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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Forest Ecology and Management journal homepage: The impact of sea erosion on coastal Pinus pinea stands: A diachronic analysis combining tree-rings and ecological markers Sabrina Raddi a,*, Paolo Cherubini b,1, Marco Lauteri c,2, Federico Magnani d,3 a DISTAF, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Florence, Italy WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland c CNR-IBAF, Viale Marconi 2, 05010 Porano, Italy d DCA, Università di Bologna, Via Fanin 46, 40127 Bologna, Italy b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received 22 March 2008 Received in revised form 7 September 2008 Accepted 11 September 2008 Coastal erosion is a widespread phenomenon on sandy coasts throughout the Mediterranean region; along the Thyrrenian coast of Tuscany (Italy), stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands originally planted for the protection of agricultural crops further inland are often damaged. In the present study, a pairwise comparison of stands at different distance from the sea at eroded and control sites highlighted the effects of coastal erosion alone on pine growth and function. Dendroecological analyses made it possible to determine the temporal dynamics of the phenomenon since 1930 and the interactions with climate, whilst additional structural (LAI, sapwood area) and functional (carbon isotope discrimination) measurements were used to discriminate between stress mechanisms. Salty winds, exacerbated by the removal of dunal vegetation, were found to be the most likely cause of the observed growth decline. The presence and, in more recent times, the reduction of surfactants in sea water played an important synergistic effect. The intrusion of salty water in the water table, on the contrary, played a marginal role at the site. Finally, stressed trees were more sensitive to the inter-annual variability in precipitation; at all sites, growth was stimulated by June, November and December precipitation in the current and two preceding years. ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Dendrochronology Coastal erosion Pollution Salt stress 1. Introduction Coastal forests provide important functions by stabilizing sand dunes and defending crops from salty winds and surfactants damages. The spread of human settlements in coastal areas has increased both environmental concerns and the recreational value of coastal forests (Pezeshki et al., 1990; Williams et al., 1999; Pilker and Cooper, 2004). Eustatic sea-level rise, in combination with a reduced sediment input from fluvial discharge, has resulted over the last decades in widespread coastal erosion for more than twothird of the global extension of sandy coastlines (Bird, 1985); in the Mediterranean region, about 30% of the entire coastline is affected by erosion (EEA, 2006). Despite large inter-annual fluctuations (List et al., 1997), sea-level rise has been found to follow variations * Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 055 3288653; fax: +39 055 319179. E-mail addresses: (S. Raddi), [email protected] (P. Cherubini), [email protected] (M. Lauteri), [email protected] (F. Magnani). 1 Fax: +41 44 739 2 215. 2 Fax: +39 0763 374980. 3 Fax: +39 051 2096401. 0378-1127/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.09.025 in global temperature with a considerable acceleration in recent years (Holgate and Woodworth, 2004; Church and White, 2006). According to commonly accepted models of coastal dynamics (Bruun, 1988; Davidson-Arnott, 2005), an increase in coastal erosion should be therefore expected for the future together with an increase in the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems (IPCC, 2007). Coastal erosion is thought to affect plant function and growth mainly as a result of salty spraying and sea water intrusion in the water table, both worsening vegetation water status (Kozlowski, 2000); plant vulnerability to water stress could be therefore expected to increase in areas affected by shoreline regression, and an understanding of past impacts by ecological and dendrochronological techniques could provide a hint of future patterns. The reconstruction of past coastal erosion is also critical for predictive purposes (Crowell and Leatherman, 1999). Even considering the diversity of shoreline behaviour and the changing dynamics of the processes involved, data obtained from long-term (>100 years) shoreline mapping can be considered a reliable tool for assessing shoreline recession rates and for predicting its future position with reasonable confidence (Galgano and Douglas, 2000). Maps and charts of sufficient accuracy have been available for parts of Western Europe and North America for the past two centuries, Author's personal copy 774 S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 but for much of the world’s coastline there is little information preceding the advent of aerial photography in the last few decades (Bird, 2000). The analysis of dendrochronological series may therefore provide a useful dataset for the reconstruction of past coastal dynamics, as well as of their effects on forest conditions. Tree-rings have been widely used in the reconstruction of past climate, i.e. precipitation in arid regions, and temperatures at highlatitude and -elevation sites (Hughes, 2002). However, they have been used only occasionally to reconstruct sea-level rise (Robichaud and Bégin, 1997) or similar events