KAMU PERSONEL SEÇME SINAVI ÖĞRETMENLİK ALAN BİLGİSİ TESTİ YABANCI DİL (İNGİLİZCE) ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ 29 – 30 Mart 2014 TG – 3 ÖABT – İNGİLİZCE Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının “İhtiyaç Yayıncılık”ın yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar, gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır. AÇIKLAMA DİKKAT! ÇÖZÜMLERLE İLGİLİ AŞAĞIDA VERİLEN UYARILARI MUTLAKA OKUYUNUZ. 1. Sınavınız bittiğinde her sorunun çözümünü tek tek okuyunuz. 2. Kendi cevaplarınız ile doğru cevapları karşılaştırınız. 3. Yanlış cevapladığınız soruların çözümlerini dikkatle okuyunuz. İNGİLİZCE ÖĞRETMENLİĞİ 2014 – ÖABT / İNG 1. The words “bravery” in option A, “democracy” in option B, “misery” in option C and “wisdom” in option D are all abstract nouns. However, option E doesn’t include an abstract noun. 8. The given sentence requires a meaning of “related with”. This is provided in the phrasal verb “bound up” in option A. TG – 3 14. A B C D E A B C D E The first sentence of the passage clearly states that stress is natural. Moreover, the passage mentions taking up a hobby in order to deal with the problem which, in this case, is stress. Therefore, stress can be reduced with some effort of taking up a hobby, exercising etc. A B C D E 2. “Anyone” in option D is a singular word and cannot be continued with a plural word like “their”. 9. A B C D E The first gap can be completed with the prepositions “through”, “with” and “by”. The second gap can be completed with the prepositions “with” and “to”. The option that meets the both gaps is option D. A B C D E 3. Sentences given in options B, C, D and E aren’t ambiguous in the sense that there isn’t any confusion or dual meanings within them. However, in the sentence given in option A, it is not clear whether the hunters were shot or were they shooting. 15. 10. A B C D E 4. The suffix “–ing” in option A is used to form a noun. However, the “–ing” suffixes in the other options are all used to form adjectives. The usage of the modal “may” indicates that the sentence has a present tense eliminating options A, B and D. Moreover, the word “always” indicates a present perfect form. Since the general tense of the sentence is in the present, the second gap also needs to be in the present form, making option E the correct answer. 16. 11. Each of the given words, other than B, has only one consonant phoneme at the end of the word. If a syllable is open, it will end with a long vowel sound spelled with one vowel letter; there will be no consonant to close it and protect the vowel (to-tal). A B C D E 6. The definite article “the” is used correctly in options A, B, C and E, but the word “home” in option D cannot take the article “the”, making option D the correct answer. A B C D E 12. The words given in options A, B, C and D are all uninflected in the sense that they are all mass nouns, in the singular form and don’t have any suffixes. The word “ideas” in option E is inflected since it has a suffix “s”. The quantifiers “any” in option A, “a little” in option C, “a large number of” in option D and “every” in option E are all used correctly in terms of grammar. However, “none” in option B is used incorrectly because the quantifier “none” cannot be followed by a single noun. A word with a negative meaning is required to complete the gap because bullies treat weaker students bad. The words given in options A, B, D and E all have positive meanings but torment has a negative meaning including torture and causing grief. The sentence “Long term stress is associated with high blood pressure, headaches and heart disease” clearly mentions low blood pressure. “Dietary factors” in option B is given as a symptom. “Wrong therapy” in option C isn’t stated in the passage. “Taking up a new hobby” is given as a solution or a way to deal with stress. “Long term activities” in option E isn’t stated itself in the passage. However, activities are, but they are stated as solutions to stress. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 7. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 5. The sentence “Long term stress is associated with high blood pressure, headaches and heart disease” clearly states that high blood pressure and heart diseases are results of long term stress. 17. 