The Overactive Mind
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CITY ________________
Vol. 68, No. 2
February, 1953
J. DeWITT FOX, M.D., L.M.C.C., Editor
MARY CASTOR, Assistant to the Editor
D. A. DELAFIELD, Assistant Editor
T. K. MARTIN, Art Editor
C. E. WENIGER, Ph.D., Editorial Consultant
Consulting Editors:
Contributing Editors: D. Lois BumErr, R.N.• M.
LeRoy E. Commas, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Braille Edition, Life & Health: C. W. DEGERING, MANAGING EDITOR
H. 0. SWARTOUT, M.D. 8
H. E. ANDREN, M.D. 10
The Overactive Mind
Turning Point in Dental Care _ AUGUST J. VON BOROSINI, Sc.D. 12
Varicose Veins—Care and Cure
It is amazing what this high energy
Atomic Age is doing to the human race.
For example:
"The average man burns about sixteen
million calories a day under basal conditions."—Life and Health, July, 1952, p. 21.
The doctor who can devise an effective
potion to be administered to typewriters
to prevent spontaneous pathological malplasia of the written word would be a.
benefactor of the human race. Or should
he invent an asbestos metabolic mechanism? . . .
JOHN J. O'NEILL, Science Editor
New York Herald-Tribune
New York City
* To careful Reader O'Neill we send
our thanks for correcting us. After. all,
such gross misinformation might send
fat folks out to eat millions of calories in
the vain hope that it really didn't mat-
(Turn to page 4)
How to Stop Smoking _
EKG—the Heart's Tracing
More Soap and Water
Family Physician
Mother'i Counselor
School Lunches
Dietitian Says
Homemaker Hints
If Your Child Won't Eat _
Happy Miss Sick-Abed
Wings of Health
The Overactive Mind
Philosophy of Life
Ten Ways to Worry Less __
R. J. CHRISTIAN, Circulation Manager
J. R. HANNA, Advertising Manager
J. M. JACKSON, Associate Circulation Manager
LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1953 by the
Review and Herald Publishing Association,
Washington 12, D.C., U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office.
Published monthly by the Review and Herald
Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C.
Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1904,
at the post office at Washington, D.C., under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate postage provided for in
Section 538, Act of October 2, 1917, and
authorized June 24, 1904. Member of A.B.C.
U.S. and possessions, Canada, Mexico, Philippines, and Pan-American Union, 1 year, $2.75;
2 years, $5.25; 3 years, $7.50. Add 350 a year
elsewhere. All subscriptions must be paid for
in advance. Single copy, 25 cents, U.S.
LIFE AND HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.,
at least 30 days prior to the date of the issue
with which it is to take effect. Send old
address with the new, enclosing if possible
your address label.
(el, Photo by Harriette D. Archer, Frain Shostal
Did you ever watch a bud open? It's fun. And
more, it's wonderful. To watch the unfolding
green sepals that gradually reveal a gorgeous
rose in all its beautiful colors and fragrance is
to witness a miracle of nature.
But a greater thrill is to observe the blooming
of a human life from delightful babyhood to
maturity. This is the thrill a mother's heart may
experience only if she intelligently and lovingly
helps to develop in her child the physical, mental,
and spiritual qualities necessary to a well-balanced growth.
Readers' Pulse
you on a low-sodium
or salt-free diet? Fresh
lemons, themselves
salt-free, can make all
the difference between flat, insipid
dishes and tempting, appetizing
ones. A few drops of tangy lemon
juice work wonders for food flavors.
Overweight? Many diets recommend cutting down on salt. Seasoning with lemons instead of salt not
only helps you shed pounds faster,
but a squeeze of tangy, fresh lemon
sparks low-calorie foods.
Has the doctor
(Continued from page 3)
after all—not when they were burning up 16,000,000 calories a day! Of
course the sixteen million should have
been sixteen hundred.—ED.
I have read your magazine for years
through an exchange arrangement with
a friend. Now I wish to subscribe myself. . . .
San Francisco, California
Thank you so much for the article about
the Repose. [July, 1952, LIFE & HEALTH.]
