茨城大学人文学部 ⋡ ᰴ .................................................................................................... 1 ෳട⠪ฬ★ ........................................................................................... 2 ࡑࠡ࡞⎇ୃ࡚ࠪ࠶࠻㓸 ............................................................................ 3 ᦼᓙߒߚ㛎ߩᾫᚑ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼㐳 ⍹ብౖ ............. 10 C r e a te Y o ur Own Life with Your Experience! ⻠Ꮷ ᧁޘ⟤ .......... 11 The 2016 Spring Break Immersion Kevin Stanley ·················· 12㨪 14 Teacher’s Mess ag es Kamran Ghazi ······················· 15 Anne Roop ................................ 16 Lisa Simpson ...................... 16㨪 18 Patricia Lee Donnelly .......... 18 㨪 19 Monitors’ messages Geoff Hirst ......................... 19㨪 20 Valerie Nguyen ................... 20㨪 21 ⎇ୃᣣ⒟ ......................................................................................... 22 ⎇ୃߩᤨ㑆ഀ ............................................................................. 23㨪 24 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇ߆ࠄߩ⺧᳞ᦠ ....................................................................... 25 ࡒࡀ࡞ࡃࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗ߆ࠄߩ⺧᳞ᦠ ...................................................... 26 2016 ⚻ ⾌ ႎ ๔ .................................................................................... 27 2016 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇ⧷⺆㓸ਛ⻠ᐳࠕࡦࠤ࠻ ........................................... 28 㨪 30 ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬታᣉ⸥㍳ ............................................................................. 31 ෳടቇ↢ႎ๔ᦠ㧔ฬ★㗅㧕 .............................................................. 32 㨪 68 ቇ↢ߩᚑ㐳ߦ⾗ߔࠆࡊࡠࠣࡓ߳ ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⎇ୃ⽿છ⠪ ฎ⾐⚐৻㇢ ....... 69 ✬㓸ᓟ⸥ ............................................................................................ 70 ✬ 㓸㐳ޔㅒ㓉⧐㧔ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ㧕 ✬ 㓸 ᆔ ຬ ޔዊ ₹ ᥍ ධ 㧔 ੱ ᢥ ቇ ㇱ 㧕 ޔᣂ ⟤ Ⓞ 㧔 ੱ ᢥ ቇ ㇱ 㧕 ޔዊ ᨋ ᜏ ㇢ 㧔 ㄘ ቇ ㇱ 㧕 ― ― ෳട⠪ฬ★ Name(ENG) Name(JPN) ᚲዻ ቇᐕ 1 Watahiki Chihar u ✎ᒁ ජ᥍ ੱᢥ 1 2 Chimura Ruka ජ Ⅎ㚅 ੱᢥ 1 3 K o dama Haruna ዊ₹ ᥍ධ ੱᢥ 1 4 Suzuki Mio ㋈ᧁ ⟤↢ ੱᢥ 2 5 Iijima Chihiro 㘵ፉ ජ ੱᢥ 2 6 T a k enaka Nozomi ┻ਛ ߩߙߺ ੱᢥ 2 7 Tamura Chihiro ↰ ߜ߭ࠈ ੱᢥ 2 8 I c hikawa Miki ᏒᎹ ⟤᮸ ੱᢥ 2 9 K i noshita Emiri ᧁਅ ⛗⟤᪸ ੱᢥ 2 10 Kikuchi Kaho ⩵ᳰ ૫Ⓞ ੱᢥ 2 11 Arai Miho ᣂ ⟤Ⓞ ੱᢥ 2 12 Goto Mizuki ᓟ⮮ ℰ⾆ ੱᢥ 1 13 Miyagaw a Tomoko ችᎹ ᥓሶ ੱᢥ 1 14 M a tsuda Kensuke ᧻↰ ஜ ੱᢥ 2 15 T akizawa Mai ṚỈ ⌀ ੱᢥ 2 16 Chigasaki Haruka ජࡩፒ ㆔ ੱᢥ 2 17 T a keda Nahoko ┻↰ ⩿Ⓞሶ ੱᢥ 2 18 Ando Itsuka ⮮ ߟ߆ ੱᢥ 3 19 Kobayashi Takuro ዊᨋ ᜏᦶ ㄘቇ 1 20 Yoko Yuki ᮮየ ♿ Ꮏቇ 3 21 S ak asai Takayoshi ㅒ 㓉⧐ ᢎ⢒ 1 22 Yoshida Yuki ศ↰ ⚿Ꮧ ℂቇ 2 ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ࢳẲẺẟ˳᬴ỉ༌ᴾ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼㐳 ⍹ብౖ ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇߢߩ⧷⺆⎇ୃ⻠ᐳ߇ᆎ߹ߞߚߩߪ 1997 ᐕߩߎߣߢࠇߘޔએ᧪ޔㅜಾࠇࠆߎ ߣߥߊ 20 ᐕㄭߊߩᱦࠍ㊀ߨߡ߈߹ߒߚޕᒰೋߎߩ⎇ୃߪੱᢥቇㇱࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ቇ⑼ߩਥߦࠃࠆ߽ߩߢߒߚ߇ޔߪੱᢥቇㇱ߇ਥߒੱޔᢥቇㇱ↢ߩߺߥࠄߕోቇㇱ ߩቇ↢߇ෳടߢ߈ࠆ⻠ᐳߣߒߡ⟎ߠߌࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߡ߹ߔޕ࿁ߩ⎇ୃ⻠ᐳߪޔ ߎ߁ߒߚታ❣ߩ߁߃ߦⓍߺߍࠄࠇߚᯏળߢࠆߎߣࠍߣߚߒ⚫ߏߕ߹ޔᕁ߹ߔޕ ߐߡޔෳടߐࠇߚߺߥߐࠎߩႎ๔ࠍ⺒ߺ߹ߔߣޔ1 ࠞߣ߁⎇ୃᦼ㑆ߪߥ߹ߑ߹ߐޔ ੱߚߜߣߩࠊࠅߦࠃߞߡᡰ߃ࠄࠇߚߓߟߦỚኒߥᤨ㑆ߢߞߚߎߣ߇વࠊߞߡ߈߹ߔޕ ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవߩࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒޔᬺߢᜰዉࠍฃߌߚవ↢ᣇ߿⎇ୃࠍᡰ߃ߡߊࠇߚࡕ ࠾࠲ߩቇ↢ߚߜઁߚߞߥߦ✜৻ߡߒߣ࠻ࠗࡔࡓࡎߪߦࠄߐޔ࿖߆ࠄߩ⇐ቇ↢̖ޕ ⧷⺆ߢ৻ᱠࠍ〯ߺߔ߹ߢߦዋߒാ᳇߇ᔅⷐߛߞߚੱ߽ޔ⢛ਛࠍߒޔᚻࠍᒁߡߊ ࠇࠆੱߚߜߦᕺ߹ࠇߚࠃ߁ߢߔޕߩੱߚߜߣหߓ߽ߩࠍ㘩ߴߦࠂߒߞޔᵴേߒ⋧ޔ ᚻߩ߁ߎߣ߫ࠍ߹ߨߡりߦߟߌࠃ߁ߣߔࠆࠆߦޠߎߎޔ߹ޟޔߡߒߘޕ⠪ߤ߁ߒߣ ߒߡޔࠇ߰ޔㅢߓ߅߁ߣߔࠆߩߺ⹜ߥࠎߘޕㅪ⛯ߛߞߚߎߣ߇ࠊ߆ࠅ߹ߔߚࠄޕ ߥⅣႺࠍోりߢฃߌߣࠆࡈࠖ࡞࠼ࡢࠢߩታ〣ߛߞߚߣ⟎ߠߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߢߒ ࠂ߁ߡߞ✼ޕળߞߚੱߚߜߣㅢߓ߃ࠆ༑߮ࠍ㊀ߨߡߊߥ߆ߢ⥄ߕߣ⧷⺆ߩജ߽⢒ ߹ࠇߡ߹ߔޕ ෳട⠪ߩᄙߊߪࠆߥ⇣ޔᢥൻߦりࠍ߅ߊߎߣߪ⥄ࠄߩⷞ㊁ࠍᐢߍޔቇ߱ᗧ᰼߇ḝߡ ߊࠆࠃ߁ߥ⾆㊀ߥ㛎ߣߥߞߚߣᦠߡ߹ߔઁޔߚ߹ޕᢥൻࠍ㏜ߣߒߡ⥄ᢥൻࠍߟ ࠆᯏળߦ߽ߥߞߚࠃ߁ߢߔߢ߹ࠇߘޕⓨ᳇ߩߏߣߊߚࠅ߹߃ߢᗧ⼂ൻߢ߈ߥ߆ߞߚ⥄ᢥ ൻ߇ઁޔᢥൻߦ߰ࠇࠆߎߣߢᶋ߈ᓂࠅߦߥࠆߩߢߔߥࠎߘޕᣂ㞲ߥ㛎߇ߥߚࠄޔቇ߮ ࠍଦߔߩߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ߎ߁ߒߡޔෳടߒߚ߭ߣࠅ߭ߣࠅ߇࿁ߩ⎇ୃᦼ㑆ࠍ․ߥ 1 ࠞߣ⟎ߠߌޔ⊒ ߔࠆ೨ߣᏫߞߡ߈ߚᓟߣߢߪޔ߆ߒࠄᄌൻߒߚ⥄ಽࠍᗵߓߣࠅߩߘߡߒߘޔᄌൻߪޟᚑ 㐳ߣޠ߱ߦ߰ߐࠊߒߣᗧߠߌߡ߹ߔߣࠅ߆ߞߒޔߦࠄߐޕりߦೞ߹ࠇߚ৻ㅪߩ ᧪ߪޔᱷࠅߩᄢቇ↢ᵴߩߺߥࠄߕޔᓟߩੱ↢ߦࠊߚߞߡᓇ㗀ࠍਈ߃⛯ߌࠆߦߜ߇ ߥߣ⸥ߔੱ߽߹ߔߩߎޕవޔ࿁ߩ㛎߇߭ߣࠅ߭ߣࠅߩߥ߆ߢᾫᚑߐࠇࠆߩࠍᦼᓙ ߒߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ᦨᓟߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ޔ࿁ߩ⎇ୃ⻠ᐳࠍㆇ༡ߔࠆߚߦߏዧജߊߛߐߞߚ㑐ଥ⠪ߩߺ ߥߐ߹ߦᔃࠃࠅ߅␞↳ߒߍ߹ߔ ޕ㧔⚳㧕 ― 10 ― ᵡᶐᶃᵿᶒᶃᴾᵷᶍᶓᶐᴾᵭᶕᶌᴾᵪᶇᶄᶃᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᴾᵷᶍᶓᶐᴾᵣᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴿ ᴾ ᴾ ⻠Ꮷ㧔ᓔ〝ᒁ₸㧕ᧁޘ⟤ ⎇ୃߦෳടߒߚ⊝ߐࠎߦޔ3 ߟߩ⸒⪲ࠍ߅ㅍࠅߒߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ F e a r a l w a y s s p r i n g s f r o m i g n o r a n c e . ( R a l p h Wa l d o E m e r s o n ) ࠞ ࠽ ࠳ ߦ ᣏ ┙ ߟ ೨ޕ߆߁ࠂߒߢߥߪߢߩߚߡߒࠠ࠼ࠠ࠼ߪࠎߐ⊝ޔᔃ㈩ߥߎߣ߽ߞߚ߆ߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ߎߩ࠼ࠠ࠼ࠠ߿ᔃ㈩ߩⵣߦߪᧂޔ⍮ߩ߽ߩ⚻ޔ㛎ߒߚߎߣ߇ߥ߽ߩߦኻߔࠆޟᕟᔺ߇ޠ ࠅ߹ߔߩߘޔߡߒߘޕᕟᔺߪޟ⍮ࠄߥޕߔ߹ߡߒ↢⊒ࠄ߆ߣߎޠ ࿁ߢ࠳࠽ࠞޔㆊߏߒߚߎߣߢᧂ⍮ߢߞߚߎߣ߇৻ㇱޟᣢ⍮ޔࠅߥߣޠᶏᄖߢ↢ᵴ ߔࠆߎߣߦኻߔࠆᕟᔺ߿࠼ࠠ࠼ࠠߪዋߒᷫߞߚߎߣߣᕁ߹ߔޕᚒߪޘᣣᏱ↢ᵴࠍㅍࠆ߁ ߃ߢ᭽ࠍߣߎߥޘᔃ㈩ߒߡ߹ߔ߇ޟ߽ߩࠆߦⵣߩߘޔᕟᔺޕߔߢߩߥޠ Ꮕߣ߁㗴߇ࠅ߹ߔޕᏅᗧ⼂ߩⵣߦࠆߩߪᏅኻ⽎ߣߐࠇߡࠆੱߦޘኻ ߔࠆᕟᔺߢࠆࠤࠬ߇ᄙߊߩߘޔᕟᔺߪᓐࠄߦߟߡޟ⍮ࠄߥޕߔ߹ߡ᧪ࠄ߆ߣߎޠ ⥄ಽߣߪ⇣ߥࠆ߽ߩߦኻߒޔ⍮ࠆߎߣߦࠃߞߡᕟᔺࠍਸ਼ࠅ߃ߩߘޔሽࠍฃߌᱛޔ ߘߎ߆ࠄޟℂ⸃߇ޠᆎ߹ࠅ߹ߔ⥄ޕಽߩ⋡ߢޔ⡊ߢ⡞߈ࠍ⿷ޔㆇࠎߢߘߩߦⴕ߈ޔ ੱޟࠍޘ⍮ࠆߦ߆߇ߣߎ߁ߣޠᄢಾߥߩ߆ߣ߁ߎߣࠍⷡ߃ߡߡ᰼ߒߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ߢߪࠆޔ႐ᚲߦⴕ߈ߐ߃ߔࠇ߫ࠃߩߢߒࠂ߁߆ ߢߎߎޕ2 ߟ⋡ߩ⸒⪲ࠍㅍࠅߚ ߣ ᕁ ߹ ߔ ޕE x p e r i e n c e i s n o t w h a t h a p p e n s ; i t ’s w h a t y o u d o w i t h w h a t happens to you. (Aldous Huxley) ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవߢ⍮ࠄߧ㘩ߴ‛߇ߡ߈ߚߣߒ߹ߔ߆ߚߒ߹ߒ߁ߤߪߚߥޕ㧫㘩ߴ ߕߦᷣ߹ߖ߹ߒߚ߆㧫ߘࠇߣ߽ാ᳇ࠍߒߡ㘩ߴߡߺ߹ߒߚ߆㧫ߩᢱℂߥߩ߆ޔߎ ࠇࠍ㘩ߴࠆߩ߆⟤߇ࠈߎߣߥࠎߤޔߒߣᕁ߁ߩ߆ࠍࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߦ⡞ߡߺߚߣ ߎࠈޔᣣᧄߢߪ㘩ߴߥߣ߁ߎߣߦࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߪ㛳ߡߚߣߒ߹ߔޕ ߎߎߢߎࠆߩߪ⥄ಽߣࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߣ߁⇣ᢥൻ㑆ߢߩޟቇ߮ว߽ޕߔߢޠ ߒ᳇ߠ߆ߥࡈࠍߒߡߚࠄޟߩߎޔቇ߮วޕ߁ࠂߒߢߚߞ߆ߥࠄߎߪޠනߦߘߩ ႐ߦࠇ߫ experience ߇ᓧࠄࠇࠆࠊߌߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ⥄ߢߎߘޕಽ߇ߤ߁ⴕേߔࠆ߆߇ ߥߚߩ experience ߦߥࠆ߆ߤ߁߆ࠍᄌ߃ߡߊࠆߩߢߔޕ ᦨ ᓟ ߦ ߁ ߽ ޔ1 ߟ ⸒ ⪲ ࠍ ㅍ ࠅ ߚ ߣ ᕁ ߹ ߔ ޕL i f e i s n ’t a b o u t f i n d i n g y o u r s e l f . Life is about creating yourself. (George Bernard Shaw) ⥄ಽߦߣߞߡᧂ⍮ߩ⇇ࠍ⍮ࠅߦࠇߘޔኻߔࠆᕟᔺࠍਸ਼ࠅ߃ޔฃߌᱛޔℂ⸃ࠍߒޔ ⥄ಽߩ⚻㛎ߣߒߡߊߩߢ࠳࠽ࠞޕᣣࠍࠇߘߪࠎߐ⊝ߢޘᐲ߽➅ࠅߒߡ߈ߚߩߢߪߥ ߆ߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ߎࠇ߆ࠄ߽ᄙߊߩᧂ⍮ߦㅩ߁ߢߒࠂ߁ⴕߢߎߘޕേߔࠆߎߣࠍᕟࠇߕߦޔᄙߊߩᣂ ߚߥ experience ࠍⓍߺߍޔᓟߩੱ↢ࠍࠃࠅቇ߮ߩᄙ߽ߩߦߒߡߞߡ᰼ߒߣ㗿 ߞߡ߹ߔޕ ᴾ ― 11 ― SchoolofContinuingStudies LanguagesandInterculturalCommunication ᵲᶆᶃᴾᵐᵎᵏᵔᴾᵱᶎᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᵠᶐᶃᵿᶉᴾᵧᶋᶋᶃᶐᶑᶇᶍᶌᴾᴾ Kevin Stanley G r e e t i n g s f r o m M c G i l l U n i v e r s i t y i n M o nt r e a l ! A s I w r i t e t h i s , i t a l m o s t l o o k s like spring is finally here – there is no snow left, and the days are becoming longer again. The squirrels are very busy digging, looking for food they hid last fall. Now that you are all busy with your classes, maybe this is a good time to reflect a little on the experience you had in Canada from February 20 to March 19, 2016. It was a special time your lives, one that you will never experience again in the same way. I remember meeting all the Ibadai students at Montreal’s Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport on Saturday evening. You were all tired and looked like you needed to go to sleep, but there was a lot of excitement in the group, too. Masako-san and Kevin Severin from Minerva Homestay helped you get taxis to your homestays. The next time I saw you was Monday morning at 8:30 AM, at the meeting point in McGill metro. I led you up to our orientation room, where you met your teachers and got started. That first day was very busy – you met your morning teacher, Anne or Kamran, and your pronunciation teacher, Pat or Lisa, and you met some of your monitors. You got your student cards, got your ― 12 ― SchoolofContinuingStudies LanguagesandInterculturalCommunication c o m p u t e r l o g i n f o r M y C o u r s e s a n d e m a il a n d w i f i f i n i s h e d , a n d y o u h a d a campus tour. On this day, you also met your classmates who weren’t from Ibadai – some were from Bunkyo University in Saitama, others were from Shirayuri University, Keio University, and Ryukoko University. There were 29 students in the program in 2016. That week, you started working hard for your teachers, and you had several adventures with your monitors – the Underground City, the Museum of Fine Arts, and Notre-Dame Basilica in Old Montreal. discovered cheese, On the Montreal Pacific Friday, bagels, smoked you cream salmon and capers, and then tried cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. It was very cold that day, and the snow was very icy – but it was a beautiful sunny day on Mount Royal. In Week 2, your classes continued as you got ready for the CBC TV newscast activity, and you had two guest speakers – Emilie Nketiah talking about Canadian culture, and Kevin Callahan talking about the Irish heritage of Montreal. The week ended with amazing smoked meat sandwiches from Schwartz’s, and poutine from Valentine, followed by Laser Quest. After my Canadian Trivia Game on Monday afternoon, Week 3 was all about Teacher for Children’s elementary Pearson a Day World our Academy, school school – in board, the in visit a public Lester the neighborhood. This school International Baccalaureat to B. Lasalle has an program, and they love to welcome guests from all over the world to help teach the children about different countries and cultures. Our groups went Kindergarten to talk about the five senses, Grade 1 to talk about healthy eating, Grade 2 to talk about how to make origami ― 13 ― hats, Grade 3 to talk about healthy relationships, Grade 4 to talk about cartooning, Grade 5 to talk about non-verbal communication, Grade 6 to talk about electricity, music class to sing songs, art class to draw, and gym class to learn about Sports Day and play games. It was a great success – the p r i n c i p a l a n d t h e t e a c h e r s a t t h e s c h oo l w e r e v e r y h a p p y , a n d a s k e d u s t o come again next year! It was a busy morning, and we finished the day in Saint Jean on the south shore of Montreal at a sugar shack named Meunier et fils. We ate the t r a d i t i o n a l s u g a r i n g o f f m e a l – p e a s o u p , b r e a d , c r e to n s , s a u s a g e , b a k e d beans, eggs, ham, “les oreilles du Christ”, pancakes, sugar pie and “grand- p è re s ” , a l l d o u s e d i n l o t s o f m a p l e s y r u p . A f t e r l u n c h , w e c h e c k e d o u t t h e petting zoo, and the taffy on snow. Week 4 meant the Amazing Underground Race and a couple more outings – Biodôme - Planetarium and Château Ramezay museum, and then final evaluations and our farewell ceremony. Excellent skits, songs and dances from each group. We finished the afternoon at Wienstein and Gavino’s restaurant Crescent with on Street, lots photos of and laughter. These four weeks were and very busy full of memories for you. I hope you keep in touch with your classmates who you shared these experiences with, and with us here at McGill – monitors, teachers, and me. It was a special time for us, too, and we hope to see you all again! Kevin Stanley, Academic Coordinator (End) ― 14 ― ᴾ ᵤᶐᶍᶋᴾᵲᶃᵿᶁᶆᶃᶐᶑᴾ ᵰᶃᵿᶊᴾᵪᶇᶄᶃᴾᵣᶌᶅᶊᶇᶑᶆᴾᵣᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ Kamran Ghazi I was glad that I had the opportunity to meet and teach another great group of students from Ibaraki U n i v e r s i t y. I never cease to be amazed how delightful, involved and motivated you were each and every day during your one month stay in Montreal, Canada. You all lived a “Real Life English Experience” for a month. You learned something new about Canadian culture every day. You worked hard on your listening and speaking skills. You did several retells of the listening activities and a few recordings, both individually and in pairs. I could clearly see a great progress in both your listening and speaking skills after four weeks. Plus, you sounded quite confident when you had conversation with your monitors. I was really proud of you. In addition to your in-class and after class (outings) activities, you worked together on a project called “Teacher for a Day” to present something about Japanese culture to Canadian Elementary school students at “Children’s World Academy”. This project was a great success and every one of the students was fascinated by the interesting things they learned about Japan and Japanese culture. I hope that you enjoyed this wonderful experience as much as I did. If you plan to continue your English studies, I highly recommend McGill’s English Intensive Program. In this program, you will get to meet and talk to students, w h o h a v e c o m e t o M c G i l l U n i v e r s i t y E ng l i s h I n t e n s i v e , f r o m a l l o v e r t h e world. It was a great pleasure for me to meet every one of you. I hope you had exciting and memorable moments in Montreal. I wish you all the very best. (End) ― 15 ― ›⁗⁞⁞‒⁘⁛⁗⁖‒⁛‒※⁔⁓⁓⁝⁛–‒ Anne Roop My name is Anne Roop and I am an English instructor at McGill University. This year at Spring Break I had the great pleasure of teaching English to students from Japan, mostly Ibaraki University students. Every morning everyone was on time and ready to go before class started. That’s amazing to see in Canada! In class the students spoke only English to each other. We had many discussions and did presentations. Also, the students had the opportunity to speak with other International students from around the world. The students visited our national radio station, CBC, and the big challenge was to be a ‘Teacher for a Day’ at a local elementary school. It was a very busy 4 weeks and the students improved very quickly! I hope everyone returned to Japan with great memories and confidence in their English speaking skills. All the best to you all! (End) ⁅⁇⁂‷⁄‒⁅⁂⁄※⁀‹‒⁅‷⁅⁅※⁁⁀‒․•‣ ‒ L isa S i m p so n This year, in February, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with a group of highly motivated students, the majority from your university, Ibaraki University, in Japan. I got to know nine of you quite well during the pronunciation classes I was teaching. As you will remember, we met for an hour a day, four days a week, and to me it seemed like each class went by in the blink of an eye. This was because your hardworking attitude and enthusiasm made the classes both productive and fun. You were always open to trying anything I suggested, and you were eager to tackle even the most challenging pronunciation