AMBASADA REPUBLIKË SLOVENIJE U PRIŠTINI EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA IN PRISTINA RADNO VREME KONZULARNOG ODELJENJA JE: OD PONEDELJKA DO ČETVRTKA: od 09:00 do 12:00 časa WORKING HOURS OF THE CONSULAR SECTION IS: FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY: from 09:00 to 12:00 PRIŠTINA, UL. ANTON CETA 6, TELEFON: 00 381 38 246 255, FAKS: 00 381 38 246 256 PRISTINA, ANTON CETA 6, TELEPHONE: 00381 38 246 255, FAKS: 00 381 38 246 256 POTREBNA DOKUMENTACIJA ZA IZDAVANJE VIZE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE ISSUANCE OF VISA MOLBA / REQUEST: Prilikom podnošenja zahteva za izdavanje vize sledeća dokumenta se dostavljaju lično (original i kopija); When applying for issuance of visa the following documents are submitted PERSONALLY (original and a copy); Obrazac prijave (obrazac se popunjava u štampanom latinicom i potpisani) An application form (the form is to be filled out in printed Latin letters and signed) Ne uništena fotografija novijeg datuma, u skladu sa ICAO standardima(jasna fotografija) dimenzija 3,5 k 4,5 cm; An unimpaired photograph of a recent date in line with ICAO standards (distinct) features, photo dimensions 3,5 x 4,5 cm; □ Važeći pasoš i kopiju stranice koja sadrži bio-podatke (važnost pasoša mora biti najmanje tri meseca duže od važenja izdate vize); A valid passport and a copy of the page containing bio-data (the validity of the passport must be at least three months longer than the validity of the visa issued); □ Stari pasoš; Previous passport; □ Polisa putnog osiguranje (sa rokom važnosti podjednako sa traženom vizom, sa minimalnim finansijskim pokrićem od 30.000,00 evra, pisani u elektronskom obliku.; A travel insurance policy (with a duration equal to the visa requested, with a minimum financial cover of 30.000,00 EUR, written electronically. □ Dokazi statusa: Status verification: a) Učenici, studenti (potvrda iz matične škole, potvrda sa fakulteta i indeks); Pupils, high school scholars, students(certificate from the school, certificate from the university and a student index); b) Zaposleni (M1/M2, ugovor rada); Employed (M1/M2 or an employment contract); c) Nezaposleni (potvrda od dzžavnog organa (Centar za socijalni rad ili Opština) za osobe koje su na socijalnoj pomoći; Unemployed (certificate from the state authority (Center for Social Welfare or the municipality) proving that the person is on welfare); d) Pensioner (potvrda zadnje penzije ili rešenje penzije); Retired persons (the last pension receipt or a certificate on retirement); e) Slobodne profesije (potvrda od umetničkog društva ili Ministarstva Kulture iz matične zemlje ili članska knjižica); Freelance professions (certificate from the association of artists or certificate from the Ministry of Culture of the native country and a membership card); f) Sportisti (registracija, lična karta ili potvrda iz Ministarstva Sporta iz matične zemlje); Sportsmen (registry or certificate of the Ministry of Sports of the native country); g) Poljoprivrednici (potvrda iz opštine da se aplikant bavi poljoprivredom, dokument posedovanja imovine); Agriculture (certificate form the municipality confirming the person is dealing with agriculture and a certificate on real estate ownership); h) Vozači na autoputnom saobraćaju (M1/M2, medjunarodna dozvola kretanja iz drzave clanice), transportni saobraćaj (M1/M2, CEMT, aktualna lista transporta) Drivers conducting international passenger travels (M1/M2, authorization for international travel from the member states) and drivers conducting international; cargo (M1/M2, CEMT, current cargo list); i) Preduzetnici (M1/M2............); Businessmen (M1/M2, agreement on joint cooperation, registry of the company and financial reports); j) Novinari (dokument identifikacije za novinare); Journalists (press card). □ Potvrda o nameri putovanja: Certificate confirming the purpose of travel: a) Studije ili stručno obrazovanje, programi razmene i druge školske obrazovne aktivnosti za decu, studente, postdiplomske studije, kao i nastavnici i profesori koji prisustvuju: - Pismeni zahtev ili - Potvrda o registraciji iz škole koja poziva ili - Studentska knjižica ili - Potvrda za kurseve; a) pupils, high school, university students, post-graduate students and accompanying teachers, professors that will participate in study programs or professional training, student exchange programs or other educational training activities: A written application or A certificate from the hosting school confirming enrolment or Student ID or Confirmation for attending courses; - b) b) - c) c) - Učešće u naučnim aktivnostima, istraživanja, kulture i umetnosti, zajedno sa drugim univerzitetskim programima za razmenu pojedinaca: Zahtev u pismenoj formi od organizacije koja poziva; Applicants participating in scientific, research, cultural and artistic activities as well as university and other programs that the individual is to take part in: A written application from the hosting organization; Stručne obuke, seminari, konferencije, programi razmene za predstavnike organizacija civilnog društva: Zahtev u pismenoj formi od