It was just wonderful. I air-mailed my
husband two of the magazines, for I know
he was anxious to get them, since he is
on the Repose.
I am enclosing two dollars for four
more to send to friends.
You certainly have an interesting magazine, and I enjoy reading it.
Miami Springs, Florida
I should like to thank you for your very
helpful article "After Your Baby Comes"
[June, 1952, LIFE & HEALTH]. I also feel
much better about my figure, since my
doctor told me not to gain too much
weight. Would the diet in your article
be good during pregnancy as well?
Thank you again for the wonderful article, which is so important to every
Yerington, Nevada
From Arthritic. Rheumatic Pain with
Effective help for neuritis,
colds, and "flu" with THERMOPHORE "fomentations."
Pain-soothing heat "at the snap
of a switch" gives you quick relaxation and relief from soreness.
The Battle Creek THERMOPHORE replaces messy old-style
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quick, convenient, moist-heat
A professional appliance, yet safely, easily used at
home. Satisfied users testify to the effectiveness of
the THERMOPHORE when moist heat is desired.
Included are a 27" x 13" electric unit luses AC or
DC current), two washable covers, a safety thermostat,
a switch, and a 10' cord.
Write Today for Literature
Battle Creek Equipment Co.
Dept. LH-23, Battle Creek, Michigan
* Yes, the high-vitamin diet would be
a good one for pregnancy.—ED.
I am short of words to express how
grateful I feel for having read your wonderful LIFE & HEALTH. . . . It has been
teacher, guide, and counselor in matters
concerning diet and physical care of my
family. You are doing nice, wonderful
work teaching the functioning and care
of the body. Go on, and God bless you.
Meantime, I would appreciate seeing an
article on how to prevent colds, especially
in children who have frequent colds.
Thomas, Virgin Islands
* To prevent colds one must actually
maintain good body health, prevent
anemia, and get adequate sleep, exercise, and good food. This is pointed out
in the article "How to Dodge Colds,"
in next month's LIFE &
■Don't miss it.—ED.
The road to understanding is the
road to agreement. If our friends
overseas could follow our way of
thinking—if we could follow theirs
—our disagreements just wouldn't
happen. Is that harmony impossible
to reaeh? Not at all!
You yourself could help—and a
million you's could help tremendously, and make a telling impression on a million friends overseas
(who would tell their friends)!
How can you do it? Send your copy
of LIFE AND HEALTH, after you have
read it, every month to someone
overseas. Or if you don't know the
name and address of anyone in another country, send your LIFE AND
HEALTH to a United States Information Center, and it will be placed
in the hands you want to have it.
LIFE AND HEALTH can reach the
heart of the world, for the whole
world is sick.
Simply roll up your LIFE AND
HEALTH in a square of brown paper,
leaving the ends open, and mark it
"PRINTED MATTER." It will cost
you only 11hc for each 2 ounces.
ADDRESS YoUR Life and Health To
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In care of the American Legation
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In care of the American Consulate
General in—
Batavia, Java (Indonesia)
Sydney, Australia
the Blackburnian, or the cerulean warbler, or what not—might be added that
day. The doctor also plays a snappy game
of table tennis on occasion, and has a
fairly large collection of color pictures he
took in the Magnolia and Middleton gardens in Charleston, South Carolina, and
Married to the former Gertrude Dower,
he is the father of two children—Patricia
Ann, 21, and Gracie, 18. Gracie is starting
premedical training, with the hope of
someday becoming a doctor.
Out 2ontziLtot9
Clifford R. Anderson, M.D. ("How to
Stop Smoking," page 16), is a specialist
in internal medicine on the staff of Washington Sanitarium, Washington, D.C.
Born in Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Anderson has traveled extensively in New
Zealand, Australia, and England, giving
public lectures on health. In fact, he early
started out as a minister, later studied
medicine at the College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda, California, and for
two years after graduation was in general practice in Washington, D.C.
While in medical school he established
himself as a writer and editor by editing
the first annual of the medical school,
The March of C.M.E., which featured the
early history of the school as it came from
the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium.
