HEC 2016 Student Registration 生徒申し込み ***Deadline (締め切り) Feb 12 (2 月 12 日)*** Notes for ALTs: You are responsible for your students’ registration process from start to finish. Please read everything. Introduce HEC to your students/school/BOE. Read the HEC Guide from the HEC website. o http://hec.hajet.org (HEC Website) o https://goo.gl/9EufFD (HEC Flyer) o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKiD9kAnJYk (HEC Camp 2015 Video) Give a hardcopy of this Paper Form to each student and have them fill it out promptly. ALTs must complete the Online Form using the handwritten Paper Form as reference. o http://goo.gl/forms/rhcvzybSc4 (Online Form) o The Online Form is identical to this Paper Form. It should be self-explanatory to use. o Some schools (Hokkaido BOE Schools) block Google services, so try to ask to use a non-restricted computer or fill it out at home/via mobile. Do your best to input all answers as accurately as possible in order to help our data processing go smoothly. o Follow the format examples! Don’t forget the hyphens and proper capitalization/punctuation. o Please use half-width alpha-numeric characters for all numbers. Upload a clear scan/photo of this ENTIRE Paper Form. o https://goo.gl/Eydf5v (Scan Upload) o Change the file name to the student's name (e.g. Firstname Lastname 1) o Accepted formats are .jpg .png .pdf o In the event the link/upload system does not work, please send the image file to [email protected] Please return the original Paper Form to the student and guardian for their records. We are no longer accepting faxes/mail as a submission medium and apologize for any inconveniences. Some parts may seem redundant, but it’s necessary, so we ask for your understanding and cooperation. Thank you. 1 *ver. 3 (01/18/2016)* Personal Information * All Japanese text corresponds to the preceding English text * Personal information will not be shared outside of HEC and will be for HEC-use only. 個人情報のデータはHEC内のみで使用しますので、外に出ることはありません。 1. Student's First Name English *Capitalize the first letter 最初の文字だけ大文字* _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Student's Last Name English *Capitalize the first letter 最初の文字だけ大文字* _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 生徒(名前) 日本語 _________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 生徒(苗字) 日本語 _________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Gender 性別 o o M (男) F (女) 6. School Level 学年 o o JHS (中学生) SHS (高校生) 7. Date of Birth 生年月日 (○○月○○日○○○○年) _________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Experience abroad or in an English immersion setting/class (if applicable) 海外旅行・留学・英語イマージョン教育などの経験 (該当する場合) _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Guardian's First Name English *Capitalize the first letter 最初の文字だけ大文字* _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Guardian's Last Name English *Capitalize the first letter 最初の文字だけ大文字* _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 保護者(名前) 日本語 _________________________________________________________________________________ 11. 保護者(苗字) 日本語 _________________________________________________________________________________ 2 *ver. 3 (01/18/2016)* 12. Home Postal Code 自宅郵便番号 (000-0000) _________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Home Address English (Hokkaido, OO-gun, OO-shi, OO-ku, 1-2-3) _________________________________________________________________________________ 14. 自宅住所 日本語 (北海道○○郡○○市○○区1-2-3) _________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Home Phone Number 自宅電話番号 (000-0000-0000) _________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Guardian's Mobile Phone Number 保護者の携帯電話番号 (000-0000-0000) _________________________________________________________________________________ 17. Guardian's E-mail Address 保護者の PC メール *leave blank if none ない場合は空欄のまま* _________________________________________________________________________________ 18. School Name English (Hokkaido JHS / Hokkaido SHS) _________________________________________________________________________________ 19. 学校名 日本語 (北海道中学校・北海道高校) _________________________________________________________________________________ 20. School Postal Code 学校郵便番号 (000-0000) _________________________________________________________________________________ 21. School Address English (Hokkaido, OO-gun, OO-shi, OO-ku, 1-2-3) _________________________________________________________________________________ 22. 学校住所日本語 (北海道○○郡○○市○○区1-2-3) _________________________________________________________________________________ 23. School Phone Number 学校電話番号 (000-0000-0000) _________________________________________________________________________________ 3 *ver. 3 (01/18/2016)* HEC 2016 Terms & Conditions (契約条件・規約) 1. 2. 3. Student must attend a junior or a senior high school in Hokkaido. Student must be in his or her first year of either junior or senior high school at time of registration. Student must have never spent more than three consecutive weeks in an English speaking country. This not only includes a country where English is the official language, but also countries or regions where English is often used in public as a means of practical communication. 4. Student must not attend core subject classes in an English immersion setting. 5. Student must not reside in a household where English is a primary means of communication. 6. The test must be conducted by a Hokkaido ALT. However, the ALT does not have to be one who is assigned to the school of the student. 