Ivo Banac Distinguished Professor of History and International Relations at SSST (Adjunct) Department of History, Yale University P.O. Box 208324 New Haven, CT 06520-8324 <[email protected]> 17 June 2013 CURRICULUM VITAE Born: 1 March 1947 Education: Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 1969-1975. Ph.D. History, 1975. M.A. History, 1971. Fordham University, Bronx, New York, USA, 1965-1969. B.A. History (Cum Laude and in Honors Program), 1969. Academic Positions: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Department of History: Bradford Durfee Professor of History Emeritus, 2009Bradford Durfee Professor of History, 1997-2009. Professor, 1988-1997. Associate Professor, 1982-1988. Assistant Professor, 1977-1982. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia Department of History, Philosophy Faculty, Professor, 2009Central European University, Budapest, Hyngary and Prague, Czech Republic University Professor of History, 1995-1999. Acting Director of Research, Centre for the Study of Nationalism, Prague, 1996. Head, Program in Southeast European Studies, 1996-1999. Director, Institute on Southeastern Europe, 1995-1999. Member of the Board, Open Society Archives, Budapest, 1996-1998. Member, University Senate, 1995-1998. Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA Department of History, Lecturer, 1975-1977. Banac, p. 2 Department of Linguistics, Instructor in Serbo-Croatian, 1973-1974. Department of History, Teaching Assistant, 1972-1973. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, USA Department of History, Instructor, Autumn 1976. Political Positions: President, Liberal Party, Croatia, 2003-2004. Minister, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning, Croatia, 2003. Deputy, Croatian Parliament, 2003-2007. Member, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, 2004-2008. Dissertation: “The National Question in Yugoslavia’s Formative Period, 1918-1921.” Banac, p. 3 Publications: Books: Monographs: The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1984; paperback edition, 1988; Nacionalno pitanje u Jugoslaviji: Porijeklo, povijest, politika. Zagreb: Globus, 1988; Durieux, 1995 (translations into Croatian). With Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988; Sa Staljinom protiv Tita: Informbirovski rascjepi u jugoslavenskom komunističkom pokretu. Zagreb: Globus, 1990 (translation into Croatian). Parts serialized in the Zagreb weekly Danas (20 February - 3 April 1990), and the Novi Sad daily Dnevnik (25 October 11 November 1990). Collections: Dubrovački eseji. Dubrovnik: Matica hrvatska, 1992. Protiv straha. Zagreb: Slon d.o.o., 1992. Cijena Bosne. Zagreb: Europa danas, 1994; expanded edition, Sarajevo: Vijeće kongresa bošnjačkih intelektualaca and Bosanski kulturni centar, 1996. Raspad Jugoslavije: Eseji o nacionalizmu i nacionalnim sukobima. Zagreb: Durieux, 2001. Protiv Močvare. Sarajevo: Buybook, 2003. Acta turcarum. Zagreb: Durieux, 2006. Hrvati i Crkva: Kratka povijest hrvatskog katoličanstva u modernosti. Zagreb and Sarajevo: Profil and Svjetlo riječi, 2013. Collective Books: Nation and Ideology: Essays in Honor of Wayne S. Vucinich. Boulder, Colorado: East European Monographs, 1981. (Edited with John G. Ackerman and Roman Szporluk) The Nobility in Russia and Eastern Europe. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Concilium on International and Area Studies, 1983. (Edited with Paul Bushkovitch) The Effects of World War I: The Class War After the Great War: The Rise of Communist Parties in East Central Europe, 1918-1921. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn College Studies on Society in Change, 1983. Concepts of Nationhood in Early Modern Eastern Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 10, nos. 3/4, December 1986. (Edited with Frank E. Sysyn) Grbovi -- biljezi identiteta. Zagreb: Grafički zavod Hrvatske, 1991. Eastern Europe in Revolution. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1992. National Character and National Ideology in Interwar Eastern Europe. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Center for International and Area Studies, 1995. (Edited with Katherine Verdery) Srbi u Hrvatskoj: jučer, danas, sutra. Zagreb: Hrvatski helsinški odbor za ljudska prava, 1998. The Diary of Georgi Dimitrov 1933-1949. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003. Banac, p. 4 Articles: “The Communist Party of Yugoslavia During the Period of Legality, 1919-1921,” in The Effects of World War I, op. cit., pp. 188-230. “The Role of Vojvodina in Karadjordje’s Revolution,” Südost-Forschungen (Munich), 40 (1981): 31-61. “Struktura konzervativne ideologije braće Vojnovićâ,” Radovi međunarodnog simpozija o djelu Iva Vojnovića, ed. Frano Čale. Zagreb: Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Razred za suvremenu književnost, 1981, pp. 19-49. “South Slav Prisoners of War in Revolutionary Russia,” Essays on World War I: Origins and Prisoners of War, ed. Gerard H. Davis and Peter Pastor, 119-48. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn College Studies on Society in Change, 1983. “Main Trends in the Croat Language Question,” Aspects of the Slavic Language Question, vol. 1: Church Slavonic--South Slavic--West Slavic, ed. Riccardo Picchio and Harvey Goldblatt, 189259. New Haven: Yale Concilium on International and Area Studies, 1984. Also published in Most/The Bridge: Collection of Croatian Literature, vol. 1. Zagreb: Društvo hrvatskih književnika, 1990, pp. 7-87. Hrvatsko jezično pitanje. Zagreb: Most/The Bridge, 1991 (translation into Croatian). Serialized in the Zagreb daily Vjesnik (27 January - 11 February 1991). “The Confessional ‘Rule’ and the Dubrovnik Exception: The Origins of the ‘Serb-Catholic’ Circle in Nineteenth-Century Dalmatia,” Slavic Review (Urbana, Illinois), 42 (1983), no. 3: 448-74; “Vjersko ‘pravilo’ i dubrovačka iznimka: Geneza dubrovačkog kruga ‘Srba katolika,’” Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik), 1 (1990), no. 1-2: 179-210 (translation into Croatian). “Ministration and Desecration: The Place of Dubrovnik in Modern Croat National Ideology and Political Culture,” in Nation and Ideology, op.cit., pp. 149-75. Excerpts translated and published under the title “[Ivan] Gundulić u hrvatskim nacionalnim ideologijama 19. i 20. stoljeća” in Forum (Zagreb), 28 (1989), no. 3-4: 442-54, and in Gundulićev san, ed. Slobodan P. Novak, 1122. Zagreb: Nacionalna i sveučilišna biblioteka and Muzejsko-galerijski centar, 1989. Excerpts also published under the title “The Place of Gundulić in Modern Croat National Ideologies,” in Most/The Bridge (Zagreb), (1990), no. 1-2: 53-71, and under the title “Tra consacrazione e dissacrazione (L’immagine di Dubrovnik nell’ideologia nazionale e nella cultura politica croata dell’era moderna), in Most/Il ponte (Zagreb), (2000), no. 1-4: 266-281. “Yugoslav Cominformist Organizations and Insurgent Activity: 1948-1954,” At the Brink of War and Peace: The Tito-Stalin Split in Historical Perspective, ed. Wayne S. Vucinich, 239-52, 33236. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn College Studies on Society in Change, 1982. “O pseudonimu ‘Pravoljub’ (1841/42),” Historijski zbornik (Zagreb), 35 (1982), no. 1: 183-91. “The Nobility in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe,” in The Nobility in Russia and Eastern Europe, op. cit., pp. 1-16. (with Paul Bushkovitch) “Political Themes in the Poetry of Mavro Vetranović,” American Benedictine Review (Richardton, North Dakota) 36 (1985), no. 1:23-43. “Sarajevo 1914: Wrong Turn at the Appelquai,” in John M. Merriman, ed., For Want of a Horse: Choice and Chance in History (Lexington, Mass.: The Stephen Greene Press, 1985), pp. 91-96. “The National Notation of Matthias Flacius Illyricus,” Slovene Studies (New York, N.Y.), 6 (1984), nos. 1-2: 93-100; “Le caractere national de Matthias Flacius Illyricus,” Most/The Bridge, (1991), no. 3: 75-86 (translation into French). Banac, p. 5 “The Redivived Croatia of Pavao Ritter Vitezović,” in Concepts of Nationhood, op. cit., pp. 492507. “Croat-Magyar Relations in 1904-14: A New Jelačić or the `New