Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 7642–7646 Micro-Raman spectroscopy of disordered and ordered sulfur phases on a passivated GaAs surface T. Błachowicz a,*, G. Salvan b, D.R.T. Zahn b, J. Szuber a a Department of Electron Technology, Silesian University of Technology, PL-44100 Gliwice, Poland b Institut für Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany Available online 9 May 2006 Abstract The depletion layer width and band bending of passivated n-type Sn doped GaAs(1 0 0) between subsequent steps of chemical treatment as well as after a single run treatment were investigated by micro-Raman light scattering by longitudinal optical phonons and coupled phonon–plasmon modes. Experiments were carried out ex situ at room temperature. We conclude that all observed lineshape changes are due to band bending and to an amorphous surface phase represented by a broad spectral component. We applied two passivation methods. One was based on (NH4)2Sx solution and lasted 30 min. The second was based on the S2Cl2 solution and lasted 10 s. These enabled identification of surface regions of different amorphousness and for faster passivation places of enlarged and completely reduced band bending. # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 78.30.j; 81.65.b; 63.22.+m; 71.55.Jv Keywords: Gallium arsenide; Sulfur passivation; Raman spectroscopy; Surface morphology; (NH4)2Sx; S2Cl2 1. Introduction The problem of reduced electronic quality of the GaAs surface has been evaluated for many years as important for practical applications [1,2]. Many types of chemical and optical methods were used to manage this task [3,4]. Among these methods we applied those based on the sulfur water or alcoholic solutions [5–7]. In particular those based on (NH4)2Sx and S2Cl2 compounds have been used for slow passivation, running in minutes, and fast passivation, going in seconds, respectively [8–11]. Many experimental techniques can be applied for testing the passivation efficiency. Among others there are X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy [12], photoluminescence [13], Kelvin probe [14], and finally Raman spectroscopy [15]. Raman spectroscopy performed in the micro-Raman configuration probes a region on the sample of about 1 mm in diameter. Raman spectroscopy can provide in a non-destructive way information about surface and sub-surface regions up to about * Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 32 2372071; fax: +48 32 2372057. E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Błachowicz). 0169-4332/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.03.058 100 nm below the top surface depending on the penetration depth of the laser beam. This is why it is specially suited to compare the influence of surface and sub-surface modifications in the depletion zone. The application of Raman spectroscopy to the study of sulfur passivated surfaces relies on the comparison of integral intensities stemming from scattering by longitudinal optical (LO) phonons and coupled phonon–plasmon (L and L+) modes [15]. The scattering on LO phonons comes from the depletion layer, while the phonon–plasmon scattering takes place in the bulk where free carriers exist and where the phonon–plasmon coupling is possible. After chemical treatment the LO line intensity can be reduced due to reduction of the depletion layer thickness if the chemical treatment leads to a decrease in band bending. In the paper, we provide Raman spectroscopy results on the depletion layer modifications before and after each step of chemical wet treatment, that is, degreasing, etching, rinsing, and finally followed by dry nitrogen blowing. We repeat this procedure for both (NH4)2Sx and S2Cl2 compounds. The results were compared also with treatments done in a single run. Due to different dynamics of the two passivation methods employed, which results from different chemical compositions and mainly T. Błachowicz et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 7642–7646 Fig. 1. Raman spectroscopy results for the GaAs treated with S2Cl2 solution after a complete passivation procedure described in the text (a), and after the same treatment with DI water and acetone and ethanol in rinsing step omitted (b). from the time of chemical treatment, the sample surface presented regions of different surface morphology. In some of these regions the compound seemed to have an amorphous nature, judging from the occurrence of a broad spectral component (background) located near LO and phonon– plasmon peaks (Fig. 1). Additionally, the broad component was enhanced for S2Cl2 passivation after rinsing only in water. This resulted in many different local surface morphology states and passivation efficiencies. Obtained modifications were easily tested by the micro-Raman technique. Results of band bending and depletion layer width for all chemical procedures were obtained utilizing the new approach which takes into account a broad amorphous state component. 