Si prenderà quindi in esame lo specifico settore della documentazione ecclesiastica, passando in rassegna, in un arco cronologico che va dal medioevo all’età moderna, gli archivi monastici di quegli enti religiosi di antica istituzione che avevano proprietà fondiarie in Istria, con particolare attenzione alla loro valenza per la storia economica, e segnalando alcuni nuclei documentari relativi a monasteri insediati sul territorio istriano. Parole chiave: Fontiarchivistiche, boschi, miniere, pietra Istria, agricoltura, monasteri, proprietà ecclesiastiche 62 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Michela Dal Borgo Archives of State of Venice [email protected] Paola Benussi Archives of State of Venice [email protected] VENETIAN ARCHIVISTIC ITINERARIES THROUGH THE HISTORY OF ISTRIA Abstract T he paper intends to illustrate the archivistic sources kept at the Archives of the State of Venice, with particular reference to the archives of the sovereign councils – the Great Council, the Senate, the Council of the Ten – with the studies in depth of the documents produced by the Venetian courts with prevailingly economic competencies. There will be evidenced the lines of research for the history and exploitation of the territory of the Istrian peninsula in all its components and in particular the woods, among which stands out the public woods of Montona (Motovun), and the stone quarries to which the Venetian architecture owes so much. We shall therefore examine the specific sector of ecclesiastic documents, inspecting, in a chronologic time span ranging from the Middle Ages to the modern times, the monastic archives of those religious institutions of ancient foundation that have landed property in Istria, with particular attention to their value for the economic history, indicating some documentary nuclei related to monasteries installed on the territory of Istria. Key words: Archivistic sources, woods, quarries, stone of Istria, agriculture, monasteries, ecclesiastic property 63 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Lia De Luca Università Ca’Foscari Venezia [email protected] I NUOVI ABITANTI: COMMERCIO E AGRICOLTURA Riassunto V enezia favorì e sovvenzionò l’insediamento di nuovi abitanti in Istria, prevalentemente morlacchi, greci e montenegrini; la Serenissima nutriva la speranza che i nuovi arrivati si dedicassero alla coltura dei campi ricevuti, piantando anche vigne ed olivi. Le numerose agevolazioni di cui godevano i nuovi abitanti, tra cui l’ambita esenzione dalle tasse, invogliarono molti vecchi abitanti a “farsi nuovi” con la concessione di un appezzamento di terreno incolto; le frodi erano all’ordine del giorno rendendo particolarmente tesi i rapporti tra la popolazione. L’Istria soffriva di una mancanza cronica di artigianato locale, i manufatti, così come le persone, venivano spesso da fuori, portando in provincia le proprie capacità ed i propri prodotti. Questo commercio, spesso con l’Austria ma anche con l’altra costa dell’Adriatico o con altri territori veneti, favoriva la circolazione delle merci in Istria. Il mio intervento si propone di analizzare il rapporto tra i nuovi abitanti ed il commercio, in particolare focalizzandomi sulla preferenza che questi ultimi sembrano aver dato all’acquisto di beni piuttosto che alla produzione in proprio. Parole chiave: nuovi abitanti, commercio, agricoltura, esenzioni, privilegi, Istria veneta 64 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Lia De Luca Ca’Foscari University of Venice [email protected] THE NEW INHABITANTS: COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE Abstract V enice supported and subsidized the settlement of new residents in Istria, predominantly Morlacchians, Greeks and Montenegrins; the Serenissima Republic hoped that the new arrivals would dedicate themselves to cultivation of the received fiels, planting also the vines and olives. The numerous facilities enjoyed by the new residents, among others the desired tax exemptions, tempted many of the old inhabitants to “become new” with being granted a plot of untilled land, the frauds were on the agenda making the relations between the people particularly tense. Istria suffered from the chronic lack of local handicraft, handiwork, as well as the artisans, often came from abroad, bringing to the province their own abilities and their own products. This trade, frequently with Austria but also with the other Adriatic coast and other Venetian territories, favoured the circulation of goods in Istria. My work proposes to analyze the relations between the new inhabitants and the commerce, focusing in particular on the preference which the latter seem to have given to the purchase of goods instead of to set up the production on their own. Key words: new residents, commerce, agriculture, exemptions, privileges, Venetian Istria 65 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Edoardo Demo Università degli Studi di Verona [email protected] MERCI E MERCANTI DELLA TERRAFERMA VENETA IN ISTRIA E DALMAZIA NELLA PRIMA ETÀ MODERNA. ALCUNE CONSIDERAZIONI. Riassunto L e più recenti ricerche hanno permesso di porre in risalto l’intenso sviluppo economico che la Terraferma veneta conosce nel corso della prima età moderna quando i manufatti (principalmente tessili, sia di lana che di seta) in essa prodotti trovano amplissimo smercio in diverse località d’Italia, d’Europa e del Vicino Oriente. Dopo una prima parte di carattere generale rivolta a delineare le principali linee di evoluzione del fenomeno testè riportato, con il presente intervento si intendono analizzare i traffici intercorrenti tra i centri produttivi del Veneto e l’area posta al di là del Mar Adriatico, concentrando l’attenzione sulle mercanzie oggetto di compravendita; sulle modalità operative degli uomini d’affari; sui diversi porti maggiormente utilizzati nello svolgimento degli affari. Parole chiave: Terraferma, Veneta, Età veneziana, Commercio internazionale, Mercanti, Industria tessile, Altre manifatture non tessili 66 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Edoardo Demo University of Verona [email protected] GOODS AND MERCHANTS OF VENETIAN TERRAFERMA IN ISTRIA AND DALMATIA IN THE EARLY MODERN TIMES. SOME CONSIDERATIONS Abstract T he most recent researches have made possible to lay emphasis on the economic development that the Venetian Terraferma (extra-lagoon areas) has known in the course of the early modern times when handmade articles (mostly handmade textiles, both of wool and silk) manufactured in it were easily sold all over the various localities in Italy, Europe and the Near East. After the first part of general nature designed to delineate the principal evolution lines of the phenomenon quoted in the title, the present intervention is intended to analyze the existing trade between the production centres of Veneto and the area situated on the other side of the Adriatic sea, concentrating the attention on the merchandise objects of the sale; the operating modalities of businessmen, various ports mostly used in carrying out of the business. Key words: Terraferma, Veneto, Venetian times, International trade, Merchants, Textile industry, other non textile manufactures 67 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Martino Ferrari Bravo Fondazione Giorgio Cini [email protected] LA SCIENZA NAUTICA AL TEMPO DI GIAN RINALDO CARLI AD USO DELLA NAVIGAZIONE MERCANTILE Riassunto L a straordinaria varietà di interessi scientifici letterari ed economici del nobile capodistriano Gian Rinaldo Carli, espressa in una moltitudine di scritti e di attività anche economiche, è stata analizzata recentemente, in particolare attraverso due convegni internazionali a Capodistria; rimangono forse da affrontare i suoi interessi in materia di nautica e il tentativo che, attraverso la promozione da parte dei Riformatori allo Studio di Padova della cattedra ricoperta ad scientiae nauticae theoriam, rifletteva l’interesse del governo marciano per una riorganizzazione di questa materia che ancorasse il mondo delle professioni tecniche a solidi criteri scientifici, con il fine esplicito di incentivare lo sviluppo della navigazione mercantile oltre i confini adriatici e mediterranei, cogliendo così le opportunità offerte dalla condizione di neutralità nel contesto europeo della metà del Settecento. Dalle competenze scientifiche e nautiche di un multiforme ingegno del Settecento – e dai suoi rapporti con i grandi scienziati veneti contemporanei - alla navigazione mercantile quindi, dallo sviluppo e dalla circolazione delle tecniche alla loro ricaduta economica. Parole chiave: Gian Rinaldo Carli, scienza nautica settecentesca, navigazione mercantile nord adriatica 68 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Martino Ferrari Bravo Foundation Giorgio Cini [email protected] NAUTICAL SCIENCE AT THE TIME OF GIAN RINALDO CARLI FOR THE USE OF MERCANTILE NAVIGATION Abstract T he extraordinary variety of scientific, literary and economic interests of the noble Capodistrian Gian Rinaldo Carli, expressed in a great number of written documents and economic activities as well, has been recently analyzed, in particular, in occasion of two international conventions held at Capodistria. There remain possibly to be tackled his interests in nautical matters and the attempt that, through the promotion on the part of the Reformers of Studies in Padua at the department covering the scientiae nauticae teoria (science of nautical theory), reflected the interest of the Venetian government in a reorganization of this subject matter that linked up the world of technical professions with solid scientific criteria, with the clear objective to encourage the development of mercantile navigation across the Adriatic and Mediterranean borders, to take the opportunities offered by the condition of neutrality within the context of the mid-18th century Europe. It ranges from the scientific and nautical competences of a versatile intellect of the 17th century, and his relations with great contemporary Venetian scientists, to the mercantile navigation, accordingly from development and circulation of technologies to their economic relapse. Key words: Gian Rinaldo Carli, 17th century nautical science, North Adriatic mercantile navigation 69 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mladen Ferenčić HGK Županijska komora Pula [email protected] RAZVOJ GOSPODARSTVA ISTRE OD 1945. DO 2012. GODINE Sažetak P o završetku Drugog svjetskog rata Istra je, uz velike napore izvršila obnovu razorene prometne i ostale infrastrukture i stvorila osnovne preduvjete za ubrzani preobražaj iz zaostale poljoprivredne u pretežito industrijsku regiju. Osim dominantne prerađivačke industrije s rudarstvom, šezdesetih godina 20. st. u priobalju dolazi do ekspanzije turizma, kao relativno nove gospodarske djelatnosti, koja je rezultirala velikim multiplikativnim učincima na razvoj prometa, trgovine, građevinarstva, poljoprivrede i obrtništva. Razdoblje od 1970. do 1990. godine odlikuje disperzija gospodarstva iz razvijenijeg priobalnog dijela u unutrašnjost poluotoka, što je zaustavilo proces depopulacije središnjeg i sjevernog dijela Istre i doprinijelo njenom uravnoteženijem razvoju. Dezintegracija bivše Jugoslavije u ratnim okolnostima, uspostava hrvatske neovisnosti i složeni proces tranzicije iz dotadašnje socijalističke dogovorne ekonomije u tržišno orijentirano gospodarstvo utjecali su na nagli pad ekonomskih aktivnosti u razdoblju od 1990. do 1995. godine. Nakon tog petogodišnjeg razdoblja preživljavanja i tehnološkog zaostajanja, uslijedila je konsolidacija istarskog gospodarstva, njegovo restrukturiranje i ponovni razvojni uzlet koji je promovirao Istru u jednu od najrazvijenijih i najperspektivnijih županija u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ključne riječi: obnova, industrijalizacija, ekspanzija turizma, najrazvijenija županija 70 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mladen Ferenčić Croatian Chamber of Economy - Pula County Chamber [email protected] ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ISTRIA FROM 1945 TO 2012 Abstract I stria invested considerable efforts in an endeavour to reconstruct its devastated transport and other infrastructure after the end of the Second World War, and succeeded in creating the basic preconditions for a rapid transformation from an underdeveloped agricultural into a largely industrial region. During the 1960s, in addition to manufacturing production and mining industry as the dominant economic activities, the coastal areas experienced an expansion of tourism as a relatively new economic activity, resulting in significant multiplicative effects on the development of traffic, commerce, construction, agriculture and crafts. In the period 1970-1990, economic development spread from the more developed coastal areas into the interior of the peninsula, stopping the process of depopulation in the central and northern parts of Istria and contributing to a more balanced development of the region. Breakup of former Yugoslavia that erupted into war, establishment of Croatia as an independent country and the complex process of transition from the hitherto socialist consensus-based economy into a market-oriented economy resulted in a steep decline in economic activity in the period 1990-1995. After five years of survival efforts and technological decline, a process of economic consolidation and restructuring began, promoting Istria to one of the most developed and most promising counties in the Republic of Croatia. Key words: reconstruction, industrialisation, expansion of tourism, the most developed county 71 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Giovanni Luigi Fontana Università degli Studi di Padova [email protected] PATRIMONIO INDUSTRIALE E SVILUPPO LOCALE IN ISTRIA Riassunto L ’intervento si concentrerà sul tema del recupero e valorizzazione del patrimonio industriale istriano a partire dall’esame di alcuni siti di particolare interesse, quali il centro minerario di Arsia (Raša), l’Arsenale di Pola e la Manifattura tabacchi di Rovigno. Attraverso l’analisi di questi case-studies si ricostruiranno i percorsi dei processi di industrializzazione, le loro ricadute sociali e culturali sulle comunità locali per poi affrontare i problemi legati al recupero e alla conservazione di edifici, siti e insediamenti produttivi per passare quindi ad esaminare realizzazioni, progetti ed opportunità per una loro valorizzazione sul piano culturale come economico. Parole chiave: Modernizzazione, Industrializzazione, Sviluppo comunicazioni, Trasformazione urbana, Mobilità infraregionale 72 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Giovanni Luigi Fontana University of Padova [email protected] INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN ISTRIA Abstract T he speech will concentrate on the recovery and valorization of industrial property starting with examination of several sites of particular interest, such as the mining centre of Arsia (Raša), the naval dockyard (Arsenale) of Pola (Pula) and the historic tobacco factory in Rovigno (Rovinj). An analysis of these case-studies will reconstruct the course of the industrialization processes, how these reflected socially and culturally on the local communities in order to tackle then the problems related with recovery and preservation of the production buildings, sites and settlements, and then to proceed with examination of realisations, projects and opportunities for their valorization on the cultural and economic level. Key words: modernization, industrialization, development of communications, urban regeneration and transformation, infra-regional mobility 73 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Jasmina Gržinić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] Ivna Škoro Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] Jelica Popić Učilište Lovran, Spa wellness akademija [email protected] ISTARSKI WELLNESS – ČIMBENIK PODIZANJA KONKURENTNOSTI HRVATSKOG TURIZMA Sažetak P roblem istraživanja u ovom radu je wellness industrija iz razloga što ista donosi velike profite i podiže ukupan prihod u turizmu. Glavna hipoteza ovog rada je da wellness turizam u Hrvatskoj, doživljaja ekspanziju rasta, ali bez kriterija i standardizacije primjene. Istraživanje ima za cilj predstaviti Istru kao dio europsko kulturnog-turističkog itinerera prepoznatljiv kroz segment wellness turizma kao i dati prijedloge standardizacije usluge poradi vrlo široke primjene različitih djelovanja u praksi pod istim imenom. Postojeći standardi ne odgovaraju svjetskim standardima na koje su zahtjevni inozemni turisti navikli. S kulturnog, turističkog i gospodarskog aspekta istarski wellness uz sudjelovanje različitih stručnjaka i izbora najbolje strategije implementirao bi se u prepoznatljiv segment europske turističke ponude. Autorice u radu predlažu model budućeg kulturnog itinerera „Istra kao mirisna aromatična destinacija“ koji bi stvaranjem dodanih vrijednosti za suvremenog putnika potaknuo razvoj i interakciju ponude ruralnih područja a time i konkurentnost hrvatskog turizma. Ključne riječi: Wellness turizam, standardi usluge, kulturni itinereri Istre, konkurentnost 74 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Jasmina Gržinić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] Ivna Škoro Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] Jelica Popić Lovran Institute for Adult Education, Spa Wellness Academy [email protected] ISTRIAN WELLNESS – A FACTOR FOR INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS OF CROATIAN TOURISM Abstract T he rationale for choosing the wellness industry as a research topic of this paper is the fact that it generates substantial profits and increases total tourism revenue. The main hypothesis put forward in this paper is that the wellness tourism in Croatia has been experiencing growth and expansion but without established criteria and their standardized application. This research aims to present Istria as a distinguished part of European cultural and tourist itinerary by focusing on the segment of wellness tourism. It also aims to offer some proposals for the standardization of service given that in practice a wide range of activities is referred to with the same name. The existing standards don’t meet the international standards of service which the demanding international tourists are used to receive. From cultural, tourist and economic perspective, with the participation of various experts and with the choice of best strategies Istrian wellness could be implemented into a distinguished segment of European tourist offer. The authors of this paper propose a model of the future cultural itinerary «Istria as a fragrant aromatic destination». By generating additional values for a contemporary traveller it could stimulate the development of rural areas and the interaction with other offers in these areas. Consequently, it could also increase the competitiveness of Croatian tourism. Key words: Wellness tourism, service standards, Istrian cultural itineraries, competitiveness 75 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Hendi Hrelja Državni arhiv u Pazinu [email protected] PREGLED POVIJESTI ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA PREMA GOSPODARSKIM FONDOVIMA DRŽAVNOG ARHIVA U PAZINU Sažetak G radivo Državnog arhiva u Pazinu sadrži određeni broj fondova isključivo gospodarske tematike koji spadaju u skupinu fondova pod nazivom Gospodarstvo i bankarstvo. Od ukupno 219 fondova koliko ih sadrži ta skupina, pet ih spada u razdoblje do 1945. godine dok ostali pripadaju razdoblju nakon toga. Riječ je uglavnom o fondovima manjeg opsega građe a samo ih je nekoliko doista opsežnih. Osim kod spomenutih fondova građa gospodarske tematike može se pronaći i u fondovima upravnih i javnih službi zajedno sa ostalim kategorijama koje sačinjavaju javnu upravu. S obzirom na malu količinu fondova gospodarske tematike koja spada u razdoblje do 1945. godine, odnosno do kraja Drugog svjetskog rata, to se razdoblje može potpunije sagledati putem gospodarske građe uklopljene u fondove upravnih i javnih službi. Svrha rada sastoji se u pružanju okvirnog pregleda povijesti istarskog gospodarstva sukladno informacijama prikupljenim iz fondova gospodarske tematike te utjecaj raznih povijesnih mijena na razvoj i stagnaciju istarskog gospodarstva. Vremensko razdoblje koje obuhvaća spomenuti prikaz odnosi se na kraj 19. te cijelo 20. stoljeće, s obzirom da najranija sačuvana građa tih fondova spada u 1870. godinu te se nastavlja sve do kraja 20. stoljeća. Cilj rada bio je također i prikazati mogućnosti istraživanja prošlosti istarskog gospodarstva služeći se građom iz tih fondova te tako pružiti svojevrstan poticaj razvoju povijesne znanosti i drugih znanstvenih disciplina koje se bave tematikom gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: gospodarstvo, povijest, Istra, gospodarski fondovi, prikaz 76 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Hendi Hrelja State Archives in Pazin [email protected] AN OVERVIEW OF THE HISTORY OF ISTRIAN ECONOMY BASED ON THE PAZIN STATE ARCHIVES HOLDINGS IN ECONOMICS Abstract T he archival materials of the State Archives in Pazin comprise various archive holdings related exclusively to economics. These materials are part of a group of archive holdings entitled The Economy and Banking, which contains 219 collections. Five collections from this group belong to the period up to 1945, while the others belong to the post-1945 period. The holdings are mostly modest in terms of quantity of materials, with only a few truly extensive collections. In addition to the aforementioned archive holdings, materials relating to economics can also be found in the archive holdings in the field of administrative and public services, as well as public administration. As the archive holdings contain a limited quantity of materials in the field of economists from the pre1945 period, i.e. the end of the Second World War, a more comprehensive view of the period can be gained from economics-related materials integrated into archive holdings pertaining to administrative and public services. The purpose of the paper is to present a general overview of the history of the economy in Istria based on information collected from archive holdings relating to economics, and of the impact of different historical changes on the development and stagnation of the economy in Istria. In view of the fact that the earliest preserved items in the archive holdings date from 1870, and that the holdings also contain materials from the entire 20th century, the aforementioned overview covers the period from the late 19th century to the end of the 20th century. Additionally, the aim of the paper was to present the opportunities for historical research in the field of the economy in Istria on the basis of the materials from these archival holdings, and thus provide an incentive for the advancement of the science of history and other scientific disciplines in the field of economics. Key words: the economy, history, Istria, archive holdings in economics, overview 77 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Marija Ignjatović Univerzitet u Nišu, Pravni fakultet [email protected] Goce Naumovski Univerzitet “Sv. Kirilo i Metodije” u Skoplju [email protected] PRAVNOEKONOMSKI ASPEKTI CONTRACTUS EMPHYTEUTICARIUS U RIMSKOM POSTKLASIČNOM PRAVU I SREDNJOVJEKOVNOJ ISTRI Sažetak D ruštveni poredak Rimskog Carstva u III. i IV. stoljeću obilježen je velikom društveno-ekonomskom krizom, koja se odrazila na sve segmente društvenog života, a u prvom redu na dotada važeći način obrade zemlje. S ciljem da se prebrodi kriza, koja se javila kao posljedica nerentabilnosti robovskog rada i propadanja robovlasničkog načina rada, koji se s druge strane poklapaju s barbarskim prodiranjima, ustancima robova i općom nesigurnošću u društvu, uveden je kolonat. Kolon je bio osnovni nositelj privrede u najvažnijoj privrednoj grani (poljoprivredi). Velika latifundijska imanja cijepala su se na manje parcele koje su se davale kolonima u zakup i praktično tim činom postajalo je „zavisno seosko stanovništvo“. U početku je taj odnos bio definiran kratkoročnim ugovorom o zakupu zemlje za razdoblje od pet godina (locatio-conductio). Međutim, veoma rano su se uočile brojne negativnosti ovako zaključenih ugovora, što je dovelo do njihove transformacije u dugoročne ugovore o zakupu zemlje (contractus emphyteuticarius). Contractus emphyteuticarius bio je „spas društva“, jedna u nizu mjera koje je uveo Dioklecijan, a kasnije preuzeo i Konstantin u nadi da će time udahniti novu snagu već tada posrnulom rimskom društvu, čime su utrli put novim feudalnim društvenim odnosima. Uvođenjem najprije emphyteusis kao instituta stvarnog prava, a potom i contractus emphyteuticarius, postignuto je jedinstvo javnih i privatnih interesa (interesa pojedinaca) – latifundista, kojima se ovim ugovorom obezbjeđivao trajni i sigurni zemljišni najam, kolona, kojeg je ovaj ugovor štitio od samovolje latifundiste i, na kraju, same države koja je u ovom ugovoru vidjela sredstvo kojim se postizala kontinuirana obrada zemlje. Contractus emphyteuticarius nije bio ugovor o zakupu u pravom smislu te riječi, jer zakup nije podrazumijevao pravo otuđenja, što ovaj ugovor omogućuje, a opet nije bio ni ugovor o prodaji, već je ovaj ugovor predstavljao specifičnost vremena u kojem je nastao i koji se i kasnije javlja u srednjovjekovnom istarskom obligacijskom pravu, koje je u velikoj mjeri preko recepcije prihvatilo pravna načela, institucije i norme postklasičnog rimskog prava. Tako je ugovor o dugoročnom zakupu zemlje bio predmet obrade mnogih istarskih statuta, u prvom redu koparskog, pulskog, vodnjanskog i novigradskog. Ključne riječi: contractus emphyteuticarius, emphyteusis, društveno-ekonomska kriza, latifundijska imanja, kolonat 78 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Marija Ignjatović University of Niš, Faculty of Law [email protected] Goce Naumovski University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje [email protected] LEGAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF CONTRACTUS EMPHYTEUTICARIUS IN POST-CLASSICAL ROMAN LAW AND MEDIEVAL ISTRIA Abstract T he social order of the Roman Empire in the 3rd and the 4th centuries was marked by a great socioeconomic crisis that had affected all segments of social life, primarily the land cultivation system prevalent until that period. It was with the aim of overcoming the crisis arising from non-rentable slave labour and the demise of slavery as a work organisation system, taking place in parallel with barbarian incursions, slave rebellions and a general feeling of unease in the society, that the colonate was introduced. The colon was the main driver of the economy within the most important activity (agriculture). Vast estates known as latifundia were divided into smaller parcels that were then leased to the colonates, thus practically turning these peasants into a „dependant rural population.” In the beginning, the relationship was defined by short-term land lease contracts with a term of 5 years (locatio-conductio). However, numerous negative features of the contracts concluded in this manner were recognized very early, and this led to their transformation into long-term land lease contracts (contractus emphyteuticarius). The contractus emphyteuticarius was „the saviour of society“, one in a series of measures introduced by Diocletian, later also adopted by Constantine in the hope that it would breathe new life into the then already faltering Roman society, paving the way for new feudal social relationships. Introduction of the emphyteusis as a property law institute, followed by the contractus emphyteuticarius, had unified public and private interests (the interest of individuals) – the owners of latifundia, to whom the contract guaranteed perpetual and safe lease of their land; the colonates, whom the contract protected from arbitrary decisions by the owners of the latifundium, and, finally, the state itself, who saw this contract as a means to ensure continuous land cultivation. Contractus emphyteuticarius was not a lease contract in the true sense of the word since leases do not include the right of alienation, which had been permitted under this contract, and it was also not a sales contract, but a reflection of the specific nature of the times in which it had been created; it reappeared in medieval Istrian law of obligation, which had adopted the legal principles, institutions and norms of post-classical Roman law through reception. Consequently, long-term land lease contracts were elaborated in many Istrian statutes, primarily those of Kopar, Pula, Vodnjan and Novigrad. Key words: contractus emphyteuticarius, emphyteusis, socio-economic crisis, latifundia, colonate 79 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Hesperia Iliadou University of Cyprus [email protected] SAILING THROUGH ISTRIA; 16TH CENTURY MERCANTILE SHIPS ON THE ROUTE FROM VENICE TO CYPRUS Abstract T his presentation will be based on archival material taken from the Historic Archive of Ragusa and focuses on mercantile ships that connected Venice to Cyprus travelling through the Istria, in the late 16th century, before and after the conquest of the island of Cyprus by the Ottomans demonstrating the enduring nature of commercial sea routes. Through a number of selected documents this Paper will present different details related to the commerce of the time; the nature of the different products bought in Cyprus and other ports of the Mediterranean as Haifa. On this route the ships would sail through Istria making stops at ports such as Piran, Porec, Rovinj. Also mentioned are prices and quantities of merchandise along with details that refer to the bureaucratic workings of commercial activity as taxation and merchandise insurance. The above elements along with details of the people that sailed upon these ships within the broader historic context bring together in this presentation a detailed look into commercial activity during a most difficult time were commerce seemed to connect different nations beyond any dispute; a crucial lesson for the future. Key words: 16th century, commercial sea routes, Istrian ports, Piran, Venice, Cyprus 81 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Snježana Ivanović Hrvatski državni arhiv [email protected] GOSPODARSTVO ISTRE U FONDU REPUBLIČKI ZAVOD ZA DRUŠTVENO PLANIRANJE Sažetak R epublički zavod za društveno planiranje bavio se znanstvenim istraživanjem razvoja i problema gospodarstva u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća, izradom analiza gospodarskog razvoja kao i prijedlozima za njegovo unapređenje. Rezultat njegova rada razne su studije, znanstvene analize o brojnim pitanjima gospodarskog razvoja Republike, pojedinih regija, područja i djelatnosti. Za razliku od uobičajene administrativne dokumentacije nekih drugih tijela, ovo gradivo pruža dubinski uvid u problematiku gospodarskih djelatnosti, stanja i izgleda njihova razvoja. Za područje Istre u fondu se mogu pronaći podaci o gospodarskim kretanjima u turizmu, rudarstvu, građevinarstvu, poljoprivredi i drugim granama, analize životnog standarda, obrazovne i privredne strukture stanovništva, kretanja osobnih dohodaka, rezultati poslovanja poduzeća s područja svih istarskih općina i sl. Istovremeno, mogu se pratiti podaci o pojedinim poduzećima, poput Tvornice duhana Rovinj, Istarske tvornice cementa, Istarskih rudnika nemetala, Istarskih ugljenokopa, Istarske tvornice obuće, Tvornice aluminijskih boja, kao i brojnim drugima. Ključne riječi: analiza gospodarskog razvoja, turizam, rudarstvo, životni standard 82 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Snježana Ivanović Croatian State Archives [email protected] THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA IN THE REPUBLIC SOCIAL PLANNING INSTITUTE HOLDINGS Abstract T he Social Planning Institute of the Republic conducted scientific research relating to economic development and the problems of the economy in the second half of the 20th century, carried out analyses of economic development and presented proposals for the enhancement thereof. The results of the work of the Institute are various studies and scientific analyses of numerous topics relating to the economic development of the Republic, individual regions, areas and activities. Unlike the usual administrative documents of some other bodies, these materials provide a detailed insight into economic activities, as well as the degree and the prospects of their development. As regards Istria, the archive holdings contain information on economic trends in the area of tourism, mining, construction industry, agriculture and other activities, analyses of the standard of living, the structure of the population in terms of education and economic status, trends in personal income, business results of enterprises from all municipalities in Istria, and similar. At the same time, the holdings provide the possibility to track and examine information on individual companies, such as the Tobacco Factory Rovinj, Istrian Cement Plant, Istrian Non-Metallic Mines, Istrian Coal Mines, Istrian Footwear Factory, Aluminium Paint Factory, and many other enterprises. Key words: economic development analysis, tourism, mining, standard of living 83 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Dragica K arajić Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta Republike Hrvatske [email protected] REGIONALNA SURADNJA EKSPERTNIH TIMOVA ZA RAZVOJ PODUZETNIČKOG UČENJA U PANEUROPSKOJ MREŽI U CILJU DUGOROČNOGA JAČANJA GOSPODARSKE KONKURENTNOSTI Sažetak O ovom se radu obrađuje regionalna suradnja među zemljama pretpristupne regije u zajedničkoj provedbi dvaju načela za razvoj ljudskih resursa Europske povelje za malo gospodarstvo. Provedeno istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji interes zemalja za sustavnom razmjenom znanja i iskustava u politikama razvoja poduzetničkog učenja u cilju dugoročnoga jačanja gospodarske konkurentnosti. Time se ukazala potreba osmišljavanja načina za dinamičku razmjenu informacija, za učinkovitu stručnu raspravu i brže donošenje prijedloga za poboljšanja s ciljem uvođenja poduzetništva kao ključne kompetencije u sve razine formalnog, neformalnog i informalnog obrazovanja. Analiza rezultata istraživanja pokazala je najučinkovitijim regionalnim instrumentom, osnutak regionalnog centra za razvoj poduzetničkih kompetencija u paneuropskoj mreži zemalja jugoistočne Europe koji bi dugoročno preuzeo ulogu doprinosa društvenom i gospodarskom razvoju budući cilja na cjeloživotno učenje za podizanje poduzetničke konkurentnosti. Regionalni centar djeluje četiri godine i sustavno implementira pilot projekte poduzetništva u osnovnim i višim školama kroz školske predmete iz jezika, prirodnih i društvenih predmeta te umjetnosti i umjetničkog izražavanja. Istarska županija ima priliku uključenja svojih osnovnih i viših škola u novi pilot ciklus implemenatacije projekta u suradnji s Regionalnim centrom za razvoj poduzetničkih kompetencija zemalja jugoistočne Europe uz financijsku podršku EU i Republike Hrvatske. Ključne riječi: regionalna suradnja, poduzetništvo kao ključna kompetencija, jačanje gospodarske konkurentnosti, Istarska županija, Hrvatska 84 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Dragica K arajić Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Republic of Croatia [email protected] REGIONAL COOPERATION OF EXPERT TEAMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING WITHIN A PAN-EUROPEAN NETWORK WITH THE AIM OF STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS IN THE LONG TERM Abstract T he paper studies regional cooperation for joint implementation of two human resource development principles enshrined within the European Charter for Small Enterprises among pre-accession countries in the region. The conducted research revealed that these countries were interested in a systematic exchange of know-how in the field of entrepreneurial learning development policies with the aim of strengthening economic competitiveness in the long term. This indicated that there was a need to develop a method for dynamic information exchange, efficient expert discussions and faster improvement proposal adoption with the aim of introducing entrepreneurship as a key competence to all levels of formal, non-formal and informal education. An analysis of research results indicated that establishing a regional centre for the development of entrepreneurial competencies within a Pan-European network of SEE countries that would contribute to social and economic development in the long term since it would be aimed at lifelong learning with a view to strengthen entrepreneurial competitiveness was the most efficient regional instrument. The regional centre has been active for four years, and it has systematically implemented entrepreneurship pilot projects in elementary or secondary schools within subjects in the fields of languages, natural and social sciences, as well as arts and artistic expression. Istria County has the opportunity to include its elementary and secondary schools in a new pilot project implementation cycle in cooperation with the South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning with financial support provided by the EU and the Republic of Croatia. Key words: regional cooperation, entrepreneurship as key competence, strengthening economic competitiveness, Istria County, Croatia 85 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mirjana Kontestabile Rovis Pokrajinski arhiv Koper [email protected] URAD DOMEN KOPER 1807-1878 Izvleček K onec 18. stoletja so gospodarsko in upravno razvite države posegle v cerkveno politiko in del cerkvenega premoženja podržavile. Beneška Istra ni doživela terezijansko jožefinskih reform, v cerkveno upravo in njeno podržavljanje so posegli šele Francozi leta 1805, ko so beneški del Istre priključili Kraljevini Italije. Podržavljeno cerkveno imetje se tudi kasneje v obdobju Avstrije ni vrnilo več nazaj v cerkvene roke, z njim je upravljal Urad domen Koper. Preko omenjenega urada sta francoska in kasneje avstrijska oblast nadzirali in upravljali ”nacionalizirano” cerkveno imetje. Skozi obdelane arhivske vire Urada domen Koper spoznamo materialno poslovanje bratovščin in samostanov. V obdobju Ilirskih provinc sta delovala urada v Kopru in Buzetu. Ker je bilo plačevanje zakupov in posojil v obdobju Beneške republike velikokrat neurejeno, sta poskušali francoska in avstrijska oblast izterjati plačila za nazaj vred z obrestmi ter odprodati čim več premoženja. Podržavljeno lastnino je Avstrija prodajal s težavo. Prebivalstvo se je težko prilagajalo novim razmeram, predvsem zaostalim izterjavam, saj so to obdobje zaznamovale vojne in pomanjkanje. Veliko samostanov in bratovščin, ki so imeli nekakšno vlogo kreditnih zavodov je bilo ukinjeni. Ključne besede: podržavljanje cerkvenega imetja, samostani, bratovščine, Urad domen Koper, Urad domen Buzet 86 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mirjana Kontestabile Rovis Regional Archives Koper [email protected] DOMAIN OFFICE KOPER 1807-1878 Abstract A t the end of the 18th century, the economically and administratively developed states interfered in church politics and nationalised a part of church properties. The Venetian Istria did not experience the reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. It was not until the year 1805 that the Frenchmen interfered in church administration and its nationalisation when they annexed the Venetian part of Istria to the Kingdom of Italy. The nationalised church assets were not even later, during the reign of Austria, returned to church hands anymore. They were administered by the Domain Office Koper. Through the said Office, the French authorities and later on the Austrian ones supervised and administered the nationalised church property. The processed archival sources of the Domain Office Koper enable us to get an insight into material business activities of confraternities and monasteries. In the period of the Illyrian Provinces, two offices were in function, one in Koper and one in Buzet. As the payment of leases and loans during the Venetian Republic was very often unregulated, the French and the Austrian authorities tried to enforce repayments together with interest, and to sell off properties as many as possible. It was pretty hard for Austria to sell the nationalised estate. The inhabitants adapted themselves with difficulties to the new situation, especially to failed collections because that period was characterised by wars and shortages. A lot of monasteries and confraternities that played a role of some kind of financial institutions have been abolished. Key words: nationalisation of church property, monasteries, confraternities, Domain Office Koper, Domain Office Buzet 87 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Slavko K rajcar Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva [email protected] Davor Mišković HEP Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. Elektroistra Pula [email protected] ELEKTRIČNA ENERGIJA U RAZVOJU ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA Sažetak U ovom radu obradit će se razvoj električne energije na području Istre, od njezine pojave krajem 19. stoljeća do danas, kako u tehničkom tako i u organizacijskom smislu, te njezin utjecaj na kompletno društvo i posebno utjecaj na razvoj istarskog gospodarstva. Cijelo to vrijeme elektroenergetika u Istri vrlo dobro prati svjetske trendove, primjenjujući u praksi najkvalitetnije proizvode i metode rada, te na taj način, kao jedna od glavnih karika, osigurava nesmetani razvoj gospodarstva. Kako danas dvije trećine emisija stakleničkih plinova dolazi iz energetskog sektora, a nekadašnji se potrošači pretvaraju u kupce, koji žele biti aktivni sudionici cijelog procesa, stvoreni su novi izazovi i novi zadaci za elektroenergetiku, pa će se u ovom radu pokušati objasniti današnje stanje u elektroenergetskom sektoru, preslikano na područje Istre, najnovija tehnička rješenja, te mogući scenariji budućeg razvoja. Ključne riječi: Električna energija, organizacija, razvoj, tržište, održivi elektroenergetski sustav, pametne mreže 88 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Slavko K rajcar University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing [email protected] Davor Mišković HEP Distribution System Operator Ltd, Elektroistra Pula [email protected] ELECTRICITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA Abstract T he paper will examine the development of electricity in Istria, from its advent in the late 19th century to the present, from both technical and organisational aspects, and its overall impact on the society, especially on the development of the economy in Istria. Power engineering in Istria has managed to keep in step with global trends by opting for the best products and work methods and putting these into practice, and thus, as one of the most important factors, contributed to unhindered economic development. The energy sector accounts for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions today, while former consumers have become buyers who wish to take active part in the entire process, and this has resulted in new challenges and new tasks for power engineering. This paper will therefore endeavour to expound the present situation in the power engineering sector as it applies to Istria, as well as the newest technical solutions, and possible future development scenarios. Key words: electricity, organisation, development, market, sustainable electric power system, smart grids 89 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Marinela K rstinić Nižić Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija [email protected] Tea Prodanović Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija [email protected] ZNAČAJ GRADA PULE ZA GOSPODARSKI RAZVOJ ISTRE Sažetak G rad Pula kao grad sa najviše stanovnika u Istarskoj županiji te sa najvećom gustoćom naseljenosti na cjelokupnom istarskom prostoru može biti nositelj gospodarskog razvoja. Cilj gospodarskog razvoja Grada Pule je stvoriti dugoročno održiv model privređivanja koji će uz adekvatno makroekonomsko okruženje u Hrvatskoj osigurati sustav u kojem će se efikasno i produktivno raditi, proizvoditi i izvoziti. U skladu s takvim gospodarskim razvojem, potrebne su osim razvoja tercijarnih i kvartalnih djelatnosti i industrijska politika te politika zaštite okoliša i obrazovanja mladih. Svrha rada je temeljnim pokazateljima razvoja nekog područja, a to su prije svega dinamika i ostvarena razina bruto domaćeg proizvoda, zaposlenosti i investicije, usporediti razvoj jednog gradskog središta u odnosu na Istarsku županiju i Hrvatsku u cjelini. Prema prostornoj dokumentaciji grada Pule u radu se identificiraju gospodarski i društveni objekti od značaja za Republiku Hrvatsku i Istarsku županiju. Zaključuje se kako Grad Pula uz poticajne mjere i potpore treba ubrzati gospodarski razvoj i jačati poduzetničku klimu kako Istre tako i cijele Hrvatske. Ključne riječi: grad Pula, gospodarski razvoj, Istra, zaposlenost, investicije 90 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Marinela K rstinić Nižić Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija [email protected] Tea Prodanović Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija [email protected] THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY OF PULA FOR ISTRIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Abstract T he city of Pula can be the driver of economic development as the most populous and the most densely populated city in the County of Istria. The aim of economic development of the city of Pula is to create an economic model that would be sustainable in the long term and that would, together with an adequate macroeconomic environment in Croatia in general, facilitate efficient and productive work, as well as production and export activities. In the framework of such economic development, industry-related policies as well as environmental protection and youth education policies would also be needed, in addition to developing tertiary and quaternary activities. The purpose of the paper is to present a comparison of the development of an urban centre in relation to Istria County and Croatia in general, using the main indicators of development, primarily the dynamics and the attained levels in terms of gross national product, employment and investments. The paper also identifies the economic and communal facilities of significance for the Republic of Croatia and Istria County according to spatial planning documents of the city of Pula. It is concluded that the city of Pula should accelerate economic development and improve the entrepreneurial climate in Istria as well as in Croatia by means of incentives and subsidies. Key words: the city of Pula, economic development, Istria, employment, investments 91 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Robert Kurelić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] AUSTRIJSKA I MLETAČKA POLITIKA PREMA ŠUMAMA U ISTRI U ŠESNAESTOM STOLJEĆU Sažetak U čitavoj povijesti ljudske civilizacije drvo je bilo neizostavna sirovina za očuvanje i napredak zajednice. Bilo kao ogrijev, građevni materijal ili pogonsko gorivo, drvo je predstavljalo resurs od gospodarske, političke i strateške važnosti za pojedinca, zajednicu i državu. Venecija je šume smatrala svojim najvažnijim bogatstvom te je donijela niz propisa i uredbi koje su regulirale njihovu zaštitu i eksploataciju. Dolazak na vlast Ferdinanda I označilo je i početak veće zainteresiranosti Beča za prilike u Istri. Uvodeći nove metode državne uprave austrijska vlada pokazuje i veću brigu za istarske šume zbog nagle ekspanzije rudarstva. Kako su nedefinirane granice u Istri često prelazile preko šuma to je dovelo do napetosti i sukoba oko korištenja drvnog bogatstva Istre. Autor analizira registre austrijskih i mletačkih šuma, te druge arhivske izvore kako bi komparativnim putem ocrtao i razjasnio dinamiku konkurencije u upravljanju i eksploataciji šumskog bogatstva Istre u nestabilnom političkom okruženju istarskog poluotoka, kao i efekt koji je ova gospodarska grana imala na život lokalnog stanovništva. Ključne riječi: Istra, drvo, šume, granice, registri šuma 92 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Robert Kurelić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] AUSTRIAN AND VENETIAN POLICY ON THE FORESTS OF ISTRIA IN THE 16TH CENTURY Abstract T hroughout the history of human civilisation, wood was a vital natural resource for the preservation and advancement of communities. Be it as fuel, construction material or motor fuel, wood was an economically, politically and strategically important resource for the individual, the community and the state. Venice considered the forests to be its most important resource, and adopted a number of regulations and ordinances on their protection and exploitation. The rise to power of Ferdinand I marked the beginning of a greater interest of Vienna in the situation in Istria. Due to sudden expansion of mining, the Austrian government started to show a greater concern for the forests in Istria by introducing new public administration methods. Undefined borders that ran throughout the forests in Istria led to tensions and conflicts relating to wood exploitation in Istria. The author analyses Austrian and Venetian forest registries, and other archival sources, with the purpose of comparatively outlining and clarifying the dynamics of competition in the field of forest management and exploitation in the unstable political environment of the Istrian Peninsula, as well as the effect of this economic activity on the life of the local population. Key words: Istria, wood, forests, borders, forest registry 93 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Branko Kukurin Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] ZANATSTVO U KASTAVŠTINI – TRADICIJA U SUVREMENOSTI Sažetak P ovijest organiziranog zanatstva, može se reći, počinje osnivanjem Državnom stručnom školom obrtnog risanja godine 1885. godine, u narodu zvane Delavske škole, dvije godine poslije što je u Zagrebu osnovana Obrtna škola. Već otprije vrsni kastavski zanatlije dobili su priliku školovanja u raznim zanatskim strukama što im je još više podiglo ugled na prostorima sjevernojadranskog primorja, a i šire. Dosada, mnogi tradicionalni zanati u Kastavštini su izumrli – bačvarstvo, postolarstvo, zidarstvo - ili se gase. Uzrok su tome mnogi činioci: tehnološki napredak, proizvodne orjentacije drugačijeg tipa riječkog industrijskog područja i mnogi drugi. U Gradu Kastvu prije desetak godina počela se ostvarivati inicijativa za čuvanje starih tradicionalnih zanata u autentičnim prostorima nekadašnjih delavnica, s originalnim alatima a u vlasništvu Kastavaca čiji su se preci tim zanatima bavili. Dosada je uređeno nekoliko Mićeh zavičajneh muzeji: Idičina peknjica, Vikotova bačvarija, Osojnakova kotlarija, Filetova kovačija. To nisu samo etnološko-proizvodni mali muzejski prostori, već i edukativni centri u kojima se osnovnoškolci iz Kastva, ali i iz ostalih sredina, upoznaju s tradicionalnim proizvodnim kastavskim tradicijama. Prema potrebi, u Bačvariji se može degustirati vino ili održati prezentacija izrada drvenih bačava, u Peknjici se može u staroj peći peći kruh, a u Kotlariji kuhati rakija. Tako su stari zanati u tim mićim zavičajnim muzejima sačuvani od zaborava, zavičajna je kultura dobila još nekoliko potvrda kastavskog povijesnog proizvodnog identiteta, a za kulturni turizam pokazane su autohtone kastavske vrijednosti kojima se Kastav i Kastavština mogu predstaviti kao jedna od dobro uređenih i organiziranih urbanih sredina još od svoje rane srednjovjekovne povijesti. Ključne riječi: Kastav, zanati, mići zavičajni muzeji, edukacija 94 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Branko Kukurin Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] HANDICRAFTS IN THE KASTAV REGION – TRADITION IN MODERNITY Abstract T he history of organized handicrafts, one may argue, begins with the establishment of the State Training School of Handicraft Drawing in 1885, popularly called Delavska škola (School of Crafts), two years after the Trade School in Zagreb was established. Even earlier some excellent craftsmen from Kastav had a chance to receive training in various handicraft professions, which boosted their reputation in the Northern-Adriatic littoral region and beyond. Up to the present, many handicrafts in the Kastav region such as cooperage, shoemaking and bricklaying have died out or are about to disappear. This is caused by various factors: technological advances, a different type of production orientation in the industrial area of Rijeka, and many others. Ten years ago, the City of Kastav launched an initiative that aimed to preserve old and traditional crafts in the authentic locations which used to be delavnice (workshops) equipped with original tools owned by the inhabitants of Kastav whose ancestors practiced these crafts. Up to now, a few Mići zavičajni muzeji (local ethnographic museums) have been designed and furnished: Idičina peknjica (Idica’s bakery), Vikotova bačvarija (Viko’s coopery), Osojnakova kotlarija (Osojnak’s coppersmith workshop), Filetova kovačija (File’s smithy). Besides being local ethnographic museums and workshops these are also centres for education where primary school students from Kastav and other regions can become acquainted with tradition and traditional manufacturing in the Kastav region. If needed, in Bačvarija (coppery) wine tasting or a presentation of the construction of wooden barrels can be held. In Peknjica (bakery) bread can be baked in an old stove. In Kotlarija (coppersmith workshop) distillation of rakija (brandy) can be presented. The traditional crafts on display at the local ethnographic museums are therefore preserved from oblivion. In addition, regional cultural heritage has received yet another confirmation of Kastav’s historical identity based on craft production. Cultural tourism has been enriched with the exhibition of authentic Kastav’s values which present Kastav and its region as a well-administered and organized urban area since the history of the early Middle Ages. Key words: Kastav, handicrafts, local ethnographic museums, education 95 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Sabina Lacmanović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] ULOGA SVEUČILIŠTA U REGIONALNOM RAZVOJU ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE Sažetak S vrha rada je ukazati na koje sve načine sveučilišta doprinose regionalnoj ekonomiji i društvu. U kontekstu navedenog podrobnije se objašnjava pojam regionalnog ekonomskog razvoja s posebnim naglaskom na visoko obrazovanje kao jednu od ključnih determinanti ekonomskog razvoja regije. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno na uzorku gospodarstvenika iz Istarske županije dan je pregled „jučerašnjeg” doprinosa sveučilišta regiji, a preporuke koje iz rezultata istraživanja proizlaze daju projekciju mogućeg odnosa sveučilišta i Istarske županije „sutra”. Istraživanje je bilo usmjereno na razvijenost komunikacije Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli s gospodarstvenicima regije, na percepcije gospodarstvenika o vrijednosti visokog obrazovanja, kao i na utvrđivanje interesa regionalnih gospodarstvenika za sudjelovanje u javnim raspravama (susretima znanstvenika i gospodarstvenika). Od sveučilišta se očekuje da budu sposobna odgovarati na regionalne potrebe gospodarstva i društva u cjelini. Slijedom toga u radu je dan pregled pokazatelja kojima sveučilišta mogu mjeriti svoj doprinos regiji, a ukazuje se i na potrebu objavljivanja društvene bilance. Ključne riječi: regionalni ekonomski razvoj, uloge sveučilišta, vrijednost visokog obrazovanja, društvena bilanca 96 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Sabina Lacmanović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY IN ISTRIA COUNTY REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Abstract T he purpose of the paper is to present the many ways in which universities contribute to regional economies and the society. In that context, a detailed explanation of the concept of regional economic development has been provided, with special emphasis on higher education as one of the key determinants of economic development of the region. An overview of “yesterday’s” contributions of the University to the region has been presented on the basis of a research conducted on a sample of businessmen from the county of Istria, while the recommendations resulting from the research were used to provide a projection of possible relations between the University and the County of Istria “tomorrow”. Research focused on the level of development of communication between the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula and regional businessmen, the businessmen’s views on the value of higher education, as well as their interest in taking part in public debates (meetings of scientists and businessmen). Universities are expected to be able to address regional needs of the economy and the society as a whole. In view of the above, the paper presents an overview of indicators that can help universities measure their contribution to the region, and draws attention to the need for a social balance sheet to be published. Key words: regional economic development, the roles of the university, value of higher education, social balance sheet 97 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Zoran Ladić Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] DRUŠTVO I GOSPODARSTVO POREČA U KASNOM SREDNJEM VIJEKU NA TEMELJU ANALIZE BILJEŽNIČKE KNJIGE ANTUNA DE TEODORISA Sažetak U izlaganju se razmatraju neki aspekti društveno-gospodarske povijesti porečke komune tijekom 15. st., a na temelju analize neobjavljenih bilježničkih spisa porečkog bilježnika Antuna de Teodorisa i objelodanjenog porečkog statuta iz 1363. godine. Bilježnička knjiga koju je zapisao spomenuti bilježnik prepuna je dokumenata (njih oko 250) vezanih uz davanje zemlje, vinograda, oranica, maslinika i drugog u najam (ad laborandum i drugi oblici najma), kupoprodajnih dokumenata vezanih uz prodaju kuća i zemljišta. I iz više od stotinu oporuka saznajemo niz podataka o gospodarskoj i društvenoj slici Poreča u tom razdoblju. Budući da se u ispravama spominju brojna sela i lokaliteti u distriktu porečke komune, na temelju raščlambe spomenutih isprava može se, do određene mjere, utvrditi u kojoj su mjeri pojedini djelovi distrikta bili važni za porečko gospodarstvo. Autor će također razmotriti društvenu strukturu stanovnika porečke komune, profesionalna zanimanja kojima su se bavili porečki obrtnici i drugi djelatnici, te materijalni status nekih od njih u strukturi porečkog komunalnog društva. Djelomičnom komparacijom sa drugim istočno-jadranskim komunama nastojat će se ukazati na sličnosti i razlike u gospodarskom i društvenom razvitku Poreča u odnosu na neke druge istočno-jadranske komune (Rab, Šibenik, Split) na koncu srednjeg vijeka. Ključne riječi: porečka komuna, kasni srednji vijek, bilježnički spisi, gospodarstvo i društvo 98 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Zoran Ladić Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] THE ECONOMY AND SOCIETY OF POREČ IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES ON THE BASIS OF AN ANALYSIS OF THE NOTARY JOURNAL BY ANTUN DE TEODORIS Abstract T he presentation considers various aspects of social and economic history of the Poreč commune during the 15th century on the basis of an analysis of unpublished notarial documents by the Poreč notary Antun de Teodoris and the publicly available Poreč Statute from 1363. The notarial journal written by the aforementioned notary contains numerous documents (about 250) relating to leases of land, vineyards, arable land, olive groves and other (ad laborandum and other types of leases), sales and purchase documents relating to sales of houses and land. We can also learn much information about the economic and social situation in Poreč in that period from more than a hundred last will and testaments. Since the documents mention many villages and localities in the district of the commune of Poreč, on the basis of an analysis of these documents it is possible to determine, to a degree, how important certain parts of the district were for the economy of Poreč. The author will also examine the social structure of the population of the commune of Poreč, the trades of the craftsmen of Poreč and other workers and employees, and the material status of some of them in the structure of the communal society of Poreč. A partial comparison to other Eastern Adriatic communes will be carried out in an attempt to point to similarities and differences in the economic and social development of Poreč in relation to some other Eastern Adriatic communes (Rab, Šibenik, Split) at the end of the medieval period. Key words: the commune of Poreč, the Late Middle Ages, notarial documents, the economy and society 99 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Hana Lencović Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] ANALIZA PREDSTAVLJANJA ISTARSKIH REGIJA NA TURISTIČKIM PORTALIMA – SEMIOTIČKI I SOCIOLOŠKI ASPEKTI Sažetak P osebno važnom gospodarskom granom Hrvatske pa tako i Istre smatra se turizam. Internet je pak stvorio virtualno i globalno tržište oslobođeno granica vremena i prostora te je postao sastavnim elementom turističke promocije. U radu i izlaganju izložit će se rezultati istraživanja turističkih portala sedam regija Istre. Iznijet će se zaključci koda i poruke u semiotičkom smislu te općeniti dojam o slikama regija koje se odašilju u svijet. Govorit će se o zajedničkim elementima, istupanjima i različitostima. Cilj rada je ukazati na temelje na kojima počiva internetska promocija istarskoga turizma, na poruke o prirodnim, kulturnim i drugim resursima Istre koji se nastoje istaknuti te općenitom dojmu o Istri kao turističkoj regiji. Ključne riječi: Istra, turizam, turistički portali, semiotika, poruka 100 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Hana Lencović Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] AN ANALYSIS OF THE REPRESENTATION OF ISTRIAN REGIONS ON THE TOURISM PORTALS – SEMIOTIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Abstract T ourism is considered to be an extremely important economic branch in Croatia, and therefore also in Istria. By creating a virtual and global market without temporal and spatial boundaries the Internet has became a constituent part of the tourist promotion. This paper will present the research results obtained from a survey of tourism portals of the seven Istrian regions. It will present conclusions about the code and the message from the perspective of semiotics and an overall impression about the images of the regions transmitted to the world. The common elements, appearances and differences will be discussed. The paper aims to identify the foundations on which the Istrian tourism promotion through the Internet is based, messages that highlight natural, cultural and other Istrian resources, and an overall impression about Istria as a tourist region. Key words: Istria, tourism, tourism portals, semiotics, message 101 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Marino Martinčević Vrsar [email protected] UZGOJ VINOVE LOZE I PROIZVODNJA VINA NA POSJEDU BENEDIKTINSKOGA SAMOSTANA SV. IVANA KRSTITELJA U DAJLI Sažetak P oljoprivredna proizvodnja, kao djelatnost koja osigurava egzistenciju najvećem broju stanovnika Istre u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća, je najvažnija gospodarska grana Pokrajine. Uzgoj maslina i vinove loze, u manjoj mjeri žitarica, stvara viškove proizvoda koji omogućuju ulaganja u modernizaciju proizvodnje. Nositelj modernizacije agrarne proizvodnje u Istri u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća je veleposjed, koji jedini raspolaže značajnim sredstvima koje može uložiti u moderne tehnike poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Benediktinski samostan sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Dajli je jedan od najvećih crkvenih veleposjednika u Istri. Na 587 ha redovnici uzgajaju pšenicu, vinovu lozu i maslinu. Proizvodnja i prodaja tih poljoprivrednih proizvoda čini ekonomsku osnovicu samostana. Čini se da je upravo uzgoj vinove loze i proizvodnja vina imala najveću ulogu u samostanskome gospodarstvu u razdoblju od 1867. do 1897. godine. Analizom prinosa vinove loze utvrdili smo da početkom 80. – tih godina proizvodnja, uslijed pojave bolesti vinove loze i nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta opada, dok u posljednjoj dekadi 19. stoljeća, kao posljedica uvođenja modernih tehnika u uzgoju vinove loze i proizvodnji dolazi do povećanja proizvodnje. Ključne riječi: Modernizacija agrarne proizvodnje, proizvodnja vina, moderne tehnike, vinogradarstvu, crkveni veleposjed 102 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Marino Martinčević Vrsar [email protected] VINE CULTIVATION AND WINEMAKING AT THE ESTATE OF THE BENEDICTINE MONASTERY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST IN DAJLA Abstract A gricultural production, the activity that supported the majority of the population of Istria in the second half of the 19th century, is the most important economic activity of the Region. Olive and grape vine cultivation, and, to a lesser degree, grain production, created surplus product, and this facilitated investments in modernization of production. Large estates were the primary drivers of modernization in the field of agrarian production in Istria in the second half of the 19th century as the only estates with significant resources at their disposal that they were able to invest into modern agricultural production techniques. The Benedictine monastery of St. John the Baptist in Dajla is one of the largest Church landowners in Istria. On 587 hectares, the monks grow wheat, vine grapes and olives. Producing and selling these agricultural products forms the basis of the economy of the monastery. It seems that grape vine cultivation and winemaking had played the most important role in the economy of the monastery in the period from 1867 to 1897. On the basis of a grape yield analysis, we established that the production declined in the early 1880s due to grape disease and unfavourable weather, and then increased in the last decade of the 19th century owing to the introduction of modern grape cultivation and production techniques. Key words: modernisation of agrarian production, winemaking, modern techniques, wine-growing, large Church-owned estate 103 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Biagio Mannino Circolo Istria [email protected] L’ECONOMIA: STRUMENTO PER ELIMINARE IL PESO DEI CONFINI PSICOLOGICI Riassunto N ell’epoca post muro di Berlino l’Europa ed il sistema globale hanno iniziato un percorso di modifica delle proprie strutture sociali, politiche, economiche. Alla