Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 1 第五課 新しい言葉 1 じどうし と たどうし(Intransitive and transitive verbs) Intransitive verbs Transitive verbs 人があつまる (people get together) 人をあつめる (to gather people together) 病気がなおる (an illness heals) 病気をなおす(to cure an illness) 時計がなおる (a clock gets fixed) 時計をなおす(to fix a clock) まちが 間違いがなおる (a mistake gets corrected) しごと き 仕事が決まる (employment is decided) しごと まちが 間違いをなおす (to correct a mistake) しごと き 仕事を決める (to decide on employment) しごと 仕事がつづく(a job continues) 仕事をつづける (to continue a job) おゆがわく(the water boils) おゆをわかす(to bring the water to a boil) 食べ物がのこる (the food remains) 食べ物をのこす (to leave some food) まちが 漢字が間違っている (a kanji is wrong) あ まどが開く(a window opens) し まちが 漢字を間違える (to make a mistake in kanji) あ まどを開ける (to open a window) し ドアが閉まる (a door closes) ドアを閉める (to close a door) さいふがおちる (a wallet drops) さいふをおとす (to drop a wallet) 電気がつく(a light turns on) 電気をつける (to turn on a light) 電気がきえる (a light goes off) 電気をけす (to turn off a light) Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 Intransitive verbs Transitive verbs 電話がかかる (the phone rings) 電話をかける (to make a phone call) しごと 仕事をかえる (to change a job) 仕事がかわる (a job changes) あ せいせきが上がる (grades go up) お 2 あ せいせきを上げる (to raise one’s grades) お 授業が終わる (a class ends) 授業を終える (to finish a class) 映画が始まる (a movie begins) 映画を始める (to begin a movie) 子供が起きる (a child wakes up) 子供を起こす (to wake up a child) 子供が車に乗る (the child gets in the car) 子供を車に乗せる (to put a child in a car) 練習1(from p.237) Fill in the blanks using appropriate forms of the expressions from the above chart. Also translate the whole sentences. 1. 風でまどが____て、雨が家の中に入ってきた。だから、まどを____下さい。 ちが 2. この漢字は違うから、______方がいいですね。 3. ケーキが少し______から、食べませんか。 4. 学生が______ら、映画を_______。 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 3 5. 子供はまだ寝ています。学校におくれるから、______方がいいですね。 6. さいふをどこかで______ので、今お金がありません。 7. 午後十時ですが、電気が______から、今晩はどこかに出かけているんでしょう。 8. おゆが______ら、こうちゃを入れます。 しごと 9. 仕事が______ので、家を新しい所に______。 しごと しごと 10. ほかにいい仕事がないから、今の仕事を______つもりです。 11. せいせきを______なら、もっと勉強したほうがいいですね。 12. 私の予定は______から、あなたの予定を______下さい。 きのう 13. 昨日は朝まで電気が________、寝ないで勉強していたんでしょう。 14. この部屋はちょっと暗いから、電気を______下さい。それに、暑いから、ま どを______下さい。 15. 来る時に みち(road, way)を______ので、おそくなりました。 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 新しい言葉 2 しょうらい かんが きゅうりょう 将 来 (future) 考 える (to think) やめる (to quit) 給 料 (salary) りゅうがく 留 学 する (to study abroad) しゅうしょくする (to get a job) Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Q5: Q6: 留学したことがありますか。 留学したいと考えていますか。 大学をやめたいと思ったことがありますか。 将来、日本語が使える仕事をしたいと考えていますか。 卒業したらしゅうしょくしたいと考えていますか。 どんな仕事が給料がいいと思いますか。 I. Using もう and まだ A. Using もう A-1.もう+ affirmative(∼ました) (already; yet(in question)) こどもは、もう車に乗せました。 (I already put the kids into the car.) しゅうしょくは、もう決まりました。 (The job has already been decided. / I’ve already got a job) 明日の じゅんびは もうしたの?(Have you prepared for tomorrow yet?) うん、もうしたよ。(Yeah, I already have.) A-2. もう+ negative(∼ません) (not ~anymore; not ~ any longer) もう行きません。 (I don’t go (there) anymore.) この車は もうなおせないよ。 (This car cannot be fixed any longer. / This car is beyond repair.) この仕事は大変だから、もうやりたくありません。 (This job is tough, so I no longer want to do it.) 4 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 5 B. Using まだ B-1. まだ+affirmative(∼ています) (still) 田中さんは、まだその仕事をつづけています。 (Mr.Tanaka is still continuing that job./Mr.Tanaka is still doing that job.) 子供はまだ寝ています。 (The child is still sleeping.) 食べ物がまだのこっています。 (There is still some food left.) B-2. まだ+ negative(∼ていません) (not ~ yet) まだお金をあつめていません。 (I have not collected the money yet.) 山田さんは まだ来ていません。 (Mr. Yamada has not come here yet.) *When まだ is followed by an action verb + ていません, it expresses “have not done ~yet”. If まだ is used with the simple negative form of an action verb, it means “won’t do ~ for a while”. e.g. まだ見ていません。I haven’t seen it yet. まだ見ません。I won’t see it for a while. *まだです can be used to mean “not yet”. もう映画を見ましたか。 いいえ、まだです。 Have you seen the movie yet? No, not yet. 練習 2 Practice short exchanges shown in (1)-(4) using the vocabularies below. Use casual language. (1)「もう宿題は出した?」→「うん、もう出したよ。」 “Have you submitted your hw yet?” “Yeah, I already have.” (2)「もう宿題は出した?」→ 「いや、まだ出していないよ。」 “Have you submitted your hw yet?” “No, not yet.” (3)「まだ宿題は出していないの?」→「うん、まだ出していないよ。」 “Haven’t you submitted your hw yet?” “No, not yet.” Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 (4)「まだ宿題は出していないの?」→「いや、もう出したよ。」 “Haven’t you submitted your hw yet?” “Yeah, I already have.” 仕事を決める、時計をなおす、電話をかける、子供を起こす、映画が始まる おゆをわかす、かぎをかける 練習 3 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. Use polite language. 1. The illness has already healed. 2. The illness has not healed yet. 3. Has the illness healed yet? 4. Hasn’t the illness healed yet? 5. This illness will not heal any longer. 6. I have already turned off the light. 7. I haven’t turned off the light yet. 8. Have you turned off the light yet? 9. Haven’t you turned off the light yet? 10. I won’t turn off the light yet. 11. Is Tanaka still sleeping? 12. Are you still continuing your job? 13. Are you still boiling water? 6 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 14. Are you still fixing the clock? 15. I won’t make a mistake in kanji anymore. 16. I’m not going to get married for a while. 17. I’m not married yet. 18. Tanaka is not here yet. (He hasn’t come here yet.) 19. I don’t want to study anymore. 20. You’d better wake up the kid already. II-A. Expressing purpose and reason, using the plain form +ため A-1. Expressing purpose, using the verb plain form or the noun plain form +ため(に) (in order to ~; for the sake of ~; for ~) 医者になるために、この大学で勉強しています。 I am studying at this college in order to become a doctor. せいせきを上げるために勉強しています。 I am studying in order to raise my grades. じぶん 自分のためになる仕事をしたいです。 I want to have a job that will be good for me. きらいな仕事なら、何のためにその会社にしゅうしょくするんですか。 If you don’t like that work, then why are you taking a job at that company? 将来のために、わかい時は色々なことをしてみた方がいいです。 You should experience various things while you are young, for the sake of your future. 7 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 *ため can be followed by の when it modifies a noun, because ため itself is a noun. あたら これは 新 しい車を買うためのお金です。This is the money to buy a new car. 練習 4 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. I’m studying Japanese to make Japanese friends. 2. I’ve been saving money to buy a new car. 3. We’ll hold a party tomorrow for our father. 4. I’ll quit smoking for my health. 5. This is a computer room for the students of Japanese language. 6. I turned off the light to watch a movie. 7. I turned on the light to read a book. 8. I bought a dress for the wedding ceremony. 9. What are you studying Japanese for? 10. My boyfriend will do anything for me. 11. I want to have a part time job that will be good for me. 8 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 9 A-2. Expressing reason or cause, using the plain form +ため(に)(because ~ ; since ~) *When the plain form +ため expresses a reason or cause, it can be replaced by から or ので. But ため is more formal than から or ので, so it is rarely used in casual speech. けっこんしき 結婚式のじゅんびで忙しかったために、電話できませんでした。 Since I was busy with preparations for the wedding, I could not call you. せいかつ たいへん 仕事をやめたために、生活が大変になりました。