such as shore erosion (Bégin and Payette, 1991; Bégin et al., 1991), lake level fluctuations (Bégin, 2000a), and lakeshore erosion (Bégin, 2000b), stream erosion (Warren, 1961) and, recently, salinity of water table (Stahle et al., 2001). Such studies were based on the evidence that plant recruitment and tree growth are limited by sea vicinity, and treerings were used retrospectively for reconstructing past local coastal erosion rates (Wiles et al., 1998). In the present study, dendrochronological techniques have been applied to estimate the effects of past coastal erosion on two Italian stone pine (P. pinea L.) stands growing under contrasting erosion regimes on the Mediterranean coast. Moreover, being tree growth influenced by the interactions between erosion, vicinity to the sea, climate and water table salinity, the impact of sea erosion on the response of this species to precipitation has also been evaluated. The specific hypothesis was tested that, by worsening the water status of the plant, coastal erosion should increase the sensitivity of pine growth to precipitation. Finally, additional measurements were taken in order to elucidate the functional basis for the observed response of pine growth to coastal erosion. Shoreline erosion estimates were derived from data reported in Albani et al. (1940), from 1:5000 thematic regional maps reporting shoreline position in years 1938, 1955, 1977 and 1984 (Bartolini et al., 1989), from 1:5000 forest management maps for years 1942 and 1971 (Giordano, 1947; Baroni, 1976), from 1:2000 and 1:10,000 regional technical maps for year 1993 and from aerial ortho-photographs taken in 1996. 2.2. Structural and functional measurements For each sample plot, tree density (N, trees ha1), diameter at breast height (DBH, cm) for all trees and height (H, m) of the three trees nearest to the plot centre were measured. Tree volume was derived from diameter and height using site-specific allometric equations (Baroni, 1976) and summed up to obtain stand volume (VOL, m3 ha1). Leaf area index (LAI, m2 m2) was estimated from hemispherical photographs (Welles and Cohen, 1996) taken at the centre of each plot, with a 16 mm Nikon fisheye lens attached to a Nikon FM2 camera. Time exposure was determined with 18 spot light meter (Sekonic Dual-Spot F L-778) pointed at the zenith within a canopy gap. Negatives were scanned at 2800 dpi and analysed by the Hemiview Canopy Analysis software (Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, UK). At the end of April, pine needles (1-yearold or older) from the upper canopy were collected for each plot, dried and analyzed for carbon isotope composition by a mass spectrometer (Isochrom II; VG Isotech, Middlewich, UK) following the methods described in detail by Lauteri et al. (2004). Carbon isotope composition (d13C) and discrimination (D) were computed as (Craig, 1957): d13 C ¼ ðRsample =Rstandard Þ 1 (1) D ¼ ðdair dneedle Þ=ð1 þ dneedle Þ (2) 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study site and sampling scheme A 465 ha Pinus pinea plantation stretching for 15 km along the Tyrrhenian Sea on both sides of the Cecina River estuary (438180 N, 108290 E, Italy) was selected as a test site. The pine forest is part of the ‘‘Tomboli di Cecina’’ Natural Reserve; it was planted for the first time in 1839 after a century of land reclamation efforts started in 1740 (Repetti, 1833; Gatteschi and Milanese, 1990). The forest is homogenous for seed origin and management (Bassi, 1927; Giordano, 1947; Baroni, 1973), but it faces coastal sectors with different erosion regimes. The soil at the site is sandy (Typic Xeropsamments according to local soil maps; USDA, 1999). The area is characterized by a thermo-mediterranean sub-humid climate (Blasi, 1996). Average annual precipitation in the area is 778 mm, with a minimum in July (21 mm) and a maximum in October (114 mm). Average annual temperature is 15.3 8C (ranging from 7.2 8C in January to 24.4 8C in August), average potential evapotranspiration (Thornthwaite, 1948) is 951 mm, and from Walter and Lieth thermo-pluviometrical diagram summer drought lasts 2 months (July and August). Two areas with contrasting coastal erosion regimes were selected 1 km North (ERD, eroded) and 5.2 km South (CNT, control) of the Cecina River estuary. Twelve transects were located in each area, perpendicular to the coastline and spread over 1 km along the coast; in each transect a pairwise sampling scheme was applied, comparing circular sample plots of 314 m2 located within the P. pinea stand at a distance of 30 and 105 m, respectively, from the seaward forest margin (hereafter named sea and int, for interior). Four environmental conditions were therefore compared (ERDsea, ERDint, CNTsea, CNTint), corresponding to a 2 2 replicated experimental design. The four plots were located at a distance from current seashore position of 80, 155, 245 and 320 m, respectively. where R is the 13C/12C ratio in the sample and in the PDB standard, and dair and dneedle are d13C for source atmospheric CO2 and needle, respectively. 