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J. Jpn. Bot. 91 Suppl.: 376–387 (2016)
Two New Species of Ramalina (Ramalinaceae, Ascomycota)
from Korea
Kwang Hee Moona, Chorong Ahna, Jeong Eun Hana
and Hiroyuki Kashiwadanib,*
National Institute of Biological Resources, 42, Hwangyeong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, 22689 KOREA;
Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science,
4-1-1, Amakubo, Tsukuba, 305-0005 JAPAN
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
(Accepted on January 9, 2016)
Two new species, Ramalina intestiniformis Kashiw. & K. H. Moon and R.
sphaerophora Kashiw. & K. H. Moon, are described from Korea. Ramalina intestiniformis,
a maritime species, resembles R. almquistii Vain., but it differs by having irregularly but
totally inflated lobes throughout the branches, continuous medullary hyphae, and shortly
fusiform ascospores. Ramalina sphaerophora resembles R. kurokawae Kashiw. and R.
yasudae Räsänen, but it differs in having semi-corticate spherical nodules instead of
soralia. Both species are known only from Korea up to now.
Key words: Korea, lichens, new species, Ramalina intestiniformis, Ramalina sphaerophora.
The genus Ramalina (Lichenized
Ascomycetes, Lecanorales) is a well-known
fruticose lichen widely distributed in eastern
Asia and which comprises about 250 species in
the world. In Korea, 18 species had been listed
under the genus as of 2013 (Moon 2013).
In the course of our taxonomic study of the
genus Ramalina based on extensive collections
from Korea, we found the following two new
species and provide their descriptions herein:
Ramalina intestiniformis is a saxicolous
species found in coastal areas in Korea. It is
characterized by a decumbent to caespitose
thallus, sparingly and irregularly branched
branches growing from a broad base, irregularly
inflated fistulose lobes with perforations, absence
of soredia, medullary hyphae closely attached
to the inner walls of cortices, shortly fusiform
ascospores, and the presence of divaricatic
acid as a major chemical substance. Ramalina
sphaerophora is also a saxicolous species found
on maritime rocks and is easily recognized by
having irregularly branched thalli growing from
a common holdfast, up to 2 cm high, more or
less flattened and weakly inflated branches
ending in semi-corticate spherical nodules, and
by the production of evernic and obtusatic acids.
Both species seem to be endemic to Korea up to
To confirm the taxonomic status of
these two new species in comparison with
morphologically similar species in the genus
Ramalina, the sequence of internal transcribed
spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA was applied in
this study. The ITS ribosomal DNA region is
a suitable universal DNA barcode marker for
fungi (Schoch et al. 2012).
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文 光喜 a,A. Choronga,韓 定殷 a,柏谷博之 b:韓国
産カラタチゴケ属(カラタチゴケ科,子嚢菌門)の 2 新種
韓 国 か ら Ramalina intestiniformis Kashiw. & K. H.
Moon と R. sphaerophora Kashiw. & K. H. Moon の 2 新
1) Ramalina intestiniformis は海岸の垂直に近い北向き
2) R. sphaerophora は海岸の岩上に生育する.地衣体
面のあちこちで基物にゆるく付着し高さ約 1.5 cm,径
3(–5) cm のクッション状.地衣体はわずかに枝分かれし,
面 の あ ち こ ち で 基 物 に 固 着 し て 高 さ 1.0–1.5 cm, 径
1.0–2.0 cm のクッション状となる.枝は不規則に分枝し,
径 0.5–1.0(–2.0) mm.枝の大部分は中実であるが,膨ら
り,中空,穿孔を有する,径は 0.5–2 mm.粉芽や裂芽
2 室,
13–15 × 4–5 μm.地衣成分は地衣成分はジバリカート酸,
サラチン酸 (±),ウスニン酸である.
本種は R. almquistii Vain. に似ているが後者の枝は先
本種は東アジア産の R. kurokawae Kashiw. に似てい
別できる.本種は東アジアに広く分布する R. yasudae
Räsänen と紛らわしいが,R. yasudae の地衣体は中実で
芽を生じ点で異なる.なお,R. yasudae にも球形の小塊
December 2016
Moon et al.: Two new Ramalina from Korea
る.北半球に広く分布する R. pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. も
る.Krog and Swinscow (1974) は東アフリカから本種と
同様に枝の先端部に球形の小塊を持つ R. consanguinea
Müll. Arg. と R. tapperi Krog & Swinsc. を報告している.
2 種については,核リボゾーム遺伝子スペーサー領域
(nrDNA ITS) の塩基配列に基づく最尤法による系統樹を
記載した 2 種は共に,近縁種とは独立したクレードを
(a 韓国・国立生物資源館,