One Parish, Two Communities PAGINA IN ITALIANO IL SIGNIFICATO DELLE MONTAGNE Nella nostra tradizione biblica, montagne sono luoghi molto sacri. Persone hanno scalato montagne alte nella loro ricerca per la presenza di Dio. L'alta montagna era un luogo di preghiera silenziosa e la vicinanza a Dio. Nel intero sfondo dell nostro icona Quaresimale vediamo una distesa di alte montagne che portano gli occhi al cielo. Nell'icona, i cieli sono scuri, attraverso il qualle splende scorci di luce divina. Questo ci porta al nostro tema per la Quaresima dalle parole del Papa Francesco: 'Ritorno all'origine e recuperare l'originale freschezza del Vangelo'. Persino nel mezzo di oscurità e mistero possiamo imparare a vedere con gli occhi della fede e catturare scorci del divino nalla nostra vita. Non abbiamo bisogno di scalare montagne. La fonte stessa – l'originale freschezza e la luce di Cristo – che è il cuore della nostra fede. UNA VISITA DI BELARUSSIA Una giovane suora dal convento di St Elizabetta in Bielorussia visiterà la nostra parrocchia Venerdì 28 Marzo per la S. Messa delle 10: 00. Siete invitati a sostenere il grande lavoro dell'ordine in Bielorussia acquistando articoli religiosi fatti a mano, dopo la Messa di quel giorno. Ecco una lettera inviata alla parrocchia: Cari fratelli e sorelle, siamo lieti di invitarvi a vedere e acquistare articoli religiosi fatti a mano realizzati dale Suore del convento di St Elisabetta (Bielorussia). Questo avrà luogo dopo la Messa presso la Chiesa di St. Ambrogio dalle ore 10.00 il 28 Marzo. Le Suore curano bambini malati mentalmente e adulti in Bielorussia. Negli ultimi anni un riparo e casa di lavoro per ex drogati e alcolici fu organizzata 20 miglia dal convento. Un sacco di persone senza domora fissa, che lottano e hanno la possibilità per un nuovo inizio nella vita e di trovare Dio. Al fine di aiutare queste persone alcuni workshop sono stati organizzati nel locali del nostro convento dove persone vulnerabili hanno una possibilità di esprimersi nell'arte per Dio collaborando con le suore a fare le icone (tra cui dipinti a mano), croci, crocifissi, sculture in legno, regali ricamati e ceramica, rosari e paramenti sacri. Tutti questi articoli, fatti con amore e preghiera, portano la benedizione ai loro proprietari. Siamo felice e ringraziando Dio per l'opportunità di introdurre e li offriamo a voi. Con amore in Cristo, le suore del convento di St Elisabetta LAMENTO NAZIONALE Religiosi Cattolici Australiani (CRA) ci invitano a partecipare del Lamento Nazionale nei Venerdì di Quaresima. Il Lamento Nazionale è una campagna di preghiera, di penitenza e di azione per le persone che cercano asilo in Australia. Presidente della CRA, Sr Annette Cunliffe rsc ha detto che la CRA sta prendendo ispirazione dalle parole del Papa Francesco quando ha visitato Lampedusa: «Noi siamo una società che ha dimenticato come piangere». Nei Venerdì di Quaresima inizieremo la nostra Messa con il Lamento Nazionale. Le copie sono disponibili sul tavolo di Chiesa. IL REGALO DEL PROFUGO Il pastore della Chiesa Battista di Brunswick, Tri Nguyen, parte in pellegrinaggio a piedi, oggi alle ore 13:00 dalla Chiesa Battista a 491 Sydney Road fino a Canberra per consegnare un regalo al Parlamento: una barca! Si tratta di un modello della barca in cui lui e suo padre e la sorella sono fuggiti dal Vietnam nel 1982. Tutti sono invitato a camminare con lui per fino a Bell Street. VISITA DEL ARCIVESCOVO Arcivescovo Denis Hart sarà in visita alla nostra parrocchia questo Mercoledì 19 Marzo. Lui concelebrerà le due Messe delle ore 9:15 a Santa Maria e delle ore10:30, Festa di San Giuseppe in Italiano/Inglese presso la Chiesa di St’Ambrogio. Dopo la Messa, tutti sono invitati a condividere il tè del mattino con l'Arcivescovo nel Centro Comunitario di St’Ambrogio. L'Arcivescovo visiterà anche alcuni parrocchiani malati, visiterà il personale della scuola e i membri del nostro Team di Leadership della parrocchia. E Lui, celebrerà pure la santa Messa Sabato il 22 Marzo alle ore 18:00. GIORNO DELLA FESTA DI ST GIUSEPPE Festa di San Giuseppe questo Mercoledì 19 Marzo, ci sarà la Santa Messa in Italiano/Inglese alle ore 10:30 presso la Chiesa di St