2.3. Dendroecological analyses Two wood cores were extracted from each of the two trees nearest to the plot centre with an increment borer at a height of 1.3 m from North and South direction. The transition to sapwood was visually determined on each core; sapwood area was extrapolated to the stand level using tree basal area as a scaling factor. Cores were then mounted on channelled wood, carefully dried and sanded for tree-ring analysis. The five outermost treerings were used to calculate tree current annual basal area increment (BAI, cm2 ha1 year1). Ring-widths were measured to the nearest 0.01 mm, using the Time Series Analysis Programme (TSAP) measurement equipment (Lintab) and software package (Frank Rinn, Heidelberg, Germany). Raw ring widths of the single curves of each dated tree were plotted, visually and then statistically crossdated by (a) the Gleichläufigkeit method, which is the percent agreement in the signs of the 1st differences of two time-series, and by (b) Student’s t-test, which determines the degree of correlation between the curves. Standard methods were used to build a mean series for each of the four environmental conditions. Ring-width measurements for a given calendar year from different trees were averaged into mean series. A series of mean annual ring-width chronologies contains different signals that can be described by the general model proposed by Cook et al. (1990). Different signal types may be detected over short time-scales (i.e. affecting inter-annual variability or climate responses through time) or longer time- Author's personal copy S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 scales (as underlying trends). Standardization, which is the removal of long-term variations from a time series of measured ring widths by dividing the measurements by a standardizing smoothing function, and their conversion to a time series of ringwidth indices (Fritts, 1976), is commonly used to remove agerelated sample bias. Standardisation, however, is sometimes avoided since by removing the low-frequency variability attributable to stand dynamics it also removes other low-frequency signals (Cook et al., 1990; Briffa et al., 1996). Different approaches were used in the present study for the analysis (a) of the long-term effects of coastal erosion on growth and (b) of pine sensitivity to water availability under different erosion regimes. In the first analysis, standardisation would have removed together with agerelated effects also the long-term dynamics which were the subject of the study. Therefore no smoothing function was applied, but the analysis was based on tree basal area increments, which are less affected by tree age and dimensions than radial increments. Because of a combination of tree allometry and applied thinning regime, tree basal area is closely related to total stand volume in P. pinea stands along the Tuscany coast (Castellani, 1982). Age effects were removed, on the contrary, in the analysis of pine growth sensitivity to annual and monthly precipitation, through the application of a smoothing function following standard dendroecological procedures. In a first step, any ageing effects (long-term trends included) were removed by modelling the ring-width series (dependent data) as a Hugershoff function of cambial age (independent data) and indexing procedure used (Fritts, 1976). Afterwards, stepwise regressions and response functions were performed with the ARSTAN and Precon51 software package (Cook and Holmes, 1996). The analysis was based on monthly precipitation data for the period 1921–1995 recorded at a meteorological station nearby (Cecina, station n. 2240; Annali idrologici Part I, 1921–2001); gaps in the dataset were filled with records from other stations within 10 km and at similar altitude (Bolgheri, n. 2258; Vada, n. 2050), cross-calibrated with the main dataset. 2.4. Data analysis A factorial ANOVA model with site (S) and distance from sea (D) as sources of variation was applied at plot-level to main stand parameters. The effect of coastal erosion on tree growth was assessed quantitatively by a pairwise analysis, based on the comparison of pairs of plots located in the same transect but at variable distance from the sea, so as to minimize the effects of between-site differences and extract only the effects of coastal erosion on tree growth. Growth differences between stands will result from a large number of site-specific factors (e.g., local climate and fertility, age, management), the influence of the sea and coastal erosion being only one among the others. The assumption is made that, at any one site, all other environmental factors can be considered constant and that differences within a transect are the effect only of variable distance from the sea. Growth is therefore represented as the product of two factors: Isea ¼ Isite f sea The fsea reduction factor was computed for each of the 12 transects per site, and the statistical significance of the effects of erosion (Derosion) then analyzed for each year by a two-tailed Student’s ttest (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). 3. Results 3.1. Coastal erosion and pine growth Since the middle of the 19th century, when the pine forest was first established along the Cecina coast, shoreline position has retreated at both sites (Fig. 1). Starting from the first decades of the 20th century, however, a much higher erosion rate has been observed at the ERD (about 1.6 m year1 in the 1913–1985 period) than at the CNT site (0.5 m year1 retreat in the 1913–1972 period). By 1985 much of the dunal vegetation in front of the pine forest had disappeared at the ERD site, exposing pine trees directly to the effects of marine aerosols. After 72 years of shoreline regression, however, a reversal of the trend has been observed at ERD since then, with an accretion of about 0.7 m year1. The more moderate erosion at the CNT site also lasted a shorter period (59 years), with an