organizacije koja poziva Dokaz da osoba predstavlja organizaciju Potvrda o adekvatnom registru odgovarajućih organa države za formiranje organizacije u trećoj zemlji Representatives of civil society organizations attending professional training, seminar, conference and exchange programs: A written application from the hosting organization A certificate confirming that the person is in fact representing the organization A registration certificate of the organization from the state authorities, signatory to the third party agreement; d) Kryerja e detyrave gazetareske për gazetarë: - Dokument nga organizata që dëshmon se personi është gazetar i kualifikuar - Dokument të punëdhënësit për qëllimin e udhëtimit të gazetarit; d) Journalists to perform press work (report, interview, broadcast) - A written certificate by which the organization confirms the competence of the journalist - A letter of request in which the employer is stating the purpose of travel for the journalist; e) Učešće na međunarodnim sportskim dogadjajima za sportiste i ekipe koje ih prate: - Zahtev u pismenoj formi od organizacije (organu, udruženju, odboru država članica) koji poziva; e) - Participants of international sports events as well as the accompanying team A written confirmation of the hosting organization (authority, association, member state commission); f) Saradnja i zastupanje poslovanja preduzeća za privrednike i predstavnicima poslovanja: - Pismeni zahtev države članice koja poziva - Potvrda od Privredne komore za treće zemlje potpisnice sporazuma f) - Representatives of business enterprises, business travels, businessmen: Written request from the hosting business company of the member states A written request of the chamber of commerce, signatory to the third party agreement; Saradnja slobodnih umetnika na međunarodnim sajmovima, konferencijama, simpozijuma, seminara i drugi slični slučajevi na teritoriji zemalja članica za predstavnike slobodnih umetnika: Zahtev u pismenoj formi od organizacije koja potvrđuje da podnosilac učestvuje na događaju; g) Freelance professionals that are to participate in international exhibits, conference, symposium, seminar and other similar events that are going to take place in the member state countries: - A written request from the hosting organization confirming the person in question is in fact participating; g) h) Razmena u okviru programa koji organizuju gradovi, opštine za učesnike: Molba napisana od strane vodje uprave / upraviteljia tih gradova i opština; h) Persons that will participate in exchange programs organized by twin cities, municipalities: A written request of the head of administration/mayor of the city or municipality; i) Međunarodni prevoz robe i ljudi na teritoriji države članica za vozače sa automobilima koji su registrovani u trećim zemljama potpisnicama sporazuma: Pisane molbe udruženja vozača treće zemlje potpisnice međunarodnog sporazuma drumskog saobraćaja sa opisom svrhe, trajanja i učestalosti putovanja; i) Drivers conducting international cargo and passenger transportation services to member state countries in vehicles registered in countries signatory to the third party agreement: A written request from the association of transportation drivers of the country signatory to the Third Party Agreement on International Road Transportation stating the purpose, duration and frequency of travel; - - j) - Osoblje međunarodnih vozova, hladnjača vagona i lokomotiva koji putuju u zemlje članice Pisani zahtev železničkog udruženja trćih država potpisnice sporazuma, gde se opisuje svrha, trajanje i učestalost putovanja; j) Staff persons of international train, cold storage wagons and locomotives traveling to member state countries: A written request from the relevant railway company, signatory to the Third Party Agreement stating the duration and frequency of travel; - k) k) - Bliski srodnici, kao što su supružnik, deca (uključujući usvojenu decu), roditelji (uključujući staratelje), babe i dede i unuci,posećivanje drzavljane zemalja potpisnica Sporazuma treće strane koji legalno borave u zemljama članica pozivno pismo domaćina; Close relatives, such as, spouse, children (including adopted children), parents (including guardians), grandparents and grandchildren visiting citizens of countries signatory to the Third Party Agreement legally residing in Member State countries: A written request from the host; l) - Predstavnici verskih zajednica: Pisani zahtev iz verske zajednice koje su registrovane u zemlji, potpisnice sporazuma treće strane, u kome se navodi svrha, trajanje i učestalost putovanja; ; l) Representatives of religious communities: - A written request from the religious community registered in the country, signatory to Third Party Agreement, stating the purpose, duration and frequency of travel; m) Lica koja putuju zbog zdravstvenih razloga i lica koja su u pratnji: Zvanični dokument medicinske institucije kojim se potvrđuje hitnost / potreba za medicinsku negu, kao i potreba za pratnju osobe Dokazni dokument za dovoljno finansijskih sredstava;; m) Persons travelling due to medical reason and accompanying persons: - Official document from the medical institution confirming the urgency/necessity for medical care as well as the necessity for a accompanying person - Evidentiary document for sufficient financial means; n) n) - Članovi zvaničnih delegacija zemalja potpisnica Sporazuma koje učestvuju na sastancima, konsultacijama, ili razmene programa, koji su organizovani od strane međunarodnih organizacija u zemljama članice: Pozivno pismo upućeno zemlji potpisnice Sporazuma Pismo od organa države potpisnice Sporazuma , koje potvrđuje da je navedeno lice član delegacije tog organa; Members of official delegations of countries signatory to the Third Party Agreement participating in meetings, consultations or exchange programs that are organized by international organizations in the countries of Member State: Letter of invitation addressed to the country signatory to the Third Party Agreement Letter from the authority of the country signatory to the Third Party Agreement, confirming that the person in question is a member of the delegation of that authority; o) Turistička poseta osoba: Dokaz za uplatu od strane akreditovanog organizatora putovanja; □ o) - Individual tourist travels: Certificate or a voucher from an accredited touring or travel agency; p) - Poseta vojnom ili civilnom groblju pojedinca: Zvanični dokument koji potvrđuje postojanje i održavanje grobnice, kao i veza između podnosioca zahteva i sahranjenog. p) - Individuals visiting military or civilian burial and/or memorial services Official document confirming date/place of the memorial service as well as the relation between the applicant and the deceased. Posebne dozvole: Exceptional permits: a) maloletne osobe koje putuju same: - pismeno odobrenje oba roditelja overena od strane notera, za malu decu pismeno odobrenje overeno od strane policije. a) minors traveling alone - letter of approval from both parents that is attested by a notary, and for children of very young age a written letter of approval verified by the police. b) maloletne osobe koje putuje sa jednim roditeljem: - pismeno odobrenje drugog roditelja od strane notera, za malu decu pismeno odobrenje overeno od strane policije. b) minors traveling with one of the parents - letter of approval from the other parent that is attested by a notary, and for children of very young age, a written letter of approval verified by the police. Dokaz o sredstvima za izdržavanje (putničke čekove i bankovni izvod za stanje na zadnja tri meseca ili kartice sa kojima se može plaćati u državama članica), u slučaju da osoba koja garantuje ne poseduje to. Certificate for sufficient means (travelers cheque and banking lists for the last three months or a credit card valid in EU and the financial state report from bank for the last three months) in case it is not guaranteed by the inviting person. Dokaz o smeštaju (potvrda za plaćanje usluga, odnosno hotelski smeštaj ili drugi smeštaj) u slučaju da se ne daje nikakva garancija. Certificate for accommodation (payment receipt for a hotel or any other vacation arrangements) in case it is not guaranteed by the inviting person. Dokaz o srodstvo (izvod iz knjige rođenih, venčanih, za vizu ''D'' potvrda venčanja koji je registrovan u registru RS ili UE). Kinship certificate (birth certificate, marriage certificate, if applying for visa type “D”, matrimonial certificate that is registered at the municipal Registry in RS or EU); GARANTITOR: THE GUARANTOR: □ potvrda za dovoljno finansijskih sredstava (finansijski izveštaj za stanje u poslednja tri meseca);; certificate for sufficient financial means (financial state report for the last three months); □ potvrda za odgovarajuće uslove stanovanja (potvrda o nekretninama vlasništva ili overen ugovor o lizingu); certificate for appropriate housing conditions (certificate on real estate ownership or an attested leasing contract); □ dokaz o legalnom boravku u Republici Sloveniji. a stay permit in Republic of Slovenia. NAPOMENA: WARNING: Vodja konzularnog odeljenja može tražiti dodatne dokumente za koje će kandidati biti obavešteni pismenim putem kada je aplikacija primljena. The head of the consular department might request additional documents for which the applicants would be informed in writing once the application is received. Podnosioci zahteva mogu da finalizuju svoje prijave svakog radnog dana od 13.00 do 14.00. The applicants may finalize their applications every working day from 13.00 to 14.00. Porez u vezi procedura izdavanja viza je 35,00 evra (sa izuzetkom za vizu tipa ''D'' gde su porezi za vizu 60,00 evra). Pod uslovom da je zahtev za izdavanje vize odbijen, poreska plaćanja se ne vraćaju! Prijavni formulari su besplatni. Prijava dokumenata za izdavanje vize se podnosi lično. The taxes for visa procedures is 35,00 EUR (with exception for visa type “D” where the taxes for visa procedures is 60,00 EUR). Provided that the application for issuance of visa is rejected, the tax payment is NOT RETURNED! The application forms are free of charge. Application documents for the issuance of visa are submitted PERSONALLY.
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