1年第4回定期テスト OCⅠ暗唱文表 Further Steps 4 ~関係詞の非制限用法・比較の慣用表現~ He has two daughters, who are famous 彼には2人の娘がいて、2人とも有名な音楽家で 1 す。 musicians. Kyoto, which I visited yesterday, was the capital 昨日私が訪れた京都は、千年以上も日本の首都で 2 あった。 of Japan for over one thousand years. 3 I tried to write a novel, which I found impossible. 小説を書こうとしたが、無理だとわかった。 We went to Paris, where we had a very good 私たちはパリへ行って、そこで楽しい時をすごし 4 た。 time. I stayed up and studied until midnight, when 私は夜更かしして真夜中まで勉強していた。その 5 時キャシーが突然現れた。 Cathy suddenly turned up. 佐野先生は教師というよりむしろ学者だ。 Mr. Sano is not so much a teacher as a scholar. 6 (書き換え) Mr. Sano is a scholar rather than a teacher. 髪が長いから私はキャシーがいっそう好きだ。 7 I like Cathy all the better for her long hair. Ruth worked all the better because she now had ルースは息子が生まれたので、その分いっそう一 8 生懸命働いた。 a son. Cindy was so tired that she couldn't walk, much シンディはとても疲れて歩けなかった、まして走 9 ることなどできなかった。 less run. 10 I can't speak German, much less Russian. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Jane is superior [inferior] to everyone else in math. He is not so much an artist as a businessperson. I'm not interested in reading poems, much less in writing them. My sister is superior to me in cooking. He is junior to me, but he earns more money. I lay down on the sofa not so much to sleep as to take a short rest. He got all the angrier because I kept silent. She doesn't wait to see Mark, still less marry him. The Red Sox lost the game, which was a surprise to us. The red Sox lost the game, and it was a surprise to us. She is not so much an actress as a singer. She is a singer rather than an actress. My computer is inferior to yours. My computer is not as good as yours. Lesson25 ~仮定法(1)~ If I had enough money, I'd [I would] buy a new computer. 1 I don't have enough money. I won't buy a new computer. 2 If I were you, I would take a few days off. 僕はドイツ語が話せない、ロシア語はなおさらで きない。 ジェーンは他の誮より数学が優れて【劣って】い る。 彼は芸術家というより実業家です。 私は詩を読むことに興味はない、まして詩を書く ことにはなおさら興味がない。 私の姉は私より料理の腕が上です。 彼は私より地位が下だが、多くのお金を稼いでいる。 私は寝るためにというよりはむしろ短い休息をと るためにソファーに横になった。 私が静かにしていたから、彼はいっそう怒った。 彼女はマークに会いたくない、まして結婚なんて したくはない。 レッドソックスはその試合に負けた、それは私た ちにとってとても驚きなことだった。 (書き換え※関係詞非制限用法を使わずに) 彼女は女優と言うよりはむしろ歌手だ。 (書き換え※肯定文) 私のコンピュータはあなたのより優れている。 (書き換え※比較の原級表現を用いる) もしお金が十分にあれば、新しいパソコンを買う のになあ。 (※書き換え:直説法で同意に) もし私があなただったら、2、3日休みを取って ゆっくりするだろう。 If I had been more careful, I would have avoided 3 the accident. I wasn't careful. I couldn't avoid the accident. 4 Cars are convenient. I wish I had one. 5 I wish I had finished my homework last night. 6 I wish I hadn't watched such a silly program. 7 If Ted is not busy, he will help us. もっと注意していたら、事故を避けられただろう に。 (※書き換え:直説法で同意に) 車は便利だ。1台あればなあ。 昨夜、宿題を片付けておいたらよかったんだけど。 あんなくだらない番組見なきゃよかったなあ。 テッドが忙しくなければ、手伝ってくれるだろう。 8 If Ted were not busy, he would help us. テッドが忙しくなければ、手伝ってくれるのだが なあ。 9 I hope she gets well soon. すぐに彼女が回復することを祈っています。 10 I wish she could get well soon. (無理だろうけど)すぐに彼女が回復してくれれ ばなあ。 ※9では、回復の見込みが前提、10では、回復の見込みがないことを前提としている もし彼が暇であれば、パーティに行くだろうに。 11 If he were free, he would go to the party. もしお金が十分にあれば、この車を買えるのに。 12 If I had enough money, I could buy this car. If you had practiced harder, you would have won もしもっと一生懸命練習していたら、あなたは昨 13 日の試合に勝っただろうになあ。 yesterday's game. If I had run to the station, I could have caught もし駅まで走っていたら、私は電車に間に合えた 14 だろうになあ。 the train. 上手に泳げたらいいのになあ。 15 I wish I could swim well. 彼は本を読む時間があればいいのにと思っている。 16 He wishes he had time to read books. その映画を見たらよかったのになあ。 17 I wish I had seen the movie. They wish their son had passed the entrance 彼らは、彼らの息子が今春の入学試験で合格すれ 18 ばよかったのにと思っている。 exam this spring. If I knew how to use a computer, I could もしコンピュータの使い方を知っていたら、もっ 19 と早くこのレポートを終えられるのに。 