accretion of 0.2 m year1 thereafter (Fig. 1). Stand age, basal area and leaf-to-sapwood area did not differ significantly as a result of site or distance from the sea (Table 1). When comparing the two sites, pines at ERD were on average more densely stocked and smaller in diameter than at CNT, irrespective of distance from the sea. As for all other variables, ANOVA showed that site did not consistently affect height, stand volume, leaf area index and tree basal area increments. The results of the pairwise analysis suggest that, despite potential problems related to their location on opposite sides of the river mouth, the ERD and CNT sites did not differ in background fertility, as height and stand volume away from the sea differed by no more than 1.2 and 2.5%, respectively. Considering the effects of distance from the sea, significantly lower values of diameter, height, stand volume, tree basal area increments and LAI were consistently observed in the plots near the coast. The decrease in stand basal area and the higher stand density near the sea, on the other hand, were not statistically significant (Table 1). A significant interaction between the two sources of variation (site and distance from the sea) was observed for leaf area index (p = 0.004) and diameter (p = 0.042; Table 1); in all cases, a higher reduction at ERDsea than at CNTsea was observed, relative to the stands further inland (Table 1). The pairwise analysis of current forest characteristics further illustrates the increasing detrimental effects of proximity to the (3) where maximum growth for the site (Isite), as realized far away from the sea, is increasingly limited by the reducing factor fsea as one approaches the shore. It is further assumed that, in the absence of coastal erosion, vicinity to the sea has the same relative effect on growth at all sites. Erosion will exacerbate the effects of vicinity to the sea; its impact can be therefore quantified as the difference in fsea between eroded and control sites, denoted as Derosion: ERD CNT Derosion ¼ fsea fsea 775 (4) Fig. 1. Coastal line evolution since 1820 at the two test sites: eroded (black circle) and control (gray circle) sites. Periods: 1820–1934 (Albani et al., 1940), 1938–1984 (Bartolini et al., 1989); years: 1946, 1979 (Baroni, 1973) and 1996 (Orthophoto AIMA, 1996). Author's personal copy 776 S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 Table 1 Pinus pinea pinewood traits tested by significance p-levels for analysis of variance (ANOVA) effects (S = site, D = distance from sea and S D = interaction) and by Tukey’s post hoc comparison of the means at eroded (ERD) and control (CNT) sites for seawards (sea) and interior (int) plots. Trait ANOVA p-levela S D SD ERDsea ERDint CNTsea CNTint Age (year) Tree diameter, DBH (cm) Tree total height, H (m) Stand density, N (tree ha1) Stand basal area, BA (m2 ha1) Stand volume, VOL (m3 ha1) Tree basal area increment, BAI (cm2 tree1 year1) Leaf area index, LAI (m2 m2) Leaf-to-sapwood ratio, LA:SA (m2 cm2) Foliage carbon isotope discrimination, D (0/00) ns ns ns ** ** * ns * ** ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 63 1 a 31.3 0.4 a 15.5 0.3 ab 377 57 b 29.7 4.6 a 221.2 34.6 a 6.1 0.8 a 2.5 0.3 a 0.14 0.03 a 20.4 0.1 a 65 1 a 37.2 0.5 b 16.0 0.3 b 313 25 ab 34.7 2.1 a 283.7 17.8 a 9.7 0.9 b 4.5 0.3 b 0.19 0.01 a 20.4 0.3 a 63 1 a 39.3 0.7 c 14.8 0.3 a 236 20 a 29.4 1.2 a 251.1 11.4 a 8.0 0.8 ab 3.8 0.2 b 0.19 0.01 a 20.4 0.1 a 62 1 a 43.0 0.7 d 15.8 0.2 ab 220 18 a 32.6 1.9 a 291.1 18.4 b 9.6 0.7 b 4.2 0.2 b 0.20 0.02 a 20.4 0.1 a a b * ** ns ns ns ns ns ns * ** Tukey–Kramer’s HSD testb ** * ns ns ns ns Plot-level analysis, df = 1, 44 for each ANOVA effects; ns = not significative. Mean standard error. Means within row followed by the same letter were not significantly different (p 0.05). p 0.05. p 0.01. sea under conditions of shoreline regression (Table 2). The fsea factor, computed for each variable according to Eq. (3), quantifies the relative effect of proximity to the sea at each site, so that the difference between the two sites (Derosion; Eq. (4)) captures the net effect of shoreline regression at ERD on forest growth next to the coast. The greatest effects are observed for LAI (36%) and tree basal area increments (29%), whilst smaller effects are observed for other structural variables such as tree height and diameter and stand basal area and volume, which integrate the effects of proximity to the sea over the entire lifetime of the stand, including the period before the onset of differences in shoreline regression. A higher stand density, on the contrary, was observed as a result of shoreline regression (Derosion = +20.2), but this was presumably just the result of the reduced growth, which led to a delay in imposed thinnings; at all sites, the Reineke’s relationship (Reineke, 1933) between stand density and average DBH closely adhered to what prescribed by local growth and yield tables (Meschini, 1959; Baroni, 1973; data not shown). However, a direct effect of erosion on tree mortality at the ERD site was evidenced by the high variability among transects in stand density close to the sea, together with a lower variance in tree volume among plots in comparison with the other treatments (Table 1). Dendroecological techniques made it possible to extend back into the past the same pairwise approach described above, so as to investigate the time dynamics of the effects of erosion. The net difference between the two sites oscillated around zero until 