Japanese 100 (A2.1, Waystage, or halfway to N4) PURPOSE The purpose of JA100 is to lay down a solid core of Japanese on which students can build up skills and abilities in performing different activities in Japanese. In terms of proficiency, students are expected to gain very basic proficiency in Japanese equivalent to A2.1 (Waystage) in CEFR scale or beyond N5 in JLPT scale. Japanese sounds and syllables, basic Japanese scripts of hiragana and katakana, and classroom expressions and basic daily courtesy expressions are introduced as an introduction to Japanese at the beginning the course. In the former half of the course, while grammatical complexities and use of kanji are kept minimum, students learn and expand expressive repertoire step by step through engaging in thematic activities that are planned in the units of the curriculum. Interactive functions such as questioning and answering, inviting someone to do something, offering someone to do something, etc. will also be practiced. And in the latter half of the course, students are invited to use and practice basic structures in which te-form, ta-form and nai-form of verbs are used. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students will be able to; (1) identify himself/herself (Unit 1) (2) introduce and identify one's family (Unit 2) (3) tell likes and dislikes (Unit 3) (4) tell one's favorite sports, music, etc. (Unit 3) (5) tell one's daily life (Unit 4) (6) talk about how one spend or spent the Friday night, weekend, etc. (Unit 5 and Unit 6) (7) offer something to someone (Unit 7) (8) invite someone to do something (unit 7) (9) offer someone to do something together (unit 7) (10) invite someone to do something immediately (unit 7) FORMER HALF GRAMMAR (1) Basic Japanese sentence structures(Unit1-Unit3) ・~wa~desu (noun-predicate sentence and adjective-predicate sentence) ・~shimasu(verb-predicate sentence) (2) "~wa~ga ---" structure(Unit3) (3) Expressing availability or existence(Unit5-Unit6) ・arimasu, arimasen, arimashita, arimasendeshita ・imasu, imasen, imashita, imasendeshita (4) different forms of desu-endings and masu-endings(Unit1-Unit6) ・-desu, -dewaarimasen, -deshita, -dewaarimasenndeshita ・-masu, -masen, -mashita, -masendesita (5) different forms of adjectives(Unit5-Unit6) ・-idesu, -kunaidesu, -kattadesu, -kunakattadesu; -kute (conective form) ・-desu, -dewaarimasen, -deshita, -dewaarimasendeshita; -de (connective form) (6) interrogative sentence particle "ka"(Unit1) (7) question words(Unit1-Unit6) ・nani (or nan)(what), dare(who), doko(where) (11) offer someone to do something (unit 7) (12) talk about one's family (Unit 8) (13) tell whether one has an experience to do something or not (Unit 9) (14) tell one's wish or desire (Unit 9) (15) give guidance or instructions (Unit 10) (16) tell "dos and don'ts" (Unit 10) (17) ask someone to do something (Unit 10) (18) ask someone not to do something (Unit 11) (19) tell one's obligation or duty (Unit 11) (20) tell preferred actions (Unit 12) and also be able to; (21) write and understand short simple essays on the above-mentioned themes or topics while using many of the 130 core kanji. In terms of language items students will be able to; (1) produce and understand utterances that are constructed using core grammars and structures and very basic vocabulary. (2) recognize and reproduce 130 core kanji and very basic kanji words that contain them. LANGUAGE ITEMS LATTER HALF VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONS Unit1 Nice to meet you. (1) Identifying yourself (2) Japanese and English (3) Faculties and graduate schools (4) Numbers up to one hundred Unit2 My family (1) Family members (2) my ~ vs. your ~ (3) Schools and students / pupils (4) Languages (5)Professions /occupations (6) Counting people (7) ~ years old Unit3 My favorite things (1) Foods (2) Drinks (3) Verbs for eating, drinking, etc. (4) Leisure time activities (5) Frequency/quantity (6) Sports (7) Music (8) with ~, together with ~, by oneself (9) when one was a ~, when one was at ~, when one do ~ (10) Numbers up to one million (11) ~ yen, ~ years Unit4 My everyday life (1) Time zone of the day (2) Meals of the day (3) Particle ni 1. indicating destination 2. indicating time (4) Particle de 1. indicating means / tool / method 2. indicating place where an action/activity is performed or an event / phenomenon / happens / occurs (5) ~kara (from ~), ~made (to ~/until ~) (6) ka (or) (7) Verbs