In 1944 Dr. and Mrs. Anderson did
medical missionary work in Jamaica,
British West Indies, where he built two
hospitals and organized a school of nursing.
In 1950 he joined the medical staff of
the Washington Sanitarium, becoming
chief of the new outpatient dispensary
and an active teacher of interns.
The Andersons live in Takoma Park,
a Washington, D.C., suburb. They have
one married son and a daughter, eight.
The doctor's favorite hobby is giving
health lectures.
During 1951 he made his television debut, and became known to many TV fans
around Washington, D.C., as the television doctor. He has recently completed a
lecture series in New York, Baltimore,
and Washington. In addition to carrying
on a large medical practice, he is at present making recordings of his health lectures. These are being broadcast over
Radio Ceylon to all parts of Southern
Believing that there are many who have
been advised by their doctors to quit
smoking to improve their health, but who
And the problem difficult, Dr. Anderson
has worked out a technic that has helped
many of his patients to overcome the
smoking habit. His suggestions are concrete and well worth trying.
August J. Von Borosini, Sc.D., is a
retired Los Angeles scientist. Born in
Austria and educated in Germany, he is
now an American citizen. He is the author
of numerous books and pamphlets that
have appeared in medical journals in this
country and abroad. His article this
month, "Turning Point in Dental Care"
(page 12), was motivated by an excellent
report by Dr. R. Bircher in a German
medical journal calling attention to the
splendid sanitation work being done in
Dr. Borosini is married to the former
Eliza Crawford Sperry, daughter of the
late Honorable Watson Robertson Sperry,
first U.S. Minister to Iran. His hobby is
gardening and bird study, along with
story writing. He also enjoys cooking,
and is a gourmet with careful eating
* * *
Charles H. Wolohon, M.D. ("EKG-the Heart's Tracing," page 18), is a Washington, D.C., specialist in internal medicine.
Born in Camden, New Jersey, Dr.
Wolohon attended high school in Collingswood, New Jersey. He received his B.S.
degree from Washington Missionary College, in Takoma Park, Washington, D.C.,
and his M.D. degree from the College of
Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda, California.
Attendance at the University of Pennsylvania for the school year of 1937-38
and postgraduate work at Harvard, University of Michigan, and the Mayo Clinic
helped complete his training for certification by the American Board of Internal
Dr. Wolohon is an amateur bird
watcher, rising early in the morning to
pursue this most rewarding hobby. In
spring sunrise often finds him with an
enthusiastic group in Rock Creek Park
or other well-known nature haunts marking his check list, always hoping that the
elusive one—the rose-breasted grosbeak,
* * *
Veda Sue Marsh, R.N., M.A. ("Wings
of Health," page 24), is director of education at the Paradise Valley Sanitarium
School of Nursing, National City, California. She was born and reared in Antigo,
Wisconsin, attending the schools there.
She completed the course offered at the
county normal school. From a small child
her great desire was to become a nurse.
Her family were so opposed to the idea
that she compromised by teaching school
for eight years, finally becoming principal
of a ten-grade school.
At last her childhood ambition was
realized, and she entered training at Battle Creek Sanitarium, only to become ill
in a few months. Transferring to Glendale, California, she regained her health.
She has been a sort of rolling stone,
but through it all she has been intensely
interested in building up and strengthening new departments and pioneering in
health work. After teaching at Glendale
Sanitarium and St. Helena Sanitarium,
getting her B.A. degree at Pacific Union
College, and acting as conference nurse
in northern California, she paused long
enough to teach for varying periods of
time in Washington Missionary College,
Southwestern Junior College, Walla Walla
College (two periods of service), Atlantic Union College, and Glendale Sanitarium.
While in the East, Miss Marsh completed her master's work in nursing education and public health at George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, Tennessee, and taught in summer school at
Peabody and at Pacific Union College.
From time to time she has taken advanced
work, studying at University of California, Peabody, University of Washington,
Columbia University, and Boston University.
Health work with children has been
her greatest interest through the years,
and to her there is nothing so relaxing
yet invigorating as to hear the children's
(Turn to page 30)
THE $41,111100414 HEART
rr IS said that "the Vice-President
of the United States is but a heartbeat from the White House." That being true, everyone should appreciate
the importance of the human heart—
especially his own heart. Sadly enough,
today there are two types of persons:
(1) those who think they have an iron
heart, (2) the heart worriers.
