●入塾までの流れ 惠泉塾は聖書に基づいて「生き方の改善を図る」所です。人生に苦しみ傷つき行き 詰った原因を突き止め、取り除き、新たなる価値観に乗り換えて再出発するために「人 生の波止場」として塾頭の水谷の家庭にお迎えします。改善の意志もなく現実逃避の ために来る所ではなく、また施設や病院でもありません。心理学的なカウンセリングの 立場もとっていません。パンフレット、ビデオ、著作、集会等により惠泉塾について理解 を深め、惠泉塾に何を求めているのかを明確にした上で面談や入塾をお申し込み下 さい。 1.面 談 本人と保護者の面談が必要です。北海道の方は余市(月~金)か札幌(金、土)で、 北海道以外の人は毎月の伝道旅行の先々で面談致します。 ・面談のお申し込みは、各集会担当者にお願いします。 ・面談申込書に必要事項を記載し、面談希望の理由を書いて水谷惠信宛にご提出く ださい。入塾志願者は入塾願書と健康調査票もご添付ください。 ・面談時、履歴書(写真添付要)をご用意ください。 ・面談者には必ず、その日の聖書の集いにも参加し、札幌キリスト召団の信仰を理解 していただく必要があります。 2.体験入塾/プレ惠泉塾入塾 面談で合格した場合、本人と相談のうえ、一週間程度の体験入塾の日を設定しま す。惠泉塾の生活に自信のない方は、プレ惠泉塾の入塾が勧められます。 ・入塾願書を未提出の方はご提出ください。 ・病気がある人の場合には保護者が同伴しなければなりません。そうでない場合も、保 護者が一緒に来て体験なさる方が塾の実際の様子がわかって安心と思われます。 3.本入塾 体験入塾後、本入塾を希望する方は再度面談が必要となります。現在入塾している 人々の状態と志願者の個性や状態、部屋の空き具合を考慮して許可を出します。体 験入塾の様子を見て、塾生活が困難、あるいは、家庭生活を続けて問題解決される 方が良いとこちらが判断する場合には、本入塾をお断りします。しかし、その場合でも 引き続き問題解決に取り組ませて頂く事は出来ますので、どうぞ、水谷の伝道旅行先 に来られ、聖書の学びと相談の集いにご参加ください。ご家庭に出向き、現場で直接 1 問題解決に当たる場合もあります。 通院加療をする人には、原則として入塾が認められません。 ・本入塾が認められた方は入塾願書に必要事項を記入し提出してください。 ・入塾生は生活する上で必要最小限の荷物にまとめてくること。下着や着替えは2枚、 上着は普段着と労働着それぞれ2着まで。書籍は聖書以外不要。化粧品や趣味のも のは持ち込み禁止です。 *「清貧」、「従順」、「貞潔」が私たちの守るべき信条です。 4.生活目標の設定 何のために入塾し、ここで何をどう改善しようとするのか。新しい自分の獲得目標や 改善目標を入塾後早々に確認します。目標が達せられたところで卒塾となります。年 度内に目標に達しない場合は、卒塾日に修了証書を渡し、次年度に継続入塾する事 ができます。また、卒塾した後、再び塾生活を必要とする場合には、受け入れのゆとり がある場合に限り、幾度でも再入塾することができます。 ・入塾生の選考と決定は1月中旬です。その後は空室ができ次第随時選考し決定しま す。 ・開塾日:3月1日、閉塾日:11 月 30 日 ・必要経費:小額の小遣い、毎週の礼拝献金。 ・退塾勧告又は命令を受ける時 (1)ここで暮らす意思・願望が希薄になったと見られる時。 (2)長時間心身の健康を損ねて、療養が必要と見られる時。 (3)異なる個性との共同生活がこれ以上無理と見られる時。 (4)聖書の価値観に基づく生活を志す姿勢が見られない時。 2 面談申込書 該当する所に○を付けて下さい 氏名(ふりがな) 年 齢 性 別 月 面談予定日 性 別 男 日 ・ 〒 面談予定場所 女 職 業 TEL FAX 住 所 携帯 生活圏 住 居 家族構成 1.大都市(中心市街地の機能や密度が過度に集中している都市) 1.持ち家(一戸建て) 2.持ち家(共同住宅) 3.公営借家(県営、市営住宅など) 所属教会 氏名/年齢/職業/未婚・既婚の有無/同居・別居の有無/ 健康状態・病気の有無/等を明示して下さい 牧師名 教会のTEL 入塾希望の有無 何を求めて面談を希望するのか、その理由を書いて下さい。 入塾願書 入塾願書 札幌キリスト召団惠泉塾 手続き(印刷してご利用ください「A4で印刷」) 20 年 月 日 1. 貴塾の入塾案内、ニュースレターなどの資料を通し、その設立主旨を理解し、その動きに賛同します。 2. 保護者にも、私が貴塾の教育を受けることについて、理解し、賛同しています。 3. 定期的通院を必要とする持病はなく、労働の力も意欲も十分にあります。(例外あり) 4. ルームメイトと仲良く暮らし、異なる個性の塾生とも快く協力しあって暮らす努力をします。 5. 所属教会の牧師も、私の入塾に対して好意的に理解し、賛同しています。 以上から、貴塾への入塾を熱望している私の確かな意志をお汲み取り下さり、入塾を許可して 下さるよう、お願いいたします。 <本人用> 氏名 ㊞ 生年月日 20 年 月 日 面談日 入塾タイプ 現住所 19 年 月 日 男・女 面談場所 プレ惠泉塾入塾 ・ 体験入塾 ・ 本入塾 (○で囲む) 〒 TEL&FAX ㊞ 保護者氏名 TEL&FAX キリスト教 に対する 自分の考え 塾生活に 期待すること (目標) 1、 2、 3、 所属教会 牧師氏名 現住所 ㊞ (教会に属していない場合は保証人) 〒 TEL&FAX 推薦の言葉 <同伴者用> ※同伴者がいる場合ご記入ください。 同伴者氏名 ㊞ 生年月日 20 年 月 日 面談日 入塾タイプ 現住所 19 年 月 日 男・女 面談場所 プレ惠泉塾入塾 ・ 体験入塾 ・ 本入塾 (○で囲む) 〒 TEL&FAX 所属教会 牧師氏名 ㊞ (教会に属していない場合は保証人) 推薦の言葉 キリスト教 に対する 自分の考え 塾生活に 期待すること (目標) 1、 2、 3、 ☆この願書に市販の履歴書(写真添付)と健康調査票(次ページ)を添えて提出して下さい。 惠泉塾 ◆ 健 康 調 査 票 ◆ 塾生活を有意義にすぐされるために健康状態をお知らせください。 必要時、恵泉塾の保健師より連絡させていただきます。 フリガナ 氏名 生年月日 (大正・昭和・平成) 性別 男 ・ 女 住所 電話(自宅) 電話(携帯) 年 月 日 ( 歳) 1) 今までに大きな病気をしたり、手術を受けたことがありますか? いいえ / はい いつ頃、どんな病気または手術でしたか? 2) 現在、病気におかかりですか? いいえ / はい 病名、病状をご記入ください。 3) 飲んでいるお薬がありましたらご記入ください。 いいえ / はい 4) 薬や食品に対するアレルギーをお持ちであれば、ご記入ください。 いいえ / はい 5) その他、健康上気になる点がありましたらご記入ください。 入塾者の方へ 恵泉塾の生活についてご案内致します。 1週間の動き 1日の動き 05:00 聖書の学び 月 06:30 朝食準備 火 07:00 朝 食 日 水 礼拝日 労働日 清掃・食器洗い 09:00 木 労 働(2時間程度) 金 土 朝 礼 休 日 ☆労働開始時間は、作業によって 異なる場合があります。 11:30 12:15 昼食準備 昼食・食器洗い 休 憩 14:00 労 働(2時間程度) 16:00 休 憩(入浴含む) 17:00 夕食準備 18:15 夕食・食器洗い 自由時間(入浴含む) 20:00 21:00 就寝準備 就 寝 ☆動物飼育は休日もあります。 ☆季節によっては、休日に多少 の労働をする日があります。 (畑・サクランボの収穫など) WHAT IS KEISENJUKU? This is a port of life. It is where you, as a ship worn out by the rough ocean seas, obtain relief:, you take off your traveling clothes, stand firmly on the ground, repair and refuel the damaged ship, reconfirm the purpose for and the final destination of your journey by consulting with maps, and prepare for your departure tomorrow. It is where you think and act together on how to live your one and only life, based on the Bible. Rather than just thinking abstractedly about your life, here you think practically and engage in conversations to