Ambrogio. Arcivescovo Hart concelebrerà questa Messa con Fr Michael. Per ulteriori informazioni contattare Tony Parisi su 9387 2119. RECENTE COLLETA SPECIALE Grazie alla generosità dei parrocchiani, l'importo totale che ha contribuito alla missione di Melbourne oasi della Madonna era $985,55. (Nella newsletter della settimana scorsa, è stata publicata solo la quantità raccolta a Santa Maria). NECESSITASI VOLONTARIE È necessario un volontario(a) Italiano per leggere i libri ai residenti presso la casa di cura Dorothy Impey in via O'Hea a Pascoe Vale e anche per servire loro il caffè. Orario: 10.00 – 12.00 il Martedì. Se siete in grado di aiutare, per favore telefona il Manager su 8102 2400. Molte grazie! PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER MARZO Preghiamo per tutte le persone che sono private dei loro diritti umani. Che loro possono essere ispirati con coraggio e speranza. Parish Newsletter Our Lady Help of Christians St Ambrose’s 49 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: [email protected] Website: 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH TEAM PARISH PRIEST: Fr Michael Casey PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland; Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). St Ambrose’s 10.30am Sunday. WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9.15am, 1st Friday 9.00am Communion service at 9.15am Thursday, 9.00am Friday (both in Italian) St Ambrose’s Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10.00am Communion services Tuesdays (in Italian) and Wednesdays at 10.00am. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: St Ambrose’s 10.30am Saturday Our Lady’s 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT– YEAR A RESPONSORIAL PSALM Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. The word of the Lord is faithful and all God’s works to be trusted. The Lord loves justice and right and fills the earth with his love. The Lord looks on those who revere him, on those who hope in his love, to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine. Our soul is waiting for the Lord. The Lord is our help and our shield. May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you. 16 MARCH 2014 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! Cantor: From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, hear him. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED: Elisa Montagliani of Willowbank Road, Sam Di Natali, Greg Gregory ANNIVERSARIES: Rocco Parisi, Pietro Parisi, Mirella Cirillo, Dominic Bonanni, Maria Chiarella, Corradina Scarnato, Terry Kincade, Donato Parisi, Armando Marino, Marra Vincenza THE MOUNTAINTOP The Jews of Matthew’s community would have been able to remember by heart every detail about Abraham, Moses and Elijah. These men remain the Jews’ greatest heroes. The first hearers of the Transfiguration story would have immediately made all the connections between Jesus’ story and Abraham, Moses and Elijah’s experience of God on a mountaintop, where each has a life-changing encounter with the presence of God and is illuminated in every way. Each of them is called by God to fulfil a special task and so descend from the mountain with the strength to see it through. Matthew is especially interested in the story of Moses. One of the refrains of the entire Gospel is that Jesus is the New Moses, the fulfilment of the law and the light that illuminates the darkest night. As interesting as the similarities are between Moses on Sinai and Jesus on Tabor, the differences are even more revealing for us on our Lenten journey. Moses goes up the mountain alone, Jesus takes companions with him who share in the experience and witness to it. The face of God is hidden from Moses whereas on Tabor Jesus is given to us as the face of God for the world. On Sinai Moses receives a code of law and is told to make sure the people obey it. On Tabor Jesus receives a proclamation of God’s love and we’re told to listen to him. While Moses’ face shines, Jesus’ whole body is transfigured with light. Moses descends to enforce the law; Jesus comes down to die that we might live. Fr Richard Leonard SJ THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MOUNTAINS In