The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Something to ponder…. We each answer to someone greater than us Today’s Gospel reminds us of the saying ‘Do as I say not as I do.’ Jesus is contrasting what the scribes and Pharisees say about the Law - and how they act - they do not, as He says, practise what they preach...their teaching about the Law and its regulations places great burdens on people which they do nothing to help them to cope with. Their role, as they see it, puts them above other people and they demand - and obviously get plenty of attention and respect from those around them. Jesus then turns to those who are around Him - His disciples and also people who have gathered to listen and states quite forcibly that this is not how it is to be with them. They are, in fact, to avoid any title which suggests that they are superior to others - for they are always answerable to one greater than themselves. From a commentary on this week’s Gospel by Catherine McElhinney and Kathryn Turner ALTAR SERVERS AWARDS 2014! Our Lady of the Airways will welcome Bishop John Boissonneau, Serra Club, parents, guests and all Altar Servers from the different parishes in the Western Region who will receive awards from Bishop John Boissonneau with the Holy Eucharistic celebration on Saturday, November 8th, 2014 at 10:00am CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ALTAR SERVERS IN OUR PARISH: 1. Julia Rodrigues 2.Angelina Laplana 3.Naomi Correia 4.Nancy Correia 5.Nardeen Yalda 6.Sam Mathew 7.Sanjo Mathew, REFLECTING ON THE PASTORAL PLAN OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF TORONTO IV Catholic Outreach in Justice and Love The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners. – Isaiah 61:1Our pastoral plan challenges us to witness and serve in diverse ways and to be advocates where injustice occurs: through pastoral care to those who are poor and marginalized, to students on campus, to those who are imprisoned, seeking refuge or suffering physically or spiritually. We can do all of this by working with our parishes, lay movements, Catholic institutions, chaplaincies and various pastoral services. We are grateful for the good works accomplished through Catholic Charities and ShareLife, yet we need to do more. We hear the words at Mass, “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”. How can we be the hands and face of Jesus in our community? Visit to view the four goals associated with “Catholic Outreach in Justice and Love November 3rd –9th 2014 Monday: November 3rd 8:00am- +Alfio Brunetti 7:00pm- +Felice Danese Tuesday: November 4th 8:00am- Francis & Alice Mascarenhas -52th Wedding anniv 7:00pm- +Maria +Salvatore +Jimmy +Joan D’Amico Wednesday: November 5th 8:00am- +Rotondo & Iboni Family 7:00pm- Mary Manuelpillai Thursday: November 6th 8:00am7:00pm- +Rosa Cirillo Friday: November 7th 8:00am- +Genaro Vitug 7:00pm- +Esodo, Casapintal & Scalpello Family Saturday: November 8th 8:30am- NO MASS 5:00pm- +Angelina & Annie Ford +Roderick Crichlow Sunday: November 9th 9:00am- +Grace & Morice Valladares 10:30am- For the Community of OLA 12:00pm - +Maria Fernandes Marques RITE OF ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION: Sunday November 15th/16th, 2014 Choose any Mass Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 9:00am and 12:00 pm . Please bring your commitment form and the prayer slip. Sponsors are invited to attend. FIRST COMMUNION: Sunday, November 22nd/23rd, 2014. Choose any Mass Saturday 5:00 pm ;Sunday 9:00am and 12:00 pm. Please bring the prayer slip. Malton Italian Association Presents the Friendship Dinner and Dance On Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 6:00 pm Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre 220 Humberline Drive, Etobicoke, On. 416-798-0060 Cost: Adults - $65.00. Children under 12-$40.00 Rich Sit Down Dinner, Music for all, with Fabio Cea Production Entertainment D.J. Services Riserve the date and come with your family and friends. For more information: Contact Franco Cavalcanti: 416-602-1701 Or Silvana Morra: 416-579-1498 Please pray for the those who are sick members of our parish. NOVEMBER 2nd, 2014 ALL SOULS DAY For the whole month of November, we remember our deceased loved ones during the Holy Eucharist. If you wish to include your loved ones for all the Masses, please write the names of your loved ones at the envelope provided and drop them off at the basket in front of the altar. Envelopes are available at the back of the church. CHRISTMAS IS COMING The Knights of Columbus will be selling the Christmas Cards with religious subjects on November 1st/2nd and November 8th/9th 2014. All profits will proceeds to Mississauga Right to Life. I encourage you to use only with religious cards so that we can keep Christ in Christmas even some cards. Society of St. Vincent de Paul BUNDLE UP! We are collecting Clothing at OLA Church on Nov. 1516, 2014. A truck will pick up all the clothing on the said dates only. Please note: NO baby furniture. We will only accept clothings on the dates given. Please DO NOT DROP any more clothing in the church or near the garage at any time. Thank you for your support UPCOMING EVENTS: Christmas Bake and other Items sale: Weekend of December 13 & 14 after all masses Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 5:00 pm Please reserve the date and stay tuned for more information. Archdiocesan Day of Confession WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10th, 2014 All churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto will hold a Day of Confession. The schedule for the Sacrament of Confession at Our Lady of the Airways Parish 8:30am–11:30am / 2:00pm- 7:00pm COMMEMORAZIONE DI TUTTI I FEDELI DEFUNTI Fino a quando il Signore Gesù verrà nella gloria, e distrutta la morte gli saranno sottomesse tutte le cose, alcuni suoi discepoli sono pellegrini sulla terra, altri che sono passati da questa vita stanno purificandosi, altri infine godono della gloria contemplando Dio. Tutti però comunichiamo nella stessa carità di Dio. L’unione quindi di coloro che sono in cammino con i fratelli morti non è minimamente spezzata, anzi è conservata dalla comunione dei beni spirituali (cfr Conc. Vat. II, Costituzione dommatica sulla Chiesa, «Lumen gentium», 49). La Chiesa fin dai primi tempi ha coltivato con grande pietà la memoria dei defunti e ha offerto per loro i suoi suffragi (ibidem, 50). Nei riti funebri la Chiesa celebra con fede il mistero pasquale, nella certezza che quanti sono diventati con il Battesimo membri del Cristo crocifisso e risorto, attraverso la morte, passano con lui alla vita senza fine. (Cfr Rito delle esequie, 1). Si iniziò a celebrare la Commemorazione di tutti i fedeli defunti, anche a Roma, dal sec. XIV. COMMEMORAZIONE DI TUTTI I MORTI-Durante tutto il Mese di Novembre, pregheremo per i defunti durante la Santa Messa. Se volete includere i vostri cari, scrivete i loro nomi sulle buste provviste e depositatele nel cestino davanti all’altare. Le buste sono disponibili all’entrata principale della Chiesa. PROSSIMI EVENTI: Concerto Di Natale - Domenica, 7 Dicembre 2014 alle 5:00 p.m. Vendita Dolci e articoli vari - Fine settimana del 13 e 14 Dicembre 2014 subito dopo ogni messa. Riservate la data e rimanete sintonizzati per ulteriore informazione. Malton Italian Association Presenta L’Annuale Ballo e Cena Dell’Amicizia Sabato, 22 Novembre 2014 6:00 pm Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre 220 Humberline Dr, Etobicoke, On. 416-7980060 Costo: Adulti $65.00 - Bambini sotto 12 anni $40.00 Ricca cena, La serata verrá allietata da Fabio Cea Production Entertainment D.J. Services Riservate la data e venite tutti. Rimarrete contenti. Per ulteriore informazioni Telefonate: Franco Cavalcanti: 416-602-1701 Silvana Morra: 416-579-1498 WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 6,444.00 Maintenance $ 1,495.75 Thank you so much for your support! DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS November 2nd, 2014
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