hurdles. You faced the challenges of difficult English consonant and vowel sounds, randomly placed word stress, sentence stress and rhythm. You conquered ― 16 ― minimal pairs in words and sentences, tongue twisters, news reports, songs and poems. You practiced and you practiced, and your pronunciation got better and better. By the end of the month, you were English pronunciation superstars! I will remember you for a long time… x Itsuka for your pragmatism and ever positive attitude x Miki for your very quiet but attentive presence x K a h o f o r y o u r v e r y f r u i t f u l e f f or t s i n p r o d u c i n g n e a r n a t i v e - l i k e pronunciation x Mai for facing up to any and every challenge, even when it seemed hopeless (like the ice-skiing adventure!) x Takayoshi for your earnest approach to all tasks and for your diligence x Chiharu for your good-humored persistence x Tomoko for your determination and for the patience you had for your pronunciation teacher, who kept forgetting your name! x Emiri for your friendly smile and your dedication x And Haruna for the very positive energy and enthusiasm you brought to every class You and I will also remember your classmates from Ryukoku, Bunkyo and Keio Universities: x Kyoko for her joyful nature and her happy humming of the “Happy” song! x Ryota for his sense of humor and for his special pronunciation of “er” and “ar” sounds! x And finally Kurumi for her cheery and curious nature. McGill is lucky to be keeping Kurumi here for the summer session at McGill, but I wish all of you could have stayed longer, and I hope you will all come back soon! Haruna sent me pictures of the beautiful cherry blossoms that are in bloom in Japan these days, but in Montreal, spring is in no hurry to arrive. The trees are still bare, and there is still a bit of snow on the ground, but soon ― 17 ― the trees will come back to life after the long winter, and though we don’t have a cherry blossom season like in Japan, I’m sure you would find the transformation quite amazing. Montreal is a completely different experience in the summer! I hope I have enticed you to return, but in the meantime, I wish you all the very best! Your pronunciation teacher. (End) ⁆›※⁀‽※⁀‹‒″‴⁁⁇⁆‒⁋⁁⁇⁄‒‷⁀‹‾※⁅›‒⁂⁄⁁⁀⁇⁀‵※″⁆※⁁⁀‒″⁀‶‒ ⁂⁄‷⁅‷⁀⁆″⁆※⁁⁀‒⁅‽※‾‾⁅‒‷⁊⁂‷⁄※‷⁀‵‷‒※⁀‒‿⁁⁀⁆⁄‷″‾‒ Pat (Patricia Lee Donnelly) Hello Ibaraki students, I had the great pleasure of meeting you and working with you on your pronunciation and presentation skills this spring for a month – one hour a day, 4 days a week! I also had the great pleasure to attend and enjoy your graduation ceremony, your performances, and the great lunch and socializing at Weinstein and Gavino’s afterwards! We all worked hard and then were able to enjoy ourselves. What we worked on together in our classes was just an introduction to the wonderful world of English pronunciation – the music of English, the rhythm and the beat, the stress. Remember how many times I said welcome to music class! When you read out loud, don’t forget to clap! And remember how many times I said welcome to exercise class – all those exercises that involved moving your mouth, your lips and your tongue into just the right positions in order to make the sounds of English correctly. I am sure you all remember that it was not easy! Y o u m a d e a v e r y g o o d s t a r t i n t o t h e w on d e r f u l w o r l d o f E n g l i s h p r o n u n c i a t i o n , but now you need to continue. After all, practice makes perfect. So you need to remember my suggestions about continuing to work on and improve your pronunciation. The most important one is to make sure you use the materials i n t h e P r o n u n c i a t i o n f o l d e r i n t h e c o u rs e w e b s i t e . You have access to the course website until the end of December, so you have lots of time to really get familiar with what is there – just in case you were too busy when you ― 18 ― were here! There is lots of material for you in the Pronunciation folder. All the materials I used in class – for example, the powerpoint presentations – that you did not receive photocopies of are posted and you can easily refer to them. Who’s the student who forgot at the end what shwa is? (I won’t mention the name!) Just check out the powerpoint presentation! If you’re not sure about the position of your mouth, lips and tongue to particular sound, open Pronunciation: Phonetics to find out. program we looked at together in class. produce a This is the It shows you where/ how to place your mouth, lips and tongue for each sound and produces the sound for you so that you can listen to it. And you can listen as many times as you want to. It also tells you whether the sound is voiced or unvoiced. You can also listen to Kevin’s voice in a number of recordings and Lisa’s in the CBC script file. So this is a very good resource for you. Also in the Pronunciation folder is the material on giving a presentation: how to organize a presentation and the language to use when giving one. You made HUGE progress in your presentation skills from the beginning of the week to the end of the same week when you gave your presentations during the Teacher for a Day activity. your teachers and monitors All the hard work you did - together with – really resulted in great success. To finish - you were a really great, hard working and fun group! Again, it Congratulations to you! was my pleasure to meet you and work with you. to work hard – and don’t forget KISS! I’m sure you will continue All the best (End) ‸ ‒‿⁛‒‒ Geoff Hirst Several years ago, I was given the opportunity to work with Japanese s t u d e n t s w h o w a n t e d t o i m p r o v e t h e i r E ng l i s h s k i l l s . I w a s n o t s u r e w h a t t o expect from the job but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. The experience was terrific. I have worked with several groups of Japanese students over the years and it is for the same reason; it is a lot of fun. ― 19 ― The experience I had this past winter was no different. The students I met were courteous, curious and were genuinely excited to explore Montreal. Many students are shy at first, but it is normal. Any person going to a new country for the first time is going to be a little nervous, especially for some students who were having their first experience abroad. Over a very short period of time (the program is only about three weeks!) my students became very comfortable talking with me, enjoying new foods and places and exploring what Montreal has to offer. I was especially proud of the presentations my group put together to teach an elementary school class. We spent a few days together preparing a lesson that would keep an elementary class interested and teach them a little bit about Japanese culture. They had to prepare and present a lesson in a language that was not their first, which I find very impressive. I was pleased to hear that the presentations went over very well. Overall, it was a wonderful experience for me. I believe it was a wonderful experience for the students as well. Going to another country to study a l a n g u a g e i s e x c e l l e n t p r a c t i c e ; t h e s tu d e n t s g e t s u r r o u n d e d b y t h e l a n g u a g e and by ways of practicing practically. Even in such a short time, I noticed improvements in my groups spoken English. (End) ⁅⁛⁙‒※ ⁗⁛‒․•‣ ‒⁄⁗‒‒ Valerie Nguyen This spring, I had the distinct pleasure of spending a month with a group of very bright students from Japan. Upon arrival at 688 Sherbrooke, everyone was a little lost, tired, and most likely jetlagged but you all showed genuine interest and excitement as we walked through the McGill campus. The cold weather must have been a shock to some of you but –as you have seen throughout the month –Canada can get much colder and wetter. Although everyone came here to learn English and to learn about North American culture, I think that the monitors and McGill staff learned a great deal about Japan too. It was a cultural exchange! While you learned about ― 20 ― how unhealthy poutine can be and how passionate Canadians are about Hockey, we learned about Doraemon and the art of bowing to show respect. Even though some outings were less popular than others, I think we can all agree that we enjoyed the time spent together. On some of our very first outings, I remember how lost you guys all looked. You huddled close together and seemed a bit in awe. You relied heavily on my guidance for directions a n d s e e m e d t e n t a t i v e . B y t h e e n d o f t he m o n t h , e v e r y o n e w a s s o c o m f o r t a b l e navigating around the underground city and through the Montreal subway system (which is no comparison to the complicated Tokyo subway system). You no longer needed me to show you around! The month passed by very fast because it seemed that everyday brought a new adventure. Whether it was attempting to ski through slippery ice, d i s c u s s i n g m o d e r n a r t i n M o n t r e a l ’ s m u s eu m s , o r d r a g g i n g y o u r f e e t a f t e r t h e tour guide in Chateau Ramezay, you guys learned a little something every day and hopefully improved your English along the way. Whether or not you gave the outing a 10/10 or a 4/10, I hope you found the experience instructive! By the end of the month, you guys were used to my constant insistence that everyone should speak English. I think there was a clear difference between your level of English at the start of the program and the level of English at the end. I hope that when you guys all get together again in Tokyo, you will try to practice your English as a group! I thoroughly enjoyed my time with everyone throughout the month. Do not be too sad about leaving Montreal because this is not a “goodbye forever”, it is a “see you again”. With a 90 degree bow, I hope everyone enjoyed their stay in Montreal and will keep practicing English! (End) ― 21 ― ᣣ 䎃 ⒟ 䎃䎃 ᣣ䎃 䎃䎃ㇺ䎃 Ꮢ䎃 ฬ䎃 ᤨ㑆 ㅢᯏ㑐 䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃៰䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃ⷐ䎃 㘩䎃 䎃 䎃 䎔䎃 䯾 䯼 䯽 䰂 ⠀ ↰ ⊒䎃 ᐕ䎃 䯾䎒䯾䯼䎃 䮏 䮴 䮺 䮏 ⌕䎃 䯴䯵䎃 䮏 䮴 䮺 䮏 ⊒䎃 䮩䮺䮏䮱䭱䯃䮲⌕䎃 䎃 䎃 䎕䎃 䯾䎒䯾䯽䎃 䎃 䯴ᣣ䯵䎃 䎃 䮩 䮺 䮏 䮱 䭱 䯃 䮲䎃 䜯䎃 䜯䎃 䎃 䯿䎒䯽䰄䎃 䎕䎛䎃 䯴㊄䯵䎃 䎔䎚䰆䎓䎓䎃 䎔䎛䰆䎘䎓䎃 䎔䎙䰆䎗䎘䎃 䎔䎛䰆䎓䎓䎃 䎔䎜䰆䎕䎓䎃 䎃 䰍䰏䎓䎓䎙䎃 䎃 䰍䰏䎛䎖䎗䎃 䎃 ⠀↰ⓨ᷼࿖㓙✢䎃 㓸ว䫺䮈䭮䮊䭶䭫䮺䎃 䎤䎦 䬶䫺ⓨ〝䮏䮴䮺䮏䭇䎃 䰈ᚲⷐᤨ㑆䰆䯽䯽ᤨ㑆䰁䰁ಽ䰊䎃 ਸ਼䭙⛮䬝䫺䮩䮺䮏䮱䭱䯃䮲䭇䎃 䰈ᚲⷐᤨ㑆䰆䯽ᤨ㑆䯾䯼ಽ䰊䎃 䎃 䎃 䎃 ᄕ䰆ᯏ䎃 ᦺ䰆ᯏ䎃 䎃 ᤤ䰆䐙䎃 ᄕ䰆䐙䎃 ᦺ䰆䙶䎃 䎃 ᤤ䰆䙶䎃 䎃 ᄕ䰆䙶䎃 䎕䎜䎃 䯿䎒䯽䰅䎃 䮩䮺䮏䮱䭱䯃䮲⊒䎃 䯴䯵䎃 䮏 䮴 䮺 䮏 ⌕䎃 䎃 䎓䎜䰆䎓䎓䎃 䎔䎓䰆䎕䎚䎃 䰍䰏䰀䯼䰁 䎃 䎃 䎃 ኾ↪䮗䮀 ⚳ᣣ䎃 䎃 䎃 䎔䎗䰆䎗䎘䎃 䎃 䎃 䎃 䎔䎚䰆䎓䎘䎃 䎃 ኾ↪䮗䮀 䰍䰏䯼䯼䎘䎃 䎃 䎖䎓䎃 䯿䎒䯾䯼䎃 䎃 䯴ᣣ䯵䎃 䎃 䎖䎔䎃 䯿䎒䯾䯽䎃 䎃 䯴䯵䎃 䮏 䮴 䮺 䮏 ⊒䎃 䎃 䎖䎕䎃 䯿䎒䯾䯾䎃 䯴Ἣ䯵䎃 ⠀ 䎃 ↰ ⌕䎃 䰈࠲ࠢࠪ╬ߢࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవ߳㧪 䎃 䮥䭵䮲ᄢቇ⧷⺆⎇ୃ⻠ᐳ䎃 䰈䯿䯻䯽䯿䯴ᣣ䯵䭗䭙䭼䮥䯃䮆䭫䮧䰊䎃 䎃 䎃 䯴ᣣᧄ䬷䬽ᤨᏅ䰆䯹䯽䯿ᤨ㑆䯵䎃 䎃 䰈䱊䯿䎒䯽䰃䭍䬶䮢䯃䮧䮀䮍䭪䰊䎃 䰈䯿䎒䯽䰄䮩䮺䮏䮱䭱䯃䮲䬽䮢䮍䮲ᴱ䰊䎃 䎃 䜭䎃 ᄢቇ䬺䭗䭚ᚻ㈩䎃 ⓨ〝䫺䮏䮴䮺䮏䭇䯴ᤨᏅ䬹䬦䯵䎃 䰈ᚲⷐᤨ㑆䰆䯽ᤨ㑆䯾䰃ಽ䰊䎃 ⌕ᓟ䫺䮑䭫䭩䭳䮰䭇䯴⚂䯾ᤨ㑆䯵䎃 䰈ᣣᧄ⺆䭳䭫䮐หⴕ䰊䎃 ⌕ᓟ䫺ฦ⥄䬶ᤤ㘩䎃 ᤤ㘩ᓟ䫺䮑䭫䭩䭳䮰ⷰశ䎃 䭲䮑䮇Ṛ䭡ⵣ䬚䭘ⷰశ䬨䭚䬄䭿䮪䯃䮒 䯃䯂䮚䮖䭫䮺䮐䯂䭽䯂䮜䭰䯃䮲䬅䫺Ṛ䬚䭘ᵹ 䭛⪭䬰䭚ᄢ㊂䬽᳓䬛ർ᧲ᣇะ䬺ᵹ䭛 䭡ᄌ䬗䭚䮇䭫䮑䮦䮊䭶䬹䮤䭫䮺䮏䬄䮶䯃䮲䮞 䯃䮲䬅䫺䬄᳓ജ⊒㔚ᚲ䬅䯴ゞ⓹ⷰశ䯵䎃 ⚳ੌᓟ䫺䮏䮴䮺䮏䬽䮢䮍䮲䭇䎃 䰈䮏䮴䮺䮏䬽䮢䮍䮲ᴱ䰊䎃 䮏䮴䮺䮏Ꮢౝቇ䯴⥄↱ⴕേ䯵䎃 䯂䎦䏌䏗䏜䏋䏄䏏䏏䎃䎎䎃䏖䏎䏄䏗䏌䏑䏊䎃䏄䏕䏈䏑䏄䎃 䯂䎨䏄䏗䏒䏑䎃䎦䏈䏑䏗䏕䏈䎃䎶䏋䏒䏓䏓䏌䏑䏊䎃䏐䏄䏏䏏䎃 䯂 䎦䎱䎃 䎷䏒䏚䏈䏕䎃 䎋䎦䏄䏑䏄䏇䏌䏄䏑䎃 䎱䏄䏗䏌䏒䏑䏄䏏䎃 䎵䏄䏌䏏䏚䏄䏜䎌䎃 䯂䎵䎲䎰䎃䏐䏘䏖䏈䏘䏐䎃 䯂䎦䏋䏌䏑䏄䎃䎷䏒䏚䏑䎃 䯂䎦䏄䏖䏄䎃䎯䏒䏐䏄䎃 ⚳ੌᓟ䫺䮏䮴䮺䮏䬽䮢䮍䮲䭇䎃 䰈䮏䮴䮺䮏䬽䮢䮍䮲ᴱ䰊䎃 ඦ೨䰆ⓨ᷼䭇䎃 䎤䎦 䬶䫺ⓨ〝Ꮻ࿖䬽ㅜ䬺䎃 䰈ᚲⷐᤨ㑆䰆䯽䯿ᤨ㑆䯾䯼ಽ䰊䎃 䰈ᯏ䎃 ౝ䎃 ᴱ䰊䎃 䎃 ᦺ䰆ᯏ䎃 䎃 ᤤ䰆䐙䎃 䎃 ᄕ䰆䐙䎃 ᦺ䰆䧊䎃 䎃 ᤤ䰆䐙䎃 䎃 ᄕ䰆䐙䎃 ᦺ䰆䧊䎃 ᤤ䰆䐙䎃 ᄕ䰆ᯏ䎃 䎃 ᤤ䰆ᯏ䎃 ↪⥶ⓨળ␠㧦AC㧦ࠛࠕࠞ࠽࠳ ↪੍ቯࡎ࠹࡞㧦࠻ࡠࡦ࠻/Bond Place Hotel㧔㧞ᴱ㧕 ― 22 ― ― 23 ― ― 24 ― ― 25 ― Invoice MINERVAHOMESTAYINC. 3248rueDesQuatreͲSaisons SaintͲHubert,PQJ3Y8P2 Canada Tel:(450)462Ͳ7870Fax:(450)550Ͳ 1659 DATE INVOICE# 04/02/2016 1321 㩷 BILLTO IbarakiUniversity 2Ͳ1Ͳ1Bunkyo Mito Ibaraki310Ͳ8512 DUEDATE 10/02/2016 PLAN㩷 DATES WEEKS RF2015 Registrationfee2016Ͳ22STUDENTS FB2015 Fullboard(3meals)20/02/2016Ͳ 12/03/2016Ͳ22STUDENTS FBD2015 Fullboard(3meals)2015perday 12/03/2016Ͳ18/03/2016Ͳ22 STUDENTS WTF Wiretransferreceivingcharges SENDFUNDSTO:ROYALBANKOFCANADA1 WestmountSquareWestmount,QC,H3Z2P9, Canada.BankSortCode:003Beneficiary:Minerva HomestayInc.Transit:09231Account:1004993 ― 26 ― 22.0 AMOUNT 175.0 3,850.00 2 31 . 2 5 㩷1 5, 2 62 . 5 0 35.0㩷 4,620.00 1.0 Total RATE 15.0 15.00 23,747.50 ٧2016 ᐕ 3 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⧷⺆⎇ୃ ▚ 2016 ᐕ 8 13 ᣣ ว⸘ 12,100,000 550,000 ×22 ੱ㧩12,100,000 ᡰ 1 ⥶ⓨㆇ⾓ ࠨ࠴ࡖࠫ ⠀↰ⓨ᷼ᣉ⸳↪ᢱ ࠞ࠽࠳ⓨ᷼⒢ ࠽ࠗࠕࠟ࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ⷰశ ᶏᄖᣏⴕ㒾㧔㐳ᦼ࠲ࠗࡊ㧕 ᣣㅢᣏⴕ߆ࠄߩᣏ⾌⺧᳞ Ᏹ㓁㌁ⴕ߆ࠄߩㅍ㊄ᚻᢙᢱ 2 93,000 ×22 ੱ㧩2,046,000 21,000 ×22 ੱ㧩462,000 2,670 ×22 ੱ㧩58,740 8,140 ×22 ੱ㧩179,080 47,000×22 ੱ㧩1,034,000 21,410 ×22 ੱ㧩471,020 ዊ⸘ 4,250,840 540 ⸘ 4,251,380 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⎇ୃ⾌↪ ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⾌↪ 1568 CAD$×22 ੱ=34,496 CAD$ 34,496 CAD$㧔2,902,493 +ᚻᢙᢱ 6500 㧕 ̪ὑᦧ࠻ 84.14 3 ⸘ 2,908,993 ࡒࡀ࡞ࡃࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗ 1078CAD$×22 ੱ=23,716 CAD$ ࡊࠬ Wire transfer receiving charge 31.5 CAD$ ዊ⸘ 23747.50 CAD$ ὑᦧ࠻ 84.14 6,500 ᚻᢙᢱߢว⸘ 2,004,614 ࠍㅍ㊄ ⸘ 2,004,614 4 3 18 ᣣኋᴱߩࡎ࠹࡞ઍ(Best Western PLUS Montreal Airport) ࡌࠬ࠻࠙ࠛࠬ࠲ࡦࡎ࠹࡞ 140,000 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢࠬ࠲࠶ࡈ㜞⇌ߐࠎࠄ߳ߩ⸥ᔨຠ 45,000 㜞⇌ߐࠎ߳ߩ⻢␞ 150,000 ㅢ⾌ޔㅢା⾌ޔಾᚻઍߥߤ 80,000 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⎇ୃႎ๔ᦠ↪⚻⾌ 80,000 㔀⾌ 60,000 ോᚻ⛯߈⻉⚻⾌ 3,000 ×22 ੱ=66,000 ⸘ 621,000 9,785,987 2,314,013 ว⸘ ㊄ ᱷ㊄ 2,314,013 1 ੱᒰߚࠅ 10 ਁᒝߩㆶߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ― 27 ― 2016 ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇ⧷⺆㓸ਛ⻠ᐳࠕࡦࠤ࠻㧔2016.4.㧝ታᣉ㧕 ࠕ ࡦ ࠤ ࠻ ࿁ ᢙ 20 ฬ 㧔 ෳ ട 2 2 ฬ 㧕 ࡊࡠࠣࡓߩᡷༀߩߚߦࠕࡦࠤ࠻ߦߏදജߊߛߐߏߩࠎߐ⊝ޕᗧ߇ᓟߩࡊࡠࠣ ࡓߦᤋߐࠇ߹ߔߏޕᗧߩ⇟ภࠍߢޚ࿐ࠎߢߊߛߐޕ 1㧚ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇ⧷⺆㓸ਛ⻠ᐳ߳ߩෳടࠍߚℂ↱ߪߢߔ߆㧫 1.ࡐࠬ࠲ࠍߡ(4) 2.వヘޔੱ߆ࠄ⡞ߡ(8) 3.ࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬߦෳടߒߡ(5) 4.⎇ୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߩౝኈࠍ⍮ߞߡ(6) 5.ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗ߇ࠆ߆ࠄ(2) 6.ߘߩઁ(2)Ԙߒ߆ߥߣᕁߞߚ ԙቇ೨ߩࠝࡊࡦࠠࡖࡦࡄࠬߢ⺑ࠍฃߌߡ 2㧚⻠ᐳߦෳടߒߡޔᓧࠆ߽ߩ߇ࠅ߹ߒߚ߆㧫 Ԙߞߚ(21) ԙߥ߆ߞߚ 3㧚Ԙߣ╵߃ߚੱߪߪࠇߘޔߢߒߚ߆㧫 ޣ3 ߟ ㆬ ࠎ ߢ ٤ ࠍ ߟ ߌ ߡ ߊ ߛ ߐ ࠍ ઁ ߩ ߘ ޕㆬ ࠎ ߛ ੱ ߪ ޔℂ ↱ ࠍ ᦠ ߡ ߊ ߛ ߐ ޤޕ 1⇣ޔᢥൻࠍ⡼ߢ⍮ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ(13) 3⥄ߔࠍ⺆⧷ޔା߇ߟߚ (6) 2 ޔⓍ ᭂ ᕈ ⥄ ޔਥ ᕈ ޔะ ᔃ ࠍ 㙃 ߃ ߚ ( 11 ) 4⦟ޔળ߇ߞߚ(8) 5ઁޔ࿖ߩੱߣߩࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ᭉߒ߆ߞߚ(6) 6ࠍ࡞ࠠࠬߩ⺆⧷ޔะߐߖࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ(7) 7ޔ⇇ߩᐢߐࠍ⍮ߞߚ(3) 8⥄ޔಽߩⷞ㊁߇ᐢ߇ߞߡࠁߊߩࠍᗵߓߚ(2) 9⇣ޔᢥൻߦ⸅ࠇ⥄ಽࠍߟߥ߅ߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ(3) 10␠߿ޘੱߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔળߦߟߡ⍮ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ(2) 11 ࠗ ࠹ ࠬ ࡓ ࡎ ޔ 㛎 ( 4 ) 12ޔᕁ߁ࠃ߁ߦᗧᕁ⇹ㅢߢ߈ߕߦᖎߒ߆ߞߚߣߞ߽ࠍ⺆⧷ޕീᒝߔࠆᗧ᰼߇ࠊߚ(4) 13 ઁߩߘޔ 4㧚ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇߩ⧷⺆⎇ୃ⻠ᐳߩࡊࡠࠣࡓਛߢ৻⇟ീᒝߦߥߞߚߎߣߪߢߔ߆㧫 ޣ㧝 ߟ ㆬ ࠎ ߢ ٤ ࠍ ߟ ߌ ߡ ߊ ߛ ߐ ࠍ ઁ ߩ ߘ ޕㆬ ࠎ ߛ ੱ ߪ ౕ ⊛ ߦ ᦠ ߡ ߊ ߛ ߐ ޤޕ 1.