The stalwarts with hearts of cast
iron, who can take it no matter what
the load, are hard-hitting business executives who take too few vacations;
or the housewives or mothers who
never have time for sleep; or the many
tense, nervous, ambitious, and climbing young successfuls who have bitten
off more than they can chew by the
time they reach their early forties.
Too many of these persons are the
salt of the earth, the finest people in
the world, who always are busy doing
things for others, working hard, playing hard, sleeping little. But many of
them will be listed among those whose
hearts have stopped beating this year.
They will help to make up the 600,000
funerals we will have this year owing
to diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
As friends and relatives pass tearfully by the biers of these victims of
heart disease, they will ask, "How
could it happen to Joe?"
Well, here's how it happened:
A few years ago Joe noticed that
his heart was fluttering a bit when he
got overly tired. After being up late,
pushing himself all day, or when under nervous tension at the office, Joe
noted headaches and twinges of chest
pain. Then he had little episodes of
indigestion. He took bicarbonate of
soda, which he hoped would relieve the
indigestion, but he never took an afternoon off to visit his doctor to find
out what was really wrong. He hadn't
had a vacation in fifteen years, and
prided himself on being able to turn
out twice as much work as his colleagues.
One night Joe was seized with an
agonizing pain in his chest, as if his
heart were squeezed in a vise. He
slumped at his desk. After he was
rushed to the hospital, where a coronary heart attack was the diagnosis,
his heart stopped. He ceased to be
Joe, and became another "iron man,"
who thought it couldn't happen to him
—but it did! He is just another heart
The chap across the hall from Joe's
office was the other type of sufferer
from a fluttering heart. He was one of
the 15,000,000 Americans who today
suffer from imaginary heart trouble.
Their hearts are sound, but at the
slightest irregularity, whether skipped
beat, flutter, or flop, they scurry to
their doctor. They know their number
is up.
If you are a heart worrier, take
heart. The odds are three to one that
you don't have heart trouble. But if
you are subject to a fluttering heart,
rapid heart, skipped beats, or any
other irregularity, let your doctor
give you the assurance you need.
Don't feel that you are doomed to be
a heart invalid. Decide here and now
to do something about your heart, and
team up with your doctor to put it
in tiptop shape.
If you have a fluttering heart, here's
what you should do:
1. Consult Your Doctor. Let your
physician decide, after a careful study
of your case and listening to your
heart, whether you have real or just
imaginary heart trouble. Place your
full confidence in him, for only then
can you have the peace you seek. Follow his advice to the letter.
2. Relax. Your heart is a muscle,
needing rest and relaxation as much
as your tired back muscles. Set aside
periods of the day for relaxation and
for catching your second wind. A race
horse who runs at top speed without
being turned out to pasture occasionally isn't good for many races. Turn
yourself out to pasture for a few
moments each day.
3. Take a Load Off Your Feet—and
you take a load off your heart. Mild
exercise daily is important, but learning to be lazy is also important. When
you prop your feet on a footstool and
let your cares float away, you are giving your heart a real tonic.
4. Avoid Fatigue. Excessive fatigue,
which builds up waste products in the
blood stream, can make your heart
irritable and produce a heart flutter.
It is perhaps the commonest cause of
fluttering heart. Quit beating yourself
fourteen hours a day. Instead, work a
sensible eight and play a little and
sleep a lot.
5. Stop Smoking. If you are a one-,
two-, or three-pack-a-day man, it's as
easy to stop entirely as it is to taper
off. Even if you've smoked for thirty
years, it is not true that sudden withdrawal of tobacco will harm you any
more than if someone stopped beating
your back with a lash. Smoking has a
definite connection with heart flutter.
As every doctor knows, excessive
smoking makes for cardiac irritability.
6. Drop Your Weight. If you are
overweight, remember this: Every
pound of fat represents about an extra
mile of tiny blood vessels, and your
heart must supply them with blood.