our biblical tradition, mountains are very sacred places. People climbed high mountains in their search for God’s presence. The high mountain was a place of quiet prayer and closeness to God. In the entire backdrop of our Lenten icon we see an expanse of high mountains leading our eyes to the heavens. In the icon, the heavens are dark, with glimpses of divine light shining through. This leads us to our theme for Lent from the words of Pope Francis: ‘Return to the source and recover the original freshness of the Gospel’. Even in the midst of darkness and mystery we can learn to see with the eyes of faith and catch glimpses of the Divine in the midst of our lives. We do not need to climb mountains. The very source – the original freshness and light of Christ – is at the heart of our faith. PRAYING WITH POPE FRANCIS On last Wednesday evening, sixteen enthusiastic people gathered at the Marist Brothers where they are hosting sessions on the Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ on the Wednesday evenings of Lent. The sessions start at 7.30pm and go for about an hour. All welcome! Come to the Marist Brothers’ home at 106 Holden Street. Ample parking is available at the back, on Railway Street. COPIES ARE AVAILABLE TODAY For two weeks running we have sold out of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation. Today there are more copies available for purchase. They are $10. Look for them in the gathering space. LENTEN REFLECTION GROUPS 1. The Lenten reflection group in Italian continues on the Tuesdays of Lent at 10.30am at St Ambrose’s Parish House, led by Sr Julita. 2. Another Italian reflection group, led by Sr Julita, is held in Our Lady’s Community Room on the Thursdays of Lent at 9.45am. 3. The English-speaking Lenten reflection group led by Sr Diane will meet in the front meeting room of St Ambrose’s Parish House on the Wednesdays of Lent after the 10.00am Communion Service (but not this week, due to the Archbishop’s visit). EVENING PRAYER DURING LENT On the Thursday evenings of Lent there is Evening Prayer of the Church at 5.30pm in the Spirituality Room at St Ambrose’s Community Centre. This provides an opportunity for an extra prayer practice during the season of Lent. CONFIRMATION THIS WEEKEND During the 6.00pm Mass this weekend, the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place. Fr Martin Ashe, the Episcopal Vicar for the Northern Region, will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on our Candidates: Giada BATTAGLIOTTI, Edward BEAN, Edward CARRICK, James DAGIANDAS, Alessia D’AGOSTINO, Thomas DUNCAN, Ethan EPIFANIO, Andre FELICIANI, Siena GANCI, Melissa INNELLA, George KELLY, Zara KOMARNYCKI, Joshua LEGGIOPAOLIELLO, Kristian LORETO, Isabella McDONALD, Lucas MASCIA, Paris MIGNANELLI, Isaac MOLINARO, Madeline MORGANTE, Papa OO, Tristan PAGLIANITI ROBERTS, Adriana PANE, Olivia PASQUAL, Andrew SALERNI, Katia SCHETTINO, Thomas SCROGGIE, Isaac SHERWILL, Tarlisha SIMPSON, Carmen-Lia SMITH, Augustus STEPHENSON, Charlotte THOMPSON, Marcello ZUDICH PARISH PEACE AND JUSTICE GROUP On Wednesday 19 March our group will be attending an evening organised by Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking Humans, ‘Bringing an end to modern slavery’. The meeting will be held from 6.30–8.00pm at Cardinal Knox Centre, Albert Street, East Melbourne. Refreshments will be served from 6pm. Further details on the noticeboard. All welcome. EASTER RAFFLE Tickets for the parish Easter raffle are $2.00 for an envelope of four, and are on sale at Our Lady’s today. They will be sold at St Ambrose’s on the following two Sundays, 23 and 30 March. The raffle will be drawn after Mass at Our Lady’s on 2 April. First prize is an Easter hamper worth $150. Second prize is also an Easter hamper! PROJECT COMPASSION: 2ND SUNDAY OF LENT This week we meet Deng, 50, who grew up with his family in Barmayen village, South Sudan. When Deng was six he became very ill and fell into a coma. He awoke to find his right side partially paralysed. However he led a peaceful life, grazing goats with the other boys. Everything changed in 1983 when civil war broke out and Deng and the other villagers fled to hide in the bush. Deng and his