THOMSON WHO'S WHO 2016 2304 MRCGP; m 1968, Dr Anne Katharine (nee Richards), MB BS, MRCP, DCH; ones three d. m 1992, Catherine Girod; two s one d. Educ: Drasa Avenue Sch., Lautoka, Fiji· G . Educ: Haileybury and Imperial Service Coli.; Middlesex Hosp. Med. Sch., Univ. of London Coli., Bideford; Univ. ofEssex (BA Latin Amer. Studies 1979); University Coli. Lo' d renville (MB BS 1962; MS 1974). LRCP, MRCS, 1962, FRCS 1969; DObstRCOG 1964.Jun. med. Rural Develt in Latin America 1982). Coordinator, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign~!~~~ and surgical appts, 1962-71; Demonstrator, Dept of Anatomy, 1964-66, Lectr, Dept of Commuruty Educn Officer, Tower Hamlets Intemat. Sohdanty, 1984-88; Latin Arn . 2 84; Surgery, 1971-74, Middlesex Hosp. Med. Sch.; Consultant Surgeon; Royal Northern Hosp., Caribbean Prog. Officer, World Univ. Service, 1988-91; Inter-govtl Orgns Co e~caand 1975-77; Hackney Hosp., 1977-86; Homerton Hosp., 1986-90. Hon. Consultant Surgeon: Amnesty Internat., 1991-92; Dep. Dir, Internat. Service for Human Rights 19~r2 Inator, StJohn's Hosp. for Diseases of the Skin, 1973-75; StMary's Hosp., 1982-99; St Luke's Hosp. Recreation: trying to keep my wife happy. Address: Association for the Preventio'n ofT- 2001. for the Clergy, 1976-99; Civil Cons. in Surgery, RAF, 1984-99, now Hon. Civil Cons.; Centre Jean-Jacques Gautier, 10 route de Ferney, PO Box 137, 1211 Geneva 19 Sw· or1ture, T: (22) 9192170. E: [email protected]. Club: Mosquito Coasters Football. ' rtzer and. Civilian Cons. in Colorectal Surgery, RN, 1986-99, now Emeritus Cons. in Surgery; Hon. Lectr in Surgery, Bart's Hosp. Med. Coli., 1977-94; Hon. Clin. Sen. Lectr in Surgery, Imperial Coli. Sch. of Medicine at StMary's (formerly StMary's Hosp. Med. Sch., Imperial THOMSON, Sir Mark (Wilfrid Home), 3rd Bt cr j925, of Old Nunthorpe C y 29 Dec. 1939; s of Sir Ivo Wilfrid Home Thomson, 2nd Bt and Sybil Marguedte o. /rk; b Coli.), London, 1994-99. Hon. Cons. Advr in Surgery, Ileostomy Assoc., 1986-99. Examr in W. Thompson; S father, 1991; m 1st, 1976, Lady Jacqueline Rufus Isaacs (marr. di;,Y'19 ~JC. Surgery, Univs of Cambridge,. Liverpool and London; Mem., Court of Examrs, RCS, d of 3rd Marquess of Reading, MBE, MC; three s one d (incl. twin s); 2nd zoo 2 ), 0 1986-92. Mem., UK Develt Cttee, Anglican Centre in Rome, 2013-. President: Section of MacKenzie Russell (nee Arbon). Heir: s Albert Mark Home Thomson [b 3 Aug. l979· ' 2A0P1ril Coloproctology, RSocMed, 1994-95; Travelling Surgical Soc., 1998-2001; St Mark's Assoc., Olivia]. Hill]. • In 2, 1999; Hunterian Soc., 2001-02; Friends of St Mark's Hosp., 2006-; Haileybury Soc., 2006-07; Patron and Fellow, Burgan Soc., 2002- (Pres., 2011-); Patron, Walbrook Music THOMSON, Michelle Rhonda; MP for Edinburgh West, since 2015 (SNP, Ma _ 0 Trust, 2011-. Chrn., Notarial Adv. Bd, 2008-10. Vice-Chrn. of Council and Trustee, St 2015, lnd, since Oct. 2015); b 11 March 1965; m; two c. Educ: Royal Scottish Acad ct. Luke's Hosp. for the Clergy, 1992-2004; Trustee: Med. Coli. of St Bartholomew's Hosp. and Drama; Abertay Univ. (MSc IT). Professional musician, 1985; Pro g. Manager a~~ p usrc Trust, 2002-11; St Andrew Holborn Church Foundn, 2003-11; Rev. Dr George Richards Manager, Standard Life, 1991-2006; Prog. Manager and Portfolio Manager, Royal Ba:'{~} Charity, 2001-11; Tancred's Charities, 2001-11. Governor, Corp. of Sons of the Clergy, Scotland