Course’?” Lubi Slovenci: A Festschrift to Honor Rado L. Lencek, ed. Tom M.S. Priestly, Olga B. Nedeljković, and Henry R. Cooper, Jr., Slovene Studies, 9 (1987), nos. 1-2: 43-48. “Milan Kundera i povratak Srednje Evrope,” Gordogan (Zagreb), 9 (1987), nos. 23-24: 39-46. “Universalist Religions in a Multinational Society: Yugoslavia Since 1966,” Cross Currents (Ann Arbor, Michigan), 7 (1988): 57-74. “Biljezi identiteta: heraldika i nacionalne ideologije kod Južnih Slavena,” in Grbovi -- biljezi identiteta, op. cit., pp. 9-27. Portions excerpted in: “Heraldika kod Južnih Slavena: Grbovi nacionalnih ideologija,” Start (Zagreb), (1989), no. 545: 66-69; “Heraldika kod Južnih Slavena: Politika na grbovima,” ibid., no. 546: 66-71; “The Insignia of Identity: Heraldry and the Growth of National Ideologies Among the South Slavs,” Ethnic Studies (Melbourne, Australia), 10 (1993): 215-37. (Translation into English) “Political Change and National Diversity,” Daedalus (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 119 (1990), no. 1: 141-59; reprinted in Stephen R. Graubard, ed., Eastern Europe ... Central Europe ... Europe. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991, pp. 145-64; “Die Nationalit autenfalle,” Kursbuch (Berlin), (1990), no. 102: 147-64 (translation into German). “Mjesto Jurja Križanića u hrvatskoj kulturnoj povijesti,” in Ratko Perić, ed., Homo imago et amicus Dei: Miscellanea in honorem Ioannis Golub (Rome: Pontificium collegium Croaticum Sancti Hieronymi, 1991), pp. 339-46. “Juraj Križanić u djelu Miroslava Krleže,” Encyclopaedia moderna (Zagreb), 12 (1991), no. 36: 913. “‘Средний путь’ Матии Бана между сербской национальной идеологией и лингвистической программой иллиризма,” Славянские и балканские культуры XVIII-XIX вв.,ed. V.I. Zlydnev (Moscow: AN SSSR, Institut slavianovedeniia i balkanistiki, 1990), pp. 50-59. “The Fearful Asymmetry of War: The Causes and Consequences of Yugoslavia’s Demise,” Daedalus, 121 (1992), no. 2: 141-74. Abridged in The New Combat, (1994): 36-43. “Srpska kultura straha: Uzroci i posljedice svršetka Jugoslavije,” Slobodna Dalmacija (Split), 15 - 20 June 1992 (translation into Croatian). “L’effrayante asymétrie de la guerre,” in Véronique NahoumGrappe, ed., Vukovar, Sarajevo...: La guerre en ex-Yougoslavie (Paris: Éditions Esprit, 1993), pp. 149-84 (translation into French). “Arthur Bliss Lane and American Foreign Service in Yugoslavia,” Journal of Croatian Studies (New York, N.Y.), 31 (1990): 120-29. “The Origins and Development of the Concept of Yugoslavia (to 1945),” Yearbook of European Studies, no. 5: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia, ed. Martin van den Heuvel and Jan G. Siccama (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1992), pp. 1-22. “‘Emperor Karl has become a Comitadji’: The Croatian Disturbances of Autumn 1918,” Slavonic and East European Review (London), 70 (1992), no. 2: 284-305; “‘I Karlo je o’šo u komite’: Nemiri u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj u jesen 1918.,” Časopis za suvremenu povijest (Zagreb), 24 (1992), no. 3: 23-43 (translation into Croatian). “Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia,” American Historical Review (Bloomington, Indiana), 97 (1992), no. 4: 1084-1104. “Bosnian Muslims: From Religious Community to Socialist Nationhood and Postcommunist Statehood, 1918-1992,” in The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina: Their Historic Development from the Middle Ages to the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, ed. Mark Pinson, Harvard Middle Eastern Banac, p. 6 Monographs, vol. xxviii (Cambridge, Mass.: Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University, 1994), pp. 129-53; “Los musulmanes bosnios: De comunidad religiosa a nacionalidad socialista y estado postcomunista, 1918-1992,” Historia y fuente oral (Barcelona), no. 10 (1993), pp. 125-41 (translation into Spanish); “I musulmani di Bosnia: da comunità religiosa a nazione socialista e stato postcommunista (1918-1992),” I musulmani di Bosnia dal medioevo alla dissoluzione della Jugoslavia, ed. Mark Pinson (Rome: Donzelli editore, 1995), pp. 85-101. “Stil u povijesnom djelu Vinka Foretića,” Zbornik radova o Vinku Foretiću, ed. Vlaho Benković. Dubrovnik and Korčula: Matica hrvatska, 1994, pp. 93-99. “Nationalism in Serbia,” Balkans: A Mirror of the New International Order, ed. Günay Göksu Özdagan and Kemâli Saybaşili. Istanbul: Eren, 1995, pp. 133-52. “The Tito-Stalin Split and the Greek Civil War,” Greece at the Crossroads: The Civil War and Its Legacy, ed. John O. Iatrides and Linda Wrigley. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995, pp. 258-73. “Nationalism in Southeastern Europe,” Nationalism and Nationalities in the New Europe, ed. Charles A. Kupchan. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1995, pp. 107-21, 207-8; earlier version published under the title “Ancient Ethnic Hatreds and Recent Balkan Conflicts: The Role of Nationalism in Southeastern Europe,” The Limits of Pluralism: Neo-Absolutisms and Relativism. Amsterdam: Praemium Erasmianum Foundation, 1995, pp. 139-53. “Zarathustra in Red Croatia: Milan Šufflay and His Theory of Nationhood,” in National Character and National Ideology in Interwar Eastern Europe, op. cit., pp. 181-93. “Izdajnici, škripari i kolhozi: tri sličice iz konavoskog života, 1944.-1949.,” in Konavle u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti, vol. 1, ed. Vladimir Stipetić. Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU, 1998, pp. 223-32. “Jugoslawien 1918-1941,” in Der Jugoslawien-Krieg: Handbuch zu Vorgeschichte, Verlauf und Konsequenzen ed. Dunja Melčić. Weisbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1999, pp. 148-164. “Zašto liberalna Hrvatska kasni: Glavni pravci hrvatske povijesti u dvadesetom stoljeću” and “Jozo Tomašević,” in Liberalna misao u Hrvatskoj: Prilozi povijesti liberalizma od kraja 18. do sredine 20. stoljeća, ed. Andrea Feldman, Vladimir Stipetić, and Franjo Zenko. Zagreb: Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, 2000, pp. lv-lxvi, 399-406. “The Weight of False History,” in The Future of the Former Yugoslavia, ed. by Ivo Banac, East European Constitutional Review (New York, N.Y.), vol. 10, nos. 2/3 (spring/summer 2001), pp. 98-135; Forum Bosnae (Sarajevo), no. 15 (2002), pp. 200-6; “Бремя искаженой истории,” in: Konstitutsionnoe pravo: vostochnoevropskoe obozrenie (Moscow), no. 3 (36)(2001), pp. 46-49 (translation into Russian); “Тежестта на фалшивата история,” in Religija i politika na Balkanite, ed. Ina Merdzhanova. Sofia: Fondatsija Demos, 2004, pp. 7-13 (translation into Bulgarian). “Bektašiluk,” Razlika/Diffèrance (Tuzla), no. 9 (fall-winter 2004), pp. 7-12. “What Happened in the Balkans (or Rather Ex-Yugoslavia)?” East European Politics & Societies (Thousand Oaks, Ca.), vol. 23, no. 4 (fall 2009), pp. 461-478. “Ciliga i Bosna: iskustva i domišljanja,” in Mustafa Imamović: 45 godina naučnog i publicističkog rada: zbornik radova, ed. by Jasmin Branković et al. Sarajevo/Gradačac: Institut za istoriju and Javna biblioteka “Alija Isaković”, 2010, pp. 259-267. “Nova Evropa, Sovjetska Rusija i komunistički pokret,” in Nova Evropa 1920-1941: Zbornik radova, eds. Marko Nedić and Vesna Matović. Belgrade: Institut za književnost i umetnost, 2010, pp. 209-225. Banac, p. 7 “Hrvatski đilasovci,” in Desničini susreti 2009.: Zbornik radova, eds. Drago Roksandić, Magdalena Najbar-Agičić, and Ivana Cvijović Javorina. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, 2011, pp. 1927. “Bošnjaci, komunizam i njegovo nasljeđe,” in Godišnjak BZK Preporod, (11)(2011), pp. 108-115. Articles in Encyclopedias and Reference Books: AHA Guide to Historical Literature, Collier’s Encyclopedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Foreign Visitors to Congress: Speeches and History, Hrvatski leksikon, Krležijana (vol.2: M-Ž), The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Reviews and Review Articles: Austrian History Yearbook, American Historical Review, Canadian Journal of History, Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, Contemporary Sociology, East European Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, Globus, Gordogan, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, International History Review, Inquiry, Journal of Croatian Studies, Middle Eastern Studies Association Bulletin, Military Affairs, Political Science Quarterly, Reviews in European History, Russian Review, Tjednik, Slavic Review, and Slavonica. Contributions, Opinions, and Interviews: Acque & Terre, Albanian Catholic Bulletin, Arhivski vjesnik, Arkzin, Behar, B & H bladet, Blic, Borba, Bosanski pogledi, Bosanskohercegovački dani, Bosnia News, Boston Review, Bumerang, Crnogorski glasnik, Croatia Review, Dagens nyheter, Dani, Danas [Belgrade] Danas [Zagreb], Delo, Die Welt, Dnevni avaz, Dijalog, Dnevnik, Dubrovački list, Dubrovnik, EM, Erasmus, Fokus, Feral Tribune, Financial Mirror [Nicosia], Frankfurter Rundschau, Gazeta wyborcza, Glas Istre, Glas Podravine i Prigorja, Glas Slavonije, Globus, Hitel, Hrvatska ljevica, Hrvatski narodni list, Hrvatski tjednik, Il Manifesto, Internationelle studier, International Forum at Yale, Jutarnji list, Kolo, La Libre Belgique, Ličkosenjski tjednik, Ljiljan, Luxemburger Wort, Magyar Lettre internationale, Magyar Narancs, Metro, MI – katoličko glasilo, Mladina, Mlada fronta Dnes, Nacional, Narodni list, Naš glas, Naša knjiga, Naša svaboda, The Nation, National Review, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, The New Journal, The New Republic, New York Newsday, Nova Makedonija, Nova Matica, Novi list, Novi vjesnik, Novi danas, Novie vremia, Novosti [Zagreb-Vukovar], Objektiv, Otvoreni tjednik, Oslobođenje, Peace & Democracy News, Pečat, 15 dana, Plima plus, Pobjeda, Politička misao, Posavska Hrvatska, Povijesni prilozi, Prosvjeta, Reformatorisch Dagblad, Republika [Sarajevo], România liberă , Sabah, Samoborski glasnik, Segodnia, Setemana, Slobodna Dalmacija, Sme, Svjetlo riječi, Stećak, Start, Studentski list, Tages-Anzeiger, Tjednik, 2B: A Journal of Ideas, Večer, Večernji list, Vijenac, Vijesti, Vjesnik, Vox – Glas Zadra, Vox – Zadarski regional, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post Book World, Zadarski list, and Zarez. Translations: “There is no justice even among flowers (Ni med cvetjem ni pravice),” a poem by Miroslav Krleža, Most (Zagreb), 1982, nos. 1-2: 4-5. “Humanism in Croatia,” by Dražen Budiša, in Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy, vol. 2, ed. Albert Rabil, Jr. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988, pp. 265-92. Banac, p. 8 Awards: The Wayne S. Vucinich Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies for the outstanding American scholarly work in Russian/Soviet and East European studies to be published in 1984: The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics. The Josip Juraj Strossmayer Prize for the best book in the social sciences published in Croatia in 1990: Sa Staljinom protiv Tita: Informbirovski rascjepi u jugoslavenskom komunističkom pokretu. Honorary Citizen of Sarajevo, 2004. Honorary Societies: Corresponding Member, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 1990Grants and Fellowships: Ford-Fyga Stanford University Graduate Fellowship, 1969-1972 Participant in the U.S.-Yugoslav Academic Exchange, IREX/Fulbright-Hays Research Fellowship, 1971-72, 1984-85, 1989, 1990. Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, California, 1974-75. Yale University Concilium [later Center] on International and Area Studies Faculty Research Grant, 1978, 1982. Yale University A. Whitney Griswold Faculty Research Fund Grant, 1978, 1980, 1987. The American Philosophical Society Grant from the Penrose Fund, 1978 Morse Fellowship, Yale University, 1980-81. American Council of Learned Societies--Social Science Research Council (Joint Committee on Eastern Europe), International Research and Exchanges Board, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (Research and Development Committee), Ukrainian Research Institute (Harvard University), Yale NDEA Center for Russian and East European Language and Area Studies: grants in support of