第1章 !"#$%&'()*+,- Part 1 ターゲット 動詞の時制を聞き取ろう 動詞の時制の中でも特に注意して聞きたいのが,完了形を作る have や cut などの形が変わらない動詞. 軽く読み流されたり,短縮されたりするので,ぼんやり聞いていると後悔することになるかも.選択肢 の中には,他の部分は合っているのに,動詞の時制だけが間違っているというイジワル問題もある.動 詞が否定か肯定かも聞き分けられるようになろう. Listen and fill in the blanks for each sentence. Choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. 1. CD 2 (A) Three women will ( ) in the ( ). (B) One woman and two men are ( ) in the ( ) . ) a ( ) (C) Three people ( ( ) in the ( ) every day. (D) Three women ( )( ) in the park. A B C D 2. CD 3 (A) Some people . (B) Some people . (C) Some people . (D) Some people . A B C D ● 解法のポイント・・・写真は撮影時の [ 現在 ] を表す 写真では,そのシーンが撮影された時点より前 ( 過去 ) または後 ( 未来 ) のことについては表現できない. つまり,写真について述べる時,動詞が過去形や未来形となることは普通ない.過去や未来時制の選択 肢に気づいたら,それは誤りの可能性が高い. 11 Part 2 ターゲット 一般疑問文 (Yes/No で答えられる疑問文 ) の質問に慣れよう Part 2 では,出だしの単語を必ず聞き取ろう.疑問詞 (who,what など ) で始まっているかいないか, ここが大きなポイント.付加疑問文 ( ∼ , don t you?,∼ , isn t it? など ) も,Yes/No で答えられる. Listen and fill in the blanks for each sentence. Then choose the best response to each question. CD 4 A B C 1. Does this ( ) ( ) at Main Street? (A) Yes, the ( )( ) is about the ( ) ( ). (B) You should ( ) it at this ( )( ). (C) Yes, you are on the ( )( ). CD 5 A B C 2. Do ( ) ( ) ( ) the Grand Hotel is? (A) The ( ) ( ) is going to be ( ) at the ( ) around the ( ). (B) No, I haven’t ( ) at the ( ). (C) I’m ( ) I’m not ( ) with this ( ). CD 6 3. Did ( )( )a ( ) ( )? A B C (A) No. Actually, I am ( ) ( ) her ( ). (B) Yes, she ( )( ). (C) Yes, she was ( ). CD 7 4. Do you want to (A) No, next week? . . (B) . (C) You will CD 8 5. You are the (A) No, I of the ? A B C department, the . . (B) I . (C) Yes, CD 9 6. yesterday? (A) I A B C yesterday. . (B) Yes, it was quite (C) It will A B C in a conference room. ● 解法のポイント・・・主語の性別・単数か複数かの違いに気をつけよう 質問文とそれに答える文とで,主語の性別あるいは単数 / 複数が違っていたら,正解にはなりにくい. 聞き逃しやすい点なので,よく注意! 12 Part 5 ターゲット 基本時制 現在形,過去形,未来形,時制の一致,副詞節中の動詞の時制などをマスターしよう. 重要語句 job interview「就職面接」 employment「雇用・採用」 workshop「研究会・講習会」 farewell party「送別会」 company「会社」 offer「提示する・与える」 marketing「マーケティング」 advertisement「広告」 recommendation「推薦書」 strike「ストライキ」 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 1. 現在の習慣:She usually ( ) a day off on Sunday, but she took a day off on Tuesday last week. (A) took (B) take (C) takes (D) has taken 2. 状態動詞:Most students ( ) their own cellphones these days. (A) are having (B) have (C) has (D) will be had 3. 知覚動詞:Mr. Green ( ) a lot of people in the world of advertising. (A) know (B) is knowing (C) known (D) knows 4. 過去の動作:He ( ) a job inter view a month ago, but he has yet to receive an employment offer. (A) has (B) will have (C) has had (D) had 5. 時制の一致:I was so busy yesterday that I ( ) the workshop. (A) couldn’t attend (B) can’t attend (C) don’t attend (D) won’t attend 6. 単純未来:A farewell party for Ms. Morita ( ) next Friday. (A) will hold (B) will be held (C) held (D) has held 7. 意志未来:We ( ) him if he doesn’t hand in a recommendation tomorrow. (A) will hire (B) won’t hire (C) haven’t hired (D) didn’t hire 8. 副詞節(条件) :We will attend the workshop if the strike ( ) next Sunday. (A) will be cancelled (B) be cancelled (C) is cancelled (D) was cancelled 9. 