Programma - Calvatone

Fifth International Conference on Late Roman
Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae
in the Mediterranean
Archaeology and Archaeometry
Alexandria (Egypt), 6-10 April 2014
Day 1: Sunday 6 April: Institut Français d’Égypte
10.00 – 10.45
Welcoming the participants
10.45 – 11.00
Welcoming addresses, Véronique Rieffel, Mona
Haggag, Jean-Yves Empereur, Delphine Dixneuf
11.00 – 11.30
Opening lecture, Pascale Ballet, The current state
of research into common ware ceramics of Roman and
Byzantine Egypt.
11.30 – 12.00
Coffee break
1st Session. Archaeometry and Archaeology
12.00 – 12.30
Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros (Invited speaker).
12.30 – 12.50
Lisa Peloschek & Denise Katzjäger, Archaeological
and mineralogical profile of the pink clay-pottery from
Late Antique Elephantine (Upper Egypt).
12.50 – 13.10
Laëtitia Cavassa, Priscilla Munzi, Jean-Pierre
Brun, Chiara Germinario, Celestino Grifa,
Mariano Mercurio, Alessio Langella & Vincenzo
Morra, Cumes. Le matériel tardo-antique découvert
dans un puits: entre données typologiques et analyses
13.10 – 14.30: Lunch break
14.30 – 14.50
Caterina Serena Martucci, Girolamo F. De
Simone, Chiara Germinario, Celestino Grifa,
Alessio Langella, Piergiulio Cappelletti &
Vincenzo Morra, Late Roman slipped or painted
wares? Technology and chronology of some Campanian
14.50 – 15.10
Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, J.M. Macias,
Evanthia Tsantini, Jeronima Riutort & Leandro
Fantuzzi, Late Roman coarse and cooking wares in
Tarragona (Spain): regional and imported fabric.
15.10 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee break
2nd Session. Regional Contexts: Egypt
16.00 – 16.30 Sylvie Marchand (Invited speaker), État des
recherches céramologiques et archéologiques en Égypte
pour la période proto-byzantine.
16.30 – 16.50 Michel Bonifay, Claudio Capelli & Ahmet Kaan
Şenol, Amphores africaines de l’Antiquité tardive à
Alexandrie: archéologie et archéométrie.
16.50 – 17.10
Grzegorz Majcherek, Looking west: African
amphorae and the economy of Late Roman Alexandria.
17.10 – 17.30
Loïc Mazou, Nouvelles données sur l’histoire des
amphores d’Afrique du Nord vers la Cyrénaïque et
l’Égypte, de la fin de l’époque romaine aux premiers
temps de la conquête arabe.
17.30 – 18.00
Day 2: Monday 7 April: Institut Français d’Égypte
2nd Session. Regional Contexts: Egypt
9.00 – 9.20
Françoise Bonnet-Borel, La poterie des Kellia,
retour sur les datations à la lumière des dernières
9.20 – 9.40
Julie Marchand & Aude Simony, Nouvelles
recherches sur le site de Kôm Abou Billou (Delta
9.40 – 10.00 Roland-Pierre Gayraud & Jean-Christophe
Treglia, Céramiques culinaires et céramiques
communes des niveaux omeyyades de Fustāt Istabl
Antar (642-750 ap. J.-C.).
10.00 – 10.20
Sylvie Marchand & Marie-Odile Rousset, Cuire
les aliments à Tebtynis au Fayoum du viie au xe siècle
ap. J.-C.
10.20 – 10.50
Coffee break
10.50 – 11.10
Delphine Dixneuf, Faciès céramique du viie siècle:
l’exemple de Baouit en Moyenne-Égypte.
11.10 –11.30
Romain David, Les céramiques byzantines de Karnak
et d’Ermant.
11.30 – 11.50
Stefanie Martin-Kilcher, Syène (Assouan).
Contextes et horizons stratigraphiques, du ive au viie
siècle. Une approche nouvelle à la céramique de HauteÉgypte.
11.50 – 12.20
3rd Session. Regional Contexts: Eastern Mediterranean
12.20 – 12.50
Paul Reynolds (Invited speaker), Ceramic
distribution and supply systems in the Byzantine East.
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break
14.30 – 14.50
Nairusz Haidar Vela, Nouvelles données sur la
céramique de Halabiyye Zénobia (Syrie): un lot du viie
14.50 – 15.10
Agnès Vokaer, Some observations on Late Roman
amphorae from Apamea in Syria.
15.10 – 15.30
Kaan Senol & Erkan Alkaç, The rediscovery of an
LRA 1 workshop in Cilicia and new evidence regarding
the existence of LRA 1 in Alexandria.
15.30 – 15.50
Gelly Fragou, Yioula Tsiloyianni & Aris
Tsaravopoulos, Late Roman amphorae from the
settlement of Kyparissia in Messenia, Greece.
