2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines TUDY: When It Come to Racial Wealth Gap, tructural Racim Alwa Win “Our policie continue to impede e€ort AfricanAmerican and Latino houehold to otain equal acce to economic ecurit.” Kenra Rankin (/writer/kenra-rankin) F 7, 2017 4:19PM T etween 2010 and 2013, White families’ net worth rose 2%. ut in the same period, Latino and African-American families’ net worth fell 15% and 34%, respectivel. Photo: Images Mone (TaxReate.org.uk) via Flickr Creative Commons https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 1/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines HAR (http://www.faceook.com/harer/harer.php? u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.colorline.com%2Farticle%2Ftud-when-it-come-racial-wealth-gap-tructural-racimalwa-win) (http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.colorline.com%2Farticle%2Ftud-when-it- come-racial-wealth-gap-tructural-racim-alwa-win&via=colorline) The term “racial wealth gap (http://www.colorline.com/tag/racial-wealth-gap1)” i ued to decrie the di€erence in accumulated wealth that White houehold enjo veru their counterpart of color. Reearcher have long tried to attriute the contemporar di€erence—which are rooted in dicriminator legacie from laver to houing egregation—to o-called life choice, including education and ingle parenthood. ut a new tud from pulic polic nonpro™t Demo (http://www.demo.org/) a that “individual choice are not uȳcient to erae a centur of accumulated wealth: tructural racim trump peronal reponiilit.” “The Aet Value of Whitene: Undertanding the Racial Wealth Gap (http://www.demo.org/pulication/aet-value-whitene-undertandingracial-wealth-gap)” ue data from the 2013 urve of Conumer Finance (http://www.federalreerve.gov/econredata/cf/c™ndex.htm) (CF) to explain wh White adult who drop out efore ™nihing high chool, have children out of wedlock and work part time jo have greater wealth (de™ned a aet minu det) than lack and Latinx adult who completed more chooling, raie their familie in a two-parent home and work full time. Per the CF, the median White houehold ha $13 in wealth for ever dollar in the median lack houehold, and $10 for ever dollar in a Latinx home. https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 2/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines Thee three graph reak down the igget takeawa from the tud, which wa releaed eterda (Feruar 6): The median White adult who attended college ha 7.2 time more wealth than the median lack adult who attended college and 3.9 time more wealth than the median Latino adult who attended college. https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 3/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines The median White ingle parent ha 2.2 time more wealth than the median lack two-parent houehold and 1.9 time more wealth than the median Latino two-parent houehold. The median White houehold that include a full-time worker ha 7.6 time more wealth than the median lack houehold with a full-time worker. The median White houehold that include a full-time worker alo ha 5.4 time more wealth than the median Latino houehold with a full-time worker. https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 4/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines The tud cloe with a puh for policmaker to evaluate propoed police for their potential to hrink the wealth gap etween race in America. “For centurie, White houehold enjoed wealth-uilding opportunitie that were tematicall denied to people of color. Toda our policie continue to impede e€ort African-American and Latino houehold to otain equal acce to economic ecurit,” Am Trau, report co-author and aociate director of polic and reearch at Demo aid in a tatement (http://www.demo.org/pre-releae/new-report-how-racial-wealth-gaptructural-and-fueled-pulic-polic). “When reearch how that racial https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 5/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines privilege now outweigh a fundamental ke to economic moilit, like higher education, we mut demand our policmaker acknowledge thi prolem and create policie that addre tructural inequit.” Tag: Racial Wealth Gap (/tags/racial-wealth-gap-1) Demos (/tags/demos) Asset Value of Whiteness (/tags/asset-value-whiteness) tud (/tags/stud-0) Log in (/uer/login?detination=node/30226%23comment-form) to pot comment COMMNT (/donate/Colorline) https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 6/7 2/28/2017 STUDY: When It Comes to Racial Wealth Gap, Structural Racism Always Wins | Colorlines R L AT D A R T I C L Hillar Clinton Propoe Plan to Dimantle temic Racim (/article/hillarclintonpropoeplandimantletemicracim) (/article/hillarclintonpropoe-plandimantletemicracim) Could Thee Four Polic Change Cloe the Racial Wealth Gap? (/article/couldtheefourpolicchangecloeracial wealthgap) (/article/couldthee-fourpolicchange-cloeracial-wealthgap) Report: Future Generation of lack People Will Feel Great Receion Pain (/article/report futuregenerationlackpeoplewillfeelgreat receionpain) lack Worker With Advanced Degree, White Worker With .A.' Make Roughl the ame (/article/lackworkeradvanced degreewhiteworkeramake roughlame) The Racial Wealth Gap in the U.., Or, White Own Almot verthing (/article/racialwealth gapuorwhiteown almoteverthing) (/article/reportfuturegenerationlack-peoplewill-feel-greatreceion-pain) (/article/lackworkeradvanceddegree-whiteworker-amake-roughlame) (/article/racialwealth-gap-uor-white-own- https://www.colorlines.com/articles/studywhenitcomesracialwealthgapstructuralracismalwayswins 7/7
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