THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME – NOVEMBER 9TH , 2014 NOVEMBER ALL SOULS MASSES NOVEMBRE – SS MESSE PER LE SS ANIME As is the tradition in many parishes, we have made available envelopes for the November Masses for the Holy Souls. If you want to use these envelopes, you may write the names for your beloved deceased family and friends and then drop the envelope into the collection basket – remember to put your name and address as well so that the donation can be noted in our records. Con l’inizio del mese di novembre, avete a disposizione le buste per le Sante Anime. Potete scrivere i nomi dei vostri cari defunti e poi questa offerta va messa d’entro il cestino dell’offertorio, senza passare una seconda volta. Ricordate di scrivere anche il vostro nome per accreditare sulla vostra nota. SHEPHERDS’ TRUST COLLECTION The Shepherds’ Trust has a mission to provide, comfort and care for those who have steadfastly cared for us – our retired priests. As parishioners, we have our own memories of a Catholic priest who made a positive, meaningful and lasting impact in our lives. Each year, thousands of people contribute to the Shepherds’ Trust. The collection will take place in all parishes in the Archdiocese on November 15th & 16th. Envelopes will be available at the back of the church this weekend. We want our priests to retire safely and with dignity. The Shepherds’ Trust allows us to help achieve this goal. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. La prossima settimana, in tutte le Parrocchie dell’Archidiocesi di Toronto, si terrà una colletta speciale per il Shepherds’ Trust. L’obbiettivo del Shepherds’ Trust è quello di dare sostegno ai nostri sacerdoti in pensione e di prendersi cura di loro, così come loro si presero` costante cura di noi. Noi Parrocchiani, portiamo con noi ricordi di sacerdoti cattolici che hanno reso la nostra vita più positiva, significativa e duratura. Ogni anno, migliaia di persone contribuiscono al Shepherds’ Trust. Vogliamo far sì che i nostri sacerdoti possano ritirarsi tranquillamente e con dignità e il Shepherds’ Trust ci permette di raggiungere tale obbiettivo. I CADUTI DI GUERRA - L’9 DI NOVEMBRE Com’è l’usanza dal 1976, oggi, alla messa in italiano alle 09.00, sarà anche in suffragio DEI CADUTI DI TUTTE LE GUERRE presso la nostra chiesa. Accogliamo tra di noi le varie Rappresentanze Militari e Civili. Si depone la “CORONA DI ALLORO” davanti alla Madonna della Pace a lato della Chiesa. SVDP – BUNDLE UP WEEKEND NOV 15-16 Bring your gently used clothing and household linens to share with others next weekend November 15 & 16th. A St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in the church parking lot so please share what you can with those less fortunate. We will donate or sell these donations to support our outreach efforts. The truck will be open all day Saturday and Sunday until early evening both days. Thank you for your continued support. Vi avvisiamo che il camion della Società di San Vincenzo de Paoli sarà presente nel parcheggio del nostro convento (72 Mansfield) sabato e domenica 15 e 16 novembre. Potete preparare i vostri indumenti, scarpe, biancheria e anche giocattoli usati ma anche puliti per aiutare i poveri. Vi chiediamo la gentilezza di portare le vostre offerte solo in questi due giorni – aiutate i poveri. AROUND THE PARISH RECTORY CHRISTMAS GIFT With construction now nearing completion on our Rectory, the Friars hope to move in this January 2015. Nonetheless, we still have some work ahead of us as we still have to furnish most of the Rectory to meet our most basic needsfrom stocking the kitchen and bathrooms to purchasing beds, linen, draperies tables and chairs. We are excited to let you know that we have preserved our heritage as we have restored some of the antique furniture that has been part of our historical fabric since 1903. These pieces will be located on the main floor of the Rectory – designed for Parish and Community operations. Parishioners sometimes ask us what we could give our priests for Christmas. This year we are asking for your help to furnish our Rectory. Our target goal is $50,000. Vi ringraziamo di cuore per la vostra generosità. Please consider making