Obesity is one of the common causes
of high blood pressure and hardening
of the arteries of the heart.
7. Take a Vacation. Hearts need a
little fun now and then. Take your
heart on a vacation, and you take a
big load off your blood vessels. The
heart victim is frequently the one who
is too busy expanding his business to
take a vacation until he has to take
a permanent one.
8. Dodge Tension. To avoid hurry,
worry, and emotional crises is to
lengthen the life of your heart. Don't
let the boss get you down. Keep your
wife happy. Why let a competitor nettle you? Let him have the heart trouble, not you! The chap who keeps
calm and collected does much to keep
strain off his heart.
9. Keep Happy. Not only do smiles
smooth the road of life for you and
others, but they actually open up heart
blood vessels. It's pretty hard to feel
angry at a fellow who gives you a
big, heart-warming smile. During
tense times smile, and you help soothe
a fluttering heart.
10. Have Faith in God. Whether
yours is real or imaginary heart trouble, God, the Great Physician, who
sees the end from the beginning,
knows best. Rest your case in His
hands, and He will see you through.
He will give you peace and comfort
when needed most. At the dead hour
of midnight, if your heart flutters and
faints, breathe a prayer, and note the
quieting effect. The fast flutter, the
cold beads of perspiration, the chill
skin, will subside. God will give you
the reassurance you need. He will
quiet your heart's pounding, and give
you the warmth and love you need to
know that all is right. Your doctor may
be minutes away, but God is always
immediately available to quiet the
fastest heart flutter.
If you are a heart worrier, see your
doctor. If you are an "iron man,"
don't overlook a fluttering heart or
other heart symptoms. See your doctor before a last heartbeat makes you
a statistic.
Soften Your Arteries
You can live longer if you will soften
your arteries, said Lt. Col. Weldon J.
Walker, of Harvard University Medical
School, when he recently addressed the
College of Medical Evangelists School of
Medicine at its postgraduate convention
held in the Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles.
Recent research, Colonel Walker reported, shows that arteriosclerosis, or
hardening of the arteries, is reversible
in human beings and animals by simply
cutting down the weight through dieting.
Colonel Walker believes that the weight
reduction is more important than the reduction of cholesterol foods, which many
doctors believe are closely associated with
hardening of the arteries. Cholesterol is
a fatlike substance produced from many
foods, such as eggs, cream, butter, and
fat meat. It is thought by many researchers to be laid down in the arteries as a
soaplike substance that later becomes calcified, causing hardening of the arteries.
Now, Colonel Walker discovered that
17 research patients who were given two
eggs daily, but few additional calories, lost
weight and some of the factors contributing to hardening of the arteries.
In a study of chickens Colonel Walker
A noted pediatrician—after 30
years and 6,000 babies—sounds off
on the soft approach in child care.
Balance love and kisses with discipline and obedience.
Prevent wisdom-tooth trouble by
visiting your family dentist early.
It will be money in your pocket
and assured physical comfort for
Do you need help for that draggedout feeling? Here it is!
Sane living is your answer to the
challenge of the cold bug.
found that arteriosclerosis is reversible,
and later, that it is reversible in humans.
But the main thing is the reduction in
calories, and not necessarily the reduction
in cholesterol and fat.
"Lack of food definitely makes humans
live longer." Six thousand autopsies performed in London since 1908 proved that
hardening of the arteries decreased markedly during every war, when food rationing was invoked. During wartime there
was next to no hardening of the arteries.
"If, as now seems certain, arterial hardening can be reduced, it should increase
the length of human life. I won't predict
we'll live to be 100! But skinny people
do live the longest. Those who are from
5% to 14% underweight at the age of 50
suffer half as many deaths as those who
are 25% overweight.
"Europeans, presumably because they
eat less than Americans do, live longer
than we do after the age of 45. British
doctors live five years longer than American doctors."
And here's a happy thought for the
distaff reader: Women, according to Colonel Walker, have bodies that tolerate overweight much better than men's. The female hormone may be involved.
Fox, M.D.
Your blood stream is your river of
life. If it is running low, you are
bound to be feeling low too.