Gp, 2006-Q8; Dir, Your Property Shop, 2009-15. Founder Mem. and Exec. Bd 1988-. Liveryman: Apothecaries' Soc., 1980-; Barbers' Co., 1992-; Merchant Taylors' Co., Mem., Busmess for Scotland, 2012-14. Mem., Busmess, InnovatiOn and Skills Select Cttee 2014-. Hon. Fellow, Queen Mary, Univ. of London, 2007. Frederick Salmon Medal, 2015-. Address: House of Commons, SW1A OAA. ' RSocMed, 1996; William Harvey Medal, QMUL, 2012. DM Lambeth, 1987. Publications: Gtly) Colorectal Disease, 1981; Gtly) Frontiers in Colorectal Disease, 1986; Gtly) Updates in THOMSON, Peter Alexander Bremner, CVO 1986; HM Diplomatic Service, retired; b Coloproctology, 1992; contribs to books and learned jls. Recreations: church music and 16 Jan. 1938; s of Alexander Thomson, financraljournalrst, and Dorothy (nee Scurr)· In 1965 architecture, heraldry, railways, canals, guide at Lambeth Palace. Address: Gallery House, 13 Lucinda Sellar; three s. Educ: Canford School; RN College, Dartmouth; Sch. of oriental and African Studies, London (BA 1970; MPhil1975; MA 1991). Sub Lreut and Lieut RN in HM New Street, Holt, Norfolk NR25 6]]. T: (01263) 711214, 07550 079522; 15 Nelson Terrace, Ships Albion, Plover, Tiger, Ark Royal, Eagle; Lt Comdr ashore in Taiwan and Hong Kon . N1 8DG. T: (020) 7253 1052. E: [email protected]. Clubs: Athenaoum, Royal joined Diplomatic Service, 1975; First Sec., FCO, Lagos, Hong Kong, 1975-84· Counsellog, Society of Medicine. ' Peking, 1984-87; High Comr, Belize, 1987-90; Counsellor, FCO, 1991-95; 'High com::· THOMSON, Sir John (Adam), GCMG 1985 (KCMG 1978; CMG 1972); MA; HM Seychelles, 1995-97. Publications: Belize: a concise history, 2005. Recreations: sailing, walking: Diplomatic Service, retired; b 27 April 1927; s oflate Sir George Thomson, FRS, Master of Address: The Red House, Charlton Horethorne, near Sherborne DT9 4NL. Corpus Christi Coli., Cambridge, 1952-62 (s of Sir]. ]. Thomson, OM, FRS, Master of Trinity Coli., Cambridge, 1919--40), and late Kathleen, d of Very Rev. Sir George Adam THOMSO~; Pro£ Richard Geoffrey, FRCP, FFPH; Professor of Epidemiology and Public Smith, DD, LLD, Principal of Aberdeen Univ., 1909-35; m 1st, 1953, Elizabeth Anne Health, Instttute of Health and Soctety, smce 1999, and Associate Dean for Patient and Public McClure (d 1988), d oflate Norman McClure, Pres. ofUrsinus Coli., Penn, USA; threes one Engagement, Facnlty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle Medical School, since 2010, University d; 2nd, 1992, Judith Ogden Bullitt, d of late John Stanley Ogden, NY, and Olga Geddes of Newcastle upon Tyne; b 2 May 1958; s of Lesley Bambridge and Honor Thomson (nee Bradshaw, Melbourne. Educ: Phillips Exeter Acad., USA;. Univ. of Aberdeen; Trinity Coli., Gooding); m 1989, Tracy Robson; two d. Educ: Stamford Sch., Stamford; St Edmund Hall Cambridge. Foreign Office, 1950; Third Sec., Jedda, 1951; Damascus, 1954; FO, 1955; Oxford ,(BA Physiol. 