1975 (Fig. 2B), albeit with a period of statistically higher growth (p < 0.05) at ERD relative to CNT between 1935 and 1972, and two periods with lower growth at ERD in the years 1955–1958 and 1967–1971, with minima in 1955 and 1968 of 21 and 17%, respectively. A much more pronounced absolute minimum was then observed in the period 1977–1979, with a growth reduction as a result of erosion of about 58%; but since 1984 a partial recovery was observed, resulting in a new equilibrium status corresponding to a growth reduction of about 20%. This pattern was not apparent when considering the dynamics of the fsea reduction factor computed at the ERD site alone (Fig. 2A), so demonstrating the need for the pairwise approach adopted here: although a worsening of the detrimental effects of the sea was observed at the eroded site after 1970, the marked negative peak in the period 1977–1979 is only apparent from a comparison with the control site. Table 2 Pairwise analysis of current values of stand structure and growth. For each variable, the fsea factor (Eq. (2)) represents the relative reduction induced by the proximity to the sea; the Derosion (Eq. (3)) captures the increased impact of proximity to the sea at the eroded (ERD) than at the control site (CNT). Variable DBH (cm) H (m) N (tree ha1) BA (m2 ha1) VOL (m3 ha1) BAI (cm2 tree1 year1) LAI (m2 m2) LA:SA (m2 cm2) a b fsea (%)a Derosion (%)b ERD CNT ERD-CNT p-Value 16.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 31.4 25.4 8.8 17.7 17.1 16.2 29.3 9.3 35.6 10.3 18.0 19.8 7.2 3.3 4.4 2.2 11.2 8.8 4.3 9.6 7.2 11.0 10.9 10.7 5.7 6.2 7.3 8.3 8.9 2.0 20.2 4.5 9.8 18.4 29.9 25.3 0.032 0.588 0.442 0.817 0.606 0.190 0.017 0.228 Means standard errors over the 12 transects at each site. Significant Derosion (in bold) are based on Student’s t-test. Fig. 2. Long-term dynamics of coastal erosion and effects of proximity to the sea on P. pinea growth. (A) Dynamics of the effects on growth of proximity to the sea, as captured by the factor fsea (Eq. (2); mean S.E.), at the eroded (ERD) site. (B) Coastal erosion trend at the control (CNT, gray circles) and eroded (ERD, black circle) sites and time series of Derosion, the additional effect of coastal erosion at the eroded relative to the control site (Eq. (3); mean S.E.). Author's personal copy S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 777 Fig. 5. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between tree-ring growth index and total rainfall in the whole year and in the single months of the current year (year 0) and of the three preceding years (year-1, -2 and -3). Dotted lines indicate 1% and 5% significance levels. Fig. 3. Relationship between stand leaf area index (LAI, m2 m2) and sapwood area (SA, m2 ha1) at the two study sites and at variable distance from the sea. Mean S.E. (n = 12). 3.2. Ecological determinants of pine growth The analysis of ancillary variables of ecological significance provides additional information on the functional determinants of the observed growth decline. At the tree level, sapwood area (Sa) resulted a rather constant fraction of basal area (Ba; Sa:Ba = 0.697, R2 = 0.802, p < 0.001, n = 192) for tree diameters over bark ranging from 19 to 56 cm, making it possible to compute sapwood area at the stand level (SA) and its relationship with leaf area. For all treatments, except for ERDsea, leaf area index and sapwood area were found to be linearly related (LAI, m2 m2 = 0.185 SA, m2 mm2; R2 = 0.998, p < 0.001; Fig. 3); on the contrary, at ERDsea a lower leaf area-to-sapwood area ratio was maintained. In contrast with the observed differences in tree functional structure, no reduction in carbon isotope discrimination (), an integrated measure of water use efficiency, was observed for P. pinea at Cecina as a result of erosion or distance from the sea (Table 1). 3.3. Climatic variables and pine growth Age-detrended tree-ring widths were higher than average for all treatments in the 1960–1969 period (Fig. 4), with a marked peak in 1961; over this period, detrended ring widths were wider at ERD than at CNT (+34%), and at the eroded site more near the sea Fig. 4. Long-term dynamics of tree-ring width, detrended for the effects of age, at the eroded site near the sea (ERDsea, black bold line) and interior (ERDint, black thin line) in comparison with control site by the sea (CNTsea, gray bold line) and interior (CNTint, gray thin line). Dotted lines represent the overall average and 99% confidence intervals (mean + 3S.E.). (+19%) than in the interior. The period was characterized by aboveaverage precipitation rates (data not shown). Over the entire period investigated, tree-ring index averaged over the four treatments was positively and significantly related to total annual precipitation of the current year and of the year preceding radial growth (Fig. 5); coming to consider the effects of monthly precipitation, ring-width was significantly correlated to the rainfall amount of June and November of the current year, and June, November and December of the previous year (Fig. 5). Treering width was also positively correlated with spring (March–May; r = 0.284*) and autumn (September–November; r = 0.271*) precipitation of the current year, but not with winter nor summer rainfall of the current year (data not shown). The positive effect on growth of the combination of intense autumn and spring precipitation is even more evident when looking at the correlation with rainfall cumulated across a number of months of the current