for daily activities (8) Places (9) Activities/events (10) Means of transportation (11) after ~ Unit5 Friday night (1) Days of the week (2) last ~, this ~, next ~ (3) Month of the year (4) Days of the month (5) Duration of time (6) Dining (7) Foods (8) Beverages (9) Restaurants (10) family, friends, etc. (11) arimasu and imasu (12) ~no chikaku no, ~no oku no GRAMMAR (13) Adjectives 1. na-adjective 2. i-adjective (14) Adjectival predicate: non-past and past (15) Different forms of -masu: non-past and past, and affirmative and negative Unit6 My weekend (1) Leisure time activities (2) Things to buy (3) quasi-adjective expressions (4) I know ~, I don' know ~, etc. (5) Spatial relations (6) ni and o (7) arimashita and imashita (8) Combination of adjectives (9) Adjectival predicate: negative and connective Unit7 Would you like to go with me? (1) Interactive functions using different masu-forms ・-masuka: offering something to someone ・-masenka: inviting someone to do something ・-mashooka: offering someone to do something together ・-mashoo: inviting someone to do something immediately ・-mashooka: offering someone to do something (2) Comparison: "~yori~nohooga---" Unit8 My father manages a small company. (1) -teimasu (expressing state) (2) -teimasu (expressing action in progress) Unit9 I would like to go to Kyoto. (1) -shitaidesu (expressing one's wish or desire) (2) -shitai to omotteimasu (expressing one's wish or wish) (3) -shitakotogaarimasu, shitakotogaarimasen (telling whether one has an experience to do something or not) Unit10 Listen to the teacher carefully. (1) -tekudasai (giving direction) (2) -tekuremasenka (asking someone to do something) (3) -temoidesu, -tewaikemasen (telling that someone is or is not allowed to do something) Unit11 I have to do a lot of shopping. (1) -nakerebanarimasen, -nakerebanarimasendeshita (expressing obligation or duty) (2) -naidekudasai (asking someone not to do something) Unit12 I had better take a rest. (1) -tahoogaiidesu, -tahoogaiitoomoimasu (telling preferred action) (2) -tari -tari shimasu (reporting two or more actions together) □ INFLECTION OF VERBS within Unit 7- Unit 12 (1) te-form of the verb(Unit8-Unit12) (2) ta-form of the verb(Unit9-Unit12) (3) nai-form of the verb(Unit11-Unit12) VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSIONS Unit7 Would you like to go with me? (1) dooshite and naze (why) (2) kikoeru (can be heard) and mieru (can be seen) (3) ~kara (because ) (4) koko (here) (5) itu (when) (6) ~shi (and) Unit8 My father manages a small company. (1) What people are engaged in in their lives: teimasu-verbs (2) Character and appearance of a person (3) Skills and abilities Unit9 I would like to go to Kyoto. (1) Seasons, climate, attractions and holidays 1. Four seasons 2. Climate 3. Attractions 4. Holidays (2) Japanese cultures Unit10 Listen to the teacher carefully. (1) Clothes, etc. (2) Communication Unit11 I have to do a lot of shopping. (1) Life-related matters (2) Professor's job Unit12 I had better take a rest. (1) Cold winter (2) Typhoon (3) strong or heavy, weak or little KANJI 一 二 三 十 土 口 古 日 目 中 車 山 川 月 円 人 大 火 八 分 父 小 少 水 木 本 見 先 生 年 毎 子 友 五 万 六 七 九 上 下 白 百 千 四 西 今 金 男 女 母 兄 姉 弟 妹 会 社 仕 事 学 校 高 語 国 外 銀 行 来 明 元 気 道 家 春 夏 秋 冬 京 都 休 近 思 食 聞 新 花 自 電 話 英 手 動 歩 走 持 使 着 帰 長 楽 同 好 安 全 朝 晩 買 物 勉 強 起 作 読 書 出 後 曜 週時 間 洗 濯 雨 風 台 窓 転 天 入 乗 早 (130字) Japanese 200 (A2.2, Strong Waystage, or N4) PURPOSE The purpose of JA200 is two fold. One is to form a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary and writings in Japanese on the core students have acquired in JA100 so that students can develop proficiency in different communicative activities. The other is to build in students basic proficiency in Japanese equivalent to A2.2 (strong Waystage) in CEFR scale or N4 in JLPT scale. Students will learn different grammars and structures that will enable them to engage in different thematic communicative activities in oral and written mode, while learning 170 additional kanji's. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course students will be able to; (11) talk a story in which someone forces/allows someone else to do something (1) describe different aspects of one's life (Unit 13) (Unit 21) (2) talk about one's hobby or favorite way of spending private time (Unit 14) (12) talk a story in which someone forces/allows you to do something (Unit 21) (3) talk about one's future (Unit 15) (13) talk about an experience in which one is forced to do something (Unit 22) (4) talk about one's abilities or special talents (Unit 16) (14) talk about miserable experiences (Unit 23) (5) talk about gift giving/receiving experience (Unit 17) (15) talk about a country's geographic and linguistic situations and climate (Unit 24) (6) talk about experiences in which one is supported or assisted by other people (Unit 18) (7) report information indirectly ("I heard ~" and "It seems ~") (Unit 19) (8) talk about experiences in which one supported or assisted other people (Unit 19) (9) talk about experiences in which one is praised or scolded by other people (Unit 20) (10) talk about experiences in which one was asked to do something (Unit 20) LANGUAGE ITEMS GRAMMAR Unit 13 My daily life 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・~たら: うちに帰ったら ・~てから: 少し勉強してから ・~とき ・~ながら 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~だけ Unit 14 I like reading books. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・dictionary form of the verb ・nominalization: dictionary form+~の、dictionary form+~こと 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・それで Unit 15 My future 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・~つもりです: I intend to ~ ・~と思います: I think ~ ・Degree of Certainty:~と思います、~かもしれません、etc. 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~までに ・~でも ・~たら: いい人があらわれたら ・~ている間(に) ・~後 ・まだ~ていません ・~(し)なくてもいいです ・~しないで ・noun-modifying clause in plain form Unit 16 I can speak English. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Potential Expressions 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・adjective+と思います ・~方 ・~(る)前 ・~ので ・~するようになりました ・だから/ですから ・何でも ・自分で Unit 17 Gifts 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Expressions of Giving and Receiving:あげる、もらう、くれる ・ほしい 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・どれも(cf.みんな) Unit 18 Many people helped me. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Verb+Giving or Receiving:~てもらう、~てくれる 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~(する)ために Unit 19 I heard that monorail is also available.. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Verb+Giving or Receiving:~てあげる ・~そうです(I heard ~) ・~そうです(It seems ~) 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~で ・「…」と言いました ・~てみる ・~という Unit 20 I was often praised by my father. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Passive Expression A: Receiving another person's verbal or mental action ・~ように言われましたetc. 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~ばかり and also be able to; (16) write and understand short essays on the above-mentioned themes or topics while using many of the 300 basic kanji. In terms of language items students will be able to; 1. produce and understand utterances that are constructed using basic grammars and structures and basic vocabulary. 2. recognize and reproduce 170 basic kanji and kanji words that contain them. (300 kanji in total will be learned through JA100 and JA200.) VOCABULARY Unit 21 My mother urged my brother to eat vegetables. Words and expressions that may be used in the utterances to express 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 the themes described in the objectives will be learned. ・Causative Expressions:Having someone to do something or allowing someone to do something ・~(さ)せようとしました ・~(さ)せてくれませんでした ・~てほしい 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~で(indicating cause) ・何も Unit 22 I was urged to eat vegetables. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Causative Passive Expressions: Being forced to do something ・Expressions of Change of State/Ability/Customs/Practices:~なりまし た 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~のおかげで Unit 23 A miserable day 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Passive Expression B: Receiving another person's physical action 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~(する)と①:道を歩いていると ・~てしまう ・~ようです ・~(する)ことになりました ・すると ・そこ、そのとき(anaphora) Unit 24 Nihongo is spoken in Japan. 