1979; BM BCh 1982); Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne (MD 1990): Private Sec. to Permanent Under-Secretary, 1958-60; First Sec., Washington, 1960--64; FO, FRCP 1996; FFPH 1996. Sen. Hou,sf' Officer, Medrcme, Freeman Hosp., Newcastle upon 1964; Acting Head of Planning Staff, 1966; Counsellor, 1967; Head of Planning Staff, FO, Tyne, 1983-85; Res. Fellow, Newcastle upon Tyne Univ., 1985-88; Registrar, then Sen. 1967; seconded to Cabinet Office as Chief of Assessments Staff, 1968-71; Minister and Dep. Registrar in Public Health, 1988-89, Dir, Service Qualit)' and Standards, 19~9-92, Northern Permanent Rep. to N Atlantic Council, 1972-73; Head of UK Delegn to MBFR Exploratory RHA; Sen. Lectr and Consnltant in Public Health, Medical Sch., Newcastle upon Tyne Univ., 1992-99. Director: UK Quality Indicator Proj., 1997-2007; Epidemiology and Res., Talks, Vienna, 1973; Asst Under-Sec. of State, FCO, 1973-76; High Comr to India, 1977-82; UK Perm. Rep. to UN, 1982-87. Chm., Fleming Emerging Markets Investment Nat. Patient Safety Agency, 2004-07. Mem., Steering Gp on Intemat. Patient Safety Trust, 1991-98; Internat. Advr, ANZ Grindlays Bank, 1996-97 (Dir, 1987-96). Mem., Classification, WHO, 2005-Q7. Mem., 13th Club. Associate Editor, Quality and Safety in Howie Cttee on Scottish Secondary Educn, 1990----93. Trustee, Nat. Museums of Scotland, Health Care, 1991-2010. Publications: numerous articles in professional jls on risk communication and decision making, stroke epidemiology, health care quality and safety, and 1991-99. Principal Dir, 21st Century Trust, 1987-90; Dir, Minority Rights Gp, USA, 1993-99; Chm., Minority Rights Gp Internat., 1991-99. Member: Council, IISS, 1987-96; health services research. Recreations: tennis, literature, theatre, good food, fine wine, sitting with a fishing rod contemplating. Address: Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle Council, ODI, 1987-96;' Governing Body, IDS, 1987-96. Director's Visitor, lAS, Princeton, 1995-96. Trustee, Indian Nat. Trust, 1989-2009. Associate Mem., Nuffield Coli., Oxford, University, Baddiley-Clark Building, Richardson Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4AX. T: 1987-91; Res. Associate, MIT, 2005-. Hon. Foreign Mem., American Acad. of Arrs and Scis, (0191) 208 8760, Fax: (0191) 208 8422. E: [email protected]. 2010. Hon. LLD: Ursinus Coli., Penn, 1984; Aberdeen, 1986; Hon. DHL Allegheny Coli., THOMSON, Pro£ Richard Ian, PhD; FRSE; Watson Gordon Professor of Fine Art, Penn, 1985. Publications: Crusader Castles (with R. Fedden), 1956. Recreations: carpets, castles, University of Edinburgh, since 1996; b 1 March 1953; oflate Rev. George Ian Falconer walking. Clubs: Athenaoum; Century (New York). Thomson and Mary Josephine Lambart Thomson (nee Dixon); m 1978, Belinda Jane Greaves; See also Sir A. McC. Thomson, D. P. Thomson. twos. Educ: Shrewsbury Sch.; St Catherine's Coli., Oxford (Exhibnr; BA); Univ. ofOxlord THOMSON, Rt Rev. John Bromilow; see Selby, Bishop Suffragan o£ (Dip. Hist. of Arr); Courtauld lnst. of Arr, Univ. of London (MA; PhD 1989). FRSE 1998. Lectr, 1977-88, Sen. Lectr, 1988-95, Reader, 1995-96, in History of Art, Univ. of THOMSON, Prof. Joseph McGeachy, FRSE; Commissioner, Scottish Law Commission, Manchester. Guest Scholar,]. Paul Getty Mus., Malibu, 1993; Van Gogh Vis. Fellow. Univ. 2000-Q9; b 6 May 1948; s of]ames Thomson and Catherine (nee McGeachy); m 1999, Marilyn of Amsterdam, 2007; Slade Pro£ of Fine Art, Univ. of Oxford, 2008-09. Trustee, Nat. Galls Ann Iverson. Educ: Keil Sch., Dumbarton; Univ. of Edinburgh (LLB 1970). FRSE 1996. of Scotland, 2002-10; Member, Comite Scientifique: Institut National d'Histoire de !'Art, LectrinLaw, Univ. ofBirmingham, 1970-74; LectrinLaws, King's Coli., London, 1974-84; Paris, 2008-; Musee d'Orsay, Paris, 2010-. Exhibitions curated or co-curated: Harold Gilman, Pro£ of Law, Univ. of Strathclyde, 