1 ABOUT ARTIFEX Artifex Comunicare con l’arte is a distinctive company with more than thirteen years of professional activity in the art-cultural field; organizing and creating art exhibitions. Making use of an international scientific advice and curatorship of prestigious art exhibitions perfectly conceived and curated. The exhibitions, our major strength, have scientific relevance and own the masterpieces of the greatest artists, both Italian and foreign, including: Giotto, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Bernini, Picasso, among others. All of them carefully selected and chosen by the scientific committees formed by intellectuals and critics internationally recognized. Part of our exhibitions have been exhibited in some of the most prestigious museums such as The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Petit Palais in Paris, Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco and the Vatican Museums; along with the support and sponsorship of the Ministry of Cultural Goods and Activities, the National Committee, Regions, Provinces, and Rome’s superintendence. The Superintendence for the Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage and Museums of the City of Rome is a peripheral agency of the Ministry of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism, which carries out the protection, conservation, management and enhancement of the relevance of churches, organizations, and associations of seven state musemus of Rome: Galleria Borghese, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica of Palazzo Barberini , the National Ancient Art Gallery of Palazzo Corsini, Galleria Spada, the National Museum of Castel Sant’Angelo, the National Museum of Palazzo Venezia, and the Musical Instruments National Museum . 2 The work developed by Artifex - communicare con l’ arte , is to plan, manage, organize and control , in particular: Before the event : - Study of the project and the budget. - Legal assistance . - Developed , creation, graphic layout and coordinated image of the event. - Exhibition project , sample design . - Choice of location and headquarters . - Definition of the itinerary and logistics organization (transport, accommodation, leisure ) . - Selection of the operating staff. - Beware of communication and promotion of the event . - Choice of technical support . - Sponsorships and relationships with institutions. - Making custom installations , information materials and gadgets. - Creating and managing email lists . During the event : - Hostess service ( uniformed assistants) . - Assistance and coordination in place. - Press Office . - Shows - Catering service . - Management of the ticket office and gift shop. After the event : - Press Review . - Evaluation of the achievement of objectives. 3 In Italy In Argentina President Giovanni Morello President Julio Pueyrredon General Director Paolo Bedeschi General Art Director Maria Pimentel Delegated Administrator Maria Chiara Carboni Planning and Communication Fatima Trusso Responsible for the Proyect Monica Manfredini Marketing Cecilia Torreira Graphic Design Divina Mundo Administration Carmen Alonso Secretary Viviana Morello Assistant Alejandra Demasi 4 EXHIBITIONS Italy Vatican City Argentina Abroad 5 EXHIBITIONS IN ITALY 2004 I Misteri del Rosario. Mostra d’Arte Sacra Contemporanea (Palazzo Apostilico- Museo Pinacoteca, Loreto) 2004/2005 Venite Adoremus. Le immagini della Nativitá da Dürer a Tiepole (Palazzo della Cancille ria, Roma) 2005/2006 Leonardo. Genio e Visione in terra marchigiana (Mole Vancitelliana, Ancona) 2007 Mostra fotografica Giovanni Paolo II – Benedetto XVI. Maria, i giovani, il Creato: un comune percorso (Chiesa del Sano Stefano, Carisolo; Loggia del Palazzo Apostolico, Loretto; Basilica Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Roma) 2008 Cucuteni-Trypillya. Una Grande Civilita dell’Antica Europa ( V-II milenio a.C) (Palazzo dellaCancelleria, Roma) 2009 Beato Angelico (Palazzo Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Roma) 2010 L’Epoca d’Oro delle Icone Ucraine XVI – XVII sec.a cura di Serhiy Krolevets e Giovanni Morello (Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona) 2011 Alla Mensa del Signore. Capolavori della pittura europea Raffaello a Tiepoloa cura di Giovanni Morello (Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona) 2012 “Impressioni” di Anna Gulak mostra personale di pittura (The Westin Excelsior, Roma) 2013 Gaudì e la Sagrada Familia di Barcellona (Italia, Loreto, Cantina de Bramante, 3 de diciembre) 2013 Buenos Aires vista da Aldo Sessa (Palazzo Venezia, Roma) 6 EXHIBITIONS AT THE VATICAN 1984 Raffaello in Vaticano 1986 Icone Russe 1990 Michelangelo e la Sistina. La tecnica, il restauro, il mito 1992 Mondo Nouevo. Nuovi popoli, nuove culture, nuove espressioni artistiche 1993 Francesco Messina: Testimone della Bellezza 2000 Impegno nella Bellezza. L’UCAI per il Grande Giubileo 2004 Una Donna vestita di Sole. L’Immacolata Concezione nelle