wife, Aketch had eight children, three of whom died. Later on Deng’s eyes became infected and he became blind. In 2005, the civil war ended, and they were able to move back home. Caritas Australia helped to establish a food security and rehabilitation program. Deng and his family have received goats, chickens, fishing nets and seeds to plant. “Thank you very much, and God bless you abundantly” said Deng. projectcompassion. A VISITOR FROM BELARUS A young Sister from St Elizabeth’s Convent in Belarus will visit our parish on Friday 28 March for the 10.00am Mass. After the Mass, you are invited to support the order’s great work in Belarus by purchasing handmade religious items. Here is a letter sent to the parish: Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are delighted to invite you to see and purchase handmade religious articles made by the Sisters of St Elisabeth Convent (Belarus). This will take place after the 10.00am Mass at St Ambrose’s on 28 March. The Sisters take care of mentally challenged children and adults in Belarus. In the recent years a shelter and house of labour for former drug and alcohol addicted people was organized 20 miles away from the Convent. A lot of homeless, struggling and lost people get a chance for a new start in life and to find God. In order to help these people some workshops were organized on the premises of our Convent where vulnerable people have a possibility to express themselves in art for God working together with nuns and sisters and making icons (including hand painted), crosses, crucifixes, wood carvings, embroidered and ceramic gifts, rosaries and vestments. All these goods, made with love and prayer, bring blessings to their owners. We are happy and thanking God for the opportunity to introduce and offer them to you. With Love in Christ, Sisters of St Elisabeth Convent NATIONAL LAMENT Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) invites us to participate in a National Lament on the Fridays of Lent. The National Lament is a campaign of prayer, penance and action for people seeking asylum in Australia. CRA President, Sr Annette Cunliffe RSC said CRA is taking its inspiration from the words of Pope Francis when he visited Lampedusa: ‘We are a society which has forgotten how to weep’. On the Fridays of Lent we will begin our Mass with the National Lament. Copies are available on the church table. THE GIFT OF REFUGE The Pastor of Brunswick Baptist Church, Tri Nguyen, is setting out on a pilgrimage at 1.00pm today to walk from the Baptist Church at 491 Sydney Road all the way to Canberra to deliver a gift to Parliament: a boat! It is a model of the boat in which he and his father and sister fled Vietnam in 1982. Everyone is invited to walk with him as far as Bell Street. ARCHBISHOP’S VISIT Archbishop Denis Hart will be visiting our parish this Wednesday 19 March. He will be concelebrating both the 9.15am Mass at Our Lady’s and the 10.30am St Joseph’s Festa in Italian/English at St Ambrose’s. Following the Mass, all are welcome to share morning tea with the Archbishop in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. The Archbishop will also visit some sick parishioners, visit the school staff and members of our Parish Leadership Team. As well, he will celebrate the Saturday 6.00pm Mass on 22 March. RECENT SPECIAL COLLECTION Thanks to the generosity of parishioners, the total amount contributed to Our Lady’s Oasis Melbourne Mission was $985.55. (In last week’s newsletter, only the amount contributed by Our Lady’s was published.) PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR MARCH We pray for all people who are deprived of their human rights. May they be inspired with courage and hope. ON THE NOTICEBOARD Updates from the Archdiocese Lent Taize Prayer in the CBD Lenten Reflection Series at St John’s, Clifton Hill Palm Sunday March for Refugees Letter regarding the National Lament Social Justice in the City series PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1303.70 Presbytery: $625.40 READINGS NEXT SUNDAY: Exodus 17:3–7; Romans 5:1–2, 5–8; John 4:5–42 The Gospel for next Sunday is on St Ambrose’s parish website:
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