finish[complete] this report sooner. If he had known the truth, he would have told it もし彼が真実を知っていたら、私に話してくれた 20 だろう。 to me. 彼女が生きていればなあ。 21 I wish she were alive. あんなひどいことを彼女に言わなければよかった。 22 I wish I hadn't said such an awful thing to her. Lesson26 ~仮定法(2)~ If she should come here, I will[would] let you 1 know at once. What would you do if a big earthquake were to 2 hit your city? Mr. Ueda talks as if [though] he already knew 3 about our plan. He is talking as if [though] he had seen that 4 terrible accident. If it were not for Mr. Brown's help, our plan wouldn't be going well. 5 Without [But for] Mr. Brown's help, our plan wouldn't be going well. If it had not been for careless mistakes, I would 6 have gotten higher marks. Without [But for] careless mistakes, I would have gotten higher marks. If anyone should call, please tell them I' ll be 7 back in an hour. 万一彼女がこちらに来たら、すぐにお知らせしま す。 もし仮に大地震が君の町を襲ったら、君はどうし ますか。 上田さんは、私たちの計画についてすでに知って いるかのように話す。 彼はその悲惨な事故を見てきたかのように話して いる。 ブラウンさんの援助がなければ、私たちの計画は うまくいかないだろう。 (書き換え) 丌注意なミスがなかったら、もっと高徔点をとっ ただろうに。 (書き換え) 万一誮かから電話があれば、1時間で戻ると伝え てください。 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If you were to be born again, what would you want to be? He speaks as if he were an adult. She treats me as if I were a little child. He looks as if he had won the game. She talked as if she had read the book. If it were not for computers [Without computers], many people couldn't work. If it had not been for you [Without you], we would have lost the game. If you had not advised me [Without your advise], I wouldn't have succeed. Further Steps 5 ~否定~ 1 I can hardly[scarcely] hear the news. Beetles are seldom[rarely] seen around here 2 these days. Few people could afford to travel abroad in those 3 days. 4 There is little sugar left. 5 There was a little water left in the bottle. 6 I don't always eat out on Saturday night. 7 Not every student goes to school by train. I never see this picture without remembering my 8 mother. There were few people who were not injured in 9 the earthquake. 10 I can't thank you enough. 11 That newspaper article is far from true. Don't fail to get in touch with me when you get 12 there. 13 We could hardly[scarcely] hear him. 14 He seldom[rarely] sings in front of people. 15 There were few students in the gym. 16 We have little rain in February. 17 There was a little time left. 仮にもう一度生まれてくるとしたら、あなたは何 になりたいですか。 彼はまるで大人であるかのように話す。 彼女は私をまるで小さい子供のように扱う。 彼はまるでその試合に勝ったかのように見える。 彼女はまるでその本を読んだかのように話した。 コンピュータがなければ、多くの人々が働けない だろう。 あなたがいなかったならば、私たちはそのゲーム に負けていただろうに。 あなたが私に助言していなかったならば、私は成 功していなかっただろう。 ニュースがほとんど聞き取れない。 最近カブトムシはこの辺りではめったに見られな い。 当時海外旅行をする余裕のある人はほとんどいな かった。 砂糖がほとんど残っていない。 瓶には少し水が残っていた。 私はいつも土曜の夜に外食するわけではない。 すべての生徒が電車通学をしているわけではない。 この写真を見るたびに母親のことを思い出す。 地震で怪我をした人はほとんどいなかった。 いくら感謝してもしきれない/しすぎることはない その新聞記事は真実とは程遠い。 そこに着かれたら必ず連絡をくださいね。 私たちは彼の声がほとんど聞こえなかった。 めったに彼は人前で歌わない。 体育館にはほとんど生徒がいなかった。 2月はほとんど雨が降らない。(Weで始める) 少し時間が残っていた。 18 I'm not quite satisfied with the plan. 私はその計画にまったく(完全に)満足している わけではない。 19 20 21 22 23 私は彼の小説がすべて好きというわけではない。 彼女はビルに会うたびに口喧嘩を始める。 彼の歌が嫌いな人はほとんどいない。 私たちは彼を賞賛してもしすぎることはない。 I don't like all of his novels. She never meets Bill without starting a quarrel. There are few peopole who don't like his songs. We can't praise him enough. Ron is far from a coward. ロンは決して臆病者でない。 私たちは月に旅行できるようになるのもそう長く 24 It won't be long before we can travel to the moon. はないだろう。 25 Bill would be the last person to lie to me. 26 Not all the people agree with the idea. 27 Don't fail to write to me every month. ビルは決して私に嘘をつく人ではない。 皆がその考えに賛成しているわけではない。 