Toronto Japanese Language School トロント 日本語学校 -- Relaxed Atmosphere -- Affordable Tuition -- Saturday Mornings from 9:30 to 11:50, from September to June -- Teachers are Native Japanese Speakers -- Children’s and Adult Classes for Beginner to Advanced Levels -- Extra-curricular Activities affordable tuition fees 10% discount available for Early Registration (May-June) Category TUITION Students (13 - 16 yrs) $500 Adults Children (12 yrs and under)* *as of December 31st $645 $370 TJLSについて 1949年に設立されたトロント日本語学校は家 庭的な雰囲気の中であらゆる年齢層、 そしてそれ ぞれのレベルに合わせた日本語教育を提供して います。授業は初級から上級までで、教師は全員 ネイティブスピーカーです。 クラスは土曜日午前9 時半から11時50分まで九月から六月まで行われ ます。 児童クラス (4歳以上) 児童クラスの授業は4歳以上の生 徒からで、二種類のコースがあり ます。 日本語を話した経験のある 生徒(例えば家庭で日本語に接す ることができる生徒) は継承語ク ラス 「Japanese as a Heritage Language」, そうではない児童 のためのJFLクラス 「Japanese as a Foreign Language」 があ ります。 Toronto Japanese Language School トロント日本語学校 成人クラス 成人クラスには8つのレベルがあります。初級(日 本語能力試験N5〜N4)、 中級(N4〜N2)、 およ び上級(N2〜N1) のコースがあります。 日本語が 初めてあるいは少ししか知識がない生徒は初級の レベル1に入ります。 すでに日本語能力のある生 徒はプレイスメントテストを受けます。 授業料 クラスの種類 授業料 成人 $645 学生 (13〜16歳) $500 児童(12歳以下) $370 *五月の始まりから学年の終わり (六月の中旬) までに 登録する生徒は10%の割引を受けることができます。 Providing Japanese Language Education Since 1949 TJLS.CA WELCOME TO THE TORONTO JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL ABOUT US TJLSについて Established in 1949, the Toronto Japanese Language School provides family-oriented Japanese language instruction to all age groups and offers a full range of classes from beginner to advanced levels taught by native Japanese speakers. Classes take place on Saturday mornings (9:30-11:50) from September to June. community コミュニティー Experience Japanese culture through our many cultural events. Every year we host a cultural day, numerous extracurricular activities, bake sales and a speech contest. We also partner with other organizations such as the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre and Japan Foundation Toronto to help our students expand their appreciation of various aspects of Japanese culture. Some of our special events include: ----- Cultural workshops Movie screenings Performances Annual speech contest Our teachers are also available to help students with extra-curricular activities such as preparation for the Ontario Japanese Speech Contest, to which the TJLS sends several students each year to compete. classes| クラス We offer small class sizes (< 25 students) in a relaxed atmosphere. Classroom activities include games, social interaction, reading, writing, speaking and listening. Teaching materials include the Genki series of textbooks, Tobira, newspapers, books, films, and Japanese Ministry of Education approved textbooks. Location | 場所 TJLS is located 3 minutes from Queen’s Park Subway station in downtown Toronto at Orde Street Public School (18 Orde Street). children’s 4classes years and up Children’s classes are offered to students ages 4 and up in two streams: Japanese as a Heritage Language for children who already have some background in Japanese, and Japanese as a Foreign Language for children who have little or no background in Japanese. adult classes Adult classes are divided into 8 levels, comprised of Beginner (JLPT levels N5 and N4), Intermediate (JLPT levels N4, N3, and N2) and Advanced (JLPT levels N2 and N1). Students with little or no knowledge of Japanese will join the Beginner class. Students with prior Japanese knowledge take a placement test. timetable 9:30 am Classes start 10:30-10:45 am Break 11:50 am Classes end connect with tjls Phone 416-666-8493 Website E-mail [email protected] Charitable Registration #: BN 88812-0243-RR0001 TorontoJapaneseLanguageSchool @TJLSca
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