13. Option B is a typical example of a comma splice. There are two independent clauses which have been separated with a comma. However, two independent clauses cannot be connected without a conjunction. Thus, the sentence given option B is incorrect in terms of punctuation. A B C D E The sentence “Tell me about it” uttered by Samantha clearly states that she agrees with Meg. Thus, Meg must have said something that is related to accepting the first offer that was rather low. The sentence “That’s typical. They like to get the sale over as soon as possible” in option suggests that they are agree with one another. In addition, the following sentence is parallel with the idea of accepting the first low offer. A B C D E A B C D E 3 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz. 2014 – ÖABT / İNG 18. TG – 3 The sentence “Sounds nice but I don’t think the goalkeepers will like that” uttered by Tony indicates that whatever is said by Jean is exciting but it’s also negative for the goalkeepers. The sentence “It’s made of this special material allowing it to change directions with the wind” in option A will make the game more exciting but the fact that the ball will change directions is not very good for the goalkeepers. The sentences given in option B, C, D and E are not bad for the goalkeepers. 22. A B C D E 19. The sentence “there’s a lot of traffic then” indicates that Terry is going to take a means of transportation through traffic. Option B agrees with the statement “You’ll take a taxi, I assume?” and suggests to leave early even if he is to take a taxi. The sentence given in option A should have come after the gap because the word “they” in option A is a pronoun that should come after “they” has been introduced. The sentence given in option B cannot be the correct answer because the idea of “lowering tariffs” has not yet been introduced before the gap. Therefore, if the sentence in option B is to exist in this paragraph, it should be after the gap. The sentence given in option D cannot be the correct answer either because charging high tariffs is already introduced in the sentence following the gap. They would just be restating the same thing. The sentence given in option E cannot be the correct answer because the paragraph has not yet introduced the idea of limitations. Moreover, the general idea of the paragraph doesn’t include implementing limitations on drugs. Option C is the correct answer because it is introducing an argument and the following sentence explains why they are to blame. 25. When the paragraph is analysed, it is seen from all the sentences except the first sentence that the paragraph is about the movements of butterflies. The concept of “movements” is first introduced in the second sentence and the remaining sentences introduce the types of movements. A B C D E 26. A B C D E A B C D E The given sentence is the definition of allegory. Allusion in option A is an indirect reference to something usually familiar. Alliteration in option C is the repetition of the same consonant sounds. Accent in option D is the emphasis or stress placed upon certain syllables in a line of verse. Acrostic in option E is having the first letters (sometimes the second or third letters are also possible) in a verse or prose to represent a name or some message. A B C D E 20. The sentence “Illustrious leaders are apparently equipped with rare and remarkable abilities that distinguish them from other people” given in option C is the closest in meaning to the given sentence. Moreover, the sentence in option C is the only one providing a synonym for “seem to”, which is “apparently”. 23. A B C D E 21. The given sentence indicates that the speaker wasn’t sure of the success. The sentence given in option A opposes the idea of not being sure with “I’m certain”. The given sentence indicates that there are a lot of cinemas in the areas which is opposed in the sentence in option C (scarcity). The sentence in option D also makes a definite statement indicating that the new cinema won’t succeed although the original sentence is not certain of this. The sentence in option E indicates that they don’t need a new cinema. Although this can be inferred from the original sentence, there is nothing expressed in the original sentence indicating that they don’t need another cinema. When the paragraph is analysed, it is clear that the paragraph is providing examples of “how” Europe was a land of wreckage. The first sentence puts forward an argument. The second, third and fourth sentences are explaining the ways in which Europe was a wreckage. The first example/reason (second sentence) is for “refugees”. The third example/reason (fourth sentence) is for “the lack of food supplies”. It’s only natural for the sentence to come to the gap to provide another example/reason, which is given in option A, “lack of housing”. 27. A B C D E A B C D E 28. 24. Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sounds. In the given example, the consonant “l” has been repeated several times. Anachronism in option B is placing an event, person, item or language expression in the wrong period. Anticlimax in option C is the listing of things so that a trivial item comes last. Antagonist in option D is the major character in opposition. Assonance in option E is the repetition of identical or near identical stressed vowel sounds in words whose final consonants differ, producing half-rhyme. Sentence IV doesn’t follow the natural flow of a paragraph since it includes the words “this image”, but no image has been introduced yet. In order to be able to use the word “this”, we should first be exposed to what that “this” is. Moreover, sentence III introduces the aftermath of a hurricane and sentence V exemplifies it with torn down trees and knocked down buildings. The given sentence is the definition of “elegy”. Prosody in option A is the theory of versification, dealing with such matters as meter, rhyme, rhythm, etc. Saga in option B is a Medieval Icelandic or Scandinavian prose narrative about a famous hero or family. Personification in option C is a kind of metaphor, speaking of an abstract quality or a thing as if it were a person. Novella in option D is a short prose tale about the events of city life. A B C D E A B C D E A B C D E 4 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz. 2014 – ÖABT / İNG 29. TG – 3 All the given options except option C were written by Chaucer, Le Morte d’Arthur was compiled by Sir Thomas Malory. 34. A B C D E 30. King Leontes, Hermione and Polixenes are all characters from The Winter’s Tale. A B C D E The given sentence is the definition of Pragmatics in option C. “Grammar” in option A is the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics. “Syntax” in option B is the way in which linguistic elements (as words) are put together to form constituents (as phrases or clauses). “Phonology” in option D is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages. “Morphology” is the study and description of how words are formed in language. 38. A B C D E 39. A B C D E 31. The Romantic Period has been explained and exemplified in the given paragraph. Moreover, William Blake and Lord Gordon Byron are representatives of the given period. The Restoration Period represents the period between late 17th and 18th centuries. The Victorian Age was between the 19th and 20th centuries. Elizabethan Period represents the 16th century. Tudor Period represents the period between late 15th century and the first few years of the 17th century. 35. A B C D E 32. “On Liberty” and “Utiliarianism” were written by John Stuart Mill. Declaration is an utterance used to change the status of some entity - for example, You’re out uttered by an umpire at a baseball game. This class includes acts of appointing, naming, resigning, baptizing, surrendering, etc. Commissive is an utterance used to commit the speaker to do something- for example, I’ll meet you at the library at 10:00 P.M. This class includes acts of promising, vowing, volunteering, offering, guaranteeing, pledging, betting etc. Question is an utterance used to get the hearer to provide information-for example, Who won the 2000 presidential election? This class includes acts of asking, inquiring, etc. Directive is an utterance used to try to get the hearer to do something- for example, Shut the door. This class includes acts of requesting, ordering, forbidding, warning etc. 36. 33. The given sentence is the definition of “Maxim of Quality”. “Maxim of Relation” in option A has the notion of being relevant. “Maxim of manner” in option B has the notion of avoiding obscurity of expression, avoiding ambiguity, being brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity) and being orderly. “Maxim of quantity” in option D has the notion of making your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange) and not making your contribution more informative than is required. There is no such thing as “Maxim of participation” Grice’s maxims. Pairwork cannot be used to restore peace because pairwork requires all the students to talk and therefore it is rather noisy. The other options are all advantages of pairwork. A B C D E 37. The relationship between oak (a kind of tree) and tree is that of a subordinate and superordinate. Oak is the subordinate of tree which is referred to as “hyponym” in linguistics. A B C D E A deictic expression has one meaning but can refer to different entities depending on the speaker and his or her spatial and temporal direction. The given sentences are a common example of deixis. In overlap, the words overlap in meaning if they have the same value for some (but not all) of the semantic features that constitute their meaning. Entailment is a proposition (expressed in a sentence) that follows necessarily from another sentence. Synonymy is two words having the same sense, that is, they have the same values for all their semantic features. Antonymy is the state of true opposition between two words. A B C D E 40. A B C D E A B C D E Gradable Antonym means that the opposite words have various “degrees” in between them. Hot and cold given in option C has a number of degrees between the two ends, ranging from freezing, cool, warm, boiling etc. The antonyms given in the other options don’t have this kind of degrees in between them. Analytic sentences are true by definition, and are generally self-explanatory. A bachelor simply means an unmarried man; therefore it’s true by