【Main Grammar Point(s)】 ・Passive Expression C: Intelligent passive ・~(する)と②: 春になると 【Additional Grammar Point(s)】 ・~が~で一番… ・~ても: どこに行っても ・~しか(…ない) ・transitive verbs and intransitive verbs KANJI 半 授 業 図 館 研 究 室 実 験 発 表 準 備 始 終 暗 遅 音 映 画 趣 味 写 真 結 婚 族 妻 曲 当 飲 習 専 門 工 部 卒 院 言 理 解 進 性 決 続 系 私 立 漢 字 意 料 最 方 何 前 得 計 親 戚 誕 夜 彼 形 絵 荷 屋 空 港 駅 説 地 市 内 助 伝 送 運 切 初 席 僚 北 園 種 類 張 住 教 寝 便 利 論 文 客 通 訳 輩 世 代 酒 関 係 頼 誘 次 野 菜 牛 乳 絶 対 成 績 法 律 経 済 体 声 記 算 練 塾 魚 覚 遊 短 速 回 度 犬 辞 足 階 段 末 旅 盗 忘 答 止 待 受 取 痛 変 急 別 昔 海 町 梅 季 節 葉 赤 黄 色 降 知 暑 寒 細 簡 単 苦 約 以 (170字) Japanese 250 (B2.1, Semi-Independent User, or N3) PURPOSE The purpose of JA250 is three fold. One is to review the different structures and vocabularies that students learned in elementary level while making use of them in different contexts so that students can establish a foundation for practical oral proficiency in Japanese. Secondly, the course will give particular emphasis to establishing a solid foundation in practical written Japanese proficiency while learning approximately 500 kanji and 1000 related kanji-words as well as different structures and grammatical forms that are necessary to formulate a logical explanatory discourse. All in all, the course intends to build in students practical oral and written proficiency in Japanese equivalent that reaches B2.1 (semiindependent user) in CEFR scale or N3 in JLPT scale. OBJECTIVES (1) At the end of the course students will be able to engage in conversations dealing with such topics as; ・myself and my family ・my recreation, leisure time activities, etc. ・my childhood, my school days, my university life, etc. ・my country (geography, people. Language, history, etc.) ・Japan and me ・how I become interested in Japan/Japanese language, how I decided to study in Japan, etc. ・the capital city and the second largest city in my country ・help and kindness I received ・living in a foreign country ・memorable day ・meeting a special person ・studying and acquiring a language, favorite subject, etc. ・study and experience as a university student, what people should do in university days, etc. ・dawn of modern Japan ・educational system of a country and also be able to; ・invite other person to do something ・accept or decline invitation ・make appointments with a friend ・describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. (2) Students will also study and discuss such topics as; ・the difference between humans and animals, evolution of human being, evolution of language, evolution of intelligence, emergence of civilizations, etc. ・historical transformation of our life ・modern society ・life and culture in my country ・home education, formal education, higher education, etc. ・getting a job, working in a company, etc. ・becoming a competent worker, career development, etc. ・the company and the individual ・Japanese employment system and employment system of one's country ・work-life balance ・living in Japan as a person coming from abroad ・my future and future of Japan and will be able to talk, discuss, read and write on these topics straightforwardly in Japanese while manipulating necessary grammatical structures and vocabulary. LANGUAGE ITEMS VOCABULARY GRAMMAR 1. sentence patterns ・nai-form of verb ・potential expressions ・verb+giving and receiving ・passive expressions ・causative expressions ・causative passive expressions ・~より~のほうが… ・~は~と呼んでもいいだろう ・重要な点は~ということだ ・~ように言われた ・~からだと思う ・~てほしい ・~うと思っている ・~うと思う ・~ばいいんですよね ・~こともある ・~とは限りません ・~ことになる ・~てしまう ・重要なことは~ことです ・~ことにする ・~なさい ・~うとしても~<できない> ・~ておく ・~のようなもの ・~てみよう ・~つもりはありません ・~べきだ ・必ずしも~ません 2. grammatical phrases and idiomatic expressions ・~にわたって ・ますます ・何を~ばいか ・やがて ・~化・一層 ・~によると ・~のために ・~ばかり ・何も ・~そう ・~において ・~として ・そのことで ・ぜひ ・~に従って ・~に関係なく ・~言ったように ・~に関わらず ・~のせいで ・~は~な感じだ ・どんな感じでしたか ・~にとって ・~における ・~の下では ・~だけ ・~にすぎません ・何だか ・~というのは ・~としての ・~について ・~だけでなく ・思ったよりも ・聞かせてください ・~ってわかる? ・~と書いてある ・~を通じて ・何とか ・多かれ少なかれ ・そんな感じです ・~は~感じだ ・何とか・多かれ少なかれ ・~ばかりの ・~ように ・~にあたって ・~でも ・~を通して ・どこにも ・~ために ・助けてあげる ・~に関する ・~によると ・どこまで~ばいいか ・~だけではない ・~以外は ・いわば ・逆に ・どんな人になるか ・同じような感じだ ・前回話したように ・~だけでも ・~依頼 ・~に基づく ・~において 3. subordinate clause ・~ことで ・~ば ・~ために ・~とともに ・~までに ・~ためには ・~たばかり ・~ても ・仮に~ても ・~のに ・~なら ・~くて ・~のではなく ・~わけですから ・~以来 ・~のではなく 4. conjunctures ・そうすると ・それでも ・つまり ・だから ・さらに ・逆に言うと ・それだけではありません ・ところで ・ですから ・それで ・それよりも ・しかしながら ・まず KANJI: Approximately 500 kanji within N2 (1023 kanji) will be learned. ・それに ・ぼくでよければ ・そう言えば ・いずれにせよ ・すると ・すではなくて 5. sentence endings ・~ぐらいです ・~ということです ・~ようです ・~という感じです ・~わけです ・~感じがした ・~ことは言うまでもありません ・~のもしかたがない ・~とは考えないほうがいいです ・~とも言われています・~のです ・~のではないでしょうか ・~と言っていいくらいです ・~んじゃないですか ・~そうです ・~と言っていいでしょう ・~でしょうね ・~でしょう ・~のではないかと思います ・~わけではありません ・~ように思います Words and expressions that may be used in the utterances or texts to express the themes described in the objectives will be learned. Many of the N2 vocabulary (4,852 words) will be covered.
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