2. Experimental The micro-Raman spectroscopy experiments were carried out in the backscattering geometry (zðxyÞz̄ in Porto notation), using a Dilor XY spectrometer and a Argon-ion laser working with l = 488 nm and incident power of 6 mW. We used a 7643 microscope objective, which probed an area of approximately 1 mm in diameter. This enabled analysis of local features associated with different surface morphologies. The radiation penetration depth was estimated to be 76.4 nm for the laser line employed. During typical data accumulation a single scan of a single full spectral range lasted 20 s and usually this was repeated 20 times. The band bending and the depletion layer depth were calculated from data measured between each step of chemical treatment as well as after all steps done in a single run. The measurements were done ex situ. In all experiments we measured n-type Sn doped GaAs(1 0 0) with a donor concentration of 1018 cm3. Passivation was carried out using (NH4)2Sx or S2Cl2 solutions. Steps of treatment consisted of degreasing, etching, and rinsing followed finally by dry nitrogen blowing. The degreasing in both passivations was done using acetone (in 5 min), ethanol (5 min), and completed by 18 MV deionised (DI) water (5 min). The degreasing process removed a layer of oxides of 1.7 nm thickness, as measured by ellipsometry. Thus, etching for the (NH4)2Sx solution lasted 30 min at a temperature of 313 K. The next rinsing step was made using DI water for 10 s. The (NH4)2Sx passivation is a rather well-elaborated method. It was additionally improved using alcohol solution of the ammonia sulfide [5–8]. The etching for the S2Cl2 solution passivation (CCl4 + S2Cl2, 3:1) lasted 10 s, i.e. much faster than for the (NH4)2Sx passivation. The rinsing process consisted here of four steps: CCl4 (5 s), acetone (5 s), ethanol (5 s), and DI water (5 s). All steps in this procedure were carried out at RT. The second method of passivation is rapid. This can cause a disturbance of the sample surface morphology and random orientations of molecular bounding, especially those of Ga–S and As–S. This resulted in occurrence of the broad spectral component which additionally contributed to the LO and phonon–plasmon modes well described in literature [15] (compare Fig. 1a with Fig. 1b). To enhance this effect of surface morphology modifications we made test measurements for the S2Cl2 passivation using only DI water rinsing as a final step before dry nitrogen blowing. The spectra obtained and the parameters derived are analyzed in the next section. 3. Discussion of results and conclusions Information about band bending and depletion layer width was derived from the ratio of integrated intensities from scattering by longitudinal optical phonons, which exist in the depletion region, and from scattering by bulk phonon–plasmon coupled modes. In the fitting we did not use the second plasmon–phonon mode (L+) as it was not observed for most measurement or was registered on a noise level (compare Fig. 1). The algorithm of band bending calculations was described in detail elsewhere [16–18]. Thus, the relation between the depletion layer width d and the band bending VB can be expressed as follows: rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2e0 eS VB d¼ ; e2 n (1) 7644 T. Błachowicz et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 7642–7646 Table 1 Band bending and depletion layer width for different steps of chemical passivation and for treatment done in a single run Step of a passivation procedure (NH4)2S solution Band bending (eV) Depletion layer width (nm) Before treatment After degreasing After etching After DI water rinsing 0.84 0.06 0.81 0.05 0.72 0.05 0.73 0.09 34.8 1.2 34.3 1.1 32.2 1.2 32.5 2.0 Treatment using all steps in a single run 0.63 0.04 30.1 1.0 where e0 is the vacuum dielectric constant, eS the static, relative dielectric constant, e the elementary electron charge, and n is the donor concentration in the material. Table 1 provides values of band bending and depletion layer for both (NH4)2Sx and S2Cl2 passivations. The data clearly reveal three important facts. First, the band bending and depletion layer decreases upon subsequent steps of treatment. Second, the chemical procedure made in a single run is more effective than those performed in steps. In this case the difference in the final values of the band bending between the treatment performed in steps and that in a single run is equal to 13.7% for the (NH4)2Sx etching and 7.1% for the S2Cl2 etching. Third, the S2Cl2 passivation is more effective than the (NH4)2Sx passivation. The difference between final band bending values is equal to about 0.11 eV. A relation between band bending and depletion layer width is given in Fig. 2 along with experimental errors derived from fitting. In the figure underlined numbers represent subsequent steps in the (NH4)2Sx passivation (open symbols), while those Fig. 2. Band bending as a function of depletion layer width after subsequent steps of chemical wet passivations. The (NH4)2Sx solution passivation steps are numbered from 1 to 4 and represented by open circles. The S2Cl2 passivation is represented by primed numbers and filled circles. Step of a passivation procedure S2Cl2 solution Band bending (eV) Depletion layer width (nm) Before treatment After degreasing After etching and rinsing 0.84 0.06 0.84 0.06 0.56 0.04 34.8 1.2 35.0 1.2 28.4 0.9 Treatment using all steps in a single run 0.52 0.03 27.5 0.9 primed are related to the S2Cl2 passivation (closed symbols). For the latter case the etching and final rinsing are treated as single step, represented by the single point (30 ), due to short time of both procedures. All results given in Table 1 and those shown in Fig. 2 were derived from fitting the experimental data assuming the existence of a broad component associated with amorphous phase on a surface. Importantly, this approach can give more insight into the understanding of the influence of different steps involved during the chemical passivation procedure (see Fig. 3). Experimental points from Fig. 2 representing a sample before degreasing (1, 10 ) and after degreasing (2, 20 ) are overlapping within experimental errors range. The same points drawn in Fig. 3 are clearly separated. Fig. 3 informs about two fundamental issues. Firstly, the degreasing improves surface morphology. This can be concluded from the integral intensity values of the broad component, which provides a good estimation of surface quality. Thus, after degreasing one obtains the improvement falling approximately in the range of 7–14%. Secondly, the slower