a donation to “Our Rectory Christmas Gift”. Special envelopes are available at the back of the church. MARRIAGE BANNS To make a donation, please make your cheque payable to “St Francis of Assisi Church” and indicate on the memo line “Christmas Rectory Gift”. All donations will be issued a charitable tax receipt at the end of the year. The Marriage between Antonio-Giovanni Fasulo and Melissa Sue Russo will take place on November 15th, 2014 at St Francis of Assisi Church. Thank you for always being there for us and for your continued prayers. LA TRENTADUESIMA DOMENICA DI TEMPO ORDINARIO - ANNO A – 9 NOVEMBRE 2014 FHC & CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES RITE OF ENROLMENT The next Rite of Enrolment dates will be held at the following Masses (choose one): Sun Nov 23rd at the 11:30 am Mass Sat Nov 29th at the 5:00 pm Mass FIRST MEETING FOR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES First meeting for Unit One for Parents and Confirmation Candidates – Please choose one OR MASS SCHEDULE November 8TH to November 16th 2014 Saturday, November 8TH Bl. John Duns Scotus, Friar Priest 5:o0 PM All Souls Sunday, November 9th The Dedication of St John Lateran Sunday November 23rd at 10:30am Saturday November 29th at 4.00 pm 9:00 AM All Souls – Caduti di Guerra FRIARS’ STUDENT WRITING AWARD 11:30 AM All Souls It is time once again for the Friars’ Student Writing Award. Students aged 14-18 are invited to write a five hundred-word essay on the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, celebrated January 18-25, 2015. The Theme for this coming year is “Jesus said to her: ‘Give me a drink.’” (John 4:7). Students should read the Scripture passage John 4:1-42 and answer the following question in the essay: If Jesus was able to reach out beyond his own Jewish community, and to a woman with a questionable reputation, what does that tell Catholics about the value of Christian Unity? First prize is an iPad Air (16 GB), second prize is a Kobo Aura H2O, and third to sixth prizes are a one-year subscription to The Catholic Register and other prizes. Essays will be edited and published in the Catholic Register. Deadline for entries is 2015. E-mail your essay to January 9th, [email protected] or Fax it to 416-934-3409 (please include you full name, email address, phone number, and the name of your school on the front page of the essay). For further information call 416-934-3400 ext 344 or 416-9343410 ext 404 or 1-855-441-4077. Don’t miss this opportunity! SEARCHING FOR HOPE AMIDST SUFFERING Catholic Family Services of Toronto and New Beginnings invite you to an Inspirational Talk with Fr. Chris Valka, CSB. Fr. Chris is pastor of St. Basil's Church in Toronto. New Beginnings reaches out to persons who have experienced a loss through the death of a loved one or from separation and divorce. All are welcome - November 11th - 7 p.m. at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 4th Floor, 1155 Yonge St.,Toronto. For more Information, please call 416-921-1163, ext. 2235 ON GOING CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS As part of our Centenary Celebrations, we are happy to have with us Fr. Frederick Mazzarella OFM who will be celebrating the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday November 16th. Fr. Fred served as Pastor here at St Francis from 1990 to 1992 and as Associate Pastor from 1992 to 2012. We welcome Fr. Fred and thank him for his many years of service to our community! Monday, November 10th St Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 8:00 AM All Souls Tuesday, November 11th Memorial of St. Martins of Tours, Bishop Veteran’s Day- Rememberance Day 8:0o AM All Souls Wednesday, November 12th St Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 8:00 AM All Souls Thursday, November 13th St Didacus of Alcala, Friar 8:00 AM All Souls Friday, November 14th Sts. Nicholas Tavelic, Friar Priest & Companions, Friar Martyrs 8:00 AM All Souls Saturday, November 15th St Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1:00 PM 5:00 PM Wedding: Antonio Fasulo and Melissa Sue Russo All Souls Sunday, November 16th 9:00 AM All Souls 11:30 AM All Souls
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