副詞節(時) :Please tell her to call me back when she ( ) back. (A) comes (B) came (C) will come (D) is going to come 10. 名 詞 節:She was so angry that she left the office without a word this morning. I don’t know when she ( ) back. (A) comes (B) came (C) will come (D) coming ● 解法のポイント・・・副詞節と名詞節を見分けよう 時・条件を表す副詞節 ( ∼する時,∼ならば ) の中で使われている動詞の時制が現在形となることを問 う問題はよく出される.ここでひっかけ問題として出されるのが,同じく when や if を使った名詞節. when や if が使われていても,( いつ∼するか,∼かどうか ) と意味も違うし,動詞の用法も違う.この 違いを見分ける問題は TOEIC だけでなく,TOEFL でも出やすいのでマスターしよう. Chapter 1 13 Part 7 ターゲット ビジネスレターの形式を覚えよう ビジネスレターには決まった形があるので,あらかじめそれを頭に入れておくようにしよう.よくある 問題としては,What s the purpose of this letter? Who wrote this? など,手紙の意図や差出人,または 受取人について尋ねるものがある. Questions 1-5 refer to the following ad and letter. Do you have experience in marketing, advertising, and sales? Sound Works has an opening for a full-time position in our fast-growing company. Good salary and full benefit package offered. For application form and further information, check our site at www.SoundWorks.com or call Mr. Roberts at (707) 873-9213. Interviews will be given April 12-15 at the Hilton Inn, Occidental, California. Mr. Andrew Roberts April 16, 2007 Sound Works 183 Casey Drive Occidental, California 95462 Dear Mr. Roberts: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn more about your company. The remarkable growth of Sound Works is impressive. I sincerely hope that my qualifications and experience meet your needs. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Laura Farah 812 S. Adams St. Stillwell, California 14 1. Who is this ad for? (A) A person who bought some product from Sound Works (B) A person who wants to give an interview (C) A person who is looking for a job (D) A person who is working for Sound Works A B C D 2. How can you get more information if you are interested in this ad? (A) By faxing (B) By visiting its homepage (C) By e-mailing (D) By visiting Sound Works A B C D 3. What kind of qualification is NOT necessarily needed? (A) Sales (B) Advertising (C) Marketing A B C D (D) Personnel 4. What is the main purpose of Ms. Farah’s letter to Mr. Roberts? (A) To complain about their service (B) To ask for a position (C) To thank them for offering her a position (D) To decline a job offer A B C D A B C D 5. What did Ms. Farah probably do before writing the letter? (A) She gave an opportunity to Mr. Roberts. (B) She had an interview. (C) She attended an annual conference. (D) She did a press interview. ....................................................................................................................... Notes open a position「募集する」 full-time「正社員の」 benefit package「福利厚生」 application「申込書」remarkable「目をみはるような」 qualifications「資格」 差出人の会社の情報 ( 社名,住所など ) 日 付 受取人名 住 所 件 名 Dear 本 文 Sincerely サ イ ン 差出人名 肩 書 き ( 参考 ) 英文ビジネスレターの形式 ● 解法のポイント・・・導入文を必ず読もう Part 7 では本文の上(枠外)にある導入部に要注意.そこには,これから読む文章が,letter,notice, advertisement,chart,table,memorandum など,どのような形式なのかが一言で要約されている.こ れに必ず目を通し,どのような種類の文章を読むのか心の準備をして続く文章を読むと,必要な情報が 見つけやすくなる. Chapter 1 15
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