1984-90; Regius Pro£ of Law, Glasgow Univ., 1981-82; Impressionist Drawings, 1986; The Private Degas, 1987; Camille Pissarro: 1991-2005. Vis. Pro£, Glasgow Caledonian Univ., 2005-09. Dep. General Editor, Stair impressionism, landscape and rural labour, 1990; Toulouse-Lautrec, 1991-92; Monet to MernlEncyclopaedia ofLaws ofScotland, 1984-96; Ed., Juridical Rev., 2009-. Dir, Scottish Matisse: landscape painting in France 1874-1914, 1994; Seurat and the Bathers, 1997; Theo Universities Law lnst., 2000-09. Pres., SPTL, 2000-01; Hon. Vice-Pres., Assoc. of Law van Gogh, 1999; Monet 1878-1883: the Seine and the Sea, 2003; Toulouse-Lautrec and Teachers, 2003-. Hon. Sheriff, 2015-. Hon. Fellow, Soc. for Advanced Legal Srudies, 2001. Montmartre, 2005; Degas, Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec: London and Paris 187(}--1910, Publications: Family Law in Scotland, 1987, 7th edn 2014; Delictual Liability, 1994, 5th edn 2005; Monet, 1840-1926, 2010-11; Dreams of Nature: Symbolistlandscape from Van Gogh 2014; (with H. MacQueen) Contract Law in Scotland, 2000, 3rd edn 2012; Scots Private Law, to Kandinsky, 2012-13. Officier, l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, 2012. Publications: Toulouse2006; conttibs to Law Qly Review, Modem Law Review, Juridical Review, Scots Law Lautrec, 1977; French Nineteenth Century Drawings in the Whitworth Art Gallery, 1981; Times, etc. Recreations: bridge, wine and food. Address: Askomel End, Low Askomil, Seurat, 1985; Degas, the Nudes, 1988; Edgar Degas, Waiting, 1995; (ed) Fratning France, Campbeltown, Argyll PA28 6EP. T: (01586) 554930. 1998; (ed jtly) Soil and Stone: impressionism, urbanism, environment, 2003; The Troubled Republic: visual cnlture and social debate in France 1889-1900, 2004; Vincent van Gogh: THOMSON, Kenneth Andrew Lyons; Director-General, Strategy and External Affairs, Starry Night, 2008; Art of the Actual, Naturalism and Style in Early Third Republic France Scottish Government, since 2011; b 18 Oct. 1962; s of Andrew Leslie Thomson and Jennifer 1880-1900, 2012. Recreations: gardening, jazz, hill walking. Address: School of Arts, Culture Thomson (nee Lyons); m 1986, Ursnla Schlapp; ones one d. Educ: Inch and Cramond Prim. and the Environment, University of Edinburgh, Minto House, 20 Chambers Street, Schs; Royal High Sch., Edinburgh; Univ. of St Andrews (MA Hons Music); Open Univ. Edinburgh EH11JZ. T: (0131) 650 4124, Fax: (0131) 650 6638. E: [email protected]. (MBA). Supernumerary Lightkeeper, Northern Lighthouse Bd, 1980-83; Admin. Trainee, Civil Service, Scottish Office, 1988; Higher Exec. Officer (Develt) 1988-90; Pvte Sec. to THOMSON, Robert James; ChiefExecutive Officer, News Corporation, since 2013; b 11 Minister of State, Scottish Office, 1990-91; Principal Officer, 1991; Asst Dir, Scottish March 1961; s ofJim and Gen Thomson; m 1992, Wang Ping; two s. Educ: Royal Melbourne Financial Enterprise, 1991-93; project team, Setting Forth, 1993-96; Bill Manager, Crime lnst. of Techno!. (BAJournalism). Finance and gen. affairs reporter, The Herald, Melbou~~ and Punishment (Scotland) Act, 1996-97; work on white paper, 'Scotland's Parliament', then Sydney, 1979-83; Sen. Feature Wnter, Sydney Mormng Herald, 1983-85, Fman 6. 