÷N4-N-›n- Dtp4therta
A H. O. SWARTOUT, m.D., Dr.P.H.
Health Officer of San Luis Obispo County, California
Modern medicine turned the tables on diphtheria, but we must ever be aware of its deadly power.
IPHTHERIA began to appear less often as
long ago as 1870, although no one knew
why. Between thirty and forty years ago
the use of a preventive treatment called
toxin-antitoxin (T.A.T.) began to prove its value, and
the decrease in diphtheria became more marked. About
twenty-five years ago various forms of diphtheria
toxoid began to displace T.A.T. in preventive treatment, and the decrease became still more marked.
Today in parts of the world where good modern public
health services are available diphtheria has become
almost a rare disease. However, there seems to be no
likelihood that it can be entirely stamped out, and the
few cases we continue to encounter are as deadly as
ever. Without modern treatment, out of every hundred
victims of the disease more than ten would die. Even
with such treatment, from three to five will die,
though delay in starting the treatment is chiefly at
fault for these fatalities.
It is fortunate that diphtheria is not extremely
contagious. Even when it was most prevalent, nine out
of ten people lived out their lifetime without being
stricken with it. On the other hand, having had the
disease is not a sure protection against having it again.
In various epidemics, at various times, and in various
places between 3 and 8 per cent of the victims were
known to have had the disease before. In some cases
a second attack came before the patient had fully
H. A. Roberts
TODAY'S DOCTOR will protect your child against diphtheria, but you must give him an early opportunity to fight its serious effects.
recovered from the first. It has been noticed, however,
that a severe attack gives more immunity than a
light attack.
The basic cause of diphtheria is the diphtheria
germ. The germ abounds in the nose and throat secretions of the person who is sick. It can be carried in
these secretions or on articles soiled by them. It can
be carried in contaminated food or milk. Cats can
sometimes carry it. These germs can attack any part
of the skin or mucous membrane of the body, but they
nearly always strike at the lining of the nose, throat,
or both. They produce inflammation, soreness, a dusky
red color, and in most cases lead to the growth of a
dirty-white deposit adhering rather tightly to the lining of these parts of the body. Sometimes this foreign
membrane becomes so thick or extensive as to be a
serious obstruction to breathing. This is especially
true if it extends low enough in the throat to invade
the voice box. Before the perfection of modern treatment the ghastly sight of some unfortunate child gasping away its life was all too common.
But suffocation' is not the only way diphtheria can
take life. As the germs grow and multiply they produce
a poison that can circulate through the blood stream
and damage parts of the body far removed from the
place where the germs are growing. This toxin is
among the deadliest of all known poisons. A bit of it
hardly large enough to see with the naked eye can
cause death. As it circulates through the body it tends
to attack the nerves, causing a severe neuritis, with
weakness and paralysis; or to attack the muscle of
the heart, fairly often with power enough to stop its
action. In cases that do not end fatally the neuritis
tends to pass away within a few weeks or months. The
heart muscle weakness may persist much longer.
It is the toxin that stimulates the body to produce
antitoxin, a substance that can fight the toxin, and
thus build up resistance to the disease. This is why a
severe form of diphtheria is less likely to be followed
by a second attack than a light form.
If diphtheria is to develop at all, it begins within
three to eight days after exposure to a person who
has the disease or to an apparently healthy carrier
of the germs. Carriers are probably much more numerous than cases in our day, which accounts for the
fact that generally it is impossible to determine the
source of infection.
The disease begins with a sore throat and fever.
The signs of prostration are usually greater than the
degree of fever would ordinarily warrant. A microscopic examination of a culture from the victim's nose
or throat will usually detect the germs. But the symptoms, especially if a foreign membrane of grayish
color is seen on examination, may be enough to arouse
a strong suspicion that diphtheria is present. If this
suspicion is aroused, it is safer to treat the case as if
it were surely diphtheria than to wait till a culture
can be made and examined. In the treatment of diphtheria the early hours may be vital. •
If the membrane has grown so extensively as
to interfere with the breathing, it may be necessary to make a surgical opening into the front of
the windpipe just below the voice box, so that the
patient can breathe.