and the two preceding years. When considering the 630 possible combinations of any 2 months in the period, the best relationship with ring-width index (RWI, 105 m) was observed for the cumulated precipitation (P, mm) in November and December (r = +0.528, RWI = 1.78P + 661.28; Fig. 6) and June and December of the year preceding growth (r = +0.496, RWI = 2.22P + 727.12) or November of the current and of the previous year (r = +0.486, RWI = 1.28P + 722.8). Even when considering precipitation in any 3 months from current and the two previous years, the highest regression coefficients were obtained for precipitation in June, November and December in the previous year (r = +0.625, RWI = 1.90P + 562.98). However, growth appeared to be particularly stimulated by a sequence of rainy periods over consecutive years. Three consecutive years of high precipitation in June, November and December showed the Fig. 6. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between tree-ring growth index and the sum of precipitation in the period November–December of the previous year and in any two successive months of the current year (year 0) or of the previous year. The dotted line indicates 1% significance level. Author's personal copy 778 S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 Fig. 7. Tree-ring width index (105 m) at ERDsea (black dots) and CNTsea (circles) in relation to cumulated rainfall over 3 years (current year and the previous 2 years) for the months of June, November and December (r = 0.82***) and, in the inset for the cumulated rainfall in the months of November and December alone (r = 0.75***). Regression lines are drawn for ERDsea ( ), ERDint (– –), CNTsea (—), CNTint (- ), and for the average of the four areas (— -). highest Pearson correlation coefficient (r = +0.811), much higher than if only the precipitation in the same period for the current year or the current year and the year before were considered (r = +0.460 and r = +0.736, respectively). This optimal combination of periodic precipitation across years was therefore used for the comparison of growth sensitivities among sites and with distance from the sea. The relationship is shown in Fig. 7 for the individual areas (ERDsea, ERDint, CNTsea and CNTint) as well as for their average. The eroded site showed a greater sensitivity to climate with higher slope and regression coefficient both near the sea (ERDsea, r = +0.820, RWI = 2.08P 427.9) and in the interior (ERDint, r = +0.794, RWI = 1.54P 60.97), relative to the control site near the sea (CNTsea, r = +0.700, RWI = 1.01P + 309.69) and in the interior (CNTint, r = +0.720, RWI = 1.09P + 251.10). The same pattern was observed for the correlation with rainfall in November and December cumulated over 3 years, albeit with lower r coefficients (inset in Fig. 7). 4. Discussion The most important environmental variables controlling the Mediterranean distribution of P. pinea have been reported to be the average temperature of the coldest month, determining plant survival, and winter precipitation, being largely responsible for growth rates (Thuiller et al., 2003a,b); the high sensitivity of growth to precipitation has also been confirmed by Boreux et al. (1988) and Raventós et al. (2001). This is particularly true for the study site, where groundwater flow is reduced and water table recharge is mainly related to local precipitation (Baldini et al., 2004). The relationship between tree-ring index and monthly rainfall, with a high sensitivity to rainfalls events in November and December and in the period from March to July (Figs. 5 and 6), largely reflects the seasonal course of environmental factors. P. pinea has a drought-tolerant strategy with a strongly reduced photosynthetic activity in presence of water stress and elevated vapour pressure deficits (Awada et al., 2003), as commonly observed in summer and early autumn (Teobaldelli et al., 2004). Although a true winter dormancy has been observed in P. pinea in response to low temperatures (Liphschitz et al., 1984), secondary growth is still active in autumn, as a result of renewed water availability and mild temperatures (Poupon, 1970; Castellani, 1979; Cherubini et al., 2003). In the present study, growth was particularly stimulated when favourable environmental conditions were repeated over successive years; moreover, growth appeared to be more affected by above-average precipitation than by drought conditions: if we consider only years with a cumulated rainfall in June, November and December over 3 years of less than 700 mm (almost 60% of the dataset), no relationship between tree growth index and precipitation is apparent (r = 0.066ns). The greater sensitivity at the ERD site demonstrates the important interaction between climatic conditions and shoreline regression. The shoreline regression dynamics reported at the Cecina river mouth during the past 150 years are rather common for rivers of the Tyrrhenian coast of Tuscany, and are mainly related to reduced sediment discharge. Over the preceding 2500 years, the estuary of the main rivers in Tuscany had prograded of about 7 km, with dynamics highly sensitive to changes in land use in the catchment area: a rapid expansion of estuaries occurred between the XVI and XVIII century because of the high sediment load carried by rivers, following the expansion of farming and deforestation (Pranzini, 1995). As a reversal of this trend, the main causes of the recent coastal erosion regime were recognized in mountain reforestation, river