ࠞ࠽࠳ߦ㑐ߔࠆ lecture (1) 2.⊒㖸ࠢ࠾࠶ࠢ(3) 3.ઁ࿖ߩ⇐ቇ↢ߣߩᵹ(0) 4.࿖ౝߩઁᄢቇ↢ߣߩᵹ(3) 5.ࡕ࠾࠲ߣߩᵹ(5) 6.ᣣᏱળ(8) ߘߩઁ(1)Ԙ ઁੱߩ⸒߁ߪߊ߹ߢ 1 ߟߩᗧ 5㧚ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߦ㗴ߪࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚ߆㧫 x ߥߒ( ޕߒߥߦ․ޔ15) x ಌߊ⦟ળߦߥߞߚޕ x ߣ ߡ ߽ ࠃ ߆ ߞ ߚ ޔᭉ ߒ ߚ ޕ㧔 㧕 x ᦨ⚳ᣣߦᤨ㑆ߩㇺวߢળ߁ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߥ߆ߞߚߎߣ߇ዋߒᔃᱷࠅޕ 6㧚࠽ࠗࠕࠟߩṚ߮࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ 1 ᣣⷰశߪᭉߒ߹ߒߚ߆㧫 ― 28 ― 1.ᭉߒߚ(21) 2.ᭉߒߥ߆ߞߚ ᗵᗐ߇ࠇ߫ᦠߡߊߛߐޕ x 1 ᣣࠍߣߡ߽ᭉߒߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚⷰޔߐ⦟ߩੱߩ࠻ࡦࡠ࠻ޕశߩ⼾ንߐߦ㛳ߚޕ x ࠽ ࠗ ࠕ ࠟ ߩ Ṛ ㄝ ߢ ߩ ⥄ ↱ ᤨ 㑆 ߇ ߽ ߁ ዋ ߒ ߞ ߚ ࠄ ࠃ ߆ ߞ ߚ 㧔 2 㧕 ⷰ ࠻ ࡦ ࡠ ࠻ ޕశ ߩ ⃰ ߪⴕ߈ߚ႐ᚲ߇ว߁ੱߚߜߢ㓸߹ࠆߩ߇ޕ x ࠽ ࠗ ࠕ ࠟ ߩ ⵣ ߇ ߣ ߡ ߽ ㄼ ജ ߇ ߞ ߚ 㧔 2 㧕 ߦ ࠻ ࡏ ޕਸ਼ ߞ ߡ ߺ ߚ ⥄ ޕಽ ߚ ߜ ߢ ⸘ ↹ ߒߡ࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ߩⴝࠍᱠ߈࿁ࠇߡߣߡ߽ᭉߒ߆ߞߚޕ x ⇇ᢙߩⷰశߦⴕߌߡ⦟߆ߞߚޕṚࠍⵣ߆ࠄࠇߡߣߡ߽ࠃ߆ߞߚޕ x ᄤߦ߽ᕺ߹ࠇ⦟᥊⦡ࠍࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚޕዋߒࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞߇࠲ࠗ࠻ߛߞߚޕ x ࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ߩඳ‛㙚Ꮌࠅ߇ߣߡ߽ᭉߒ߆ߞߚޕᄢቇߩ࿑ᦠ㙚ߪࠟࡦ࠳ࡓ߇ߡ߈ߘ߁ߢߒ ߚޕ₀ࠞࡈࠚ߇ࠆߎߣߦ㛳ߚޕ x ᭉߒߚ߇ᤨ㑆߇㒢ࠄࠇߡߚߩߢੱߢⴕߞߚ߶߁߇ᭉߒࠆߣᕁߞߚޕ x ⃰ⴕേߪ⥄↱ߦേߌޔᭉߒ߆ߞߚ ߁߽ߢ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޕዋߒⷰశߒߚ߆ߞߚޕ x ࠟࠗ࠼ߐࠎ߇ᣣᧄ⺆ߢߒߞ߆ࠅಽ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊ⺑ߒߡߊࠇߚߩߢℂ⸃ߒ߿ߔ߆ߞߚޕゞ ⓹߆ࠄߩ᥊⦡߽ᭉߒߚޕ 7㧚ੱੱߢෳടߔࠆઁߩᄢቇ↢ߩࠃ߁ߦޔᓟߪᒁ₸ࠍᑄᱛߔࠆᣇะߢߔ᧪ޕᐕߪࠅߣޔ ߃ߕޔᓳ〝ߩᒁ₸ࠍᑄᱛߒ߹ߔߩߘޕ႐วߪޔෳടߒ߹ߔ߆ޕ 1.ෳടߔࠆ(18) 2.ෳടߒߥ(3) ℂ↱ࠍᢎ߃ߡߊߛߐޕ x ⥄ಽߢ㘧ⴕᯏࠍᚻ㈩ߢ߈ࠇ߫ߣߪᏫࠇࠆޕ x ᓔ 〝 ߢ 㘧 ⴕ ᯏ ߩ ਸ਼ ࠅ ᣇ ߇ ಽ ߆ ࠆ ߩ ߢ ᓳ 〝 ߪ ೨ ߽ ߞ ߚ ᜰ ␜ ߇ ࠇ ߫ ߣ ߆ ߥ ࠆ 㧔 2 㧕ޕ x ⴕ߈ߪೋᶏᄖߩੱ߽ߡਇߥߩߢᒁ₸ߪᔅⷐޕᓳ〝ߪࠆ⒟ᐲᘠࠇߚߩߢᄢਂᄦޕ x ࿁ⴕߞߡߺߡߦ․ޔᒁ₸ߩᔅⷐᕈߪߥߣᗵߓߚޕ x ਸ਼ࠅ឵߃ߩᣇᴺࠍᢎ߃ߡ߽ࠄ߃߫ߥߌⴕޔߪήޕ x ⥄ ಽ ߢ ో ߡ ߿ ࠆ ߎ ߣ ߇ ߢ ߈ ⾆ ㊀ ߥ ⚻ 㛎 ߦ ߥ ࠆ ޕ㧔 5 㧕 x ࠬࠤࠫࡘ࡞߇⚵߹ࠇ(ޔⓨ᷼߹ߢߩ⒖േᣇᴺߥߤ)Ꮻ࿖ߢ߈ࠆߩߢࠇ߫ᔅⷐߥޕ x ઁ ᄢ ቇ ߩ ቇ ↢ ߪ ᒁ ₸ ߥ ߒ 㧔 2 㧕 ⥄ ޕಽ ߚ ߜ ߽ ߣ ߆ ߔ ࠆ ᔅ ⷐ ࠅ ޕ x ⓨ᷼ߢߩᚻ⛯߈ߥߤ߶ߣࠎߤ㗴߇ߥ߆ߞߚޕᑄᱛߒߡ߽ޕ x ⇐ቇߒߡ 1 ߆⚻ߟߣ⧷⺆ߦ߽ᘠࠇߡߡ✕ᕆᘒ߇ߞߡ߽⥄ಽߚߜߢኻಣߢ߈ࠆޕ x ߤߜࠄ߽ᑄᱛߔࠆߣ⸒ࠊࠇࠇ߫ਇߛ߇ᓳ〝ߛߌߩᑄᱛߢࠇ߫ෳടߒࠃ߁ߣᕁ߁ޕ x ߆㗴߇ߎߞߚߣ߈ߦቇ↢ߛߌߢ⸃ߔࠆߣ߁ߩߪᔃ⚦ߣᕁ߁߆ࠄޕ x ⾌↪ߩ㗴ޕ 8㧚᧪ᐕ߆ࠄᏫ࿖ߪੱੱߩ್ᢿߣߥࠅ߹ߔ߹ߩߘࠄ߆࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޔࠄߚߞߛߚߥޕ ߹Ꮻ࿖ߒ߹ߔ߆ߏޕᗧࠍ߅⡞߆ߖਅߐ↱⚻ޕ߽⡞߆ߖߡߊߛߐޕ x ࠞ ࡞ ࠟ ⚻ ↱ ࠍ ߡ ࠻ ࡠ ࡦ ࠻ 㧔 1 0 㧕 ⷰ ࠟ ࠕ ࠗ ࠽ ޔశ ߿ ࠻ ࡠ ࡦ ࠻ ⷰ శ ࠍ ߒ ߚ ޕ x ࠽ ࠗ ࠕ ࠟ ߩ Ṛ ߪ ⷰ శ 㧔 4 㧕ޕ x ߘߩ߹߹Ꮻ࿖ⷰޕశߪ߅㊄߇߆߆ࠆ(4)ޕ x ߢ߈ࠇ߫ߤߎ߆ነࠅߚߣߪᕁ߁߇․ߦߤߎ߆ߪ⠨߃ߡߥޕ ― 29 ― x ߘߩᤨߩ⚻ᷣ⁁ᴫߦࠃࠆޕ 9㧚ᐕߪޔ߇ߚߒ߹߈ߛߚߡߒⴕ⛯ޔ㜞㦂ࠍℂ↱ߦᓎࠍᱛߚߣࡑࠨࠦߐࠎ㧔㜞⇌ 㓷ሶߐࠎ㧕߇ṳࠄߐࠇߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕઍࠊࠅߩᓎࠍߟߌࠆᔅⷐ߇ࠅ߹ߔ߆ޕ x ߥ ߒ ( 8 ) ࠄ ߚ ࠇ ߊ ߡ ޔᔃ ᒝ ߇ ޔή ℂ ߦ ߟ ߌ ࠆ ᔅ ⷐ ߪ ή 㧔 2 㧕ޕ x ∛ ᳇ ߩ ᤨ ߥ ߤ ߩ ࠨ ࡐ ࠻ ߥ ߤ ߽ ࠅ ߔ ߢ ߚ ߇ ࠅ ߣ ࠆ ߌ ߛ ߚ ߡ ߌ ߟ ޔ㧔 7 㧕ޕ x ߥߊߡ߽↢ᵴߪߢ߈ࠆ߇ߚޔᣇ߇ᔃߔࠆߒࠗࡌࡦ࠻ߩᤨ߽ᭉߒࠆޕ x ࠆߩࠕ࠷ޕ೨ᣣߥߤޔᴱ߹ࠄߖߡߚߛߡߔߏߊഥ߆ߞߚޕ⍮ࠄߥߢ㗬ࠇࠆ ᣣᧄੱ㧔ᄢੱ㧕߇ࠆߩߪᔃᒝޕ x ࠅ ߹ ߔ 㧔 4 㧕 ࡞ ࠝ ࠻ ࡦ ࡕ ޕᘠ ࠇ ߒ ߡ ࠆ ᣣ ᧄ ੱ ߇ ߘ ߫ ߦ ࠆ ߩ ߣ ߥ ߩ ߣ ߢ ߪ 㓐 ಽ㆑߹ߔޕ㜞⇌ߐࠎߩ߅߆ߍߢ anti cafe ߿ઁߩ႐ᚲߦⴕߊߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚߩߢߩߘޔ ࠃ߁ߥੱ߇ࠆߣߣᕁ߁⊕ޕᄛ⑂ߩᄛߩ߅ᴱ߹ࠅળߢߺࠎߥખ⦟ߊߥࠆޕ 10㧚ࡊࡠࠣࡓࠍᓟ⛮⛯⊒ዷߐߖߡࠁߊߚߦޔᡷༀߒߡ᰼ߒὐ߇ࠇ߫⥄↱ߦᦠ ߡߊߛߐޕ x ⚛᥍ࠄߒࡊࡠࠣࡓߢߒߚޕ x ߩ ੱ ߿ ઁ ࿖ ߆ ࠄ ߩ ⇐ ቇ ↢ ߣ ߩ ᵹ ߇ ࠇ ߫ ߽ ߞ ߣ ⦟ ߆ ߞ ߚ 㧔 2 㧕 ޕᷰ ⥶ ೨ ߩ ീ ᒝ ળ ޕ x ೨⺑ળߩౝኈ߇ᰳᏨ⠪ߦߪචಽߦવࠊߞߡߥߎߣ߇ߞߚޕฦ⺑ળߩౝኈࠍ น⢻ߢࠇ߫ෳട⠪ోຬߦࡔ࡞ߢㅍࠆߥࠅߒߚࠄޕ x ⊒㖸ߩࠢࠬࠍ a ߿ ƕ ߆ࠄߢߪߥߊ߽ߞߣ⊒ዷ⊛ߥౝኈ߆ࠄߞߡ᰼ߒޕ x ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇߩࠗࡦࡆ࠹࡚ࠪࡦࠪ࠻ߦߟߡ⺑ࠍࠇߚ߶߁߇ࠅ߇ߚߢߔޕ x ࠢࠬ߇ಽ߆ࠇࠆߣޔ㆑߁ࠢࠬߩੱߣߩᵹ߇ዋߥޕᓟඨߪోຬߢⴕ߁ࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࡆ ࠹߽ࠖߞߚߩߢ⦟߆ߞߚ߇ߣߞ߽ޔ೨ඨ߆ࠄᵹߒߚ߆ߞߚޕCBC ߩ✵⠌ߪ߽߁ዋ ߒ⍴ߊߡ߽⦟ߣᕁߞߚޕㅜਛߢ⊝߈ߡߚ߆ࠄޕ x ቇ↢ߩ᳇ಽ߇ߔߋࠇߕᏫ࿖߇ߦߥߞߡߒ߹߁႐วߪㆃᑧߢ߈ࠆᒁ₸⠪߇᰼ߒޕ x ߽ߒᓟᒁ₸߇ࠆ႐วߦขࠅᱷߐࠇࠆੱ߇ࠆߣ߈ߪߘߜࠄߦᒁ₸ߩవ↢ߪߟߡ ߡ᰼ߒ┙ޕ႐ᱷࠇߥవ↢ߪㆡછߢߪߥߩߢߪߥ߆ޕ x ⚻⾌ߦ߹ࠇߡࠆએ⽿ߣࠎߜ߈ޔછߩࠆੱࠍᒁ₸ߩᜂᒰߦߒߡ᰼ߒߣߑޕ ߁ᤨߦഥߌߡߊࠇߥߩߥࠄᒁ₸ߪᔅⷐߥޕ 㧔ᒁ₸ߦߟߡࠈࠈߏᗧࠍߚߛ߈߹ߒߚߩࠎߐ⊝ޕᡰᛄ߁⾌↪ߦߪޔᒁ₸ߩᢎຬߩ ᣏ⾌߿ኋᴱઍߥߤߪ৻ಾ߹ࠇߡ߅ࠅ߹ߖࠎ┙ߩ↹⸘ޕ᩺╷ቯޔవᣇߣߩോ⺞ᢛ⺑ޔ ળ࠲ࠬࡐޔᚑߣឝ␜ߤߥ࠻ࡐࠬࡄޔቇ↢߆ࠄߩᔅⷐᦠ㘃ߩ㓸ޔᄢቇ߳ߩᦠ㘃ߩၫ ╩ឭޔቇ↢ߦኻߔࠆᡰេ㊄ߩ↳⺧ߩ⾌⚻ޔᓽޔㅍ㊄ᬺോޔᒁ₸ޔႎ๔ᦠߩ✬㓸ᬺോߥ ߤߪޔᢎຬߩᄢቇߩᱜᑼߥᬺോߦߪ߹ࠇߡ߅ࠄߕߢ߹ߊޔᢎຬߩࡏࡦ࠹ࠖࠕ♖ߦଐ ሽߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕవᣇߣߩ⧷⺆ߢߩ߿ࠅขࠅ߿ቇ↢ߩߥߤ㕙ୟߥᬺോ߇߆ߥࠅᄙߚޔ ߎࠇࠍ༑ࠎߢᒁ߈ฃߌߡߊࠇࠆᢎຬߪޔᱷᔨߥ߇ࠄߘ߁ᄙߊߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕᔊ⻃ߔࠆᢎຬ߽ ዋߥߊߥߩ߇⁁ߢߔޕෳടቇ↢ߩ⥄┙ᔃࠍᶩ㙃ߔࠆⷰὐ߆ࠄ߽ᒁ₸ߪᓟޔᑄᱛߩᣇะ ߢߔޕ㇌ੱࠍᣂߚߦណ↪ߔࠆߥߤࡑࠡ࡞ᄢߪޔᣣᧄ߆ࠄߩቇ↢ฃߌࠇᘒࠍⓍᭂൻߐߖߡ ߅ࠅ⨙ޔᄢߩᒁ₸ᑄᱛࠍᡰᜬߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔ㧩ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⎇ୃ⽿છ⠪㧕 ― 30 ― ᐕᐲࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇ⧷⺆⎇ୃᤐ⻠ᐳࠟࠗ࠳ࡦࠬ (McGillUniversityShortEnglishProgramTimeschedule) 㓸 15 ฬ㨪30 ฬ⒟ᐲ ᦼ㑆 2016 ᐕ 2 ਛᣨ㨪ห 3 ਛᣨ㧔⚂ 1 ߆㧕 ౝኈ ోᦼ㑆ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗ⺆⧷ޔᬺ⊒ޔ㖸ࠢ࠾࠶ࠢޔᏗᦸ⠪ߦߪୃ⎇ޔᣏⴕ 㧔ࠝ࠲ࡢࠢ࠶ࡌࠤޔ㧕ߩࠟࠕࠗ࠽ޔṚⷰశ㧔࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ᴱ㧕ࠍ↪ᗧ ⾌↪ 50 ਁ⒟ᐲⷰࠟࠕࠗ࠽ޔశߪޔㅜᢱ㊄ᓽ㧔5 ਁ㧕 ↳ㄟᦼ㑆 7㨪10 วࠊߖ ฎ⾐⚐৻㇢㧔ౝ✢ 8448㧕࠻࠶ࡒࡘࠪ࠼࡞࠽ࡠޔ㧔ౝ✢ 8463㧕 ̪ ੱᢥቇㇱߩ⧷⺆㑐ଥߩኾ㐷⑼⋡ߣߒߡ 4 නߩቯ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ ̪ TOEFL ╬ߩ⹜㛎ࠍฃߌࠆᔅⷐߪࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ̪ ⺑ળߪᲤ 1 ࿁ޔએਅߩᣣ⒟ߢ㐿ߒ߹ߔޕ10 ᧃߦᦨ⚳⠪ࠍቯߒ߹ߔޕ ╙ 1 ࿁⺑ળ 6 17 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 2 ࿁⺑ળ 7 15 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 3 ࿁⺑ળ 10 7 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 4 ࿁⺑ળ 10 29 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ 406 ᢎቶ 10 30 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕㓸✦ಾࠅ ╙ 5 ࿁⺑ળ 11 18 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 6 ࿁⺑ળ 12 16 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 7 ࿁⺑ળ 1 13 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 8 ࿁⺑ળ 2 9 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ ╙ 9 ࿁⺑ળ 4 1 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 12㧦10㨪 ੱᢥ C406 ᢎቶ 㧔એ㧕 ― 31 ― ᵫᶗᴾᵥᶐᶃᵿᶒᴾᵣᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ✎ᒁජ᥍(Watahiki Chiharu) I learned listening, speaking and pronunciation at McGill University. At first, it was hard for me to understand what my teachers were speaking. After one week, I gradually got accustomed to my environment. It became comfortable for me to listen and speak in English. I tried to speak in English in the class with my friends. I was inspired very much. The lesson of pronunciation was very difficult. Especially it was difficult to distinguish between “r” and “l.” I did many activities every afternoon. I went to a church, an art museum and so on. My monitor gave me good information. It was nice. I also went to sugar shack. I ate ham with maple and maple taffy. I hardly experience such a thing in Japan. It became unforgettable memory. One of the most impressive activities was the “Teacher for a day.” I went to an elementary school with my colleagues and taught pupils about Japan culture. My group’s topic was Japanese anime. I drew anime’s main actor Draemon with pupils by singing songs. They seemed very happy with our lectures. They were very aggressive and they raised their hands many times for asking questions. I was surprised the difference of Japanese pupils and Canadian’s. I couldn’t answer their questions perfectly but it was a nice experience. My homestay was also very good. When I arrived at my homestay from Japan, my host mother welcomed me with a smile. I was relieved very much. She always cooked lunch and supper for me. She sometimes served me foods that I do not like. Once I explained her, she didn’t serve me anymore. I learned that telling my taste is very important. I didn’t have confidence to talk in English. She asked me many questions. With her effort I could have many chances to speak in English. I played origami with her often. It was difficult to explain how to fold a crane. However, I thought I could get along with my host mother through origami. And she liked crane very ― 32 ― much. I was very sad to say good-bye to my host mother. I want to meet her someday. To study abroad, I could talk with native speakers and I noticed my English level. And I could experience Canadian culture. I thought I want to study Canadian culture more. There were few chances to speak English in Japan. It is important that I make some opportunies to speak English. I study harder and I want to speak English with confidence. One month was very short to improve my English skill. But I could get many things through studying abroad. ਥߦࠬ࠾ࡦࠣ⊒ޔࠣࡦࠠࡇࠬޔ㖸ࠍቇ߮߹ߒߚᦨޕೋߪవ↢ߩ⻠⟵ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆߩ߇߿ ߞߣߢߒߚ߇ޔ2 ㅳ⋡߆ࠄߪ↢ᵴߦ߽ᘠࠇᆎࠍ⺆⧷ޔ⡞߈߇ߣߎߔޔᭉߒߊߥߞߡ߈߹ ߒߚ߽ߢࠬࠢޕᣣᧄੱߣ⧷⺆ࠍߔࠃ߁ߦᔃ߇ߌ߹ߒߚޕ ⊒㖸ߩᬺߪ㔍ߒߊ ߦ․ޔr ߣ l ߩ⊒㖸ߩ߇ᄢᄌߢߒߚޕඦᓟߪᢎળ߿⟤ⴚ㙚ࠍ⸰ࠇ ߹ߒߚ࡞ࠡࡑޕᄢߩቇ↢ߩࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎ㆐ߪ᭽ࠍߣߎߥޘᢎ߃ߡߊࠇߡߣߡ߽ീᒝߦߥࠅ߹ ߒߚ߽ࠖࡈ࠲࡞ࡊࡔޔߌ߆ࠍࡊ࠶ࡠࠪ࡞ࡊࡔߦࡓࡂޔ߈ⴕ߽ߦࠢ࠶ࡖࠪࠟࡘࠪޕ㘩 ߴߚࠅߒ߹ߒߚޕᣣᧄߢߪߥ߆ߥ߆ߢ߈ߥ⾆㊀ߥ⚻㛎ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ᦨ߽ශ⽎ߦᱷߞߡࠆߩߪޟTeacher for a dayޕߔߢޠߩዊቇᩞࠍ⸰ߒޔᣣᧄߩ ᢥൻߦߟߡሶଏߚߜߦࠢ࠴ࡖߒ߹ߒߚޕᬺߪߩࠎ߽߃࠼ޔߪ⃰ߩ⑳ޔࠍ৻✜ߦ ࠍࠎ߽߃࠼ޔឬ߈ޔሶଏߚߜߪߣߡ߽༑ࠎߢߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕᬺਛߦޔᐲ߽ᚻࠍߍ ߡ⾰ߔࠆሶଏߚߜߩߩߘޔⓍᭂᕈߦߪޔ㛳߈߹ߒߚߊ߹߁ޕ╵ߢ߈߹ߖࠎߢߒߚ߇ࠃ ⚻㛎ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ࡎࡓࠬ࠹߽ࠗߣߡ߽ࠃ߆ߞߚߢߔޕೋᣣޔኅߦ⌕ߔࠆߣࡑࠩߪ╉㗻ߢㄫ߃ߡߊࠇޔ ߶ߞߣᔃߒ߹ߒߚ߽ߟޕᤤ㘩ߣᄕ㘩ࠍߞߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕህߥ㘩ߴ‛߽ࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ޔ ߘࠇࠍߪߞ߈ࠅߣવ߃ߚߩߢએ㒠ޔ㘩ߦࠆߎߣߪࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕYes ߆ No ࠍߪߞ ߈ࠅ⸒߁ߎߣߪാ᳇߇ࠅ߹ߔ߇ᄢಾߥߎߣߛߣᕁ߹ߒߚޕ ⧷ળߦ⥄ାߪࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚ߇⾰ࠎߐߊߚ߇ࠩࡑޔߒߡߊࠇߚ߅߆ߍߢળߩᯏ ળࠍ߽ߟߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕᄕ㘵ᓟߦ᛬ࠅ⚕ࠍᢎ߃߹ߒߚ⺑ޕߪᄢᄌߢߒߚ߇ޔ᛬ࠅ⚕ࠍ ㅢߒߡખ⦟ߊߥࠇߚ᳇߇ߒ߹ߔޕࠇߪߣߡ߽ߒ߆ߞߚߢߔ߇ߟ߆߹ߚㆆ߮ߦⴕ߈ߚޕ ࡀࠗ࠹ࠖࡉࠬࡇࠞߣߒ⥄ޔಽߩ⧷⺆ߩ⢻ജߦߟߡ߽ಽ߆ࠅ߹ߒߚߩ࠳࠽ࠞޕᢥൻ ߽ታ㓙ߦ⸅ࠇࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߦࠄߐޔീᒝߒߚߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕᣣᧄߢ⧷⺆ࠍ߁ᯏળߪߥ ߆ߥ߆ߥߩߢߚߒ߁ߘޔⅣႺࠍ⥄ಽ߆ࠄࠆߎߣߪᄢಾߢߔߣߞ߽ߣߞ߽ޕീᒝߒߡ⥄ା ࠍ߽ߞߡ⧷⺆ࠍߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅߚߢߔޕ1 ࠞߪ⍴߆ߞߚߢߔ߇ޔᄙߊߩߎߣࠍᓧࠄࠇޔ ᧄᒰߦࠃ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ― 33 ― ᵪᶍᶔᶃᶊᶗᴾᶂᵿᶗᶑᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ජℲ㚅(Chimura Ruka) I went to Canada for a month. This experience greatly influenced my thinking and life. Many friends may report McGill University life, so I’ll write about host family and precious meetings in Montreal. I felt big difference of culture in church. My host family is Christian, so I went to church in every Sunday and last Wednesday. People prayed, sang with music of guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocal, and then they heard talk of cool priest. It’s a little different than I have ever imagined, but everything here was wonderful for me. I met many people in church. Although I’m stranger and I have no religion, they accepted me warmly and talked about many things with me. I felt my lack of English skill, but at the same time I noticed people could communicate well even if they have different mother tongue. I was encouraged by knowing the difference between Japan and Canada. Natural things in Canada are not so in Japan. When I am in Japan, sometimes my feeling wasn’t understood, but the feeling suits naturally in Canada. I was very comfortable. Even only noticing the difference was good experience for me. Sometimes I was in trouble in Canada, but every time I was confused, many Canadian people such as clerk, bus driver, old women and little children helped me. I was deeply touched. I was able to find precious things through days in Canada. I will remember the words a woman told me. “When you will be hard, hear your mind. Holy Spirit is a l w a y s i n y o u r h e a r t . T h e re i s t h e a n s w e r . ” R e g a r d l e s s o f r e l i g i o u s a n d c u l t u r a l difference, I was able to understand important things. I often remember words, thinking and precious meeting there. This experience supports me now. One month was very short, but it was a fulfilling days. I was touched by people’s love and I felt how wide the world is. I noticed importance of joy, choice and what makes my life better. Finally, I will report school days. It was a lot of fun!!!! Class teacher Ann is very kind and pronunciation teacher Pad is so interesting. I loved their class. Also, I spent very happy time with my monitor and friends. Sometimes I couldn’t stop laughing because monitor cho was so funny! Wai was always kind to me. Class members were cheerful and bright, so I had a lot of wonderful memories with them. At first, I had some worries about life in Canada. However, I ― 34 ― completely forgot about my anxiety after life in Montreal started. Mcgill days was over all too soon because they are so enjoyable for me. I really appreciated everything in Canada. 