1997; Asst Sec., 1997; Principal Pvte Sec. to Sec. of State for Scotland, 1997-99, to First Times: Beijing corresp., 1985-89; Tokyo corresp., 1989-94; Forergn News Ed., 1994-;h' Minister of Scotland, 1999; Dir, Corporate Develt, 1999-2000, Hd, Health Improvement e Asst Ed and Ed Weekend FT 1996-98· Man Ed based in NY, 1998-2002; Ed., Strategy Div., 2000---02, Scottish Exec.; Dir, Corporate Services, Scottish Prison Service, Times, Z002-07; .Publisher, zooi-o8, Ed.-in-Chi~f, 2008-12, Dow Jones & Co.; Man. Ed;; 2002-05; Dir, Constitutional and Parly Secretariat, Scottish Exec., 2005-07; Dir, Wall Street Journal, 2008-12. Chm., Arts Intemat., 2001-02. Dir, Soc. of Amer.Busme Constitution Law and Cts, 2007-10, Dir, Constitution, subseq. International and Editors and Writers, 2001-02. Publications: The Judges: a portrait of the Australian JUdi crary, Constitution, 2010-11, Scottish Govt. Trustee, Dunedin Concerts Trust, 2007-12. 1986; Gtly) The Chinese Army, 1990; (ed) True Fiction, 1998. Recreations: reading6 ~sr;:'' Recreations: cooking, consort music, crosswords, cycling. Address: c/o Scottish Government, cinema. Address: News Corporation, 1211 Avenue ofAmericas, New York, NY 1003 • · St Andrew's House, Edinburgh EH1 3DG. THOMSON, Prof. Robert William, PhD; FBA 1995; Calouste Gnlbenkian Prof~sor 0 ~ THOMSON, Malcolm George; QC (Scot.) 1987; b 6 April1950; s oflate George Robert Annenian Studies, University of Oxford, 1992-2001, now Professor Ementush ~~ 3~~5 ~f Thomson, OBE, and Daphne Ethel Thomson; m 1st, 1978, Susan Gordon Aitken (marr. diss. Pembroke College, Oxford, 1992-2001, now Supernumerary Fellow; b 24 Marc d .'two 2001); two d; 2nd, 2008, Maybe! Hutton. Educ: Edinburgh Acad.; Edinburgh Univ. (LLB). late David William Thomson and Lilian (nee Cramphorn); m 1963,Judith Ailsa CawA"\'9ss)· Advocate 1974; called to the Bar, Lincoln's Inn, 1991. Standing Junior Counsel to Dept of s. Educ: George Watson's Boys' Coli., Edinburgh; Sidney Sussex Coli., Cambndge (B Fellow: Agriculrure and Fisheries for Scotland and Forestry Commn in Scotland, 1982-87. Chm., Tnruty Coli., Cambndge (PhD 1962). Halki Theol Coli., Istanbul, 1955-56, J~·, 'ty· NHS Tribunal (Scotland), 1995-2005; Mem., Scottish Legal Aid Bd, 1998-2006; Temp. Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, 1960-61; Louvain Univ., 1961-62; Harvard r~~~r::, 9 : Judge, Court of Session, 2002-. Trustee, Nat. Liby of Scotland, 1995-2013. Recreations: Instructor, then Asst Pro£ of Classical Annenian, Dept of Near Eastern Langs, 1973_7 8' sailing, ski-ing. Address: 12 Succoth Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 6BT. T: (0131) 337 4911. Mashtots Pro£ of Armenian Studies, 1969-92; Chrn., Dept of Near Eastern La~gs, 2003 : Club: New (Edinburgh). 1980-81. Dir, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC, 1984-89. Hon. PhD Tu rn~en; Pierce THOMSON, Mark Cameron Angus, CMG 2015; OBE 2004; Secretary General, Publications: (ed with]. N. Birdsall) Biblical and Patristic Studies m Memory ofRo er d De Association for the Prevention of Torture, since 2001; b Redhill, 21 May 1956; s of Sir John Casey, 1963; Athanasiana Syriaca, 4 parts, 1965-77; Athanasius: Contra Gent~ ~on to lncarnatione, 1971; The Teaching of Saint Gregory, 1971, 2nd edn 2001; lntro uc Sutherland, (Sir Ian), Thomson, KBE, CMG, MBE (mil.) and Nancy Marguerite Thomson; [M s 2305 CL Ba Ar T. 19: Di in Ba Ca M' (w Gc 20 R< 20 St1 Di Er TH< Fr M u c, pr 3I rn TH sir (d B1 p, p, Sc G 2( c sr J\ TH L IV s, (I r IY IY 1 !( ~ h f c TI- S ~ c ' 1 't I 1 I Tl T
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