15.50 – 16.20
Coffee break
16.20 – 16.40
Stefano Costa, An archaeology of domestic life in
Early Byzantine Gortyna: stratigraphy, pots and
16.40 – 17.00
Vera Klontza-Jaklova, Priniatikos Pyrgos, Crete:
Byzantine Building 2 and its ceramic assemblage of
the 7th to the beginning of the 9th century AD.
17.00 – 17.30
20.00: Reception at the Centre d’Études Alexandrines
Day 3: Tuesday 8 April: Institut français d’Égypte
4th Session. Regional contexts:
Eastern Europe and Balkans
9.00 – 9.30
Andrei Opait (Invited speaker), On the local
production and imports of wine, olive oil and fish
products in the Pontic and Lower Danube areas (1st7th centuries AD): an overview.
9.30 – 9.50
Andrei Sazanov, Les amphores LRA 4: problèmes de
typologie et de chronologie.
9.50 – 10.10
Adrian Ardeţ, Egyptian amphorae discovered in the
Diocese of Dacia (4th - 7th century AD).
10.10 – 10.30
Petra Tušlová, Late Roman pottery from the 6th
century AD house excavated at the site of Dodoparon,
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 11.30
5th Session. Regional Contexts: Italy
11.20 – 11.50
Simonetta Menchelli (Invited speaker).
11.50 – 12.10
Massimo Dadà, Fabio Fabiani, Maria Cristina
Mileti, Emanuela Paribeni & Claudia Rizzitelli
(in abstentia), Un insediamento Tardo-Antico e
Alto-Medievale nell’ager Lunensis: gli scavi di Piazza
Mercurio a Massa.
12.10 – 12.30 Simonetta Menchelli, Alberto Cafaro, Claudio
Capelli, Stefano Genovesi & Paolo Sangriso,
Vada Volaterrana: a Late Roman context in the service
area of the Piccole Terme building (S. Gaetano di
Vada Rosignano, Livorno, Italy).
12.30 – 12.50
Alfonso Santoriello & Stefania Siano, Ceramiche
comuni tardoantiche dalle ricognizioni del progetto
Ancient Appia Landscapes (Benevento, Italia)
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break
6th Session. Regional Contexts:
Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia
14.30 – 14.50
Laura Biccone & Alessandro Vecciu (in
abstentia), Ceramiche da cucina e «polite a stecca»
tra v e vii secolo dagli scavi nell’area di San Pietro a
Bosa (Sardegna, Italia).
14.50 – 16.10
Cristina Nervi, Assemblages céramique d’époque
Vandale en Sardaigne.
16.10 – 16.20
Valentina Caminneci (in abstentia), Nuovi dati
dall’Emporion tardoantico e bizantino di Agrigento
(Sicilia, Italia).
16.20 – 16.400 Jihen Nacef, Nouvelles données sur un atelier
de potier d’époque tardive en Byzacène (Moknine,
16.40 – 17.00 Discussion
Day 4: Wednesday 9 April: Archaeological storerooms of
9.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break at the French Institute
7th Session. Regional Contexts: Spain and Portugal
14.30 – 14.50
Victoria Amorós & Gabriel Lara (in abstentia),
Importaciones en contextos del siglo vii del Tolmo de
14.50 – 15.10
Adolfo Fernández & Rui Morais, Las ànforas
tardoantiguas de San Martino de Bueu: el primer centro
de produccion de ànforas del noroeste de Hispania.
15.10 – 15.30
José Carlos Quaresma, Quinta da Bolacha
(Amadora, Lisbonne): la céramique de la villa (dernier
tiers du iiie-premier tiers du vie s.).
15.30 – 15.50
15.50 – 16.10
Coffee break and poster session
19.00: Reception at the French Consulate
Day 5: Thursday 10 April: Excursion to Marea and Akademia
(Mariut lake)
9.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.00: Lunch break at the Centre d’études alexandrines
Carlotta Bassoli: Bithia (Loc. Chia, domus de Maria, Sardinia). Late
Roman cooking and domestic ware from the south-east area.
Jacopo Bonetto, Marianna Bressan, Denis Francisci, Stefania
Mazzocchin & Eleni Schindler Kaudelka: Spoglio e riuso del teatro del
Pythion di Gortina tra 300 e 365 d.C.: i contesti ceramici.
Clementina Caputo, Julie Marchand & Irene Soto: Pottery from the 4th
century house of Serenos in Trimithis/Amheida (Dakhla Oasis).
Francesca Carboni: Nouvelles données provenant de la Domus
Tiberiana sur le Palatin: les phases postérieures au Palais impérial.
Vittoria Carsana & Franca del Vecchio: The fifth century AD amphorae
from the buildings overlooking at the port of Neapolis.
Marta Casalini: Anfore e ceramica commune dai contesti tardoantichi
delle pendici nord-orientali del Palatino.
Mihaela Ciausescu-Hockey: Villa Magna (Anagni, Fr.): transport
amphorae from Roman and Byzantine contexts (ca 200-650 AD).
