Beginning Bridge with 2 over 1 – Lesson 3 Hands: Basic Bidding

Beginning Bridge with 2 over 1 – Lesson 3 Hands: Basic Bidding – Minor Suit Openings Chapter 5, pages 23‐26 in student book W N E P 1 1NT P P S W 1 P N E S P 1 P 1 P 1 2 P 2NT W N E S P P 1 P 1 2 P P Opening 1 is clear. Responder South opens 1 and North responds with 1 (showing 4 Hearts and 6+ HCP). South’s 2nd bid is 1, denying 4 Hearts and showing 4 Spades. North bids 2 showing a 6‐card suit. South, having only 1 Heart, bids 2NT stating that they do not have a suit fit. bids 1 – telling partner you have 4 Spades and also that you do not have 4 Hearts. Opener’s 1NT shows a they do not have 4 Spades. West has an interesting hand, easy bid of 1. East bids 1 (only showing 4 Spades) denying 4 Hearts. West confirms support for Spades. FYI, West could easily bid 4 instead of 2 but the lesson is to tell partner that you found the fit in Spades. W N E S 1 2 P P 1 3 P P P P W N E S P P 3 P 1 P West opens with 1 Club. East responds with a 1 bid. Lacking 4‐card support for Spades, West bids 2 showing a 6‐card suit. East confirms support for Clubs. Just a reminder that 5‐card Majors are first priority to open. North’s opens 1 and South gives a 4‐card limit raise (i.e. South has 10‐11 HCP and 4‐card support – requires 4‐card support and is called a 4‐card limit raise). W N E S P P 1 P 1 P 2 P 2 P 3 P P West opens 1 and East shows a Spade bid (promising only 4). West rebids Clubs showing a 6‐card Club suit. East still cannot support Clubs (having only 1 Club) and rebids Spades (showing 6). West shows support with a 3 bid. West could easily bid 4 but the focus is to find the fit. To find out more about Beginning Bridge Using 2 Over 1, Beyond Beginning Bridge (Using 2 Over 1),
or The 2/1 Gold Card System (Volumes 1‐6), visit Beginning Bridge with 2 over 1 – Lesson 3 Hands: Basic Bidding – Minor Suit Openings Chapter 5, pages 23‐26 in student book W N 1 P E 3 S W N E P P P P P 2 P P West opens 1. East’s immediate support – a limit raise even, denies a 4‐card Major. The 3 bid still only shows a 4‐card limit raise (meaning the 3 bid only promises a 4 card holding in Clubs). S 1 P Again, an immediate raise of the Minor opening denies a 4‐card Major. This time a simple raise shows 6‐9 HCP. To find out more about Beginning Bridge Using 2 Over 1, Beyond Beginning Bridge (Using 2 Over 1),
or The 2/1 Gold Card System (Volumes 1‐6), visit