improve how you live. This happens by getting involved in many practical issues in the local community, through life-training to live together with different personalities and through hard work to support your life. Characteristics of Activities 1. Experiencing changes in a short period There is no specific educational program, no training or counseling. The four to six-hour-long work day experience allow even an eighty year-old lady to say that it is a comfortable rhythm without the smallest strain. The daily life is full of laughter, and anyone can naturally fit in with the atmosphere. Many people said how relaxed the place was and how it provided a natural and magical comfort as a place for consolation. Then they experienced their own inner change for an amazingly short period. This is because our lives here are not based on human means, but through trust in the invisible work of God based on our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 2. God provides solution Keisenjuku is where you improve the way of life through the truth from the Bible. It is not a place to escape from reality without having determination to improve; it is neither a so-called asylum nor a hospital. It is a thorough examination at the port of life in order to determine a cause of suffering, wounds and dead ends. Your suffering will be removed and you will restart your life with a new value. Keisenjuku is a sphere where God acts. A master is the Lord God, a doctor the Lord Jesus Christ and a miracle medicine the Holy Spirit. It is not for those who deny the importance of faith or who have an allergy to Christianity. Even without faith, at least you need to be open to the healing by the message of the gospel. 3. Understanding and support from parents We feel strongly about the need for parents' understanding and support. We cannot look after children whose parents are not open to our religious beliefs since we are afraid that it tends to create problems later on. No matter how much healthier mentally and physically these children became by the grace of Christ, they would probably return to their suffering after returning home, unless they are grounded in faith. Most parents view their children’s problems as an outside event that has nothing to do with them. In fact, some other unresolved problem for themselves or their family is often the root cause. Without dealing with this, we are unable to adequately address the situation for their children. Therefore, we wish parents also to grow, adapt and change together with their children. We ask them to make up their minds to entrust not only the children but also themselves to our training. We ask for parents’ involvement if children are older than 20 years of age and are mentally immature and have been deeply discouraged by suffering. We ask parents not to force responsibility for the problem only to their child just because they are adults, but to be a part of the solution and to participate actively in the education at 2 Keisenjuku. To achieve this, we ask them to come to Keisenjuku with their children at least once, to see us, and to experience life here with their own eyes. Human Education 1. Early morning Bible study Most of the participants said that they enjoyed the morning Bible study. Even someone who studied the Bible for the first time became absorbed in the study of the Bible within a few days. The Bible is a book in which God (the subject) speaks to man (the object). We read and meditate on His word to understand what He desires, expects and commands us to do. In contrast, many Christians read the Bible to know what they can expect from God and what grace is promised by Him. They believe that the gospel is meaningless unless it is a convenient help for them; they are unaware of themselves treating Him as a slave of