opere dei grandi maestri 2005 Immagine e Mistero. Il Sole, il Libro, il Giglio, Iconografia di San Nicola da Tolentino nell’arte italiana dal XIV al XX sec 2006 La Guardia Svizzera Pontificia: 500 anni di arte, storia e vita 2007 Petros Eni. Pietro e Qui. 500 anni della Basilica di San Pietro 2008 Mostra fotografica Roma-Santiago/Santiago-Roma. Itinerari, segni e memoria dell’Europa del pellegrinaggio 2008/2009 Pio XII. L’Uomo e il Pontificato 2012 Meraviglie dalle Marche (Braccio di Carlo Magno) 2012 Natale in Vaticano 2012/2013 Regione Basilicata, Tradizione, Arte e Fede (Braccio di Carlo Magno) 2013 Argentina. Il Gaucho Tradizione, Arte e Fede (Braccio di Carlo Magno) 1993 Tesori Vaticani (Denver, Cittá del Messico, Santiago de Cile). In collaborazione con la Fondazione Giovanni 7 EXHIBITIONS IN ARGENTINA 2012 Meraviglie dalle Marche, seiscientos años de pintura italiana (Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo, Bs As,) 2012 Los Pesebres de San Pedro en Argentina (Museo del Bicentenario, Bs As) 2012 Venite Adoremus, (Plaza Seca, Teatro Argentino de la Plata. Bs As) 2014 Ciudades de America (Museo Fortabat, Bs As,) 2014 Meraviglie dalle Marche, Second edicition, (Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo, Bs As) 8 EXHIBITIONS ABROAD 1995 E vennero da Iontano (Manila). 1997 Pierre et Rome. Vingt siecles d’elan createur (Hotel de Ville, Salle Saint –Jean. Parigi). In collaborazione con la Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II per la Gioventú 1998/2000 The Treassury of Saint Francis of Asis (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY ; Petit Palais, Parigi; Palace of Arts, San Francisco) 2005 Ansichten Christi (Wallraf Richartz Museum Colonia). 2006 A Vatican Christmas. Creches of Pope John Paul II (Knigt of Columbus Museum, New Heaven, Connecticut, USA) 2008 Mostra fotografica Giovanni Paolo II- Benedetto XVI. Maria, i giovani, il Creato: un comune percorso (Cracovia: Exhibition Center Sydney) 2008 Mostra fotografica Santa Mari Goretti (Exhibition Center Sydney) 2008/2009 Ancient Codex & Documents. Le piu preziose pubblicazioni dell’Archivio Segreto, Biblioteca Apostolica e Musei Vaticani (Italian Cultural Institute, NY) 2008/2009 Gli artisti della Nativitá. Incisioni da Dürer a Tiepolo (Italian Cultural Institute, NY) 2009 Pio XII. L’Uomo e il Pontificato (Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlino: Karmeliterbaur, Munich) 2013 Heranca do Sagrado (Museu Nacional du Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) 9 DETAILS OF OUR EXHIBITIONS Heranca do Sadrado (Museu Nacional du Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Curatorship : Prof. Giovanni Morello The exhibition A Herenca do Sagrado: obras-primas do Vaticano and Italian museum features masterpieces by artists such as Tiziano Caravaggio and Bernini Within the programming Rio 2013 WYD Youth Festival , the National Museum of Fine Arts ( NMFA ) exposure A Herenca do Sagrado: obras-primas do Vaticano and Italian museums , featuring more than one hundred masterpieces welcome from the Vatican Museums and the main Italian institutions such as the Palazzo Venezia, Galeria Borghese and the Capitoline Museums ( Rome ) , the Museum of Capodimonte (Naples) , the National Gallery of Marche ( Urbino ) the Palatine Gallery ( Florence ), the Vatican Library and St Peter’s Fabric “ A unique exhibition due to the breadth of the subject and the presence of great artists , which provide a broad understanding of the uniqueness of the artistic periods - the Renaissance and Baroque. Artists: Melozzo da Forlì Beato Angelico Andrea Mantegna Leonardo da Vinci Gian Lorenzo Bernini Antonio Allegri llamado Correggio Andrea del Sarto Guercino Guido Reni Caravaggio 10 Mattia Preti Perugino (o Pinturicchio) Tiziano Vecellio Pieter Paul Rubens (da) Lorenzo Lotto Jacopo Bassano Pomarancio Annibale Carracci Carlo Maratta Baciccio Miguel Angel Lorenzo Ghiberti Melozzo da Forlì (già Bramantino), Salvator Mundi Giovanni Battista Caracciolo detto “Il Battistello”, Mandylion di Edesa. 11 Meraviglie dalle Marche 600 years of Italian painting Braccio di Carlo Magno . Vatican City . Italy Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo . Buenos Aires . Argentina . Curatorship : Prof. Giovanni Morello and Prof. Angel Navarro The exposition Meraviglie dalle Marche . hundred years of Italian painting,a rich set of 43 masterpieces from museums of Regione Marche , along the Adriatic Sea , and a significant tour of the Italian artistic iconography from the late fourteenth century and the beginning of the century exhibited XX. Painters of the magnitude of Raphael, Tiziano, Rubens, Lorenzo Lotto, Carlo Crivelli Guercino, Luca Giordano, and other Martta illustrate images of deep religiosity and mark the aesthetics of his time. The works come from the Pinacoteca Civica “ Francesco Podesti “ Diocesan Museum of Ancona , Ascoli Piceno Pinacoteca Civica , Church of Santa Lucia Montefiore dell’Aso , Pinacoteca Civica of St. Severino Marche , Museum - treasure of the Holy House of Loreto, Diocesan Museum , National Gallery of the Marches urbino , resort santa Maria Museums of sant angelo Extra Muros in Vado, Museo Civico of Pesaro, Fano and Pinacoteca Civica Sodalizio dei Pio Piceni rome . this exhibition counted with the curator of Angel Navarro and was made possible by the management of artifex Italy and Argentina artifex , and sponsorship of Hope Funds and Grupo Clarin as media sponsor. 