
38 次の会話文の(
1) A:I really hate math. How about you?
B:Not really. It's kind of hard for me, though.
A:Our teacher says we must study it every day.
B:I know, but (
① “First come, first served."
② “The sooner, the better."
③ “Practice makes perfect."
④ “Easier said than done."
2) A:I've got my driver's license at last! Let's go for a drive!
B:Well, maybe some other time.
B:Well, you failed the final test six times, didn't you?
① Did you forget your driver's license again?
② Then I'll drive you to the supermarket.
③ Won't you come and see my brand new car?
④ I wonder why nobody wants to go for a drive with me.
3) A:Is it all right if I use the telephone?
) I'm going to use it.
A:I'll wait then.
B:OK, but please wait over there.
① Sure.
② I think so.
③ No problem.
④ I'm afraid not.
39 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空欄に最適な1語を入れよ。
1) Something is wrong with my computer.
My computer is (
) order.
2) He is superior to me in speaking English.
He is a (
) of English than I.
3) This computer is not as expensive as that one.
This computer is (
) expensive than that one.
4) When I see this photograph, I always remember our good old days.
I can't see this photograph (
) remembering our good old days.
5) I am sorry I don't know his address.
I wish I (
) his address.
6) She cannot speak either Japanese or English.
She can speak (
) Japanese (
) English.
7) Don't forget to lock the back door.
) lock the back door.
40 次の英文の(
1) If I (
) in your place, I wouldn't say such a thing.
① am
2) Mary (
② be
③ have been
) to the party yesterday if she had been invited.
① went
② would go
③ has gone
3) He speaks Spanish very well. I wish I (
① can speak
4) If Pete (
① knows
④ were
② could speak
④ would have gone
) it as well as he can.
③ am speaking
④ have spoken
) the truth then, he would have got very angry.
② knew
③ had known
④ has known
38 次の会話文の(
1) A:I really hate math. How about you?
B:Not really. It's kind of hard for me, though.
A:Our teacher says we must study it every day.
B:I know, but (
① “First come, first served."
② “The sooner, the better."
③ “Practice makes perfect."
④ “Easier said than done."
→④。語句⇒ Not really.:そんなに。(cf. Not really! まさか!)、kind of:多少、少し
①早い者勝ち。(serve:給仕する) ②早ければ早いほどよい。⇦the 比較級~, the 比較級…
2) A:I've got my driver's license at last! Let's go for a drive!
B:Well, maybe some other time.
B:Well, you failed the final test six times, didn't you?
① Did you forget your driver's license again?
② Then I'll drive you to the supermarket.
③ Won't you come and see my brand new car?
④ I wonder why nobody wants to go for a drive with me.
→④。語句⇒ Maybe some other time「たぶんいつか他のときにね」
3) A:Is it all right if I use the telephone?
) I'm going to use it.
A:I'll wait then.
B:OK, but please wait over there.
① Sure.
② I think so.
③ No problem.
④ I'm afraid not.
→④。語句⇒No problem. かまいません。 I'm afraid not.「(残念ながら)だめなんですよ」→都合の悪い
39 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空欄に最適な1語を入れよ。
1) Something is wrong with my computer.
My computer is (
) order.
→ out of。語句⇒ something is wrong with~:~はどこか調子が悪い、 out of order:故障中
2) He is superior to me in speaking English.
He is a (
) of English than I.
→ better speaker。 ⇒superiorよりすぐれて、《英語をうまく話せる人 a good speaker of English》、
3) This computer is not as expensive as that one.
This computer is (
) expensive than that one.
→ less。下の文中にthanがあることから「より~でない」という意味の比較級のlessが入る。
4) When I see this photograph, I always remember our good old days.
I can't see this photograph (
) remembering our good old days.
→ without。「この写真を見ると、いつも昔のよき日々のことを思い出す」⇒「よき日々のことを思い出すこ
5) I am sorry I don't know his address.
I wish I (
) his address.
→ knew。上の文「住所を知らなくて残念だ」⇒「(実際には違うが)~ならいいのに」 I wish+過去形の文.
6) She cannot speak either Japanese or English.
She can speak (
) Japanese (
) English.
→ neither/nor。「日本語も英語も話せない」⇒ neither A nor B:AもBも~ない
7) Don't forget to lock the back door.
) lock the back door.
→ Remember to。⇒「忘れずに~する」(№10で既習)=Don't forget to~
40 次の英文の(
1) If I (
) in your place, I wouldn't say such a thing.
① am
② be
③ have been
④ were
2) Mary (
) to the party yesterday if she had been invited.
① went
② would go
③ has gone
④ would have gone
→④。「メアリーは招待されていたら、昨日そのパーティーに行っただろうに」 仮定法過去完了。
3) He speaks Spanish very well. I wish I (
① can speak
② could speak
) it as well as he can.
③ am speaking
④ have spoken
→②。39の5)参照。本文は≒I'm sorry I cannot speak it as well as he can.
4) If Pete (
① knows
) the truth then, he would have got very angry.
② knew
③ had known
④ has known