man. God will not respond to such a “faith.” We believe that God always responds to our prayers so clearly because we treat Him properly as the Creator. The foundation of human education is to know God. 2. Work up to sweat and fatigue Agricultural labor provides us with a healthy life deriving pleasure from our food, sound sleep and good bowel movements. Genuine agriculture, not for making money, makes us understand the providence of God and really feel the presence of the Creator. Nature is generous enough to pay no heed to the minor mistakes of humans. Agriculture is better suited to team work than to individual isolation.... The refreshing feeling after working together with one heart and mind is far beyond description. Such experiences develop a feeling of fellowship and provide pleasure in helping others grow with an eagerness to learn agricultural techniques. It is really gratifying to work with all your heart. The human body is designed to till the land and take care of trees and 3 plants and to feel good about it. Too much mental exhaustion could kill us. 3. A warm and happy family circle Many people get into trouble with human relationships. A quarrel between a husband and a wife, a rupture between parents and children, and bullying at school or in the workplace are all problems involving human relationships. Moreover, adultery, running away from home, school non-attendance and withdrawal from society, they are also reflections of these problems. A pleasant human relationship is based on love. Love is not a feeling but a will: it is a constructive will to lead other people to complete their personalities, and is a servant's will to give a helping hand to let them bloom. The servants are slaves: they have a pure will to devote themselves heart and soul to serve other people. The slaves bring victory to their master at the cost of their lives and are satisfied by discovering their lives in the master's victory. The slaves never assert themselves. Parents devote themselves to developing their children's mind and body. The children reach adulthood by love from their parents nurturing their growth. Love cannot be effective unless it is expressed modestly with endurance and tears. A family circle is a quiet waterside where love prevails naturally. Invitees there moisten their dried hearts with water of love as much as they wish. Jukusei members think “warmth” or “something not of this world” is what the Keisenjuku represents, and the family circle is the foundation of such feelings. There is no superior hero/heroin in the circle. 4 As a Sphere of the God's Activities 1. A sphere of the God's activities There are many people who are wounded, sick and exhausted. They all have sincere, very serious and innocent souls. They have gone astray in a territory where modern medicine can’t help and they are facing a wall of despair. What can we do? None of us is a doctor or a counselor. We are powerless, completely powerless. But God will hear us when we call to Him from the lowest pit of powerlessness and despair. God can do things that no human being can do. Anything is possible with God, as the Bible says. These are true words and we can confidently, relate to what we have witnessed. When we become aware of being powerless and commit everything to God, He will answer. When we become lacking in our obedience to God, or spiritually lacking, our lives become a sphere of God's activities. 2. Keisenjuku for God to invite the poor God drives a magnificent plan to remove all barriers of hatred, to restore all human beings and creatures in the right order and to let them live Godly, eternal lives. Our Keisenjuku is like a modest repair shop along a backstreet, which takes on an extremely tiny part of the magnificent plan. The existence of such a useful repair shop where any problem can be brought is quietly becoming known among invitees by God through word of mouth. It is God's will to invite the poor loved by God, like Lazarus, to the kingdom of heaven. It is a holy project for God's sake and a holy place which denies becoming the means of accomplishing men's dreams or ideals to satisfy themselves. 