Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 Telephone: 718-295-3770 Fax: 718-367-2240 PARISH STAFF ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Fr. Salvatore Sportino PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Rev. Fr. Alejandro Baumann PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. John A. Ruvo PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Telephone: 718-295-6080 Fax: 718-561-5205 CATECHETICAL CENTER COORDINATOR Sr. Edna Loquias, S.M.C. Telephone: 718-295-7397 Fax: 718-295-7656 MASSES: Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), 11:00am (Italian),12:30pm (English) Weekdays: 8:30am (English, Mon.-Sat.) 12noon (English, Mon.-Sat.) 7:00pm (English, Mon.-Fri.) HOLY HOUR: 12:30pm (Sat.) CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS: Each night from 6 - 7 pm we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and say the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration and nightly devotions until Benediction. Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: Divine Mercy; Wednesday:O. L. of Perpetual Help; Thursday: St. Joseph; Friday: St. Pio (1st Friday); O. L. of Guadalupe (2nd and 5th Friday); St. Anne (3rd Friday);St. John Vianney (4th Friday). BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated at 1:45 pm on the 2ND SUNDAY of each month in SPANISH, the 3RD SUNDAY in ENGLISH. Arrangements must be made by phoning one of the priests at the rectory at least one month prior to the Baptism. Parents and godparents MUST attend a Pre-Baptism instruction at 8:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Baptism. Sponsors must present Confirmation Certificates from the parish from which they received this Sacrament. MARRIAGES: Couples desiring to be married must make the necessary arrangements beginning with a phone call to one of the priests at the rectory at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Information will be given regarding the church requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK A priest should be called whenever anyone is seriously ill. Families should take care not to wait until the person is dying. In case of an emergency, the rectory should be called at any time. PARISH MEMBERSHIP New parishioners should register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. ENVELOPES Every adult in the parish should receive and use our envelopes for the Sunday collection. Children attending our Parish School or Religious Ed. classes receive and are encouraged to use their children’s envelopes. MT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Avenue. Information concerning the parish school should be obtained from the school during the normal school hours. The parish school telephone number is published above. August 24, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH ANNOUNCED MASSES SUN. AUGUST 24th TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORD. TIME 8:30am Marie De Dominicis 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Bartolomeo ed Antonietta Ruocco 12:30pm Pietro & Giuseppina Zullo MON. AUGUST 25th WEEKDAY; ST. LOUIS; ST. JOHN CALASANZ 8:30am Marie De Dominicis 12:00pm Michele Berni 7:00pm Matteo Passero TUES. AUGUST 26th WEEKDAY 8:30am Lindo & Maria Borgatti 12:00pm Jose Francisco & Juan Villini 7:00pm Joseph Mondelli WED. AUGUST 27th ST. MONICA 8:30am Maria Reade 12:00pm Hattie & Geneva Dunvar 7:00pm Matteo Passero THURS. AUGUST 28st ST. AUGUSTINE 8:30am Augusto Gonzalez 12:00pm Matthew Rawiszer 7:00pm Gabriel, Maria & Lena Vendetta FRI. AUGUST 29th MARTYRDOM OF ST. JOHN BAPTIST 8:30am Thomas Dirienzo 12:00pm Vincenzo Mannini 7:00pm Roseyine Stinson 30th SAT. AUGUST WEEKDAY; BVM 8:30am Rosa Lodato 12:00pm Addolorata Fasano 5:00pm Rosa Leone 2 REST IN PEACE Please pray for the deceased members of our parish, especially Pauline DiFalco, Dianne Vara & Medelyn Albert, and for our fallen military. WEDDING BANNS… II. Salvatore Di Maggio & Victoria Eva Ruggieri CORRECTION & APOLOGIES - LAST WEEK Sanctuary Lamp - Robert Masi - 1st Anniversary by the Watson Family MEMORIALS OFFERED THIS WEEK Mass Wine - Fannie Mastroiani DeMarta with love from her daughter, Donna by Donna DiMarta Altar Bread - Fannie Mastroiani DeMarta with love from her daughter, Donna by Donna DiMarta Sanctuary Lamp - Fannie Mastroiani DeMarta with love from her daughter, Donna by Donna DiMarta Mass Candles - Fannie Mastroiani DeMarta with love from her daughter, Donna by Donna DiMarta Registration for Religious Education Monday-Friday 9:15am to 12:15pm 2:00 to 4pm or by appointment SUN. AUGUST 31st TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORD. TIME 8:30am Deceased Members of the Loberto, Hamel & Patrocinio Families 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Rosaria, Calogero e Rosario Darmetta 12:30pm Rosaria Vitale Sr. Loreto Farewell Mass Sunday, August 31st – 12:30 p.m. Refreshments follow in Fatima Hall SUNDAY MASS COLLECTION 8/17/14 Collection ...............................................