Since I quit my job, life got tough. あの子供は、けががなおらないため、まだ入院しています。 That child is still hospitalized because the injury has not healed. しけんのために、今日はアルバイトに行けません。 I can’t go to my part-time job today because I have an exam. Category Dictionary form Example Meaning い-adjectives いい いいため よくないため よかったため よくなかったため because it is good because it isn’t good because it was good because it wasn’t good Copula verbs 学生 学生のため 学生じゃないため 学生だったため 学生じゃなかったため for the sake (because) of the student 健康なため 健康じゃないため 健康だったため 健康じゃなかったため because he is healthy because he isn’t healthy because he was healthy because he wasn’t healthy するため しないため したため しなかったため in order to do; because he does because he doesn’t do something because he did something because he didn’t do something な-adjectives けんこう Verbs する 健康な because he isn’t a student because he was a student because he wasn’t a student Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 10 *The ます-stem of the verb +に is also used to express purpose, but this usage is limited to cases when the main verb is a motion verb, such as 行く、来る、帰る. The word ため can be used with any verb. When ため is used with a motion verb, it is usually accompanied by a directional phrase, and ため expresses a rather important purpose. On the other hand, the ます-stem of verbs +に can be used without a directional phrase, and the purpose does not have to be important. しけんの勉強をするために図書館に行きました。 しけんの勉強をしに図書館に行きました。 コーヒーを飲むために来ました。(This is probably too much - sounds like you are in charge!) コーヒーを飲みに来ました。 練習 5 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. Since the weather was bad, the concert at Central Park was cancelled(中止になりました). 2. Since I caught a cold, I couldn’t attend the class. 3. Since I don’t have a license, I cannot drive. 4. Since I was still a high school student that time, I couldn’t go to a bar. 5. Since it is dangerous, please don’t enter here. 6. Because of the illness, I cannot go travel. 7. Because of rain, the baseball game will be cancelled(中止です). 8. Since I slept with the window open, I caught a cold. 9. Since my father’s job changed, we moved (ひっこしました). Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 11 II-B. Expressing the making of preparations, using て-form +おく (do ~ in advance) そつぎょう 卒 業 する前に大学院について色々しらべておきます。 I will check out various things about graduate school before I graduate. あ 学生が来ますから、ドアを開けておいてください。 Please leave the door open because a student is coming. もうすぐお父さんが帰ってくるから、おふろわかしておいてね。 Your father is coming back soon, so get the bath ready. *The verb て-form +おく is used when someone has done or is doing something for a future purpose, or is leaving the current state as it is because of some future consideration. *The form ∼ておく(∼でおく)becomes ∼とく(∼どく)in casual speech. e.g. 食べ物をのこしておく → 食べ物をのこしとく to leave some food for someone 先生にそうだんしておく→ 先生にそうだんしとく to consult with the teacher in advance しゃちょう 社 長 にたのんでおく → しゃちょう 社 長 にたのんどく to ask the president (a favor) in advance 練習 6 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. You’d better consult with the teacher before deciding on college. 2. I left some cake for Tanaka. 3. Since I heard that it would rain tonight, please close the window before going to bed. 4. Since I’ve never been to Tanaka’s house, I will check a map before going. 5. I fixed tea (おちゃをいれる)for you. Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 12 6. You’d better get your driver’s license before graduating from high school. 7. I will be all right because I made a reservation at the restaurant. 8. Please think about the answer to this question/problem (もんだい)by tomorrow. 