caduta dei confini materiali spesso però non vi è stata una corrispondenza con un’analoga caduta di quelli psicologici. Per anni i popoli, in nome di ideologie contrapposte, sono stati divisi nella quotidianità della vita dei singoli cittadini. L’Istria è una realtà che ha vissuto fortemente questo fenomeno e, si può dire, rappresenta una traslazione dell’Unione Europea: lingue, dialetti, tradizioni diverse si uniscono alla storia fatta molto spesso di eventi belligeranti. In un periodo in cui vi è un cambiamento, le esigenze dei popoli possono non coincidere con quelle dei governi ma, in una situazione di crisi economica globale, la necessità impone una collaborazione che può portare alla riconciliazione dei popoli di confine. L’Istria rappresenta uno straordinario laboratorio economico da osservare con attenzione. Parole chiave: Istria, economia, confini, Berlino, Europa, popoli 104 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Biagio Mannino Culture Club Istria [email protected] THE ECONOMY: AN INSTRUMENT OF ELIMINATING THE WEIGHT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL BOUNDARIES Abstract D uring the time after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Europe and the overall global system embarked upon the course of modification of their own social, political and economic structures. After the fall of material boundaries however, there was no corresponding analogous fall of the relevant psychological boundaries. In the name of contrasting ideologies, for years the nations have been divided in everyday reality of their life as individual citizens. Istria is a reality with an intense experience of this phenomenon, and we may say, that it is a translation of the European Union: languages, dialects, different traditions unified in the history frequently composed of belligerent events. In the time when changes are taking places, the needs of the nations may not coincide with those of their governments, but in a situation of global economic crisis, the necessity imposes a collaboration that may lead to the reconciliation between neighbouring peoples. Istria represents an extraordinary economic laboratory to be observed with attention. Key words: Istria, economy, boundaries, Berlin, Europe, nations 105 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Romea Manojlović Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu [email protected] UVOĐENJE STRATEŠKOG PLANIRANJA U ISTARSKE JEDINICE LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE Sažetak Z adatak jedinica lokalne samouprave je i poticanje ekonomskog razvoja svoga područja. Lokalne jedinice mogu ovu ulogu kvalitetnije ispuniti ako je njihovo vlastito djelovanje učinkovito. Jedno od sredstava koje se koristi za osiguranje boljeg rada lokalnih jedinica je i strateško planiranje, koje lokalnoj jedinici omogućuje da izabere, usmjeri se na ostvarenje i upozna sve zainteresirane sa dugoročnim ciljevima te jedinice, među kojima se može naći, a često se i nalazi, i gospodarski razvoj. Osim toga, strateško planiranje je povezano sa mjerenjem učinka rada samih lokalnih jedinica, a lokalni strateški planovi mogu pomoći i poduzetnicima prilikom odabira njihovih poslovnih projekata. U radu se provodi istraživanje da li su i u kojoj mjeri istarske lokalne jedinice usvojile strateško planiranje. Kao kriterij za ocjenu uzima se postojanje objavljenih strateških dokumenata i njihov sadržaj. Istraživanje se provodi na osnovi dokumenata dostupnih na službenim internetskim stranicama lokalnih jedinica u Istri, budući je pretpostavka da ovakvi dokumenti mogu polučiti traženi učinak samo ako su javno objavljeni i dostupni. Ključne riječi: Jedinice lokalne samouprave, strateško planiranje, lokalni strateški planovi, mjerenje učinka 106 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Romea Manojlović Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb [email protected] INTRODUCING STRATEGIC PLANNING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS IN ISTRIA Abstract O ne of the tasks of local government units is to promote economic development of their respective areas. Local units can achieve better results in this role if their own performance is efficient. Strategic planning is one of the instruments that can be used to ensure better performance of local units as it enables them to set long-term goals that may, and often do, include economic development, to orient towards achieving these goals and to present their goals to all interested parties. Furthermore, strategic planning is also linked to performance measurement in the local units themselves, while local strategic plans can help businessmen when deciding on their business projects as well. The paper examines whether local government units in Istria have implemented strategic planning and to what degree. The presence and the contents of published strategic documents were used as the evaluation criterion. Research was conducted on the basis of documents available on official websites of local government units in Istria in line with the presupposition that such documents can only have the desired effect if published and available to the public. Key words: local government units, strategic planning, local strategic plans, performance measurement 107 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mara Manente Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] TURISMO COME OPPORTUNITÀ ECONOMICA PER L’AREA NORD ADRIATICA Riassunto I l Nord-Adriatico rappresenta una delle aree più rilevanti e dinamiche per l’economia turistica europea, ed ha peraltro conosciuto performance molto positive soprattutto grazie alle tipologie di turismo maggiormente legate al territorio e alle sue tipicità, nonché alle componenti culturali diffuse, che in molti casi hanno consentito l’arricchimento dei prodotti già maturi e la tenuta di molte destinazioni. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, sono cambiati profondamente i rapporti tra le destinazioni: la concorrenza si gioca a tutto campo, anche in relazione alle dinamiche dello scenario economico e all’evoluzione dei prezzi, e in questo contesto gli elementi distintivi della cultura e dell’identità locali vanno giocati fino in fondo. Diventa dunque imprescindibile lavorare per un modello di turismo che punti sull’integrazione tra risorse e territori ai vari livelli di sviluppo turistico. In questa direzione, l’applicazione del concetto di sostenibilità si concretizza nella salvaguardia e valorizzazione del “paesaggio” come elemento unificante dei vari elementi, ambientali, culturali, economici, sociali, che costituiscono l’identità di un luogo, nel perseguimento della qualità della vita per residenti e clienti. E’ importante, in tal senso, che la funzione turistica venga reinterpretata come opportunità per la creazione di relazioni mirate con il resto del territorio e con le altre varie attività produttive. Parole chiave: economia turistica, competitività delle destinazioni, sostenibilità, paesaggio culturale 108 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mara Manente Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] TOURISM AS AN ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NORTH ADRIATIC AREA Abstract T he North Adriatic is one of the most important and dynamic areas of the European touristic economy, and it had seen the most positive performances especially owing to the types of tourism related with the territory and its characteristics, as well as the cultural components involved, which in many cases have made possible the improvement of the already developed products and holding of many destinations. In recent years, however, the relations between the destinations have deeply changed: the competition is fierce, also in relation to the dynamics of the economic scenario and the price evolution, and in such a context the distinctive cultural elements and the local identity have to be exploited to the end. It becomes therefore imperative to work out a tourism model aiming at an integration of the resources and territories at various levels of touristic development. In such direction, the application of the concept of the sustainability will be realized in safeguarding and valorization of the “scenery” as the unifying element of the various environmental, cultural, economic and social factors, constituting the identity of the place, in the pursuit of the quality of life for residents and clients alike. It is important, in this sense, to re-interpret the touristic function as an opportunity to create the desired relations with the remaining territory and with various other production activities. Key words: touristic economy, competition between destinations, sustainability, cultural scenery 109 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Ines Matić Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] ODREDBE O OSIGURANJU TRAŽBINA U SREDNJOVJEKOVNIM STATUTIMA ISTARSKIH GRADOVA I OPĆINA Sažetak G ospodarstvo Istre doživjelo je veliki napredak osnivanjem kolonija Tergeste, Pola i Parentium te je čitavo vrijeme bilo pod neprekinutim utjecajem rimske pravne misli, koji se nastavio i u srednjem vijeku. U razmatranju svakog gospodarstva nezaobilazna je uloga kredita i kamata, a samim time i instrumenata kojima se osigurava namirenje tih tražbina. Upravo su instrumenti osiguranja ti koji su omogućavali da se pokrene gospodarski promet. O značaju ove tematike za gospodarstvo Istre svjedoče srednjovjekovni statuti istarskih gradova i općina u kojima je znatan dio teksta posvećen upravo založnom pravu kao metodi osiguranja naplate potraživanja, razlikujući pritom ručni zalog i hipoteku. Kroz rad se komparativno analiziraju neki od srednjovjekovnih statuta te rješenja koja donose u segmentu založnog prava. Najstariji tip zaloga nalazimo u Statutu Poreča, a slične odredbe i u statutima Pule, Rovinja i Grožnjana. Statut Umaga čak propisuje i detaljnije odredbe glede kamata uz zalog te plodouživanja i korištenja založene stvari. Navedene odredbe, koje zabranjuju antihrezu, posebno su interesantne zbog oprečnosti u reguliranju s obzirom na statute dalmatinskih gradova kao i mogućnost primjene ovog rješenja u pozitivnom pravu kao sredstva aktiviranja ekonomske vrijednosti imovine. Ključne riječi: zalog, hipoteka, antihreza, rimsko pravo, statuti 110 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Ines Matić Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SECURITY INTERESTS IN MEDIEVAL STATUTES OF ISTRIAN TOWNS AND COMMUNES Abstract T he founding of colonies in Tergeste, Pola and Parentium resulted in significant economic development in Istria, and the economy remained under uninterrupted influence of Roman legal thought well into the Middle Ages. Any consideration of the economy must necessarily take account of the role of credits and interests, and thus also of the instruments used to secure the performance of obligations. These security instruments were the factor that made it possible to set the economy in motion in the first place. Medieval statutes of Istrian towns and communities testify to the importance of this subjectmatter in the economy of Istria, with large parts of the texts dedicated to the law of pledge as the method of securing the payment of claims, including a distinction between pignus and hypothec. The paper presents a comparative analysis of various medieval statues and solutions presented therein pertaining to the law of pledge. The oldest type of pledge can be found in the Statute of Poreč, and similar provisions are also found in the statutes of Pula, Rovinj and Grožnjan. The Statute of Umag sets forth even more detailed provisions on interests in case of an accompanying pledge, as well as the right to reap the fruits of or use the object of a pledge. The aforementioned provisions, prohibiting antichresis, are especially interesting due to regulatory divergences in comparison to the statutes of Dalmatian towns, as well as due to the possibility to apply the solution prescribed in these provisions within substantive law as a means to activate the economic value of assets. Key words: pledge, hypothec, antichresis, Roman law, Statutes 111 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Robert Matijašić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] HISTORIA EST MAGISTRA VITAE ILI KAKO MOŽE POVIJEST ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA BITI KORISNA ZA BUDUĆI RAZVOJ? Sažetak C iceronova krilatica da je «povijest učiteljica života» dio je složenije rečenice latinskog govornika i političara, da je povijest svjedokinja vremena, svjetlost istine, živo pamćenje, učiteljica života i glasnica starine. Nije u njegovoj rečenici težište bilo na povijesti kao učiteljici života, ali zaista, možemo li od povijesti samo učiti o onome što je bilo, ili možemo nešto i naučiti kako bismo iskustveno to iskoristili danas, odnosno sutra? Povijest gospodarstva je povijesna disciplina koja u svom djelovanju koristi i saznanja o ekonomiji, ali pitanje je koliko nam prošlost može pomoći u osmišljavanju budućnosti. Povijesni razvoj istarskog gospodarstva, od prapovijesnih vremena do danas, kako ga proučava povijesna znanost, dosta je dobro poznat, barem u osnovnim crtama, u svim povijesnim razdobljima. U letimičnom pregledu možemo prepoznati vezu između gospodarstva i zemljopisnog položaja i značajki poluotoka, jer one utječu kako na poljoprivrednu djelatnost tako i na neke industrijske grane, odnosno na promet i komunikacije. Unatoč društvenim i političkim previranjima, unatoč promjenama suvereniteta nad Istrom, unatoč promjenama društvenog sustava, istarsko gospodarstvo pokazuje određeni kontinuitet, iako ne i ravnomjerni gospodarski intenzitet. Čak ni promjene stanovništva, useljavanje i iseljavanje, nisu remetile neke konstante. A one su: važnost poljodjelstva na kopnu i ribarstva na moru, slaba prometna povezanost kopnom, korištenje rudnih resursa. Naravno, neke su djelatnosti bile izrazitije u samo nekim razdobljima (npr. maslinarstvo i kamenarstvo u rimsko doba, korištenje šumske drvne građe u novom vijeku, uslužne djelatnosti u 20. stoljeću), pa će se podrobno razmotriti svako razoblje u glavnim crtama koje karakteriziraju gospodarstvo toga doba. Ključne riječi: Istra, gospodarstvo, povijest, razvoj, Ciceron 112 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Robert Matijašić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] HISTORIA EST MAGISTRA VITAE, OR HOW CAN HISTORY OF ISTRIAN ECONOMY BE OF USE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT? Abstract C icero’s maxim that «history is the teacher of life» is part of a more elaborate sentence by the Latin orator and politician, that history is the witness of times, the light of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life, and the herald of antiquity. His maxim does not put emphasis on history as the teacher of life; but, actually, can we learn only about the things that were from history, or can we also learn something that would allow us to use it experientially today, that is tomorrow? History of the economy is a historical discipline that uses insights about the economy in its area of study as well, but the question is how history can help us work out the future. Historical development of Istrian economy, from pre-historical times to the present, as studied by historical science, is rather well-know, at least in general outline, in all historical periods. At a glance, we are able to discern the connection between the economy and the geographical position and features of the peninsula as they affect both the agricultural production and some industrial sectors, i.e. transport and communications. Notwithstanding social and political upheavals, notwithstanding the changes in sovereignty over Istria, notwithstanding the changes in the social system, the economy of Istria shows certain continuity, but not a constant economic intensity. Even population change, immigration and emigration, did not affect particular constants. And these are: importance of agriculture on land and fisheries on sea, poor communications with the mainland in terms of traffic infrastructure, exploitation of mineral resources. Naturally, some activities were more pronounced only in certain periods (e.g. olive growing and stonemasonry in Roman times, forest exploitation for timber in the modern period, service sector in the 20th century); therefore, each period will be exhaustively considered in a general outline characteristic of the economy of that time. Key words: Istria, the economy, history, development, Cicero 113 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mariza Menger Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] Dana Dobrić Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] ISTARSKI GRADOVI KAO LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVNE JEDINICE I NJIHOVO ZNAČENJE ZA GOSPODARSTVO ISTRE Sažetak N a području Istarske županije, od osamostaljenja Republike Hrvatske do danas zamjetno je povećanje broja gradova. Naime, 1992. godine Istarska je županija imala šest gradova da bi danas na njezinom teritoriju bilo deset gradova. Više je kriterija temeljem kojih se nekom naselju ili skupini naselja priznaje status grada. Prema Zakonu o lokalnoj i područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi osnovni kriterij je populacijski, prema kojem će određeno mjesto dobiti status grada ako ima najmanje 10.000 stanovnika. Drugi kriterij je administrativni prema kojemu će status grada dobiti svako mjesto koje je sjedište županije. Treći kriterij bi prema Zakonu trebao biti iznimka, odnosno nekom će se mjestu priznati status grada kada za to postoje posebni razlozi (povijesni, gospodarski, geoprometni). U radu se daje pregled kriterija temeljem kojih je svaki od gradova Istarske županije dobio status grada. Također, gradove se međusobno može razlikovati prema veličinskim ali i drugim kategorijama. Najćešće se radi o podjeli na male, srednje i velike gradove prema kojoj su svi istarski gradovi male i srednje veličine. Oni su nositelji s jedne strane gospodarskog razvoja ali i demokratskog života u pravom smislu te riječi. Ključne riječi: Istra, gradovi, urbanizacija, lokalna samouprava 114 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mariza Menger Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] Dana Dobrić Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka [email protected] ISTRIAN TOWNS AS LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS AND THEIR RELEVANCE FOR THE ISTRIAN ECONOMY Abstract S ince the time when the Republic of Croatia gained its independence until nowadays Istria County has seen a significant increase in the number of cities. Namely, in 1992 Istria County had only six cities, while nowadays there are ten cities on its territory. There are several criteria by which a place or a number of places can be granted city status. According to the Local and Regional Government Act the main criterion is the population size. A certain place will be granted city status if it has at least 10,000 inhabitants. The second criterion is administrative. According to this criterion every place, which is the centre of the county, will be granted city status. The third criterion is, by the above mentioned Act, supposed to be an exception. A place will be granted city status when there are special reasons for that (historical, economic, geo-traffic). This paper gives an outline of the criteria by which each of the cities in Istria County has been granted city status. Moreover, the cities can be differentiated according to their size but also according to other categories. The most common classification divides cities into small, medium-sized and big. According to this classification all towns in Istria are small and medium-sized. On one side they are the engines of economic development and on the other they are the pillars of democracy in the true sense of the word. Key words: Istria, cities, urbanization, local government 115 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Patrizia Milani Vibrobeton Pula [email protected] PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE D’ISTRIA IN EUROPA: PROSPETTIVE INDUSTRIALI E DI PRODUZIONE, COME ACCEDERE ALLA SFIDA DELLA COMPETITIVITA’ Riassunto L e piccole e medie imprese (PMI) rappresentano il tessuto connettivo dell’economia europea ma rappresentano anche il cuore dell’economia regionale e nazionale. Il presente studio contiene una descrizione e una valutazione delle principali politiche e dei programmi di finanziamento che sono stati attivati a livello regionale e nazionale con la finalità di sostenere la competitività delle PMI. In particolare, la prima parte dello studio descrive l’importanza economica delle PMI, i fondamenti dell’intervento pubblico per il sostegno alla competitività delle piccole e medie imprese e le peculiarità della nostra regione nel contesto europeo. Le PMI sono uno dei motori con cui si creano e si diffondono l’innovazione e la conoscenza. In alcuni settori, specialmente in quello informatico e biotecnologico, il contributo delle PMI alla creazione di nuovi prodotti e processi, dunque produzione e industrializzazione, o al miglioramento di quelli esistenti, è molto importante. L’accesso alla sfida della competitivita’ per le imprese istriane viene esaminato attraverso questo studio, analizzando i programmi di finanziamento nazionali e europei, con un particolare accento sull’efficienza e stabilita’ dello sviluppo nei settori di produzione. Parole chiave: Piccole e medie imprese, economia europea, competitivita, innovazione, produzione, informazione, programmi di finanziamento 116 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Patrizia Milani Vibrobeton Pula [email protected] SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES OF ISTRIA IN EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION PROSPECTIVES, HOW TO APPROACH THE CHALLENGE OF COMPETITIVENESS Abstract T he small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the connective tissue of the European economy but they are also the core of the regional and national economy. The present study contains a description and an evaluation of the principal policies and financial programmes activated at the regional and national levels with the objective to support the competitiveness of the SMEs. In particular, the first part of the study describes the economic importance of the SMEs, the foundations of the public intervention in support of the competitiveness of the small and mediumsized enterprises and the peculiarities of our region with the European context. The SMEs are one of the engines that serve to generate and diffuse an innovation and knowledge. In some sectors, especially the information technology and bio-technology sectors, the contribution of SMEs to the creation of new products and processes, hence to the production and industrialization, or the improvement of the existing ones, is very important. The modality of addressing the challenge of competitiveness of Istrian enterprises is examined in this study, analyzing the national and European financing programmes, focusing in particular on the development efficiency and stability of the production sectors. Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises, European economy, competitiveness, innovation, production, information, financing programmes 117 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Nela Načinović Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula [email protected] GRADSKA KNJIŽNICA I ČITAONICA PULA U SLUŽBI GOSPODARSTVA ISTRE Sažetak N ajveća županijska knjižnica - Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula u svojoj osnovnoj knjižničnoj djelatnosti posebnu pozornost pridaje važnosti nabave i stručne obrade knjižnične građe kojom kroz sve svoje vrijeme djelovanja uspijeva zadovoljiti potrebe gospodarstva za određenim stručnim, znanstvenim i praktičnim informacijama. Na općeznanstvenom odjelu Knjižnice smještene su knjige namijenjene gospodarskoj problematici: ekonomija općenito, ekonomija i organizacija rada, regionalna ekonomija, organizacijsko-kooperacijski oblici ekonomije, financije, ekonomska strategija, međunarodni ekonomski odnosi, ekonomsko pravo. Redovito se nabavljaju mjesečnici, tjednici i dnevne novine iz kojih je razvidna aktualna gospodarska situacija. Povijesna gospodarska problematika može se istraživati i na odjelu zavičajne zbirke Knjižnice. U sklopu programskih aktivnosti održavaju se predavanja i prezentacije iz gospodarske problematike za građanstvo – pri čemu će se predstaviti pregled važnijih predavanja iz marketinga, menadžmenta, gospodarske povijesti, financija itd. Knjižnica prepoznaje potrebe građanstva i poslovnih subjekata za dopunskim informiranjem i educiranjem iz gospodarstva. Stoga u svoj plan aktivnosti uključuje i navedenu problematiku. Ključne riječi: Knjižnica, knjiga, Pula, Istra, gospodarstvo, informacija 118 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Nela Načinović The Pula City Library and Reading Room [email protected] THE PULA CITY LIBRARY AND READING ROOM IN THE SERVICE OF THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA Abstract T he largest county library - the Pula City Library and Reading Room - gives special attention, as part of its core activities in the field of librarianship, to procurement and professional processing of library materials with which it has successfully satisfied the needs of the economic sector for expert, scientific and practical information since it its establishment. The general science collection of the Library holds titles dedicated to economics: economics in general, the economy and organisation of work, regional economy, organisational and co-operative economics, finances, economic strategy, international economic relations, economic law. Monthly and weekly magazines as well as daily papers are regularly acquired, providing insight into the current economic situation. The local history collection of the Library offers the possibility to study economic history topics. The programme of activities includes lectures and presentations in the field of economics intended for the general public - in this respect, an overview of the more relevant lectures on marketing, management, economic history, finance etc. will be presented. The library has recognized the needs of the general public and business entities for additional information and education in the field of economics. It is for this reason that the library included the above mentioned subject matter into its plan of activities. Key words: library, book, Pula, Istria, the economy, information 119 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Milan Oplanić Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč [email protected] IZRAVNA PRODAJA POLJOPRIVREDNIH PROIZVODA PUTEM INTERNETA Sažetak Z adnjih desetljeća raste zanimanje za izravnu prodaju kao odgovor na globalizaciju tržišta i industrijski karakter proizvodnje poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Istraživanja pokazuju da se putem izravne prodaje mogu uspostaviti kvalitetniji poslovni odnosi između proizvođača i kupaca poljoprivrednih proizvoda, viša razina povjerenja. Izravnu prodaju svojih proizvoda u Austriji vrši 75% seljačkih gospodarstava. Najviše su uključena vinarska gospodarstva (77%), voćarska i povrćarska (60%), te nešto manje govedarska gospodarstva (34%). Koristeći interaktivnu web aplikaciju poljoprivrednici imaju mogućnost svakodnevno promovirati (tekstualno, foto i video), nuditi i prodavati svoje proizvode na domaćem tržištu koje je zasićeno uvoznim proizvodima, kod kojih je često upitno porijeklo, način proizvodnje i kvaliteta. Mogućnost uključivanja u sustav izravne prodaje u najvećoj mjeri imaju gospodarstva koja se bave proizvodnjom grožđa i vina, maslinovog ulja, povrća, voća, meda, sira, ekoloških proizvoda. Upravo su te proizvodnje najrazvijenije na području Istarske županije, kako u pogledu količina proizvodnje tako i s aspekta kvalitete proizvoda. Ključne riječi: poljoprivreda, izravna prodaja, internet, web aplikacija 120 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Milan Oplanić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč [email protected] DIRECT MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS VIA THE INTERNET Abstract R ecent decades have seen a growing interest in direct marketing as a reaction to market globalisation and agricultural production industrialization. Research has shown that direct marketing can improve the quality of business relations between the producers and the buyers of agricultural products as well as increase the level of mutual trust. In Austria, 75% of farms sell their products directly. Wine-growers (77%) and fruit and vegetable growers (60%) are well represented in the area of direct marketing, while cattle-breeding farms are somewhat less (34%) well represented. Interactive web applications make it possible for the farmers to promote (by means of text, photographs and video), offer and sell their products on a daily basis on a domestic market flooded with imported products that are often characterised by questionable origin, production method and quality. The farms that produce grapes and wine, olive oil, vegetables, fruit, honey, cheese and ecological products have the greatest possibility to take part in the direct marketing system. These are also the best developed segments of agricultural production in the territory of the County of Istria, in terms of quantity as well as quality of the products. Key words: agriculture, direct marketing, Internet, web application 121 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Elvis Orbanić Državni arhiv u Pazinu [email protected] GOSPODARSKE PRILIKE U PAZINSKOJ KNEŽIJI PREMA DE BUSETOVOJ VIZITACIJI IZ 1788. GODINE Sažetak I gnacije Kajetan Buzetski (de Buset), doktor svetog bogoslovlja, prepozit Pazina, apostolski protonotar, carsko-kraljevski vikar nekadašnje Porečke biskupije u austrijskom dijelu Istre, titularni kanonik i kapitularni vikar Pićanske biskupije, sukladno dobivenom dopuštenju carsko - kraljevske vlade Unutarnje Austrije obavio je pastoralnu vizitaciju prostora što je nekoć pripadao Porečkoj biskupiji u austrijskom dijelu Istre te prostora Pićanske biskupije u razdoblju od 31. ožujka 1788. godine do 31. kolovoza 1788. godine. Rukopis obiluje vrijednim podatcima iz života Crkve, a poglavito je bitno vrelo za Pićansku biskupiju obzirom da je riječ o jedinoj sačuvanoj vizitaciji tog prostora u njezinoj milenijskoj prošlosti. Osim praćenja vjerske živosti, što je primarna zadaća svakog vizitacijskog pohoda, ovaj dokument posljedično reflektira i pojedine društvene te neke gospodarske sastavnice središnje Istre s kraja 18. stoljeća. U referatu bit će dan naglasak na raščlambi potonjih podataka uz komparaciju s drugim odabranim arhivskim vrelima te historiografskim rezultatima. Ključne riječi: De Buset, 1788, Pazinska knežija, vizitacija, gospodarstvo 122 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Elvis Orbanić State Archives Pazinu [email protected] ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN THE COUNTY OF PAZIN ACCORDING TO THE VISITATION BY DE BUSET IN 1788 Abstract I gnatius Cajetanus von Buset (de Buset), Doctor of Sacred Theology, the provost of Pazin, pronotary apostolic, the imperial and royal vicar of the former Diocese of Poreč in the Austrian part of Istria, titular canon and vicar capitular of the Diocese of Pićan, having obtained permission of the imperial and royal government of Inner Austria, made a pastoral visitation to the area that had once belonged to the Diocese of Poreč in the Austrian part of Istria as well as the area of the Diocese of Pićan in the period from 31 March 1788 to 31 August 1788. The manuscript contains an abundance of valuable evidence on the life of the Church, and is an especially significant source of information relating to the Diocese of Pićan as the only preserved visitation to the region in its millennial history. In addition to insights into the vitality of religion, as the primary mission of any visitation, this document consequently also reflects specific social and various economic elements present in central Istria in the late 18th century. The paper will focus on an analysis of the aforementioned information, with a comparison to other selected archival sources and historiography results. Key words: De Buset, 1788, County of Pazin, visitation, the economy 123 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Ivona Orlić Etnografski muzej Istre [email protected] Duga Mavrinac Etnografski muzej Istre [email protected] ZBIRKA GOSPODARSTVO ETNOGRAFSKOG MUZEJA ISTRE JUČER, DANAS I SUTRA Sažetak T eorijsku podlogu za ovaj rad bazirale smo na tri paradigme ekonomske antropologije (formalističku, substantivističku i kulturalističku) koje terminološki objašnjavaju pojmove i pojave: gospodarstvo, poduzetništvo, poljodjelstvo i sl., u ekonomskoj antropologiji. S druge strane kao djelatnice muzeja pokušale smo navedenu teoriju ispreplesti s muzejskom problematikom sakupljanja predmeta i analizom zbirke Gospodarstvo u prošlosti, sadašnjosti te dati naznake za budućnost. Željele smo ukazati i naglasiti da su predmeti poveznica između društvene i ekonomske strukture, sa pojedincem u sredini. Međutim, kako bismo mogli primijeniti gore navedene teorije i razraditi naznačene teme moramo prvenstveno analizirati zbirku Gospodarstvo strukturirajući predmete prema godinama provenijencije, te analizirajući opise prijašnjih etnologa koji su odlazili ne terene i obavljali