The atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Nuclear radiations László Smeller Why? Medical application of nuclear radiation: Nuclear imaging Radiotherapy Length scale of the nature 10-10 – angstrom diameter of an atom, bond length H atom ∅ ≈ 1 angstrom (Å) 10-12• picometer wavelength of the X-ray 10-15• femtometer size of the nucleus ee- 10-10 m m 100• meter men 10-3• millimeter letters you can read 10-6• micrometer size of a cell (e.g. erytrocyte) ∅ 7μm -9 10 • nanometer protein The electrons and the nucleus e- Electrons: =>chemical properties e- eee- e- e- 10-15 m e- ee- ee- ee- Nucleus: => radioactivity Structure of the nucleus Stability of the nucleus Elementary charge=1,6·10-19 C charge p mass proton +1 e 1 atomic mass unit neutron 0 1 atomic mass unit n A (mass number) = number of protons + number of neutrons Z (atomic number) = number of protons 99 43 Tc • Coulomb force: destabilization (electrostatic repulsion between the protons) • Nuclear force: very strong attractive force acts only on short range (~fm) independent on the charge • Quantized energy levels for the nucleus. • Typical binding energy is in the MeV range eV=1,6·10-19 J 99 nucleon, 43 proton and 56 neutron Isotopes Table of isotopes Number of neutrons is different Variants of the same element ⇒ the chemical properties are identical. Pl: 18 F 9 unstable (radioactive) 19 F 9 stable 20 F 9 Number of protons Number of protons is the same unstable (radioactive) isotope <-> radioactive isotope Number of neutrons E Number of protons Number of protons Number of neutrons Number of neutrons α - decay Radioactive decays and particles α - decay α - particle = β - decay : β- β- particle = β+ particle = β+ 4 2 He nucleus α - decay: an α particle (4He nucleus) will be emitted typical for the heavy atoms electron positron Isomeric transition γ-ray K-electron capture characteristic x-ray photon A Z e.g. Line spectrum Eα ~ MeV X⎯ ⎯→ ZA−−42Y + 24α 226 88 4 Ra ⎯ ⎯→ 222 86 Rn + 2 α Nα Eα β− neutron surplus A Z n - decay X⎯ ⎯→ Y + β +ν A Z +1 p 1 0 0 −1 n→ p + β + ν 1 1 0 −1 p e- β−-ray ν e.g. : 32 15 F 32 15 P 59 26 Fe A Z n p Nβ n e+ ν Emax p 15 8 O 0 +1 18 9 p →01n + +10β + ν leave the nucleus e.g. : β+-ray 30 15 52 26 n p γ The parent and daughter atoms can be separated: the daughter atom emits only γ-radiation! => Isotope diagnostics (nuclear imaging) E.g.: 99mTc 99 42 − β γ 99 m 99 Mo ⎯⎯→ ⎯→ 43Tc ⎯ 43Tc 66 h Atomic number, mass number are unchanged. Fe continous energy spectrum If the excited state of the daughter nucleus is metastable, the γ-radiation will be emitted later. α or β F 30 P⎯ ⎯→14 Si + +01β + ν Isomeric transition E C These isotopes must be produced artificially (e.g. in cyclotron) Eβ The daughter nucleus has an energetically unfavoured arrangement of nucleons. n 6 X⎯ ⎯→ Y + β +ν A Z −1 1 1 p e.g.: 11 - decay remains in the nucleus Prompt γ-radiation The surplus energy will be immediately (ns) emitted in form of the γ radiation β+ proton surplus I 0 P⎯ ⎯→32 16 S+ −1 β + ν continous energy spectrum β − = −10β = e − 9 131 53 leave the nucleus remains in the nucleus n e.g.: 20 6h K-capture (inverse β-decay) e- ee- e- e- e- p e- e- e- eee- 1 1 p n x-ray e- e- e- e- ee- ee- e- n e- e- e- ee- Some examples of the decay paths v e- ee- p + −10β → 01n + ν Activity (Λ) Characteristics of radioactive decays in general Λ= activity characterizes the source half life time depends on the type of the isotope characterizes the speed of the decay particle energy characterizes the radiation dN dt ⎛ ΔN ⎞ ⎟ ⎜= ⎝ Δt ⎠ N = Number of undecayed atoms t = time ΔN = Number of decays during Δt time Activity= number of decays in a unit time unit: becquerel Bq 1 Bq= 1 decay/sec kBq, MBq, GBq, TBq immeasurably small level of natural activity in vivo diagn. careful work with it! activity applied in radiotherapy Law of radioactive decay Law of radioactive decay N (t ) = N 0e ΔN = −λNΔt N: Number of undecayed nuclei λ decay constant (probability of the decay) T half life (T1/2) τ average lifetime Theoretically never decreases to zero ! No/2 No/e No/4 N (t ) = N 0 e − λt Exponential decrease No/8 0 ΛN Λo N (t ) = N 0 e − λt − λt = Λ0 2 − t T Λo/2 Λ decreases on the same mode as N! Λo/4 Theoretically never decreases to zero! Λo/e Λo/8 0 0 T1/2 2T1/2 τ 3T1/2 time 2T1/2 3T1/2 During about 10 T the activity decreases to its 1/1000 (e.g GBq->MBq) time ln 2 0,693 = T T Few examples for half life 232Th 238U 40K Λ=λN Λ(t ) = Λ0 e T1/2 τ Decrease of the activity as a function of time dN = −λN dt λ= 0 number of undecayed atoms at t=0 dN Λ= dt t T No Differential equation solution: = N0 2 − N λ: decay constant (probability of the decay [1/s]) 1/λ=τ average lifetime dN = −λN dt − λt 14C 137Cs 3H 1,4·1010 y 4,5 ·109 y 1,3 ·109 y 5736 y 30 y 12,3 y 60Co 59Fe 56Cr 131I 99mTc 18F 11C Don’t learn these numbers! 15O 222Th 5,3 y 1,5 m 1 m (28 d) 8d 6h 110 min 20 min 2 min 2,8 ms Typical energy levels in the microworld Excitation of the outer electrons Electron transition between inner electrons Transformation of the nucleus (decay) keV (fJ) MeV (pJ) X-ray Nuclear radiation α, β, γ eV (aJ) light Absorption of the nuclear radiation α β− β+ direct ionization particles with electric charge different types of interactions with matter! γ (x-ray) uncharged particles (photons) indirect ionization not a nuclear radiation, but its absorption is similar to that of the γ radiation Absorption of the charged particles Ionizing during the path => continuous decrease of the particle energy The energy after a given path length decreases to the thermal value effective range ++ + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + β−-particle α-particle in air ~m few cm ~ cm in tissue 0,01-0,1 mm + + β− + + + + + + + + α Effective range + + + N N effective range penetration depth effective range penetration depth + Applications
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