$2,436.45 8/17/14 Children’s Collection ..................... ........$ 26.25 Last year’s Collection …...................................$2,700.30 MASS ATTENDANCE FOR WEEKEND OF AUG. 17, ’14 Adults…………………………………….…….....582 Children…………………………………...…......110 Total………………………………………...…….692 August 24, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH CATECHETICAL CORNER This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley ANGOLO CATECHETICO Questa è la Fede dal Canonico Francesco Ripley “The Eighth Commandment” "L'Ottavo Comandamento" 3 The Eighth Commandment forbids: L’Ottavo Comandamento proibisce: f) Talebearing – repeating to anyone what others have said about him….Because it is the source of quarrels and animosities, the cause of misunderstandings and the loss of friendship, talebearing is against charity and its guilt will depend on the intention of the speaker and the injury done or foreseen. f) Dicendo le pettegolezze - ripetendo a chiunque ciò che altri hanno detto su di lui ... perché è la fonte di liti e animosità, la causa di malintesi e la perdita dell'amicizia, dicendo le pettegolezze è contro la carità e il suo senso di colpa dipenderà l'intenzione del parlante e il danno fatto o previsto. g) Backbiting – speaking of a person’s faults, even though they be known to all. It is opposed to Christian charity….Honest criticism may be perfectly lawful, but only too often it degenerates into backbiting and uncharitableness. g) La maldicenza - parlando di difetti di una persona, anche se essi siano noti a tutti. Si oppone alla carità cristiana ... La critica onesta può essere perfettamente lecita, ma troppo spesso degenera in maldicenza e mancanza di carità. Reflecting on God’s Word Riflettere sulla Parola di Dio Certain questions change lives, depending on our answer: “Do you take this person to be your husband/ wife?” “Do you want this job?” “Can you forgive me?” The question Jesus asks today is one that certainly changes lives. Our response is not simply an academic exercise, a matter of knowing the right answer we learned from a book. Our answer must lead to a commitment that is to be lived out each day of our lives. Peter’s answer certainly changed the course of his life. Jesus recognized that it was not Alcune domande cambiano la vita, ma questo cambiamento in realtà dipende dalla nostra risposta: "State ottenendo questa persona come il vostro coniuge" ? "Vuoi questo lavoro?” “Mi perdoni"? La questione Gesù chiede oggi certamente cambia una vita. La nostra risposta non è solo un esercizio accademico, un colpo con la risposta corretta che abbiamo imparato in un libro. La nostra risposta deve portare ad un impegno costante e quotidiano. Peter’s innate knowledge, or that of any other person, that had given Peter his response: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” It was the Father. And so Jesus declares that Peter will be the one to lead the other disciples and all who would come after. Simon, son of John, fisherman, husband, brother—and one who would deny he ever knew Christ!—he was to be the rock on which Jesus would build the church. His response was life-changing. Peter’s answer was not a perfect one, as we shall see next week. Even so, Jesus accepts it as an indication that his Father is at work in those called to be with him who would continue his work. The Father chose to work in fallible human beings. We may not think of ourselves as rocks, but the future of the church depends on how well each one of us lives out the answer to this question, “Who do you say that I am?” —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. This Week’s Saints - St. John the Baptist St. Augustine - St. Monica Three great saints of the Church - let us follow their example and ask for their prayers La risposta di Pietro certamente cambia il corso della sua vita. Riconosce che Gesù non era la conoscenza innata di ciò che ha fatto Pietro risponde in questo modo: "Tu sei il Cristo, il Figlio del Dio vivente", ma era il Padre. E così Gesù dichiara che Pietro deve portare agli altri discepoli e tutti i discepoli che sarebbero seguiti. Simone, figlio di Giovanni, pescatore, marito, fratello— e anche che negherebbe conoscenza di Cristo!