damming, river bed quarrying and wetland reclamation (Albani et al., 1940; Woodward, 1995; Pranzini, 2001). Coastal erosion, even if evident at both sites, differed in intensity, with 125 and 75 m shoreline retreat for ERD and CNT, respectively, in the 140-year period between 1846 (when the pine forest was first established) and 1985. In the period 1954–1985, in particular, a total retreat of about 55 and 6 m was reported for ERD and CNT, before the eventual stabilization of the beach in 1989–1991 by means of groins and submerged breakwaters (Cipriani et al., 1993). A comparison with the description of vegetation facies in the 1947 management plan (Giordano, 1947) exemplifies the evident changes brought about by the contrasting erosion regimes. At the control site no clear changes in vegetation zonation can be observed from the situation described in 1947. At the eroded site, on the contrary, shoreline regression has strongly altered the vegetation pattern. Whilst in 1906 and still in 1926 a 40 m wide zone of maquis vegetation was reported to protect a 90 m wide Pinus pinaster stand in front of the P. pinea forest, in 1947 the maquis area had been almost completely eroded and the P. pinaster stand was beginning to decline. In 1996, the P. pinea stand stood 40–80 m from the shoreline, separated by a 20–30 m wide strip of sclerophyllous maquis under sparse P. pinaster trees, the remnants of the 90 m wide P. pinaster dense stand described by Giordano (1947). The combination of structural and dendroecological measurements has shown that a substantial growth reduction was associated with shoreline regression in the P. pinea stand. The retrospective analysis was based on a carefully cross-comparison with a pairwise design, which made it possible to extract a disturbance signal which otherwise would have been obscured by other co-occurring long-term patterns. A strong decline was observed at the eroded site in proximity to the sea in the period 1974–1984, with a maximum growth reduction in 1978 (73%); in the following years, pines at ERDsea found a new equilibrium, with growth rates around 25% lower than could be expected in the absence of erosion. ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s tests on present structural variables confirmed the above results, as lower values of tree basal area increments and LAI were found at ERDsea relative to the other plots. Ancillary ecological measurements also make it possible to discriminate between alternative hypotheses about the functional determinants of such a growth reduction. The progressive erosion of the coast resulted in a strong variation in the growth environment for P. pinea at the ERDsea site, with (i) a greater Author's personal copy S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 exposure of the crowns to salty winds and surfactants and (ii) an increased salinity of the water table; both factors could have contributed to the observed growth decline. P. pinea is highly sensitive to exposure both to sea spray and to surfactants in marine aerosols (Raventós et al., 2001; Rettori et al., 2005). Sea spray can result in an increased chloride content in needles, damaging almost completely the leaf for contents higher than 0.8% d.w. (Lapucci et al., 1972; Lorenzini and Guidi, 2001). A synergistic effect due to seawater contamination with anionic surfactants was recognized to be the cause of forest decline in proximity of river mouths, a problem particularly relevant until 1980, when sea aerosols from the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea contained high levels of surfactants (18–29 mg l1; Bussotti et al., 1983). More recently, much lower values have been recorded (0.96–1.30 mg l1; Nicolotti et al., 2001), due to the higher biodegradability of detergents and the lower consumption of poorly biodegradable organic ingredients (PBO), whose use was reduced in Italy by about 39% by 1996–2001 (EC Commission, 2004). Surfactants cause the deterioration of epistomatal wax structure (Bussotti et al., 1997) and reduce the surface tension of water, so favouring the needle uptake of NaCl (Richard et al., 1996; Nicolotti et al., 2005). On the Tyrrhenian coast, sea spray-exposed P. pinea needles showed 3–12 times higher chloride ion content compared to the opposite part of the crown, as well as more negative midday water potentials (Nicolotti et al., 2001, 2005), with higher water stress at increasing doses of surfactant concentrations in sprayed water (Rettori et al., 2005). At our site, death of pines was reported since the end of the 1950s, becoming particularly relevant where erosion attacked the dune profile (Lapucci et al., 1972; Paiero, 1971) and in proximity of river mouths polluted with surfactants (Cantiani, 1971). The protective effects of the coastal dune at the control site is highlighted by the low surfactant concentration found in rainwater, which in the early 1980s typically contained 0.11 mg l1 at a distance of 200 m from the sea, down from a maximum of 0.64 mg l1 (Bussotti and Grossoni, 1995). The reduced distance between the pine stand and the shoreline could also have influenced the NaCl content of the water available to pines. Water table salinisation has been found to be a major determinant of pine forest decline as a result of sea-level rise (Ross et al., 1994), and salt intrusion into the water table has been suspected to be the cause of the dieback of maritime pine stands in the France coastal range (Guyon, 1991). NaCl toxicity reduces shoot growth by