otkupe. Također propitkivat ćemo na koji način možemo nadopuniti i osuvremeniti zbirku u skladu sa suvremenim stremljenjima ekonomije Istre i na taj način, nadamo se, doprinijeti i temi skupa Komparacija tradicijskih i suvremenih gospodarskih djelatnosti u Istri i okruženju. Ključne riječi: gospodarstvo, zbirka, materijalna kultura, muzej, Istra 124 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Ivona Orlić Ethnographic Museum of Istria [email protected] Duga Mavrinac Ethnographic Museum of Istria [email protected] THE ECONOMY COLLECTION OF THE ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM OF ISTRIA YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Abstract W e have based our paper on a theoretical framework formed by three economic anthropology paradigms (formalist, substantivist and culturalist) that provide terminological explanations for the concepts and phenomena of the economy, entrepreneurship, agriculture and similar, within the field of economic anthropology. On the other hand, as museum employees, we have endeavoured to intertwine the aforementioned theory with item collection as a topic pertaining to museum activities as well as an analysis of the Economy collection in the past and in the present, and to provide some suggestions for the future. We also wanted to demonstrate and emphasize that objects represented a link between the social and the economic structure, with the individual in the middle. However, to be able to apply the above mentioned theories and elaborate the proposed topics, we had to start with an analysis of the The Economy collection, by sorting the items by year of provenance, and analysing the descriptions by ethnologists who had performed field research in the past and who had acquired the items. We will also examine the possibilities to expand and update the collection in line with modern trends within the economy in Istria and thus, hopefully, contribute to the conference topic Comparison of traditional and modern economic activities in Istria and its surroundings. Key words: the economy, collection, material culture, museum, Istria 125 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Walter Panciera Università degli Studi di Padova [email protected] L’ATTIVITÀ PORTUALE NELLA CITTÀ ISTRIANE DEL XVIII SECOLO Riassunto L e città costiere istriane governate dai Rettori veneziani, in particolare Rovigno e Parenzo, assunsero nel XVIII secolo la funzione di punto di accesso per i traffici mercantili da e verso Venezia. Qui venivano imbarcati i piloti in grado di condurre ogni tipo di bastimento verso Malamocco e dentro la laguna veneziana. Anche i vascelli provenienti dal Levante, dalla Spagna, dal Portogallo o dall’Inghilterra vi facevano tappa obbligatoria. Per questo motivo, i capitani formulavano sovente nelle cancellerie istriane, con l’intervento delle autorità sanitarie e governative, le loro “prove di fortuna” ovvero le dichiarazioni giurate per quanto riguarda le avarie o i danni al carico subiti nelle settimane e a volte nei mesi di navigazione. I porti istriani costituivano inoltre il ricetto privilegiato in caso di pericolo per i bastimenti, tromentati fin troppo spesso dalle perturbazioni metereologiche dell’alto adriatico, e in caso di naufragio. Infine, marinai, navi e merci dell’Istria e del Quarnaro contribuivano in modo decisivo alle cospicue correnti di traffico dell’intera area Adriatica, secondo una vocazione marittimo – commerciale allora prevalente rispetto all’intera regione. Parole chiave: XVIII secolo, attività portuali, commercio, navigazione 126 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Walter Panciera University of Padova [email protected] HARBOUR ACTIVITIES IN ISTRIAN TOWNS OF THE 18TH CENTURY Abstract T he coastal towns of Istria governed by the Venetian Rectors, in particular Rovigno and Parenzo, assumed in the 18th century the function of access point for the mercantile traffic from and to Venice. Here were embarked the pilots which were able to conduct any kind of the ship towards Malamocco and into the Venetian lagoon. Also the vessels coming from the Levant, from the Spain, Portugal or England made here an obligatory stop. For this reason, the captains frequently formulated in Istrian chancelleries, with the intervention of the sanitary and government authorities, their “tests of fortune” that is the sworn statements regarding accidents or damages to cargo suffered during weeks and sometimes over the months of navigation. The Istrian ports constituted the privileged shelter in case of danger for the ships tormented much too often by meteorological perturbations of the North Adriatic, and in case of shipwreck. After all, the seamen, ships and goods of Istria and Quarnaro contributed decisively to the conspicuous traffic flows of the overall Adriatic area, according to a maritime-commercial vocation prevailing at the time in respect of the entire region. Key words: 18th century, harbor activities, commerce, navigation 127 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Alida Perkov HGK Županijska komora Pula [email protected] INTERNACIONALIZACIJA POSLOVNIH SUBJEKATA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE – TEMELJI, IZAZOVI, TRENDOVI Sažetak S vrha je rada analiza internacionalizacije poslovnih subjekata Istarske županije, posebno u djelatnostima proizvodnog sektora koje bilježe rast ili su manje pogođeni ekonomskom krizom. To je učinjeno korištenjem ekonomsko-financijske procjene, financijskih izvještaja trgovačkih društava registriranih u Istri i čitanjem ostalih ekonomskih pokazatelja, poput poduzetničke demografije, trendova zapošljavanja i izvoznih tijekova robe u inozemstvu. Istra unatoč turističkom obilježju predstavlja malo tržište osobne potrošnje, te se potencijali gospodarskog rasta prepoznaju u izravnim stranim ulaganjima, rastu investicija, zaposlenosti i izvoza. Posljedice recesije očituju se u padu izvozne konkurentnosti kod značajnog dijela izvoznih proizvoda. Ovaj rad implicira razumijevanje dinamike regionalnog razvoja kroz proces evaluacije konkurentnosti sektora koji mogu preživjeti ekonomsku krizu, ali u isto vrijeme pruža priliku za proučavanje područja kompetitivnog gospodarstva otpornog na recesiju. Ključne riječi: internacionalizacija, Istarsko gospodarstvo, recesijski otporne djelatnosti 128 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Alida Perkov Croatian Chamber of Economy, Pula County Chamber [email protected] THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES OF ISTRIA COUNTY – FOUNDATIONS, CHALLENGES, TRENDS Abstract T his paper aims to analyse the internationalisation of business entities of Istria County, with particular reference to the activities of the manufacturing sector that register growth or are less affected by the economic crisis. The paper draws on economic and financial assessments, financial reports of the trading companies registered in Istria and on reading other economic indicators, such as the demography of entrepreneurship, employment trends and the merchandise exports trends. Despite its tourist characteristics Istria represents a small market designed for private consumption. The potentials of the economic growth are seen in the direct foreign investments, investment growth, employment growth and export growth. The consequences of the recession are manifested as the decline in export competitiveness of the significant part of the export products. This paper implies the understanding of the dynamics of regional development through the process of evaluating competitiveness of the sectors that can overcome the economic crisis. Therefore, it also provides an opportunity to study the field of the competitive economy resistant to recession. Key words: internationalisation, Istrian economy, recession-resistant activities 129 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Anamari Petranović Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] POSSESSIO – OKVIR RIMSKIH PITANJA I RJEŠENJA U SREDNJOVJEKOVNOJ ISTRI Sažetak R ad podastire određena pitanja i naglaske usporedbe rimskog režima posjeda odnosno konfrontacije s rimskim poimanjem vlasništva (Ulp. D. Nihil commune habet proprietas cum possessione...) i značajki reguliranja posjeda u istarskim pravnopovijesnim izvorima. Kao segmenti dotiču se režim pravne zaštite (rimska/pretorska zaštita putem interdikata, interdicta utilia i ograničenja primjene u posjedu prava /quasi possessio služnosti/ odnosno kazneno/civilnopravni tip zaštite u pravnom srednjovjekovlju), potom poveznica (titulus posjedovanja / vrste posjeda) s obzirom na rimsku longi temporis praescriptio te rimski/glosatorski slijed pretpostavki i posljedicu dosjelosti, kao i određeni naglasci u terminološkim rješenjima - podudarnosti i odstupanja (possessio / possessores) u odnosu na poimanje zakupa / dugoročnog zakupa / emfiteuze (agrarni okvir) odnosno poveznicu dominium utile / neposredan posjed u srednjovjekovnom konceptu podijeljenog (feudalnog) vlasništva. Ključne riječi: posjed/possessio, istarski statuti, srednjovjekovno hrvatsko pravo 130 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Anamari Petranović Law Faculty, University of Rijeka [email protected] POSSESSIO – THE FRAMEWORK OF ROMAN ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS IN THE MEDIEVAL ISTRIA Abstract T his paper seeks to present some issues and highlights in the comparison of the Roman possession regime, i.e. its confrontation with the Roman conception of possession (Ulp.D. Nihil commune habet proprietas cum possessione…), with some characteristics of the possession regulations in Istrian legal and historical sources. The paper deals with several issues. It discusses the regulations of legal protection (Roman/Praetorian protection by interdicts, interdicta utilia and the restrictions of its implementation in relation to the possession right /quasi possessio easement/, i.e. criminal/civil law type of protection in the legislation of the Middle Ages). It also explores the relation (titulus of possession/ type of possession) with reference to the Roman longi temporis praescriptio, Roman/glossators’ presumptions, and the consequence of the adverse possession. The paper will also put emphasis on some specific terminology such as the correspondences and deviations (possessio /possessores) in relation to the conception of lease / long-term lease / emphyteusis (agricultural framework), i.e. the relation dominium utile / immediate possession in the medieval concept of divided (feudal) ownership. Key words: possession/possessio, Istrian statutes, medieval Croatian law 131 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Luciano Pezzolo Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] ISTITUZIONI E STRUTTURA ECONOMICA NELL’ISTRIA VENEZIANA (SECOLI XVI – XVIII) Riassunto I l ruolo delle istituzioni, sia formali e sia informali, è stato di recente considerate come un elemento cruciale nel determinare la crescita, o la recessione, di un sistema economico. Gli storici economici, talvolta inconsapevolmente, hanno enfatizzato il peso delle istituzioni staali e dei vari regime nel favorire o limitare le possibilità di crescita di una determinate regione. Così, la dominazione veneziana nell’area istriana è stata considerate tanto un fattore positive quanto un element frenante. E’ evidente che i diversi giudizi sono fortemente influenzati da prospettive politico-ideologiche. Il mio intervento mira a identificare se e in quale modo le istituzioni formali di stampo veneziano abbiano esercitato una qualche influenza sulle strutture dell’economia istriana nella prima età moderna. Si collocherà anzitutto la posizione dell’economia locale nel quadro del Mediterraneo e successivamente si analizzeranno I tipi di relazioni tra la capitale e il dominio nell’Adriatico settentrionale. Parole chiave: Storia economica, istituzioni, Repubblica di Venezia 132 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Luciano Pezzolo Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC STRUCTURES OF THE VENETIAN ISTRIA (16TH TO 18TH CENTURY) Abstract T he role of the institutions, both formal and informal, has been recently considered as the crucial element in determination of the growth, or the recession of an economic system. The economic historians, sometimes unwittingly, have emphasized the weight of the state institutions and of the various regimes in supporting or limiting the growth possibilities of the particular region. So, the Venetian nomination in the Istrian area was considered as much the positive factor as the restraining one. It is evident that the various opinions are strongly influenced by political and ideological perspectives. My address aims to identify if and in what manner the formal institutions of the Venetian stamp have exercized any influence on the structures of Istrian economy in early modern times. First and foremost will be established the position of the local economy within the Mediterranean framework and subsequently will be analyzed the types of relations between the capital and the dominion in the North Adriatic. Key words: Economic history, institutions, Republic of Venice 133 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mauro Pitteri Università degli Studi di Verona [email protected] AGRICOLTURA, PESCA E NAVIGAZIONE IN ISTRIA VISTI DAL MAGISTRATO VENEZIANO AI CONFINI NEL SECONDO ‘700 Riassunto T ra il 1750 e il 1756 si svolse il Commissariato Austro - Veneto volto tra l’altro a definire il confine tra la Repubblica e l’Impero in Istria dal golfo di Trieste al Quarnaro (Kvarner). Le relazioni inviate dagli ingegneri e dai provveditori ai confini permettono di delineare un quadro preciso dell’economia silvo-pastorale di quei monti grazie ai conflitti per i pascoli e per i boschi che coinvolgevano le comunità di villaggio limitrofe. Inoltre le ispezioni ai confini successive al Trattato di Gorizia offrono un quadro dello stato delle vie di comunicazione, dei fiumi e delle principali attività di commercio, compreso quello dei sali. Si trattava per lo più di vertenze che traevano origine «dalle situazioni di quel confine dove l’erba e l’acqua sono i più preziosi prodotti che sostentar possano quelle rispettive popolazioni» (G. Emo). Poi, l’esame dei documenti della Camera dei confini veneziana offre una panoramica dei confini marittimi, della pesca e dei collegamenti che a fine Settecento riguardavano i porti dell’Istria con la punta di Goro, dando notizia dei natanti e dei loro capitani, nonché della merce trasportata. Tali fonti, sia pur in modo descrittivo, permettono di avere un’idea dell’economia della penisola alla fine dell’antico regime. Parole chiave: Pascoli, boschi, confini, comunità 134 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mauro Pitteri University of Verona [email protected] AGRICULTURE, FISHING AND NAVIGATION IN ISTRIA AS SEEN BY THE VENETIAN COURT AT THE BOUNDARIES IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY Abstract B etween 1750 and 1756 took place the Austro – Venetian Commissariat directed among other things at defining the boundary between the Republic and the Empire in Istria from the Gulf of Trieste to Quarnaro (Kvarner). The reports sent by the engineers and the superintendents at the boundaries make it possible to outline the precise picture of the silvo-pastoral economy of these mountains thanks to the conflicts over the pastures and woods which involved the neighbouring village communities. Moreover the inspections at the boundaries following the Treaty of Gorizia offer the picture of the state of the road arteries, rivers and principal commercial activities, including the commerce of salt. It involved mostly the disputes originating from «the situations at the boundary where grass and water are the most precious products that can support only those respective populations» (G. Emo). Then, the examination of the documents of the Venetian Boundary Chamber offers a survey of marine boundaries, of the fishing and connections that at the end of the 17th century concerned the ports of Istria with the cape of Goro, giving notice of the ships and their captains, as well as of the transported goods. Such sources, even if only in descriptive way, enable us to have an idea of the economy of the peninsula at the end of the ancient regime. Key words: Pastures, woods, boundaries, communities 135 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Maja Polić Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] ISTARSKO GOSPODARSTVO U DNEVNIKU MATKA LAGINJE Sažetak M atko Laginja (Klana, 1852. – Zagreb, 1930.) bio je uz V. Spinčića i M. Mandića pripadnik druge generacije hrvatskih narodnih preporoditelja u Istri. Djelovao je politički, ali i gospodarski, s ciljem postizanja neovisnosti hrvatskih seljaka o talijanskim veleposjednicima i trgovcima. Bio je, primjerice, na čelu zadružnoga pokreta, koji je osnovao niz kreditnih zadruga (posujilnica) i gospodarsko-potrošačkih zadruga. Gotovo sva njegova djelatnost iz prve ruke opisana je u dnevniku kojega je Laginja počeo pisati još kao šesnaestogodišnjak za vrijeme gimnazijskoga obrazovanja u Rijeci. Dnevnik se sastoji od zabilješki koje je ovaj velikan svakodnevno zapisivao sve do svoje smrti. Njegove zabilješke izvor su dragocjenih podataka o njemu samome, o ljudima s kojima je dolazio u kontakt, a napose o tadašnjemu političkome miljeu i njegovim pojedincima te o njihovu djelovanju. Tu su i razni drugi segmenti iz njegove svakodnevice koji nam također daju cjelovitiju sliku života i djelovanja toga Klanjca. Tako nam je ostavio dragocjena svjedočanstva od velike izvorne vrijednosti, pa i za proučavanje istarskoga gospodarstva XIX. i prve polovice XX. stoljeća. Ključne riječi: Matko Laginja, istarski preporoditelj, istarsko gospodarstvo, posujilnice 136 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Maja Polić Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] ISTRIAN ECONOMY IN THE DIARY OF MATKO LAGINJA Abstract M atko Laginja (Klana, 1852 – Zagreb, 1930) belonged to the second generation of the leaders of the Croatian National Revival in Istria, together with V. Spinčić and M. Mandić. He engaged in political, but also economic activities, with the aim of ending the dependence of Croatian farmers on Italian merchants and large estate owners. For example, he headed the cooperative movement that established numerous credit cooperatives (loan offices known as posujilnice), as well as economic and consumer cooperatives. A first-hand account of his activities can be found in the diary that Laginja started to write when he was just 16 year old, during his high-school years in Rijeka. The diary consists of daily entries that this great son of Klana took until his death. His diary entries are a priceless source of information about himself, the people he came in contact with, and principally about the then political milieu, its protagonists and their activities. It also contains numerous sections dedicated his everyday life, which provide us with a more comprehensive insight into his life and activities. In this way, he bequeathed us valuable original testimonies as an important source of information for studies related to the economy of Istria in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. Key words: Matko Laginja, national revival protagonist in Istria, Istrian economy, credit cooperatives 137 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Claudio Povolo Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] CONTROLLO SOCIALE IN ETÀ MODERNA Riassunto L e dinamiche del controllo sociale riflettono sensibilmente sia i valori culturali di una società, che le sue strutture economiche. Attraverso le sentenze di alcuni tribunali istriani del primo Seicento si cercherà di cogliere alcuni aspetti della vita economica e sociale della vita istriana tramite l’attività giurisdizionale di alcune importanti magistrature veneziane. Parole chiave: controllo sociale, conflitti, giurisdizione, amministrazione, cultura 138 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Claudio Povolo Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] SOCIAL CONTROL IN MODERN TIMES Abstract T he dynamics of social control reflect considerably both the cultural values of society, as also its economic structures. By analyzing the sentences of some Istrian courts of the early 16th century, the intention is to gather some aspects of the economic and social life in Istria through the jurisdictional activity of some important Venetian courts. Key words: social control, conflicts, jurisdiction, administration, culture 139 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Graciano Prekalj Agencija za ruralni razvoj Istre [email protected] AUTOHTONO – TRADICIJSKI PREHRAMBENI PROIZVODI, POSTUPAK UTVRĐIVANJA I ZAŠTITE TE NJIHOV ZNAČAJ U RAZVOJU RURALNIH PODRUČJA (NA PRIMJERU ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE) Sažetak A utohtono-tradicijski proizvodi su proizvodi povezani sa određenim područjem. Moderni model ruralnog razvoja se bazira na kvalitetnim proizvodima. Istra ima mnogo proizvoda koji mogu biti pokretači ruralne ekonomije, a jedan takav proizvod je Istarski pršut. Istarska županija snažno podupire razvoj i zaštitu autohtono-tradicijskih proizvoda. Važno je brendiranje proizvoda i povezivanje u integralni istarski brend radi promicanja jedinstvenog i raznolikog kulturnog nasljeđa. Za valorizaciju proizvoda i označavanje oznakom kvalitete potrebna je usklađenost svih segmenata, od proizvođača do krajnjeg potrošača, kako bi se dobio standardizirani proizvod garantirane vrhunske kvalitete. Krajnji cilj svih aktivnosti je dovođenje svih uključenih aktera do točke samoodrživosti, što za proizvođače znači osiguravanje dohotka i mogućnost razvoja, za potrošače zadovoljstvo sa hedonističkog i financijskog aspekta, za lokalne vlasti povećanje prepoznatljivosti područja i gospodarski rast. Ključne riječi: autohtono-tradicijski proizvod, ruralni razvoj, Istarski pršut, Istarska županija 140 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Graciano Prekalj Agency for Rural Development of Istria [email protected] AUTOCHTHONOUS AND TRADITIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS, RECOGNITION AND PROTECTION PROCEDURE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE THEREOF FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF ISTRIA COUNTY) Abstract A utochthonous and traditional products are products that are linked with a specific geographical area. The modern rural development model is based on quality products. Istria has many products that can become rural economy drivers, and Istrian dry-cured ham or pršut is one of these products. Istria County strongly supports the development and protection of autochthonous and traditional products. Branding and incorporating products within an integrated brand of Istria is an important part of the promotion of its unique and diverse cultural heritage. A coordination of all segments, from the producer to the final consumer, is a prerequisite for obtaining a standardized product that can offer guaranteed top quality. The ultimate goal of all activities is to enable all subjects involved to become self-sustainable, which means providing the producers with income and development opportunities, the consumers with satisfaction from the hedonic and financial points of view, and the local authorities with a greater level of recognition of the region as well as economic growth. Key words: autochthonous and traditional product, rural development, Istrian dry-cured ham, Istria County 141 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Sanja R adeka Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč [email protected] STANJE VINOGRADARSKO – VINARSKE PROIZVODNJE U ISTRI Sažetak V inogradarsko – vinarska proizvodnja je za Istru vrlo važna poljoprivredna grana s višestoljetnom tradicijom, te povijesno osigurava održivi razvoj istarskog ruralnog prostora. Prema službenim podacima danas se u Istarskoj županiji pod vinogradarskim površinama nalazi manje od 3.000 ha, a najzastupljenija je vodeća, autohtona sorta Malvazija istarska koja je zasađena na oko 55 % vinogradarskih površina. Istarska županija se po broju proizvođača i vina s kontroliranim zemljopisnim podrijetlom nalazi na visokom drugom mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj, te participira s udjelom od oko 15 % u ukupnoj proizvodnji grožđa i vina u RH. Sve je veći broj mladih vinara, koji spajajući tradicionalno i moderno poimanje proizvodnje bilježe izvanredne rezultate kako na domaćem, tako i na inozemnim vinskim tržištima. Podizanje novih vinograda, poglavito autohtonih sorti, optimiranje tradicionalnih, primjena suvremenih tehnoloških rješenja, unaprjeđenje kvalitete, i stvaranje prepoznatljivih brendova vina, zaštićenog podrijetla nameću se kao strateški ciljevi istarskog vinarstva u nadolazećem periodu. Ključne riječi: vinogradarsvo, vinarstvo, grožđe, vino, Istra 142 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Sanja R adeka Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč [email protected] AN OVERVIEW OF WINE – GROWING AND WINEMAKING IN ISTRIA Abstract W ine-growing – the production of wine – is very important for Istria as a centuries-old traditional branch of agriculture that has supported sustainable development of rural areas in Istria throughout history. According to official data, there are less than 3000 hectares of vines under cultivation in Istria today, with the leading, autochthonous Malvazija Istarska as the most common variety, covering around 55 % of the total vineyard area. Taking into account the number of producers and wines with controlled geographical origin, the County of Istria holds a high second place among wine regions in the Republic of Croatia and contributes 15% to the total production of grapes and wines in the Republic of Croatia. There is a rise in the number of young winemakers who employ a combination of traditional and modern approaches to production and achieve exceptional results on the domestic as well as international wine markets. Planting new vineyards, especially autochthonous grape varieties, optimizing traditional and applying modern technological solutions, improving quality and creating recognizable brands of quality wines with controlled geographic origin, have been recognized as strategic goals of winemaking in Istria in the upcoming period. Key words: wine-growing, winemaking, grapes, wine, Istria 143 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Milan R adošević Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] ZDRAVSTVENI TURIZAM I MALARIJA: ISTARSKA EPIZODA 1925. Sažetak T urizam se, kao novi društveno-gospodarski fenomen, u Europi masovnije javlja u drugoj polovici XIX. stoljeća. Krajem istoga stoljeća ta se gospodarska djelatnost, potpomognuta izgradnjom prometne infrastrukture (željeznice), očituje i na području Istre u smislu klimatskih i morskih lječilišta, gdje se izdvajaju ona u Opatiji, Lovranu, Rovinju, Brijunima, Portorožu i Lošinju. Veći zamah turizma, koji bi obuhvatio kupališne te povijesno-kulturne potencijale, nije bio moguć do druge polovice XX. st. zbog zakašnjelih i nedovršenih modernizacijskih procesa, izgradnje vodovoda i suvremenih prometnih komunikacija, elektrifikacije, izrazite agrarne orijentiranosti, posljedica ratnih sukoba, ali naposljetku i zabrinjavajućih zdravstvenih prilika. Naime, jedan od najtežih zdravstvenih problema, koji je talijanska uprava (1918.-1943.) naslijedila od austrougarske vlasti, bila je malarija. Ona je desetljećima stvarala negativne konotacije po istarski (zdravstveni) turizam, a problem će kulminirati 1925. godine kada će bečki dnevni tisak, a potom i putničke agencije, objaviti članak o opasnostima od zaraze na istarskom poluotoku i kvarnerskim otocima. Posljedice takvog medijskog diskursa negativno će se odraziti na istarske lječilišne ustanove, što će predstavljati dodatan motiv istarskim lokalnim, ali i talijanskim državnim vlastima, da se oslobode te višestoljetne pošasti. Ključne riječi: Istra, zdravstveni turizam, malarija, Morski hospicij Sv Pelagija u Rovinju 144 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Milan R adošević Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] HEALTH TOURISM AND MALARIA: THE ISTRIAN EPISODE OF 1925 Abstract T ourism, as a new socio-economic phenomenon, started to reach more massive proportions in Europe in the second half of the 19th century. At the end of the century, as a result of transport infrastructure development (the railway), this economic activity emerged in Istria as well, in form of climate therapy and seaside health resorts, prominent among them being the resorts in Opatija, Lovran, Rovinj, on the Brijuni Islands, in Portorož, and Lošinj. A greater expansion of tourism, encompassing bathing as well as historical and cultural potentials, had not become feasible until the second half of the 20th century due to belated and unfinished modernisation processes, water supply system and modern traffic infrastructure construction, electrification, a pronounced agrarian orientation, the impacts of war, and, in the end, the problematic situation in terms of health as well. Namely, one of the most severe health problems that the Italian administration (1918-1943) had inherited from Austrian-Hungarian authorities was the issue of malaria. It had been putting (health) tourism in Istria in a negative light for decades, and the problem culminated in 1925, when the Vienna daily press, followed by travel agencies, published an article on the risk of infection on the Istrian Peninsula and the Kvarner Bay islands. The impact of such a media discourse reflected negatively on healthcare institutions in the region, but it provided an additional incentive for the local authorities in Istria, as well as the central Italian government, to get rid of this pestilence that had plagued humankind for centuries. Key words: Istria, health, malaria, the Seaside Hospice of St Pelagius in Rovinj 145 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Alessandra R izzi Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] RELAZIONI ECONOMICHE FRA VENEZIA E ISTRIA NEL MEDIOEVO Riassunto L ’intervento tiene conto dei risalenti rapporti fra Venezia Istria a partire dall’alto medioevo. Fin da allora le ragioni e i risvolti di questo ‘incontro’ ebbero indubbi connotati economici. S’intende insistere sui rapporti fra Venezia e le città della costa istriana come riflessi nei primi patti (di fedeltà e dedizione) intercorsi fra le parti e soprattutto nei ‘mandati’ (le commissiones) con cui l’autorità centrale affidava ai propri rettori il governo e l’amministrazione delle terre istriane entrate a far parte dei suoi domini. Si evidenzieranno, in special modo, i contenuti ‘economici’ (soprattutto di natura commerciale e daziaria) della documentazione in esame, e si rifletterà sulla reciprocità o meno di tali particolari relazioni. Parole chiave: Venezia, commissioni, rettori veneziani, economia medievale 146 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Alessandra R izzi Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN VENICE AND ISTRIA IN MIDDLE AGES Abstract T he study takes account of the relations between Venice and Istria traced back as far as the early Middle Ages. Since then the reasons and the consequences of this ‘encounter’ had undoubted economic connotations. It means to insist on relations between Venice and the Istrian coastal towns as reflected in the first pacts (of loyalty and dedication) made between the parties and especially in ‘mandates’ (le commissiones) with which the central authority entrusted to its own rectors the government and administration of Istrian territories which became parts of its lands. There are pointed out in particular, the ‘economic” contents (especially of commercial and fiscal nature) of the examined documents and considerations will be made as to the reciprocity or not of such particular relations. Key words: Venice, mandates, Venetian rectors, medieval economy 147 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Deborah Rogoznica Pokrajinski arhiv Koper [email protected] ZNAČILNOSTI GOSPODARSKEGA SISTEMA V OBDOBJU CONE B STO (1947-1954) Izvleček O bdobje po zaključku druge svetovne vojne je v severo-zahodni Istri tako iz političnega, kakor iz gospodarskega vidika zaznamovalo nerešeno vprašanje razmejitve med Jugoslavijo in Italijo. Ob pričakovani ustanovitvi nove mednarodne državne tvorbe, t. i. Svobodnega tržaškega teritorija (STO), so jugoslovanske oblasti leta 1947 izoblikovale ambiciozen gospodarski načrt, ki je predvideval prodor jugoslovanskega kapitala v vse gospodarske sektorje nov nastajajoče državice. Zaradi razvoja političnih dogodkov, ki niso omogočili zaživetje STO, so morali biti jugoslovanski gospodarski plani, predvsem pa tisti, ki so se nanašali na cono B STO, ki se je nahajala pod vojaško upravo Jugoslovanske armade, delno spremenjeni. Postopno je bil realiziran prehod na planske oblike socialističnega gospodarstva. Preobrazba gospodarskega sistema iz kapitalističnega v socialističnega je v tem kontekstu predstavljala politično utemeljen prevrat, ki je v svoji izvedbi nihal med lokalnimi potrebami in politično-ekonomskimi interesi Jugoslavije. Ključne besede: ekonomska zgodovina, Svobodno tržaško ozemlje, gospodarski sistem 148 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Deborah Rogoznica Regional Archives Koper [email protected] CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN THE PERIOD OF THE ZONE B (1947-1954) Abstract T he period after the