Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 Telephone: 718-295-3770 Fax: 718-367-2240 PARISH STAFF ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Fr. Salvatore Sportino PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Rev. Fr. Alejandro Baumann PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. John A. Ruvo PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Telephone: 718-295-6080 Fax: 718-561-5205 CATECHETICAL CENTER COORDINATOR Sr. Loreto Bigay, S.M.C. Telephone: 718-295-7397 Fax: 718-295-7656 MASSES: Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), 11:00am (Italian),12:30pm (English) Weekdays: 8:30am (English, Mon.-Sat.) 12noon (English, Mon.-Sat.) 7:00pm (English, Mon.-Fri.) HOLY HOUR: 12:30pm (Sat.) CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS: Each night from 6 - 7 pm we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and say the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration and nightly devotions until Benediction. Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: Divine Mercy; Wednesday:O. L. of Perpetual Help; Thursday: St. Joseph; Friday: St. Pio (1st Friday); O. L. of Guadalupe (2nd and 5th Friday); St. Anne (3rd Friday);St. John Vianney (4th Friday). BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated at 1:45 pm on the 2ND SUNDAY of each month in SPANISH, the 3RD SUNDAY in ENGLISH. Arrangements must be made by phoning one of the priests at the rectory at least one month prior to the Baptism. Parents and godparents MUST attend a Pre-Baptism instruction at 8:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Baptism. Sponsors must present Confirmation Certificates from the parish from which they received this Sacrament. MARRIAGES: Couples desiring to be married must make the necessary arrangements beginning with a phone call to one of the priests at the rectory at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Information will be given regarding the church requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK A priest should be called whenever anyone is seriously ill. Families should take care not to wait until the person is dying. In case of an emergency, the rectory should be called at any time. PARISH MEMBERSHIP New parishioners should register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. ENVELOPES Every adult in the parish should receive and use our envelopes for the Sunday collection. Children attending our Parish School or Religious Ed. classes receive and are encouraged to use their children’s envelopes. MT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Avenue. Information concerning the parish school should be obtained from the school during the normal school hours. The parish school telephone number is published above. June 29, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH ANNOUNCED MASSES SUN. JUNE 29th SS. PETER & PAUL 8:30am Rocco Neglio 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Pietro e Fabrizio Giordano 12:30pm Annina Marino, Luigi & Simone Cutugnino MON. JUNE 30th BLESSED JUNIPERO SERRA 8:30am Sabrina Rocchio Bernstein 12:00pm Pietro & Giuseppina Zullo 7:00pm Pietro & Carmela Cuomo TUES. JULY 1st WEEKDAY 8:30am Delainey Alana Rivera 12:00pm Michael Verini 7:00pm Rafael Velasquez & Carmen Velasquez WED. JULY 2nd WEEKDAY 8:30am Antonietta Cardillo - 1st Anniversary 12:00pm Antonio & Raffaele Merolla 7:00pm Amelia & Giacinto Calabro THURS. JULY 3rd ST. THOMAS APOSTLE 8:30am Jorge & Sara Guevara 12:00pm Fernanda Ventura 7:00pm Robert Morales FRI. JULY 4th FIRST FRIDAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY 8:30am Filippo Capriglione 12:00pm In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 7:00pm Angelo Coppola SAT. JULY 5th ST. ANTHONY ZACCARIA; ST. ELIZABETH OF PORTUGAL, BVM 8:30am Ray Ruggiero 12:00pm Gaetana Giugliano 5:00pm Mario Roscigno SUN. JULY 6th FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30am Rev. Anthony M. D’Antonio 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Concetta, Michele & Pasquale Nigro 12:30pm Gaetana Giugliano Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us, We place our trust in You. SUNDAY MASS COLLECTION 6/22/14 Collection .............................................$2,368.05 6/22/14 Children’s Collection ...................... ….........65.00 Last year’s Collection …................................... $2,711.25 2 REST IN PEACE…… Please pray for the deceased members of our parish, especially Elisa Peral, & for our fallen military. WEDDING BANNS… III. Frank Joseph Piccininni III & Lina Antonia Selvaggio Vincenzo Rocco Pomilla & Jennifer Nuñez Father Rapaglia’s Farewell Mass This weekend on Sunday at 12:30 pm Fr. Rapaglia will celebrate a Farewell Mass. All are invited to attend. Following the Mass there will be a buffet. Please let us know at the rectory if you will join us for the meal so that we can make the proper arrangements. Welcome Father Sportino! Fr. Salvatore Sportino, born and raised in Calabria, Italy, will become the administrator of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Currently Fr. Sportino is the administrator of St. Joseph’s Church on Bathgate Avenue. He visited us recently and said that he is very happy and excited to come to Mt. Carmel. His ministry here begins July 1, 2014. Please keep our new shepherd in your prayers. RAFFLE Please support our street festival by buying tickets for the Raffle. Tickets are $20 each, 6 for $100. Parishioners can team up with each other so as to share the cost of purchasing tickets. The drawing will occur at the Dinner Dance in October at Maestro’s. Vocation Prayer God our Father, who wills that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of Your Truth: We beg you to send Laborers into Your harvest, and grant them grace to speak Your Word With all boldness; so that Your Word May spread and be glorified, and all nations may know You, the only God, and Him whom You have sent, Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord. Amen. Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and under a just God cannot long retain it. --Abraham Lincoln MASS ATTENDANCE FOR WEEKEND OF JUNE 22, ’14 Adults………………………………………….....503 Children……………………………………….......80 Total……………………………………………...583 June 29, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH 3 CATECHETICAL CORNER This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley ANGOLO CATECHETICO Questa è la Fede dal Canonico Francesco Ripley “Impure Thoughts” “Pensieri Impuri” There is venial sin when what we do is something which of its nature is not likely to produce sexual pleasure, even if at the same time we act out of no good motive, but merely, e.g., out of levity, imprudence, curiosity, bravado, vanity or the like. For example, deliberate but only passing glances at a naked body, a passing glance at immodest pictures, reading unsavory paragraphs in a newspaper out of curiosity, touching oneself deliberately but only lightly or in a passing way, deliberately entertaining for a moment an immodest (not an impure) thought – these would be venial sins. C'è peccato veniale quando ciò che facciamo è qualcosa che per sua natura non è in grado di produrre piacere sessuale, anche se allo stesso tempo si agisce su nessun buon motivo, ma semplicemente, ad esempio, di leggerezza, imprudenza, curiosità, spavalderia, vanità o simili. Ad esempio, deliberata, ma solo di passaggio sguardi in un corpo nudo, uno sguardo che passa le immagini impudiche, leggendo i paragrafi sgradevoli in un giornale per curiosità, toccando se stessi deliberatamente, ma solo leggermente o in modo di passaggio, volutamente divertente per un attimo un immodesto (non un impura) pensiero - questi sarebbero peccati veniali. There is no sin at all when what we do is quite innocent or decent in itself, or even if it is something which of its very nature is very likely to arouse sexual pleasure, provided that we have an adequate and just reason for doing it and there is no real danger of our consenting to the pleasure aroused. The following stages in temptation should be distinguished; we can compare them to someone at the door: 1) Temptation to sexual pleasure—the knock at the door; 2) Feeling the pleasure—the mind goes out to see who is there; 3) Taking the pleasure—“I want you; come in.” Non c'è peccato a tutti quando ciò che facciamo è abbastanza innocente o decente in se stesso, o anche se si tratta di qualcosa che per sua natura è molto probabile che suscita il piacere sessuale, a condizione che abbiamo un motivo sufficiente e giusto per farlo e non vi è alcun pericolo reale di nostro consenso al piacere suscitato. Le seguenti tappe di tentazione dovrebbero essere distinti; li possiamo paragonare a qualcuno alla porta: 1) Tentazione al piacere sessuale—il bussare alla porta; 2) Sentire il piacere—la mente va a vedere chi c'è; 3) Prendere il piacere—"Ti voglio; entri". Meditation St. Therese of Lisieux (†1897) Meditazione S. Therese of Lisieux (†1897) Oh Jesu, when you were on earth as a traveler, you said: Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest. Yes, seeing You my soul finds rest covered under the form and nature of slave kneeling to wash the feet of the apostles. Then I remember the words you've spoken to teach us to practice humility: I have given example for what I have done to you, you also should do so; the servant is nothing more that I love. Since you know this, blessed are you if you put it into practice. I understand, Lord, these words coming from your meek and humble heart, I want to practice with the help of your grace. Oh Jesu, quando eri sulla terra, come un viaggiatore, hai detto: Imparate da me, che sono mite e umile di cuore, e troverete ristoro. Sì, vedendo la mia anima trova riposo coperto sotto la forma e la natura di abassandoti come schiavo per lavare i piedi degli apostoli. Poi mi ricordo le parole che avete parlato di insegnarci a praticare l'umiltà: Io ho dato esempio di quello che ho fatto per voi, anche voi dovreste farlo; il servo non è altro che amo. Dal momento che si sa questo, beati voi se lo mettete in pratica. Capisco, Signore, queste parole provenienti dal tuo mite e umile di cuore, voglio fare pratica con l'aiuto della tua grazia. I want to lower myself and humbly submit my will to my sisters, not contradicting anything without considering whether or not they have the right to do so. No one, Beloved, had this right over you, and yet you obeyed not only to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph, but even your executioners. And in our time, in the Host is