㧝ࠞߩࠞ࠽࠳ߢߩ⎇ୃߢᒝὓߥ⇣ᢥൻ㛎ࠍߒߩ⑳ޔ⠨߃ᣇࠍᷓߣߎࠈ߆ࠄᄌ߃ࠆߣ ߡ߽ᄢ߈ߥォᯏߣߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒ߇ࠢࠬ࠴ࡖࡦߛߞߚߚᲤㅳᣣᦐᣣߚ߹ޔ᳓ᦐᣣߦᢎળߦⴕ߈ߩߘޔᢥ ൻ ߦ ᶐ ࠅ ߹ ߒ ߚ ޕᢎ ળ ߣ ߞ ߡ ߽ ߅ ࠅ ߩ ᓟ ߦ ߩ ࡞ ࠞ ࡏ ޔ ࠼ ࡏ ࠠ ޔ ࠬ ࡌ ޔ ࠲ ࠡ ޔṶ ᄼ ߦ ࠊ ߖ ߡ ߦ ࡓ ࠭ ޔਸ਼ ߞ ߡ ࠍ േ ߆ ߒ ߥ ߇ ࠄ ߦ ޔ ߩ ߘ ޔᓟ ࠷ ࠬ ޔᆫ ߩ ࠞ ࠶ ࠦ ࠗࠗ ’ Ꮷ ߐ ࠎ ߩ ߅ ࠍ ⡞ ߊ ߣ ߁ ઍ ⊛ ߥ ߽ ߩ ߢ ߒ ߚ ߩ ߢ ߎ ߎ ޕ 㛎 ߪ ߣ ߡ ߽ ᷓ ߊ Ớ ߽ ߩ ߢ ߒߚ ޕ ᢎળߢޔᄙߊߩੱߣળ߹ߒߚઁޕ࿖߆ࠄ᧪ߚᣣᧄੱߩ⑳ࠍ߽ߡߣߪ⊝ޔ᷷߆ߊ߁ߌ ࠇߡߊࠇߡ⺆⧷ޕߚߒ߹ߒࠍߩࠎߐߊߚޔജߪ߹ߛ߹ߛߢߒߚ߇߇⪲⸒ޔ㆑ߞߡߡ߽ੱ 㑆ߪߎࠎߥߦಽ߆ࠅว߃ࠆߩ߆ߣᔃߩᐩ߆ࠄᕁߞߚ⍍㑆߇ᢙᄙߊࠅ߹ߒߚޕᣣᧄߢߪᒰߚ ࠅ೨ߢߥߎߣ߇ࠞ࠽࠳ߢߪᒰߚࠅ೨ߢޔᣣᧄߛߣዋߒᄌࠊߞߡࠆߨߣ⸒ࠊࠇࠆ⠨߃ᣇ߇ޔ ࠞ࠽࠳ߢߪ᥉ㅢߛߞߚࠅߔࠆߩߢߔޕᣣᧄߣߪ㆑ߞߚᢥൻߣ♖ࠍᜬߜࠍࠇߘޔၮ⋚ߦ↢ᵴ ࠍߒߡࠆੱߦߣߎࠆ߇ޘೝỗࠍฃߌ߽ߡߣޔዬᔃ߇⦟߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ᄬᢌߥߤ߽ߚߊߐࠎ߿ࠄ߆ߒߚࠅ߹ߒߚ߅ޕᐫߢ࿎ߞߡࠆߣᐫຬߐࠎ߇ޔߪߢࠬࡃޔห ਸ਼ߩ߅߫ߜ߾ࠎ߿ㆇォᚻߐࠎ߇ⷫಾߦഥߌߡߊࠇᧄࠍߐߒߐ߿ޔᒰߦߚߊߐࠎᗵߓ߹ߒߚޕ ᣏߦࠇ߫ޔᄢಾߥ߽ߩࠍߟߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆߣ߹ߔߩߎޔߦߐ߹ޕ㛎߇ߢ߈ߚߩ ߆ߥߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ࠆᅚᕈߦߎࠎߥ⸒⪲ࠍ߆ߌࠄࠇ߹ߒߚޟޕㅅߞߚᤨޔㄆᤨ৻⇟ᄢಾߥߎߣߪߥߚߩᔃ ߦ ⡞ ߡ ߺ ࠆ ߎ ߣ ޔᄢ ಾ ߥ ߽ ߩ ߪ ߟ ߽ ߥ ߚ ߩ ᔃ ߩ ਛ ߦ ߞ ߡ ޕޠࠆ ߦ ߎ ߘ ߽ ߟ ߪ ߃ ╵ ޔ ቬᢎޔᢥൻߩ㆑ߢߪߥߊࠆ߈↢ޔߢᄢಾߥߎߣࠍᢎ߃ߡ߽ࠄߞߚࠃ߁ߥ᳇߇ߒ߹ߔޕ Ꮻ࿖ᓟߩߢ߽ᤨޘᕁߒߩߢߎߎޔ㛎ߪߩ⑳ࠍᡰ߃ߡ߹ߔޕ㧝ࠞߩ⍴ᦼ㑆 ߢߒߚ߇ޔỚ㛎ߢࠅߥޘ⦡ޕߚߒ߹߈ߢ߇ߣߎࠆࠇ⸅ߦߐߒߐ߿ߩࠎߐߊߚޔ⇇߇ ࠆߣ⍮ࠅޔᐲ⢷߽ߟ߈⥄ޔಽߩਛߦ 1 ߟߩ⧌ߩࠃ߁ߥ߽ߩ߇ߢ߈ߚߣᗵߓ߹ߔ⸰ޕߩ೨ ᓟߢ߆ߥࠅᄌࠊߞߚߣᕁ߹ߔޕ ⎇ୃߢߩ↢ᵴߪࠅߪ߿ޔᄖߖ߹ߖࠎᧄޕᒰߦᧄޔᒰߦᭉߒ߆ߞߚ㧍#PP ߣ 2CV ߩᬺߪߔ ߏߊᭉߒߊߡߦ✜৻ޔ╉ࠎߐߊߚޔෳടߒߚࡔࡦࡃߣ߽ᄙߊߩᗐ߇ࠇ߹ߒߚޕ%JQ ߣ 9CK ࠍߪߓߣߒߚࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߣߩᵴേ߽ߣߡ߽ᭉߒߊߡߣߦ߆ߊߚߊߐࠎ╉ߞߚޕೋ ߪਇ߽ߞߚߌࠇߤޔᆎ߹ߞߡߒ߹߁ߣᭉߒߊߡޔᭉߒߊߡ߁ߣߞޔ㑆ߩ㧝ࠞ㑆 ߢߒߚߩߎߪ⑳ޕ㛎ࠍ৻↢ᔓࠇ߹ߖࠎߦୃ⎇ޕෳടߒߡᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚߢߔߢ࡞ࠡࡑޕ㑐 ࠊߞߡߊࠇߚੱߺࠎߥߦᗵ⻢ߒߚߢߔޕ ― 35 ― ᵟᶌᴾᵳᶌᶄᶍᶐᶅᶃᶒᶒᵿᶀᶊᶃᴾᵱᶎᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ዊ₹᥍ධ (Kodama Haruna) I met many people in Canada, such as my host family, teachers, monitors, people who were working at the place where I went. Through this trip, I realized how great human relationship is. Of course, I learned English but I want to mention the connection between the people who I met in Canada and me because I felt very happy to spend times with such nice people. They were so friendly that I could rely on them and talk to them actively. It did not take time before we got along. Thanks to them, I really could enjoy my stay in Canada. We talked and laughed a lot, sang some songs, and danced together. Now I know it doesn’t matter where we come from to enjoy something together. Now I have some friends in Canada. This is one of the best souvenirs that I had. Thanks to the technology, I can have contacts with them by SNS. They can know how I have been and what Japan is. I hope they will come to Japan someday. Then I would be able to take them to nice places in Japan. There is a saying “Once in a life time” which means there’s no second chance. But I’m sure I can see them again. I don’t think Canada is far from Japan anymore on both points of cross-cultural understanding and a sense of closeness. We have a long way actually..... Oh, come to think of it, I saw a tattoo saying “৻ᦼ৻ળ” which means “once in a life time” on a clerk’s wrist at the Laser Quest. ߎߩᤐભߺߪ⇟৻ߢߢ߹ޔᗧ⟵ߢలታߒߡ߹ߒߚ⾆ߊߥߢߌߛ⺆⧷ޔߪୃ⎇ޕ㊀ߥ 㛎߇߉ࠀߞߣ߹ߞߚᄞߩࠃ߁ߥᣣޕߚߒߢޘ ೋᣣߪޔᘠࠇߥ⇣࿖ߩߢޔㅢࠍߞߡᄢቇ߹ߢ 1 ੱߢⴕߊࡂ࠼࡞ߩ㜞ᦺߢ ᆎ߹ࠅ߹ߒߚޕೋߡળ߁ੱᦼޔߢࠎߐߊߚ߇ޘᓙߦ✕ᒛߣਇ߇ࠅᷙߓߞߚⶄ㔀ߥ᳇ᜬ ߜߢߒߚޕవ↢ᣇ߿ࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߚߜ߇࡙ࡕࠕࠍ߃ߡޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦធߒߡߊࠇߚ߅߆ߍߢޔ Ⓧᭂ⊛ߦߒ߆ߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚޕ ᬺߪߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔᢥൻࠍ㗴᧚ߦታ〣⊛ߦ⧷⺆ߢߔޔ⡞ߊߎߣߦ㊀ὐ߇⟎߆ࠇޔᵴേࠍㅢ ߓߡ⧷ળߦ⥄ା߇ᜬߡࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߚߜߣਅ㋕ߢㄭߊߩฬ ᚲࠍᎼࠅߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔᢥൻࠍᄢߦቇ߮߹ߒߚߚߞߥߊߒⷫޕᓐࠄߣޔ⡺ደ߳ⴕߞߚࠅᦨޔ ᓟߪߦ✜৻ޔߥ߇ࠄⴝࠍᱠߚࠅߒߚޕએ೨߆ࠄ⍮ࠅวߛߞߚߩߢߪߣᗵߓࠆ߶ߤޔ ᭽ࠍߣߎߥޘᭉߒߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚ ߽ߢޕSNS ߢߟߥ߇ߞߡ߹ߔޕᓐࠄߣ㆐ߦߥࠇ ߚߎߣߪᣣᧄߦᜬߜᏫߞߡ߈ߚᦨ㜞ߩ߅↥ߩ 1 ߟߢߔޕ ― 36 ― ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవߩ߅Უߐࠎߪቇ↢ߩฃߌࠇߦᘠࠇߡߡޔ᳇ߨߥߊ↢ߦ↱⥄ޔᵴߢ߈ ߹ߒߚޕᢱℂ߇ᓧᗧߢలታߒߚ⟤ߒ㘩ࠍߚߊߐࠎᢎ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕ 2 ߚ₀ߩ ᣇߪੱᙬߞߎߊ߁߽ޔ ᣇߪࠪࡖࠗߢޔᰴ╙ߦᘠࠇߡߊࠇߚߩ߇ߣߡ߽ሜ ߒ߆ߞߚޕᔃᱷࠅߛߞߚߩߪ߅ޔᲣߐࠎߣߤߎߦ߽ⴕߌߥ߆ߞߚߎߣޕㅳᧃߪᲤㅳⷰశߦ ߆ߌߡߚߩߢߦ✜৻ޔㆊߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߕޔᱷᔨߛߞߚ߽ߢࠇߘޕᲤ࿁╉㗻ߢㅍߞߡߊ ࠇߚ߅Უߐࠎߦߪᗵ⻢ߒߡ߹ߔߚ߹ޕ߁ߣ߇ࠅޕળ߅߁ߨ㧍 ᦨᓟߦ߇࠳࠽ࠞߪ⑳ޔᅢ߈ߛ⥄ޕὼޔੱޔᑪ‛̖߽ߡߣߪ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޕዬᔃ߇⦟߆ ߞߚߒ߁ߘޔᗵߓߐߖߡߊࠇߚߩߪ߅ߦߥߞߚࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒޔవ↢ᣇߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔ ࠎߢ↸ޔળߞߚੱޕߛޘᓐࠄߣળ߃ߡᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚޕᭉߒ߆ߞߚ᧪ࠍߢ߽ᕁ ߔߚ߹ޕᓐࠄߦળߚޕ ᵫᶗᴾᶒᶐᶃᵿᶑᶓᶐᶃᴾᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ㋈ᧁ⟤↢ Suzuki Mio This is the first time for me to go abroad. At first, I feel nervous. But the month was full of fun and happiness. My memories in Canada make me smile. Montreal which is multicultural city is the best place for me because my major is cross-cultural communication. I could see a lot of culture in Montreal. And I think my world was so smaller than I have thought. People who I met and memories in Canada is my treasure. I love my friends and M o n t r e a l . N o w, I r e a l l y w a n t t o g o t o M o n t r e a l a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e . F i n a l l y, I d i d n ’t t h i n k a b o u t m y f u t u r e b e f o r e I w e n t t o C a n a d a . T h r o u g h t h o s e e x p e r i e n c e , I t h i n k a b o u t m y f u t u r e . N o w, I w a n t t o w o r k w i t h m y E n g l i s h language ability at Japanese style inn. ⎇ୃߦⴕߊ߹ߢ৻ޔᐲ߽ᶏᄖߦⴕߞߚߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚࠅ߹߇⺆⧷ޕᚻߊߥ ߎߣ߽⋧߹ߞߡޔਇߣ✕ᒛߦ⧦߹ࠇߡߚߩࠍⷡ߃ߡ߹ߔߊⴕޕ೨ߩਇ߇ཐߛߞߚ߆ ߩࠃ߁ߦᗵߓࠄࠇࠆߊࠄలታߒߚ 1 ࠞࠍㆊߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߡޔᣧߊ߽৻߁߽ޔᐲࡕࡦ࠻ ࠝ࡞ߦⴕ߈ߚߣ߁᳇ᜬߜߢߞ߬ߢߔޕ ߽ߜࠈࠎޔ⍴ᦼ㑆ࠞ࠽࠳ߦߚߛߌߢ⧷⺆ߩ⢻ജ߇⊛ߦߔࠆ߹ࠅߪߣߎ߁ߣޔ ߖࠎޕ1 ࠞߢᓧࠄࠇߚߎߣߪޔਅᚻߥ⧷⺆ߢ߽ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍ࿑ࠈ߁ߣߔࠆᐲ⢷ߢ ߔੱߩޘੱߩ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޕᨩ߽ࠅ߹ߔ߇߇ࠄߜߎޔવ߃ࠃ߁ߣᗧᕁࠍᜬߞߡߖ߫ޔ ฃߌขࠅᚻ߽⡞ߡߊࠇࠆߎߣ߇ᄙ߆ߞߚࠃ߁ߦᕁ߹ߔޕ ᬺ߿ࡕ࠾࠲㆐ߣߩળࠍㅢߒߡᢥᴺ߿⊒㖸ߦ㑐ߒߡᓧࠄࠇߚ⍮⼂߿⚻㛎ߪࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔ ⧷⺆ࠍߔߎߣߦኻߔࠆࡀࠟ࠹ࠖࡉߥᗵᖱࠍᷫࠄߖߚߩߪᄢ߈ߥⓠߢߒߚޕ ― 37 ― ⧷⺆⢻ജߩะߛߌߢߥߊ⇣ᢥൻ㛎ߣ߁㕙ߢ߽⚛ߪ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޔ᥍ࠄߒⴝߢߔޕ ቇᩞߦⴕߊߦߒߡ߽ߡ߈ޔ㘩ߴࠆ߽ߩ߽ޔᄖߩ᥊⦡߽ޔਅ㋕߽ޔᱠߡࠆੱ⸅ޔ߽ޘ ࠇࠆ߽ߩߔߴߡ߇⇣ᢥൻߣ߁ᣣޔߪޘࠊߞߚߎߣߩήೝỗ⊛ߥᤨ㑆ߢߒߚޕ ᄙᢥൻ߇ࠅᷙߓߞߡࠆࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߢߪߊߥߢߌߛ࠳࠽ࠞޔ᭽ߥޘ࿖ߩᢥൻ㧔ਥߦ 㘩ᢥൻ㧕ࠍࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕਛ⪇ᢱℂ߿ᣣᧄ㘩ࡓ࠽࠻ࡌ߿ࡦࠕ࠲ࠗޔᢱℂߥߤޔ ⇇ฦ࿖ߩࠍ߭ߣߟߩ႐ᚲߢ㛎ߢ߈ࠆߩߪ⾆㊀ߥ㛎ߢߒߚޕ ⚂ 1 ࠞ㑆ߩࠞ࠽࠳ṛࠍㅢߒߡ⑳ߪ⥄ಽߩ⇇߇ዊߐߣ߁ߎߣࠍᡷߡᕁ⍮ࠅ߹ ߒߚࠆޔߡߒߘޕળ߆ࠄᣣᧄߩᣏ㙚߿ࡎ࠹࡞ߢ߈ߚߣ߁ᄞࠍᜬߟߎߣ߽ߢ߈߹ ߒߚߢ࠳࠽ࠞޕળߞߚੱޔㆊߏߒߚᤨ㑆ߩ⑳ߪߢ߇ߡߴߔߩߘޔቲ‛ߢߔޕ ᵫᶗᴾᶋᶃᶋᶍᶐᶇᶃᶑᴾᶍᶄᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ ੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ 㘵ፉජ (Iijima Chihiro) I p a r t i c i p a t e d i n E n g l i s h t r a i n i n g p r o gr a m o f M c G i l l U n i v e r s i t y f r o m F e b r u a r y 22th to March 18th. This program is composed of 4 weeks. At first, in week1 and week4, I attended classes in the morning, and then, I went to various places with monitors in the afternoon. Next, in week2, I prepared for CBC. Last, in week3, I prepared for “Teacher for a day.” At first, about the classes of university in the morning, I attended two types of classes; grammar and pronunciation. In grammar class, I was speaking, writing, listening and reading. I thought my all of English skills became a little better. In pronunciation class, I practiced English pronunciation. I was reading English words and short scripts while paying attention to pronunciation and accent. I thought my English pronunciation became a little better. About CBC, I experienced a reporter. Also, about “Teacher for a day”, I became a teacher, and I told Japanese culture to elementary school students. Next, about the sightseeing with monitor, I went to many places; Underground city, Notre-Dame, Montreal Museum, Bio-Dome and so on. My most favorite place is underground city. It is so big, and there were a variety of shops. I often went to there after school and holiday. I bought some clothes, food and souvenirs. I had a nice time there. Finally, through this month, I learned a lot of things from my host mother, teacher, monitor and my friends. Also, I feel a little growth myself. These memories are very important for me, and they are my treasure. ― 38 ― ⎇ୃࡊࡠࠣࡓߪޔ4 ㅳ㑆ޕ1 ㅳ⋡ߣ 4 ㅳ⋡ߪޔඦ೨ਛᬺࠍฃߌޔඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎ ߣࠈࠎߥߣߎࠈ߳ⴕ߈߹ߒߚޕ2 ㅳ⋡ߪޔߩㅍዪ CBC ߩ⸰ߩߚޔ3 ㅳ⋡ߪޔዊ ቇᩞ߳ߩ೨⻠⟵ޟTeacher for a day㧔㧝ᣣవ↢ࠍ߿ࠆ㧕߽ࠇߕߩޠḰߢߒߚޕ ඦ೨ਛߪޔᢥᴺߣ⊒㖸ߩ㧞࠲ࠗࡊߩᬺޕᢥᴺߪ࠾ࠬޔࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗޔࠣࡦࠠࡇࠬޔ ࡦࠣ߇ߡߴߔ࡞ࠠࠬߩ⺆⧷ߡߞࠃߦࠇߎޕࠣࡦࠖ࠺ޔዋߒะߒ߹ߒߚޕ ⊒㖸ߩᬺߢߪ⊒ޔჿ߿ࠕࠢࡦ࠻ߦᵈᗧࠍᛄߥ߇ࠄ⧷ޔන⺆߿⍴ᢥ┨ࠍޔჿࠍߒ ߡ⺒ߺ⊒ޔ㖸߇ዋߒ⦟ߊߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕCBC ߢߪ⸥⠪ࠍ⚻㛎ߒ߹ߒߚޕዊቇᩞߩ⸰ߢߪ⨙ޔ ᄢ↢߇ߦࠊ߆వ↢ߦߥࠅޔዊቇ↢ߦᣣᧄߩᢥൻࠍᢎ߃߹ߒߚޕ ࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߣ⸰ߒߚ᥊ൎߦߟߡ⚫ߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕਅⴝ߿ࡁ࠻࡞࠳ࡓᄢ⡛ၴޔ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞⟤ⴚ㙚ޔേᬀ‛ߩࡃࠗࠝ࠼ࡓߥߤࠍ⸰ࠇ߹ߒߚޕ᳇ߦߞߚߩߪኙ ౻ࠍߒߩߋߚ⊒㆐ߒߡߚਅⴝߢߒߚ߽ߡߣޕᄢ߈ߊޔ᭽߅ߥޘᐫ߇ࠅޔ⺖ᓟ߿ ભᣣߦ⦟ߊ⸰ߒ߿ޔ㘩ߴ‛߅ޔ↥ߥߤࠍ⾈⚛ޔᢜߥᤨ㑆ࠍㆊߏߒ߹ߒߚޕ1 ࠞࠍ ㅢߒߡ߿ࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޔవ↢ᣇޔࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔ㆐߆ࠄߚߊߐࠎߩߎߣࠍቇ߮߹ߒߚ⥄ޕ ಽ⥄り߽ዋߒᚑ㐳ߒߚߣᗵߓߡ߹ߔߩߎޕᕁߪ߽ߡߣޔ㊀ⷐߢޔቲ‛ߢߔޕ ᵳᶑᶃᶄᶓᶊᴾᶑᶉᶇᶊᶊᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶉᶌᶍᶕᶊᶃᶂᶅᶃᴾᵧᴾᶅᶍᶒᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ┻ਛߩߙߺ (Takenaka Nozomi) I was not interested in foreign countries before I participate in this program. I participated in this program because my friend had decided to participate that yet. So I joined that without much thought. But I got wonderful result. I think it was good choice to join this program. It was my first trip to abroad, but I could s p e n d g o o d t i m e i n C a n a d a w i t h o u t n e r vo u s n e s s . W h y ? B e c a u s e I c o u l d h a v e a lot of friends whom I was able to share anxiety or happiness with. I experienced a lot for a month in Canada and it was the best one month in my life. I enjoyed the month thanks to my host family and home mates. My host family consists of a host mother, a host grandmother and two Chinese home mates. They were very kind. First, my host mother asked me what I did in my school after she came back home every day. Second, my host grandmother was good at making sweets and dishes. She taught me how to make some dishes or sweets. And also I talked to her about Japanese dishes. At first, I was concerned about not to be understood right meaning. But in fact, I felt my English skill was improved day by day. I could talk with my host family clearly and smoothly. It makes me happy. Third, two Chinese home mates were so helpful for me. They ― 39 ― were like my real older sisters. Every night, we have talked about not only our hobby, but also each culture and history. It was really interesting because the information was different from my stereotype. In addition, I could learn how Chinese think about Japan. I think I could improve my English skill and I got a lot of knowledge thanks to them. I always had many questions whenever I experienced new things in that one month. This trip made me curious about everything. I could broaden my horizons as for job hunting and study due to my interest to abroad. I believe this mental growth is the best result in this stay. The knowledge and the way of thinking which I acquired in Canada will be useful for not only my study but also my future life. ⎇ୃ߳ෳടߔࠆ೨ߪޔᄢቇ↢ᤨઍߦᶏᄖߦ㧝ᐲߊࠄⴕߞߡߺߚߣߩ᳇ᜬߜ߇ߞߚ⒟ ᐲߢޔ㑐ᔃߪ߹ࠅࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕෳടߩ߈ߞ߆ߌ߽ޔੱ߇ෳടߔࠆ߆ࠄߣߩシ᳇ ᜬߜߢߒߚ߇ޔߪޔෳടߒߡᧄᒰߦࠃ߆ߞߚߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔޕ ᣂߒ㛎ߦኻߔࠆਇ߿༑߮ࠍᗵߢ߈ࠆ㆐߇ᄙߊ✕ᒛ߽ߥߊㆊߏߔߎߣ߇᧪߹ߒ ߚޕᓧࠄࠇߚ߽ߩߪߣߡ߽ᄙߊ߽ᦨߢ↢ੱޔలታߒߚ 1 ࠞߢߒߚޕ లታߒߡߚߩߪࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޔవߢㆊߏߒߚᤨ㑆ߢߒߚࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޔߣࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޕ ߩ߅Უߐࠎޔਛ࿖ੱߢหᱦߩࡎࡓࡔࠗ࠻ 2 ੱ߇߹ߒߚߪࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޕᏫቛߔࠆߣޔ ߘߩᣣᄢቇߢࠍߒߚߩ߆ߟ߽⡞ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߩ߅Უߐࠎߪ߅⩻ሶߣᢱℂ߇ᚻߢޔࠅᣇࠍᢎ߃ߡ߽ࠄ߇⑳ޔᣣᧄᢱℂ ߦߟߡ⺑ߒ߹ߒߚޕᣣ߇⚻ߟߦߟࠇޔᵹߜࠂ߁ߢ┵⊛ߦߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߡߊ⥄ಽ߇ ಽ߆ࠅ߽ߡߣޔሜߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ વࠊߞߡࠆ߆ਇߥ㕙߽ࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ޔ᜕ߥ߇ࠄ߽ߘ߁ߣദജߔࠆᆫࠍりߦઃߌ ߐߖߡߊࠇߚ 2 ੱߩ߅߆ߍߢ߇⺆⧷ޔ㆐ߒ߹ߒߚߡߒߘޕࠃࠅޔೋߩᶏᄖ↢ᵴߢߩᡰ߃ ߣߥߞߚߩ߇ࡎࡓࡔࠗ࠻ߢߒߚޕᲤᣣޔᷓᄛ߹ߢ⿰߿㑆ߛߌߢߥߊ߅ޔߩ࿖ߩ ᢥൻ߿ᱧผߦߟߡ⺆ࠅว߹ߒߚޕਛ࿖ੱ߇ᣣᧄࠍߤ߁ᕁߞߡࠆߩ߆ࡔߤߥࠫࡔࠗޔ ࠺ࠖࠕߥߤ߆ࠄᓧࠆᖱႎߣߪ㆑ߞߚታ㓙ߩਛ࿖ࠍ⡞ߌߡߣߡ߽⥝ᷓ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ߆ࠍ㛎ߔࠆߚ߮ߦ⍮ࠅߚߎߣ߇ߚߊߐࠎߞߡ⇼ޔ߇Ფᣣޔዧ߈߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕ ᭽⥝ߦߣߎߥޘࠍᜬߟᆫ߽ߡߞⴕ߳࠳࠽ࠞޔᒝ߹ߞߚࠃ߁ߦᕁ߹ߔޕࠃࠅᶏᄖ߳ߩ 㑐ᔃ߇⭯߆ߞߚ⑳ߦߣߞߡޔᶏᄖ߳ᒝߊ⥝ࠍᜬߞߚߎߣߢ⎇ޔⓥ߿ዞ⡯ࠍ⠨߃ࠆ߁߃ߢⷞ ㊁߇ᐢ߹ࠅ߹ߒߚ♖ߩߎޕ㕙ߢߩᚑ㐳߇⇐ޔቇߩ৻⇟ߩᚑᨐߢߔߢߎߎޕりߦઃߌߚ⍮⼂ ߿⠨߃ᣇߪޔᄢቇ↢ᵴ߿⎇ⓥߛߌߢߥߊޔᔅߕᓟߩੱ↢ߦ߅ߡᓎߦ┙ߟߎߣߢߒࠂ߁ޕ ― 40 ― ᵫᶗᴾᵣᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ↰ߜ߭ࠈ (Tamura Chihiro) The reason why I have joined the McGill program is I wanted to speak English and I wanted to experience the cross culture. I studied English from junior high school. However, experience in I didn’t Canada have became the my opportunity s pe c i a l to memory speak because English. I was So the able to interchange with the people who spoke English and understand cross culture. On a school day, I went to school by bus and metro. In the morning, there were two classes, listening and pronunciation clinic. In the afternoon, I went sightseeing in Montreal with monitors of McGill University and prepared for the presentation. After school, I did shopping with my friend and went to café. The holiday, I went to Ottawa and Quebec on a bus tour. For the first week, I felt the language barrier. When I talked with host family or class teachers, I couldn’t understand their English and was not able to have communication. One day, I said to my host mother that I was sorry I couldn’t tell my opinion and impression well. She said that you should have more confidence, and it was important to challenge to talk. My English was poor at t h e p r o n u n c i a t i o n a n d t h e g r a m m a r w a s u nc e r t a i n . W h e n l t o l d a b o u t t h e e v e n t at the school and the Japanese culture, my host mother heard the story joyfully. I was very glad too. Through the days of Canada, I studied listening, writing, and pronunciation. And I learned it is very important to be interested to have communication, and to convey my opinion. To others I had had my awareness of the things that I am bad at in English before I went to Canada, because I thought my English was poor. Of course, the accuracy is important but I understood that even if it is not correct word, I should express my opinion. Every day was fresh and fun. I could experience the life of cross culture. Poutine and the maple dish were novel and delicious. Many people were kind. Teachers and monitors, host family whom I met in Canada, and the teacher of Ibaraki University, my family and friends, many people supported us, so I enjoyed this program. Thank you very much. ෳടߒߚߩߪ⇣ޔᢥൻߩ↢ᵴࠍ㛎ߒޔታ㓙ߦ⧷⺆ࠍߒߡߺߚߣᕁߞߚ߆ࠄߢߔޕਛ ቇ߆ࠄ⧷⺆ߩീᒝࠍ⛯ߌߡࠆߩߦߔޔᯏળߪ߶ߣࠎߤࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕታ㓙ߦ⧷⺆ߢ ᵹߒߡ⇣ޔᢥൻߦ⸅ࠇࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ 1 ࠞߪ․ޔߥᕁߣߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ― 41 ― ࡃࠬߣࡔ࠻ࡠࠍ↪ߒߡㅢቇߒ߹ߒߚޕඦ೨ਛߪࠬ࠾ࡦࠣߣ⊒㖸ࠢ࠾࠶ࠢߩᬺߢޔ ඦᓟߪᄕᣇ߹ߢࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎ㆐ߣࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ⷰశࠍᭉߒߺޔㅍዪ߿ዊቇᩞߩ⸰ࠍ೨ ߦ⊒ߩḰࠍߒ߹ߒߚޕ⺖ᓟߪ㆐ࠄߣਅⴝߩ࡚ࠪ࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡕ࡞ߢ⾈‛ࠍߒࠞޔ ࡈࠚ߳ⴕ߈߹ߒߚޕભᣣߪࡃࠬࡂࠗࠢߢࠝ࠲ࡢ߿ࠤࡌ࠶ࠢࠍ⸰ߒ߹ߒߚޕ ᦨೋߩ 1 ㅳ㑆ߪߩ⪲⸒ޔოࠍ∩ᗵߒ߹ߒߚ߿ࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޕᬺߢ߽ߥ߆ߥ߆⋧ᚻߩ߇ ⡞߈ขࠇߕ⥄ߊ߹߁ޟޕߚߒߢࠎߖ߹ࠇߣࠍࡦ࡚ࠪࠤ࠾ࡘࡒࠦޔಽߩᗧ߿ᗵᗐࠍવ߃ࠆ ߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߥߊߡߏࠎߥߐߦࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎߣޠવ߃ߚᤨޔᓐᅚߪ⥄ߣߞ߽ޟାࠍ߽ߞ ߡ⥄ࠎߤࠎߤޟޔޠಽߩ᳇ᜬߜࠍߔߴ߈ߣޠബ߹ߒߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ⊒ޕ㖸߽ਅᚻߢᢥᴺ߽⏕ ߆ߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚ߇ޔቇᩞߢߩ᧪߿ޔᣣᧄߩᢥൻߦߟߡࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߦߔߣޔ ᓐᅚߪⷫりߦߥߞߡ⡞ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ߽ߡߣ߇ࠇߘޕሜߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ⎇ୃߢࠬ࠾ࡦࠣ߿ࠗ࠹ࠖࡦࠣ⊒ޔ㖸ߛߌߢߥߊޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦ⋧ᚻߦ⡊ࠍߌ⥄ޔಽࠍવ ߃ࠃ߁ߣߔࠆߎߣ߇㊀ⷐߛߣቇ߮߹ߒߚޟޕ㑆㆑߃ߥࠃ߁ߦߩߣޠ᳇ᜬߜ߆ࠄ⧰ߦ⺆⧷ޔ ᚻᗧ⼂߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕᱜ⏕ߐߪᄢߢߔ߇ޔ⍮ߞߡࠆߎߣ߿ᗵߓߚߎߣࠍᕁಾߞߡᢥ┨ ߿⸒⪲ߢߔࠆߎߣ߽ᄢಾߛߣޔታ㓙ߦ㛎ߒߡಽ߆ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ⇣ᢥൻߩ↢ᵴࠍ㛎ߒޔᲤᣣ߇ᣂ㞲ߢᭉߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕᄢቇߩࠅߪฎᢎળߣ㜞ጀߩࡆ ࡞߇ਗࠎߢߡޔਇᕁ⼏ߣ㚔ᨴࠎߢߡ✊㤀ߢߒߚ࡞ࡊࡔޔ࡞ࠣࡌ߿ࡦࠖ࠹ࡊޕᢱℂ ߽ᢾᣂߢ⟤ߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕᄙߊߩੱ߇ⷫಾߦߒߡߊࠇߡ⦟ޔળ߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕవ↢ ᣇ߿ࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߩࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔᣇ߅ߢୃ⎇ޔޘߦߥߞߚ⨙ᄢߩవ↢ޔਔⷫߥߤޔ ߚߊߐࠎߩᣇߩࠨࡐ࠻߇ࠅޔలታߒߚ 1 ࠞࠍㆊߏߖ߹ߒߚޕߚߒ߹ߑߏ߁ߣ߇ࠅޕ ‿‒⁗⁗⁛⁗⁕⁗‒⁛‒‿⁗⁓⁞‒ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ᏒᎹ⟤᮸ (Ichikawa Miki) I joined this program because I wanted to study English and experience foreign c u l t u r e . I w a s n e r v o u s a t f i r s t , b u t I e nj o y e d m y s t a y a n d m a d e g r e a t m e m o r i e s . It was good for me to join this program to have many kinds of experiences. I took English classes at McGill University. There were listening classes and pronunciation classes. In the listening class, I learned about Canadian culture like food, money, weather, and so on. The knowledge I got from this class was very useful for staying in Canada. In the pronunciation class, I practiced pronunciation through reading sentences like poems and lyrics. It was interesting. In these classes, I had many opportunities to speak English. Our teachers taught us warmly, so I was really looking forward to taking every ― 42 ― c l a s s e s . I n t h e a f t e r n o o n , I v i s i t e d m an y p l a c e s w i t h m o n i t o r s . M o n i t o r s w e r e very kind and reliable. The best memory at McGill University was “Teacher for a day”. We went to an elementary school and gave a presentation about Japanese culture to children. I had an image that foreign children were curious and raised their hands actively. However, children were more active than I expected, so I was very surprised. In the end of the presentation, we asked children, “Did you enjoy this class?” Then, they said, “Yes!!!” I was impressed by this word. Homestay was also a big memory for me. At first, I was so nervous that I could not communicate well with my host mother. But every time she listened to my poor English carefully. Thanks to her hearty support, I got used to living with her little by little, and I could spend precious time with her. I felt that being active is very important. I will never forget the time I talked about many things with her after supper. Through this program, I learned many things not only English but also about communication, culture, life, and so on. I would like to appreciate all the people I met in Montreal. I want to go back to Montreal again someday! ෳടߒߚߩߪޔᄖ࿖ߩᢥൻߦ⥝߇ࠅޔᣣᧄߢߪ᧪ߥ⚻㛎ࠍߒߡߺߚ߆ߞߚ߆ࠄߢ ߔޕਇߢ৻᧰ߢߒߚ߇ޔߪޔෳടߒߡᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔޕ ᬺߪ⊒ߣࠣࡦ࠾ࠬޔ㖸ߢߦࠣࡦࠠࡇ߽ࠬࠄߜߤޔ㊀ὐ߇⟎߆ࠇߡ߹ߒߚߢ⺆⧷ޕ ߔᯏળ߇ᄙߊޔᣣᧄߣߩ㆑ࠍታᗵߒ߹ߒߚޔߪߢࠣࡦ࠾ࠬޕߩ㘩‛߿߅㊄ޔ᳇ ߥߤࠍቇ߮↢ߩߢ࠳࠽ࠞޔᵴߦᵴ߆ߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚߩ߇ᭉߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐ ࠎ㆐ߣ৻✜ߦⷰశ߿⾈‛ߩᤨ㑆߇ࠅޔታ㓙ߦࠞ࠽࠳ߩᢥൻߦ⸅ࠇࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ৻⇟ශ⽎ߦᱷߞߡࠆߩߪޟޔTeacher for a dayޔߪࠇߎޕߔߢޠዊቇᩞߦⴕߞߡޔ ߩሶߤ߽ߚߜߦᣣᧄᢥൻࠍ⚫ߔࠆࡊࡠࠣࡓߢߔޕሶߤ߽ߚߜߪᬺਛߦⓍᭂ⊛ߦᚻ ߒ⾰ޔߔࠆࠗࡔࠫߪએ೨߆ࠄࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ޔᗐࠃࠅ߽ߪࠆ߆ߦᅢᄸᔃᣰ⋓ߢޔᄙߊߩ ሶߤ߽߇৻ᢧߦᚻࠍߍߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ✕߽ߡߣߚߩ⊒ߩ⺆⧷ޕᒛߒ߹ߒߚ߇ޔኻߦഥ ߌࠄࠇ߹ߒߚޕḰߪᄢᄌߢߒߚ߇⾆߽ߡߣޔ㊀ߥ⚻㛎ߢߒߚޕ ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߢߪᦨޔೋߪⓍᭂ⊛ߦࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ߇ߣࠇߕࠄ߆ࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎߊࠃޔ ᔃ㈩ߐࠇ߹ߒߚࠎߛࠎߛޕᘠࠇߡ߈⥄ޔὼߦߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕᄕ㘩ᓟ ߦᤨࠆߔࠍߥࠈࠈࠄ߇ߥࠍࡆ࠹ޔ㑆߇ᅢ߈ߢߒߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߪࠃߊޕߚߒ߹ࠇߊߡߒࠬࠗࡃ࠼ࠕߣޠ߫ࠇߔߦ߁ࠃߚߒߩߚߥޟ ߿ߪࠅࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩߚߦߪⓍᭂ⊛ߦ߆߆ࠊߞߡߊߎߣ߇ᄢಾߢߔޕ ― 43 ― ߣߡ߽᷷߆ߊⷫಾߥੱ߇ߚߊߐࠎߡੱߥࠎߘޔ㆐ߦળ߃ߡᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚߢߔޕ1 ࠞ ߪߞߣ߁㑆ߢߒߚ߇ࠍߣߎߩࠎߐߊߚޔቇ߮⚻ޔ㛎ߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚࠄ߆ࠇߎޕ ߽ߢ࠳࠽ࠞޔㆊߏߒߚᕁࠍᔓࠇߕߦޔ1 ᣣ 1 ᣣࠍᄢಾߦㆊߏߒߡ߈ߚߢߔޕ ᵫᶗᴾᶃᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ᧁਅ⛗⟤᪸ (Kinoshita Emiri) From February 20 to March 21, I went to Canada and took part in Intensive English short Course at McGill university. It was a big challenge for me. At first, I was nervous for everything but I enjoyed so much that I wish I could stay there longer. Everything I experienced was valuable memories. Fortunately, my host mother was really nice. She knew many things and taught me French, English, music, cooking and so on. Because Montreal is multiculturalism city, I could eat global cuisine. Eating dishes that I had never eaten such as Greek, Portuguese and of course Canadian. Through conversation with her, I noticed I have to be careful for many things. She often asked me “Which do you prefer?” or “What you like?” I was shocked that I did not know anything what I want or want to do (even I could not decide whether buy pudding or not!). Having my own opinion was too difficult for me. “Either one is ok” was not good answer. I felt I have to think more and know myself. However, at the end, I could see what I want to do clearly. Thanks to her, I could spend comfortable time for a month. In addition, outing- visiting CBC, underground city, elementary school, and museum was exciting. Each place was attractive but the most impressed place was a church, especially Notre Dame Basilica and St. James church. I did not have opportunity to visit church until at that time. When I walked inside, I was surprised because it was so beautiful that I cannot put into words the feeling. Although I am not a Christian, I could understand their feeling little bit. This program improved not only English skill but also myself. I want to visit Canada again someday! ― 44 ― ᝄࠅࠆߣ ߩ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޔ1 ࠞ㑆ߪᧄᒰߦలታߒߡ߹ߒߚޕᣣᧄߢߪ⧷⺆ࠍߔ ᯏળ߇ߥߊࠣࡦࠠࡇࠬޔ⢻ജࠍะߐߖߚ⺆⧷ޔജࠍ⹜ߒߡߺߚߣߩᕁ߆ࠄෳടࠍ ߹ߒߚޕหᤨߦ⥄ޔಽߦ⥄ାࠍᜬߡࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆߩߢߪߥ߆ߣߩᦼᓙ߽ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ਇ߫߆ࠅ߇ᄢ߈߆ߞߚߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕ↢ߑޔᵴ߇ᆎ߹ࠆߣޔᣣᧄߣߪ⇣ߥࠆ᳇߽ࡃ ࠬ߿ਅ㋕ߩਸ਼ࠅᣇ߽ޔ߽߆߽߇ᣂ㞲ޔೝỗߦḷࠇߚᲤᣣߢߥࡉࠖ࠹ࠟࡀޔᗵᖱߪዊߐߊ ߥߞߡ߈߹ߒߚߩߣࠄࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕ߿ࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎߪߜ߁ߩߓߪޕળߪℂ⸃ߢ߈ߡ߽ޔ ⋧᭵߇ᚻߊᛂߡߥߚߦ⋓ࠅ߇ࠄߕߒ߆ߤ߽ޔᕁ߽ߒ߹ߒߚޕ ⥄ಽࠍવ߃ߚߊߡ߽ᡰ㔌Ṍⵚߥ⧷⺆ߦߥߞߡߒ߹߁ߎߣ߇ᄙߣࠎߜ߈ޔ߇ߚߒ߹ࠅޘ⡞ ߡ߽ࠄ߃ޔ᳇⽶ߥߊ⧷⺆ߢߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚ⊒ޕ㖸ߣࠬ࠾ࡦࠣߩࠣࡦࠖ࠹ࠗޔ ᬺ߇ࠅ߹ߒߚ߇⊒ߚߡߒߊߥߣࠎߥޔ㖸ࠍߩ⥠ޔേ߆ߒᣇ߆ࠄᢎࠊࠆߎߣߢߤߩ㖸߇ ⧰ᚻߥߩ߆ࠍ⍮ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ వ↢߆ࠄ⋥ߔߴ߈ߣߎࠈߚߡ߈ߢߊࠃޔὐߥߤࠍㅙ৻ᜰ៰ߒߡ߽ࠄ߃ߚߎߣ߇߿ࠆ᳇ߦ ߟߥ߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕᲤᣣ⺖ߐࠇࠆ⺖㗴ߪᄢᄌߢߒߚ߇ߩߘޔಽታജ߇ߟߚߣታᗵߒߡ߹ߔޕ ࠃࠅޔCBC ߢߩࡢ࡚ࠢࠪ࠶ࡊ߿ዊቇᩞߢⴕߞߚᣣᧄᢥൻߩ⚫ߥߤߩߐ߹ߑ߹ߥᵴേࠍ ㅢߒߡ⥄ಽߦ⥄ାࠍᜬߡࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚߎߣ߇৻⇟ᄢ߈ߥⓠߢߒߚޕ એ೨ߪߦኻߒߡ߽⥄ା߇ߥߊޔᶖᭂ⊛ߢⷞޔ㊁߽⁜߹ࠅ߇ߜߢߒߚߢ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩ߿వ↢ᣇઁޔᄢቇߩቇ↢ޔቇㇱ߿ቇᐕߩ㆑߁⨙ᄢ↢ߣᵹߔࠆߎߣߢ᭽ߎߥޘ ߣࠍ⠨߃ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚ⥄ޕಽߩߢ߈ࠆߎߣࠍ⌕ታߦⓍߺ㊀ߨߚߎߣߢ⥄ ା߇ߟ߈ⴕޔേജ߇りߦߟ߈߹ߒߚޕᗧ⟵ߩࠆᤨ㑆ࠍㆊߏߖߚߎߣߦᗵ⻢ߒߟߟ⎇ߩߎޔ ୃߢᓧߚ᭽⚻߿ߣߎߥޘ㛎ࠍߦࠄ߆ࠇߎޔᵴ߆ߒߡ߈ߚߢߔޕ ᵟᴾᶑᶎᶃᶁᶇᵿᶊᴾᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ⩵ᳰ૫Ⓞ (Kikuchi Kaho) It was my dream to study abroad since I was a child. It was because I wanted to put myself in a position to speak English anytime. Therefore, I decided to take part in this program soon after I entered the university. It was not until I looked back on the days in Canada that I realized how much I had enjoyed. First, I was satisfied with the class at McGill University. I was looking forward to taking lessons in pronunciation by native speaker of English. Actually, the lessons were by far more interesting than I had expected. ― 45 ― Our teacher taught us how to pronounce by using unique methods of instruction that I had never employed. It was the most effective ways for me to improve English that the teacher evaluated my recordings. In addition to it, I also studied Canadian culture in the class. The more topics I learned, the more interested I was in Canada. Second, I experienced various kinds of things for the first time in Canada such as skiing, teacher for a day and sugaring off... All of them were definitely worth doing. Everything I saw, heard, ate impressed or surprised me. Moreover, visiting famous sightseeing spots was my favorite activity because I could experience Canadian culture firsthand. Notre-Dame Basilica, which is a church, was the most impressive place that I had visit in Montreal. Canada has so many attractive places to visit that I could not help strolling through the streets with my friends after school. Third, everyone around me was nice. Teachers, monitors and friends helped me whenever I was in trouble. In fact, I did not have any confidence to communicate with foreigner though I liked English. I often remained silent at the beginning of homestay because I was afraid of failing. My host mother, however, always said to me, “Don’t be shy. Try to say something.” Her words really relieved me of my anxiety and made me realize that I could not improve my English without challenge. I really appreciate everyone who helped me. There are countless memories and each of them is precious for me. I am glad that my dream came true and I spent a special month in Montreal. I will continue studying English more to brush it. ᐜ㗃߆ࠄߩᄞߪࠇߘޔᶏᄖ⇐ቇߢߒߚߦ⺆⧷ޕ࿐߹ࠇߡࠆⅣႺߦりࠍ⟎߈ߚߣ߁ ℂ↱߆ࠄߢߔޔߚߩߘޕቇ⋥ᓟߦࡊࡠࠣࡓ߳ߩෳടࠍᗧߒ߹ߒߚߢ࠳࠽ࠞޕㆊߏߒ ߚᣣࠍޘᝄࠅࠆߣޔ1 ࠞ߇ߤࠇ߶ߤలታߒߡߚ߆ߦᡷߡ᳇ઃ߆ߐࠇ߹ߔޕ ᬺߪ⚛᥍ࠄߒ߽ߩߢߒߚ⊒ߩ⺆⧷ࠆࠃߦࠞࡇࠬࡉࠖ࠹ࠗࡀޕ㖸ᬺߪᦼޔᓙએߩ ߽ߩߢޔవ↢ߪߔ߿ߺߒⷫߢ․⁛ޔᢎᴺߢ⊒㖸ᣇᴺࠍᢎ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޔߦ․ޕฦቇ↢ ߇㍳㖸ߒߚ⧷⺆ߩ㖸ჿࠍవ↢߇⹏ଔߔࠆߣ߁ᜰዉ߇⊒ޔ㖸ߩ⋥ߒߣᡷༀߦᓎߦ┙ߞ ߚߣ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕ ⊒㖸ߩᬺߦട߃ߡ⥄ߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔὼ߿㘩ߣߞߚᢥൻ߽ቇ߱ᯏળ߇ࠅޔᣂߒ⍮⼂ࠍᓧࠇ ߫ᓧࠆ߶ߤߩ߳࠳࠽ࠞޔ㑐ᔃ߇ߐࠄߦᒝߊߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ― 46 ― ᭽⚻ߥޘ㛎ࠍⓍߺ߹ߒߚޔߓߪࠍࠠࠬޕዊቇᩞ⸰߿᭽ࡊ࠶ࡠࠪ࡞ࡊࡔߥޘຠࠍ ࠊߞߚࠪࡘࠟࡦࠣࠝࡈߥߤߩߘޔ㛎ߔߴߡߦଔ୯߇ࠅ⥄ޔಽߩᗵࠍㅢߒߡᣣᧄߣ ⇣ߥࠆᢥൻߦ⸅ࠇޔ㛳߈ߚ߹ޔᗵേߒ߹ߒߚޕ ⇇⊛ߦ߽ᐢߊ⍮ࠄࠇࠆઍ⊛ߥⷰశࠍᎼߞߚߎߣߪᒝߊශ⽎ߦᱷߞߡ߹ߔ࠻ࡁޕ ࡞࠳ࡓᄢ⡛ၴߪ߽ᦨޔୟߐࠇߚ႐ᚲߩ 1 ߟߢߔޕੱߚߜߣ⺖ᓟߦㅢࠅࠍᢔ╷ߖߕߦߪ ࠄࠇߥ߶ߤޔᢎળ߿߅ᐫ߇ߚߊߐࠎ┙ߜਗ߮߇߽ࠇߤߩߘޔ㝯ജ⊛ߢߒߚޕ ⚛ᢜߥᣇߚߜߦ࿐߹ࠇߡ 1 ࠞࠍㆊߏߒ߹ߒߚޕᄢቇߩవ↢ߪ߽ߜࠈࠎ߿ࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔ ੱࠄ߇ޔ࿎ߞߡࠆᤨߦߟߢ߽ഥߌߡߊࠇߚߎߣࠍⷡ߃ߡ߹ߔޕታࠍ⸒߃߫߇⺆⧷ޔ ߣߡ߽ᅢ߈ߢߒߚ߇ߢ⺆⧷ߣࡉࠖ࠹ࠗࡀޔᗧᕁ⇹ㅢߢ߈ࠆ⥄ା߇ోߊࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚࡎޕ ࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߩᐨ⋚ޔᄬᢌࠍᕟࠇߡ㤩ࠅㄟߎߣ߽ߒ߫ߒ߫ࠅ߹ߒߚࡑ࠻ࠬࡎߦᤨߥࠎߘޕ ࠩߪޟޔᕯߕ߆ߒ߇ࠄߕߦ߆⸒ߞߡߺߡ߽ߟߣޠჿࠍ߆ߌߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕ ᓐᅚߩ⸒⪲ߪਇࠍࠄߍޔᚢߥߒߢߪ⧷⺆ജะ߳ߩߪߥߎߣࠍᢎ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒ ߚ߅ޔࠎࠈߜ߽ߪࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޕߦߥߞߚߔߴߡߩᣇߦᗵ⻢ߒߡ߹ߔޕ ⇐ቇࠍㅢߒߡᓧߚ⚻㛎ߪޕߔߢ↥⽷ߩ↢৻ޔᐜ㗃߆ࠄߩᄞ߇ታߒߣ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޔ ߁⚛᥍ࠄߒㇺᏒߢ․ߥ 1 ࠞࠍㆊߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚߎߣࠍᧄᒰߦሜߒߊᕁ߹ߔߐޕ ࠄߦ⧷⺆ജߦ⏴߈ࠍ߆ߌࠆߚޔᒁ߈⛯߈ീᒝߒߡ߈ߚߢߔޕ ᵟᴾᵲᶍᶓᶐᴾᶍᶄᴾᵫᶓᶑᶃᶓᶋᶑᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱੱᢥࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦቇ⑼ ᣂ⟤Ⓞ (Arai Miho) What I wanted to do in Canada was a tour of museums. I bought a GLOBALTROTTER TRAVEL GUIDEBOOK because I went to Canada for a month and I planed where I would go and excited. Fee of some museums in Canada were free depends on a day of the week and they are student. And I enjoyed going museums on free day. On free day, as far as I went, wine tastings were held in museums and I feel a difference between Japan and Canada deeply. There are many museums in Montreal, and my favorite museum was McCord Museum of Canadian History, which have many daily necessities from 18 century. Especially, exhibition of MISTER RABBIT’S CIRCUS and VITTORIO were so fascinating. MISTER RABBIT’S CIRCUS was a display of some 200 toys, we could play for a long time because there were doll of Snoopy, blackboard for drawing freely, etc. Exhibition of VITTORIO were comical and imaginative so they made me excited. There were his animation works too and they were just laughing so I could not understand what he expressed but I could feel his ― 47 ― breathing strongly. This museum was near the McGill University. It looks small but actually big and I took almost 3 hours to look around there. So when I left museum, it was around 9 and the entrance of the station always I used was locked so I was a little surprised. In Toronto, there were some museums near the University of Toronto, and I went to two of these museums. The University’s buildings themselves were also unique and the library was especially characteristic and likely to come out Gundam from this building. Royal Ontario Museum was located in turning right the road where there was the library which was so big, so fast I looked around here, it took more than 3 hours. If I looked around thoroughly, it may took 4 or 5 hours. Most impressive exhibition was special exhibition of nature photos, and I was moved by lively nature. At the stuffed animals section, it was interesting that owl and fox were hunting their preys shrewdly. At the Bata Shoe Museum Collection near ROM, displayed shoes history especially high-heeled shoes. In addition, there were never-before- seen sandals and astronaut’s shoes, etc. If I had more time, I wanted to see them more. At last, I went to Art Gallery of Ontario and I enjoyed pictures and sculptures. Although little of contemporary arts were disappointing, there were sections such as “let’s draw a self-portrait” so I felt happy. Next time I go to Canada, I want to go to The Montreal Holocaust Memorial Museum, Casa Loma and Gardiner Museum where I could not go this time. ߿ࠅߚ߆ߞߚߎߣߪⴚ⟤ޔ㙚ߣඳ‛㙚Ꮌࠅߢߒߚ߽ߣ߭ޕṛߔࠆߩߛ߆ࠄߣޔߩ ᱠ߈ᣇࠍ⾈ߩ࠳࠽ࠞޕߚߒ߹ߡߒࠢࡢࠢࡢߣ߆߁ߎⴕߦߎߤޔඳ‛㙚߿⟤ⴚ㙚ߪᦐᣣߦ ࠃߞߡήᢱޔቇ↢ߪήᢱߣ߁ߣߎࠈ߇ࠅ߇ߩߊߡߞ⁓ࠍߎߘޔᭉߒ߆ߞߚߩࡦࠗࡢޕ ⹜㘶ળߥߤ߽߿ߞߡߡޔᣣᧄߣߪ㆑߁ߣ߁ߎߣࠍߒߺߓߺߣᗵߓ߹ߒߚޕ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߦߪߚߊߐࠎߩඳ‛㙚߿⟤ⴚ㙚߇ࠅߦ․ޔ᳇ߦߞߚߩ߇ࡑ࠶ࠦ࠼ඳ ‛㙚ߢߩࠝ࠻࠶ࠖࡧߣࠬࠞࠨ࠷࠶ࡆ࠲ࠬࡒޔዷ␜߇ߣߡ߽㝯ജ⊛ߛߞߚ࠲ࠬࡒޕ ࡆ࠶࠷ࠨࠞࠬߪ߅߽ߜ߾ߩዷ␜ߢ߿ࡇࠬޔ㤥᧼ߩ߅⛗߆߈ࠦ࠽ߥߤ߇ࠅޔ ߕߞߣߘߎߢㆆߴࠆࠃ߁ߥߣߎࠈߛߞߚޕ ࡧࠖ࠶࠻ࠝߪߢ࡞ࠞࡒࠦޔㆆ߮ᔃ߇ࠅ࡚ࠪࡔ࠾ࠕޕߚߒߊࠊߊࠊ߽ߡߣߡߡޔ ࡦ߽ߞߚ߇ޔߢߩ߽ߩߌߛࠆߡߞ╉ࠥࠥߛߚޔࠍߒߚ߆ߞߚߩ߆ߪࠃߊࠊ߆ ࠄߥ߆ߞߚߌࠇߤ⠪ߩᕷ㆜ࠍᒝߊᗵߓߚޕඳ‛㙚ߪࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇߩߔߋߘ߫ߦࠅޔዊߐ ߣᕁߞߡߚߩ߇ᄢ߈ߥ㑆㆑ߢߡޔ࿁ࠆߩߦ 3 ᤨ㑆ㄭߊ߆߆ߞߚޕᏫࠅߪඦᓟ 9 ᤨࠍ ࿁ߞߡߒ߹ࠆߡߞ߽ߟޔ㚞ߩญ߇㐽߹ߞߡߡዋߒ㛳ߚޕ ― 48 ― ࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ߢߪ࠻ࡦࡠ࠻ޔᄢቇߩㄭߊߦߊߟ߆ඳ‛㙚߇ࠅ ߩߜ߁ߩߘޔ2 ߟࠍ⸰ࠇߚޕ ᑪ‛߇ߣߡ߽࡙࠾ࠢߢ㕙⊕ߊߦ․ޔ࿑ᦠ㙚ߪࠟࡦ࠳ࡓ߇ߡ߈ߘ߁ߛߞߚޕ࿑ᦠ㙚߇ࠆ ࠍฝߦᦛ߇ߞߚߣߎࠈߩࡠࠗࡗ࡞ࠝࡦ࠲ࠝඳ‛㙚ߪޔㅦ⿷ߢߡ߽ 3 ᤨ㑆એ߆߆ࠅޔ ߓߞߊࠅߡߚࠄߘࠇߛߌߢ 4ޔ5 ᤨ㑆ߪ߆߆ࠅߘ߁ߛߞߚޕ ․ߦߔߏ߆ߞߚߩ߇․ዷߩ౮⌀ߢ⥄ߚߒߣ߈↢߈↢ޔὼ߇ߘߎߦࠅ߽ߡߣޔᗵേߒߚޕ ߩዷ␜ߢߪߡߡߒࠍ⁚ࠅ߆ߞ߾ߜ߇ࡀ࠷ࠠ߿࠙ࡠࠢࡈޔ㕙⊕߆ߞߚߋߔߩߘޕㄭߊߩ ࡃ࠲㕦ඳ‛㙚ߪޔ㕦ߩᱧผ߇ዷ␜ߐࠇߡߡߦ࡞ࡅࠗࡂߦ․ޔജࠍࠇߡߚߎߚޕ ߣߩߥࠨࡦ࠳࡞߿ޔቝቮ㘧ⴕ჻ߩ㕦ߥߤ߇ࠅᤨޔ㑆߇ࠇ߽߫ߞߣߚ߆ߞߚޕ ᦨᓟߦࠝࡦ࠲ࠝ⟤ⴚ㙚ߦⴕ߈߿↹⛗ޔᓂೞࠍ㐓⾨ߒߚޕઍࠕ࠻߇ᕁߞߚࠃࠅዋߥ߆ ߞߚߩ߇ᱷᔨߢߒߚ߇↹⥄ޔࠍឬߡߺࠃ߁ߥߤߩࠦ࠽߇ߞߡᭉߒ߆ߞߚޕᰴ࿁ߪޔ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ࡎࡠࠦࠬ࠻⸥ᔨඳ‛㙚߿ࠞࠨࡠࡑ࠽ࠖ࠺ࠟޔඳ‛㙚ߦⴕ߈ߚޕ ᵵᶆᵿᶒᴾᵧᴾᶊᶃᵿᶐᶌᶃᶂᴾᶇᶌᴾᵫᶍᶌᶒᶐᶃᵿᶊᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ᓟ⮮ℰ⾆ (Goto Mizuki) ̌I want to go back to Montreal̖!