the international conference on the “Concepts of Nationhood in Russia and Eastern Europe in the Early Modern Period (Yale University, Nov. 5-7, 1981).” (proposed with Alexander M. Schenker) American Council of Learned Societies--Social Science Research Council: Grant for East European Studies, 1983. Yale University Hilles Publication Fund grant, 1983. John F. Enders Fellowship Yale University), 1987. American Council of Learned Societies--Social Science Research Council (Joint Committee on Eastern Europe); grants in support of two international conferences: “National Character and National Ideology in Interwar Eastern Europe” (organized with Katherine Verdery, Dubrovnik, 1989) and “Marin Držić and the Golden Age of Dubrovnik” (organized with Slobodan P. Novak, Dubrovnik, 1989). National Council for Soviet and East European Research: contract-grant for the project titled “Civil War in Yugoslavia,” 1993-94. Banac, p. 9 University Activities: Yale University: Budget Committee, Subcommittee on the Size of Yale College, 1992-93. Department of History: Director of Graduate Studies, 1986-88. Graduate Placement Director, 1986-88. Committee on Graduate Curriculum: chairman (ex officio), 1986-88. Departmental Adviser, Trumbull College, 1986-88. Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1981-84. Departmental Advisory Committee, member, 1979-80, 1989-90, 1997. Committee on Undergraduate Curriculum: member, 1979-80. chairman (ex officio), 1981-84. Faculty Representative on the Committee of Undergraduate History Majors, 1978-80. Departmental Adviser, Pierson College, 1983-84. Departmental Adviser, Davenport College, 1979-80, 1981-82. Departmental Adviser, Berkeley College, 1978-79. Undergraduate Prize Committee, co-chairman, 1978. Committee on Guest Lecturers, 1977-78. Pierson College: Master, 1988-1995. Council of Masters: Committee on Agenda, member, 1989-92 Committee on Education, member, 1988-; chairman, 1989-93. Committee on Endowment and Gifts, 1992-94. Committee on Fellowships, member, 1991-94. Committee on Housing, member, 1988-89. Committee on Library, member, 1988-89. Committee on Personnel, member, 1991-92, 1993-94. Committee on Services, member, 1988-89. Russian and East European Studies Program: Director of Graduate Studies, 1986. Semler Prize Committee, member, 1980, 1982. Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1978-80. Director of Graduate Studies, 1999Council on Russian and East European Studies: member, 1978-80, 1981-84, 1986-94. chair, 1997-99. Banac, p. 10 Council on European Studies: co-chair, 1999-2000. chair, 2000-2003. Concilium (now Center) for International and Area Studies: Faculty Grant Committee: member, 1988, 1989. Henry Hart Rice Foreign Residence Fellowships Committee, 1989 Yale Russian and East European Publications: Managing Committee: member, 1988-89 Committee on History and the Social Sciences: member, 1979-88 Editor, 1982-84. Genocide Studies Program: Steering committee, member, 1999Institution for Social and Policy Studies: Seminar on Contemporary Communist-Ruled Societies; coordinator, spring 1987 International Security Program: Smith Richardson Foundation Program on “Historical Roots of Contemporary International and Regional Problems,” member, executive committee, 1993-94. Yale College: Beinecke Memorial Scholarship Committee, 1987. Committee on Teaching in the Residential Colleges, 1983-84. Selection Committee on the Prize Teaching Fellows, 1982. Committee on the Junior Year Abroad, 1981-84, 1987-94. Committee on Undergraduate Organizations, 1988-89. Rice Foreign Residence Committee, 1988. Gordon Grand Fellowship, member, executive committee, 1989-93. Course of the Study Committee, member (ex officio), 1989-93. Summer Facilities Planning Committee, 1991-93. Davenport College: Fellow, 1977-88. Resident Fellow, 1977-81. Freshmen Adviser, 1979, 1986-88. Seminar committee, faculty member, 1977-80. Organizations and Services: Editorial Committees: Editor, East European Politics and Societies, New Haven, Conn., 1989-94, 2008- Banac, p. 11 Member, Editorial