毎月必ず手紙を書いてね。 Lesson27 ~話法~ 1 He said that he was busy. 2 He said that he would go to the concert with her. He said that he had heard from my sister in Los 3 Angeles. My grandfather always said honesty is the best 4 policy. 5 Janet said she would go shopping with her sister. 6 I didn't know when the First World War started. ☆間接話法の文章に直せ 7 She told him (that) she was angry with him. The teacher asked me what I wanted to be in the 8 future. He asked me if(whether) I was doing anything 9 special to keep in shape. Our teacher told us to keep our cell phone off in 10 class. 11 My mother told me not to leave the lights on. 12 She asked me to send her an e-mail. 13 Susan said that she was going to visit the library. My mother told me that she had bought a nice T14 shirt for me. 15 He asked me why I was angry. 16 Mary asked me if I played soccer. My mother asked me if I had finished my 17 homework. My father told me to think seriously about my 18 future. 19 My mother told me not to watch TV. 20 I asked her to show me around her town. 21 The doctor advised my father not to eat too much. Further Steps 6 ~仮定法、話法~ If I had followed the doctor's advice, I would not 1 be ill in bed now. If you had taken the medicine, you would be 2 feeling better now. If he had taken our advice, he would be 3 successful now. 4 If I had not taken a taxi, I would not be here. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 If I had not met him, I would not be working as a teacher now. If only I had a little more free time! If only you had helped me! It's about time you started studying for the exams. It is high time you took a bath. Would you tell me the way to Osaka Station? Might I ask your name? 彼は忙しいと言った。 彼は彼女とコンサートに行くつもりだと言った。 彼はロサンゼルスにいる私の姉から便りがあった と言った。 僕の祖父はいつも「正直は最善の策だ」と言って いた。 ジャネットは妹と買い物に行くつもりだと言っ た。 私は第一次世界大戦がいつ始まったのかわからな かった。 She said to him, "I'm angry with you." The teacher said to me, "What do you want to be in the future?" He said to me, "Are you doing anything special to keep in shape?" Our teacher said to us, "Keep your cell phone off in class." Mother said to me, "Don't leave the lights on." She said to me, "Please send me an e-mail." Susan said, "I'm going to visit the library." My mother said to me, "I've bought a nice Tshirt for you." He said to me, "Why are you angry?" Mary said to me, "Do you play soccer?" My mother said to me, "Have you finished your homework?" My father said to me, "Think seriously about your future." My mother said to me, "Don't watch TV." I said to her, "Please show me around your town." The doctor said to my father, "Don't eat too much." 医者の忠告に従っていたら、今頃私は病気で寝込 んでいないだろう。 もし薬を飲んでいたら、あなたは今頃は気分がよ くなっているのに。 もし彼が私たちの忠告を聞いていたら、彼は今成 功しているだろう。 もし私がタクシーに乗っていなかったら、今ここ にいないだろう。 もし彼に会っていなければ、今私は教師として働 いていないだろう。 もう少し自由な時間があれ(ありさえすれ)ばなあ。 君が僕を救助してくれていたらなあ。 試験勉強をそろそろ始めてもいいころだ。 そろそろお風呂に入る時間だよ。 大阪駅への行き方を教えていただけますか。 失礼ですがどなたさまでしょうか。 12 If only I could speak Spanish! If only Matsui had hit a home run in yesterday's 13 game! 14 It's about time you had a hair cut. ☆間接話法の文章に直せ She told me that she wanted to have a barbecue 15 there that night. 16 He told me that he had to finish that work soon. Tom told me that he was going to leave for 17 Canada the following[next] day. 18 Bob asked me where I wanted to go that day. Betty told us that she had enjoyed playing tennis 19 with us the day before. 20 Kenta asked us what we were doing there. Janet told me that she had bought a bag a week 21 before. Addition 1 ~名詞と冠詞~ 1 Our class is a small one. 2 There are five classes in our grade. 3 Our class are all hard workers. 4 The police are looking for the murderer. 