end of the Second World War in the north-western part of Istria was characterised, both from political and economic points of view, by an unresolved issue of delimitation between Yugoslavia and Italy. During the expected establishment of a new international state formation, i.e. the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT), the Yugoslav authorities formed in the year 1947 an ambitious economic plan that anticipated the intrusion of Yugoslav capital into all economic sectors of the new emerging mini-state. Due to the development of political events that did not enable the FTT to begin to live, the Yugoslav economic plans had to be partially modified, particularly those relating to the Zone B, which was under military administration of the Yugoslav Army. A transition to planned forms of socialist economy was taking place step by step. The transformation of economic system from the capitalist economy into the socialist one represented in this context a politically founded overthrow, which in its performance oscillated between the local needs and the political- economic interests of Yugoslavia. Key words: economic history, Free Territory of Trieste, economic system 149 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Andrea Roknić Bežanić Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci [email protected] GOSPODARSKE ODREDNICE POSLIJERATNOG RAZVOJA RIJEKE Sažetak 3 . svibnja 1945. godine jedinice Jugoslavenske armije ušle su u tadašnju Rijeku. No, Rijeka nije i međunarodno bila priznata kao sastavni dio nove Jugoslavije, a time ni Hrvatske. Odlukama potpisanih sporazuma u Beogradu i Devinu, 9. i 20. lipnja 1945. godine na teritoriju Istre te Slovenskog primorja bile su formirane dvije okupacijske zone, zona A i B. Zona A (Trst s okolicom i Pula s okolicom) došla je pod savezničku vojnu i civilnu upravu, a zona B (ostali dio Istre s tadašnjom Rijekom) pod Vojnu upravu Jugoslavenske armije (VUJA). U takvom kontekstu u narednim godinama u gradu je odmah počela djelovati nova, narodna vlast, Gradski NOO s administrativnim aparatom. Uvidjevši dotadašnju nepovezanost privrednih sektora Istre, Rijeke i Slovenskog primorja, a u cilju jedinstvenog sređivanja trgovinske politike te u želji da se pomognu napori VUJA-e i narodnih vlasti okrenutih prema stvaranju jedinstvenog ekonomskog i gospodarskog područja u Zoni B, već sredinom listopada 1945. godine u Rijeci je bila održana prva sjednica Privrednog vijeća za Istru i Rijeku (i Slovensko primorje). U nastojanju narodnih vlasti da se što brže pristupi osim materijalne i ekonomskoj obnovi grada i širega područja na njoj je između ostaloga naglašeno kako Istra i Rijeka imaju sve uvjete za jak privredni procvat te kako se u pet prvi poslijeratnih mjeseci učinilo dosta na obnovi grada. U okviru planskog rada na razvoju privrede narodne su vlasti krajem 1945. godine osnovale i Gospodarsko društvo za Istru i Rijeku. Osnovni cilj rada bio je istražiti privredne i ekonomske uvjete u kojima se našao poslijeratni grad, utvrditi dinamiku gospodarske i industrijske obnove koja je uslijed ratnih razaranja gotovo u potpunosti bila zamrla te istaknuti najvažnije odrednice u gospodarskoj obnovi grada – rad na obnovi riječke luke, brodogradnje, obrta i trgovine, ali i ostalih industrijskih i privrednih grana. Istraživanje je temeljeno u prvome redu na izvorima – arhivskoj građi te na tisku, a uz to korištena su i dosad objavljena istraživanja, literatura i memoarska građa. Komparativnom metodom dan je rezultat proučavanja izvora, memoarske građe i tiska te ono nešto ranije objavljenih rezultata istraživanja. Analiza je nužno kontekstualizirana u hrvatski i ostali jugoslavenski prostor. Rad daje novi doprinos hrvatskoj historiografiji, posebno onome njezinome dijelu koji znanstveno istražuje noviju, poslijeratnu prošlost šireg područja Istre i ostaloga Kvarnerskog primorja, tim više što još uvijek nije napisana temeljita analiza, prikaz poslijeratnog ekonomskog razvoja Rijeke. Ključne riječi: poslijeratna Rijeka, gospodarska obnova 150 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Andrea Roknić Bežanić Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka [email protected] ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RIJEKA IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD Abstract O n 3 May 1945 the Yugoslav army troops entered Rijeka. At that time Rijeka wasn’t internationally recognized as a constituent part of the new Yugoslavia and therefore, neither as a part of Croatia. Under the agreements signed in Belgrade and Duino on 9 and 20 June 1945, two occupational zones were formed on the territory of Istria and the Slovenian Littoral, zone A and zone B. Zone A (Trieste and its surroundings, and Pula and its surroundings) came under the jurisdiction of the Allied military and civilian government, and zone B (the remaining part of Istria and Rijeka of that period) under the jurisdiction of Yugoslav military government (VUJA). This situation provided the context for the immediate establishment of the new national government, the City National Liberation Committee (NOO) and its administrative apparatus, which governed the city in the following years. In mid-October 1945, after realizing that, until then, the economic sectors of Istria, Rijeka and the Slovene Littoral were disconnected, in order to introduce a unique commercial policy and with a desire to help VUJA and national government in their efforts to form a unique economic and commercial area in the Zone B, the first meeting of the Economic Council for Istria and Rijeka (and the Slovene Littoral) took place. Following the intention of the national government to start not only material but also economic recovery of the city and its surrounding areas as soon as possible, it was concluded at the meeting that Istria and Rijeka fulfil all conditions needed for strong economic growth. It was also emphasized that significant progress had been achieved concerning the renewal of the city in the first five post-war months. Toward the end of 1945, within the framework of the planned economic development, the national authorities founded the Economic Society for Istria and Rijeka. The main goal of the society was to look into economic and business conditions of the post-war city, to determine the dynamics of the recovery of economic and industrial activities, which almost completely faded away during the war, and to emphasize the most important directions in the economic renewal of the city. This included the reconstruction of the Rijeka harbour, shipbuilding, business and commerce and the other industrial and economic branches. The research is primarily based on archival materials and the press. In addition, it also draws on published research, books and memoirs. Relying on the comparative method the paper gives an outline of the research results obtained from the analysis of these sources, memoirs, the press and some earlier published research. The analysis is necessarily contextualized within the discussion of Croatian and other Yugoslav areas. The paper seeks to make a new contribution to Croatian historiography, in particular to the research in the recent post-war history dealing with large part of Istria and the remaining part of the Kvarner Littoral. In light of its contribution, one needs to consider that an outline based on a thorough analysis of the post-war economic growth of Rijeka hasn’t been written yet. Key words: Rijeka in the post-war period, economic renewal 151 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Luca Rossetto Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia [email protected] ‘SERBI DIO GLI AUSTRIACI BOSCHI’. DUE CASI COMPARATI DEL 1849: IL MONTELLO E MONTONA Riassunto A l termine del biennio rivoluzionario europeo del 1848-1849 due vicende specifiche, parallele e contemporanee, accomunano ancora una volta le opposte sponde dell’Alto Adriatico. Ad essere messo in pericolo, secondo le autorità asburgiche, non è solo il carattere erariale ma l’integrità stessa del bosco del Montello, nella terraferma veneta, e della foresta del distretto di Montona, in Istria. Per quest’ultimo caso, in particolare, scatta un’inedita, breve ma efficace collaborazione tra l’Amministrazione Camerale del Litorale e della Dalmazia di Trieste e la Direzione Generale degli Archivi di Venezia: l’obiettivo è appunto quello di conservare allo stato la proprietà dei boschi di fronte alla minaccia rappresentata dalle locali comunità rurali, galvanizzate dai rivolgimenti politici da poco verificatisi e dalle idee rivoluzionarie ad essi legate, provenienti dalle città ma reinterpretate e rielaborate nelle campagne e sulle montagne attraverso la pretesa rivendicazione di presunti diritti originari sulle risorse naturali/ economiche del territorio. Parole chiave: Impero asburgico, istituzioni, Veneto, Istria, boschi, comunità, 1848-1849 152 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Luca Rossetto Ca’ Foscari University of Venice [email protected] ‘GOD SAVE THE AUSTRIAN WOODS’. TWO COMPARATIVE CASES OF 1849: MONTELLO AND MONTONA Abstract A t the end of the revolutionary two-year period of 1848-1849 two specific events, parallel and contemporary, join together once more the opposite shores of the North Adriatic. There is at risk, according to Habsburg authorities, not only the fiscal nature but the very integrity of the Montello woods, in the Venetian Terraferma, and of the woods in the Montona district, in Istria. In this latter case, in particular, begins an unpublished, brief but efficient collaboration between the Chamber Administration of the Littoral and Dalmatia in Trieste and the General Management of the Archives in Venice: The objective is precisely that to preserve to the state the ownership of woods in front of the threat represented by the local rural communities, galvanized by political upheavals that have recently taken place and by revolutionary ideas related hereto, originating from the towns but reinterpreted and re-elaborated in the villages and in the mountains through the alleged original rights on the natural/economic resources of the territory. Key words: Habsburg Empire, institutions, Veneto, Istria, woods, community, 1848-1849 153 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Pavlo Ružić Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč [email protected] TURIZAM ISTRE NEKAD I DANAS U KONTEKSTU TEHNOLOŠKOG NAPRETKA Sažetak U stručnim i znanstvenim krugovima o tehnološkom napretku raspravlja se uglavnom pozitivno. Znanstvenici ističu samo ljepše strane tehnološkog napretka, a zanemaruju njegove nepoželjne učinke, koji često štetno ili čak pogubno djeluju za život i opstanak na našoj planeti. Tehnološki napredak nije zaobišao ni poštedio turizam. Uvođenjem novih tehnika i postupka u turizmu s ekonomskog gledišta učinjen je pozitivan pomak, međutim, s aspekta turista i njegovih potreba, u tom djelu je proizveo dvojbeni učinak. Svrha i cilj u ovom radu je produbiti spoznaju o tome koliko i u kojoj mjeri tehnološki napredak koristi ili šteti turizmu. Pored navedenog u radu bit će istražene refleksije tehnološkog napretka na primjeru turizma Istre, te mu se u tom kontekstu utvrđuje slika od nekad i danas. Ključne riječi: turizam Istre, tehnološki napredak, ekonomski učinak, refleksije 154 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Pavlo Ružić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč [email protected] ISTRIAN TOURISM IN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Abstract I n scientific and expert circles, technological development is mostly presented in a favourable light. The scientists emphasise only the more flattering aspects of technological development, and disregard its undesired effects, which have often proved to have a detrimental or even disastrous impact on life and survival on our planet. Technological development did not spare or steer clear of tourism. From the economic point of view, new techniques and procedures introduced within the field of tourism resulted in positive developments; however, when examined from the point of view of tourists and their needs, the effect of these developments remains controversial. The purpose and the aim of this paper are to provide a deeper insight into the question of whether the effects of technological development on tourism can be considered beneficial or harmful, and to what degree. In addition to the above, the paper will examine how technological development reflects on tourism, using the example of Istria, and provide an outline of the situation in tourism in the past and in the present within this context. Key words: Istrian tourism, technological development, economic effect, reflections 155 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Boris Sabatti Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o. [email protected] Danijela K rižman Pavlović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] ULOGA REGIONALNIH RAZVOJNIH AGENCIJA U RAZVOJU REGIONALNOG GOSPODARSTVA: PRIMJER ISTARSKE RAZVOJNE AGENCIJE (IDA D.O.O.) Sažetak S tvaranje uvjeta za gospodarski razvoj zahtijeva usklađenost različitih područja državne politike – od obrazovanja i znanosti, upravnih postupaka i prodecura, mreže potpornih institucija poduzetništva i poslovne infrastrukture, do regionalnog razvoja. U Hrvatskoj još uvijek ne postoji jasan i cjelovit, te zakonski definiran institucionalni okvir za provedbu regionalne politike. Rezultat toga je nedovoljna povezanost središnje s regionalnim vlastima po pitanju razvojnih inicijativa, protoka informacija i usklađivanja nacionalnih, regionalnih i lokalnih razvojnih ciljeva i prioriteta. Drugim riječima, u Hrvatskoj je evidentan izostanak koordiniranog planiranja regionalnog razvoja. U radu se stoga identificiraju značajke regionalnih razvojnih agencija te analizira njihova uloga u razvoju regionalnog gospodarstva, posebice onog Istarske županije. Naime, temeljna je hipoteza rada da su regionalne razvojne agencije vrlo efikasan instrument poticanja poduzetništva te time jedan od ključnih čimbenika razvoja regionalnog gospodarstva. Temeljem prikupljenih primarnih i sekunarnih podataka autori će oblikovati i u radu predstaviti model razvoja poduzetništva pomoću regionalnih razvojnih agencija. Navedeno će imate određene teorijske i praktične implikacije glede planiranja budućeg razvoja regionalnih gospodarstava. Ključne riječi: regionalna razvojna agencija, poduzetništvo, razvoj regionalnog gospodarstva, Istarska županija, Hrvatska 156 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Boris Sabatti Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd [email protected] Danijela K rižman Pavlović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE ROLE OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMY: THE EXAMPLE OF THE ISTRIAN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (IDA LTD) Abstract D ifferent state policy areas - from education and science, administrative proceedings and procedures, entrepreneurship support institution networks and business infrastructure, to regional development - have to be harmonized in order to make it possible to create economic development preconditions. Croatia still lacks a clear, comprehensive and legally defined institutional framework for implementing regional policies. This leads to insufficient coordination between the central government and the regional governments in respect of development initiatives, flow of information, and alignment of national, regional and local development goals and priorities. In other words, a deficiency in terms of coordinated regional development planning in Croatia is evident. The paper therefore identifies the characteristics of regional development agencies and analyses their role in the development of regional economies, especially with regards to Istria County. Namely, the main hypothesis presented in the paper is that regional agencies represent very efficient instruments for promoting entrepreneurship and are therefore one of the key factors of regional economic development. On the basis of collected primary and secondary data, the authors will design a model for developing entrepreneurship through development agencies and present it in the paper. The aforementioned will have theoretical and practical implications as regards planning for future development of regional economies. Key words: regional development agency, entrepreneurship, development of regional economy, Istria County, Croatia 157 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Desanka Sarvan Istarska županija [email protected] KOMUNALNI POSLOVI U GRADU PULI U XV STOLJEĆU Sažetak U XV stoljeću grad Pula je bila mala zajednica oko 3000 stanovnika smještena na istočnoj obali plitkog pjeskovitog pulskog zaljeva, sa izvorom žive vode u funkciji još od I stoljeća i malim kamenim, često ruševnim zgradama razbacanim između zapuštenih veličanstvenih rimskih spomenika. Pa ipak, stanovnici grada nastojali su na način primjeren tadašnjoj razini tehnološkog razvitka i običajnom pravu rješavati probleme koje je generirao zajednički život i uspostaviti sustav pravila i obveza prema građanima kao temelj za obavljanje svakodnevnih komunalnih poslova, neophodnih za efikasno funkcioniranje zajednice, kao što su: održavanje cesta, opskrba vodom, odvodnja otpadnih voda, odlaganje otpada, groblje, tržni red, održavanje zgrada, komunalni red. Način na koji se mala gradska zajednica Pule u XV stoljeću borila za samoodržanje kroz svakodnevne aktivnosti koje danas u urbanim sredinama obavljaju specijalizirane službe, ukazuje na vremenski i prostorno univerzalnu potrebu obavljanja poslova koje nameće život u urbanoj sredini, koji sinergijom pojedinačnih potreba stanovnika ili društvenih grupa, stvara nove zajedničke potrebe grada kao cjeline – potrebe od javnog interesa, važnije od pojedinačnih potreba ili potreba pojedinih društvenih grupa. U određenom razvojnom trenutku običajno pravo više nije udovoljavalo potrebama pravnog uređenja složenih društvenih odnosa u gradskoj zajednici – pravila za osiguranje izvršavanja komunalnih poslova zapisana su u Statutima Grada Pule. Ključne riječi: grad Pula, komunalni poslovi, održavanje cesta, opskrba vodom, odvodnja otpadnih voda, odlaganje otpada, groblje, tržni red, održavanje zgrada, komunalni red 158 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Desanka Sarvan Istria County [email protected] THE CITY OF PULA MUNICIPAL SERVICES IN THE 15TH CENTURY Abstract I n the 15th century Pula was a small community with about 3000 inhabitants. It was situated on the eastern coast of a shallow and sandy Pula bay. It had a fresh water well that had been used since the 1st century. Small, mostly dilapidated, stony buildings were sprinkled among abandoned magnificent Roman monuments. However, in a way appropriate for the level of technological development at that time and relying on common law, the citizens made their effort to cope with the problems generated by their communal life. They made effort to establish regulations and obligations toward citizens as a foundation for everyday municipal services, indispensable for the efficient functioning of the community, e.g. road maintenance, water supply, sewage, waste disposal, cemetery, common market organization, building maintenance, communal order. The way in which a small city community of Pula struggled for survival in the 15th century by organizing activities that are nowadays in the urban areas performed by specialized services, points to the fact that, from temporal and spatial perspective, the demands imposed by life in an urban community and the need to perform services to fulfil them are universal. Life in an urban community requires synergy between the individual needs of its citizens and the needs of the social groups, which in turn generates new communal needs of the city as a whole. These needs are of public interest and they are more important than individual needs and the needs of particular social groups. At a specific point in the development of the city, the common law was insufficient to meet the needs for legal regulation of complex relations in the urban community. Therefore, the regulations about the performance of municipal services were written down in the City of Pula Statues. Key words: the city of Pula, municipal services, road maintenance, water supply, sewage, waste disposal, cemetery, common market organization, building maintenance, communal order 159 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Soumitra Sharma Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Ekonomski fakultet [email protected] DRUŠTVO, CIVILIZACIJA, EKONOMIJA, REGIONALNE I LOKALNE ZAJEDNICE Sažetak O dnosi između društva, civilizacije, ekonomije, regionalnih i lokalnih zajednica imaju duboke korijene. Uspon ljudske civilizacije povijest je razvoja društva, njegovih zajednica i njihovog materijalnog boljitka. Ljudi već dugo nastoje razvijati materijalnu snagu i ekonomske okvire društva. Tako nastaje znanost koja je u prošlosti nudila održiva rješenja. Međutim, u sadašnje vrijeme, zbog temeljnih promjena u globalnoj ekonomiji, društvo u cjelini prolazi kroz tešku fazu. Djelomično, to se događa i zbog ekonomske globalizacije, napretka tehnologije, društvenih preobrazbi i proširene aktivne uloge vlada. Naša civilizacija ulazi u novo „tehnološko-digitalno“ doba. Ta promjena ima pozitivne i negativne učinke. Nažalost, ekonomska znanost zaostaje i teško se može reći da nudi nova i prikladna rješenja. Povijesno gledano, razvoj svakog društva, civilizacije ili zajednice u velikoj mjeri ovisi o dimenzijama koje su vezane za prostor – zemljopisnoj, topografskoj, klimatskoj i materijalnoj. Presudni su čimbenici veličina i kvaliteta stanovništva, njegove povijesne kulturne karakteristike, dostupnost prirodnih resursa, stanje institucija i tehnologija. Ekonomski razvoj nacionalnih ekonomija, njihovih regija i lokalnih zajednica u velikoj mjeri ovisi o tim sastavnicama. Na europskoj pozornici, danas, između ostalog, postoji znatna nejednakost između sjevera i zapada s jedne strane i istoka i juga s druge strane. Političari, ali i ekonomisti, odavno su shvatili važnost „konvergencije“ i učinaka „prelijevanja“. Oni su također uneseni u temelje stvaranja EU. Imajući na umu upravo te ciljeve, Unija je vrlo rano pokušala definirati regije i mjere politike regionalnog razvoja kroz NUTS. Naglasak se stavlja na regionalnu i međuregionalnu suradnju. Kao što svi znamo, Europa u cjelini i posebno EU „službeno“ su ušle u „treću industrijsku revoluciju“. Uloga suradnje unutar i između regija postala je vrlo važna. Istra ima velike potencijale i stoga može igrati važnu ulogu u budućnosti. U tom svjetlu, upravo na to želim skrenuti pažnju. Ključne riječi: civilizacija, društvo, ekonomija, ekonomska kriza, regionalni razvoj 160 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Soumitra Sharma Economy faculty, University of Zagreb [email protected] SOCIETY, CIVILIZATION, ECONOMICS, REGIONAL AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES Abstract T he relationship in society, civilization economics, regional and local communities is deep rooted. The rise of human civilization is a history of development of society, its communities and the advancement their material well-being. For ages, humans have tried to develop the society in relation to its material strength and economic framework. The resulting science in the past has offered viable solutions. However, in current times, because of the fundamental changes in global economy, society in general is passing through a difficult phase. This is partly so because of economic globalization, technological advances, social transformations, and extended active role of the governments. Our civilization is entering a new ‘technological-digital’ age. There are positive and negative impacts of this change. Unfortunately, economic science is legging behind hardly offering new and appropriate solutions. Historically, the development of every society, civilization or community has largely depended upon the spatial dimensions – geographical, topographical, climatic and material. The size and quality of population, its historic cultural characteristics, availability of the natural resources, state of its institutions and technology have been determining factors. Economic development of national economies, their regions and the local communities is largely dependent on these components. In the European theatre, today, among others, there is marked disparity between North and West as against East and South. Politicians and economists alike have long realized the importance of ‘convergence’ and ‘spill-over’ effects. These are also instituted the in the core of the creation of EU. Keeping in mind these very aims, very early, the Union through NUTS tried to define the regions and the regional development policy measures. Regional and intra-regional cooperation is highlighted. As we all know, Europe in general and EU in particular has ‘officially’ entered into the ‘third industrial revolution’. The role of inter and intra-regional cooperation has become very important. Istria has great potentials and thus can play a major role in future. It is in this light that I wish to draw attention. Key words: civilization, society, economics, economic crisis, regional development 161 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Mario Sošić Kanfanar [email protected] UTJECAJ SAMOUPRAVNO-SOCIJALISTIČKOG NASLJEĐA NA VLASNIČKU I UPRAVLJAČKU STRUKTURU U TRŽIŠNO-TRANZICIJSKOM GOSPODARSTVU ISTRE DANAS – CASE STUDY Sažetak V eliki transformacijski val koji je krajem devedesetih godina zahvatio komunističko-socijalističke zemlje Srednje i Istočne Europe, proizveo je dvije, a ponegdje, kao u Hrvatskoj, i tri vrste promjena: demokratsku tranziciju, prijelazak s planskog na tržišno gospodarstvo i stvaranje nezavisnih nacionalnih država. Prva i treća promjena (demokracija i država) predstavljaju javno dobro, pa su po samoj definiciji javnog dobra osobni ili kolektivni benefiti od tog dobra, bez obzira na nečiji politički (ne)doprinos, neograničeno dostupni svim građanima Republike Hrvatske. Nasuprot tomu, druga je promjena, uvođenje tržišnog gospodarstva, vlasništva i kapitala, povezana s ograničenim i parcijalnim benefitima koji su zavisni od stečenog osobnog vlasništva ili korporacijske dobiti ili se pak izvode iz dobrog položaja u upravljačkoj strukturi neke korporacije. U kontekstu realno ostvarenih današnjih odnosa i naslućivanih društvenih i političkih poveznica između aktera predtranzicijskog totalitarnog sustava i postranzicijskog upravljačko-kapitalnog odnosa, može se postaviti ovakvo istraživačko pitanje: Je li pojedinačni ili grupni uspješno ostvaren tranzicijski društveni i materijalni benefit kod vodećih vlasničko-upravljačkih nositelja istarskog gospodarstva rezultat pojedinačne tržišne sposobnosti, menađerskog umijeća, visokog obrazovanja, plasmana ranije stečenog kapitala ili je taj njihov “tranzicijski uspjeh” dominantno određen visokim rukovodnim i političkim položajem kojeg su imali u ranijem socijalističko-samoupravnom političkom i gospodarskom poretku? Empirijsko analitičkim putem, preko studije slučaja od desetak najvećih istarskih gospodarskih društava, dokazuje se teza: U istarskom je gospodarstvu vlasničko-upravljačka tranzicija gotovo isključeno vođena od upravljačkih kadrova iz samoupravno-socijalističkog sustava, koji su kroz taj proces ostvarili i osobnu dominantnu vlasničku ili upravljačko-menađersku poziciju u istarskom gospodarstvu. Ključne riječi: tranzicija i transformacija, sustav društvenog vlasništva, sustav tržišnog gospodarstva, tranzicijski dobitnici, tranzicijski gubitnici, komunističko nasljeđe, slučaj Istra 162 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mario Sošić Kanfanar [email protected] EFFECTS OF THE LEGACY OF SELF-MANAGEMENT AND SOCIALISM ON PROPERTY AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES IN THE TRANSITIONAL MARKET ECONOMY OF ISTRIA TODAY – CASE STUDY Abstract T he great wave of transformation that hit the communist and socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe gave rise to two, and somewhere, like Croatia, even three types of changes: transition to democracy, transition from planned to market economy, and formation of independent nation states. The first and the third change (democracy and the state) are public goods. Hence, by the very definition of public goods, personal or collective benefits arising from these goods, regardless of someone’s political (non-)contribution, should have been available to all citizens of the Republic of Croatia without any limitation whatsoever. By contrast, the second change - the introduction of market economy, property and capital - is associated with limited and partial benefits that depend on private property or corporate profits, or result from high-ranking positions in corporate executive structures. In the context of the actual relationships prevailing today and the surmised social and political ties between the leading figures of the pre-transitional totalitarian system and the post-transitional managerial and capital relations, the research question can be formulated as follows: Is the individual, or collective, successfully achieved social and material benefit in terms of property and management obtained by the leading protagonists of Istrian economy in the course of the transition period a result of their individual market-related capabilities, management skills, higher education, placements of previously acquired capital, or have these leading figures achieved such “success in the course of transition” predominately due to their high-ranking positions in the managerial and political structures of the previous political and economic self-managing socialist order? By means of empirical analysis, using a case study of about ten biggest companies in Istria, the following thesis has been proven: The transition in terms of property and management structures in the economy of Istria was almost exclusively led by the managerial staff that held executive positions in the socialist system of self-management, who have also attained dominant proprietary or managerial positions in the economy of Istria through this process. Key words: transition and transformation, social ownership system, market economy system, winners in transition, losers in transition, communist legacy, the case of Istria 163 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Igor Stanić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] BRODOGRADILIŠTE ULJANIK I RADNIČKO SAMOUPRAVLJAJNE 1950-1961. Sažetak D onošenjem Osnovnog zakona o upravljanju državnim privrednim poduzećima i višim privrednim udruženjima od strane radnih kolektiva u lipnju 1950. godine u Jugoslaviji je uvedeno samoupravljanje kao osnovni model društvenog razvoja kroz cijelo socijalističko razdoblje. Time su radnički savjeti trebali postati tijela putem kojih bi radnici upravljali poduzećima. Nekoliko mjeseci nakon toga samoupravljanje je uvedeno i u brodogradilištu Uljanik. U listopadu 1950. godine održan je sastanak prvog radničkog savjeta kojemu je prisustvovao cijeli radni kolektiv. Time je brodogradilište predano radnicima na upravljanje. U razdoblju 1950–1961. godine djelovao je jedan radnički savjet na razini cijeloga brodogradilišta, a kao predstavnik svih radnika trebao je odlučivati o brojnim pitanjima vezanim uz radništvo, proizvodnju i organizaciju rada te donositi zaključke koji bi poboljšali rad brodogradilišta. Zapisnici sa sastanaka radničkih savjeta i bilten brodogradilišta Uljanik otkrivaju kako je izgledalo prvih deset godina samoupravljanja u Uljaniku, na koji način su radnički savjeti doprinijeli kvaliteti proizvodnje, o čemu su raspravljali i kakve su zaključke donosili te koliko su radnici sudjelovali u upravljanju brodogradilištem. Ključne riječi: brodogradilište, samoupravljanje, radnički savjeti, upravni odbor, radništvo 164 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Igor Stanić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE ULJANIK SHIPYARD AND WORKERS’ SELFMANAGEMENT IN THE PERIOD 1950-1961 Abstract T he adoption of the Basic Law on Management of State Economic Enterprises and Higher Economic Associations by the Workers’ Collective in June 1950 introduced self-management as the primary social development model in Yugoslavia in the socialist period. The intention was to transform the Workers’ Councils into bodies that would enable the workers to manage the enterprises. Several months thereafter, self-management was introduced in the Uljanik Shipyard too. The first meeting of the Workers’ Council was held in October 1950 and it was attended by the entire work collective. Shipyard management duties were thus handed over to the workers. In the period 1950–1961, the shipyard had only one Workers’ Council which, as the representative of all workers, was supposed to make decisions that would improve the operation of the shipyard. The Minutes from the meetings of the Workers’ Councils and the Bulletin of the Uljanik Shipyard illustrate the first ten years of self-management in Uljanik, and reveal how the Workers’ Councils contributed to production quality, what was discussed and what conclusions were reached, and provide an indication as to the degree of participation of the workers in shipyard management activities. Key words: shipyard, self-management, Workers’ Council, Management Board, the workers 165 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Emilija