AS Level Italian Clint Eastwood speaks Italian, which he learned while filming the classic Westerns The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars with Italian director Sergio Leone. Jennifer Connelly learnt to speak Italian while shooting the film Phenomena in Italy. Italy now is her second home. Kobe Bryant learnt to speak Italian at the age of six when he moved to Italy. Shakira learnt how to speak Italian from her mother who is from Italian descent. Topics to be covered in Year 12: Term 1 Youth Culture and Concerns: - Relationships, Music and Fashion, Technology, Drink, Drugs, Smoking and Sex Lifestyle: Health and Fitness: - Food and Diet, Health issues, Health and Fitness The World Around Us: Travel and Tourism: - Travel and holidays, Tourist information, Transport Term 2 The World Around Us: Environmental issues: - Weather, pollution, recycling Education and Employment: - Schools in Italy, After school, University study, Current topics in Education, Earning extra money, Different Styles of Working and Issues relating to the World of Work, All types of work Term 3 Revision and Exam practice Unit 1: Spoken Expression and Response in Italian 30% of AS, 15% of A Level 8-10 minute test Unit 2: Understanding and Written Response in Italian 70% of AS, 35% of A Level 2 hour 30 minute exam Examples of essays: La Giornata della Lentezza (Essay 1) Lunedì 19 febbraio è la Giornata mondiale della Lentezza: un giorno per concedersi ritmi più rilassati. Per vivere meglio. ‘‘Dedicata a chi ha la sensazione che il mondo giri troppo in fretta’’. Così Bruno Contigiani, presidente dell’associazione L’Arte del Vivere con Lentezza, presenta l’iniziativa per condurre una vita meno stressante. Come partecipare? Facile: basta andare piano. Per esempio andare al lavoro a piedi invece che con la macchina. Hai letto questo articolo sulla Giornata della Lentezza e decidi di scrivere una lettera al Signor Contigiani, l’organizzatore. Scrivi 200---220 parole in italiano menzionando i seguenti punti: o se sei d’accordo che la vita moderna è stressante o no; o se lo stress riguarda soltanto gli adulti o anche i giovani; o se tu personalmente vorresti partecipare a questa iniziativa e che cosa potresti fare; o che altro si potrebbe fare per condurre una vita più rilassata. In Italia l’e-commerce non decolla (Essay 2) L’e-commerce in Italia cresce lentamente. Le statistiche dimostrano la scarsa fiducia dei navigatori italiani per gli acquisti in rete: il web viene visto più come un posto dove informarsi su un prodotto per poi comprarlo in un negozio tradizionale. Al primo posto tra gli acquisti online il settore turismo, seguito da quello tecnologico. All’ultimo posto il settore alimentare: per il cibo continuiamo a comprare solo quello che possiamo toccare con mano. Hai letto questo articolo sul commercio elettronico. Scrivi 200---220 parole in italiano menzionando i seguenti punti: • la tua esperienza personale di shopping online • vantaggi e svantaggi del commercio elettronico • le ragioni per cui, secondo te, gli italiani non amano comprare online • cosa potrebbero fare i grandi supermercati per incoraggiare gli acquisti online Useful websites : General: (Scuola di Italiano website, with a variety of materials for free download, including reading passages and grammar exercises) Search engines: Portals: Newspapers: Television: Politics: Education: Geography: (in English mainly) Grammar: You are expected to have a sound knowledge and understanding of the following grammar topic areas when you arrive in September as we will be building upon these KS4 essentials during year 12 and introducing new specific KS5 grammar points. Present tense Perfect tense Imperfect tense Future tense Conditional tense Reflexive verbs in all tenses Use of adjectives Negative structures Superlatives and comparatives Possessive adjectives Quantifiers and intensifiers We recommend that you purchase the following textbooks for use during your ALevel. Edexcel Italian Grammar for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 Parola per parola New Advanced Italian Vocabulary, Hodder Education, Second Edition Collins Zanichelli il Ragazzini Italian Dictionary or Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary Italian Verb Wheel Employment opportunities for linguists: Having a good knowledge of a language can greatly improve your prospects in the jobs marketplace. Modern Languages graduates find employment in business, UK and European government, engineering, financial services, media, technology, travel and tourism, voluntary and charitable sector. There are a small number of jobs where languages are the main requirement e.g. Interpreter, Translator, Teacher. However there are many more roles where languages are a complementary rather than a key skill. Business and other organisations require people to work across international offices or with non-English speaking customers or clients e.g. Marketing, Sales, Customer Support or Consulting so languages amongst other skills will be valued. Roles that require strong communication skills like PR, Events Management, Media and Government might also suit the Linguist especially where the business is focused outside of the UK. Facts about linguists: In the latest national data available Modern Language graduates had the lowest unemployment rate of all Arts and Humanities subjects, and this is a continuing trend. There are higher numbers going onto further study and training than into employment when compared with all subjects. 9.1% of modern languages graduates were working outside of the UK in comparison to the national average for all graduates of 1.6%. Modern Language graduates go into a very wide range of employment areas. Around a third of those working are in business and managerial roles such as sales and marketing, management roles in commerce, industry and public sector and business and financial professional roles dispelling any notions that Modern Linguists are not suited to commercial roles. Source: university of Bath website. In the past, Arden MFL students have gone on to the following universities: The University of Birmingham The University of Oxford Bath Spa University The University of Sheffield The University of Sheffield The University of Warwick University of Bath Middlesex University Nottingham Trent University University of Leeds University of Manchester Lancaster University King's College London Law with French Materials Science Creative Writing German and Hispanic Studies German and History German and History International Management with Spanish Primary Education International Business Medicine Geography European Management Ancient History Loughborough University International Relations The University of Kent Lancaster University University of Lincoln Lancaster University German Psychology English and Journalism English Literature, Creative Writing and Practice History University of Warwick Italian proverbs: Cane che abbaia non morde His bark is worse than his bite Chi cerca trova Seek and you shall find Chi sa fa e chi non sa insegna Those who know, do, and those who don’t, teach Italian tongue twisters: Trentatré Trentini entrarono a Trento, tutti e trentatré, trotterellando. 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