9. Since Tanaka is coming, please make a cake. III-B. Expressing the results of intentional action, using て-form +ある (something has been done) 晩ごはん{が・を}作ってありますから、後で食べてください。 The dinner has been made for you, so please eat it later. 暑いから、まどが開けてあります。 Since it is hot, the window has been left open. ひ こ う き きっぷ ホテルの予約もとってあるし、飛行機の切符も買ってあります。 The hotel reservation has been made, and a plane ticket has been purchased. しゃちょう そのことについては、 社 長 に話してあります。 As for this issue (about this issue), it has been spoken to the president. * The verb て-form + ある expresses a state that has resulted from an intentional action. It is usually used to express a situation where someone has done something for some purpose and the speaker wants to talk about the state resulting from that action. *When the main verb is transitive, the direct object can be marked with either が or を. The を tends to be used if the speaker performed the action. * Think how the following three sentences are different: 1. 電気がついています。 2. 電気をつけておきました。 3. 電気がつけてあります。 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 練習 7 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. As for the issue about college, it has been consulted with the teacher. 2. Cake has been left for Tanaka. 3. Since I heard that it would rain tonight, the window has been closed. 4. As for Tanaka’s house, it has been found on a map. 5. Tea has been fixed for you. 6. A driver’s license has been obtained. 7. A restaurant reservation has been made. 8. The answer to this question/problem has been thought about. 9. The place of the party has been decided. IV. Using plain form + the particle か * Note the two exceptions: 学生だか 元気だか A. plain form + か (either X or Y) しごと さが 日本かアメリカで、仕事を探すつもりです。 I intend to look for a job either in Japan or in the United States. しょうらい べ ん ご し かいけいし 将 来 、弁護士か会計士になりたいです。 I want to become a lawyer or an accountant in the future. 13 Chapter 5 ふく けっこんしき Queens College Japanese 204 しき この服は結婚式か卒業式の時に着るつもりです。 I’m thinking of wearing these clothes for either a wedding or graduation. あ さ っ て つづ この天気は明日か明後日まで続くでしょう。 This weather will probably continue until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. 練習 8 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. I want to eat either sushi or udon. 2. Please read it by either Monday or Tuesday. 3. May I come either at 5 or 6 o’clock? 4. You have to have either your driver’s license or student ID. 5. Tanaka is not here today. He is probably either busy or ill. 6. As for the party, it will be (held) either at a restaurant or a bar. 7. Please bring either a blue pen or a black pen. 8. I think I will make either pasta or steak. 9. Could you teach me either how to make a cake or how to make a pie? 14 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 B-1. Embedded yes/no questions, using plain form+か(どうか)(whether or not ~; if~) この病気はなおるか(どうか)きいてみます。 I will ask if this illness will be cured. さいふがおちたか(どうか)見てください。 Please see/check if the wallet was dropped. 練習 9 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. Please ask whether or not I took a wrong way(道を間違えた). 2. I want to know whether or not I will be able to get an A. 3. Please see/check whether or not the light is on. 4. Please see/check whether or not the door is closed. 5. Please see/check whether or not the door has been closed. 6. I don’t know whether or not I like Tanaka. 7. I don’t know whether or not I should go on a date with Tanaka. 8. Please ask Yamada whether or not he wants to marry Suzuki. 9. I want to know whether or not there will be a quiz tomorrow. 