̍ I had been thinking like that after I came back to Japan. The reason is one month in Montreal was really full and excellent time for me. In the first day in Montreal, Mr. Kevin, professor of McGill University, welcomed at the airport and explained the life in Montreal to us. Then, I couldn’t understand what he said. And I felt nervous if I could communicate with my host family. However, there were so many enjoyment and fullness more than sense of anxiety in the life in Montreal. Every members of host family were so kind. When I cannot understand what they say, they talk to me more slowly and change the word to easier one even if I ask many times. Besides they check my practice of presentation which was my homework, and correct my pronunciation and discuss the difference in Canada and Japan with me. It was so great time for me. And people in Montreal were very kind. When I tried to go to a shop alone with my map, I got lost. I didn’t want to ask the way to the shop to other people because I didn’t have confidence in my English skill at first. Finally, I was lost completely and I didn’t know where I was. I asked old couple how to go to the shop. They taught me kindly nevertheless I could not understand instantly. I ― 49 ― asked the way to the shop to five people before I arrived the shop. I felt so happy because everyone taught me kindly and simply. At the McGill university, we had same schedule basically. In the morning, we had class and pronunciation class. And in the afternoon, we went out or received special lectures with monitor. In the morning class, we learned speaking and listening skill of English. The contents of the class was very useful to live in Montreal. Also, I could learn a lot through talking with monitors. It was a little difficult for me to talk with monitors at first because I thought I didn’t have enough English skill to talk. But I noticed English skill is not so much important, but the most important thing is the will to talk with. Even if I don’t have enough skill to talk perfectly, I could communicate with monitors. Looking back one month in Montreal, I can understand I could not succeed on this program without help from many people, for example teachers of McGill and Ibaraki university, monitors, host family, friends who study together for a month and my family allowed and helped me to participate in this program. I’ll keep studying not to waste this experience. I want to say thank you to everyone and go back to Montreal someday!!! ߦ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޟᏫࠅߚ̖㧍ޠᏫ࿖ᓟࠅ߆߫ߣߎߥࠎߘޔߪߊࠄ߫ߒޔ⠨߃ߡ߹ߒ ߚߢ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޔߪࠇߘޕㆊߏߒߚ 1 ࠞ߇⥄ޔಽߦߣߞߡᧄᒰߦలታߒߚ⚛ޔ᥍ࠄߒ ⚻㛎ߦߥߞߚ߆ࠄߛߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔޕ ೋᣣߦޔⓨ᷼ߢࡑࠡ࡞ᄢߩࠤࡆࡦవ↢߇ㄫ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ↢ߩࠄ߆ࠇߎޕᵴߥߤߦߟ ߡ⧷⺆ߢ⺑ࠍߒߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚࠍࠇߘޕ⡞߈ขࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߕ⥄ޔಽߪࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߣ ࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦࠍߣࠇࠆߩ߆ޔᬺߦߟߡߌࠆߩ߆߽ߡߣޔਇߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ↢ᵴࠍᆎࠆߣޔਇࠃࠅ߽ޔᭉߒߐ߿లታᗵ߇ߕߞߣߕߞߣᄢ߈߆ߞߚߢߔࠬࡓࡎޕ ࠹ࠗవߩኅᣖߪߺߥⷫಾߢ߆ߥ߆ߥࠍޔℂ⸃ߢ߈ߕޔ࿁߽⡞߈⋥ߒߡ߽ޔኅᣖࠄߪ◲ޔ නߥන⺆ߢࠁߞߊࠅߒߡߊࠇߡޔℂ⸃ߢ߈߹ߒߚߢ⟵⻠ޕᛲ㔺ߔࠆࡊࡦߩ✵⠌ࠍߡ ߽ࠄ⊒ޔ㖸ࠍ⋥ߒߡ߽ࠄߞߚࠅޔਔ࿖ߩ㆑ࠍ⺆ࠅวߞߚࠅᧄޔᒰߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒᤨ㑆ࠍㆊ ߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߩੱ㆐߽ޕߚߒߢࠅ߆߫ੱ⦟ޔ1 ੱߢ߆ߌߚߣ߈⋡ޔᒰߡߩᐫߦߥ߆ ߥ߆ߚߤࠅ⌕ߌߥ߆ߞߚߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ࿑ࠍ ᚻߦ߁ࠈ߁ࠈߒ߹ߒߚ߇ࠆߦߎߤޔ ߩ߆ࠊ߆ࠄߥߊࠄㅅߞߡߒ߹ߞߚߩߢޔാ᳇ࠍߒߡㄭߊࠍᱠߡߚ⠧ᄦᇚߦⴕ߈ᣇ ࠍߨ߹ߒߚࠍ⺆⧷ޕ⡞߈ขࠇߥ⑳ߦህߥ㗻৻ߟߖߕᢎ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ⚿ޕዪޔ5 ੱߊࠄ ߦߨ߹ߒߚ߇ৼ⊝ޔካߦኻᔕߒߡߊࠇߚߩߢ߽ߡߣޔሜߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ― 50 ― ቇᩞߢߪޔඦ೨ਛߪ⧷⺆ߣ⊒㖸ޔඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߣⴝߦ߆ߌߚࠅޔᬺߩࡊࡦ ߩḰࠍߔࠆߢ࡞ࡘࠫࠤࠬ߁ߣޔീᒝߒ߹ߒߚޕᬺߪޔਥߦࠬࡇࠠࡦࠣߣࠬ࠾ࡦ ࠣߩ✵⠌ߛߞߚߩߢޔታ↢ᵴߦ↢߆ߖࠆࠬࠠ࡞ࠍりߦߟߌࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ࡕ࠾࠲ߩቇ↢㆐ߣߒߚߎߣ߽߽ߡߣޔീᒝߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚᦨޕೋߪߩࠆߌ߆ߒޔ ߦാ᳇߇ࠅ߹ߒߚޕᄢߥߩߪવ߃ࠃ߁ߣߔࠆᗧᔒߢ⺆⧷ޔജߪ৻⇟㊀ⷐߥߎߣߢߪߥ ߣ᳇ߠ߈߹ߒߚޕቢ⅜ߥ⧷⺆ߢߥߊߡ߽ᤨߕ߃⸒ߊ߹߁ޔ㑆߇߆߆ߞߡ߽ߚࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔ ߜߪޔᩮ᳇ᒝߊࠍ⡞ߡℂ⸃ߒࠃ߁ߣߒߡߊࠇߚߩߢ㗎ᒛߞߡߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ᝄࠅࠆߣ࡞ࠡࡑޔᄢߣ⨙ᄢߩవ↢ᣇߦ✜৻ޔࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔࠎߐߥߺߩ࠲࠾ࡕޔ 㗎ᒛߞߚ㆐ࡓࠣࡠࡊޔෳടࠍ⾗㊄㕙ߢഥߌߡߊࠇߚኅᣖߥߤޔᴛጊߩੱߦᡰ߃ߡ߽ࠄ߃ ߚ߆ࠄߦߥࠎߎޔᭉߒߊޔᗧ⟵ߥ 1 ࠞࠍㅍࠇߚߩߛߥߣᗵߓߡ߹ߔߢୃ⎇ޕᓧߚߎߣ ࠍή㚝ߦߒߥࠃ߁ߦߩ⺆⧷߽ࠄ߆ࠇߎޔീᒝࠍߒ⛯ߌߡ߈ߚߢߔޕᡰ߃ߡߊࠇߚੱߚ ߜߦᗵ⻢ߩ᳇ᜬߜࠍવ߃ߚߢߔߦ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕ߆ߟޔߡߒߘޕᚯࠅ߹ߔ㧍㧍㧍 ᵠᶐᶇᶊᶊᶇᵿᶌᶒᴾᶍᶌᶃᴾᶋᶍᶌᶒᶆᴿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ችᎹᥓሶ (Miyagawa Tomoko) Σ can remember uncountable memories when I look back on my studying abroad. It was so enjoyable and nice 1 month that I can say it from bottom of my heart. I looked forward to waking up in the morning and going to school every day like a child. Every day was really fruitful and 1 month which I thought was long before going there had passed so quickly. I’d like to write my experiences and learning that I could get through this program. We went to McGill university and took a special class in week. We could learn many things about Canada such as weather, transportation, culture and education and pronunciation at class. Classes were designed to improve our speaking skill, for example, there were chances to work on in a group and speak something we learn. We had to do many homework and I felt anxious whether I could keep up with the class, but I didn’t have to do that because we could ask a question if we couldn’t understand. There were some chances to learn not only at the school but also off-campus, for example, CBC visiting and Teacher for a day which is an experience we teach student Japanese culture. CBC is an official channel like NHK in Japan. We could know that many supports are needed to make one program through looking around studio. We experienced making TV show by having one job per person such as reporter or cameraman at a work ― 51 ― shop. I was only person who has two jobs which are news reader and arts reporter. Doing two jobs was more difficult than I expected and it needed much efforts. I couldn’t do perfectly, but did my best at recording. On the teacher for a day, our group taught about Non- verbal communication, especially bowing and positioning. Canadian students are really aggressive, powerful and exciting. I was really impressed with their attitudes. We did homestay for 4weeks during going to McGill university. We experienced Canadian real life through that. Raw carrot and celery in my lunch box or shortness of taking shower because of high cost of electricity in Canada made me so surprised. Of course, I know not all families in Canada do like it, but I felt a sense of being overwhelmed by differences of culture or the way of thinking. My host family was only mother and a dog because her daughter has already been independent from her. We could have enough time to talk while eating dinner. At first, I couldn’t understand what host mother said even she talk easily and slowly. I also couldn’t explain what I wanted to say, so I really felt frustrated. I felt that I have to exercise to speak English more and more. We went to many kinds of places after school and went to Ottawa and Quebec City on weekend. And we sightseen Toronto on last two days. We could do many things that we can see, listen to, and experience only in Canada. I could learn the importance of activeness and improve my communication skill, pronunciation, and so on through this studying abroad. I want to make my life at university meaningful using this experience. Thank you so much, my all teachers, monitors, host family and great classmates!! ᝄࠅࠆߣ᭽ߥޘᕁ߇Ṛߩࠃ߁ߦ߰ࠇߡߊࠆޔᭉߒߊలታߒߡߚߣᔃ߆ࠄ߃ ࠆ 1 ࠞߛߞߚޔߡ߈ᦺޕᄢቇ߳ⴕߊߩࠍሶଏߩࠃ߁ߦᲤᣣᭉߒߺߦߒߡߚޕ1 ᣣ 1 ᣣ ߇ᧄᒰߦỚߊ⸰ޔ೨ߪ㐳ߣᗵߓߡߚ 1 ࠞߪ㘧߱ࠃ߁ߦㆊ߉ߚ⚻ߢୃ⎇ޕ㛎ߒޔቇࠎ ߛߎߣࠍᦠ߈ߚޕ ᄢቇߦㅢ․ޔߥ⻠⟵ࠍฃߌߚޕ᳇߿ㅢޔᢥൻޔᢎ⢒ߥߤࠞ࠽࠳ߦ㑐ߔࠆ᭽ߎߥޘ ߣࠍ⧷⺆ߢቇࠎߛޕᬺߢߪࠣ࡞ࡊࡢࠢ߿ޔ⠌ߞߚߎߣࠍߔߥߤࠣࡦࠠࡇࠬޔ⢻ജ ࠍિ߫ߔߚߩᎿᄦ߇ߥߐࠇߡߚޕኋ㗴߽ᄙߊᦨޔೋߪߟߡߌࠆ߆ߣߡ߽ᔃ㈩ߛߞߚ ߇ޔಽ߆ࠄߥߎߣߪవ↢ߦ⡞ߌߚߚޔᔃߒߡᬺߦߟߡߊߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚޕ ቇᄖߢ߽ቇࠎߛޕߩㅍዪ CBC ࠍ⸰ߒߡߩ⇟⚵߿ዊቇᩞࠍ⸰ߒߡᣣᧄᢥൻ ࠍఽ┬ߦᢎ߃ࠆޟTeacher for a dayޕߚߞ߽ޠCBC ߪ NHK ߩࠃ߁ߥㅍዪߢࠬޔ ࠲ࠫࠝࠍቇߒޔᓇߩߚߩ᭽ߥޘᯏེ߇㈩⟎ߐࠇޔᎿᄦߐࠇߡߚߎߣࠍቇࠎߛޕ ― 52 ― ࡢ࡚ࠢࠪ࠶ࡊߢߪߤߥࡦࡑࡔࠞ߿࠲ࡐޔᓎഀ߇ਈ߃ࠄࠇޔታ㓙ߦ⇟⚵ࠍᚑޕ ⑳ߪ ߩ࠲ࡐ࠻ࠕߣ࠲ࠬࡖࠠࠬࡘ࠾ޔ2 ߟࠍછߐࠇߚޕᗐߒߡߚએߦ㔍ߒ ߊ߽ߡߣޔദജߒߚߪߢ⇟ᧄޕቢ⅜ߢߪߥ߆ߞߚ߇߿ࠆߎߣߪߢ߈ߚߣߩ㆐ᚑᗵࠍᗵߓߚޕ ޟTeacher for a dayޔߪߢޠᚲዻߔࠆࠣ࡞ࡊߪ Non-verbal communication߹ߟޔ ࠅޔਅ㑐ଥߦࠃߞߡ߹ࠆᣣᧄߩ߅ㄉߦߟߡᢎ߃ߚ┬ఽޕ㆐ߪᣣᧄߣߪᲧߴ߽ߩߦߥ ࠄߥߊࠄⓍᭂ⊛ޔ࡞ࡈࡢࡄޔೝỗ⊛ߢߩߘޔᆫߦᗵ㌏ࠍ߁ߌߚޕ ⎇ୃߩ 4 ㅳ㑆ߩࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߢࠞ࠽࠳ࠍታ㛎ߒߚ߅ޕᑯᒰߦ↢ߩ࠾ࡦࠫࡦ߿ࡠ߇ ߞߡߚޕ㔚᳇ઍ߇㜞ߚߪࡢࡖࠪޔၮᧄ 15 ಽ߹ߢߩ࡞࡞߇ߞߚߩߡߴߔޕኅᐸ߇ ߘ߁ߒߡࠆࠊߌߢߪߥ߇ޔᣣᧄߣߩᢥൻߩ㆑߿⠨߃ᣇߩ㆑ߦୟߐࠇߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߪ߅ޔᲣߐࠎߣ› 1 ߢޔ㘩ߩᤨߥߤ 2 ੱߢߓߞߊࠅ߇ߢ߈ߚᦨޕ ೋߩ㗃ߪ߇ࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޔࠍ⸒ߞߡࠆߩ߆ℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥ߆ߞߚ⥄ޕಽߩ⸒ߚߎߣ߽વ ࠊࠄߕߒ߆ߤ߽ޔᕁࠍߒߚޕ ⺖ᓟߦߪ᭽ߥޘ႐ᚲߦⴕ߈ޔ㛎ߒޔㅳᧃߦߪࠝ࠲ࡢ߿ࠤࡌ࠶ࠢࠪ࠹ࠖߦ߆ߌᦨޔᓟ ߩ 2 ᣣ㑆ߪ࠽ࠗࠕࠟⷰ࠻ࡦࡠ࠻ޔశߥߤࠍߒߡޔߩ߽ߥࠇࠄ߆ߒߢ࠳࠽ࠞޔ⡞ߌߥ ߽ߩ⚻ࠎߐߊߚࠍߣߎߥ߈ߢޔ㛎ߢ߈ߚ⇐ޕቇࠍㅢߒߡޔⓍᭂᕈߩᄢಾߐࠍቇ߮ࡘࡒࠦޔ ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦߩࠬࠠ࡞߿⊒㖸ߥߤ᭽ߥޘ⢻ജࠍะߐߖࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚ⚻ߩߎޕ㛎ࠍ↢߆ߒ ߡޔᱷࠅߩᄢቇ↢ᵴࠍᗧ⟵ߥ߽ߩߦߒߚޕ ᵣᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᵫᶁᵥᶇᶊᶊᴾᵣᶌᶅᶊᶇᶑᶆᴾᵮᶐᶍᶅᶐᵿᶋᴾᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ᧻↰ஜ(Matsuda Kensuke) I took part in McGill English Program and went to a city in Canada called Montreal. This is because I wanted to improve English and to study abroad. I was uneasy, because my English was not good. I did not want to go Canada at first. But I am glad that I took part in this program now. I did a homestay in Joshua’s and Heller’s house for a month. They were very nice and kind. The food Joshua made for me was very delicious. I almost went t h e i r h o m e t o e a t d e l i c i o u s s u p p e r . H e l ik e d w a t c h i n g m o v i e s . I t a l k e d w i t h h i m about movies. I talked with Heller about various things. She listened to me however she was busy. They have two daughters who Charlie and April is. I often played them. Homestay was a very good experience for me. ― 53 ― I went to McGill University at Montreal for a month. I learned English grammar and pronunciation in the morning. I disliked learning English. Especially, I don’t like English pronunciation. This is because my pronunciation is not good. But my teacher is very good. Their lesson is very easy for me to understand. In the afternoon, I went to sightseeing at Montreal with my tutors. Their name was Wai and Cho. They are very kind and nice. They always support me. We went to many different places at Montreal. Above all, the Biodoom was wonderful. Biodoom is like a zoo. You can see Canadian animals. In the weekend, we went to Quebec and Ottawa. Their places were good. Ottawa is capital in Canada. There are many political institutions. I learned Canadian politics. Quebec City is the state capital of Quebec. I could see Ice Hotel. The hotel is made of ice! I was surprised. Also I could learn Canadian History. I was impressive. Finally, we went to Toronto. But I lost the passport. I was upset. I made many people trouble. My classmates worried about me. They said “Kensuko(My nick name). Let's go home together.” I was impressed. My passport was found. I am a lucky boy. My classmates were very happy. I thought they are very nice people. I experienced many things in Canada. I felt glad that I took part in this program. ⧷⺆ߩࠬࠠ࡞ะߩߚ⎇ୃߦෳടߒ߹ߒߚᦨޕೋߪߗߥޕߚߒߢࠎߖ߹ࠅߊߚ߈ⴕޔ ߥࠄ⧷⺆ߪህߥᢎ⑼ߩ 1 ߟߛߞߚ߆ࠄߢߔޕ ࡚ࠫࠪࡘࠕߐࠎߣࡋߐࠎߩኅᐸߦࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߒ߹ߒߚ⚛߽ߡߣޕ᥍ࠄߒኅᣖߢޔ రࠪࠚࡈߩ࡚ࠫࠪࡘࠕߐࠎߩ㘩ߪߣߡ߽⟤ߒ߆ߞߚߢߩߒ߅ߦࠅ߹ޕኅߦࠃߊᏫ ߞߡ߹ߒߚޕ ᅢ߈ߥᤋ↹ࠍ㗴ߦࠃߊࠍߒ߹ߒߚ߽ߡߣߪࠎߐࡋޕఝߒੱߢޔ߇ᔔߒ߆ߞ ߚߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕࠍࠃߊ⡞ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚ ߁ߣ࡞ࡊࠗࠛߣࡖ࠴ޕ2 ੱߩᆷ߇߅ ࠅޔ᛬ࠅ⚕ࠍߞߡࠃߊㆆ߮߹ߒߚޕ ඦ೨ߩ⊒㖸ߩࡊࡠࠣࡓߪህߢߒߚޔ߽ߣߞ߽ޕవ↢ߩ⧷⺆߇ࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔ߆ߞߚߩߢߘ ࠇ߶ߤ⧰∩ߦߪᗵߓ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕඦᓟߪ࠴ࡘ࠲ߐࠎ㆐ߣ৻✜ߦᏒౝߩⷰశߦ߆ߌ߹ ߒߚ߽ߡߒ࠻ࡐࠨࠍߒࠄޔߢੱ⦟߽ߡߣޔߪࠎߐࠗࠚ࠙ߣࠎߐ࡚࠙࠴ߩ࠲ࡘ࠴ޕ ࠄ߹ߒߚޕਛߢ߽ޔേ‛ߩࠃ߁ߥᣉ⸳ߩࡃࠗࠝ࠼ࡓߪ․ߦ⚛᥍ࠄߒߊ⥄ޔὼࠍりㄭ ߦᗵߓ߽ߡߣޔᗵേߒ߹ߒߚޕ ㅳᧃߪࠤࡌ࠶ࠢᎺߩᎺㇺࠤࡌ࠶ࠢߣ㚂ㇺߩࠝ࠲ࡢ߳߆ߌ߹ߒߚߪߦࡢ࠲ࠝޕᴛጊߩᐭ ߩᯏ㑐߇ࠅ߽ߡߣޔീᒝߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޔߪߢࠢ࠶ࡌࠤޕ᳖ߢߢ߈ߚࠕࠗࠬࡎ࠹࡞ࠍቇߒ ߹ߒߚޕߔߢߚߞ߆ߒ⟤߽ߡߣޕ㐿ᜏߩᱧผߦߟߡ߽ቇ߮߹ߒߚޕ ― 54 ― Ꮻ࿖⋥೨ߦ⸰ߒߚ࠻ࡠࡦ࠻ߢߪޔᄢᄌߎߣ߇߈߹ߒߚޕߣࡄࠬࡐ࠻ࠍ⚗ᄬߒߡߒ ߹ߞߚߩߢߔߊߏߔޕᘓߡ߹ߒߚޕฎ⾐వ↢ࠍ߰ߊᴛጊߩੱߦߏㅅᖺࠍ߆ߌ߹ߒߚޕ㆐ ߽ߔߏߊᔃ㈩ߒߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޟ߇ߥࠎߺޕஜߔߎ㧔⑳ߩߛฬ㧕ߦ✜৻ޟޔޠᏫࠈ߁ߣޠჿ ࠍដߌߡߊࠇߚᤨߪߣߡ߽ᗵേߒ߹ߒߚޕᐘㆇߥߎߣߦࡄࠬࡐ࠻ߪߟ߆ࠅ߇⊝ᤨߩߘޔ ༑ࠎߢߊࠇߚߎߣ߇৻⇟ߩᕁߢߔޕએߩࠃ߁ߦࠞ࠽࠳ߢᴛጊߩ⚻㛎߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ߢߪⴕߞߡࠃ߆ߞߚߥߣᕁߞߡ߹ߔޕ ᵫᶗᴾᶕᶍᶌᶂᶃᶐᶄᶓᶊᴾᶂᵿᶗᶑᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ṚỈ⌀ (TAKIZAWA Mai) There was no reason to decide to join this program. This trip was my first time to go abroad. My English skill was so low and I was nervous before visiting Canada. My one-month stay was so full enough to forget them. Of course, at the beginning when I went to Canada I could not understand what everyone was s a y i n g . T h r o u g h t h e c l a s s e s a t M c G i l l U n i ve r s i t y a n d m y h o m e s t a y , I b e c o m e t o speak in English. All classes were so interesting for me because I had taken only classes to pass the exam. These were new to me. In the morning, we took listening and pronunciation class. My class’s teachers, Kamran and Lisa were so kind and classes were both interesting and instructive for me. Thanks to these classes in the morning, I felt my English pronunciation made progress. In the afternoon, we went to many places with our monitor, for example Notre Dame Basilica and museum. All monitors taught us many things about Canada and gave us so fun time. Luckily, I had a good host family in this program. The people of my host family were very kind and friendly. My host mother is good at cooking so she made v a r i o u s m e a l s e v e r y d a y . O f c o u r s e , a ll m e a l s w e r e s o d e l i c i o u s . I t w a s t h e happiest thing for me that she always told to me. She corrected mistakes in my English speaking. Thanks to that, I could have improved my English skill. She was my English teacher at home. I think I could not spend a good time in Canada without them. In Canada, I met many people and got many good experiences. These are incalculably valuable. I was truly glad that I joined this program. ― 55 ― ᷓℂ↱߽ߥߊ⎇ୃෳടࠍ߹ߒߚ߇⺆⧷ޕరޘᅢ߈ߢ߽ᓧᗧߢ߽ߥߊޔᒝߡ߃߫ ᭉߒߘ߁ߩ⇟৻߇ߩ߁ߣޔℂ↱ߛߞߚޕᷰ⥶ߩḰਛߪޔਇߢߞ߬ߛߞߚޕೋߡ ߩᶏᄖߢࠅ⧰ޔߪ⺆⧷ޔᚻ̖ℂ↱ࠍߍࠇ߫߈ࠅ߇ߥߥࠎߘޕᔃ㈩ߪ↢ޔᵴߔࠆਛߢᶖ ߃ߡߞߚ ߩ࠳࠽ࠞޕ1 ࠞࠍᄢቇߩᬺߦࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޔಽߌߡߒߚޕ ඦ೨ߪࠞ࠽࠳ߩ᳇߿ᢥൻߩࠬ࠾ࡦࠣࠍਛᔃߣߒߚ⻠⟵߿⊒㖸ߩᬺ߇ߞߚޕฃ㛎ߩ ߚߩ⧷⺆ߒ߆߿ࠄߥ߆ߞߚߚળ߇⋡⊛ߩᬺߪߣߡ߽ᣂ㞲ߛߞߚࠈߜ߽ޔߪߓߪޕ ࠎోߊߣߞߡ߶ߤ⡞߈ขࠇߥ߆ߞߚ߇ޔᏱߦ⧷⺆ࠍ⡊ߦߔࠆⅣႺߦࠆߎߣߢᓢߦޘ ᗧ߇ಽ߆ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅޔᣣޘㅴᱠࠍታᗵߢ߈ߚޕ ࠬ࠾ࡦࠣߪޔߦ╵߃ࠍ⏕ߒวࡍࠕߦߥࠅߘࠇࠍ⺑ߔࠆࠅ➅ߩߘޔߒߛߞߚޕ ⴕߊ೨ߪࡔࡊ࡞ࠪࡠ࠶ࡊߊࠄߒ߆ᕁᶋ߆߫ߥ߆ߞߚ⑳߽ 1 ࠞߩࡊࡠࠣࡓߢࠞ࠽࠳ ࠍ⍮ࠆߎߣ߇᧪ߚޕ ⊒㖸ߩᬺߢߪ⥠ߩേ߈ࠍᗧ⼂ߒߡ✵⠌ߒߚߩࠣࡦࠖ࠺ࠦޕኋ㗴߇ߐࠇ⊒ޔ㖸ߩ㑆 ㆑ࠍᱜߒߡߊࠇߚߩߎޕኋ㗴ߪೋߡߢᦨޔೋߪᕯߕ߆ߒߐ߽ࠅߥ߆ߥ߆߁߹ߊ᧪ߥ ߆ߞߚ߇ߢߍ߆߅ߩߎޔᱜߒ⊒㖸ࠍᗧ⼂ߒߥ߇ࠄߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚޕ ඦᓟߪࠣࡦࠖ࠹࠙ࠕޔ㧔ᄖ㧕ߦ⃰ࠍࠬࠢޕಽߌߡ࡞ࠡࡑߦࠇߙࠇߘޔᄢߩࡕ࠾࠲ߐ ࠎ߇ߟ߈ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߩฬᚲߥߤࠍᱠ߈߹ࠊߞߚޕೋߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߦ⥄ಽࠍ߁߹ߊવ ߃ࠄࠇߥ߆ߞߚ߇ޔⓍᭂ⊛ߦߒ߆ߌߡߊࠇߚߚޔᲑޘᗧᕁ⇹ㅢ߇ᚻߊߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥ ߞߚ⧰ޕᚻߛߞߚ⧷⺆߇ᭉߒߣᗵߓࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅޔᄢ߈ߥᚑᨐࠍᓧࠄࠇߚޕ Უߣᆷ⇐ߩࠄ߆ࠦࠪࠠࡔޔቇ↢ߩࠆኅᐸߦࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߒߚ⸰ޕ೨ߦㅪ⛊ࠍขߞߡ ߚߩߢਇࠃࠅߪᭉߒߺ߇ᄢ߈߆ߞߚޕᄛㆃߊߩ⌕ߛߞߚߦ߽߆߆ࠊࠄߕ᱑ㄫߒߡߊࠇޔ ᄕ㘵߹ߢ↪ᗧߒߡߊࠇߡߚޕ⌕ᣣߪࠍ‛⩄ޔ㐿ߌߡߔߋߦኢߡߒ߹ߞߚ߇ޔ⠉ᣣޔㅢቇ ߩߚߩቯᦼࠍࠆߟߢߦ⾈‛ߦⴕ߈߅ߪࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޔᑯᒰ▫ࠍ⾈ߞߡߊࠇߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߪᢱℂ߇ᅢ߈ߢߥࠈࠈߢ߹᥅ࠄ߆ᦺޔ㘩ࠍߞߡߊࠇߚޕᄕ㘩ᤨߦߪ ᔅߕߘߩᣣߩߎߣࠍ⡞ߡߊࠇޔᄛኢߡߒ߹ߞߚᤨߦߪ㔚᳇ࠍᶖߒߡߊࠇߚ⧷ޕળߩ⢻ജ ߪోߊήߊᦨޔೋߩ߁ߜߪ߶ߣࠎߤ Yes ߆ No ߢߒ߆╵ߢ߈ߕ߆ࠈߎߤࠇߘޔ⡞߈ขࠆߎ ߣߐ߃ෂ߁⁁ᘒߛߞߚޕ ߣߎࠈ߇ޔኅ߆ࠄដߌࠆᦺ߿ᄕ㘩ޔዞኢ೨ߦჿࠍ߆ߌߡߊࠇޕߚߒࠍߣߎߥࠈࠈޔ ᢥᴺ߇⧰ᚻߛߞߚ߇ޔળ߇㑆㆑ߞߚᤨߦߪߜ߾ࠎߣ⸓ᱜߒߡߊࠇߢߍ߆߅ߩߘޔᱜߒ⧷ ⺆ࠍ⥄ὼߣߖࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚߣߞ߿ޕળࠍᭉߒߎߣ߇᧪ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚ㗃ߦᏫ࿖߇ ㄼࠅޕߚߞ߆ࠄߟ߽ߡߣޔ ᦨ⚳ᣣߩᄕ㘵ߦࠊߑࠊߑኼมࠍ⾈ߞߡ߈ߡߊࠇߦࠄߐޔ㘩ߩᢱℂᧄࠍߡࡐ࠹࠻ࠨ࠳ ࠍߒߡߊࠇߚᤨߪᵅ߈ߛߒߡߒ߹ߞߚޕలታߒߚ 1 ࠞࠍㆊߏߖߚߩߪࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒ ߩ߅߆ߍߛࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޕవ߇ߎߩኅߢᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚޕ ― 56 ― ⎇ୃߦෳടߒߡߥ߆ߞߚࠄࠞ࠽࠳ߦⴕߊߎߣ߽࿁ߩ⚻㛎߽ߥߊㆊߏߒߡߚߎߣߛࠈ ߁ ߚߞߚޕ1 ࠞߩ⍴ᦼ㑆ߛߞߚ߇ޔᓧߚ߽ߩߪᢙ߃߈ࠇߥ߅ޕ㊄߇߆߆ࠆߚߔࠆ߆ ෳടߔࠆ߆ߤ߁߆ߣߡ߽ᖠࠎߛޕታ㓙ߦⴕߞߡߺߡߘࠇએߦଔ୯ߩࠆ߽ߩߛߣᗵߓߚޕ ߘࠇߪߎߩࡊࡠࠣࡓߦ߆߆ࠊߞߚߔߴߡߩੱߩ߅߆ߍߛߣᕁ߁ޕ࿁ቇࠎߛߎߣࠍߎࠇ߆ ࠄߦ↢߆ߒߦߣߎߩࠎߐߊߚߦࠄߐޔᚢߒߡ߈ߚޕ ᵵᶆᵿᶒᴾᵧᴾᶊᶃᵿᶐᶌᶃᶂᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᵫᶁᵥᶇᶊᶊᴾᵳᶌᶇᶔᶃᶐᶑᶇᶒᶗᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᵫᶍᶌᶒᶐᶃᵿᶊᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ජࡩፒ㆝( Chigasaki Haruka) I participated in this program and through many experiences in this 1month, I felt I could grow up as a human. The most things I could behave were “Speaking of my own accord” and “feeling for others”. I wasn’t good at uttering what I believe. When I talk with my parents or friends, I somehow told what I think. But, in English, I couldn’t tell anything in that way. At first, I went through hardship, but, I noticed I can’t tell everyone as I wait for spoken to. And I tried to tell my friends, teachers, and host mother my opinion and ideas in my life at the school and the home I stayed. I made a compromise, because it was not easy to tell them my opinions. But, I felt selfgrowth to become “made efforts to tell them my opinions”. After I came back to Japan, it is so fun for me to talk with my friends, but I noticed that I forgot “efforts to tell”. Even for Japanese, I noticed we should make efforts to tell our opinions. Montreal is town that official languages are French and English. Most of local people can speak two languages. Therefore, I had many opportunities to greet in French and then speak in English at coffee shops. I learned German as my second language in Ibaraki University. I couldn’t understand French and was insecure. I tried to speak easy words in French. In Montreal, there is a China T o w n . C h i n e s e w a s f a m i l i a r t h a n I h a d i m a g i ne d s o f a r . I b e c a m e t o t h i n k I h a v e to learn Chinese too. Montreal is so stylish town and we can expose many language. I was so happy and lucky to live in this wonderful city. I appreciate for Ibaraki and McGill University giving me this opportunity. And also I appreciate and repay my parents. ― 57 ― ࡊࡠࠣࡓߦෳടߒੱޔ㑆ߣߒߡᄢ߈ߊᚑ㐳ߒߚࠃ߁ߦᗵߓߚ߽ᦨޕりߦߟߚߩߪ⊒⥄ޔ ⊛ߦ⊒⸒ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅߩ߳ੱઁޔ᳇㆜߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚߢߔޕ ᕁߞߡࠆߎߣࠍญߦߔࠆߎߣ߇ᓧᗧߢߪߥߊ߿ⷫޔ㆐ߦ߽̌ߥࠎߣߥߊવࠊࠇ߫ ߿̍ߣ߁ࠃ߁ߥᗵⷡߢ↢ᵴߒߡ߹ߒߚ⧷ޕળߢߪߪߢࠇߘޔ߽વࠊࠄߥߩߢߔޕ ೋߪߣߡ߽ㄆ߆ߞߚߩߢߔ߇⾰ޔࠍᓙߞߡࠆߩߢߪ⥄ಽߩᕁߞߡࠆߎߣߪ߽વ ߃ࠄࠇߥߎߣߦ᳇ߠ߈ࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޔవߢߩ↢ᵴ߿ᄢቇߢ߽⥄ಽ߆ࠄᗧࠍ⸒߁ࠃ߁ߦᔃ ដߌ߹ߒߚ߇ߣߎߚ⸒߆ߥ߆ߥޕવࠊࠄߕᅷදߒߡߒ߹ߞߚߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ̌વ߃ࠆദജ̍ࠍߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥߞߚߎߣߦᚑ㐳ࠍᗵߓ߹ߒߚޕ᳇ᔃ⍮ࠇߡࠆੱߚߜ ߣߩળ߽ᭉߒߢߔ߇ޔᣣᧄ⺆ߢ߽̌⥄ಽ߆ࠄવ߃ࠆ̍ߣ߁ദജ߇ᄢಾߣ߁ߎߣߦ߽ Ꮻ࿖ᓟޔ᳇ߠ߈߹ߒߚޕ ↪⺆߇ࡈࡦࠬ⺆ߣ⧷⺆ߥߩߢޔరߩੱ߿㘶㘩ᐫࠍ༡ᬺߒߡࠆ⒖᳃㆐ߪ⧷⺆ߩਔ ᣇࠍߖࠆࡃࠗࡦࠟ࡞߇ᄙߢߔߢ⺆ޔߚߩߘޕシᜦࠍߒߚᓟࠆߔࠍߢ⺆⧷ޔ ߎߣ߇ࠃߊࠅ߹ߒߚ߇⺆࠷ࠗ࠼ޕᄢቇߩ╙ 2 ᄖ࿖⺆ߛߞߚߩߢ◲ޔනߥᜦߪࡈࡦࠬ⺆ ߢߒߡߺࠃ߁ߣ߁᳇ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚ੍ࠅ߽ࡦ࠙࠲࠽ࠗࡖ࠴ޕᗐએߦਛ࿖⺆߽りㄭߢߎࠇ ߽ീᒝߒߡߺߚߣᕁ߹ߒߚޕ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߪߣߡ߽߅ߒ߾ࠇߢޔᄙߊߩ⸒⺆ߦ⸅ࠇࠆߎߣߩߢ߈ࠆⴝߢߔ⚛ߥࠎߎޕ ᢜߥⴝߢ↢ᵴߢ߈߽ߡߣޔᐘߖߢㆇ߇⦟߆ߞߚߢߔߚߒ߁ߎޕᯏળࠍ⸳ߌߡߚߛߚ⨙ᄢ ߣࡑࠡ࡞ᄢߩߺߥߐࠎߦᗵ⻢ࠍ↳ߒߍߚߢߔ⇐ޕቇࠍᓟߒߒߡߊࠇߚਔⷫߦ߽ᦨᄢߩ ᗵ⻢ߣᕲߒࠍߒߚߢߔޕ ᵫᶗᴾᶄᵿᶋᶇᶊᶗᴾᶇᶌᴾᵫᶍᶌᶒᶐᶃᵿᶊᴾ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ┻↰⩿Ⓞሶ (Takeda Nahoko) In this program, impressive memories are host family and McGill University. Host family was more kind than what I imagined, and took care of me. Host mother said me “you are my family” and asked “Is anything alright?” ”In your room, are you comfortable? ”. About meal, she paid attention to what I said. For instance, she reduced amount of my lunch and did not use anything I couldn’t eat. These device were very kind for me. At I go outside, host mother and father advised me what I should be careful. But I enjoyed going out from the bottom of my heart because they said me “please enjoy ̍ . They paid attention to trivial matter I worry about, so I was happy. My best memory is supper time to eat together as a whole family. In house, they have two dogs and one cat. Pets are ― 58 ― so cute and friendly. Thanks to family and pets, I was so excited to going home every day. Class of McGill University was very exciting. In morning, we learned grammar and practiced pronunciation. At we learned grammar, teacher did not said difficult thing, but made us constructed long distance, announced it and conversed about one topic. At first, I worried about the class because I rarely spoke English but I find something new. Class of pronunciation is very educational because we learned trick of pronunciation as position of tongue, shape of lip. In afternoon, we acted with monitor. Afternoon was so exciting. He guided us in underground city and played game with us. At program of we visited elementary school, his advice was very helpful as how to speak, the way to attract children affection. Life in Canada was so exciting, I didn’t want to return to Japan. Formally, I appreciate host family and people who are involved this program. ᕁᷓߩߪߣࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔㅢߞߚࡑࠡ࡞ᄢቇߢߔޔߪߦࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޕᗐ એߦఝߒߊޔᄢᄌ߅ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ߪߚߥޟኅߦࠆ㑆ޔኅᣖߥߩࠃᦨߣޠೋߦ⸒ߞߡߊࠇޟޔ߆࿎ߞߚߎߣߪߥ㧫ޔޠ ޟㇱደߪᔟㆡ߆ߒࠄ㧫ޕߚߒ߹ࠇߊߡߌ߆ࠍ⪲⸒ߩߤߥޠ㘩ߢ߽ޔ㊂ࠍᷫࠄߒ⧰ޔᚻߥ߽ ߩߪߐߥߣߞߚ㈩ᘦࠍߒߡߊࠇߚߩߢࠅ߽ߡߣޔ㔍߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ᄖߩ㓙߽ޔ᳇ࠍઃߌߥߌࠇ߫ߥࠄߥᵈᗧὐࠍߍߚߢޟޔᭉߒࠎߢ߅ߢߣޠㅍࠅ ߒߡߊࠇޔᔃߩᐩ߆ࠄᭉߒߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޔߤߥ࠭ࠗࠨߩ߿‛⾈ޕ᳇ߦߥߞߚੜ⚦ ߥߎߣࠍ⋧⺣ߔࠆߣߣࠎߜ߈ޔኻᔕߒߡߚߛ߈ᧄᒰߦഥߌࠄࠇ߹ߒߚޕ ኅᣖోຬߩᄕ㘩ߩᤨ㑆߽ᦨ㜞ߩᕁߢߔࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޕవߢߪ› 2 ޔ₀ 1 ߩࡍ࠶࠻ ࠍ 㘺 ߞ ߡ ߹ ߒ ߚ ੱ ޕᙬ ߞ ߎ ߊ ߡ ߣ ߡ ߽ น ᗲ ߊ ޔᲤ ᣣ ኅ ߦ Ꮻ ࠆ ߩ ߇ ᭉ ߒ ߺ ߢ ᣇ ߥ ߆ ߞ ߚ ߢߔޕ ⻠⟵߽ߣߡ߽ᭉߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕඦ೨ਛߪᢥᴺࠍቇ߮⊒ޔ㖸ࠍ✵⠌ߒ߹ߒߚޕᢥᴺߩᬺߢ ߪޔ㔍ߒߎߣߪ߹ࠅߖߕߦᢥ┨ࠍ⠨߃ߡ⊒ޔ1 ߟߩ࠹ࡑࠍਛᔃߦ⋧ᚻߣળߔࠆߎ ߣ߇ᄙ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ߔߎߣ߇ᄙ߆ߞߚߩߢᦨޔೋߪᚭᖺ߹ߒߚ߇ᣂ㞲ߢߒߚ⊒ޕ㖸ߪߩ⥠ޔ⟎߿ໃߩᒻ ߥߤ᥉Ბߪᗧ⼂ߒߥߎߣ߫߆ࠅߢߣߡ߽ീᒝߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߐࠎߣߩᵴേ ߢߒߚࠖ࠹ࠪ࠼ࡦ࠙ࠣ࠳ࡦࠕޕ㧔ਅⴝ㧕ࠍ᩺ౝߒߡ߽ࠄߞߚࠅߢࡓࠥޔㆆࠎߛࠅߣ ߡ߽ᭉߒ߆ߞߚߢߔޕዊቇᩞࠍ⸰ߔࠆ೨ᬺߢߪޔሶߤ߽㆐ߦߤ߁ធߔࠇ߫⦟߆ߤޔ ߁ߒߚࠄ⥝ࠍᜬߞߡ߽ࠄ߃ࠆ߆ߥߤߩࠕ࠼ࡃࠗࠬࠍߚߛ߈߽ߡߣޔഥ߆ࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ࠞ࠽࠳ߢߩ↢ᵴߪᧄᒰߦᭉߒߊޔᏫ࿖ߒߚߊߥ߆ߞߚ߶ߤߢߔޕᡷߡࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔ ࠍೋ㑐ࠊߞߡߚߛߚᣇߦޘᗵ⻢ࠍߒߚߢߔޕ ― 59 ― ᵫᶗᴾᶄᶐᶓᶇᶒᶄᶓᶊᴾᶑᶒᵿᶗᴾᶇᶌᴾᵡᵿᶌᵿᶂᵿ ੱᢥቇㇱ␠ળ⑼ቇ⑼ ⮮ߟ߆ (Ando Itsuka) I visited Canada from the end of February to March. This one month was so full time. When I went to Canada, I was 3rd grade, so I was full of anxiety about my job searching. But now I am satisfied with my staying in Canada. I was enjoying not only studying English, but also all of my stay – homestay, school life and sightseeing. My host family included father, mother, two sons and a daughter. 3 children were close to me in age, so we talked many things every day. 2sons like Japanese food animation very much! We could understand each other though my English was awkward. In weekends, we go to church, make pancakes or pizzas and watch movies. My host family is accustomed to overseas student, they talked to me every day. Thanks to their kindness, I could get used to spending with them. Also in the school, there were full of surprises. In every morning, we had pronunciation class and listening class. They were different from Japan. There were 12 students and not only Ibaraki university’s students. Both of our teachers were so friendly and their classes were very polite. In the afternoon, we went out with our monitores. They are McGill university’s students. We went to the museum, botanical garden, underground city, planetarium and so on. We had special class that we could learn about Canadian moral, culture, and other Canadian things. Every Friday, we had many Canadian foods. We could learn not only English but also different culture. I really enjoyed that. If you want, you can join the weekend tour. For example, Nuit Blanch, Ottawa and Quebec. This one month was so valuable for me. I want to study more, and I want to go McGill again. If you hesitate, you should go and see Canada by yourself! 2 ߩ⚳ࠊࠅ߆ࠄ 3 ߦ߆ߌߡߩ 1 ࠞߩࠞ࠽࠳⇐ቇߪᧄޔᒰߦలታߒߚᲤᣣߢߒߚޕ3 ᐕ߆ࠄ 4 ᐕߦㅴቇߔࠆᤐߦᒰߚࠅޔዞᵴߥߤߩਇ߽ࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ߣߚߞ߆ࠃߡߞⴕޔᔃ߆ ࠄᕁߞߡ߹ߔߩ⺆⧷ޕീᒝߪ߽ߜࠈࠎߢߔ߇ࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޔవ߿ᄢቇߢߩ↢ᵴޔㅳᧃߩⷰ శߥߤᲤᣣ߇ᭉߒߊߊߒࠆߋ߹ޔㆊ߉ߡⴕ߈߹ߒߚޕ ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗߒߚኅᐸߪޔਔⷫޔ2 ੱᕷሶޔᆷߩ 5 ੱኅᣖߢߒߚ߅ޕሶߐࠎߚߜߪ㜞ᩞ↢ ߆ࠄᄢቇ↢ߢޔᐕ㦂߽ㄭߊޔᲤᣣߚߊߐࠎߩߎߣࠍߒ߹ߒߚޕᕷሶ㆐ߪᣣᧄ㘩ߣࠕ࠾ࡔ߇ ᄢᅢ߈ߢޔ᜕⧷⺆ߢ߽ᭉߒߊળ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ― 60 ― ኅᣖߩឥ߁ㅳᧃߦߪࠄ߆ᦺޔᢎળߦ߆ߌࠍࠠࠤࡦࡄ߿ࠩࡇޔߡኅᣖߢ㘩ࠍߒޔ ᤋ↹ࠍߚࠅߒ߹ߒߚޕᐕ߽⇐ቇ↢ࠍฃߌࠇߡߚኅᐸߛߞߚߩߢޔᏫቛߔࠆߣࠍᝄ ߞߡ߽ࠄ߃ߦߋߔޔ㚔ᨴߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚ⥄ޕಽ߆ࠄߒដߌࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠆ߹ߢߘࠎߥߦ ᤨ㑆ߪ߆߆ࠄߥ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ⻠⟵ߪޔ㛳߈ߩㅪ⛯ߢߒߚ⊒ߣࠣࡦ࠾ࠬޕ㖸ߩᬺ߇Ფᣣඦ೨ਛߦࠅ߹ߔ߽ࠄߜߤޕ ᣣᧄߣߪ߹ࠆߢ㆑߹ߔ ߪࠬࠢޕ12 ੱߢ⨙ޔᄢએᄖߩቇ↢߽߅ࠅ߹ߒߚޕవ↢ߪ 2 ੱߣ ߽ߣߡ߽ࡈࡦ࠼ߢޔ㛳ߊ߶ߤৼካߥᬺߢߒߚ⊒ޕ㖸ࠍ㍳㖸ߒޔㅳᧃߩᣣ⸥ࠍߟߌࠆ ⺖㗴ߢߪޔ1 ੱ߭ߣࠅߦ⚦߆ߊࠦࡔࡦ࠻ࠍߟߌߡኋ㗴ࠍළߒ⾰ޔߦ߽ৼካߦኻᔕߒߡ ߚߛ߈߹ߒߚޕ ඦᓟߪᲤᣣࠕ࠙࠹ࠖࡦࠣ㧔ᄖ㧕ߦⴝߩ࡞ࠝ࠻ࡦࡕޕ߆ߌ߹ߒߚ߇ࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޕ ᓎߢߟߡߊࠇޔඳ‛㙚߿⟤ⴚ㙚ޔਅⴝޔᬀ‛⸰ࠍߤߥࡓ࠙࠲ࡀࡊޔߒ߹ߒ ߚߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔߡߒߣࠞࡇࠬ࠻ࠬࠥޕᢥൻ߿ࡕ࡞ޔᣣᏱ↢ᵴߩਛߢߩᝄࠆ⥰ߥߤࠍቇ ߱ߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ Ფㅳ㊄ᦐᣣߪฬߥ㘩ߴ‛ࠍᭉߒᣣߢߔ⇣ޔߊߥߢߌߛ⺆⧷ޕᢥൻࠍᗵߓࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ ߚߣ߁ᗧߢ⾆߽ߡߣޔ㊀ߥ 1 ࠞߢߒߚޕᏗᦸ⠪ߪ⊕ᄛ⑂߿㚂ㇺⷰశߦ߽ෳടߢ߈߹ߒ ߚ߽ߡߣޕኒᐲߩỚ⎇ୃߢߣߞ߽ޔീᒝߒߚ ߁߽ޔ1 ᐲ⸰ࠇߚߣᕁ߃ࠆ⇐ቇߢߒߚޕ ߽ߒㅅߞߡࠆੱ߇ߚࠄᤚ㕖ෳടߒߡਅߐޕ ᵲᶆᶃᴾᶃᶖᶎᶃᶐᶇᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶕᶇᶊᶊᴾᶆᵿᶔᶃᴾᵿᴾᶅᶍᶍᶂᴾᶇᶌᶄᶊᶓᶃᶌᶁᶃᴾᶒᶍᴾᶋᶗᴾᶊᶇᶄᶃᴾᴾ ㄘቇㇱ↢‛↢↥⑼ቇ⑼ ዊᨋᜏ㇢(Takuro Kobayashi) Before I entered in Ibaraki University, I had little challenges to new things myself. I had many times to follow some leaders. I wanted to challenge new things myself. I wanted to go abroad and decided to join this program. I was worrying whether I could have good influence to me and I sometimes thought to give up joining this. When I came back to Japan, I was so satisfied with my life in Canada. In Montreal, I could interact with many people (host family, McGill staff, foreigners and McGill members) Also, I could have many experiences and learned many things. Now I would like to introduce you two words. First, it is ‘ Don’t be shy’. When I couldn’t get in my house, for I forgot to take my key. I knocked my neighbors’ door and asked “Please help me” She understood my position and said with opening the door “Welcome to my home. Don’t be shy.” At first I hesitated to ― 61 ― ᴾ enter inside but I decided to get in. We started talking and I enjoyed talking with her very much. If I continued to be shy, I am sure that I would lose good opportunity . Next is ̌Don’t be reserved. If you were reserved, you will miss chances. It is so wasteful. So never miss chance̍ This is the word Masako-san told me. She is Japanese who lives in Montreal long time and she supported us. When she was young, she was active and she had many experiences. She never missed big chances. I learned these words and felt I missed big chances in the past. I changed my will to move active since I heard. I tried not to be a shy. I tried to speak to host family, teacher and foreigners. Gradually, I became to enjoy interacting with them. At the time, I felt irritating because I couldn’t tell very well. I thought that I couldn’t experience this case in foreign. Also, by speaking to many people, I could learn about history of Montreal and culture and compared with Japanese and Canada. And I could get confidence. In homestay, my host family was so kind. I felt comfortable. I spent at host house like my real house. I wrote my diary every evening. This time was one of happy time. I like Montreal. Montreal is attractive city. For example, museum, art gallery, mountains, townscape and people. But it was too cold. It was good to be able to experience 㧙 20 q .There are many immigration in Montreal, so various people f e l t c o m f o r t a b l e t o l i v e h e r e . W h e n I w a l ke d a r o u n d t o w n , I s a w m a n y c a r s m a d e in Japan. I could recognize Japanese technology. This trip gave me many new things. For instance, flight, homestay, foreign and so on. If I didn’t join this program, I couldn’t have precious experience. It is good that I could take a step forward. Challenge gave me growth. I met many people and cooperated with them. I made good friends. I made good memories. I was satisfied with my life in Montreal. I want to become active and never miss chance. I enjoyed Canada. Thank you everyone! ቇ೨⥄ޔಽ߆ࠄᣂߒߎߣߦᚢߖߕߦੱޔઃߡⴕߊߎߣ߇ᄙ߆ߞߚޔࠄ߆ߛޕᐲ ߪ⥄ޔಽ߆ࠄᣂߒߎߣߦ࠴ࡖࡦࠫߒߚߣ⠨߃ߚޕᶏᄖߦ⥝߇ߞߚߩߢࠣࡠࡊޔ ࡓ߳ߩෳടࠍߚߩߌߛࠇߘޕଔ୯ࠍߖࠆ߆ߤ߁߆ᔃ㈩ߢޔᱛࠃ߁߆ߥߣޔᕁ߁ᤨ ߽ߞߚߌࠇߤᏫ࿖ᓟߪߣߥߚߞ߆⦟ߡߞⴕޔᔃ߆ࠄᕁߞߡࠆޕ ― 62 ― ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߢߪޔᄙߊߩੱߣᵹߒޔᄙߊߩߎߣࠍቇࠎߛޔ߹ޕ2 ߟߩ⸒⪲ࠍ⚫ ߒߚޕ1 ߟߪޟޔDon’t be shyޕޠ㎛ࠍᔓࠇߡޔኅߩਛߦࠇߥߎߣ߇ߞߚᤨߩߘޕ ߦޔ㓞ߦഥߌࠍ᳞ߚ⥄ޟޕቛߦ߅ߢޟޔޠDon’t be shy.