Stanković Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu [email protected] EKONOMSKI ASPEKTI DIOKLECIJANOVIH REFORMI Sažetak B udući da je Istra bila dio Rimskog Carstva, a da je Dioklecijan jedan od značajnijih vladara čije su reforme pretežno pozitivno utjecale na opstanak Carstva, opredijelio me je za temu rada. Usto, iako nije iz Istre, Dioklecijan je rođen u Saloni kraj današnjeg Splita kamo se nakon abdikacije vratio, živio u svojoj palači koju je sagradio i uzgajao povrće. Riječ je o snažnom i energičnom vladaru iz Dalmacije koji je svojim opsežnim reformama uspio barem nakratko zaustaviti najtežu ekonomsku krizu III. stoljeća. Najvažniji potezi Dioklecijana bili su: podjela države, povećanje broja provincija, porast broja vojnika i državnih činovnika, nova porezna politika. Sve to unijelo je više reda u rimsko društvo. Država je postala učinkovitija. Mjere koje je sproveo u oblasti financija uspjele su, makar nakratko, produžiti vijek Carstva. Dioklecijanove su reforme zbilja doprinijele poboljšanju prilika u Carstvu. Znakovi oporavka bili su vidljiviji na Istoku, dok ih je na Zapadu bilo manje. Na Balkanu je bilo znakova oporavka i prosperiteta. Ključne riječi: Dioklecijan, ekonomija, reforme, efekti, porez 166 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Emilija Stanković Law Faculty, University of Kragujevac [email protected] ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DIOCLETIAN’S REFORMS Abstract T he fact that Istria was a part of the Roman Empire and that Diocletian was an important emperor whose reforms made mostly positive impact on the survival of the Roman Empire prompted me to choose the topic of my paper. Moreover, although Diocletian was not from Istria, he was born in Salona near today’s Split where he returned after his abdication and built a palace where he lived and cultivated vegetables. He was a powerful and strong-minded emperor from Dalmatia whose reforms managed, albeit for a short period, to stop the most difficult economic crisis in the 3rd century. The most significant procedures taken by Diocletian were the following: he divided the state, he increased the number of provinces, he also increased the number of soldiers and state administrators and he introduced the new tax policy. All this brought more order to the Roman society. The state became more efficient. The financial measures he took managed, albeit for a short period, to prolong the duration of the Empire. Diocletian’s reforms truly contributed to the improvement of the situation in the Empire. The signs of recovery were visible in the East, and less visible in the West. The Balkans saw signs of recovery and prosperity. Key words: Diocletian, economy, reforms, effects, taxes 167 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Petar Strčić Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti [email protected] GOSPODARSKA OSNOVICA HRVATSKOGA NARODNOG PREPORODA ISTRE U 19. STOLJEĆU Sažetak I stra je u 19. st. u austrijskome dijelu Habsburške Monarhije. I u gospodarstvu su vladajuće tanke feudalne i postfeudalne austrijske, nemškutarske, talijanske i talijanaške strukture. Službeni su jezici njemački i talijanski, iako je apsolutno većinski puk hrvatski. U tome općeeuropskome «vijeku nacija» izrasta hrvatski narodni preporod, no, u Istri otežano, s uspješnijim razvojem u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Kmetstvo je prestalo, ali ne i kolonat; propalo je brodarstvo na jedra. Siromaštvo je sveopće. No, politički, pa i gospodarski život oživljavaju seoski svećenici, s tisućljetnim glagoljaškim temeljima. Osnivaju se udruge, pa i gospodarske. Koristi se i nagli uspon Pule – najveće ratne luke, te Opatije – najvećega turističkog centra Monarhije. Počinje organiziranje radnika. Gospodarstvo pridonosi da se na prijelazu stoljeća i u politici pozicije s vladajućima gotovo izjednačuju. Ključne riječi: Istra, hrvatski narodni preporod, gospodarstvo, 19 stoljeće 168 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Petar Strčić Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts [email protected] THE ECONOMIC BASIS OF THE CROATIAN NATIONAL REVIVAL IN THE 19TH CENTURY IN ISTRIA Abstract I n the 19th century, Istria finds itself in the Austrian part of the Habsburg Monarchy. Furthermore, its economy has also been dominated by the ruling, but thinned, feudal and post-feudal Austrian, Teutophile, Italian and Italophile structures. The official languages are German and Italian, despite the fact the Croatian population constitutes the absolute majority. This Europe-wide «century of nations» saw the emergence of the Croatian National Revival, which had faced difficulties in Istria, but developed more successfully in the second half of the 19th century. Serfdom vanished, but the colonate did not; commercial sailing industry collapsed. Poverty was omnipresent. However, village priests, with roots in a millennium-old Glagolitic tradition, revitalized the political, and even the economic life. Associations, even in the field of the economy, were established. The sudden rise of Pula – the major military port, and Opatija – the largest tourist centre of the Monarchy, was also exploited. Workers’ organising efforts began. The economy contributed to achieving a position of near equality in politics with the ruling group at the turn of the century. Key words: Istria, Croatian National Revival, the economy, the 19th century 169 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Josip Šiklić Gimnazija i strukovna škola Jurja Dobrile Pazin [email protected] ŠKOLOVANJE KADROVA ZA POTREBE PAZINSKOG GOSPODARSTVA Sažetak Z bog potreba pazinskih privrednih poduzeća za obrazovanjem kadrova i u nastojanju Pazinske gimnazije da proširi svoju djelatnost, 70-ih godina 20. stoljeća počinje se razvijati poslovna suradnja Gimnazije s pojedinim privrednim poduzećima, najprije s kemijsko-tekstilnom industrijom Pazinka, zatim poduzećem za eksploataciju i preradu kamena - Kamen Pazin, Istraplastikom - tvornicom za izradu artikala od plastičnih masa, Poljoprivredno-prehrambenim kombinatom Pazin (Puris), s trikotažom Istranka te građevnim poduzećem Vladimir Gortan Pazin. Zajedno s tim poduzećima Gimnazija je, u skladu s njihovim kadrovskim potrebama, otvarala redovna odjeljenja te odjeljenja po sustavu obrazovanja uz rad i za rad. U radu se iznose podaci o obrazovnim programima, odjeljenjima i polaznicima, zatim oblicima obrazovanja te o promjenama u obrazovanju koje su pratile razvoj pazinskih poduzeća i tehnologija od 70-ih do 90-ih godina 20. stoljeća. Ključne riječi: obrazovanje, pazinska poduzeća, Pazinska gimnazija, obrazovanje uz rad, obrazovanje za rad 170 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Josip Šiklić Juraj Dobrila Grammar and Vocational School, Pazin [email protected] WORKFORCE EDUCATION FOR THE NEEDS OF THE ECONOMY OF PAZIN Abstract D ue to the needs of commercial enterprises in terms of workforce education and as part of the efforts of the grammar school in Pazin to expand its activities, it was in the 1970s that the grammar school started developing a business-related programme of cooperation with individual business enterprises from Pazin, starting from the textile chemical industry Pazinka,and followed by the stone quarrying and fabrication company Kamen Pazin, the plastic goods factory Istraplastika, the Agriculture and Food Conglomerate Pazin (Puris), the knitted garments manufacturer Istranka and the construction company Vladimir Gortan, Pazin. Together with these commercial enterprises and in line with their workforce requirements, the grammar school instituted both regular classes as well as special classes within the framework of a scheme known as education while working and education for work. The paper presents information on education programmes, classes and students, followed by information about different forms of education and changes in the field of education that had accompanied the development of commercial businesses and technologies in Pazin from the 1970s to the 1990s. Key words: education, commercial enterprises in Pazin, Grammar School in Pazin, education while working, education for work 171 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Jusuf Šehanović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] K rešimir Bronić Srednja škola Mate Balote Poreč [email protected] STOLJEĆE DJELOVANJA SREDNJE POLJOPRIVREDNE ŠKOLE U POREČU Sažetak P rema odluci Istarskog sabora od 5. rujna 1874. godine u Poreču je osnovana Poljoprivredna stanica. Ustanova je dobila naziv Pokrajinska vinarsko – voćarska stanica i počela je raditi u travnju 1875. godine. Godine 1882. Stanica prerasta u Školu za praktično vinogradarstvo, vinarstvo i voćarstvo. Škola je bila specijalna vinogradarsko – voćarska u trajanju dvije godine. Škola je započela s izdavanjem stručnog časopisa “L’istria agricola”. Prvi broj lista izašao je 1907. godine. Iste godine podignuta je suvremena školska zgrada. Škola je dobila naziv Praktična poljoprivredna škola. Nakon Prvog svjetskog rata nastava je započela tek 1920. godine. Istra je pripala Italiji. Sve do 1935. godine Škola je bila četverogodišnja. Godine 1937. osnovane su niža i srednja poljoprivredna škola pod nazivom Istituto tecnico agrario. 4. studenog 1945. godine svečano je otvorena nova školska godina i prvi put se u povijesti Škole nastava izvodila na hrvatskom jeziku. Danas je Poljoprivredna škola sastavni dio jedinstvene ustanove koja se zove Srednja škola Mate Balote Poreč, u sklopu koje se nalaze još programi za obrazovanje ekonomista, komercijalista te opća i jezična gimnazija. Ključne riječi: srednje poljoprivredno obrazovanje, Istra 172 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Jusuf Šehanović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] K rešimir Bronić Mate Balota High School Poreč [email protected] CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL IN POREČ Abstract T he Diet of Istria adopted the decision to found an agricultural station in Poreč on 5 September 1874. The institution was opened in April 1875 as the Regional Winemaking and Fruit Farming Station. In 1882, the station became the School for Practical Wine-Growing, Winemaking and Fruit Farming. The new institution was a specialized two-year wine-growing and fruit farming school. It began publishing a professional journal entitled L’istria agricola. The first issue of the journal was published in 1907. A modern school building was constructed in the same year. The school was renamed as the Practical Agricultural School. After the First World War, the school remained closed until 1920. Istria became part of Italy. The school worked as a four-year education institution until 1935. The lower and the higher agricultural school were founded under the name of Istituto tecnico agrario in 1937. On 4 November 1945, the start of a new school year with classes taught in Croatian for the first time in the history of the school was celebrated. Today, the Agricultural School is part of an integrated educational institution known as the Mate Balota High School in Poreč, which encompasses educational programs for economists and sales specialists as well as general and languages program secondary schools. Key words: secondary-level agricultural education, Istria 173 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Jusuf Šehanović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] Mario Staver Poljoprivredni odjel u Poreču Veleučilišta u Rijeci [email protected] POLJOPRIVREDNO VISOKO OBRAZOVANJE U ISTRI Sažetak G odine 1961. u Poreču je s radom započela dvogodišnja Viša poljoprivredna škola s dva odsjeka: vinogradarskim i voćarskim. Za tu Školu je vladao veliki interes jer je ona bila jedina škola vinogradarsko – voćarskog smjera u Hrvatskoj. Škola je s radom završila 1966. godine. Za vrijeme postojanja nju je pohađalo 450 studenata s područja cijele ex Jugoslavije. Godine 2001. započelo je preddiplomsko obrazovanje vinara. Ono se provodi u novoosnovanom Poljoprivrednom odjelu Veleučilišta u Rijeci. Studij je smješten u zgradi Srednje škole Mate Balote u Poreču i Instituta za poljoprivredu i turizam čije je prostore ugovorno koristio. U nastavnom procesu učestvuju profesori i suradnici sa Agronomskog fakulteta Zagreb, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku, Veleučilišta u Rijeci, Instituta za poljoprivredu i turizam iz Poreča, te istaknuti stručnjaci iz gospodarstva u zemlji i inozemni stručnjaci. Na Stručnom studiju vinarstva do sada je diplomiralo 128 studenata. U okviru Poljoprivrednog odjela godine 2007. započeo je trogodišnji preddiplomski Stručni studij mediteranske poljoprivrede. Njega je do ljeta 2013. godine završilo 108 studenata. Ključne riječi: Stručni studij vinarstva, Stručni studij mediteranske poljoprivrede, Istra 174 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Jusuf Šehanović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] Mario Staver Agricultural Department in Poreč, Polytehnic of Rijeka [email protected] HIGHER AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN ISTRIA Abstract T he College of Agriculture in Poreč was founded in 1961 with two departments - Department of Viticulture and Department of Pomology - that offered two-year programs. The interest in the College was great since it was the only collegiate school with viticulture and pomology programs in Croatia. It closed down in 1966. In course of its existence, the college had an enrolment of 450 students from the entire region of former Yugoslavia. Undergraduate studies in winemaking were established in 2001. The winemaking studies program is offered at the newly-founded Department of Agriculture of the Polytechnic of Rijeka, and the courses are held in the building of the Mate Balota High School in Poreč and at the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, in accordance with a premises use agreement. Professors and associates from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Polytechnic of Rijeka, Institute of Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč, as well as renowned Croatian and international experts in the field of economics take part in the teaching process. Thus far, 128 students earned their degrees by completing the Professional Studies Program in Winemaking. A three-year undergraduate Professional Study of Mediterranean Agriculture was established within the Department of Agriculture in 2007. By the summer of 2013, 108 students completed the program. Key words: Professional Studies Program in Winemaking, Professional Studies Program in Mediterranean Agriculture, Istria 175 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Zvonimira Šverko Grdić Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija [email protected] Maja Nikšić R adić Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija [email protected] INOZEMNI KAPITAL – PRILIKA ZA DALJNJI RAZVOJ GOSPODARSTVA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE? Sažetak P romatranje makroekonomskog okruženja i uvjeta za izravna inozemna ulaganja u značajnoj su mjeri određena činjenicom završetka hrvatskih pregovora o pristupu EU i predviđenog prihvaćanja Schengenskog režima do 2016. godine. Završna faza tog procesa odvija se u uvjetima u kojima je niska stopa ekonomskog rasta predvidljiv scenarij kako za Eurozonu tako i za Hrvatsku, a vremenski okvir prelaska na euro neizvjestan. Brzi gospodarski rast vodi visokoj razini agregatne potražnje koja stimulira veću potražnju za investicijama uključujući izravna inozemna ulaganja. U ovom radu iznose se temeljne tendencije razvoja područja Istarske županije s posebnim naglaskom na ulaganje inozemnog kapitala u istarsko gospodarstvo. Cilj je rada provesti istraživanje razine inozemnog kapitala u istarskom gospodarstvu kako bi se razmotrio njegov utjecaj na razvoj. Autori upravo u privlačenju inozemnog kapitala, obzirom na oskudnost domaćeg kapitala i rezerviranost domaćih ulagača, vide priliku daljnjeg rasta i razvoja istarskog gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: Izravna inozemna ulaganja, gospodarski rast i razvoj, makroekonomsko okruženje, istarsko gospodarstvo 176 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Zvonimira Šverko Grdić Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija [email protected] Maja Nikšić R adić Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija [email protected] FOREIGN CAPITAL: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR FURTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY OF ISTRIA? Abstract O bservations pertaining to macroeconomic environment and foreign direct investment conditions have largely been influenced by the conclusion of Croatian EU accession negotiations and anticipated adoption of the Schengen regime by 2016. The final stages of this process take place in a time when low economic growth represents a predictable scenario both for the Eurozone as well Croatia, while the timeframe for the adoption of the euro is still uncertain. Rapid economic growth results in high aggregate demand which leads to an increase in the demand for investments, including foreign direct investments. This paper presents major development trends in the area of the County of Istria with special emphasis on foreign capital in the economy of the region. The aim of the paper is to examine foreign capital levels within the economy of Istria with the aim of studying the impact of foreign capital on development. Due to the fact that domestic capital remains scarce and that domestic investors remain aloof, the authors have recognized that attracting foreign attraction may present an opportunity for further growth and development of Istrian economy. Key words: foreign direct investments, economic growth and development, macroeconomic environment, Istrian economy 177 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Nadja Terčon Pomorski muzej “Sergej Mašera” Piran [email protected] POMORSKE GOSPODARSKE DEJAVNOSTI V KOPRU, IZOLI IN PIRANU OD SREDINE 19. STOLETJA DO SREDINE 20. STOLETJA Izvleček N a podlagi dolgoletnih raziskav arhivskega gradiva in že objavljenih avtorskih del je avtorica pripravila pregledni prispevek o pomorskem gospodarstvu v severozahodnih istrskih obalnih mestih Kopru, Izoli in Piranu v časovnem razponu od sredine 19. st. do sredine 20. st., njegovem razvoju, pomenu in vlogi, različnih povezavah ter vplivu na družbo v celoti. Poseben poudarek je zlasti na obdobju od 1945 do 1958, ko se je pomorska gospodarska slika zaradi povojnega političnega in diplomatskega boja za državne meje in t.i. Tržaškega vprašanja v več pogledih popolnoma spremenila. Ključne besede: Koper, Izola, Piran, pomorstvo, ladjedelstvo, pristaniška dejavnost, ribja industrija 178 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Nadja Terčon Maritime Museum “Sergej Mašera” Piran [email protected] MARITIME ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN KOPER, IZOLA AND PIRAN FROM MID-19TH CENTURY TO MID-20TH CENTURY Abstract B ased on her long-time researches of archival material and already published copyright works, the authoress has prepared a clearly-arranged article about the maritime economy in coastal places of the north-western Istria – Koper, Izola and Piran in the time frame from mid-19th century to mid-20th century, its development, importance and role, its various connections and influence on the society as a whole. A special accent is given particularly to the period from 1945 to 1958 when the maritime economic image in many respects fully changed due to the post-war political and diplomatic struggle for state borders and the so called issue of Trieste. Key words: Koper, Izola, Piran, maritime affairs, shipbuilding, quayside activity, fish industry 179 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Lela Tijanić Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] ODREDNICE KONKURENTNOSTI ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE KAO RAZVOJNI PRIORITETI Sažetak J ačanje regionalne konkurentnosti izazov je na lokalnoj, regionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini, što je istaknuto u brojnim razvojnim dokumentima, ali i otvara područja za daljnja istraživanja s obzirom na sveprisutne rasprave o mjerenju regionalne konkurentnosti. Temeljem vrlo dobrih rezultata Istarske županije u odnosu na ostale NUTS 3 regije Hrvatske u dosadašnjim mjerenjima regionalne konkurentnosti, postavlja se pitanje je li moguće utvrditi ključne odrednice konkurentnosti koje su navedenom pridonijele te definirati potencijale daljnjeg razvoja? U cilju definiranja najznačajnijih odrednica regionalne konkurentnosti Istarske županije u radu je provedena multivarijatna analiza, koristeći ekonomske pokazatelje o odrednicama regionalne konkurentnosti NUTS 3 regija Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na usklađenost najznačajnijih odrednica regionalne konkurentnosti Istarske županije utvrđenih provedenom analizom u odnosu na razvojne prioritete definirane u županijskoj razvojnoj strategiji te su izdvojena moguća poboljšanja u cilju postavljanja budućih razvojnih smjernica konkurentnog istarskog gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: konkurentnost, regija, razvojni prioriteti, Istarska županija 180 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Lela Tijanić Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] DETERMINANTS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE COUNTY OF ISTRIA AS DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES Abstract S trengthening regional competitiveness represents a challenge at the local, regional and national level, as underlined in numerous development documents, but it also opens up new research areas in view of widespread discussions on measuring regional competitiveness. In view of very good results achieved by Istria County so far in comparison to other NUT3 regions of Croatia in terms of measuring regional competitiveness, the question arises whether it would be possible to identify key competitiveness determinants that contributed to such results and to define further development potentials. The paper presents a multivariate analysis conducted with the aim of identifying the most significant determinants of regional competitiveness of Istria County, using economic indicators of regional competitiveness determinants for NUT 3 regions of Croatia. The results of the research indicate that the most important determinants of regional competitiveness of Istria County as identified in the analysis were harmonized with development priorities specified in the county’s development strategy, and the possibilities for improvement with the aim of setting forth future development guidelines for a competitive economy of Istria have been highlighted. Key words: competitiveness, region, development priorities, Istria County 181 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Tatjana Tomaić Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] STRATEGIJA RAZVOJA GOSPODARSTVA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE KROZ PROGRAMSKE DOKUMENTE POLITIČKIH STRANAKA: KOMPARATIVNA ANALIZA HDZ-A I IDS-A Sažetak D emokratski procesi s kraja osamdesetih i početka devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, zahvatili su sve komunističko-socijalističke zemlje Srednje i Istočne Europe te proizveli promjenu autoritarnih u demokratske sustave. Novoustrojene političke stranke u Hrvatskoj, poput HDZ-a i IDS-a ukorijenile su se i na svojim različitim programskim usmjerenjima. Iz ovoga se nameće opće istraživačko pitanje: što je to, ukoliko se usporede strategije razvoja gospodarstva Istarske županije, različito a što slično u programskim dokumentima HDZ-a i IDS-a? Da li se one podudaraju ili razlikuju u pogledu programskog pristupa strategiji razvoja gospodarstva Istarske županije? Koji bi koncept razvoja gospodarstva Istarske županije bio uspješniji? U ovome je radu riječ o paralelnoj studiji slučaja koja se bavi strategijama razvoja gospodarstva kroz programske dokumente dvije političke stranka. IDS-ovu strategiju razvoja gospodarstva Istre analizirati ćemo kroz Programsku deklaraciju a strategiju HDZ-a kroz Program obnove i razvitka Županije istarske. Ključne riječi: strategija razvoja, Istarska županija, programski dokumenti, političke stranke 182 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Tatjana Tomaić Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences [email protected] THE STRATEGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ISTRIA COUNTY AS PRESENTED IN THE PROGRAMMING DOCUMENTS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE HDZ AND THE IDS Abstract D emocratic processes in the late 1980s and the early 1990s affected all communist and socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe, and resulted in a transition from authoritarian to democratic systems. Newly founded political parties in Croatia, such as the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ, Croatian acronym) and the Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS, Croatian acronym), have become firmly established partly also as a result of their different orientations in terms of political programs. In view of the above, the following general research question arises: if we compare the strategies for economic development of Istria County, what are the differences and the similarities between the programming documents of the HDZ and the IDS? Are their approaches to the strategy of economic development of Istria County comparable or dissimilar? Which of the two concepts of economic development of Istria County would be more successful? This paper presents a parallel case study on economic development strategies as set forth in the programming documents of two political parties. We will analyse the strategy of economic development of Istria County of the IDS on the basis of the Program Declaration, while the strategy of the HDZ will be analysed on the basis of the Program for Reconstruction and Development of Istria County. Key words: development strategy, Istria County, programming documents, political parties 183 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Stipan Trogrlić Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] GOSPODARSKO-SOCIJALNI PROGRAM HRVATSKOG KATOLIČKOG POKRETA U ISTRI PREMA PISANJU PUČKOG PRIJATELJA 1899.-1914. Sažetak H rvatski katolički pokret u Istri (HKPI), kao dio katoličkog gibanja na širem hrvatskom prostoru, imao je jasan cilj: zaustaviti potiskivanje Crkve s istarske društvene scene kako bi tu scenu (pre)oblikovao prema kršćanskim načelima. Za ostvarenje tog cilja važan je bio koliko nacionalno-politički, toliko i gospodarsko-socijalni program. Pa iako se, u formalnom smislu, ne može govoriti o nekom gospodarskosocijalnom programu HKPI-a, napisi na stranicama Pučkog prijatelja, svojevrsnog portparola Pokreta, definirali su „de facto“ taj program. Gospodarsko-socijalni program HKPI-a, prema pisanju Pučkog prijatelja ima dvije razine. Prva je ona praktično-svakodnevna. Tu susrećemo čitav spektar savjeta seljacima počev od sadnje, uzgoja, gnojenja rezidbe, zaštite vinove loze, berbe, pravljenja i uskladištavanja vina, preko savjeta kako zaštiti pojedine kulture od nametnika, sadnji novih kultura, uzgoju pčela, radovima na oranicama, povrtnjaku, šumi, do savjeta koja se tiču stočarstva, kućne radinosti, higijenskih pravila, uloge putujućih učitelja itd. Na drugoj razini, onoj „makroekonomskoj“, koja će biti predmet analize, list se bavi pitanjem osnivanja društava za promicanje gospodarstva, stvaranjem mreža potrošačkih i kreditnih zadruga (posujilnica), tiskanjem poučnih knjiga. Slijedeći encikliku Rerum novarum iz 1891. godine, svojevrsnu sintezu pedesetgodišnjeg bavljenja Crkve gospodarsko-socijalnim pitanjem, Pučki prijatelj je nudio program izlaska iz gospodarske krize istarskog sela. Međutim, kako su materijalne pretpostavke za realizaciju tog programa bile preslabe, a ni društveno-političko ozračje nije mu išlo na ruku, njegova realizacija često je bila samo parcijalna. Ipak taj program je zanimljiv kao pogled istrskog hrvatskog katolištva na uzroke gospodarske zaostalosti Istre i traženje izlaza iz te situacije, pri čemu, u konačnici, ne treba zanemariti ni poduzete mjere u realizaciji programa. Ključne riječi: Istra, Hrvatski katolički pokret, gospodarstvo, program, kriza, izlazak 184 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Stipan Trogrlić Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences [email protected] THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAM OF THE CROATIAN CATHOLIC MOVEMENT IN ISTRIA ACCORDING TO THE WRITINGS OF THE PUČKI PRIJATELJ JOURNAL FROM 1899 TO 1914 Abstract T he aim of the Croatian Catholic Movement in Istria, as part of Catholic activities pursued across Croatia, was clear: to stop the attempts to banish the Church from the social scene in Istria, with the aim of (re)shaping that scene in accordance with Christian principles. The national and political program and the economic and social program were equally important in the efforts to achieve this aim. Hence, although we cannot speak of an economic and social program of the Movement in the strict sense of the term, such a program was actually effectively articulated in the texts published on the pages of the journal Pučki prijatelj, the Movement’s porte-parole of a sort. The economic and social program of the Croatian Catholic Movement in Istria, according to the writings of Pučki prijatelj, has two levels. The first level is practical and pertains to everyday life. There, we find an abundance of advice intended for farmers, ranging from planting, cultivation, fertilisation, pruning, grape vine protection, harvesting, wine production and storage, through advice on how to protect various crops against pests and how to plant new crop varieties, cultivate bees, on works to be performed on the arable land, in vegetable gardens, in the forest, to advice relating to animal husbandry, cottage industry, rules of hygiene, the role of travelling teachers etc. On the other, „macroeconomic“, side, which will be the subject of analysis, the journal deals with the problem of establishing associations to promote the economy, creating networks of consumer and credit cooperatives (posujilnice), publishing edifying books. In line with the encyclical Rerum novarum from 1891, a kind of a synthesis of a half-a-century long examination of economic and social issues by the Church, Pučki prijatelj presented a program to end the economic crisis in rural Istria. However, the program was often only partially implemented due to poor material conditions as well as unfavourable social and political climate. Still, the program is interesting as an insight into the views of Istrian Croatian Catholics on the causes of economic underdevelopment of Istria and as an example of an attempt to find a way out of that situation. Furthermore, the measures in the effort to implement the program should also not be disregarded. Key words: Istria, Croatian Catholic Movement, the economy, program, crisis, solution 185 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Alfredo Viggiano Università degli Studi di Padova [email protected] COMUNITÀ AMBIENTE E CONFLITTI NELL’ISTRIA DEL SETTECENTO Riassunto P artendo dalla lettura del materiali processuale conservato nell’archivi dei Capi del Consiglio dei Dieci, Processi Criminali delegati, Istria,intendo esaminare i modi le complesse relazioni che corrono fra abitantidelle comunità e risorse naturali. Boschi e confini -tutelati, invasi,protetti, incendiati - costituiscono i soggetti principali di un dialogointenso con i principali attori sociali e istituzionali della penisola istriana. 186 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Alfredo Viggiano University of Padova [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNITY AND CONFLICTS IN THE 18TH CENTURY ISTRIA Abstract S tarting with the reading of the trial material kept in the archives of the Heads of the Council of Ten, delegated Criminal processes, Istria, my intention is to examine the complex relations between the inhabitants of the community and natural resources. Woods and boundaries – safeguarded, invaded, protected, set on fire – constitute the principal subjects of an intensive dialogue with the principal social and institutional actors of the Istrian peninsula. 