where we see you humble yourself the most. How great is your humility, O King of glory divine. Oh Beloved, under the veil of white Host you look more meek and humble of heart! O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, keep my heart forever yours! Voglio abassarmi e umilmente sottoponere la mia volontà alle mie sorelle, non contraddicendo nulla senza considerare se hanno o no il diritto di inviarele. Nessuno, Amato mio, ha avuto questo diritto su di te, ma hai ubbidito non solo alla Beata Vergine e di San Giuseppe, ma anche i malfattori. E nel nostro tempo, l'ostia è dove si vede che ti umili al massimo. Quanto è grande la tua umiltà, o Re della gloria divina. Oh Amato, sotto il velo di Ostia bianca mi aspetti più mite e umile di cuore! O Gesù, mite e umile di cuore, hai il mio cuore sempre per te! LECCIONES DE CATECISMO Esta es la Fe por el canónigo Francisco Ripley “Pensamientos Impuros” Hay un pecado venial cuando lo que hacemos es algo que por su naturaleza no es probable que produzca placer sexual, aunque al mismo tiempo actuamos por ningún buen motivo, sino que se limita, por ejemplo, de la levedad, la imprudencia, la curiosidad, la bravuconería, la vanidad o similares. Por ejemplo, deliberada, pero sólo pasa miradas a un cuerpo desnudo, una mirada que pasa a imágenes indecentes, leyendo párrafos desagradables en un periódico por curiosidad, tocarse a sí mismo deliberadamente, pero sólo a la ligera o de manera que pasa, deliberadamente entretener por un momento un poco modesto (no un impuro) pensamiento - estos serían los pecados veniales. No hay pecado en absoluto cuando lo que hacemos es bastante inocente o decente en sí mismo, o incluso si es algo que por su propia naturaleza, es muy probable que despierten el placer sexual, siempre que tengamos una razón adecuada y justa para hacerlo y no hay peligro real de nuestro consentimiento para el placer despertó. Las siguientes etapas en la tentación deben distinguirse; podemos compararlos con alguien en la puerta: 1) La tentación del placer sexual—la llamada a la puerta; 2) Sentir el placer—la mente va a ver quién está ahí; 3) Teniendo el placer—"Quiero; entra". Meditación S. Teresa del Niño Jesus (†1897) Oh Jesú, cuando estabas en la tierra como viajero, has dicho: Aprended de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón, y encontraréis vuestro descanso. Sí, mi alma encuentra reposo viéndote revestido bajo la forma y naturaleza de esclavo, abajándote hasta lavar los pies a los apóstoles. Entonces me acuerdo de estas palabras que has pronunciado para enseñarnos a practicar la humildad: Os he dado ejemplo para que lo que yo he hecho con vosotros, vosotros también lo hagáis; el criado no es más que se amo. Puesto que sabéis esto, dichosos vosotros si lo ponéis en práctica. Comprendo, Señor, estas palabras salidas de tu corazón manso y humilde, las quiero practicar con la ayuda de tu gracia. Quiero abajarme humildemente y someter mi voluntad a la de mis hermanas, no contradecirlas en nada y sin examinar si ellas tienen o no derecho a mandarme. Nadie, Amado mío, tenía ese derecho sobre ti, y sin embargo, has obedecido no sólo a la santa Virgen y a san José, sino incluso a tus verdugos. Y en nuestro tiempo, en la Hostia es donde veo que te abajas al máximo. ¡Qué grande es tu humildad, oh divino Rey de la gloria. Oh Amado mío, bajo el velo de la blanca Hostia me pareces más manso y humilde de corazón! ¡Oh Jesús, manso y humilde de corazón, has mi corazón siempre al tuyo! Dear Parishioners, It is with mixed feelings that I leave Mount Carmel. On the one hand, I am sad to leave your company because I love you. On the other hand, I am joyful because my future is in the hands of the One we all love so dearly, Jesus Christ (blessed be His Name!). I thank you for all of your support these past six years. It has been a wonderful experience being at this great parish and I will treasure it always. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine. Let’s keep in touch! God bless you! Fr. Eric Rapaglia [email protected] Cardinal’s Appeal 2014 To date you parish has received $27,662 in pledges/gifts towards the 2014 Cardinal’s Appeal from 140 families. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. L’Appello del Cardinale 2014 Ad oggi la nostra parrocchia ha ricevuto $27,662 di promesse/donazioni verso il 2014 Appello del Cardinale da 140 famiglie. Vi preghiamo di essere i più generosi possibili. Grazie per il vostro gentil sostegno. El Apelo del Cardenal 2014 Hasta la fecha, la parroquia ha recibido $27,662 en promesas/donaciones para el Apelo del Cardenal 2014 hasta 140 familias. Por favor sea tan generoso como sea posible. Gracias por su cooperación. This Week’s Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday N.A. at 5:30pm in Fatima Hall Zumba Class at 8:30pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 7pm in Fatima Hall A.A. at 6:30pm in Fatima Hall Zumba Class at 8pm in Fatima Hall Bereavement Group at 1pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Choir Practice at 7pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Lectors July 5 - 6 5:00 p.m. G. Vaccaro 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. B. Rivera L. & D. Almiron P. D’Orsogna R. Powers
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