5 3. Demonstrating the power of the Gospel The Lord God continues to demonstrate the power of the gospel to this day. Mizutani is a missionary, who is a shepherd and head teacher. He is called to minister at a gathering place where sin settles in today’s world and he prays for intercession from God. God in the Bible is Almighty God. He gives overflowing grace to people who return to the right relationship with God. To receive exhausted visitors who have pushed through the self-centered way of life without knowing of the existence of God, to bring them back to a Christ-centered life and to lead them to repent and offer themselves to God as a chosen living sacrifice are the shepherds’ holy commission. Keisenj uku at Yoichi is full of God's grace: here, the life-giving gospel is spoken, prayers bursting out from the bottom of hearts are offered up, laugher and thanks are everywhere, and wonderful peace surrounds every life. Life here reminds people, who have adapted themselves to urban existence of important things they have long since forgotten as human beings. Being lit up by God's light, they all shine and gradually recover their strength. This is achieved through God’s grace and love to make us all shine with His light. The reason why we cannot shine is that we avoid the light and try to shine by our own strengths. Each time we receive a new guest, we are compelled to substantiate that the God of the Bible is present and is at work now. We also reinforce the abandonment of common knowledge that the world has taught us and instill following the never-changing Word of God along with living a pure and simple-minded believer’s life. 6 Procedure to enter Keisenjuku Keisenjuku is a place where you improve your way of life based on the Bible. You will be welcomed to the Mizutani family, the family of the head teacher, as a harbor of life, in order to determine the cause of your sufferings, your wounds and the dead ends of your life, and to remove them to restart your life by changing your old values to new ones. It is not a place of escape from reality without determination for improvement, and neither is it an asylum or a hospital. We do not take a position of psychological counseling either. Please apply for an interview or admission, after gaining a better understanding of Keisenjuku through the pamphlets, videos, books (only a Japanese version is available)and meetings and after clarifying what to expect from Keisenjuku. 1. Interview All applicants and their parents (or legal guardians) must be interviewed. Those from Hokkaido will be interviewed in either Yoichi (Monday and Friday) or Sapporo (Friday and Saturday).Those from other areas will be able to have an interview at a meeting held in various places during monthly mission trips. *Please speak to a person in charge of the meeting, in order to apply for an interview. *Fill in the Application Form for Interview by putting forth reasons why you wish an interview and submitting them to Keishin Mizutani. To the applicant for admission: Please also fill out the Application Form for Admission and attach it to the Health Questionnaire. *When you come for the interview, please bring your CV with your photograph attached. *The interviewee must attend the Bible study meeting which will take place on the same day in order to understand the faith of Sapporo Christian Ecclesia. 1 2. Taiken-nyujuku / Pre-juku (Conditional Admission) Once the applicant passes the interview, after consultation with him/her, we will establish one week or so for a trial experience of Keisenjuku called Taiken-nyujuku. To those who are not confident concerning Keisenjuku life, we recommend Pre-juku instead. *Please submit the Application Form for Admission, if not yet submitted. *If the applicant has some health problems, his/her parents (or legal guardians) must join him/her in the Taiken-nyujuku. Even if there are no health problems, their joining Taiken-nyujuku will be reassuring because it will give a better understanding of actual Keisenjuku life. 3. Hon-nyujuku (Full Admission) The applicant for admission must be interviewed once again, after the Taiken-nyujuku. He/she will be granted admission (Hon-nyujuku) after the condition and personality of the applicant and current members living here are considered, and room vacancies are taken into consideration also. If we decide by looking at him/her during the Taiken-nyujuku that the applicant would have difficulties with Keisenjuku life or had better tackle his/her personal problem at home, we will not grant him/her Hon-nyujuku permission. Even if such an occasion arises, we can still continue to tackle the problem. So please come to Mizutani during his mission trips and attend the Bible study and consultation gathering. There are some cases in which we will visit a family and tackle its problems there. As a general principle, we will not grant Hon-nyujuku permission to an applicant who requires regular hospital visits for medical care. *Once Hon-nyujuku is granted, please fill out and submit the Application Form for Admission. The applicant granted Hon-nyujuku will be called a Nyujuku-sei (or simply a Juku-sei). *A Nyujuku-sei must bring a minimum amount of necessary baggage. Underwear and clothes should be up to two items each. Two items each for outer garments (everyday clothes and work clothes) are allowed. No book except the Bible is necessary. No cosmetics, or hobby goods are allowed. 2 *We believe in keeping “honest poverty”, “obedience” and “chastity and purity” as our creed. 4. Setting of Life Objectives For what do you enter Keisenjuku? What and how do you want to improve here? Immediately after a Nyujuku-sei enters Keisenjuku, we will check his/her new personal objective for what to acquire or to improve. When the objective is achieved, he/she will graduate. Even if the objective is not yet achieved during the year, a certificate of completion will be issued on the graduation day and continuing admission will be granted for the next year. If a graduate needs further admission, it will be granted repeatedly subject to room availability. *Selection and decision for admission is in mid-January. After that, we will decide at the time when room becomes available. *The Juku year begins March 1st, and ends: November 30th. *Necessary expenses: A small amount of pocket money and weekly offerings at the church service. *A Nyujuku-sei will receive advice or an order for expulsion from Keisenjuku in the following cases: (1) When a there is a lack of will and wish to live here, (2) When one loses his/her physical and mental health for a long time and needs medical treatment. (3) When it becomes impossible to live together with different personalities. (4) When there is no posture to live based on Biblical values. 