Boceprevir e Telaprevir nel cirrotico e nel trapiantato Bruno Cacopardo Dipartimento di Biomedicina Clinica e Molecolare Università di Catania Paestum (Sa) 15- 16 -17 maggio 2014 Relatore May not need immediate treatment BUT • Easier to treat • High likelihood of response Mild disease Greater need for treatment BUT • Response to current IFNbased therapy may be impaired Cirrhosis CAUTELA GESTIONE DEL PAZIENTE CON CIRROSI (1) 1. particolarmente complessa a causa dei possibili effetti collaterali anche gravi (A1). 2. I pazienti con cirrosi epatica compensata costituiscono un gruppo di pazienti eterogeneo. Alcune variabili clinico‐laboratoristiche (conta piastrinica <100.000/mmc e riduzione dei livelli di albuminemia) possono essere utilizzate per identificare i pazienti con malattia piu avanzata e a maggior rischio di sviluppare eventi avversi seri (B2). 3. Una fase iniziale di 4 settimane di duplice terapia con Peg‐IFN + RBV (inteso come test di tollerabilita) utile per identificare i soggetti con ridotta tolleranza alla terapia Peg‐IFN + RBV e potenzialmente non in grado di sostenere la triplice terapia (C1). 4. Il paziente cirrotico trattato con triplice terapia deve essere sottoposto a stretta sorveglianza clinica per il pronto riconoscimento degli effetti collaterali e la loro tempestiva gestione (A1). Oltre agli effetti collaterali tipici del trattamento con triplice (anemia, rash cutaneo, ecc.), particolare attenzione va posta al rischio infettivo e a quello di scompenso funzionale della cirrosi (A1). 24 Aprile 2013 Outcome, % Telaprevir (N = 292) Boceprevir (N = 205) Serious adverse event 45 33 Premature discontinuation 23 26 Hepatic decompensation 2 3 Death* 3 1 Infection (grade 3 or 4) 7 2 *Causes of death: septicemia, septic shock, pneumopathy (2), endocarditis, esophageal varices bleeding. Why are the results different from phase III trials? – Higher risk in cirrhotic patients? – Study population healthier in phase III trials? – Is the population truly compensated cirrhosis? Hezode C, et al. AASLD 2012. Abstract 51. CUPIC enrolled treatment-experienced patients with compensated cirrhosis and notable risk factors Patients achieved high SVR rates with TVR or BOC plus pegIFN/RBV Patients with cirrhosis who present with significant risk factors require careful monitoring when treated with pegIFN/RBV Albumin < 35 g/L Albumin ≥ 35 g/L Platelet Count ≤ 100,000/mm3 Platelet Count > 100,000/mm3 37 31 Complications, n (%) 19 (51.4) 5 (16.1) SVR12, n (%) 10 (25.0) 9 (29.0) 74 305 Complications, n (%) 9 (12.2) 19 (6.2) SVR12, n (%) 27 (36.5) 168 (54.9) N N Fontaine H, et al. AFEF 2013 Telaprevir 100 P < .001 81 Patients (%) 80 P < .001 60 < 65 yrs ≥ 65 yrs Boceprevir 100 P = .088 80 68 60 53 48 40 P = .028 P ≤ .063 40 35 P = .032 21 20 12 10 0 22/ 221 16/ 78 26/ 27/ 221 78 18 20 106/ 63/ 221 78 Hezode C, et al. AASLD 2013. Abstract 1845. 