高3英語【 英語【虎の穴】№14 43 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最適なものを、それぞれ①~④から1つずつ選びなさい。 1) ( ) in my absence, call Mr. Brown and ask him for help. ① Anything were to happen ② Anything will happen ③ If anything had happened ④ Should anything happen →④。「私の留守中に万が一何か起きたら、ブラウンさんに電話をして助けを求めなさい」 仮定法と思われる。後に命令文があるので、If ~should…, 命令文、と判断する。本問は倒置。 if~were to…も同様の意味だが、命令文は続かない。②はif anything happensならばありうる。 2)There's something I want to ( ① discuss ) you. ② discussing with ③ discuss with ④ discussing 「あなたと話し合いたいことがあります」discussは他動詞だが、…discuss youとすると、 『あ →③。 なたを議論する(何か)』となる。discussは通常『人』を目的語に取らず、主題/事柄が続く。 3)We can provide mutual support ( ① for ③ with ② on ) a global basis, via the computer. 【慶應大】 ④ to →②。「私たちはコンピューターを使って世界的な規模で互いに助け合うことができる」③はワ ナ。on a ~ basis:~の[な]基準で。e.g. on a regular[weekly] basis:定期的に[週に1回]、 4) Not all of the students arrived on time.≒( ) on time. ① Any of the students didn't arrive ② Not any of the students arrived ③ Some of the students didn't arrive ④ None of the students arrived →③。not allは部分否定。すべてが…という訳ではない。⇒時間通りに着かなかった人もいた。 5) ( ) was Beth's disappointment that she burst into tears. ① Little ② Much ③ So ④ Such →④。 「ベスの落胆は相当なものだったので、彼女は突然泣き始めた」suchが文頭に置かれた強調 構文。such≒so great、のニュアンスを知っていると良い。 6)"Let's take a taxi." "Yes. It's ( ① a so long way ) to walk." ② a such long way →③。「ええ、歩くには大変遠いですよ」 ③ so long a way ④ such long a way suchとsoの次に形容詞が来る場合、冠詞の位置が異なる。 such+a(n)+形容詞+名詞、so+形容詞+a(n)+名詞 7) This fur coat is ( ① very much ) big for me. ② much very ③ too much ④ much too →④。「この毛皮のコートは私にはあまりに大きすぎる」 much too+形容詞[副詞]の原級:あまりに…過 ぎる cf. too much+不可算名詞:あまりにも多くの…。e.g., There was too much food for me. 8) John rudely asked me ( ① how ② how heavy ) my weight was. ③ what ④ what heavy →③。「ジョンはぶしつけにも私に体重はどのくらいか尋ねた」 ②のhow heavyはweightを主語にはでき ない、how heavy I wasのように人間が主語なら可。What is A's weight?:Aの体重は? 9)I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged in the living room, so I ( ) the sofa next to the piano. But it still didn't look right, so I moved it back again. ① kept ② liked to keep ③ tried moving ④ tried to move →③。「私は居間の家具の配置の仕方が気に入らなかったので、ソファーを…」 try -ing:試しにやってみる(⇒実際の行動)、try to-:-しようとする(⇒行動の姿勢・実際は?…) 10) ( ) started raining the day before, the picnic was postponed. ① Having ② It has ③ It having ④ It →③。 「前の日に雨が降り始めたので、ピクニックは延期された」主節の出来事よりも先に起こっ た出来事は完了形の分詞構文(having pp.)で表す。本問は主語(it)が残るパターン。 11)The man at the window must be a spy, since he works slowly and keeps looking around. A real cleaner ( ) the windows twice. ① had never washed ② was not washing ③ would not wash ④ did not wash →③。「窓のところにいる男はスパイに違いない、というのは、彼はゆっくりと仕事をし、周囲を見渡し続けているから。本当の掃除人だったら、二度も窓を拭かないだろう」 ifを ifを用いない仮定法 いない仮定法。 仮定法。a+形+名+ a+形+名+would… 形+名+would…: would…:もし… もし…ならば e.g., A wise man would not say so. 12)Our perception of the world ( ① depends ② refers ) to a great extent on the language we speak. ③ goes ④ takes →①。「私たちの世界観は自分が話している言葉に大いに左右される」 depend on A:Aに依存する、Aに左右される 注:to a great extent(大いに、大部分は)、の挿入がある cf. to some extent:ある程度は 13)I have to ( ① talk ) my parents into buying me a new computer. ② try ③ take ④ turn →①。