definition. A blue gas in option B is not colourless but it’s blue. A square in option C doesn’t have five equal sides; it has four equal sides. A bachelor in option D is not a married man. A triangle in option E doesn’t have four equal sides; it has three sides. A B C D E 41. The given sentence is the definition of slips. An error is a sort of mistake that students cannot correct themselves; they need assistance in doing so. Attempt is a kind of mistake students make when they have not yet seen/learned something and are merely trying or taking guesses. Thus, they cannot correct themselves. Mistake is the general term used to refer to all sorts of misuse made by students. Assessment is not a type of mistake; it’s a way of analysing and perhaps grading students. A B C D E A B C D E 5 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz. 2014 – ÖABT / İNG 42. TG – 3 The given sentence is a description of the tutor role of a teacher. Controller is the role when the teacher takes control of everything and asks for order (when teaching for example). Prompter is the role when the teacher is trying to get the student to do something (talk for example). Participant is the role when the teacher participates in the activities with the students. Resource is when the teacher is the source of information and helps out when students are in need. 45. Although Reliability, Construct validity, Practicality and Impact are among the qualities of a test, Amendability in option E is not one of the test qualities listed in testing and evaluation. 49. The correct answer is B. 49. A B C D E A B C D E 46. 43. The given situation describes opportunistic teaching which is an unplanned teaching conducted simply because it is necessary or a good idea. Task based teaching is the sort of teaching that is conducted especially with advanced students where the teacher has the students to “use” the language first, and then has the students practice and finally presents the new information. Although planned teaching, sequence teaching and teacher-based teaching makes sense in terms of the ideas they suggest, these terminology are not used in methodology. A B C D E 44. The given situations describe the physical participation or execution of verbal commands or instructions. This is referred to as the Total Physical Response. Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. Thus, it requires verbal response, not physical. Suggestopaedia focuses on creating an atmosphere in which the students feel comfortable and confident. The silent way is a methodology of teaching language based on the idea that teachers should be as silent as possible during a class but learners should be encouraged to speak as much as possible. Communicative Language Teaching also requires the students to be as active as possible and asks them to talk as much as possible. Thus, the response is not physical but verbal. The given sentence is the definition of a Language Portfolio. There is no such thing as assessment folder. Report is the endof-year assessment offered by schools that comments on the achievements of the student. There is no such thing as Conventional Evaluation. Continuous Assessment is the broad name given to all sorts of assessments that are not done in one single go. Language Portfolio is a kind of continuous assessment. A B C D E When we are communicating or uttering something in order to communicate, we need to consider the place we are communicating in (setting), the people we are communicating with (participants, gender) and the means of communication or how we are communicating (channel). However, when we are communicating with someone, we don’t make our choice of communication through lexis, but we decide on the lexis according to the above stated variables. A B C D E 50. “Lift” and “elevator” is an example to different lexical items. “Have you got” and “do you have” is an example of different phrasing. The pronunciation of advertisement in American English and advertisement in British English is an example of different pronunciation. Color (AmE) and Colour (BrE) is an example to spelling differences. However, there is no difference between American English and British English in terms of grammar. A B C D E 47. The given sentence is the definition of summative assessment. Formative assessment or diagnostic testing is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures employed by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. There is no such thing as an Informative Assessment. Like formative assessment, diagnostic assessment is intended to improve the learner’s experience and their level of achievement. There is no such thing as an Evaluative Assessment. A B C D E 48. Cognitive strategies are used in order to achieve learning. Therefore, learning cannot be one of the techniques to develop cognitive strategies. A B C D E A B C D E 6
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