english version

17/02/2013 Year 18 No. 7
Weekly bulletin of CCC St. Nikola Tavelić
“Men does not live by bread alone !”
On the first Sunday of Lent, we read Luke’s report how Jesus
was tempted in the desert. Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness
is described by all the Synoptics, but Luke is in fact the most
comprehensive, with the most of theological supplements.
Jesus by being for 40 days in the desert is to renew the history
of the chosen people on the way through the wilderness
toward the Promised Land. As Israel was tempted in the
wilderness, it is also in the wilderness were Jesus was tempted.
Luke is the only one who notes that “Jesus, full of the Holy
Spirit returned from Jordan, and the Spirit led him for forty
days through the wilderness.” The same words in the Old
Testament described how the Lord “led the chosen people
for forty years in the wilderness.” For the chosen people this
period of forty years in the wilderness was a time of grace,
but the time of trial also. Nearness of God did not spare
them probation. Neither Abraham was spared the trials,
and neither Jesus. And as we see in Abraham the fate of Old
Testament’s chosen people, so in Jesus Christ we see the fate
of the New Testament’s chosen people. Biblical writers often
point out that the trials are from God and that God is present
there where people are suffering and in distress, or when he
leads them at the edge of an extreme situation. Often the
chosen people were put to the test. And Jesus in the desert
was put to the test. However, Jesus with a lot of confidence
in God overcame and conquered temptation, as Abraham
“who believed in God, and God counted it to him for
righteousness.” Luke, as well as other evangelists, tells of three
trials which represent a biblical paradigm of trial. The first
temptation is in desire for bread. Chosen people would not
listen to the Lord in the wilderness, but the only thought they
had were the Egyptian onion and meat and they constantly
grumbled against God. The struggle for bread and clothes
makes many people quench their thirst for God or make
them to protest against God because he does not do miracles
in their lives. The devil said to Jesus who was hungry, “If you
are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread,” Jesus
said, “Man does not live by bread alone!” Matthew adds, “but
by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Jesus
warns us you not to bury ourselves so deep into the daily
material concerns to forget about God. “Do not be anxious
about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor
about your body, what you will wear! Your heavenly Father
knows that you need them all. “Second trial consisted in
the fact that the devil took Jesus” on high and in a moment
showed him all the kingdoms of the earth... and said, ‘I will
give all this power and the glory ... If you will bow before me,
it’s all yours! “Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Worship the Lord
your God, and serve him alone”. For Luke it does not matter,
if there is such a high hill, from where you can see all the
powers of the world or not. In that description Luke means
that the tempter, the devil, man’s spiritual opponents is a liar
and the father of lies from the beginning. He is pretending to
be the master of the whole world “in which the Risen Lord
sends his disciples to make all nations his disciples.” Devil
promises to give what he doesn’t have, like he promised to the
first people what he could not accomplish, “You will be like
gods!” Christ is opposed to the false masters of the world, to
the false bidders. As Christ is against and did not want to be
subject to the powers of this world, we Christians are called
too, to resist such temptations. Such harassment, offering
control and power, reputation and wealth, and without
work and effort, it has been always and everywhere, and is
still with us. The third temptation: “The devil took Jesus to
Jerusalem and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw
yourself down from here! For it is written: I will command
his angels to guard you... ‘Jesus answered, ‘You must not
put the Lord your God to the test!’” As the chosen people
in the desert repeatedly asked the Lord for wonders and
signs, often do we. Often we ask the Lord to create miracles
in our lives, and we ourselves have not moved a finger, for
example, that God will help you pass the exam, and the exam
are not well prepared. Christ had never in his life on earth
used the divine power in its own favour, although he could
have done. Christ did not wish to create miracles to satisfy
people’s curiosity, and he is not a miracle worker of “1001
Nights”. These three trials are significant. They affect every
person. They are: pleasure, wealth, power and authority. Jesus
resisted these temptations. Luke notes, “After exhausting all
the temptation, the devil departed from him for a time.”
Many have see the devil at work in Jesus’ temptation in the
Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed, “Father, if you
will, remove this cup from me; ! But not my will but yours
be done! “There, in the Garden of Gethsemane was the last
temptation that Jesus was tempted to avoid the Cross. And
he overcame that temptation too. Lenten season invites us to
asceticism, exercise in denial, observing and fulfilling God’s
Word and prepare to fight the evil and defeat it. Let it be for
good of us all this time of grace and conversion. A. Rebić
Word of God
for the 1t Sunday of Lent 17. 02. ‘13.