10. Please tell me whether or not you are busy tomorrow. 11. Please tell me whether or not the movie was good. 12. Please tell me whether or not your illness healed. 15 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 B-2. Embedded information questions, using plain form+か けんきゅう 山田さんがどんな 研 究 をしているか分かりません。 I don’t know what kind of research Yamada is doing. だれ しょうたい 誰をパーティーに 招 待 したか忘れました。 I forgot whom I invited to the party. かいじょう 会 場 はどこか教えてください。 Please tell me where the meeting hall is. 練習 10 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. Do you know when Tanaka is coming? 2. I want to know what kind of food Tanaka doesn’t like 3. Please tell me where the party is going to be held. 4. Please ask Tanaka who he invited to the party. 5. I know who got an A+. 6. I want to know where Tanaka went. 7. I have to think when I want to get married. 8. I forgot what the homework was. 9. I forgot by when I had to submit the homework. (when, what, where, etc.) 16 Chapter 5 Queens College Japanese 204 17 V. Using question word + も A. Question word + も + negative verb (not ~ any ~ ; no~) はこ 箱の中には、何もありません。There is nothing in the box. まえ だれ 私の前には、誰もいません。There is nobody in front of me. 昨日は、誰も来ませんでした。Nobody came yesterday. 昨日は、どこにも行きませんでした。I didn’t go anywhere yesterday. まだ何も食べていません。I haven’t eaten anything yet. いそがしくて、自分のしたいことが何もできません。 I’m so busy and I can’t do any of the things I want to do. * the question word +も can be used only in sentences ending in a negative form. The addition of も to the question word causes the meaning of the phrase to become “not ~ any”. B. Question word + でも+ affirmative verb (any; whatever/whenever/wherever, etc.) きむら 木村さんは、何でも食べられます。Kimura can eat anything. 今日はだめですが、明日ならいつでもいいです。 Today is not good, but tomorrow will be fine anytime. 私は、おいしいレストランならどこでもいいです。 As for me, any restaurant will be fine as long as it serves good food. 「誰を招待しようか。」→ 「誰でもいいよ。」 “Who shall we invite?” “Anybody you want to.” 「コーヒーと、こうちゃと、どちらにしますか。」→ 「どちらでもけっこうです。」 “Which one would you like, coffee or tea?” “Whichever is fine with me.” Chapter 5 Q-word Queens College Japanese 204 +か +も +でも Affirmative sentence Negative sentence Affirmative sentence 18 何 なに なに なん 誰 誰か(someone) 誰も(nobody) 誰でも(anybody; whoever) いつ いつか(sometime) *いつも(never) いつでも(anytime, whenever) どこ どこか(somewhere) *どこも(nowhere) *どこでも(anywhere, wherever) *どちらも(not~either) どちらでも(whichever) 何か(something) どちら 何も(nothing; not at all) 何でも(anything; whatever) *The phrase いつも and どちらも can be used either in an affirmative or a negative sentence. 田中さんは、いつも朝ごはんを食べます。Tanaka always eats breakfast. 田中さんは、いつも朝ごはんを食べません。Tanaka never eats breakfast. どちらも好きです。I like both of them. どちらも好きじゃありません。I don’t like either of them. *The particles が and を are not used with the question word + も or でも (e.g. 誰もが 何でも を 誰がも 何をでも) . However, other particles, such as に and と are inserted between the question word and も or でも. 昨日は誰にも会いませんでした。 いぬはどこにもいません。 どこにでも行きます。 山田さんは誰とでも友達になります。 仕事はいつからでも始められます。 練習 11 Translate the following English sentences into Japanese. 1. You don’t know anything about Japan, do you? 2. If (it’s) Japanese food, I like anything. 3. Don’t tell this to anyone! Chapter 5 4. Whoever is fine (I don’t care who), please help me with cleaning. 5. That kid is always crying. 6. That student never comes with his homework. 7. You can return the book anytime. 8. You can stay here until whenever. 9. Nowhere is safe. 10. As for overseas, I’ve never been to anywhere. 11. I can sleep anywhere. 12. Both are difficult. 13. Neither of them is fun. Queens College Japanese 204 19
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