187 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Nikola Vojnović Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli [email protected] OPĆINA LANIŠĆE: RAZVOJ TURIZMA U UVJETIMA PERIFERIJE Sažetak U radu se istražuju obilježja demografskog i turističkog razvoja Općine Lanišće u uvjetima periferije. Periferna obilježja posebno su naglašena nepovoljnim geografskim položajem na granici Istarske i Primorsko-goranske županije te zatvorenošću državne granice prema Sloveniji, odnosno Europskoj uniji kao posljedica provođenja odredbi Schengenskog sporazuma. Perifernost dodatno pojačava geomorfološka obilježja gorske skupine Ćićarije s Učkom u kojoj se Općina nalazi. Osim toga, na perifernost utječu niska razina gospodarske razvijenosti i oslonac na tradicionalne gospodarske grane, dominacija ruralnih obilježja u krajoliku, depopulacija i starenje stanovništva, ovisnost o uvezenim dobrima i inovacijama, udaljenost od središta odlučivanja koja vodi u otuđenje te nedostatna infrastruktura i druge pogodnosti. Populacijsku dinamiku karakterizira stalan pad stanovništva i negativna prirodna kretanja. Strukturna obilježja stanovništva ukazuju na Općinu u fazi izrazito duboke starosti kojoj prijeti izumiranje. U takvim uvjetima turizam se nalazi u etapi uključivanja u životnom ciklusu destinacije premda se prostornim planom predviđa izrazita ekspanzija. Ključne riječi: Općina Lanišće, demografska obilježja, turizam, periferija 188 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Nikola Vojnović Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] THE MUNICIPALITY OF LANIŠĆE: DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN CONDITIONS OF PERIPHERALITY Abstract T he paper studies the characteristics of demographic trends and tourism development in the Municipality of Lanišće in conditions characteristic of peripheral areas. The characteristics associated with peripherality are especially pronounced due to the unfavourable geographical location of Lanišće, situated at the border between the counties of Istria and Primorje-Gorski Kotar, and the state border with Slovenia, i.e. the European Union, which has been closed off due to the implementation of the provisions of the Schengen Agreement. Geomorphological features of the Ćićarija mountainous plateau with the Učka Mountains, where the Municipality is situated, exacerbate its peripherality. Furthermore, the situation is also aggravated by lower levels of economic development and reliance on traditional economic activities, predominantly rural features of the landscape, depopulation and aging, dependence on imported goods and innovation, remoteness from decision-making centres which leads to alienation, and insufficiently developed infrastructure and other amenities. Population dynamics is characterised by a constant decline and negative natural developments. The structural characteristics of the population indicate a predominance of the very old in the Municipality, which puts it at risk of extinction. In such conditions, tourism is currently at a stage of inclusion in terms of the life-cycle of the destination, although the spatial plan anticipated significant expansion. Key words: Lanišće Municipality, demographic characteristics, tourism, periphery 189 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Tullio Vorano Labin [email protected] GOSPODARSTVO LABINA U MLETAČKO DOBA Sažetak P regled stanja općine Labin i njegovog djelokruga, sastavljen 1802. g. (Quadro esponente le condizioni di Albona e sue dipendenze, compilato nel 1802) iz pera Tomasa Lucianija, koji je objavljen 1846.g., iako nije sveobuhvatan, omogućuje sagledavanje bitnih značajki labinskog gospodarstva mletačkog doba. Dolazi se do saznanja da se ono temeljilo na poljoprivredi i stočarstvu, osobito ovčarstvu, dok su ribarstvo i moreplovstvo bile samo dopunske djelatnosti. Rudarstvo, koje je tek bilo u povojima, pridonosilo je pozitivnoj bilanci. Crkva je također bila značajan gospodarski čimbenik. Ključne riječi: Labin, gospodarstvo, mletačka uprava (1420-1797) 190 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Tullio Vorano Labin [email protected] THE ECONOMY OF LABIN DURING VENETIAN RULE Abstract A n Overview of the Conditions in the Township of Labin and its Domain, Compiled in 1802 (Quadro esponente le condizioni di Albona e sue dipendenze, compilato nel 1802), written by Tomaso Luciani, published in 1846, although not comprehensive, provides an insight into various important characteristics of the economy in Labin in the period of Venetial rule. It reveals that the economy was based on agriculture and animal husbandry, especially sheep farming, with fishery and seafaring as supplementary activities. Mining, though in the early stages of development, contributed to a positive balance. The Church was also an important factor within the economy. Key words: Labin, the economy, Venetian rule (1420-1797) 191 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Izabela Vitasović Zagrebačka banka d.d. [email protected] UTJECAJ STRATEGIJA INTEGRACIJE NA POTICAJ RASTA I RAZVOJA PODUZETNIKA NA PODRUČJU VODNJANA Sažetak U radu se postavlja i dokazuje hipoteza da sinergijom lokalne uprave, stanovništva, gospodarstvenika, vjerskog, tradicijskog, kulturnog i povijesnog nasljeđa Vodnjan može doživjeti ponovni procvat i osigurati budućnost novim naraštajima. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljaju ishodišne točke za poslovno korištenje u cilju razvoja i rasta raznovrsnih proizvoda i usluga, posebno autohtonih. Živopisno i raznoliko prirodno okruženje i bogata vjerska i kulturna baština, nastala u bogatoj povijesti pruža potencijal za rast i razvoj. Tradicija i znanje stanovništva u području maslinarstva, vinogradarstva, vinarstva, proizvodnje istarskog pršuta i ovčjeg sira treba biti osnov za uravnotežen i održiv razvoj. Neodgovarajuća iskorištenost i valorizacija prirodne, vjerske i kulturne baštine, nedostatni i nedovoljno kvalitetni turističko-ugostiteljski kapaciteti, nedovoljno iskorišteni poljoprivredni potencijal su ishodišne točke za budući rast i razvoj. Integracija se pokazuje rješenjem za podizanjem poslovnih rezultata. Ovim radom se predlažu rješenja kojima se uz valorizaciju povijesti pronalaze rješenja za bolju budućnost Vodnjanskog i Istarskog gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: Vodnjan, kvaliteta života, rast i razvoj 192 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Izabela Vitasović Zagrebačka banka d.d. [email protected] IMPACT OF INTEGRATION STRATEGIES ON STIMULATING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURS IN THE VODNJAN AREA Abstract T he paper proposes and proves the hypothesis that a synergy of local government, population, businessmen, as well as religious, traditional, cultural and historical heritage would facilitate a revitalization of Vodnjan and thus ensure a future for new generations. Research results represent starting points for commercial utilization, with the aim of achieving growth and development of diverse and especially autochthonous products and services. A picturesque and varied natural setting and a diverse religious as well as cultural heritage stemming from a rich history present an opportunity for growth and development. Tradition and experience of the population in the fields of olive growing, wine-growing, wine production, Istrian dry-cured ham and sheep’s milk cheese production should form the basis for balanced and sustainable development. Inadequate utilization and valorisation of natural, religious and cultural heritage, insufficient capacities in the fields of tourism and hospitality industry as well as inadequate quality thereof, and underutilization of agricultural potentials represent starting points for future growth and development. Integration proved to be a solution for improving business results. This paper presents proposals of solutions with the aim of ensuring a better future for the economy of Vodnjan and Istria through a valorisation of history. Key words: Vodnjan, quality of life, growth and development 193 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Denis Visintin Muzej Grada Pazina [email protected] ISTARSKA POLJOPRIVREDA IZMEĐU PROŠLOSTI I SADAŠNJOSTI. PROBLEMI I PERSPEKTIVE KROZ POVIJEST Sažetak U referatu će se predstaviti sažeti pregled stanja poljoprivrede od ranog novovjekovlja do suvremenog doba. Pregledom arhivskih izvora, posebno u arhivima Pazina, Rijeke, Kopra, Pirana i Trsta, te korištenjem bogate očuvane znanstvene literature (Rovinj, Pula, Koper, Trst), nastojat će se predstaviti značenje poljoprivrednog gospodarstva za istarski poluotok, te problemi koji su onemogućavali njegov razvoj. Pozornost će se posebno usredotočiti na glavnim istarskim poljoprivrednim granama, vinu i maslinovom ulju, metodama kultiviranja zemljišta, načinima organizacije proizvodnje i stjecanja bogatstva, oblicima ugovornih obveza te odnosima između vlasnika i zemljoradnika. Posebna pažnja će se posvetiti razvoju proizvodnog sustava, koji je stoljećima bio tradicionalan i arhaični, te problemima koji su otežavali poljoprivrednu evoluciju: zaostalost proizvodnje, nedostatak obrazovanja, cesta i tržišnih središta, bolesti poljoprivrednih proizvoda, demografski problem. Ispitat će se struktura zemljopisnog krajolika, utjecaj ostalih povezanih ekonomskih grana na sveukupni poljoprivredni razvoj: ispašu, stočarstvo, šumarstvo, domaću proizvodnju, itd. Dio referata fokusirati će se na promjene koje su utjecale na poljoprivredu u cjelini u drugoj polovici devetnaestog stoljeća, uglavnom zbog utjecaja vanjskih faktora, odnosno širenja raznih poljoprivrednih epidemija. Konkretno, vinski je sektor bio pogođen pepelnicom, peronosporom i filokserom, te drugim bolestima. Osim toga, postojao je interes lokalnih vlasti, posebno provincijskih, te klera i pojedinih zemljovlasnika. Posebna će pažnja biti usmjerena otvaranju suvremenih uljara, vinarskih podruma, poljoprivrednih udruga, zadruga i sindikata. Posljednji dio referata biti će posvećen promjenama koje su se dešavale početkom dvadesetog stoljeća pojavom mehanizacije, koje su označile početak kraja tradicijskog poljoprivrednog gospodarstva. Ključne riječi: poljoprivreda, agrar, poljoprivredni razvoj, povijest poljoprivrede 194 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Denis Visintin Pazin City Museum [email protected] AGRICULTURE IN ISTRIA BETWEEN THE PRESENT AND THE PAST: ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES THROUGH HISTORY Abstract T he paper presents a concise survey of the conditions in agriculture from early modern times to the present. By giving an overview of archival sources, in particular of the archives in Pazin, Rijeka, Kopar, Piran and Trieste and drawing on the rich collections of preserved scientific literature (Rovinj, Pula, Koper, Trieste) the paper seeks to underline the importance of the agricultural economy for the Istrian peninsula and the problems that hindered its development. The paper will be particularly focused on the major branches of agriculture in Istria, i.e. wine and olive oil, methods of land cultivation, production management and wealth creation, types of contracts and relationships between landowners and land workers. A special emphasis will be given to the development of the production system that had been traditional and archaic for centuries, and to the problems that hindered the evolution of agriculture: underdeveloped production, the lack of education, the lack of roads and trade centres, agricultural diseases, demographic issues. The paper will examine the structure of geographical landscape and the influence of other related branches of economics on the overall agricultural development: pasture, cattle breeding, forestry, national production, etc. One section of the paper will be focused on changes that generally influenced the agriculture in the second half of the nineteenth century, mostly because of the impact of external factors such as the spread of various agricultural epidemic diseases. In particular, the wine sector was hit by powdery mildew, downy mildew, phylloxera and other diseases. Moreover, local governments, in particular provincial governments, and the clergy had their own interests. Special emphasis will be given to the opening of contemporary oil refineries, wine cellars, agricultural societies, cooperative societies and unions. The last section of the paper will be devoted to the changes taking place at the dawn of the twentieth century when mechanization was introduced. These changes marked the beginning of the end of the traditional agricultural economy. Key words: agriculture, agrarian issues, agricultural development, history of agriculture 195 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Manuela-Claire Warscher Vienna, Austria [email protected] INDUSTRY AND WORKERS 1848-1918: SOCIAL HISTORY IN BRIEF Abstract T he economic development of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy as a whole or any Kronland has been widely considered in studies. However, papers on the Istrian economy from 1848 to 1918 or the social aspect of workers are few and far between. My paper addresses the social-economic issue of the Istrian working class in that period with a special attention to the working conditions and the representatives. In this research I will look at the development of the Istrian economy by drawing upon mostly primary sources of the Austrian State Archive, newspapers, parliamentary documents and reports. I will discuss progress and requirements of economic sectors, their interaction with agriculture and ‘cottage industry’ as well as their role as employer and juxtapose them against the worker’s struggle on the basis of examples to reveal the connections between economic and social welfare and the development of Istria. This project by closely examining the man behind the economy will shed new light on the little recognized issue of the Istrian working class and hence add the work force to social history and the economic perspective to economic history works of the former margravate. Key words: Labour force; Worker; Economy; Social history; Social-economy; Istria 1848-1918 197 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Jasenko Zekić Pula [email protected] O PROBLEMIMA RAZVOJA VODOOPSKRBE PULE U RAZDOBLJU AUSTRO-UGARSKE MONARHIJE Sažetak C ilj ovog rada odgovoriti je na pitanja i probleme u razdoblju od početnog razvoja vodoprivrednih djelatnosti i sanacije posljedica mletačke nebrige pa do izgradnje razgranatog vodoopskrbnog sustava Pule s težištem na utjecaj pozitivnih i negativnih prirodnih i ljudskih čimbenika. Sama tema značajan je segment vodnog gospodarstva kao neizostavnog dijela istarskog gospodarstva u cjelini. Kao preduvjet razvoju vodoopskrbe bili su brojni izvori pitke vode na što su negativno utjecale pojave suša i djelovanje mora. Uz te prirodne djelovao je ljudski čimbenik. Unatoč pozitivnim namjerama, antagonizam grada i mornarice, od polovice 19. st. pa do Velikog rata, često je bio kočnica razvoju, posebice osamostaljivanjem mornaričkog od gradskog vodoopskrbnog sustava. Pula je kroz razdoblje jednog stoljeća izgradila kvalitetan vodoopskrbni sustav koji je zadovoljavao potrebe rastuće urbanizacije što je ujedno i odgovor na istraživačko pitanje. Uspješan razvoj vodoopskrbnog sustava Pule u tom razdoblju, kao segment urbane povijesti okoliša, a ujedno i povijesti dugog trajanja, temelj je današnjoj vodoopskrbi Pule, odnosno vodnom gospodarstvu puljštine u cjelini. Ključne riječi: vodoopskrba, urbana povijest okoliša, Pula, Austro-Ugarska, vodno gospodarstvo 198 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Jasenko Zekić Pula [email protected] ON THE PROBLEMS OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN PULA IN THE PERIOD OF THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY Abstract T he aim of this paper is to provide an answer to the questions and address the problems relating to the period of the initial development of the water management system and the efforts to repair the effects of neglect by Venice, to the construction of Pula’s extensive water supply system, with emphasis on the impact of the positive and the negative natural and human factors. The subject-matter itself represents a significant segment in the field of water management which is an essential component of the economy of Istria as a whole. Numerous freshwater springs were the precondition for the development of the water supply system, but were negatively affected by drought events and the impact of the sea. In addition to natural factors, the impact of the human factor was also present. Despite good intentions, the antagonism between the city and the navy from the middle 19th century to the Great War had often hindered development, especially after the separation of water supply system of the navy from the water supply network of the city. In the course of a century, Pula constructed a quality water supply system that had met the needs of increasingly growing urbanisation, which is also the answer to the research question. Successful construction of the water supply system of the city of Pula in the above period, as a segment of urban environmental history as well as of long-term history, forms the basis of the water supply system in Pula today, i.e. of water management in the Puljština region as a whole. Key words: water supply, urban environmental history, Pula, Austria-Hungary, water management 199 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Ivan Žagar Pula [email protected] PARTICIPACIJA TURIZMA U GOSPODARSTVU POJEDINIH MJESTA PULJŠTINE OD KONCA 19. STOLJEĆA DO 1930-ih GODINA Sažetak T urizam je relativno „nov“ društveno-gospodarski fenomen čiji korijeni u svijetu sežu u 19. stoljeće, a nakon Drugog svjetskog rata razvija visoki stupanj masovnosti i dobiva značaj okosnice gospodarstva u mnogim europskim i svjetskim državama. Posljednjih dvadeset godina 19. stoljeća obilježava formiranje prvih pravih turističkih mjesta na istočnoj jadranskoj obali koji u tom periodu dobiva „fizionomiju“ turističkih destinacija te na taj način dugoročnije određuje svoj razvojni put prema ljetno-zimskim destinacijama u kojima borave gosti „dubljega džepa“. U Istri se u tom razdoblju u prvom redu zbog zdravstvenih odlika klime razvilo nekoliko centara koji su do Prvog svjetskog rata izrasli u europski poznata ljetovališta poput Brijuna, Opatije, Lovrana, Portoroža i drugih mjesta, na što je velik utjecaj imala blizina željezničkih pruga Beč-Trst uz svoje odvojke Divača-Pula i Pivka-Rijeka te BudimpeštaZagreb-Rijeka. Ipak, primarna zadaća ovog rada je pratiti razvoj turizma na primjeru pojedinih manje razvijenih mjesta Puljštine (Medulin, Banjole, Premantura) te odgovoriti na pitanje u kojoj mjeri u razdoblju od 1890-ih do 1930-ih godina participira u gospodarstvu tog područja. Ključne riječi: Povijest turizma, Istra, Puljština, gospodarstvo 200 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Ivan Žagar Pula [email protected] CONTRIBUTION OF TOURISM TO THE ECONOMY OF VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS IN THE PULJŠTINA REGION FROM THE LATE 19TH CENTURY TO THE 1930S Abstract T ourism is a relatively „new” social and economic phenomenon with origins that can, from a global perspective, be tracked back to the 19th century. Tourism reached truly massive proportions after the Second World War, becoming the economic backbone of many countries in Europe and the world. The first tourist localities along the eastern coast of the Adriatic appeared in the last two decades of the 19th century and succeeded in developing genuine tourist destination “physiognomies” in this period. These destinations had thus embarked on a long-term path of development into summer and winter destinations providing accommodation for the more affluent visitors. In this period, primarily due to the health benefits of the climate, several centres in Istria evolved into summer resorts renowned all over Europe, such as the Brijuni Islands, Opatija, Lovran, Portorož, and other locations, owing in large part to the vicinity of the Vienna-Trieste railway, with the routes Divača-Pula, Pivka-Rijeka and Budapest-Zagreb-Rijeka. Nevertheless, the primary purpose of this paper is to track the development of tourism using the example of less developed townships in the Puljština region (Medulin, Banjole, Premantura) and to examine the contribution of tourism to the economy of the above area in the period from the 1890s to the 1930s. Key words: history of tourism, Istria, the Puljština region, the economy 201 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Dražen Živić Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar [email protected] REPRODUKCIJA RADNOG KONTINGENTA KAO ODREDNICA SUVREMENOG GOSPODARSKOG RAZVOJA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE Sažetak I zmeđu demografskih promjena i gospodarskog razvoja postoji vrlo snažna uzajamna korelativna povezanost. Stanovništvo je osnovni pokretač proizvodnje i najvažniji potrošač proizvedenih dobara. Stoga je poznavanje širokog spektra demografskih procesa i trendova ključno za razumijevanje i planiranje gospodarskog razvoja. Svrha ovoga istraživanja je utvrditi i objasniti utjecaj suvremenih čimbenika i promjena u dobnoj i spolnoj strukturi stanovništva Istarske županije na formiranje radnog kontingenta kao osnovnog demografskog okvira veličine i strukture radne snage istarske populacije. Vremenski okvir istraživanja omeđen je rezultatima popisa stanovništva iz 2001. i 2011. godine, a odabrani demografski indikatori (koeficijenti mladosti i starosti, indeks starenja, koeficijenti dobne ovisnosti, koeficijenti ulaska i izlaska iz radne dobi, koeficijent zamjene) izračunati su za ukupno stanovništvo Istarske županije, kao i za sve gradove i općine na tom teritoriju. Premda je ukupan broj stanovnika Istarske županije u promatranom razdoblju povećan za 0,8%, većinu drugih dinamičkih i strukturnih procesa karakterizira depopulacija, osobito snažna u prirodnom kretanju (prirodna depopulacija) te u oblikovanju dobnog i spolnog sastava stanovništva (demografsko starenje). Stanovništvo Istarske županije je u odnosu na hrvatski prosjek signifikantno starije, što jasno upozorava na pretpostavku da je demografski okvir njezinog suvremenog gospodarskog razvoja sve nepovoljniji. Ključne riječi: Istarska županija, demografski razvoj, radni kontingent, depopulacija, gospodarski razvoj 202 Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Dražen Živić Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar [email protected] THE REPRODUCTION OF THE WORKFORCE AS A DETERMINANT OF CONTEPORARY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ISTRIA COUNTY Abstract T here is a strong correlation between demographic changes and economic development. Population is the main engine of manufacturing and the most important consumer of the manufactured goods. Therefore, a thorough insight into a wide range of demographic processes and trends is key to understanding and planning economic development. This research paper aims at identifying and interpreting the influence of contemporary factors and changes that affect the age and sex distribution of the population in Istria County. It also examines their influence on the formation of the workforce quota as the basic demographic framework that indicates the size and structure of Istria County working population. The time framework of this research is determined by the 2001 and 2011 census results. The demographic indicators selected for this research include: youth and old age coefficients, aging index, age dependency coefficients, coefficients indicating the beginning and the end of working age, replacement coefficients. They are calculated for the total population of Istria County, as well as for all cities and municipalities on its territory. Although the total number of the Istria County population in the period covered in this research has augmented for 0,8%, most of the other dynamic and structural processes are characterized by depopulation, which is particularly strong in natural population trends (natural depopulation) and in the age and sex distribution of population (demographic aging). In relation to Croatian population in general, the average population of Istria County is significantly older, which clearly leads to the assumption that the demographic framework of its contemporary economic development is unfavourable. Key words: Istria County, demographic development, workforce quota, depopulation, economic development 203 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow POPIS SUDIONIKA PARTICIPANTS LIST Tomislav Anić Andrej Bader Željko Bartulović Loris Belanić Gian Angelo Bellati Paola Benussi Furio Bianco Marin Beroš Slaven Bertoša Flavio Bonin Marko Bonin Zdenka Bonin Darija Božac Marjanović Krešimir Bronić Kristina Brščić Klara Buršić-Matijašić Edo Cetina Bruno Crevato Selvaggi Sandra Cvikić Michela Dal Borgo Lia De Luca Edoardo Demo Dana Dobrić Martino Ferrari Bravo Mladen Ferenčić Giovanni Luigi Fontana Jasmina Gržinić 204 Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište Croatian Catholic University Općina Medulin Medulin municipality Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Unioncamere del Veneto Regionals Association of Veneto Chambers of Commerce Archivio di stato di Venezia Archives of State of Venice Università degli Studi di Udine University of Udine Insititut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Pomorski muzej Piran Maritime Museum Piran Regional Museum Koper Pokrajinski arhiv Koper Regional Archives Koper Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Srednja škola Mate Balote Poreč Mate Balota High School Poreč Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Archivio di stato di Venezia Archives of State of Venice Università Ca’Foscari Venezia Ca’Foscari University of Venice Università degli Studi di Verona University of Verona Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Fondazione Giorgio Cini Foundation Giorgio Cini HGK Županijska komora Pula Croatian Chamber of Economy - Pula County Chamber Università degli Studi di Padova University of Padova Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] I [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] SI [email protected] [email protected] SI SI [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] I [email protected] I [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HR I HR I HR Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Hendi Hrelja Marija Ignjatović Hesperia Iliadou Snježana Ivanović Dragica Karajić Mirjana Kontestabile Rovis Slavko Krajcar Danijela Križman Pavlović Marinela Krstinić Nižić Robert Kurelić Branko Kukurin Sabina Lacmanović Zoran Ladić Hana Lencović Marino Martinčević Biagio Mannino Romea Manojlović Mara Manente Ines Matić Robert Matijašić Duga Mavrinac Mariza Menger Patrizia Milani Davor Mišković Nela Načinović Goce Naumovski Maja Nikšić Radić Državni arhiv u Pazinu State Archives in Pazin Univerzitet u Nišu, Pravni fakultet University of Niš, Faculty of Law University of Cyprus Hrvatski državni arhiv Croatian State Archives Ministarstvo poduzetništva i obrta Republike Hrvatske Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Republic of Croatia Pokrajinski arhiv Koper Regional Archives Koper Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Vrsar Vrsar Circolo Istria Culture Club Istria Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Etnografski muzej Istre Ethnographic Museum of Istria Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Vibrobeton Pula Vibrobeton Pula HEP Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. Elektroistra Pula HEP Distribution System Operator Ltd, Elektroistra Pula Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Pula The Pula City Library and Reading Room Univerzitet “Sv. Kirilo i Metodije” u Skoplju “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija [email protected] HR [email protected] RS [email protected] [email protected] CY HR [email protected] HR [email protected] SI [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] I HR I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] MK [email protected] HR 205 Međunarodni znanstveni skup Istarsko gospodarstvo jučer i sutra International Scientific Conference Istrian Economy Yesterday and Tomorrow Milan Oplanić Elvis Orbanić Ivona Orlić Walter Panciera Alida Perkov Anamari Petranović Luciano Pezzolo Mauro Pitteri Maja Polić Jelica Popić Claudio Povolo Graciano Prekalj Tea Prodanović Sanja Radeka Milan Radošević Alessandra Rizzi Deborah Rogoznica Andrea Roknić Bežanić Luca Rossetto Pavlo Ružić Boris Sabatti Desanka Sarvan Soumitra Sharma Mario Sošić Igor Stanić Emilija Stanković 206 Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč Državni arhiv u Pazinu State Archives Pazinu Etnografski muzej Istre Ethnographic Museum of Istria Università degli Studi di Padova University of Padova HGK Županijska komora Pula Croatian Chamber of Economy, Pula County Chamber Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Law Faculty, University of Rijeka Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Università degli Studi di Verona University of Verona Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Učilište Lovran, Spa wellness akademija Lovran Institute for Adult Education, Spa Wellness Academy Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Agencija za ruralni razvoj Istre Agency for Rural Development of Istria Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Pokrajinski arhiv Koper Regional Archives Koper Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o. Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd Istarska županija Istria County Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Ekonomski fakultet Economy faculty, University of Zagreb Kanfanar Kanfanar Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu Law Faculty, University of Kragujevac [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] SI [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] RS Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts Mario Staver Petar Strčić Jusuf Šehanović Josip Šiklić Ivna Škoro Zvonimira Šverko Grdić Nadja Terčon Lela Tijanić Tatjana Tomaić Stipan Trogrlić Alfredo Viggiano Nikola Vojnović Tullio Vorano Denis Visintin Izabela Vitasović Budislav Vukas ml. Manuela-Claire Warscher Jasenko Zekić Ivan Žagar Ivana Žebec Šilj Dražen Živić Poljoprivredni odjel u Poreču Veleučilišta u Rijeci Agricultural Department in Poreč, Polytehnic of Rijeka Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Gimnazija i strukovna škola Jurja Dobrile Pazin Juraj Dobrila Grammar and Vocational School, Pazin Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija Pomorski muzej “Sergej Mašera” Piran Maritime Museum “Sergej Mašera” Piran Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Università degli Studi di Padova University of Padova Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Labin Labin Muzej Grada Pazina Pazin City Museum Zagrebačka banka d.d. Zagrebačka banka d.d. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka Vienna, Austria Pula Pula Pula Pula Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] SI [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] I [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] [email protected] A HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR [email protected] HR 207 KAZALO / TABLE OF CONTENTS PROGRAM ZNANSTVENOG SKUPA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 PROGRAMME OF THE SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE . ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 RIJEČ ORGANIZATORA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 A FEW WORDS BY THE ORGANISER . .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 IZ PISMA PREDSJEDNIKA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 FROM THE LETTER OF PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA . ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 RIJEČ MINISTRICE KULTURE REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE . ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 A FEW WORDS BY MINISTER OF CULTURE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA . .................................................................................................................................................. 23 RIJEČ ŽUPANA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 A FEW WORDS OF PREFECT OF ISTRIA COUNTY ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 RIJEČ PREDSJEDNICE HGK ŽUPANIJSKE KOMORE PULA ................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 A FEW WORDS OF PRESIDENT OF THE PULA COUNTY CHAMBER, CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY ...................................................................................................... 27 RIJEČ PREDSJEDNIKA HOK – OBRTNIČKE KOMORE ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 A FEW WORDS OF PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER OF TRADES AND CRAFTS OF ISTRIA COUNTY – CROATIAN CHAMBER OF TRADES AND CRAFTS .................................. 29 Tomislav Anić RUDNIK RAŠA U VREMENU PORAĆA: OD SIMBOLA USPJEHA DO EKONOMSKE REALNOSTI .............................................................................................. 30 Tomislav Anić THE RAŠA MINE IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD: FROM A SYMBOL OF SUCCESS TO ECONOMIC REALITY ................................................................................. 31 Andrej Bader MEDULINSKO DRUŠTVO ZA ŠTEDNJU I ZAJMOVE ................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Andrej Bader MEDULIN SAVINGS AND CREDIT SOCIETY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Željko Bartulović, Loris Belanić , Budislav Vukas ml. GOSPODARSKI ASPEKTI UGOVORA SA ITALIJOM NAKON I. SVJETSKOG RATA ....................................................... 34 Željko Bartulović, Loris Belanić, Budislav Vukas Jr ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE CONTRACT WITH ITALY AFTER THE FIRST WORLD WAR . ............................................ 35 Gian Angelo Bellati SVILUPPO ECONOMICO DELL’AREA NORD ADRIATICA. QUALI PROSPETTIVE PARTENDO DA UNA RICCA E INTENSA STORIA COMUNE ................... 36 Gian Angelo Bellati ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH ADRIATIC AREA. WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTIVES STARTING FROM THE RICH COMMON HISTORY . ..... 37 Furio Bianco TESSITORI, MERCIAI, ED OPERATORI FINANZIARI IN ISTRIA L’IMMIGRAZIONE DALLA MONTAGNA CARNICA NEL ‘700 E NEL PRIMO ‘800 ........................ 