(Turn to page 23)
More Soap and Water
Use snore soap and water than you ever have used before.
Many people think that access to hot water and a bathroom
is necessary in the best care of the skin. However, nothing is
more strengthening and cleansing than cold water. Once accustomed to a cold morning bath, you will find that there
is no better tonic than a vigorous rubbing with a friction mitt
in cold water. The sense of well-being you have from this rubdown is due to the pronounced universal dilatation of the blood
vessels in the skin. In turn, the blood vessels transmit the tonic
to your heart action and your breathing. You will notice a
decided reddening of your skin, and all your tiredness and
fretfulness vanish. The blood supply to your brain is more
brisk, and you can think and work more efficiently.
Want to get rid of a poor appetite and sluggish digestion?
Try the cold bath with friction afterward. The natural stimulation of your skin will be transferred to your inner nerves, and
within a short while you will be enjoying an ample breakfast.
You may be able to say good-by to constipation as well.
Your skin is an essential organ. It is a protection against
temperature extremes, a vital part of the entire sensitive function of your nerves, a regulator through its innumerable sweat
and oil glands, and a wall against body contamination.
You must take special care of your skin, so that its functions
go on smoothly. Your efforts will be rewarded by greater vitality,
vigor, and resistance to surrounding conditions.
Proper care of the normal skin includes the use of soap and
water daily, sun baths in summer, artificial sun baths in winter,
correct clothing, and regular exercise to stimulate the glands
of the skin.
Build up your health yourself through improved daily care
of your skin.
This is the eighth in a series by Jens David Henriksen, M.D., editor
of the Danish Life and Health, published in Skodsborg, Denmark. Each
number of this series was translated from Danish into English, and we hope
it will give you a refreshing slant on how health is maintained in. Denmark.
A. Devaney
DO YOU wonder whether a man
can put too much burden on his
mind? Does it need rest also?
A H. E. nnoREn, M.D.
Live on the positive side of life—think only happy, cheery,
uplifting, and kind thoughts—for a relaxed, efficient mind.
RE you driving yourself too fast? Does lack
of time make you confused and frustrated?
During the war and the postwar period
many a responsible person having a strong
mind has driven himself into such excessive activity
that he eventually cracked under the strain. The tragic
nervous breakdown of former Secretary of the Navy
Forrestal was widely publicized, but others pass unnoticed. Some persons develop vague but distressing
physical symptoms related to inner tensions, depriving
themselves of efficiency and happiness.
The pressure from within may be a reaction to
an intolerable situation. It may result in overactivity,
which at times may bring on some degree of mental
illness. More persons suffer from this type of overactivity than is realized. The human mind and the
human body alike can take just so much strain before
showing signs of fatigue.
A young theological student of my acquaintance
served as pastor of a community church, drove sixty
miles to his university classes daily, kept up on his
studies, devoted two or three evenings each week to
church business, and usually stayed up long after
midnight. He had a growing family and looked after
an attractive parsonage. For two years he was strong,
happy, and successful on this regimen. But not long
ago he ended in his doctor's office in a serious state
of nervous collapse.
Thousands of men and women today find themselves, like this young pastor, on a strenuous, unrelenting daily program. Unvarying routine eventually
will threaten your equilibrium and efficiency, unless
you find avenues of diversion, rest, and relaxation.
Too many foolhardy men and women boast that
they have worked years without a vacation; they take
pride in this "achievement." Actually, as Dr. William
C. Menninger says, "such persons aren't smart—they're
only jeopardizing their jobs, their health, and their
home life."
A youthful and aggressive veteran who had acquired a small family while in the service was persuaded to buy a home immediately after his discharge
in 1945. During the next five years he could afford only
one week's vacation—the only one granted him with
pay. His family has increased, and he is still financially
insecure. Only after a heart-to-heart discussion did
he come to a realization that his irritability, inability
to concentrate, extreme nervousness, and periodic deep
depressions were expressions of his general resentment toward life—feeling "burned up" and "fed up,"
forever carrying a chip on his shoulder.
