KUP JADRANA MEĐUNARODNI KARATE TURNIR KUP JADRANA 2014. Hrvatska, Split, 23. 03. 2014. 2014. INTERNATIONAL KARATE TOURNAMENT KUP JADRANA 2014. Coratia, Split, March 23th 2014. MEĐUNARODNI KARATE TURNIR INTERNATIONAL KARATE TOURNAMENT Hrvatska, Split, 23. 03. 2014. Coratia, Split, March 23th 2014. KUP JADRANA KUP JADRANA "Kup Jadrana" jedan je od najstarijih karate turnira u Hrvatskoj (prvi put održan 1968.g.). Prošle godine nastupilo je 614 natjecatelja iz Hrvatske, BiH, Slovenije, Srbije, Crne Gore, Mađarske, Austrije, Njemačke, Italije i Slovačke. Među njima su bili brojni osvajači europskih i svjetskih medalja, a ove godine očekujemo još veći broj natjecatelja i mnoštvo kvalitetnih borbi. Ovom prilikom, čast nam je pozvati Vas na međunarodni karate turnir "KUP JADRANA". Dear karate friends, "Kup Jadrana" is one of the oldest karate tournaments in Croatia (first time held in 1968). Last year there were 614 competitors from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovakia. Among them, there were many european and world champions. So, this year, we expect even larger number of competitors and great fights. We are using this opportunity to invite you to the International karate tournament "KUP JADRANA". OPĆI UVJETI GENERAL CONDITIONS Natjecatelji dob dokazuju službenim dokumentom (natjecateljska knjižica, osobna ili zdravstvena iskaznica). Svi natjecatelji moraju imati liječnički pregled (ne stariji od 6 mjeseci) te biti sposobni za natjecanje. Natjecatelji nastupaju na vlastitu odgovornost; organizator ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost za eventualne povrede. Ovisno o broju prijava, organizator zadržava pravo spajanja pojedinih kategorija. All necessary information concerning each competitor is obtained from official documents (passport, personal or medical card). All competitors must have a medical examination (no older than 6 months) and be able to compete. Competitors enter this competition at their own risk; Organizers are absolved of any claims, which may arise however so caused. Depending on the number of entries, the organizer reserves the right to combine categories. SUCI REFEREES Nacionalni suci, kao i EKU i WKF suci, dobrodošli su. Svi suci moraju nositi propisanu sudačku opremu. Organizator sucima iz inozemstva snosi troškove u iznosu od 50 €. International referees and national judges are welcome. Judges must wear official uniform. For foreign referees and judges the organizer will cover costs in amount of 50 €. PRISTOJBE ENTRY FEE Poštovani prijatelji karatea, 120,00 kn za pojedinačni nastup. 16 € for individual category. NAGRADE AWARDS Nagrade su: medalje. Na dodjeli priznanja natjecatelji moraju biti obvezno u kimonu te bosi ili u sportskoj obući. Medals. On winning ceremony all competitors must wear kimono and be barefoot or with sport shoes. OKVIRNA SATNICA SCHEDULE 09:00 - Dolazak natjecatelja i prijave 10:00 - Početak natjecanja u katama 11:00 - Početak natjecanja u borbama 09:00 - Arrival of competitors and registrations 10:00 - Start of kata competition 11:00 - Start of kumite competition INFORMACIJE INFORMATIONS Sve informacije o natjecanju i smještaju možete dobiti na gsm: ++385 98 34 76 46 ili e-mail: [email protected] All information regarding competition and accommodation are available on gsm: ++385 98 34 76 46 or e-mail: [email protected] PRIJAVE ENTRIES Prijave poslati na fax: ++385 21 54 34 60 ili e-mail: [email protected] najkasnije do 20.03.2014. Sve informacije o natjecanju možete www.sokol-karate.hr ili www.karate.hr Applications must be sent to fax: ++385 21 54 34 60 or e-mail: [email protected] Not later than March 20th 2014. pronaći i na: All information regarding competition www.sokol-karate.hr or www.karate.hr are available Vidimo se u Splitu! See you in Split! Slaven Mikelić, predsjednik Organizacijskog odbora Slaven Mikelić, President of Organizing Committee on: Split, Croatia The city of Split can be reached by The Adriatic Coastal Road, winding by the sea or by hinterland roads connected to Split. It will take you 3 hours to get to Zagreb and 3.5 hours to get to Dubrovnik in your car. You can also reach Split if you get on a coast ferry liner from Rijeka or Dubrovnik, from all central Dalmatian islands. There are excellent fast and regular ferry lines from Ancona and Pescara, Italy. From the Airport Split flights connect the city with Zagreb several times a day, as well as with European capitals. There are also trains from Split to the north of the country and further on to Europe. You can transport your car by train, as well.
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