1.Reading: Deuteronomy 26, 4-10: Moses said Spirit through the wilderness, being tempted there by the
devil for forty days. During that time he ate nothing and at
the end he was hungry. Then the devil said to him, ‘If you
are the SOn of God, tell this stone to turn into a loaf.’ But
Jesus replied, ‘Scripture says: Man does not live on bread
alone.’ Then leading him to a height, the devil showed him
in a moment of time all the kingdoms of the world and
said to him, ‘I will give you all this power and the glory
of these kingdoms, for it has been committed to me and I
give it to anyone I choose. Worship me, then, and it shall
all be yours.’ But Jesus answered him. ‘Scriptures says: You
must worship the Lord your God, and serve him alone.’
Then he led him to Jerusalem and made him stand on the
parapet of the Temple. ‘If you are the Son of God’, he said
to him ‘throw yourself down from here, for scripture says:
He will put his angels in charge of you to guard you, and
again: They will hold you up on their hands in case you
Pr.Ps. Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble! hurt your foot against the stone.’ But Jesus answered him,
2.Reading: Romans 10, 8-13: Scriptures says: The ‘It has been said: You must not put the Lord your God to
word, that is the faith we proclaim, is very near to you, it is the test.’ Having exhausted all these ways of tempting him,
on your lips and in your heart. If your lips confess that Jesus the devil left him, to return at the appointed time.
is Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised him
from the dead, then you will be saved. By believing from
the heart you are made righteous; by confessing with your
lips you are saved. When scripture says: those who believe
in him will have no cause for shame, it makes no distinction
between Jew and Greek: all belong to the same Lord who is
rich enough, however many ask for his help, for everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Gospel according to: Luke 4, 1-13: Filled with
the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the
to the people: ‘The priest shall take the pannier from your
hand and lay it before the altar of the Lord your God. Then,
in the sight of the Lord your God, you must make this
pronouncement: “My father was a wandering Aramean. He
went down into Egypt to find refuge there, few in numbers;
but there he became a nation, great, mighty and strong. The
Egyptians ill-treated us, they gave us no peace and inflicted
harsh slavery on us. But we called on the Lord, the God of our
fathers. The Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, our
toil and our oppression; and the Lord brought us out of Egypt
with mighty hand and outstreched arm, with great terror, and
with signs and wonders. He brought us here and gave us this
land, a land where milk and honey flow. Here then I bring
the first-fruits of the produce of the soil that you, Lord, have
given me.” You must then lay them before the Lord your God,
and bow down in the sight of the Lord your God.’
Holy Mass: Mon., Tues., Wed.: 7.00am; Thursday,
Friday & Saturday: 6.30pm ; Sunday: 8.30am & 10.30am
Confession: Saturday: 5.30-6.25pm,
Sunday: 7.45-8.25am & 9.45-10.25am
Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursday: 5.15 pm
Important notices from our community...
Za crkvu: Ivan i Barbara Čop $40; Kruh Sv.
Ante: Niko $50; Ob. Vinka Blaževića $100;
Hrvatski Caritas: Miro Marić $120; N.N. $140;
Milostinja za 09./10. 02. 2013. $2.523.-
Neka Gospodin izlije svoj blagoslov na Vas!
Reminder of what’s going on in our community...
Vjeronauk za krizmanike: ponedjeljkom u 6pm
Vjeronauk za prvopričesnike: utorkom u 6pm
Biblijski sat srijedom u 6.00pm
Priprava za brak: četvrtkom u 7.30pm
Karizmatska grupa: srijedom od 7.30pm
Klanjatelji Krvi Kristove: srijedom od 10am
Cenakul: ponedjeljkom od 9.30am
Susret Pastoralnog Vijeća: svaki prvi ponedjeljak
Financijski odbor: utorkom od 6.30pm
Hrvatsko Australski socijalni ured:
ponedjeljak, utorak i srijeda, od 9am do 5 pm
ANĐELI ČUVARI vježbaju subotom prije mise i
jednom mjesečno ponedjeljkom.
MINISTRANTI vježbaju prema dogovoru, slijedeći
je susret, 17.veljače u 3 pm.
ZBOR SVETE CECILIJE četvrtkom poslije svete
mise u 6.30 pm u kući Časnih sestara.
prije podne od 10 do 12 am. Svi su dobrodošli.
FRAMA - se susreće petkom od 7.30pm.
HFG „Linđo“ - Pozivamo svu djecu od 5 godina
na više da se upišu u HFG „Linđo“ i tako upoznaju i
zavole Hrvatsku kulturu, pjesmu, ples i folklor. Za više
informacija nazovite: Mile Dejanović - 0410 474 615;
Suzana Lapić - 0407 205 747; Rosie Jabuka - 0419 615 207.