Rosa Conte, Vito Giannico, Daniela Palmisano & Mariangela
Pignataro: Il contesto ceramico tardoantico del quartiere produttivo e
residenziale di Egnazia (Fasano, Italia).
Stefano Costa: Sherd weight: a new look at the numbers.
Cristina de Masi: Lucerne dal tempio Flavio di Leptis Magna (Libia).
Francesca Dell’Era: Leptis Magna, «Tempio Flavio»: prime
considerazioni sulle produzioni locali di ceramica da cucina africane.
Angela Deodato: Late Roman cooking wares and coarse wares in Biella
area (Italy): continuity and differences compared to Imperial age.
Sophia Didioumi: Late Roman/Early Byzantine pottery assemblages
from Cos island (Greece).
Piotr Dyczek: Amphorae from the late constructions on the site of the
barracks of the Legio I Italica in Novae (Moesia Inferior).
Bahadir Duman: Typo-chronological table of Late Roman amphorae
from Lydian Tripolis.
Leandro Fantuzzi, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros & Paul Reynolds:
Archaeometric analysis of Late Roman amphora 1 imports in northeastern Spain: provenance and distribution.
Adolfo Fernández: El comercio con Egipto en la fachada atlántica
durante la antigüedad tardía.
Ştefan Honcu: Late Roman-Early Byzantine kitchenware from Ibida
sector Tower 10.
Mohamed Kenawi: Late Roman amphora 1 at Kom al-Ahmer (ancient
Stanislava Kucová, Jiří Musil & Pavel Titz: El-Hayz (Bahariya, Western
Desert, Egypt): Late Roman transport amphorae and dolia.
Guy Lecuyot et Pascale Ballet: Une production de céramiques
communes découvertes à Bouto.
Alessandra Loglio: Primi dati sulle anfore tardoantiche del complesso
templare della gens Flavia di Leptis Magna.
Archer Martin: Products of Aswan at Schedia (Western Delta, Egypt).
Cristina Mondin: Late Roman-Early Byzantine trade at Kom al-Ahmer
near Alexandria (Egypt).
George Nuţu & Simina Margareta Stanc: Cooking wares and diet
reconstruction from two north Scythian sites: Aeggyssus and EnisalaPestera.
Lila Palmieri: Trade networks between northern Italy and Africa in the
Late Roman period: new data from Calvatone-Bedriacum.
Elisa Panero: The late Roman Sesia valley: between Alpine productions
and wide-ranging imports.
Elisa Panero: Produzioni e imitazioni locali a Gortina. Alcuni exempli
dalle terme Milano.
Patrizio Pensabene, Eleonora Maria Cirrone & Lourdes Girón
Anguiozar: Dati preliminari sulle ceramiche tardoantiche provenienti
dalle terme meridionali della villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina (Italia).
Eliana Piccardi: Corsica and Late Antiquity material culture: circulation
and use. Remarks for a synthesis (map) of previously published
Alejandro Quevedo, Claudio Capelli, Josep Torres Costa & A. Aquilué:
Inscriptions sur les amphores africaines tardives: le cas des Keay 35.
Elena Quiri: Late Roman amphorae in the western Alpine arc.
Jerònima Riutort Rieral, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, Jordi Roig Buxó,
Evanthia Tsantini & Leandro Fantuzzi: Archaeometric characterisation
of Late Roman cooking ware from the site of Can Gambús (Catalonia,
Andrei Sazanov: L’ensemble de la fin du vie s. du secteur nord de
Chersonèse (Crimée).
Brikena Shkodra-Rrugia: Eastern kitchen ware imports in Late Roman
Albania: a typological approach.
Giacomo M. Tabita: I mortaria romani rinvenuti nella fortezza di Kifrin
(Iraq) e il loro influsson sulle produzioni vascolari del periode “Early
Islamic” nell’area del medio corso del fiume Eufrate (VII sec. d.C.).
Tomo Mukaï, Jean-Christophe Treglia, Marc Heijmans & Erwan
Dantec: Arles, enclos Saint-Césaire. La céramique d’un dépotoir urbain
daté du viie siècle apr. J.-C.
Paola Ventura & Elena Braidottil: Aquileia (Ud.). Le anfore tardoantiche
dal pozzo di via dei Patriarchi.
Barbora Weissová: Distribution of Late Roman 2 amphorae within
Bulgaria with microregional GIS-based study focused on the site of
Dodoparon, Yambol region.
Institut Français d’Égypte à Alexandrie
30, Nabi Daniel Street
Tel. [+20] 3 39 18 952 / 3 39 25 580
Centre d’études alexandrines
50, Soliman Yousri Street
Tel. [+20] 3 39 13 262 / 3 39 06 962
© Infographie et maquette Delphine Dixneuf
Dessins Khaled Zaza (Ifao) et Delphine Dixneuf (CEAlex)