—sarebbe la roccia su cui Gesù avrebbe edificato la Chiesa. La risposta di Pietro ha cambiato la sua vita. La risposta di Pietro non era perfetto, come vedremo la prossima settimana. Eppure, Gesù ha accettato come indicazione che il Padre opera nelle persone chiamati di essere con Lui e continuare la Sua missione. Il Padre ha scelto di lavorare in esseri umani fallibili. Probabilmente non pensiamo di essere pietre, ma il futuro della Chiesa dipende da come scegliamo di rispondere alla domanda: "E voi, chi dite che Io sia"? e come implementiamo la nostra risposta. James A. Wallace C.Ss.R. Diritti d’autore © 2013, World Library Publications. Tutti i diritti riservati. LECCIONES DE CATECISMO Esta es la Fe por el canónigo Francisco Ripley "El Octavo Mandamiento" El octavo mandamiento prohíbe: f) Chismear: no decir a nadie lo que otros han dicho de él... porque es la fuente de disputas y animosidades, la causa de los malentendidos y la pérdida de la amistad, chismear está en contra de la caridad y de su culpabilidad y dependerá de la intención de cómo y de que forma se dice o el daño hecho o previsto. g) La murmuración: hablando de las faltas de una persona, a pesar de que sea conocida de todos. Se opone a la caridad cristiana….la crítica .La honestidad puede ser perfectamente legal, pero demasiado puede degenerar en la murmuración y la falta de caridad. Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Ciertas preguntas cambian la vida, aunque ese cambio depende en realidad de nuestra respuesta: “¿Recibes a esta persona como tu cónyuge?” “¿Quieres este trabajo?” “¿Me perdonas?” La pregunta que Jesús hace hoy ciertamente cambia una vida. Nuestra respuesta no es simplemente un ejercicio académico, ni acertar con la respuesta correcta que hemos aprendido en un libro. Nuestra respuesta tiene que llevarnos a un compromiso constante y cotidiano. La respuesta de Pedro ciertamente cambia el curso de su vida. Jesús reconoce que no fue el conocimiento innato de Pedro lo que le hizo responder de esa manera: “Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios vivo”, sino que fue el Padre. Y por eso Jesús declara que Pedro será quien dirija a los otros discípulos y a todos los discípulos que vendrían después. Simón, hijo de Juan, pescador, esposo, hermano ―¡y también el que negaría haber conocido a Cristo!― sería la piedra sobre la cual Jesús edificaría la Iglesia. La respuesta de Pedro cambió su vida. La respuesta de Pedro no fue perfecta, tal como veremos la semana próxima. Así y todo, Jesús la acepta como indicación de que su Padre obra en aquellas personas llamadas a estar con él y a continuar su misión. El Padre eligió obrar en seres humanos falibles. Probablemente no pensemos que somos piedras, pero el futuro de la Iglesia depende de cómo elijamos responder a la pregunta: “Según ustedes, ¿quién soy yo?” Y de cómo pongamos en práctica nuestra respuesta. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. - Vacation Time Is Upon Us But remember: Don’t take a vacation from Jesus! Mt. Carmel’s 108th Anniversary Dinner Dance Sunday, October 19, 2014 at Maestro’s Caterers in the Bronx Cocktails: 3:00-4:00 p.m. Dinner: 4:00-8:00 p.m. Reservations: $85.00 per person At the Dinner Dance the drawing for our annual raffle will take place. First Prize: $5,000 Second Prize:$2,000 Third Prize: $1,000 - You are also welcome to place an Ad in the Commemorative Journal. The proceeds will further the mission of the Parish. Adult Religious Education Classes Please leave your name and number at the rectory if you are interested. Classi d’Educazione Religiosa per Adulti Coloro interessati sono pregati di lasciare il loro nome e numero in rettoria. Clases de Educación Religiosa para Adultos Por favor, deje su nombre y número en la rectoría si usted está interesado. Lectors August 30 - 31 5:00 p.m. V. Marcone 8:30 a.m 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. TBA Hna. Martina & L. Ortega N. Trombetta R. Powers This Week’s Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday N.A. at 5:30pm in Fatima Hall Exercise Class at 8:30pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 7pm in Fatima Hall A.A. at 6:30pm in Fatima Hall Exercise Class at 8pm in Fatima Hall Bereavement Group at 1pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Choir Practice at 7pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Vocation Prayer God our Father, who wills that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of Your Truth: We beg you to send Laborers into Your harvest, and grant them grace to speak Your Word With all boldness; so that Your Word May spread and be glorified, and all nations may know You, the only God, and Him whom You have sent, Jesus Christ Your Son, our Lord. Amen.
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