5 Would you like a cup of coffee? 6 There was a fire near here last night. 7 There is a man at the door. 8 A goose is a water bird. 9 Tom has been absent from school for a week. My father goes to Tokyo on business twice a 10 month. I have a dog and a cat. The dog is black and the 11 cat is white. I went to the station to see Mr. and Mrs. Carter 12 off. 13 She is the girl I was talking about. 14 The moon was shining over the sea. 15 October is the best season for moon viewing. I have a slice of toast and a cup of milk for 16 breakfast. We need a lot of[many pieces of] information 17 about the accident of the nuclear power plant. I sent two pieces of luggage[baggage] to my hotel 18 by home-delivery service. I'm going to buy two pounds of butter and three 19 cartons of milk. 20 My father has two pairs of glasses. I saw some[several] plays of Shakespeare at the 21 London theater. 22 This magazine is published once a week. The information he gave me was found very 23 useful. 私がスペイン語を話せさえすればなあ。 松井が昨日の試合でホームランを打ってさえすれ ばなあ。 あなたはそろそろ髪を切ってもいい頃だ。 She said to me, "I want to have a barbecue here tonight." He said to me, "I have to finish this work soon." Tom said to me, "I'm going to leave for Canada tomorrow." Bob said to me, "Where do you want to go today?" Betty said to us, "I enjoyed playing tennis with you yesterday." Kenta said to us, "What are you doing here?" Janet said to me, "I bought a bag a week ago." 私たちのクラスは小さなクラスだ。 私たちの学年には5クラスあります。 私たちのクラスの者はみんな勉強家だ。 警察はその殺人犯を捜している。 コーヒーでもいかがですか。 昨夜、この辺りで火事があった。 ドアの所に人が立っている。 ガチョウは水鳥である。 トムは1週間学校を休んでいる。 私の父は月に2回仕事で東京へ行く。 私は犬と猫を飼っている。犬は黒く、猫は白い。 私はカーター夫妻を見送りに駅に行った。 彼女は私が話していた女の子です。 海の上に月が輝いていた。 10月はお月見に最適の季節だ。 私は朝食にトースト1枚とミルク1杯を食べる。 私たちは、原子力発電所での事故についての多く の情報が必要だ。 私は、ホームデリバリーサービスで、2つの手荷 物をホテルへ送った。 私はバター2ポンドとミルク3パックを買うつもり だ。 私の父は2つの眼鏡を持っている。 私は、ロンドンの劇場で、いくつかのシェークス ピアの劇を見た。 この雑誌は週に1度発刊される。 彼が私にくれた情報は、とても役に立つとわかっ た。 24 The earth is one of the planets of the sun. The Japanese are one of the most hardworking 25 peoples in the world. 26 How many pieces of baggage do you have? 27 I read almost all Soseki's works. Addition 2 ~代名詞(1)~ I left my pencil somewhere. →If you can't find it, 1 use mine. 2 The president himself showed up at the party. 3 I fell down and hurt myself. 4 He lived there all by himself. How far is it from your house to the nearest 5 station? 6 It took me two hours to solve this math problem. It seems[appears] that Ron is doing well at 7 school. Ron seems[appears] to be doing well at school. 8 The climate here is like that of New York. 9 Those who work hard will succeed in the long run. 10 Can I use this bat of yours? 11 I like that jacket of his. How was your trip to Hokkaido? →I enjoyed 12 myself very much. 13 Help yourself to drinks. 地球は、太陽系の惑星の1つだ。 日本人は、世界でもっとも勤勉な民族の1つだ。 手荷物はいくつありますか。 私は漱石の作品をほとんど全部読みました。 どこかに鉛筆を置いてきてしまった。 →見つか らないのなら僕のを使えよ。 大統領自身がそのパーティに現れた。 私は転んでけがをした。 彼は全く一人でそこに暮らしていた。 君の家から最寄り駅までどれくらいの距離です か? この数学の問題を解くのに私は2時間かかりました。 ロンは学校でちゃんとやっているらしい。(Itを 文頭にして) ↑Ronを文頭にして ここの気候はニューヨークのそれに似ている。 努力する人が結局成功する。 君のこのバットを使ってもいい? 私は彼のあのジャケットが好きだ。 北海道への旅行はどうだった?→とても楽しかっ たよ。 ご自由に飲み物をお取りください。 14 I can't do all this work by myself. I need help. 私一人ではこの仕事全部はできないよ。助けが要 ります。 15 It took her two years to write this book. It seems that John is interested in Japanese 16 culture. (= John seems to be interested in Japanese culture.) Prices in Tokyo are much higher than those of 17 New York. 18 Please come in and make yourself at home. 彼女はこの本を書くのに2年間を要した。 ジョンは日本の文化に関心を持っているようだ。 東京での値段は、ニューヨーク(の値段)よりは るかに高い。 お入りになっておくつろぎください。
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