Hereditas 109 151-1.57 (1988) Standard karyotype of the domestic pig Committee for the Standardized Karyotype of the Domestic Pig lngemar Gustavsson (Co-ordinator), Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-7.50 07 Uppsala 7, Sweden Pig chromosomes were studied already in the beginning of thiscentury (WODSEIIAL.EK 1913). The correct chromosome number o f 38 was described as early as 1931 (KKALLIWFK 1931) but was not agreed on until the beginning of the fifties. More accurate chromosome studies co~ild.however, be carried o u t when tissue culture techniques were introduced. The first banded karyotypes occurred in 1972 (BEKGER 1072; GusrAvssoN et al. 1972; HANSEN 1972). Since then, several different banding techniques have been applied on pig chromosomes. These techniques have increased the possibilities to identify individual chromosomes as well as made possible studies of the detailed morphology. The number of known spontaneous chromosome aberrations is increasing (e.g.. POPESCII et al. 1984), and aberrations also appear to be easily induced (FKIF-s and STRANZINGER 1982). There is an extensive polymorphism (HANSEN-MELANI)LKandMti A N t l t K 1974; CHRlSTFNStNand SMEDEGARII 1978) in the heterochromatin, which appears to be of two types; G-C-rich heterochromatin, particularly located in the centromere regions of the biarmed chromosomes, and less G-Crich heterochromatin in the centromere regions o f the one-armed chromosomes (S(wNti) al. 1981). There are also two nucleolnr-organizing regions, which show polymorphism ( C z A K t R and MAW 1980). The pig karyotype has recently been a popular object for gene mapping by somatic hybridization (FOKSimet a \ . 1080; <itLt.iNet a!. 1980) and the interest is growing for using in situ hybridization in the mapping work ( R A H IctN al. 1985; ECHAKI) et al. 1986). Banded karyotypes have been used for investigations of cell lines (E(w,wi) 1973) and for studies of species closely related to the domestic pig to re1078; MkI A N D t K Veal karyotype evolution ( BOSMA and HANSthi-MtI A N I ) t - K 1980). For several purposes there is thus a great need to have available a common, simple systcni f o r chromosome description and arrangement. The main identifying features of the chromosomes and an arrangcmcnt system were defined by an international study group at Rending, England, in 1976 (Proceedings of the First International Con- ference for the Standardization of Banded Karyotypes of Domestic Animals, 1980). Since then, there have been correspondence and discussions about landmark systems and more detailed chromosome descriptions at European Colloquia held in Uppsala, Sweden. in 1980. Milan-Gargnano, Italy, in 1982, and in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1984. The following description is based on those discussions. Consideration was also taken to three landmark systems and chromosome descriptions earlier proposed (HANSFN 1977; LANet al. 1980; VorcuLescuand LCNGEANLI 1980). The main objectives o f this communication have been to describe the identification banding patterns in greater detail than did the Reading report, and t o divide the chromosomes into cytologically defined regions by a landmark system which can be used for descriptions o f the normal karyotype as well as aberrant patterns. Methods The G- and R-bonding patterns of the pig chromosomes arc described by using the G T G ( S E A i m i m T 1971) and the R B A (DLlIKIi.L.AL;Xet al. 1973) banding techniques, and an R-banding technique making use o f synchronization techniques with chromosome exposure to agents which partially inhibit contraction ( R ~ N N1984). E Detailed descriptions with the band positions (but not the intensity of individual bands) are given in schematical drawings according to a computerized model kindly supplied by Dr K. Fries. Thc identification system for the bands is the same ;IS the one used for human chromosomes (Paris Conference 1972), and the landmark system also follows thc recommendations for the human nomenclature (ISCN 1978). Results Banding patterns and landmark systems agreed on arc givcn cchcmatically i n Fig. 1 and 2. Nucleolar or- Herediras 109 (1988) #I 1ti! 5 4 21 :2 21 34 43 5 6 7 3 56 12 4 #! 