12 Giovan Battista Salvi, called Sassoferrato, Praying Virgin, also called Mater Dolorosa, XVII century. Rafael Sanzio, St. Catherine’s from Alejandria; 1500-1503. Ticiano Vecellio, Resurrection, 1542-1544. 13 Christmas at the Vatican The nativity of St. Peter’s Square and the Vatican Palace in Buenos Aires Museo del Bicentenario, (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Curatorship: Giovanni Morello Directly linked to the well established tradition of Christmas Crib in St Peter’s Square at the Vatican . Since Christmas 1982 , at the foot of the great obelisk standing at the center of Bernini’s colonnade , a monumental crib to announce to all the mystery of the birth of the Savior ineffable standing . this exhibition ,The Nativity of St. Peter in Argentina , offers a unique opportunity to admire the identical large scale model of the crib which was held in the Plaza de San Pedro , environmental state in the famous “ Sassi “ of Matera in the region of Basilicata. simultaneously both cribs were made by the master Francesco Artese , who visited Buenos Aires to personally direct their installation at the Museum of the Bicentennial. Next to the Nativity of the Plaza de San Pedro eight miniature cribs, that in these last few years were performed for different environments of the Vatican Palace and the city of Loreto exposed . On the occasion of the Great Jubilee of 2000 , the Vatican Manger scenery began to change , albeit cautiously : the custom of making a crib presentation model that was established is looking for . Fortunately , these models , designed and built by architect Angelo Molfetta, were preserved and today it is possible to expose them for the enjoyment of the public. 14 CRIBS EXHIBIT AT ST PETER’S SQUARE Jubileo Homo Viator Stazzo da Apulia Anno Domini MMV CRIBS EXHIBITED AT THE VATICAN PALACE Adorazione dei pastori Santa Casa di Loreto notte Adorazione dei Magi 15 Gli artisti della Nativita. Incisione da Durer a Tipolo Italian Cultural Institute, (NY . USA) The exhibition was exhibit at the Italian Cultural Institute, (NY . USA) 35 original incisioni from an italian collection that represent the materpieces form Albrecht Durer to Giambattista Tiepolo Secc. XV-XVIII 16 Argentina - Il Gaucho Tradizione, Arte e Fede Braccio di Carlo Magno Piazza San Petro Vatican City Cantina del Bramante Loreto The Exposure Argentina . Il Gaucho; Tradizione, Arte e Fede , included an interesting set of silverware, photography and visual arts. It was the result of a careful selection of pieces of silverware and textiles belonging to prominent Argentine collectors who have generously lent their works. Complete with pieces of goldsmiths Pallarols made in silver and gold belonging to the private collection . This sample including silverware, paintings, prints, and textiles used to use the gaucho from its origins in different circumstances. An entire room is devoted to antuique ponchos , mattresses , girdles and garters to boot rack. All these pieces where of exceptional rarity and of the highest quality , making an example of great originality and quality. The exhibition also includes an impressive selection of contemporary argentinean photographs and its gauchos. Accompanying this section a selection of old photographs . An interesting section of the exhibition is dedicated to Cura José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero , a diocesan priest from Argentina and Italian family tradition , born in 1840 in the town of Santa Rosa de Rio Primero , Province of Cordoba. The December 20, 2012 His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI signed the decree for the beatification thus fulfilling another step towards canonization . 17 18 Buenos Aires vista da Aldo Sessa Palacio de Venezia, Roma The cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires, known for its European architecture and its important cultural fusion is presented this time by photographer Aldo Sessa vision of. Buenos Aires is allowed to transit through its streets, private palaces, magnificent squares and avenues. The Teatro Colon is represented in all its glory, thanks to the refinement and grandeur of its architects, Francesco Tamburini, Vittorio Meano and Jules Dormal. Tango will be present in the sample, completing the same photographs of important places frequented by the Holy Father Francisco during his years in Buenos Aires. 19 ARTIFEX - Comunucare con l’ arte [email protected] www.artifexarte.it 20
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