38 Furio Bianco WEAVERS, HABERDASHERS AND FINANCIAL OPERATORS IN ISTRIA IMMIGRATION FROM THE CARNIA MOUNTAIN IN THE 7TH CENTURY AND THE EARLY 8TH CENTURY ....................................................................................................................... 39 Marin Beroš REGIONALIZAM, KOZMOPOLITIZAM I EKONOMSKA GLOBALIZACIJA – SUSRETI I SUPROTSTAVLJANJA . ............................................................................ 40 Marin Beroš REGIONALISM, COSMOPOLITANISM AND ECONOMIC GLOBALISATION – POINTS OF CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE ..................................................... 41 Slaven Bertoša NEKI KATASTICI ISTARSKIH ŠUMA U XVIII. STOLJEĆU ........................................................................................................................................................ 42 Slaven Bertoša SOME CADASTRES OF ISTRIAN FORESTS FROM THE 18TH CENTURY .................................................................................................................................. 43 Marko Bonin SEČOVLJE SALTWORKS – THE LERA SECTION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY . .................................................................................................. 45 Zdenka Bonin DELOVANJE KOPRSKIH SOLIN V OBDOBJU BENEŠKE REPUBLIKE ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Zdenka Bonin ACTIVITY OF THE KOPER SALT PANS IN THE PERIOD OF THE VENETIAN REPUBLIC ............................................................................................................. 47 Flavio Bonin PRIDELAVA SOLI V SEVERNO JADRANSKIH SOLINAH ............................................................................................................................................................. 48 Flavio Bonin PRODUCTION OF SALT AT NORTHERN ADRIATIC SALT PANS .................................................................................................................................................. 49 Darija Božac Marjanović MARKETINŠKA KOMUNIKACIJA REGIJE KROZ BRANDIRANJE KULTURNO POVIJESNE BAŠTINE – CASE STUDY ISTRA INSPIRIT ..................... 50 Darija Božac Marjanović REGIONAL MARKETING COMMUNICATION THROUGH HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE BRANDING – A CASE STUDY «ISTRA INSPIRIT» ................................................................................................................................. 51 Kristina Brščić ANALIZA RAZVOJA AGROTURIZMA U ISTARSKOJ ŽUPANIJI ................................................................................................................................................ 52 Kristina Brščić AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRITOURISM IN ISTRIA COUNTY ...................................................................................................................... 53 Klara Buršić-Matijašić GOSPODARSTVO PRAPOVIJESNE ISTRE . ................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Klara Buršić-Matijašić THE ECONOMY OF PREHISTORIC ISTRIA .................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Edo Cetina, Danijela Križman Pavlović ULOGA INKUBACIJSKE INFRASTRUKTURE U POTICANJU RAZVOJA MALOG I SREDNJEG PODUZETNIŠTVA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ ................................................................................................................................. 56 Edo Cetina, Danijela Križman Pavlović THE ROLE OF THE INCUBATOR INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE STIMULATION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA . ............................................................................... 57 Bruno Crevato Selvaggi UN’INFRASTRUTTURA NECESSARIA: LA POSTA NELL’ISTRIA VENEZIANA . ......................................................................................................... 58 Bruno Crevato Selvaggi THE NECESSARY INFRASTRUCTURE: THE POST IN THE VENETIAN ISTRIA ........................................................................................................... 59 Sandra Cvikić, Ivana Žebec Šilj KOMUNISTIČKA PROPAGANDA I VUKOVARSKE NOVINE ZA VRIJEME TRŠĆANSKE KRIZE ........................................................................ 60 Sandra Cvikić, Ivana Žebec Šilj COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA AND VUKOVAR NEWSPAPERS DURING THE TRIESTE CRISIS ........................................................................ 61 Michela Dal Borgo, Paola Benussi ITINERARI ARCHIVISTICI VENEZIANI PER LA SOTRIA DELL’ISTRIA ....................................................................................................... 62 Michela Dal Borgo, Paola Benussi VENETIAN ARCHIVISTIC ITINERARIES THROUGH THE HISTORY OF ISTRIA .......................................................................................... 63 Lia De Luca I NUOVI ABITANTI: COMMERCIO E AGRICOLTURA .................................................................................................................................................................... 64 Lia De Luca THE NEW INHABITANTS: COMMERCE AND AGRICULTURE ....................................................................................................................................................... 65 Edoardo Demo MERCI E MERCANTI DELLA TERRAFERMA VENETA IN ISTRIA E DALMAZIA NELLA PRIMA ETÀ MODERNA. ALCUNE CONSIDERAZIONI. . ....................... 66 Edoardo Demo GOODS AND MERCHANTS OF VENETIAN TERRAFERMA IN ISTRIA AND DALMATIA IN THE EARLY MODERN TIMES. SOME CONSIDERATIONS . ............. 67 Martino Ferrari Bravo LA SCIENZA NAUTICA AL TEMPO DI GIAN RINALDO CARLI AD USO DELLA NAVIGAZIONE MERCANTILE .............................................................. 68 Martino Ferrari Bravo NAUTICAL SCIENCE AT THE TIME OF GIAN RINALDO CARLI FOR THE USE OF MERCANTILE NAVIGATION . ............................................................ 69 Mladen Ferenčić RAZVOJ GOSPODARSTVA ISTRE OD 1945. DO 2012. GODINE .......................................................................................................................................... 70 Mladen Ferenčić ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ISTRIA FROM 1945 TO 2012 ............................................................................................................................................ 71 Giovanni Luigi Fontana PATRIMONIO INDUSTRIALE E SVILUPPO LOCALE IN ISTRIA ................................................................................................................................. 72 Giovanni Luigi Fontana INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN ISTRIA ........................................................................................................................... 73 Jasmina Gržinić, Ivna Škoro, Jelica Popić ISTARSKI WELLNESS – ČIMBENIK PODIZANJA KONKURENTNOSTI HRVATSKOG TURIZMA . .................................................... 74 Jasmina Gržinić, Ivna Škoro, Jelica Popić ISTRIAN WELLNESS – A FACTOR FOR INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS OF CROATIAN TOURISM ............................................ 75 Hendi Hrelja PREGLED POVIJESTI ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA PREMA GOSPODARSKIM FONDOVIMA DRŽAVNOG ARHIVA U PAZINU ................................................. 76 Hendi Hrelja AN OVERVIEW OF THE HISTORY OF ISTRIAN ECONOMY BASED ON THE PAZIN STATE ARCHIVES HOLDINGS IN ECONOMICS ............................................. 77 Marija Ignjatović, Goce Naumovski PRAVNOEKONOMSKI ASPEKTI CONTRACTUS EMPHYTEUTICARIUS U RIMSKOM POSTKLASIČNOM PRAVU I SREDNJOVJEKOVNOJ ISTRI ................................................................................................ 78 Marija Ignjatović, Goce Naumovski LEGAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF CONTRACTUS EMPHYTEUTICARIUS IN POST-CLASSICAL ROMAN LAW AND MEDIEVAL ISTRIA ............................................................................................................... 79 Hesperia Iliadou SAILING THROUGH ISTRIA; 16TH CENTURY MERCANTILE SHIPS ON THE ROUTE FROM VENICE TO CYPRUS ................................................................... 81 Snježana Ivanović GOSPODARSTVO ISTRE U FONDU REPUBLIČKI ZAVOD ZA DRUŠTVENO PLANIRANJE ................................................................................................. 82 Snježana Ivanović THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA IN THE REPUBLIC SOCIAL PLANNING INSTITUTE HOLDINGS ............................................................................................... 83 Dragica Karajić REGIONALNA SURADNJA EKSPERTNIH TIMOVA ZA RAZVOJ PODUZETNIČKOG UČENJA U PANEUROPSKOJ MREŽI U CILJU DUGOROČNOGA JAČANJA GOSPODARSKE KONKURENTNOSTI . ................................................................................ 84 Dragica Karajić REGIONAL COOPERATION OF EXPERT TEAMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING WITHIN A PAN-EUROPEAN NETWORK WITH THE AIM OF STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS IN THE LONG TERM ................................. 85 Mirjana Kontestabile Rovis URAD DOMEN KOPER 1807-1878 . .................................................................................................................................................................. 86 Mirjana Kontestabile Rovis DOMAIN OFFICE KOPER 1807-1878 . ............................................................................................................................................................... 87 Slavko Krajcar, Davor Mišković ELEKTRIČNA ENERGIJA U RAZVOJU ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA ........................................................................................................... 88 Slavko Krajcar, Davor Mišković ELECTRICITY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA ........................................................................................................... 89 Marinela Krstinić Nižić, Tea Prodanović ZNAČAJ GRADA PULE ZA GOSPODARSKI RAZVOJ ISTRE . ........................................................................................................... 90 Marinela Krstinić Nižić, Tea Prodanović THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY OF PULA FOR ISTRIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .................................................................. 91 Robert Kurelić AUSTRIJSKA I MLETAČKA POLITIKA PREMA ŠUMAMA U ISTRI U ŠESNAESTOM STOLJEĆU . ............................................................................................. 92 Robert Kurelić AUSTRIAN AND VENETIAN POLICY ON THE FORESTS OF ISTRIA IN THE 16TH CENTURY ...................................................................................................... 93 Branko Kukurin ZANATSTVO U KASTAVŠTINI – TRADICIJA U SUVREMENOSTI .......................................................................................................................................... 94 Branko Kukurin HANDICRAFTS IN THE KASTAV REGION – TRADITION IN MODERNITY . ........................................................................................................................... 95 Sabina Lacmanović ULOGA SVEUČILIŠTA U REGIONALNOM RAZVOJU ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE ..................................................................................................................... 96 Sabina Lacmanović THE ROLE OF THE UNIVERSITY IN ISTRIA COUNTY REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................... 97 Zoran Ladić DRUŠTVO I GOSPODARSTVO POREČA U KASNOM SREDNJEM VIJEKU NA TEMELJU ANALIZE BILJEŽNIČKE KNJIGE ANTUNA DE TEODORISA . ................... 98 Zoran Ladić THE ECONOMY AND SOCIETY OF POREČ IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES ON THE BASIS OF AN ANALYSIS OF THE NOTARY JOURNAL BY ANTUN DE TEODORIS .... 99 Hana Lencović ANALIZA PREDSTAVLJANJA ISTarSKIH REGIJA NA TURISTIČKIM PORTALIMA – SEMIOTIČKI I SOCIOLOŠKI ASPEKTI . ................................................... 100 Hana Lencović AN ANALYSIS OF THE REPRESENTATION OF ISTRIAN REGIONS ON THE TOURISM PORTALS – SEMIOTIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS . ..................... 101 Marino Martinčević UZGOJ VINOVE LOZE I PROIZVODNJA VINA NA POSJEDU BENEDIKTINSKOGA SAMOSTANA SV. IVANA KRSTITELJA U DAJLI ................................ 102 Marino Martinčević VINE CULTIVATION AND WINEMAKING AT THE ESTATE OF THE BENEDICTINE MONASTERY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST IN DAJLA ........................ 103 Biagio Mannino L’ECONOMIA: STRUMENTO PER ELIMINARE IL PESO DEI CONFINI PSICOLOGICI ............................................................................................................ 104 Biagio Mannino THE ECONOMY: AN INSTRUMENT OF ELIMINATING THE WEIGHT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL BOUNDARIES ......................................................................... 105 Romea Manojlović UVOĐENJE STRATEŠKOG PLANIRANJA U ISTARSKE JEDINICE LOKALNE SAMOUPRAVE .......................................................................................... 106 Romea Manojlović INTRODUCING STRATEGIC PLANNING TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS IN ISTRIA .................................................................................................... 107 Mara Manente TURISMO COME OPPORTUNITÀ ECONOMICA PER L’AREA NORD ADRIATICA .................................................................................................................. 108 Mara Manente TOURISM AS AN ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR THE NORTH ADRIATIC AREA . .............................................................................................................. 109 Ines Matić ODREDBE O OSIGURANJU TRAŽBINA U SREDNJOVJEKOVNIM STATUTIMA ISTARSKIH GRADOVA I OPĆINA . ......................................................................... 110 Ines Matić PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO SECURITY INTERESTS IN MEDIEVAL STATUTES OF ISTRIAN TOWNS AND COMMUNES . ........................................................... 111 Robert Matijašić HISTORIA EST MAGISTRA VITAE ILI KAKO MOŽE POVIJEST ISTARSKOG GOSPODARSTVA BITI KORISNA ZA BUDUĆI RAZVOJ? ................................... 112 Robert Matijašić HISTORIA EST MAGISTRA VITAE, OR HOW CAN HISTORY OF ISTRIAN ECONOMY BE OF USE FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT? ........................................ 113 Mariza Menger, Dana Dobrić ISTARSKI GRADOVI KAO LOKALNE SAMoUPRAVNE JEDINICE I NJIHOVO ZNAČENJE ZA GOSPODARSTVO ISTRE ..................................... 114 Mariza Menger, Dana Dobrić ISTRIAN TOWNS AS LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS AND THEIR RELEVANCE FOR THE ISTRIAN ECONOMY ................................................. 115 Patrizia Milani PICCOLE E MEDIE IMPRESE D’ISTRIA IN EUROPA: PROSPETTIVE INDUSTRIALI E DI PRODUZIONE, COME ACCEDERE ALLA SFIDA DELLA COMPETITIVITA’ ....................................................................................................................................................... 116 Patrizia Milani SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES OF ISTRIA IN EUROPE: INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION PROSPECTIVES, HOW TO APPROACH THE CHALLENGE OF COMPETITIVENESS . ......................................................................................................................................... 117 Nela Načinović GRADSKA KNJIŽNICA I ČITAONICA PULA U SLUŽBI GOSPODARSTVA ISTRE . .................................................................................................................... 118 Nela Načinović THE PULA CITY LIBRARY AND READING ROOM IN THE SERVICE OF THE ECONOMY OF ISTRIA ........................................................................................ 119 Milan Oplanić IZRAVNA PRODAJA POLJOPRIVREDNIH PROIZVODA PUTEM INTERNETA . ....................................................................................................................... 120 Milan Oplanić DIRECT MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS VIA THE INTERNET . .......................................................................................................................... 121 Elvis Orbanić GOSPODARSKE PRILIKE U PAZINSKOJ KNEŽIJI PREMA DE BUSETOVOJ VIZITACIJI IZ 1788. GODINE .................................................................................. 122 Elvis Orbanić ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN THE COUNTY OF PAZIN ACCORDING TO THE VISITATION BY DE BUSET IN 1788 . .................................................................... 123 Ivona Orlić, Duga Mavrinac ZBIRKA GOSPODARSTVO ETNOGRAFSKOG MUZEJA ISTRE JUČER, DANAS I SUTRA . ................................................................................... 124 Ivona Orlić, Duga Mavrinac THE ECONOMY COLLECTION OF THE ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM OF ISTRIA YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW . ................................. 125 Walter Panciera L’ATTIVITÀ PORTUALE NELLA CITTÀ ISTRIANE DEL XVIII SECOLO .................................................................................................................................... 126 Walter Panciera HARBOUR ACTIVITIES IN ISTRIAN TOWNS OF THE 18TH CENTURY ................................................................................................................................... 127 Alida Perkov INTERNACIONALIZACIJA POSLOVNIH SUBJEKATA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE – TEMELJI, IZAZOVI, TRENDOVI .......................................................................... 128 Alida Perkov THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES OF ISTRIA COUNTY – FOUNDATIONS, CHALLENGES, TRENDS . ...................................................... 129 Anamari Petranović POSSESSIO – OKVIR RIMSKIH PITANJA I RJEŠENJA U SREDNJOVJEKOVNOJ ISTRI .................................................................................................. 130 Anamari Petranović POSSESSIO – THE FRAMEWORK OF ROMAN ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS IN THE MEDIEVAL ISTRIA ........................................................................... 131 Luciano Pezzolo ISTITUZIONI E STRUTTURA ECONOMICA NELL’ISTRIA VENEZIANA (SECOLI XVI – XVIII) ................................................................................................ 132 Luciano Pezzolo INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC STRUCTURES OF THE VENETIAN ISTRIA (16th to 18th century) ..................................................................................... 133 Mauro Pitteri AGRICOLTURA, PESCA E NAVIGAZIONE IN ISTRIA VISTI DAL MAGISTRATO VENEZIANO AI CONFINI NEL SECONDO ‘700 . ............................................... 134 Mauro Pitteri AGRICULTURE, FISHING AND NAVIGATION IN ISTRIA AS SEEN BY THE VENETIAN COURT AT THE BOUNDARIES IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 17TH CENTURY . ...................................................................................................................................................................... 135 Maja Polić ISTARSKO GOSPODARSTVO U DNEVNIKU MATKA LAGINJE ..................................................................................................................................................... 136 Maja Polić ISTRIAN ECONOMY IN THE DIARY OF MATKO LAGINJA ............................................................................................................................................................. 137 Claudio Povolo CONTROLLO SOCIALE IN ETÀ MODERNA ........................................................................................................................................................................... 138 Claudio Povolo SOCIAL CONTROL IN MODERN TIMES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 139 Graciano Prekalj AUTOHTONO – TRADICIJSKI PREHRAMBENI PROIZVODI, POSTUPAK UTVRĐIVANJA I ZAŠTITE TE NJIHOV ZNAČAJ U RAZVOJU RURALNIH PODRUČJA (NA PRIMJERU ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE) ..................................................................................................................... 140 Graciano Prekalj AUTOCHTHONOUS AND TRADITIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS, RECOGNITION AND PROTECTION PROCEDURE AND THE SIGNIFICANCE THEREOF FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS (USING THE EXAMPLE OF ISTRIA COUNTY) ........................................ 141 Sanja Radeka STANJE VINOGRADARSKO – VINARSKE PROIZVODNJE U ISTRI ......................................................................................................................................... 142 Sanja Radeka AN OVERVIEW OF WINE – GROWING AND WINEMAKING IN ISTRIA ................................................................................................................................. 143 Milan Radošević ZDRAVSTVENI TURIZAM I MALARIJA: ISTARSKA EPIZODA 1925. .................................................................................................................................. 144 Milan Radošević HEALTH TOURISM AND MALARIA: THE ISTRIAN EPISODE OF 1925 ............................................................................................................................... 145 Alessandra Rizzi RELAZIONI ECONOMICHE FRA VENEZIA E ISTRIA NEL MEDIOEVO ................................................................................................................................. 146 Alessandra Rizzi ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN VENICE AND ISTRIA IN MIDDLE AGES ....................................................................................................................... 147 Deborah Rogoznica ZNAČILNOSTI GOSPODARSKEGA SISTEMA V OBDOBJU CONE B STO (1947-1954) .................................................................................................. 148 Deborah Rogoznica CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN THE PERIOD OF THE ZONE B (1947-1954) ................................................................................. 149 Andrea Roknić Bežanić GOSPODARSKE ODREDNICE POSLIJERATNOG RAZVOJA RIJEKE ......................................................................................................................... 150 Andrea Roknić Bežanić ECONOMIC DETERMINANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RIJEKA IN THE POST-WAR PERIOD . .......................................................................... 151 Luca Rossetto ‘SERBI DIO GLI AUSTRIACI BOSCHI’. DUE CASI COMPARATI DEL 1849: IL MONTELLO E MONTONA .................................................................................. 152 Luca Rossetto ‘GOD SAVE THE AUSTRIAN WOODS’. TWO COMPARATIVE CASES OF 1849: MONTELLO AND MONTONA ........................................................................ 153 Pavlo Ružić TURIZAM ISTRE NEKAD I DANAS U KONTEKSTU TEHNOLOŠKOG NAPRETKA . ...................................................................................................................... 154 Pavlo Ružić ISTRIAN TOURISM IN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................... 155 Boris Sabatti, Danijela Križman Pavlović ULOGA REGIONALNIH RAZVOJNIH AGENCIJA U RAZVOJU REGIONALNOG GOSPODARSTVA: PRIMJER ISTARSKE RAZVOJNE AGENCIJE (IDA D.O.O.) ........................................................................................................... 156 Boris Sabatti, Danijela Križman Pavlović THE ROLE OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMY: THE EXAMPLE OF THE ISTRIAN DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (IDA LTD) . ............................................ 157 Desanka Sarvan KOMUNALNI POSLOVI U GRADU PULI U XV STOLJEĆU .................................................................................................................................................. 158 Desanka Sarvan THE CITY OF PULA MUNICIPAL SERVICES IN THE 15TH CENTURY ..................................................................................................................................... 159 Soumitra Sharma DRUŠTVO, CIVILIZACIJA, EKONOMIJA, REGIONALNE I LOKALNE ZAJEDNICE . ............................................................................................................ 160 Soumitra Sharma SOCIETY, CIVILIZATION, ECONOMICS, REGIONAL AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES . ........................................................................................................... 161 Mario Sošić UTJECAJ SAMOUPRAVNO-SOCIJALISTIČKOG NASLJEĐA NA VLASNIČKU I UPRAVLJAČKU STRUKTURU U TRŽIŠNO-TRANZICIJSKOM GOSPODARSTVU ISTRE DANAS – CASE STUDY ....................................................................................................................... 162 Mario Sošić EFFECTS OF THE LEGACY OF SELF-MANAGEMENT AND SOCIALISM ON PROPERTY AND MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES IN THE TRANSITIONAL MARKET ECONOMY OF ISTRIA TODAY – CASE STUDY ...................................................................................................................... 163 Igor Stanić BRODOGRADILIŠTE ULJANIK I RADNIČKO SAMOUPRAVLJAJNE 1950-1961. ......................................................................................................................... 164 Igor Stanić THE ULJANIK SHIPYARD AND WORKERS’ SELF-MANAGEMENT IN THE PERIOD 1950-1961 .................................................................................................. 165 Emilija Stanković EKONOMSKI ASPEKTI DIOKLECIJANOVIH REFORMI . .................................................................................................................................................... 166 Emilija Stanković ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF DIOCLETIAN’S REFORMS ........................................................................................................................................................ 167 Petar Strčić GOSPODARSKA OSNOVICA HRVATSKOGA NARODNOG PREPORODA ISTRE U 19. STOLJEĆU ................................................................................................ 168 Petar Strčić THE ECONOMIC BASIS OF THE CROATIAN NATIONAL REVIVAL IN THE 19TH CENTURY IN ISTRIA ........................................................................................... 169 Josip Šiklić ŠKOLOVANJE KADROVA ZA POTREBE PAZINSKOG GOSPODARSTVA ....................................................................................................................................... 170 Josip Šiklić WORKFORCE EDUCATION FOR THE NEEDS OF THE ECONOMY OF PAZIN ................................................................................................................................. 171 Jusuf Šehanović, Krešimir Bronić STOLJEĆE DJELOVANJA SREDNJE POLJOPRIVREDNE ŠKOLE U POREČU ............................................................................................. 172 Jusuf Šehanović , Krešimir Bronić CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL IN POREČ .......................................................................................... 173 Jusuf Šehanović, Mario Staver POLJOPRIVREDNO VISOKO OBRAZOVANJE U ISTRI .................................................................................................................................. 174 Jusuf Šehanović, Mario Staver HIGHER AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN ISTRIA ........................................................................................................................................ 175 Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, Maja Nikšić Radić INOZEMNI KAPITAL – PRILIKA ZA DALJNJI RAZVOJ GOSPODARSTVA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE? .............................................. 176 Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, Maja Nikšić Radić FOREIGN CAPITAL: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR FURTHER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTY OF ISTRIA? ................ 177 Nadja Terčon POMORSKE GOSPODARSKE DEJAVNOSTI V KOPRU, IZOLI IN PIRANU OD SREDINE 19. STOLETJA DO SREDINE 20. STOLETJA ........................................... 178 Nadja Terčon MARITIME ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN KOPER, IZOLA AND PIRAN FROM MID-19TH CENTURY TO MID-20TH CENTURY ......................................................... 179 Lela Tijanić ODREDNICE KONKURENTNOSTI ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE KAO RAZVOJNI PRIORITETI . ............................................................................................................... 180 Lela Tijanić DETERMINANTS OF COMPETITIVENESS OF THE COUNTY OF ISTRIA AS DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES .................................................................................... 181 Tatjana Tomaić STRATEGIJA RAZVOJA GOSPODARSTVA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE KROZ PROGRAMSKE DOKUMENTE POLITIČKIH STRANAKA: KOMPARATIVNA ANALIZA HDZ-A I IDS-A ................................................................................................................................ 182 Tatjana Tomaić THE STRATEGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ISTRIA COUNTY AS PRESENTED IN THE PROGRAMMING DOCUMENTS OF POLITICAL PARTIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE HDZ AND THE IDS ........................................................................................................................................ 183 Stipan Trogrlić GOSPODARSKO-SOCIJALNI PROGRAM HRVATSKOG KATOLIČKOG POKRETA U ISTRI PREMA PISANJU PUČKOG PRIJATELJA 1899.-1914. . .................... 184 Stipan Trogrlić THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROGRAM OF THE CROATIAN CATHOLIC MOVEMENT IN ISTRIA ACCORDING TO THE WRITINGS OF THE PUČKI PRIJATELJ JOURNAL FROM 1899 TO 1914 . ................................................................................................................................................. 185 Alfredo Viggiano COMUNITÀ AMBIENTE E CONFLITTI NELL’ISTRIA DEL SETTECENTO . ............................................................................................................................ 186 Alfredo Viggiano ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNITY AND CONFLICTS IN THE 18TH CENTURY ISTRIA .......................................................................................................... 187 Nikola Vojnović OPĆINA LANIŠĆE: RAZVOJ TURIZMA U UVJETIMA PERIFERIJE . ...................................................................................................................................... 188 Nikola Vojnović THE MUNICIPALITY OF LANIŠĆE: DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN CONDITIONS OF PERIPHERALITY . ........................................................................... 189 Tullio Vorano GOSPODARSTVO LABINA U MLETAČKO DOBA .................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Tullio Vorano THE ECONOMY OF LABIN DURING VENETIAN RULE ............................................................................................................................................................. 191 Izabela Vitasović UTJECAJ STRATEGIJA INTEGRACIJE NA POTICAJ RASTA I RAZVOJA PODUZETNIKA NA PODRUČJU VODNJANA ......................................................... 192 Izabela Vitasović IMPACT OF INTEGRATION STRATEGIES ON STIMULATING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURS IN THE VODNJAN AREA .................. 193 Denis Visintin ISTARSKA POLJOPRIVREDA IZMEĐU PROŠLOSTI I SADAŠNJOSTI. PROBLEMI I PERSPEKTIVE KROZ POVIJEST . .............................................................. 194 Denis Visintin AGRICULTURE IN ISTRIA BETWEEN THE PRESENT AND THE PAST: ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES THROUGH HISTORY ...................................................... 195 Manuela-Claire Warscher INDUSTRY AND WORKERS 1848-1918: SOCIAL HISTORY IN BRIEF ................................................................................................................ 197 Jasenko Zekić O PROBLEMIMA RAZVOJA VODOOPSKRBE PULE U RAZDOBLJU AUSTRO-UGARSKE MONARHIJE .................................................................................. 198 Jasenko Zekić ON THE PROBLEMS OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN PULA IN THE PERIOD OF THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY ......................... 199 Ivan Žagar PARTICIPACIJA TURIZMA U GOSPODARSTVU POJEDINIH MJESTA PULJŠTINE OD KONCA 19. STOLJEĆA DO 1930-ih GODINA ............................................ 200 Ivan Žagar CONTRIBUTION OF TOURISM TO THE ECONOMY OF VARIOUS TOWNSHIPS IN THE PULJŠTINA REGION FROM THE LATE 19TH CENTURY TO THE 1930s ...... 201 Dražen Živić REPRODUKCIJA RADNOG KONTINGENTA KAO ODREDNICA SUVREMENOG GOSPODARSKOG RAZVOJA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE ........................................... 202 Dražen Živić THE REPRODUCTION OF THE WORKFORCE AS A DETERMINANT OF CONTEPORARY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ISTRIA COUNTY ................................ 203 Popis sudionika ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 204 Participants list . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 204
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