ߣޠჿࠍដߌߡߊࠇߚޕᕯߕ߆ ߒ߇ߞߡߚ⑳ࠍᓐᅚߪㄫ߃ࠇߡ߽ߡߣޔᭉߒᤨ㑆ࠍㆊߏߒߚޕᕯߕ߆ߒ߇ࠄߥߌࠇ߫ޔ ࠃࠅ⦟ᯏળࠍᜬߡࠆߩߎޕ⍍㑆ޔᕯߕ߆ߒߊᕁ߁᳇ᜬߜࠍᝥߡߞߚߩߢࠆޕ 2 ߟ⋡ߪޟޔ㆙ᘦߔࠆߥޕޠ㆙ᘦߒߡߚࠄޔᯏળࠍήߊߔޕ൩ߥޟޔࠄ߆ߛޕߒ ߡㅏߔߥޔߪࠇߎޕޠᐕ߽⨙ᄢ↢ࠍഥߌߡߊࠇߚ㇌ੱߩ㓷ሶߐࠎߩ⸒⪲ߢࠆޔᤨ⧯ޕ Ⓧᭂ⊛ߢᄙߊߩߎߣࠍ⚻㛎ߒ⦟ޔᯏળࠍㅏߐߥ߆ߞߚߘ߁ߛޕ ߹ߢޔᄢ߈ߥ࠴ࡖࡦࠬࠍㅏߒߡߚߎߣ߇ಽ߆ߞߚⴕޔࠄ߆ߛޕേࠍᡷࠃ߁ߣᗧߒ ߚޕᕯߕ߆ߒ߇ࠄߕޔࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔవ↢ޔᄖ࿖ੱߦ⥄ಽ߆ࠄⓍᭂ⊛ߦߒដߌߚޕ ᰴ╙ߦޔߩੱࠇ⸅ߣޘว߁ߩ߇ᭉߒߊߥߞߚޕหᤨߦޔᚻߊવ߃ࠄࠇߥ߽ߤ߆ߒ ߐࠍᗵߓᆎߚߩ⪲⸒߇ߘߎࠇߎޕ㆑߁ᄖ࿖ߛ߆ࠄߎߘࠊ߃ࠆ㉑㉓ߣ⠨߃ߚޕᄙߊߣ ߔߎߣߢߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔᱧผޔᢥൻࠍቇ߮ޔᣣᧄߣᲧセ᧪ߚ⥄ޔߪࠇߎޕାߦ߽❬߇ߞߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡈࠔࡒߪߣߡ߽ఝߒߊޔᔟㆡߛߞߚ⥄ޕቛߩࠃ߁ߦㆊߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚޕᲤ᥅ޔ ߘߩᣣߩߎߣࠍᣣ⸥ߦ⸥ߒߚᤨߩߎޕ㑆߽ᐘߖߛߞߚޕ ࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߪ㝯ജ⊛ߢ߽ߡߣޔᅢ߈ߢࠆޕඳ‛㙚ⴚ⟤ޔ㙚ޔጊⴝޔਗߺ߽ࠇߤޔᅢ ߈ߢࠆ߽ߡߣޔ߇ߛޕኙޕ㧙20͠ࠍᗵߢ߈ߚߩߪ⦟߆ߞߚޕ⒖᳃߇ᄙߊޔ᭽ߥޘᢥൻ ࠍᜬߟੱ߇ߺ߿ߔⴝߛޕᣣᧄゞࠍᄙߊߺߚޕᣣᧄߩᛛⴚߩ㜞ߐࠍ⼂ߒߚޕ ߎߩᣏߢᣂߒ⚻㛎ࠍߚߊߐࠎⓍࠎߛޕ㘧ⴕޔࠗ࠹ࠬࡓࡎޔᄖ࿖ߥߤߦࡓࠣࡠࡊޕෳ ടߒߡߥ߆ߞߚࠄ⾆ߚߒ߁ߎޔ㊀ߥ⚻㛎ߪߢ߈ߥ߆ߞߚߛࠈ߁⇐ޕቇߣ߁৻ᱠࠍ〯ߺ ߒߚᚢߢᄢ߈ߊᚑ㐳ߒߚޕ᭽ߣੱߥޘળޔදജߒߚޕખ㑆߽ߢ߈ޔᕁ߽ߢ߈ߚࡕޕ ࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߢߩ↢ᵴߦߣߡ߽ḩ⿷ߒߚޕⓍᭂ⊛ࠍᔃដߌޔᓟߪࠍࠬࡦࡖ࠴ޔㅏߐߥࠃ ߁ߦߒߚ࠳࠽ࠞޕᭉߒ߆ߞߚޕ߁ߣ߇ࠅߥࠎߺޕ ᴾ ᵫᶗᴾᶎᶐᶃᶁᶇᶍᶓᶑᴾᶑᶎᶐᶇᶌᶅᴾᶔᵿᶁᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾ ቇㇱࡑ࠹ࠕ࡞Ꮏቇ⑼ ᮮየ♿(Yoko Yuki) I had good experience in Canada. Because I want to improve my English skills, I decided to join this program. The first day that I arrived at Canada, Mr. Keven took me to my host family's house by his car. At the airport he explained me about the schedules but I couldn't understand well. My English was poor. But thanks to much help from teachers, monitors, host family and friends I could improve my English and enjoyed school life in Montreal. ― 63 ― My best memory of school is "teacher for a day". Before I joined this program, I have never taught. I was nervous and I thought that I would not be able to do it. Teacher Anne and Pat told me how to teach. Monitors (Jessica and Tim) helped me and my classmate and we practiced together! I chose Japanese sports day at the class. Pupils were energetic and aggressive. They enjoyed our lecture. "Teacher for a day" was the most memorable for me. When I came back host family's house, host mother cooked dinner. Every day I ate dinner while talking with host mother. I enjoyed talking about many things. For example, school, my family in Japan, my major, science and plants. My host mother loves plants and flowers. She was growing them and told me stories about them. Sometimes I talk about Japanese flowers and plants. When I showed her pictures of cherry blossom and Mt. Fuji, she looked very happy. I was really glad to see her. My host father was a fun person. Every day I laughed to hear his story. My host family took care of me like real daughter. It was very comfortable and I was very happy to stay this family. On the weekend, I didn’t have school. I went out sightseeing. I visited many places such as Ottawa, Quebec city, old Montreal and so on. I went shopping at underground city. All buildings were different from Japan. I was really impressed. I spent great time in Montreal. I learned not only English but also Canadian culture. I could know people in Montreal are kind. Through this experience, I want to learn more English and go back to Canada again. Thank you! ෳടߒߡߣߡ߽ᄙߊࠍቇࠎߛޕෳട೨ߪࠇ⸅ߤࠎߣ߶ߦ⺆⧷ޔว߁ᯏળ߇ߥߊޔᄢቇߢㅳ ߦ 1 ࿁ߩᬺࠍฃߌࠆ⒟ᐲ⧷ޕળߩࠬࠠ࡞ߪ߶ߣࠎߤࡠߢޔታ㓙ߦߪߓߩ߁ߜߪࡎࠬ ࠻ࡈࠔࡒ߿వ↢߇⸒ߞߡࠆߎߣߪ߶ߣࠎߤℂ⸃ߢ߈ߥ߫߆ࠅ߆ࠍߣߎߚ⸒ޔ ᚻߊવ߃ࠆߎߣ߽ߢ߈ߕዋߒㄆ߆ߞߚߢߔޕ Anne వ↢ߩ࠻࠾ࡦࠣ߿ߩߣࠄࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎ߿ࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔળߢዋߒߕߟ⧷ ⺆߇ℂ⸃ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅࠍߣߎߚ⸒ޔવ߃ࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ․ߦශ⽎ߦᱷߞߡࠆߩߪޔࠄࠇߚ࠹ࡑߢࡍࠕࠍࠅޔ3 ಽ㑆߭ߚߔࠄᱛ߹ࠆߎߣ ߥߊ⋧ޔᚻߦ⧷⺆ߢߒ߾ߴࠅ⛯ߌࠆᬺߢߔ ߩߘޕ3 ಽᓟ߽ߣࠇߘޔหߓౝኈࠍ 2 ಽߦ❗ ߡ߶߆ߩ⋧ᚻߦ⺑ߔࠆߩߘޕᰴߪޔߩ⋧ᚻߦ 1 ಽߦ❗ߡߒ߹ߔޕ ᦨೋߩ࠹ࡑߪߡ᧪ߦ࠳࠽ࠞޟޔ㛳ߚߎߣޕߚߒߢޠጊ߶ߤߞߚߩߦળߦ߹ߞߡ ߒ߹ޔᚻߊߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕ4 ㅳ⋡ߦߥࠆߣ⸒ޔ߆ࠈߎߤࠆ߹ޔ ߚߎߣ߇ᄙߔ߉ߡᐲߪޔ3 ಽ㑆ߢߪ⍴ߊࠄߢߒߚߥ߁ࠃߩߎޕᢥᴺߢߪߥߊࠬࡇ ࠠࡦࠣࠍࡔࠗࡦߣߔࠆᬺߪᣣᧄߣߪࠆ߆ߦ㆑ߞߡߡᧄޔᒰߦශ⽎⊛ߢߒߚޕ ― 64 ― ᦨೋߩ࠹ࡑߪߡ᧪ߦ࠳࠽ࠞޟޔ㛳ߚߎߣޕߚߒߢޠጊ߶ߤߞߚߩߦળߦ߹ߞߡ ߒ߹ޔᚻߊߔࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߖࠎߢߒߚޕ4 ㅳ⋡ߦߥࠆߣ⸒ޔ߆ࠈߎߤࠆ߹ޔ ߚߎߣ߇ᄙߔ߉ߡᐲߪޔ3 ಽ㑆ߢߪ⍴ߊࠄߢߒߚߥ߁ࠃߩߎޕᢥᴺߢߪߥߊࠬࡇ ࠠࡦࠣࠍࡔࠗࡦߣߔࠆᬺߪᣣᧄߣߪࠆ߆ߦ㆑ߞߡߡᧄޔᒰߦශ⽎⊛ߢߒߚޕ ඦ೨ਛߪᢎቶߢ⻠⟵ޔඦᓟߪࡕ࠾࠲ߣᏒౝⷰశࠍߤߥࡓࠥࠩޔࠠࠬޔᭉߒߺ ߹ߒߚޔߪࠄࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޕరㅍዪ CBC ߩ⸰߿ዊቇᩞ߳ߩ೨ᬺޟTeacher for a ࡨࠍㆊߏߔߎߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ dayߢޠഥߌߡߊࠇߡᧄޔᒰߦᭉߒߊߡలታߒߚ 1 ࠞ Ꮻቛᓟߪ߽ߟ߇ࠩࡑ࠻ࠬࡎޔᢱℂࠍࠅޔᓙߜ᭴߃ߡ߹ߒߚޕ㘩ࠍߒߥ߇ࠄᄢቇ ߩ᧪߿ኅᣖߩࠍߒޔߪߦᤨޔᣣᧄߩ⠌ᘠࠍᢎ߃ߩ࠳࠽ࠞޔવ⛔ߥߤߦߟߡᗧ឵ ߒ߹ߒߚޕಽ߆ࠄߥ⧷න⺆߇ࠆߣࠍ⛗ޔߒ⋥⸒ޔឬߡ⺑ߒߡߊࠇ߽ߢࠇߘޔಽ߆ ࠄߥߣㄉᦠߢ⺞ߴࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ࠬࡍ࡞ࠍᢎ߃ߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕ ࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߪᬀ‛ߦߒߊࠍߩߘޔ⡞ߊߩ߽ᭉߒߺߥᲤᣣߢߒߚߪࠩࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޕ Უ࿖⺆߇ࡈࡦࠬ⺆ߢ⧷⺆ߪ߹ࠅᓧᗧߢߪߥߣ⸒ߞߡߚߩߢߔ߇߽ߟޔ㕙⊕ߎߣ ⸒ߞߡ╉ࠊߖߡߊࠇࠆߣߡ߽ᭉߒੱߢߒߚޕㅳᧃߩࡃࠬ࠷ࠕߪޔ㓸ว႐ᚲ߇㆙ߣᣧᦺ ߦ᜔߽ࠊࠄߕㅍߞߡߊࠇᧄޔᒰߩሶଏߩࠃ߁ߦนᗲ߇ߞߡߊࠇᧄޔᒰߦᗵ⻢ߢ৻᧰ߢߔޕ ߆ࠍㅍࠇ߹ߒߚޕవ↢ᣇ߿ࡕ࠾ ᕁߔߣߦੱߥࠈࠈޔഥߌࠄࠇలታߒߚᭉߒ 1 ࠞ ࠲ߩᣇޔޘ㓷ሶߐࠎࠍୃ⎇࡞ࠡࡑߦ✜৻ޔࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔฃߌߚߔߴߡߩੱߦᗵ⻢ߒ ߡ߹ߔޕߚߒ߹ߑߏ߁ߣ߇ࠅޕ ᵧᶒᴾᶕᵿᶑᴾᵿᴾᶀᶇᶅᴾᶑᶒᶃᶎᴿᴾ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ⧷⺆ㆬୃ ㅒ㓉⧐㧔Takayoshi Sakasai㧕 This program in Canada was the most precious experience and fulfill days for me. I hadn’t been woorrrriieedd iiff II ccoaunl d t et el ll l wwhhaat t II tthhionukg h o rt a b r o a d , ssoo II w f Ii f c Ia nc olui sl dt elni sttoe nw thoa tw h p eaot ppl e ospal ey soar i d n ootr. onro tn, oat n , da ni d Hootw v eorw, eevveerr, y oe n , in I dcloyu, l dI n . eH v e r ys ounpep o sr tuepdp om r tee dk i n mdel yk y et h ce onuj ol d nij so yp rt ohgi sr apm r o. g r a m . The first time I spoke English was the entry formalities at Toronto airport. I had studied how to do it beforehand, but it was e xyp e x c tpaetcitoant.i oW t oerc tsoproskpeo k wea sw taoso t foaos ftafsotr f omre mt oe more difficult than m nh . aWt htahte t ihnes p i ne sc p tuon d uenrdsetrasntda.n d . Fortunately, I could pass the inspection. I thought when we speak English, we shouldn’t attitude noncommittally but ask question to make it clear. In other word, don’t be shy but be brave and be positive. To tell the truth, I was afraid, but I felt I wanted to speak English more. This gave me strong motivation for this program. ― 65 ― When I arrived at my host family’s house, they welcomed me warmly, I was happy. There were lot of things I did not know in Canada. Thanks to their support, I could relieve and enjoy my stay. T h e r e w e r e t w o c l a s s e s a t M c G i l l U n i ve r s i t y , P r o n u n c i a t i o n , L i s t e n i n g a n d Speaking. These were useful and very interesting. Interacting with my friends, monitors, teachers, and friends from other Universities stimulated me to speak English. This program had great activities, for example, making the news at CBC, making a presentation to children in elementary school. And the most valuable thing was daily life with people in Montreal! At the host family’s house, I tried to speak as much as possible. I talked lot of things with my host family during supper time (It was delicious!), the event in that day, Japanese culture. In addition, I played a game with mother, and watched a movie and TV program, too. Naturally, I often could not tell what I wanted to say in English. But they were kind enough to try to understand what I said. And also they pointed out my mistakes in English. So I could get the confidence. The daily life with my host family was great support. I felt I was very lucky guy because I could spend with them. Finally, I think that thanks to your help, I could spend great time and learn English pleasantly. I appreciate my host family, friends, monitors, and teachers. Thank you every one! ࿁ߩ⇐ቇߪ߆ߌ߇߃ߩߥ⚻㛎ߢࠅޔలታߒߚ 1 ࠞߢߒߚޕᶏᄖ߇ೋߡߢ⸰ޔ ೨ߪ⥄ߣࠎ߾ߜޔಽߩ⧷⺆߇વࠊࠆ߆⋧ޔᚻ߇ࠍ⸒ߞߡࠆ߆⡞߈ขࠇࠆ߆ᔃ㈩ߢᣇ ࠅ߹ߖࠎߢߒߚߡߒ࠻ࡐࠨߊߒߐ߿߇ࠎߐ⊝ޕਅߐࠅߢߍ߆߅ޔᔃ㈩ࠍᭉߒߐߦᄌ߃ࠆߎ ߣ߇ߢ߈߹ߒߚ ޕ ᦨೋߩ⧷⺆ߪ࿖ክᩏߢߒߚޕᄢ߹߆ߥᵹࠇߪᛠីߒߡߚⓍࠅߢߒߚ߇ࠅ߿ߑޔขࠅ ࠍߔࠆߣ߶ߣࠎߤ⡞߈ขࠇߥߊߡࠅߥ߆ޔὶࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ⧷ળߢߪޔಽ߆ࠄߥᤨߪಽ߆ࠄߥߣࠎ߾ߜߣޔะ߈ว߁ߎߣ߇ᄢಾߥߎߣ߇ಽ߆ࠅ ߹ߒߚޕᱜ⋥ߩߎޔవᄢਂᄦߛࠈ߁߆ߣਇߢߒߚޔߣߚࠅߥߦ߁ࠃࠆߖࠍ⺆⧷ߣߞ߽ޕ ⇐ቇߦะߌߡ⢛ਛࠍߒߡ߽ࠄ߃ߚ᳇߇ߒ߹ߔޕ ࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవߢߪኅᣖ߇ᥦ߆ߊㄫ߃ߡߊࠇߡᧄᒰߦሜߒ߆ߞߚޕಽ߆ࠄߥߎߣ߇ᄙ ߊਇߥᤨ߽ޟޔᢎ߃ࠆ߆ࠄᔃ㈩ߥࠃߣޠჿࠍដߌߡߊࠇޔᔃߒߡ⎇ୃࠍᭉߒߎߣ߇ ߢ߈߹ߒߚޕ ― 66 ― ᄢቇߢߪ⊒ޔ㖸ߣ⧷ળ߮ࠬ࠾ࡦࠣߩᬺߩ㧞ߟ߇ࠅ߽ࠄߜߤޔਛりߩࠆ߽ߩߢ ߒߚ⨙ߩ✜৻ޕᄢ↢ߣߪ߽ߜࠈࠎઁޔᄢቇߩቇ↢ߚߜ߿ࠎߐ࠲࠾ࡕޔవ↢ᣇߣߩᵹ߽߅ ⦟ೝỗߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚⷰޔߪߢୃ⎇ޕశ߿࠹ࡆዪࠍ⸰ߒࠍ⚵⇟ࠬࡘ࠾ޔᚑߒޔ ߩዊቇᩞߦⴕߞߡఽ┬ࠍ⋧ᚻߦࡊࡦࠍߔࠆߥߤߩỚኒߥࡊࡠࠣࡓ߇↪ᗧߐࠇߡ ߹ߒߚߢ⺆⧷ޕታ㓙ߦળߢ߈ߚߎߣ߇ࠃࠅ߽ᚑ㐳ߐߖߡߊࠇ߹ߒߚޕ ᢱℂߩߣߡ߽⟤ߒ߆ߞߚࡎࡓࠬ࠹ࠗవߢߪޔᄕ㘩ߩᤨߩߘޔᣣߩ᧪߿ᣣᧄߩߎߣ ߦߟߡߒߢࡓࠥߦ✜৻ޔㆆ߮ޔᤋ↹߿࠹ࡆ⇟⚵ࠍߚࠅߒ߹ߒߚߥ߆ߥࠎࠈߜ߽ޕ ߆⸒ߚߎߣ߇ߡߎߥߎߣ߽ࠅ߹ߒߚ߇ⷫߥࠎߺޔりߦߥߞߡℂ⸃ߒࠃ߁ߣദജߒ ߡߊࠇ߽ࠬࡒޔᜰ៰ߒߡߊࠇߚߩߢ߆ߥࠅ⥄ା߇ߟ߈߹ߒߚޕᓐࠄߣߩ↢ᵴߪᄢ߈ߥᔃߩᡰ ߃ߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚߣࡒࠔࡈߩߎޕㆊߏߖߡᧄᒰߦ⦟߆ߞߚߢߔޕ ߦㅅߞߚᤨޔࠍߨߚࠅޔᣣᧄ⺆ߦ⥝߇ࠆੱߦ⧷⺆ߢᣣᧄ⺆ߦߟߡᢎ߃ߚࠅߣ ⾆㊀ߥᯏળߦߚߊߐࠎᎼࠅว߃ߡ߽ߡߣޔὑߦߥࠅ߹ߒߚޕ ᦨᓟߦ⇐ߩߎޔቇ߇⦟߽ߩߣߥߞߚߩߪޔߓߪࠍࡒࠔࡈ࠻ࠬࡎޔవ↢ᣇ߿ࡕ࠾࠲ ࠍ⺆⧷ߦ߽ߣߡߒߘޔቇࠎߛખ㑆ߩᡰ߃߇ߞߚ߆ࠄߢࠅᧄߪߦࠎߐ⊝ޔᒰߦᗵ⻢ߒߡ ߹ߔᧄޕᒰߦࠅ߇ߣ߁ߏߑ߹ߒߚޕ ᵫᶗᴾᵟᶋᵿᶘᶇᶌᶅᴾᵴᵿᶁᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴿᴾ ℂቇㇱ ศ↰⚿Ꮧ(Yuki Yoshida) I visited Montreal during this spring vacation. I had special time and got many precious things there. I’ll talk about things that I experienced in Canada. First, I got much first experience in Canada. For example, it was the first time in my life that I got on the plane for foreign country, stayed with a family by myself, used public facilities to go to school, bought something to drink or eat by English and so on. I was anxious about living in foreign country at first while I was excited. But it was not long before I found its anxiety was in vain. All I experienced was exciting! Second, I could improve my English skill. Frankly, I was poor at communication. In addition, I couldn’t speak English fluently. So it was incredible that I had to stay with a family by myself. But I was trained by living in Canada for 1 month. I couldn’t make myself understood at first, and ran through trial and error. As a result, I could speak English more fluently than first time. Of course, I’ll continue to learn English for life. I believe I’ll be better! ― 67 ― Third, I met many people during studying abroad. For example, of course participants of this trip, university’s teachers and monitors, café’s clerk and so on. I entered this trip without friend. But I made friends with them when I came back Japan. There was big underground city close to university, and we went there almost every day. And in Canada the clerk was really kind and we could try various things, for example chocolate, ice cream, gummy candy and so on. I think I became active and got confidence. I got important things in Canada. My trip was really exciting, amazing and wonderful. I can’t talk about all things perfectly. I never forget those days. Thank you for reading my report! ߎߩᤐ࡞ࠡࡑޔᄢቇߩ⺆ቇ⎇ୃߢޔ᥉Ბߩ↢ᵴߢߪߒߡ⚻㛎ߢ߈ߥޔ᭽ࠍߣߎߥޘ 㛎ߒߚ⥄ޕಽߩ⍮ࠍᐢߦ․ޔᢥൻߩ㆑ߦߪ㛳ߚޕਔ࿖ߩ㑆ߦߪᗐએߩᏅ⇣߇ ࠅޔ࿁ߩ⇐ቇߢ⊒ߒߚ㆑ߦߟߡᦠ߈⸥ߒߚޕ ߹ߕߪ↢ޔᵴ᭽ᑼߩ㆑ߢࠆޕㇱደߦߪ⋥ធᾖ߇ߥߊޔ㑆ធᾖ߇ㇱደߩ 2ޔ3 ▎ᚲߦ ⸳⟎ߐࠇߡߚ߽ߡߒ߁ߤޕᥧߊᗵߓߡߒ߹ߦࠇߘޔᘠࠇࠆ߹ߢߦᤨ㑆߇߆߆ߞߚߑޕ ᘠࠇࠆߣߩࠄߜߎޔᣇ߇ߒࠈ⪭ߜ⌕ߊߎߣߦ᳇ઃߚޕᱶߦ㛳ߚߩߪ࠻ࠗߩᚺߛߞߚޕ ↪ਛߩߣ߈એᄖߩࠗ࠻ޔᚺࠍ㐿ߌߚ߹߹ߦߒߡ߅ߊ߽ࠇߎޕᣣᧄߢߪᐩ⠨߃ࠄࠇߥ ᢥൻߢࠆޕ ᰴߦ߅㊄ࡊ࠶࠴ޕᐲ߇ࠆࠍ╬ࡃޔࠚࡈࠞ߿ࡦ࠻ࠬޕ↪ߔࠆߣޔว⸘㊄㗵ߩ 15~20 %ߩ࠴࠶ࡊࠍᡰᛄ߁ߎߣ߇ᥧ㤩ߩੌ⸃ߣߐࠇߡࠆޕ1 ᐲࡃߦⴕߞߚ㓙ࠍࡊ࠶࠴ޔ ᛄࠊߕߦᏫߞߡߒ߹ߞߚߡࠎߥޕቴߛߣᕁࠊࠇߚߦ㆑ߥޕ ᡰᛄߢࠢࠫ࠶࠻ࠞ࠼ࠍ↪ߔࠆ⠌ᘠ߇ቯ⌕ߒߡࠆޕṛਛޔᡰᛄߩᱴߤࠍࠢࠫ ࠶࠻ࠞ࠼ߢᷣ߹ߒߚޕὐߣߒߡ࠴࠶ࡊㄟߩ㊄㗵ࠍᡰᛄ߁ߚ㕙ୟߥ⸘▚ࠍߒߥߊߡ⦟ 㐳ᚲ߇ࠆޕ ᦨᓟߪޕ⺆⸒ޔṛߒߚࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߪࠤࡌ࠶ࠢᎺߦࠆߩࠬࡦࡈޕᬀ᳃ߛߞߚߩ ߢࡈࡦࠬ⺆߇ᄙߊࠊࠇࠆࠃ߁ߛޕ᳃ߩ⚂ඨಽߪࡈࡦࠬ⺆ߣหᤨߦ⧷⺆߽ߖࠆޔ ࠊ߫ࡃࠗࡦࠟ࡞ߢࠆޕታ㓙ߦࡎࠬ࠻ࡑࠩߪޔ߇ߛ⺆⧷ߪ߈ߣߔߣ⑳ޔ᥉Ბߪࡈࡦ ࠬ⺆ߛߞߚ߽ࠄߜߤޕᵹᥰߦߒߩ⺆⸒ߦߐߞߣޔಾࠅᦧ߃߇ߢ߈ߡߡᙏࠇߡߒ߹߁ޕ ߎࠇ߇⑳ߩ⊒ߒߚᢥൻߩ㆑ߛࠇߎޔࠎࠈߜ߽ޕએᄖߦ߽᭽⋧ߥޘ㆑ࠍߟߌߚޕ࿁ ߩ⎇ୃߪ⥄ಽߩ⧷⺆⢻ജࠍ㜞ߚߛߌߢߥߊੱޔ㑆ߣߒߡ⥄ಽࠍᚑ㐳ߐߖߡߊࠇߚ⾆㊀ߥᤨ 㑆ߢߞߚߩߎޕᤐભߺߪ⑳ߩ৻↢ߩᕁߢࠅ↢৻ޔᔓࠇࠆߎߣߪߥߛࠈ߁ޕ ― 68 ― ܖဃỉᧈỆẴỦἩἿἂἻἲồ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ੱ ᢥ ቇ ㇱ ቇ ㇱ 㐳 㧔 ࡑ ࠡ ࡞ ᄢ⎇ ୃ ⽿ છ ⠪ 㧕 ฎ ⾐ ⚐ ৻ ㇢ 10 ᐕએ⛯ߊࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⧷⺆⎇ୃߢᓳ〝ߩᒁ₸ߪޔ2015 ᐕᐲߩ 3 ߇ᦨᓟߣߥߞߚޕ ᒁ₸߇ࠆߩߪޔᓟߪޔᓔ〝ߩߺ߽ࠇߎޕㄭ᧪ߦᑄᱛߔࠆޕᢙᐕᓟߪޔෳടߔࠆቇ ↢ߪߒ↳ޔㄟߺ߆ࠄ࠳࠽ࠞޔᓔᓳ߹ߢߩߔߴߡ⁛ജߢߎߥߔߎߣߦߥࠆޕ ᒁ₸ࠍᑄᱛߔࠆߎߣߦߥߞߚߩߪޔ3 ᐕ೨ߩࠆ㔚߇߈ߞ߆ߌߢࠆޕෳട⠪ߩᄙߊ ߇ߘࠈߞߚ 1 ⎇ߩ⑳ޔⓥቶߩ㔚߇㡆ߞߚޕฃེࠍߍࠆߣ↵ޔᕈߩჿߢࠆޕ ߢ߽ޔᘮᔕᄢ↢ߢ⨙ޔᄢਥߩࡑࠡ࡞ᄢߩ⧷⺆⎇ୃߦෳടߒߚߣ߁ޕ ⷐ⚂ߔࠆߣ ߦߡߠੱޔ2 ߩࡑࠡ࡞ᄢ⧷⺆⎇ୃߩሽࠍ⍮ࠅ߳࠳࠽ࠞޔ㔚ࠍࠇޔ ෳ ട ࠍ Ꮧ ᦸ ߒ ߚ ࠄ ⨙ ޟޔᄢ ߇ ⓹ ญ ࠍ ⚫ ߩ ߣ ޠฃ ߌ ߩ ⑳ ޔㅪ ⛊ వ ࠍ ᢎ ߃ ߡ ߊ ࠇ ߚ ߣ ߁ ޕ ߈ߥࠅߩ㔚ߦ߽㛳ߚ߇ୃ⎇ޔෳടߩߚ࿖㓙㔚ࠍࠇޔᨐᢓߦ⧷⺆ߢࠕ࠲࠶ࠢ ߒߚᗧ᰼ߣ࠴ࡖࡦࠫ♖ߦߪ⣕Ᏺߒߚޕᢘᗧࠍߒߡട߃ߡߍߚߣᕁޔቇㇱߢ ߞ ߚ ࠎ ߪ ද ⼏ ߒ ߚ ޔ ৻ ਁ ޟޔ ߇ ߛ ޕ ߩ ߞ ߚ ႐ ว ߦ ⽿ ޔછ ࠍ ข ࠇ ߥ ߩ ߣ ޠℂ ↱ ߢ ᢿ ࠆߎߣߦߥߞߚ⚿ޕᨐߪ⋥ߜߦㅢ⍮ޕฃེߩะߎ߁ߩቇ↢ߪ⪭⢙ߒߚ᭽ሶߛߞߚޕ ߣߎࠈ߇ߩߘޔߎߞߤޔቇ↢ߪ߈ࠄߚࠊߌߢߪߥ߆ߞߚޔߒੌ⚳߇ୃ⎇ޕᏫ࿖ߒ ߚ⨙ᄢ↢߇⻠⟵ߩ᭽ሶߩ౮⌀ࠍߖߡߊࠇߚ╉ߪߦߎߘޕ㗻ߩ⍮ࠄߧ↵ሶቇ↢߇ߚޕ ⡞ߊߣߩޔᘮᄢ↢ߛߞߚޕᚻ⛯߈ߥߤࠍߔߴߡ⁛ജߢ߿ࠅෳടߒߚߩߢࠆޕ ߎࠇࠍᯏߦ࡞ࠡࡑޔᄢߪ 2 ߩࡊࡠࠣࡓߦᘮᔕࠍߚઁᄢቇ↢ߩෳട߽ࠆࠃ ߁ߦߥߞߚޕᓐࠄߪోޔຬ⁛ജߢᚻ⛯߈ࠍᷣ߹ߖޔනりࡕࡦ࠻ࠝ࡞ߦ߿ߞߡ᧪ࠆߎޕ ࠇߦኻߒ⨙ᄢ↢ߪޔᓔᓳߩᒁ₸ޔᚻ⛯߈߽ᢎຬߦଐሽߒߡࠆޕߒ߆߅߆ߎߤޔߪࠇߎޕ వᣇߩࠕ࠼ࡃ߽ࠗࠬߞߡޔቇ↢ߩ⁛┙ᔃࠍᶩ㙃ߔࠆߚߦᒁ₸ࠍᱛࠆߎߣߦߒߚޕ ቇㇱߩੌ⸃߽ᓧߚ৻ޕᤓᐕޔᤓᐕߣ⎇ୃߦෳടߒߚቇ↢߆ࠄࠕࡦࠤ࠻ࠍขߞߚ߇ߕޔ ࠇ߽ 90%એ߇ޟᒁ₸ߥߒߢ߽⎇ୃߦෳടߔࠆߩߣޠ࿁╵ߢࠆޕ Ἦบਅᥧߒޕᢎຬߛߌ߇ቇ↢ߩ᳇ᜬߜࠍಽ߆ߞߡߥ߆ߞߚߩ߆ߥࠎߘޕᕁ߇ߞߡ ߈ߚ࡞ࠡࡑޕᄢߩ⧷⺆⎇ୃߪޔ2016 ᐕᐲ߆ࠄޔᚻ⛯߈ࠍߪߓߣߒߚߩࠅߥ߆ޔㇱಽࠍ ቇ↢߇⁛ജߢᜂᒰߔࠆߎߣߦߥࠆޕ ࡑࠡ࡞ᄢߢ߽ޔᣣᧄੱࠬ࠲࠶ࡈࠍ㓹ޔᘒࠍᢛ߃ߡࠆޕ࿁ߩ㕙⺣ߢߪޔㇱ㐳ߩࠛ ࡈࠖߐࠎ߇ޔㅳᧃߩ࠷ࠕ߽⎇ୃߦࠇߡᷝੱߩቇ↢ࡕ࠾࠲߽ෳടߔࠆࠃ߁ߦߒߚ ߣߩᗧะࠍ␜ߒߚߡߞߥ߽ߣߦࠇߎޕෳട⾌↪ߪ୯߇ࠅߔࠆㅢߒߢࠆޕ ߕࠇߦߖࠃޔቇ↢ߩ⥄┙ᔃࠍ㙃߁ߎߣߪߩୃ⎇ޔᄢ߈ߥ⋡ᮡߢ߽ࠆޕṛߪ⹜ⴕ㍲ ⺋ߩ 1 ࠞߦߥࠆߣᕁ߁߇ޔᚑᨐߪࠃࠅᄢ߈ߥ߽ߩߣߥࠆߛࠈ߁ޕ 2017 ᐕߩᄢቇᡷ㕟ߢ⨙ޔᄢߪޔᶏᄖߩ⺆ቇ⎇ୃᐲోߩ⋥ߒ߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠆޕ࿖㓙 ᚢ⇛ቶߥߤߣㅪ៤ߒߡቇ↢ߩᚑ㐳ࠍᦼᓙߢ߈ࠆࡊࡠࠣࡓߦᄌ߃ߡ߈ߚߣ⠨߃ߡࠆޕ 㧔⚳㧕 ― 69 ― ᒠ؉ܖٻʴ૨ܖᢿᴾ ᒠ؉ܖٻʴ૨ܖᢿᴾ ᵫᶁᵥᶇᶊᶊ ܖٻᒍᛖᄂ̲ᜒࡈᴾ ܖٻᒍᛖᄂ̲ᜒࡈᴾ إԓᴾ إԓᴾ ᵫᶁᵥᶇᶊᶊ ᵐᵎᵏᵔ ࠰༿ᴾ ࠰༿ᴾ ᵐᵎᵏᵔ Ẕዻᨼࢸᚡẕᴾ Ẕዻᨼࢸᚡẕᴾ ዻᨼᧈᴾ ᴾᴾ ዻᨼᧈᴾ ㅒ 㓉 㓉⧐ ⧐㧔 㧔ᢎ ᢎ⢒ ⢒ቇ ቇㇱ ㇱ㧕 㧕 ㅒ ࿁ ࿁ޔ ߎޔ ߎߩ ߩႎ ႎ๔ ๔ᦠ ᦠࠍ ࠍቢ ቢᚑ ᚑߐ ߐߖ ߖࠆ ࠆߎ ߎߣ ߣ߇ ߇ߢ ߢ߈ ߈ߡ ߡޔ ޔද දജ ജߒ ߒߡ ߡߊ ߊߛ ߛߐ ߐߞ ߞߚ ߚవ వ↢ ↢ᣇ ᣇ߿ ߿ࡕ ࡕ࠾ ࠾࠲ ࠲ ߐ ߐࠎ ࠎޔ ޔ ߘߒ ߒߡ ߡෳ ෳട ട⠪ ⠪ߩ ߩ⊝ ⊝ߐ ߐࠎ ࠎߦ ߦᗵ ᗵ⻢ ⻢↳ ↳ߒ ߒ ߍ ߍ߹ ߹ߔ ߔޕ ߣޕ ߣߡ ߡ߽ ߽⦟ ⦟ ⚻ ⚻㛎 㛎ߦ ߦߥ ߥߞ ߞߚ ߚߣ ߣ ߦ ߦޔ ޔ ᓟ ᓟ߽ ߽ ᚢ ᚢߒ ߒ ߘ ߡ ߊ ߊᄢ ᄢಾ ಾߐ ߐࠍ ࠍᔓ ᔓࠇ ࠇߕ ߕߦ ߦข ขࠅ ࠅ⚵ ⚵ࠎ ࠎߢ ߢ ߈ ߈ߚ ߚ ߢ ߢߔ ߔޕ ޕ ߡ ዻᨼۀՃᴾ ዻᨼۀՃᴾ ዊ₹ ₹᥍ ᥍ධ ධ㧔 㧔ੱ ੱᢥ ᢥቇ ቇㇱ ㇱ㧕 㧕 ዊ ࠞ࠽ ࠽࠳ ࠳ߢ ߢߩ ߩ 㛎 㛎߇ ߇⚛ ⚛ᢜ ᢜߥ ߥ߽ ߽ߩ ߩߢ ߢ ࠆ ࠆߎ ߎߣ ߣࠍ ࠍᡷ ᡷ ߡ ߡᗵ ᗵߓ ߓ߹ ߹ߒ ߒߚ ߚޕ ߎޕ ߎߩ ߩ 㛎 㛎ߦ ߦ៤ ៤ࠊ ࠊߞ ߞߚ ߚੱ ੱޘ ోޘ ోຬ ຬ ࠞ ߦᗵ ᗵ⻢ ⻢ߒ ߒߡ ߡ ߹ ߹ߔ ߔޕ ޕT Th h aa n nk k yy oo u u vv ee rr yy m mu u cc h h ii n nd d ee ee d d ;; -- )) ߦ ᣂ ⟤ ⟤Ⓞ Ⓞ㧔 㧔ੱ ੱᢥ ᢥቇ ቇㇱ ㇱ㧕 㧕 ᣂ ࠣ ࡆ ࡆࠕ ࠕࡍ ࡍ ࠫ ࠫ ࠅ ࠅ߇ ߇৻ ৻⇟ ⇟ᭉ ᭉߒ ߒ߆ ߆ߞ ߞߚ ߚߢ ߢߔ ߔޕ ޕႎ ႎ๔ ๔ᦠ ᦠߩ ߩ ᚑ ᚑߦ ߦߏ ߏද දജ ജߒ ߒߡ ߡߊ ߊߛ ߛߐ ߐߞ ߞߚ ߚᣇ ᣇޘ ߦޘ ߦ߅ ߅ ࠣ ␞↳ ↳ߒ ߒ ߍ ߍ߹ ߹ߔ ߔޕ ޕ ␞ ዊᨋ ᨋᜏ ᜏᦶ ᦶ㧔 㧔ㄘ ㄘቇ ቇㇱ ㇱ㧕 㧕 ዊ ࡊࡠ ࡠࠣ ࠣ ࡓ ࡓߦ ߦෳ ෳട ടߒ ߒߡ ߡ⥄ ⥄ಽ ಽ߇ ߇ዋ ዋߒ ߒᄌ ᄌࠊ ࠊߞ ߞߚ ߚޕ ޕ ߹ ߹ߢ ߢߪ ߪޔ ޔᄢ ᄢ߈ ߈ߥ ߥߎ ߎߣ ߣࠍ ࠍⴕ ⴕേ േߦ ߦ⒖ ⒖ߖ ߖߥ ߥ߆ ߆ߞ ߞߚ ߚޕ ޕ ࡊ ߒ߆ ߆ߒ ߒޔ ޔ ࿁ ࿁ޔ ⇐ޔ ⇐ቇ ቇߣ ߣ ߁ ߁ᄢ ᄢ߈ ߈ߥ ߥߎ ߎߣ ߣࠍ ࠍᚑ ᚑߒ ߒㆀ ㆀߍ ߍߚ ߚޕ ⧰ޕ ⧰ഭ ഭ߽ ߽ᄙ ᄙޘ ޘ ߞ ߞߚ ߚ߇ ߇ޔ ޔਸ਼ ਸ਼ࠅ ࠅ ߃ ߃ߚ ߚߎ ߎߣ ߣ ߒ ߪ ᓟ ᓟߩ ߩੱ ੱ↢ ↢ߦ ߦᓎ ᓎ┙ ┙ߟ ߟߣ ߣᕁ ᕁ߁ ߁ޕ ߘޕ ߘߒ ߒߡ ߡޔ ⑳ޔ ⑳ߪ ߪޔ ޔᰴ ᰴߥ ߥࠆ ࠆᄢ ᄢ߈ ߈ߥ ߥߎ ߎߣ ߣޔ ࠗޔ ࠗࡦ ࡦ࠼ ࠼ࡀ ࡀࠪ ࠪࠕ ࠕߦ ߦㄘ ㄘᬺ ᬺࠍ ࠍቇ ቇ ߪ ߮ߦ ߦⴕ ⴕߊ ߊߣ ߣ ߁ ߁ߎ ߎߣ ߣ߳ ߳৻ ৻ᱠ ᱠ〯 〯ߺ ߺ ߒ ߒߡ ߡ ࠆ ࠆޕ ߎޕ ߎߩ ߩ৻ ৻ᱠ ᱠࠍ ࠍ〯 〯ߺ ߺ ߖ ߖߚ ߚߩ ߩ߽ ߽ޔ ޔ ࿁ ࿁ߩ ߩ⇐ ⇐ቇ ቇ߇ ߇ ߞ ߞ ߮ ߚ߆ ߆ࠄ ࠄߛ ߛޕ ߶ޕ ߶ࠎ ࠎߣ ߣߦ ߦ ⚻ ⚻㛎 㛎ߦ ߦߥ ߥߞ ߞߚ ߚޕ ޕ ળ ળߞ ߞߚ ߚᣇ ᣇޘ ߦޘ ߦᗵ ᗵ⻢ ⻢ߢ ߢߔ ߔޕ ޕ ߚ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ 㧔⚳ ⚳㧕 㧕 㧔 ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ ᴾᴾ 発行日:2016 年 10 月 12 日 ― 70 ―
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