34 5 1 2 3 54 5 21 2 ;; 3 4 X fj! 4 7 10 1 2 43 1 12 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 423 1 2 43 423 17 3 4 5 6 65 :2 11 18 16 15 5: ?l3 9 13 Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of chromosome bands and landnlark system of G-banded pig chromosomes. Hereditas 10Y (1Y88J 8’-j S T A N D A R D KARYOTYPE OFTHE DOMESTIC PIG 5 4 1 2 34 2 ’1 2 56 43 457 5 4 3 l2 2’ 34 4 ;2 f l 5 2 34 5 54 3 Bi 3 4 5 1 0 47 ill! 4 125 17 18 n F 13 Fig. 2. Diagrammatic reprewntation o f chromosome hands and landmark \?stem of R-banded pig chromosomes. 153 154 I . GUSTAVSSON Fig. 3. Representative GTG-banded male pig karyotype (courtesy I . Gustavsson). Hereditas I09 (1988) Hereditas 109 (1988) STANDARD KARYOTYPE OF THE DOMESTICPIG 155 Fig. 4. Representaive R-banded female pig karyotype after syncronization with rnethotrexate-leucovorin and fluorouracil. release of the synchronization block with 5-brornodeoxyuridine and partial inhibition of contraction with Hoechst 33258 (courtesy M. R ~ n n e ) . ganizer regions (NORs) occur in the centromeric parts of the p arms of chromosomes 8 and 10. Representative karyotypes are demonstrated in Fig. 3 and 4 and the bands serving as landmarks are described in Table 1 . Conclusion Although there is today an increased usage of highresolution techniques, it was considered necessary first to describe those banding patterns which can be 156 Heredirus I09 (1988) I GUSTAVSSON l i r h l i ~ 1 . Gliiinck \civing ;I\ landmiiih\ in ihe pig \tendard kiiryiitype (iinii\\iiin iif ii chromo\omc o r ii chromosome arm indicates that either both a r m \ or the arm in queatiim consi5th iif only o n e region) Chromowmc no. I Aim Numhcrof Landmarks region\ 2 3 Central negative band (21) Central negative band (21) Broad proximal negative hand (71) Central negative hand (21) Negative b a n d ( 2 l ) i n the distal half Central negative band (21) Proximal broad negative band (21), negative band in the distal half (31) 7 Central strong positive band (21) X Centralnegative band(21) Broad negative band in proximal half (2 I ) 9 Positive band in distal half (21) Centralpositive band (21) 13 Proximal negative (21) and cential negativeband (31). negative band in the diatal half (41) I4 Negative hand in the pioximal haif ( 2 I ) IS Central positive band (21) 16 Broad negative band in the dim1 half(21) 17 Broad di\tal negative hand ( 2 I ) 1x Po\itivecentral band (21) X Positive central band (21) Proximal positive band (21) identified in moderately contracted chromosomes. 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Department of Animal Breeding and Genetic\. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-7.50(17 Uppsala 7. Sweden HAAN. N. A . I)E. Department of Functional Morphology, Faculty <it Veterinary Science\, State Univerrity. Yalelaan I . 3508 'ID. Utrecht. The Nctherlands HANSEN, E. M . University Mcd. Anatomy. Dept. B, Panum Inst., Blegdamsvcj 3. DK-ZZOO Copenhagen, Denmark HANSEN.K M. University Med. Anatomy, Dept. B. Panum Inat., Blogdani\vej 3. DK-22OO ('openhagcn. Denmark M A K I N E NA . Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish Univer5ity of Agricultural Sciences, S-75007 Uppsala 7, Sweden POPESCU. C. P. Laboratoirc de Cytogenetique, UNCEIA-INRA. Centrc National de Recherche3 Zootechnique\ 7x350 Jouy-enJojas, France KDNNE, M . Univenity of Odense. Winslow Institute of Human Anatomy. DK-S230 Odense, Denmark SYSA. P. Department of Histology and Embryology, Warsaw Agricultural Univervty. 2-766 Warsaw. Poland TROSHINA, A . Imtitute of Cytology and Genetics. 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