7. A maximum of 10 students from one school may enter in each division. A maximum of 3 students from any one junior high and senior high school may be awarded a prize. The school limits apply regardless of the number of ALTs at the school. There is no limit to the total number of students an ALT can enter. There is no limit to the number of students who can enter from a single city or town. 8. The number of students per school who may enter and be awarded a prize is limited so a variety of schools are represented at HEC Camp. In cases of school transfers between test time and HEC Camp, the student will count towards the attendance limits of his or her original school. 9. If you have any questions regarding the eligibility of a student, please consult the HEC Coordinator at [email protected]. Students will acknowledge they meet all requirements of eligibility at the time they take the test. If HEC gains knowledge that a student has wrongfully informed HEC in any way prior to that student taking the test, HEC reserves the right to cancel said student’s score without refund and revoke any prize he or she may have won. 10. The test is based on the grammar and vocabulary in the year’s English studies provided in the Ministry of Education’s syllabus. Held in March, the test lasts around 30 minutes and is done in front of a video camera. The ALT administers the test in the presence of a Japanese teacher of English (JTE) or another Japanese teacher who acts as a witness. Once the recording is complete, the video is sent to the assigned judges who determine which students go through to the final round. Head judges then select the overall winners and rank the top scoring students. Results are announced at the end of May. Preparation for the test is at the discretion of the ALT and student. 11. All participating students are asked to have their entries made available for use by HEC. Past entries are often requested by JTEs and ALTs as a guide for their own preparations, hence a limited portion of your test video may be saved for future reference. 12. Should a student have a scheduling change and cannot attend the full duration of the HEC Camp, priority will be given to the next ranking student. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult the HEC Coordinator at [email protected]. 1. 参加できる生徒は北海道の中学生徒か又は高校生です。 2. 応募時点で生徒は、中学1年生又は高校1年生でなければなりません。 3. 一回の渡航で3週間以上、英語圏の国に滞在したことが無い生徒が対象です。また、英語圏の 国の他、英語が概 ね使用されている国、地域も含めます。 4. 英語イマージョン教育(英語以外の教科を英語で学ぶ)を受けている生徒は参加できません。 5. 家庭や家族間で主に英語でコミュニケーションを取っている生徒は参加できません。 6. このテストは北海道 ALT によって運営されるが、応募生徒の学校に、ALT が常駐している必要あ りません。 7. 各学校から最大10人までが各部門(中学生の部、高校生の部)に応募できます。各部門、最大各3名までに賞品が 与えられます。ALT が複数校勤務している場合、1人の ALT につき応募できる生徒の人数に制限はありません。ま た各市町村から参加する生徒の人数にも制限はありません。 8. 様々な学校から HEC CAMP の代表が選ばれるよう、一学校から選ばれる参加者と賞を受け取れる生徒の数には制限 があります。テスト期間中から HEC Camp の間に転校が生じた場合に は、生徒が最初に在学していた学校の出席範 囲に加算されます 9. 生徒の適格性に関する質問などございましたら、[email protected] 宛ての HEC コーディネーターへご相談ください。 テストで適格性すべての必要条件を満たした生徒を受け入れます。もし生徒がテストを受ける前に HEC への不正が あったという情報を HEC が得たら、いかなる場合も払い戻しなしでその生徒の得点 を取り消し、彼らが獲得した どのような賞も取り消す権利を、HEC は保有します。 10. このテストは、文科省の英語指導要綱に提示されている文法と単語に基づいて行われます。この テストは3月に 行われ、形態はビデオカメラの前で約 30 分間のスピーチをするというものです。日本 人英語教諭の監視の下、テ スト運営の ALT によって審査が行われます。スピーチの録画映像は、登録された ALT に郵送され、最終選考に進む 生徒が決められます。審査主任は通過した生徒の選 考を再度行い、スコアとランクが決められます。審査結果は 5 月末に発表されます。テストの準備 や練習の形態は様々で、昼休み内での個人レッスンやグループレッスンなど、 ALT と生徒にゆだねられています。 11. HEC に参加する生徒全員は、テストのエントリー映像の使用許可をお願いいたします。毎年、生徒・ALT・JTE から エントリー映像を参考にしたいという要望があるので、映像の一部は将来の参照のために保存される場面もありま す。 12. 参加見込みの生徒の予定がキャンプの期間に重なり、全日出席することができない場合、参加資格はその次の順位 の生徒に与えられます。ご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、[email protected] 宛ての HEC コーディネーターへご 相談ください。 4 *ver. 3 (01/18/2016)* Signatures and Agreement to HEC 2016 Terms & Conditions All electronic copies of original signatures below are deemed official and legal according to the Law on Electronic Signatures and Certification Services (Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) 署名の原本をスキャナーなどでコピーしたものは全て、電子署名及び認証業務に関する法律により、 法的に有効であ るとみなされます。(日本経済産業省) Registration Fee 参加料 : ¥3000 Name of Person Making Payment / Bank Account Holder * so that we know who paid for which student * Please circle (guardian / teacher / school / BOE) _________________________________________________________________________________ お支払する方氏名 / 口座名義 〇を付けてください ( 保護者・先生・学校・教育委員会 ) _________________________________________________________________________________ Student: I agree to the Hokkaido English Challenge 2016 Terms & Conditions and will participate in the challenge. 生徒:私は HEC 2016 契約条件・規約に同意し、HEC に参加します。 o Agree 同意 Sign below with your full name and date 下にフルネームでサインしてください (Firstname Lastname 02/12/2016) _________________________________________________________________________________ Guardian: I agree to the Hokkaido English Challenge 2016 Terms & Conditions and allow my child to participate in the challenge. 保護者:私は HEC 2016 契約条件・規約に同意し、子供をチャレンジ に参加させます。 o Agree 同意 Sign below with your full name and date 下にフルネームでサインしてください (Firstname Lastname 02/12/2016) _________________________________________________________________________________ ALT: I agree to the Hokkaido English Challenge 2016 Terms & Conditions and will fully cooperate with the registration process/communicating between the students and HEC. I also understand that it is my duty to ensure that both students and guardians comprehend all rules and information pertaining to the Hokkaido English Challenge. o Agree 同意 Sign below with your full name and date 下にフルネームでサインしてください (Firstname Lastname 02/12/2016) _________________________________________________________________________________ 5 *ver. 3 (01/18/2016)*
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