「私は両親に新しいコンピューターを買ってくれるように説得しなければならない」 talk 人 into ~ing: ing:説得して 説得して人 して人に~させる、 talkがpersuadeと似た意味をなしている。 cf. talk 人 out of ~ing:説得して人に~させない 14)( ) his eyesight as a boy, his hearing is more acute than that of the average person. ① Having been lost ② Having lost ③ Losing ④ Since he lost →④。「小さい頃視力を失ったので、彼の聴力は平均的な人より鋭い」 ①~③はいずれも文頭に分詞構文が置かれた形。分詞構文の意味上の主語は原則として主節の主語 を兼ねる。①~③ではいずれも『視力を失う』ことが書かれているので、意味上の主語はheでなくてはな らないが、主節の主語がhis hearing(聴力)なのでここでは不適切。since(~なので)は接続詞。 15)No one would dream of there ( ① being ② is ③ was ) such a beautiful place in the world. ④ will be →①。 「世の中にこんなに美しい場所があるなんて、誰も夢にも思わないだろう」ofの後には名詞 相当語句が来る。beingを用いて、there isを動名詞にしたthere beingを入れる。②③④だとofの後 に直接SVが来るので不可。 16)If there's anything ( ① at ② for ③ into ) your mind, don't hesitate to tell me. ④ on →④。 「気になっていることがあるなら、遠慮なく私に知らせてください」be on one's mind:気 になっている。What's on your mind?どうしたの、何を心配しているの。 高3英語【 英語【虎の穴】№14 43 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最適なものを、それぞれ①~④から1つずつ選びなさい。 1) ( ) in my absence, call Mr. Brown and ask him for help. ① Anything were to happen ② Anything will happen ③ If anything had happened ④ Should anything happen 2)There's something I want to ( ① discuss ) you. ② discussing with ③ discuss with 3)We can provide mutual support ( ① for ② on ③ with ④ discussing ) a global basis, via the computer. ④ to 4) Not all of the students arrived on time.≒( ) on time. ① Any of the students didn't arrive ② Not any of the students arrived ③ Some of the students didn't arrive ④ None of the students arrived 5) ( ) was Beth's disappointment that she burst into tears. ① Little ② Much ③ So ④ Such 6)"Let's take a taxi." "Yes. It's ( ① a so long way 7) This fur coat is ( ① very much ② a such long way ③ so long a way ) big for me. ② much very 8) John rudely asked me ( ① how ) to walk." ② how heavy ③ too much ④ much too ) my weight was. ③ what ④ what heavy ④ such long a way 9)I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged in the living room, so I ( ) the sofa next to the piano. But it still didn't look right, so I moved it back again. ① kept ② liked to keep 10) ( ③ tried moving ④ tried to move ) started raining the day before, the picnic was postponed. ① Having ② It has ③ It having ④ It 11)The man at the window must be a spy, since he works slowly and keeps looking around. A real cleaner ( ) the windows twice. ① had never washed ② was not washing 12)Our perception of the world ( ① depends ② refers 13)I have to ( ① talk 14)( ④ did not wash ) to a great extent on the language we speak. ③ goes ④ takes ) my parents into buying me a new computer. ② try ③ take ④ turn ) his eyesight as a boy, his hearing is more acute than that of the average person. ① Having been lost ② Having lost 15)No one would dream of there ( ① being ② is ③ was 16)If there's anything ( ① at ③ would not wash ② for ③ into ③ Losing ④ Since he lost ) such a beautiful place in the world. ④ will be ) your mind, don't hesitate to tell me. ④ on
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