7 0 8/ 11/168 44 20 10 16/ 168 9/ 44 89/ 30/ 168 44 Percentage of patients (%) Colombo M et al AASLD 2013 Discontinuation for F3: n=3 (1%) Discontinuation for F4: n=16 (5%) Percentage of patients (%) Colombo M et al AASLD 2013 Table TSFAE01b Neutropenia % Anemia % Thrombocytopenia % PEG-IFNalfa + RBV n. 28 22 32 28 BOC + PEG+ RBV n.36 24 45* 46* TEL + PEG + RBV n.39 24 68* 52* * P<0.01 vs PR Suddle et al. Hep Int 2014 Patients randomized 2:1 to either placebo or eltrombopag + pegIFN alfa-2a (ENABLE-1) or placebo or eltrombopag + pegIFN alfa-2b (ENABLE-2) Higher platelet counts in eltrombopag arms vs placebo by Wk 2 of treatment, enabling full dose of pegIFN to be maintained ENABLE-1: 11,000/µL vs 79,000/µL – ENABLE-2: 124,000/µL vs 89,500/µL 100 Placebo Eltrombopag SVR (%) 80 60 40 P = .0064 P = .0202 23 14 20 n/N = 0 32/ 232 13 103/ 449 ENABLE-1 Afdhal NH, et al. Gastroenterology. 2014;146:442-452. 33/ 252 19 96/ 506 ENABLE-2 Observational study of 1185 patients with GFR data at baseline Results emphasize that renal function must be assessed during treatment Renal Impairment at Wk 12 in Pts With Normal Renal Function at Baseline (%) 100 Risk Factor for Renal Insufficiency P = .0188 80 60 P = .0753 40 20 0.9 (1/109) 4.7 (10/211) 6.6 (38/575) BOC PR TVR PR 0 PR Mauss S, et al. EASL 2013. Abstract 872. P Value Age < .001 Hypertension < .001 Diabetes < .05 Cirrhosis > 7 CP < .05 Glomerular filtration rate assessed by MDRD after 12 weeks of therapy was significantly increased (p<0.001) for both protease Inhibitors: cautious clinical monitoring should focus also on renal function Virlogeux V et al J Vir Hep 2014 Saxena et al Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014 EFFICACIA F0-2 100 80 80 67 SVR (%) SVR (%) 67 60 38 40 20 0 F3/4 100 60 52 38 40 41 20 n/ N= 123/ 328 213/ 319 211/ 313 48 PR BOC RGT BOC 48 Poordad F, et al. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:1195-1206. 0 n/ N= 9/ 24 14/ 34 22/ 42 48 PR BOC RGT BOC 48 ADVANCE1 Bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis 18n/N= No, minimal or portal fibrosis Bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis SVR (%) SVR (%) No, minimal or portal fibrosis ILLUMINATE2 PR48 T12PR PR48 T12PR T12PR ITT T12PR ITT 134/288 226/290 24/73 45/73 294/391 94/149 1. Jacobson IM, et al. N Engl J Med 2011;364:2405-16; 2. Sherman KE, et al. Hepatology 2010;52(Suppl.):401A REALIZE: TVR + PegIFN/RBV in GT1 Previous Relapsers and Nonresponders Previous Relapsers 100 86 85 Previous Partial Responders SVR (%) Pooled T12/PR48 Pbo/PR48 84 80 72 56 60 40 41 32 0 53/ 62 2/ 15 No, Bridging Minimal, or Fibrosis Portal Fibrosis 48/ 57 2/ 15 Cirrhosis 20 18 13 13 144/ 12/ 167 38 39 34 20 n/N = Previous Null Responders 34/ 47 3/ 17 10/ 18 0/5 No, Bridging Minimal, or Fibrosis Portal Fibrosis Stage Zeuzem S, et al. EASL 2011. Abstract 5. 0 11/ 32 1/ 5 Cirrhosis 10 6 24/ 59 1/ 18 14 15/ 38 0 0/9 No, Bridging Minimal, or Fibrosis Portal Fibrosis 7/ 50 1/ 10 Cirrhosis 80 74 70 60 53 50 40 40 TEL. SVR12 38 BOC SVR12 30 19 20 10 0 0 Relapsers Partial Null Hezode C et al. Gastroenterol 2014 F0-4 100 F4 83 F0-4 F4 F4 F3/4 84 80 69 SVR (%) F3/4 53 Telaprevir Boceprevir 74 60 F4 54 41 40 29 29 28 20 19 0 0 Relapsers *Cross-comparison of studies cannot be carried out Null Responders 1. Zeuzem S, et al. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:2417-2428. 2. Bacon BR, et al. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:1207-1217. 3. Fontaine H, et al. EASL 2013. Abstract 60. 4. Fontaine H, et al. AFEF 2013. Abstract 26. 5. Vierling JM, et al. DDW 2013. Abstract 869c. Saxena et al Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014 70 62 60 51 50 40 41 44 42 BOC % 30 TEL 19 20 14 14 10 0 Naive Null Partial Relapse Backus et al Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014 Biggins SW, Terrault NA. Infect Dis Clin N Am 2006; 20:155 Everson et al. Hepatology 2013 Everson et al. Hepatology 2013 Berenguer M. J Hepatol 2008;49:274-87 120 100 80 %60 40 20 0 SVR 24 RBV dose red. EPO Eltrombopag Kwo et al. Clin Transplant 2014 Prospective multicenter cohort study of 79 pts from 17 European transplant centers Active, chronic GT1 HCV HCV recurrence: ≥ F1 or cholestatic hepatitis Pts treated with 1 of 3 regimens (planned duration, 48 wks) P/R lead-in for 4 wks, followed by BOC 800 mg TID + P/R (n = 35) P/R lead-in for 4 wks, followed by TVR 750 mg TID + P/R (n = 19) TVR 750 mg TID + P/R (n = 25) Coilly A, et al. AASLD 2013. Abstract 216. Characteristic BOC + P/R (n = 35) TVR + P/R (n = 44) 11.0 (4.5) 11.2 (6.8) ≥ F3 39 48 F4 24 23 FCH, % 6 16 GT1b HCV, % 63 72 IL28B CC genotype, % 23 6 Mean HCV RNA, log10 IU/mL (SD) 6.69 (0.68) 6.54 (0.73) Naive 40 51 Nonresponse 54 58 Relapse 21 23 Breakthrough 25 19 5.5 (6.0) 4.3 (4.0) Mean MELD score (SD) METAVIR stage, % Previous P/R post-LT, % Mean time from LT, yrs (SD) Virologic Outcomes TVR + P/R BOC + P/R 100 Patients (%) Required transfusion: 49% Required GCSF: 19% SAEs, % 80 Rehospitalization Acute kidney injury 60 60 51 43 40 20 N= 0 RBV dose reduction + EPO: 94% 41 BOC + P/R (n = 35) TVR + P/R (n = 44) 26 59 3 14 Biopsy-proven acute 17 rejection FCH only factor independently Infections 33 9 21 Death 8 7 BOC + P/R (n = 35) TVR + P/R (n = 44) Tacrolimus 5.5 20.2 Cyclosporine 1.1 2.4 associated with infection (P = .04) 44 35 44 35 EOT SVR12 Coilly A, et al. AASLD 2013. Abstract 216. Reproduced with permission. Fold Increase in CNI at PI Completion Ongoing multicenter, single-arm study Virologic Response Rates Median time since LT: 4.3 yr CTP ≤ 7 and MELD ≤ 17 40% with cirrhosis 52% severe adverse events (60% anemia, 25% infections,15% rejection Response (%) 75 75 75 54 60 45 30 15 0 Week 4 EOT* SVR12 Charlton MR, et al. EASL 2014. . Twice-Daily Telaprevir in Combination with Peginterferon Alfa2a/Ribavirin in Genotype 1 HCV post-transplant patients : Interim Week 12 Safety and Efficacy Results REFRESH STUDY AEs are manageable when T/PR is used with TAC or CsA • Anemia was more common than in non-liver transplant patients •No moderate, severe, or serious rash reported • No rejections, autoimmune hepatitis, or deaths have been reported to date •Grade 2 or 3 creatinine toxicity was observed in 12/46 patients. Brown KA et al AASLD 2013
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