suppressing leaf initiation and expansion, and by accelerating leaf abscission (Kozlowski, 2000). As a result of water stress and stomatal limitations, reduced photosynthetic rates were also observed in pines in response to salinisation (Kozlowski, 1997); carbon isotope discrimination is therefore found to be reduced in pine trees affected by severe salt stress (Ross et al., 1994). Drought-like effects associated with salinity have been observed in several Mediterranean pines. In P. pinaster seedlings, salinity reduced gas exchange and growth already at a NaCl concentration of 50 mM (Loustau et al., 1995). In contrast, P. pinea appears to be a relatively salt-tolerant species. Salt accumulation was observed in P. pinea seedlings without any growth reduction until the NaCl content of irrigation water reached 7 dS m1 (roughly corresponding to 70 mM NaCl), whereas needle chlorosis, reduced needle expansion and accelerated shedding and finally higher plant mortality rates were induced only by much higher saline levels (11–22 dS m1; Barbolani et al., 1997). Similarly high levels of water table salinity have indeed been found to induce a marked reduction in summer sap flow (Teobaldelli et al., 2004), needle length (Piussi and Torta, 1994) and diameter growth (Piussi, 2002) in a P. pinea plantation growing in central Italy under severe 779 saline conditions (16–19 dS m1, corresponding to a NaCl concentration of about 160–190 mM). Salt concentration levels in the water table at the study site appear to be well below these critical thresholds for P. pinea. The water table at the study site is superficial and slightly higher at CNT than at ERD (1.2 and 1.9 m, respectively, in September 1971; Baroni, 1976). Even at the eroded site, however, the water is only slightly saline: annual average values of chlorine concentration of 11.0 mM have been recorded at the ERD site in 2001 (Provincia di Livorno, 2001), a figure very close to the value of 12.7 mM measured in 1971 by Baroni (1976). Even lower chlorine concentrations were measured at the control site (6.2 mM Cl1 and 2.5 mM Cl1 in 2001 and in 1971, respectively); both sites showed a similar intra-annual absolute variation of chlorine of about 2 mM with a spring minimum (10.6 and 5.2 mM Cl1 at the ERD and CNT sites, respectively) and a maximum in autumn (12.5 and 7.2 mM Cl1). Water table salinisation is therefore unlikely to have contributed to the observed growth decline at the site investigated in the present study. The low NaCl concentrations reported in the literature for the study sites are consistent with the evidence from carbon isotope discrimination: crown needles did not show any differences in D, indicating a similar level of water stress and water use efficiency for the four treatments (Farquhar et al., 1989; Warren et al., 2001). Rather, sea spray exposure appears to be the main factor responsible for decreased growth, possibly as a result of foliage death and the ensuing reduction in leaf area index and light interception (Table 1); the observed decline in leaf area-tosapwood area ratio at the eroded site (Fig. 3) would be consistent with this hypothesis, being the result of the extensive needle loss and of the high longevity of sapwood in P. pinea (47.4 0.7 years). The origin of the marked negative peak in Derosion (Fig. 2), however, cannot be explained by coastal dynamics alone. The dendroecological analysis demonstrates that such a transient is not related to climatic effects, either. Although the analysis demonstrated a greater sensitivity to precipitation at the eroded site, and in particular for the trees close to the sea, the years corresponding to the observed transient did not present abnormal values of the climatic variables which were found to be best correlated with pine growth. In conclusion, the observed negative peak in Derosion in the period 1974–1984 does not appear to be the result of exceptional climatic conditions; rather, above-average precipitation in the period 1976–1981, together with a more pronounced response to the increased water availability at the eroded site, could have slightly reduced the magnitude of the effect. One possible explanation for the observed transient could be related, on the contrary, to the more strict legislation introduced in Italy at the beginning of the 1980s, which effectively reduced the concentration of anionic surfactants in effluents and therefore in marine aerosols (EC Commission, 2004). Although the removal of the protective belt of halophyte and maquis vegetation in front of the forest is still exacerbating the negative effects of proximity to the sea, in the absence of a synergistic effect with surfactants and following the stabilisation of the shoreline the impact of coastal erosion on pine growth would appear to be far less extreme. These complex dynamics could be documented through the pairwise approach adopted in the present study, which could be usefully applied to other dendroecological investigations of the long-term effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Acknowledgements The work was supported by the Italian Ministry of University (Project IMPAFOR - Impact of climate change on forests and wood production. Prot. 9807388499). We gratefully thank Dr. Paul Van Author's personal copy 780 S. Raddi et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2009) 773–781 Gardingen (University of Edinburgh, UK) for help with hemispherical photographs and to Dr. Otto U. 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