ホストシステムとの簡単インターフェースを実現! Realizing a Simple Interface with the Host System 「HD-PLC」inside規格準拠 ベースバンドLSI 「HD-PLC」inside Standards Compliance Baseband LSI BU82204MWV Features ●「HD-PLC」*1 inside規格に準拠 組み込み機器に最適な世界初*2の「HD-PLC」insideベースバンドLSI Ideal for「HD-PLC」inside standard This IC is World’s first* Product targeting Specially for「HD-PLC」inside standard ●ARMコアを内蔵し、TCP/IPプロトコルを搭載 (ECHONET Liteミドルウェア、SSLも搭載可能) Equipping the TCP/IP protocol by integrating the ARM CORE (Correspond with ECHONET Lite middle ware and SSL) ●低消費電力PLC通信 間欠動作を行う事で、低消費電力を実現 UQFN88MV0100 (10.0 × 10.0 × 1.0mm, 0.4mm pin pitch) Low power consumption PLC communication (It is realized low power consumption by intermittent operation) ●各種センサ類やLEDドライバなどの周辺デバイス用に「I2C」 「PWM」 「GPIO」を搭載 内蔵CPUで制御することで、簡易なシステム構築が可能 I2C, PWM, and GPIO interfaces are included for connecting to peripheral devices such as sensors and LED drivers Control is performed by the internal CPU, making system configuration easy Applications ●スマートホーム(HEMS、白物家電、照明など) ●通信ソフトウェアのリファレンス提供 Smart Home (HEMS, White Goods, LED Lighting etc) Reference communication software available ●スマートコミュニティー (BEMS、オフィス機器、産業機器) *1)「HD-PLC」とは、IEEE1901に準拠した電力線通信規格 「HD-PLC」is a power line communication standard compliant with IEEE1901 *2) 2014年6月ローム調べ June, 2014 ROHM survey Smart Community (BEMS, Equipment of Office and Industrial) Specifications HD-PLC Inside baseband processing Data I/F for communicating with the host CPU SPI UART HD-PLC Inside Core TX-DAC PLC MAC RX-ADC μCORE PLC PHY PGA I/F for controlling peripheral devices アプリケーションCPUを内蔵し、PLCネットワーク機能だけでなく、 TCP/IPプロトコル処理もIC内で実現でき、UART経由でホストCPUとも 通信可能 Line Driver Because application CPU is embedded, BU82204MWV can realize not only PLC network function but also TCP/IP protocol stuck function and user application. It communicates with HOST CPU via UART IF. RX-Filter I2C PWM GPIO Reference communication software provided ARM Core OSC SRAM Power Management < Features > ●「HD-PLC」inside core Media Access Controller PHY Controller 31.25MHz XTAL ●Host interfaces UART (Max 962Kbps) SPI Slave (Max 3Mbps) Serial Flash ARM CPU built in for protocol stack processing Intermittent control reduces power consumption ●Various interfaces I2C PWM GPIO ●CPU ARM core ●Analog Front End TX-DAC RX-ADC PGA ●Operating conditions IO, Analog power supply voltage:3.0V to 3.6V Digital core power supply voltage:1.45V to 1.55V Operating temperature range:-40°C to +85°C Built-in TCP/IP Protocol Stack Lightens Development Load TCP/IPプロトコルスタックを内蔵する事で、ホストCPU側のシステムを大幅に変更する事なく、PLC経由でネットワークに接続可能。 また、WEBサーバとして、状態確認の他、遠隔制御する様なアプリケーションの構築が可能です。 Incorporating the TCP/IP protocol stack enables connection to a network via PLC without requiring significant modifications to the host CPU system. Configuration of a variety of remote control applications is also possible in addition to status confirmation when used as a web server. HD-PLC Inside Baseband IC Driver Ideal for home appliances, water heaters, solar power generation and more Host CPU XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Serial-Socket I/F Ubiquitous Network Framework HD-PLC Inside Control API Serial I/F Simple network configuration Ubiquitous Network Framework The Cloud Maintenance Settings API Local Host Path API TCP/IP Driver Power Line HTTP Tablet PC / Smartphone Router (Internal/external HD-PLC) 111111111111111111 Communication Software PC Data control / status etc. over network
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