passivation method, namely that based on the (NH4)2Sx solution, reduces the broad component more efficiently than those running in seconds during the S2Cl2 passivation. This is visible through relative changes of the integral intensity of the broad component. For the (NH4)2Sx passivation the relative change in the integral intensity calculated after degreasing, etching, and rinsing, related to the untreated sample, is equal to 30.1%. The same parameter for the S2Cl2 procedure is equal to 8.5%. These facts are obviously related to the time of treatment and dynamics of chemical influence. Going forward with the analysis we can easily notice one important difference between both passivation procedures used here. For the fast method (Fig. 3b) the band bending and the background obtained after all steps of passivations done in a single run have the lowest values. Another situation exists for the slow method. While after each chemical step, in the step by step procedure, the sample was blown with dry nitrogen before a Raman measurement, the single run procedure was completely wet and the sample was blown with dry nitrogen only once before the measurement. This resulted in better morphology for the step by step method, but a lower reduction in the band bending (see point 4 in Fig. 3a) for the (NH4)2Sx passivation. The single run process resulted in the maximum band bending reduction. For the fast process, on the other hand, T. Błachowicz et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 7642–7646 7645 Fig. 4. Raman spectra obtained during the S2Cl2 passivation terminated by rinsing only into DI water in order to obtain enhanced amorphous phase on the surface. Two examples of spectra are shown: with maximum width of amorphous spectral component (a) and minimum band bending (b). Fig. 3. Integral intensity of the broad band spectral component centered at 350 cm1 related to the disturbed surface morphology as a function of band bending for the (NH4)2Sx passivation (a) and the S2Cl2 passivation (b). the single run process is optimal and proper. The breaks in a treatment due to the Raman measurements certainly disturb the surface morphology and passivation efficiency (see point 3 in Fig. 3b). To finally prove that we deal with an amorphous phase represented by a broad component in the Raman spectra we prepared samples with highly disturbed surface regions. This was effectively possible for the fast S2Cl2 procedure, however, with rinsing restricted to 5 s treatment of DI water. On a surface irregular shapes were obtained and on the Raman spectra we observed enhanced broad components for some regions. Among others, in Fig. 4a and b two interesting cases are shown: that with increased band bending (0.96 0.11 eV), and that with the LO phonon completely hidden below background, respectively. The result from Fig. 4a was obtained from a small region of 1–2 mm size, while Fig. 4b result was obtained from much larger zone surrounded by irregularities of the 1–2 mm size. The centre frequency of the broad component lies in the 330–350 cm1 range for all the investigated regions on the samples. Table 2 provides positions for the LO phonons, Table 2 Spectral peak positions of the coupled plasmon mode (L), the optical phonon (LO), and amorphous broad component (BC) for chosen steps in chemical treatment Chemical treatment L (cm1) LO (cm1) BC (cm1) Before treatment (NH4)2S passivation S2Cl2 passivation S2Cl2 solution (Fig. 4a) S2Cl2 solution (Fig. 4b) 271.7 0.1 273.6 0.1 273.3 0.1 266.9 0.1 266.4 0.1 289.9 0.1 291.0 0.1 290.7 0.1 283.1 0.3 288.3 0.6 345.0 3 319.0 3 361.0 3 332.0 1 343.4 0.4 7646 T. Błachowicz et al. / Applied Surface Science 252 (2006) 7642–7646 coupled plasmon–phonon modes, and those for the broad components. Data are given for the sample before treatment, after treatments in a single run for both passivation methods, and finally for the results seen in Fig. 4. The interesting feature of these results is that we obtained completely passivated surface and that this effect is accompanied by a strong amorphous phase. The occurrence of CCl4 lines results from water rinsing with acetone and ethanol omitted. In summary, we conclude that the reduction of band bending naturally influenced by the sulfur solution chosen is additionally influenced by other steps in chemical wet procedure, that is, degreasing, rinsing, and drying. Thus, for some experimental conditions it was possible to obtain enhanced amorphous phase of the Ga–S and As–S chemical compounds with strongly reduced band bending. In other words, there exists a compromise between surface quality and the efficiency of the band bending reduction as the enhanced amorphousness of the not perfect surface is qualitatively more similar to bulk than for the ideal surface. This is why the situation related to not perfect surface morphology reflected by a broad spectral component should be taken into account in all typical passivation procedures. The approach enabled observation of surface morphology modifications during all subsequent steps of chemical treatments and gave evident and clear sequence of data. The data show that dynamics of surface morphology depends on many chemical factors, but also on the time of treatment and the thermodynamic conditions applied. Acknowledgement This work was performed within V FPEC Project of Centre of Excellence in Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Interfaces and Sensors—CESIS, under the Contract: G6MACT-2002-04042. References [1] D. Shoji, T. Miura, M. Niwano, N. Miyamoto, Appl. Surf. Sci. 130–132 (1988) 441. [2] T.K. Oh, C.H. Baek, B.K. Kang, Solid State Electron. 48 (2004) 1549. [3] V. Augelli, T. Ligonzo, A. Minafra, L. Schiavulli, V. Capozzi, G. Perna, M. Ambrico, M. Losurdo, J. 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