Hrvatska Škola Bonnyrigg - započela je s upisom
učenika i nastavom hrvatskog jezika u subotu, 9. veljače
2013. od 1.30pm do 4.00pm, Bonnyrigg Public School,
Tarlington Parade, Bonnyrigg. Za više informacija
nazovite Maricu Božić na 9610 4143.
Smisao korizme - Korizma je pogodno vrijeme;
ali Božje vrijeme, ne čovjekovo. Korizma je vrijeme
koje podsjeća čovjeka da je prah i da ničim ne može
zaslužiti spasenje. Ono je dar Božji. Korizma je i vrijeme
kad čovjek treba biti svjestan da ne može »prisiljavati i
kontrolirati« Boga. Poput Isusa u pustinji, čovjek treba
dopustiti da se preko njega i na njemu ispunja Božji
plan. Spasenje nije nešto što čovjek može zaslužiti
svojim djelima. Nije nikakva prednost biti Židov, ili
Grk; ne znači puno ni biti vjeran pobožnim činima.
Korizma nije vrijeme gdje se čovjek usredotočuje na
ono što bi on trebao učiniti da bude spašen. Korizma
je vrijeme da se razmisli što je Bog učinio za ljude;
donio je spasenje. Ono što se događa tijekom ovog
liturgijskog vremena dolazi od Božje dobrote. Ono
što se događa u vjeri dolazi zbog Isusovog uskrsnuća.
Korizma nije toliko vrijeme kad čovjek treba činiti
vjerske »stvari«, nego je ona više vrijeme kad čovjek
treba biti otvoren Božjim »stvarima«; stvarima
koje preoblikuju; stvarima koje Bog želi učiniti za
čovjeka. Za Pavla je to temelj čovjekove vjere. Božjom
intervencijom maleni postaju veliki. Naš kardinal,
nadbiskup George Pell, poziva sve katolike u Australiji,
da se ove korizme uključe u molitvu za domaću
Crkvu, osobito poziva na post petkom i na pobožnost
Križnoga puta. I mi ćemo svakog petka imati Križni
put i kratku korizmenu propovijed. fra Smiljan B.
24-32 Runcorn Street, St Johns Park NSW 2176
Ph: 9823 3855 Email: [email protected] Web: www.csvcare.com
Nemojte biti osamljeni - Posjetite nas!
Budite naš gost - Be our guest Program
Besplatno, svi ste dobrodošli!
Srijedom od 10am u dvorani naselja.
Druženje, kava, kolači i domaći specijaliteti.
Glazbeni program - Musical Program
Besplatno, svi ste dobrodošli!
Utorkom od 10-12 u dvorani naselja.
Uz ples i glazbu provedite nekoliko sati
Vacancies: RN’s for all shifts, knowledge/
affinity with Croatian language preferred.
Trebamo: kokice i paunicu!
Hrvatski običaji - Cultural Program
Besplatno, svi ste dobrodošli!
Mjesečno, u skladu s našim običajima; bojimo
pisanice, pripravljamo svijeće za Dušni Dan,
sijemo Božićno žito za sv. Luciju, slavimo Dane
Hrvatske i Australije, pravimo vino, čvarke,
sadimo cvijeće i uzgajamo voće...
Dragovoljci - Volunteers
Dobri ljudi plemenita srca, dodjite na nekoliko
sati tjedno i obradujete osamljene djedove i
bake. Tko će vas posjetiti sutra? Dragovoljci volonteri su posebna dragocjenost Hrvatske
zajednice. Za više informacija obratite se sestri
Regini ili sestri Terezi, ili možete nazvati Dom.
Holy Mass, Baptisms & Weddings
in thegodine
Year of Gospodnje
our Lord 2013.
17 tjednu
Sub. 16.02.13. 6.30pm Nada O. - M za + bake Mariju i Anu i + ob. O. i + bratića Milana Ljubu
Sub. 16.02.13. 6.30pm Mate Tomašić - M za + suprugu Ružu Tomašić
Ned. 17.02.13. 8.30am Marija Stipančević - M za + muža, o. i d. Đuru (8.o.) i sve + S. i Božić
Ned. Za narod Božji
Ned. KRŠTENJE: Sebastijan Dokoza
Pon. 18.02.13. 7.00am Milka Buterin - M za + rod. Šimu i Zorku i + brata Krstu Bratovića
Uto. 19.02.13. 7.00am Na nakanu
Sri. 20.02.13. 7.00am Ljubica Salama - M za + brata Josipa Vuljanića (1. oblj.)