3 Life at Keisenjuku Weekly Activities ---------------------------------Sunday: a day of worship Monday - Friday: days of work Saturday: a holiday The starting time of work may differ depending on operations. Handling animals is scheduled on holidays as well. Depending on the season, some work may be scheduled on holidays (e.g. working in the fields / cherry harvesting.) Daily Activities ---------------------------------5:00 Bible study 6:30 Breakfast preparation 7:00 Breakfast/clean-up 9:00 Morning gathering and work (about 2 hours) 11:30 (Meal preparation) 12:15 Lunch / (Dishwashing) Rest after lunch until 2:00 14:00 Work (about 2 hours) 16:00 Rest (includes bath) 17:00 (Meal preparation) 18:15 Dinner / (Dishwashing) Free time (includes bath) 20:00 Prepare for sleep 21:00 Bedtime Sapporo Christian Ecclesia and Keisenjuku Application Form for Interview Name: Date for scheduled interview (MM/DD/YYYY): Location for scheduled interview: Age: Sex: Male/Female (Circle one of them) / / Occupation: Address: Family structure: TEL (home): TEL (mobile): Please describe what you expect from being admitted and from the interview: Application Form for Admission Application Form for Admission Sapporo Christian Ecclesia and Keisenjuku (Please print this form on A4 paper and fill it out.) Date: / / (MM/DD/YYYY) 1. I understand the charter of your juku through materials such as the Procedure to enter Keisenjuku and Newsletters (only a Japanese version is available), and approve of the activities. 2. My parents (or legal guardians) also understand and approve of my receiving education at Keisenjuku. 3. I have no health problems which require regular hospital visits for medical care and I have the strength and the will to work. (There are exceptions.) 4. I will make an effort to live harmoniously with my roommates, and gladly cooperate and live with different personalities. 5. The pastor of my church also understands and approves of my admission. As in the above, please understand my willingness to be admitted and please grant it. <For the applicant> Name: Date of birth: / / (MM/DD/YYYY) Sex: Male / Female (Circle one of them) Date for interview: / / (MM/DD/YYYY) Location for interview: Admission type: Taiken-nyujuku / Pre-juku / Hon-nyujuku (Circle one of them) 1 Current Address: TEL: FAX: Parent (or legal guardians) name: TEL: FAX: My thoughts regarding Christianity: What I expect from life at Keisenjuku (Objectives): 1. 2. 3. Affiliated church: Name of pastor (If you are not affiliated with any church, enter your sponsor’s name.): Address: TEL: FAX: Words of recommendation: <For a companion> *Please fill out if there is a companion. Name: Date of birth: / / (MM/DD/YYYY) Sex: Male / Female (Circle one of them) Date for interview: / / (MM/DD/YYYY) Location for interview Admission type: Taiken-nyujuku / Pre-juku / Hon-nyujuku (Circle one of them) Address: TEL: FAX: 2 Affiliated church: Name of pastor (If you are not affiliated with any church, enter your sponsor’s name.): Words of recommendation: My thoughts regarding Christianity: What I expect from life at Keisenjuku (Objectives): 1. 2. 3. Please submit this application with a CV, including your photograph and the Health Questionnaire on the next page. Signature: Applicant Parents (or legal guardians) Pastor (or sponsor) Companion Pastor (or sponsor) 3 Keisenjuku Health Questionnaire Please let us know the state of your health in order to lead a meaningful life at Keisenjuku. A public health nurse at Keisenjuku will contact you, if necessary. Name: Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY): / / Sex: Male / Female (Circle one of them) Address: TEL (home): TEL (mobile): 1) Have you ever had any serious health problems or surgery? No / Yes (Circle one of them) If “Yes”, when and what kind of health problem or surgery was it? 2) Are you sick at present? No / Yes (Circle one of them) If “Yes”, please describe the name and the state of the disease. 3) Do you take any medicine? No / Yes (Circle one of them) If “Yes”, please write the name of the medicine. 1 4) Do you have any medicine or food allergies? No / Yes (Circle one of them) If “Yes”, please write the name of your allergy to a medication or to food. 5) Please write other health concerns, if you have any. 2
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