Committee, AMA Croatica, Zagreb, 1990-91. Member, Wissenschaflicher Beirat, Geschichte, Kultur und Geisteswelt der Südslaven, Slavica Verlag Dr. Anton Kovač, Munich, 1990Member, Editorial Committee, Encyclopaedia Moderna, Zagreb, 1991Consulting Editor, Providence: Studies in Western Civilization, Providence, R.I., 1993Member, Advisory Board, Historical Abstracts, Santa Barbara, Calif., 1994Member, Editorial Committee, Lettre internationale, Zagreb, 1995Member, Editorial Committee, Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU, Dubrovnik, 1996Member, Editorial Board, Human Rights Review, Somerset, New Jersey, 1999-2001. Member, Advisory Editorial Board, International History Review, Burnaby, British Columbia, 2000-03. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Human Rights, London, U.K., 2001Member, Editorial Board, Studia Historica Slovenica, Maribor, Slovenia, 2001Member, Editorial Board, Europski glasnik, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2002-2003. Member, Editorial Board, Gordogan, Zagreb, 2003-2011. Member, Editorial Board, International Dialogue, Omaha, Nebraska, 2007Member, International Editorial Board, Thesis Kosova, Prishtinë, Kosovo, 2008Member, International Advisory Board, Civis: Montenegrin Journal of Political Science, Podgorica, 2012National Committees: Member (elected Director-at-Large), Board of Directors, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1989-92. Member, Joint Committee on Eastern Europe, American Council of Learned Societies and Social Science Research Council, 1988-1994. Member, Committee on East European Studies (Title 8), American Council of Learned Societies, 2005Member, Wayne S. Vucinich Prize Committee, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1988-91. Member, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Area Advisory Committee for Eastern Europe and the USSR, 1987-89. Member, Executive Council, Conference on Slavic and East European History of the American Historical Association, 1985-87. Member, Honors and Awards Committee, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 1982-84. President, Association for Croatian Studies, 1991-93. Associate, University Seminar on Post-Communist States, Societies, and Economies, Columbia University, 1993-1994. Member, Advisory Board, Consortium for Academic Partnership, 1993-94. Member, Croatian Writers’ Association, 1990-96. Member-Worker, Matica Hrvatska Society, 1990-98. Member, Board of Trustees, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, 1991Member, Policy Advisory Board, Association for the Study of Nationalities Banac, p. 12 Member, Presidency, Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, 1994-98. Co-President, Open Society Institute - Croatia, 1994-96. President, Liberal Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Civil Liberties, Zagreb, 1998-99. Member, Award Committee, Jutarnji list (Zagreb) Awards for Non-Fiction, 2004-2008. Member, Board of Directors, International Summer School on Religion and Public Life, Inc., 2006- International Committees: Director General, Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2002-2004. member, Executive Committee, 1988-2004; chair, 1998-2002. Member, Board of Directors, Rebuild Dubrovnik Fund, 1992-1997. Member, Commission Internationale des Etudes Historiques Slaves, Lausanne, Switzerland, 19952000. Trustee, Bosnia-Herzegovina Heritage Rescue, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1999Member, Honorary Council, International Forum Bosnia, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2000Member, International Advising Board of the Center for International Studies of University of Montenegro, Podgorica, 2001Member, Steering Committee, Kosova Documentation and Research Institute, Prishtina, Kosova, 2001Member, Academic Board of Directors, Ohrid Summer University, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2002Member, Council of the Humanitarian Law Center, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 2004-2007.
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