Čet. 21.02.13. 6.30pm Marija Šimunić - M za + rod. Katu i Ivana Barić i sve + ob. B. i Grgetić
Pet. 22.02.13. 6.30pm Nives Vukoša - M za + muža Antu i sve + ob.Vukoša i Vidaić
Sub. KRŠTENJE: Siena Marie i Lorenc Pero Solomun
Sub. 23.02.13. 4.00pm KRŠTENJE: Jason Steve Ćurjak
Sub. 23.02.13. 6.30pm Katica Brleković s dj. - M za + muža i o. Franju (6.o.) i + B. i Hlebnjak
Ove nedjelje 17.02. je u 3pm Ministrantski susret, molimo roditelje da dovedu djecu.
U 4.30pm je redovita mjesečna skupština FSR, pozivaju se i svi oni koji žele nasljedovati sv. Franju da
zajedno s nama mole, pjevaju i razmišljaju o putu malenosti i ljubavi prema svim Božjim stvorenjima.
Altar servers for 16./17. 02. 2013.
Readers for 16./17.02. 2013.
Sub 6.30pm Elizabeth Mlikota, Emma i Natalie Ojurović
Isabelle Vidajić, Marina i Petra Martinović, Ivan Perica
Ned 8.30am Ivan Ožanić, Anto i Marko Miletić, Anamarija i Daniela Mlikota, Ivan i Nikolina Milanović
Ned10.30am Adrian Vidović, Renato Jozić, Davor Nikolić
Daniel Kasunić, Anthony i Adrian Vaštag, Josip Marković
Sub: 6.30pm Krizmanici
Ned: 8.30am Ivanka Bošnjak, Ivanka Vujica
Mirjana Tomičić
Ned:10.30amMandica Rubčić, Marija Šulentić
Gordana Anić
Members of Pastoral and Financial Commitee for Saturday and Sunday: Church cleaners gr. 4
17.02. J. Šulentić, Š. Mardešić, B. Ćurjak, J. Mlinarić, S. Komadina, I. Mlikota, M. Šteko
24.02. M. Jezerčić, S. Korman, N. Šarić, N. Podnar, Milivoj Žderić, Zvonko Kovačević
03.03. I. Penava, R. Landeka, I. Leskur, M. Bošnjak, Srećko Franković, Tomo Komadina
10.03. J. Šulentić, Š. Mardešić, B. Ćurjak, J. Mlinarić, S. Komadina, I. Mlikota, M. Šteko
17.03. M. Jezerčić, S. Korman, N. Šarić, N. Podnar, Milivoj Žderić, Zvonko Kovačević
24.03. I. Penava, R. Landeka, I. Leskur, M. Bošnjak, Srećko Franković, Tomo Komadina
A little joke...
„Moja se prijateljica odrekla kave, pa joj sad djeca
i muž svaki dan idu u crkvu“ kaže jedna poznanica
drugoj. „Ne razumijem, zašto?“ odgovara joj druga.
„Mole svećenika da joj naloži da prekine pokoru, jer
po cijeli dan viče i lupa po njima.“
HVALA g. Željku Novoselu za uređenje:
web site: www.hkcnt.net
HVALA fra Ivi Tadiću za uređenje: web site: www.hkc.au
Cardinal Stepinac Village: www.cardinalstepinacvillage.com
Email: [email protected]
Kata Laurić, Marija
Laurić, Ana Pinčević,
Ružica Jandrašec, Dinka
Obilinović, Lucija Šuća,
Jelena Tadić, Nevenka
Rajković, Zora Rojnić
Catholic calendar 17.2.13. - 1. Sunday of Lent
Pon 18.02.
Uto 19.02.
Sri 20.02.
Čet 21.02.
Pet 22.02.
Sub 23.02.
Ned 24.02.
Šimun, Bernardica, Flavijan Mt 25, 31-46
Konrad, Ratko, Blagoje Mt 6, 7-15
Leon, Lav, Lea; (kvatre) Lk 11, 29-32
Petar Damaščanski, Eleonora
Mt 7, 7-12
Katedra sv. Petra, Tvrtko;(kvatre) Mt 16, 13-19
Polikarp, Romana; (kvatre)
Lk 7, 36-50
2. SUNDAY OF LENT Lk 9, 28b-36
Odgovara i uređuje: fra Smiljan Berišić
86-90 Brisbane Rd, St Johns Park 2176 NSW.
Ph. (02) 9610 6770; 0404 795 038; Fax (02) 9823 6506;
E-mail Centra: [email protected]; E-mail
svećenika: [email protected]