Many a professional or business person has gone
through a similar period of stress, though perhaps his
sense of pride and innate persistence kept him from
showing outward signs of tension. Indigestion—in the
form of heartburn, nausea, diarrhea alternating with
constipation, or gas distension—is a frequent symptom
of inner tension. Attacks of discomfort about the heart
with rapid heartbeat and a sense of flushing or suffocating have brought many such persons to their family physician, who has found no physical evidence of
disease. Often these patients have been unaware of
their nervous state, never suspecting that overactivity
and mental fatigue had anything to do with their
physical discomfort.
Although it is possible for anxiety or
fear ultimately to arise out of a state of
fatigue, these strained feelings are at first
absent in the true mental fatigue condition.
Responsibility, overconcentration, excessive
stresses and strains without recreation, and
constant dealing with human relations and
personnel problems often provoke neurosislike symptoms. These are similar to the
symptoms of combat fatigue of soldiers or
flight fatigue of airmen. "Time already
spent on the job" has been named a principal cause
in either case.
The accompanying illustrations of the mental fatigue state contrast the normal person to the psychoneurotic. They were suggested by Dr. Charles R.
Anxiety is an infrequent symptom in fatigue, but
depression is quite a common symptom in fatigue. Difficulties in concentration and inability to carry out
actions with any degree of sustained effort are characteristic of mental fatigue. Besides irritability, restlessness, and impulsiveness, there is also a tendency
toward self-accusation. A person realizes something
is wrong, admits most of his symptoms; but, contrary
to the neurotic, he resents sympathy and attention.
He refuses medical aid, wanting only to be left alone.
There are doctors who consider mental fatigue a
defense mechanism, a subconscious action to control
overactivity of the mind. The symptoms of insomnia
(inability to sleep) or somnolence (sleepiness) can
easily be understood on this basis. Insomnia may be
due partly to excitation on the brain of stimulating
poisons in the brain circulation and partly to early
anxiety factors plus increased nervous tension. The
somnolence so frequently noted in mental or nervous
exhaustion may be caused by the poisons of fatigue,
which create what might be considered a light and
temporary form of sleeping sickness.
When the patient understands the cause of mental
fatigue he can better appreciate his need of physical
exercise. Physical activity increases the circulation in
general, carrying fresh blood to the brain and washing
(Turn to page 21)
away body wastes.
Norrnal conflicts
aid strains
Ps choneurotic Personality
,urrrui ,,;
stability of
nervous sy,tem
A. Drr a r.,',
Mental Fatigue State
HAVE your problems made you forget to smile? Put them out
of your mind for awhile every day, and you will learn to relax.
Ewing Galloway
THE BRONX Board of Education established this busy dental clinic for the benefit of the youngsters who attend Public School No. 66.
RE the conditions causing the sad state of people's teeth in civilized countries external or
internal, or perhaps a sign of race decadence
hard to fight? This question ran like a red
thread through the proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Dentists, which met in Vienna
shortly before Hitler marched into Austria. The discussion of child dentistry was foremost. Although
recognizing fully the excellent work of school dentists,
the congress asked: "Does it do any good?
The query was answered by the eminent Greek
dentist Alex Krikos, who stated: "When we apply
today the best methods and go to work backed up with
all our knowledge of dentistry, we are, at best, able
to take away pain and to protect the children's health
in a general way. If we continue our careful treatment
of children and young individuals we may succeed in
prolonging the life of their teeth not more than ten
years. In other words: the best we can do is scarcely
worth talking about."
Can better diet and living patterns
check your tooth decay? Here are
findings th at will give you hope.
A statement by Dr. Pichler, of Vienna, was still
more disappointing. He said, "Even this very modest
goal of prolonging the life of children's teeth ten
years is scarcely ever reached."
There are two opinions as to the cause of tooth
decay, and they are vastly different from each other.
Most dentists continue to believe that "healthy" teeth
are mostly attacked from outside; and they suspect
the chemical make-up of saliva, faulty chewing (often
caused by careless tooth filling), fermentation of food
particles about the teeth, and bacteria, which lodge
between the teeth and occasionally enter them through
cracks in the enamel.
The smaller group of dentists—still in the minority,
but getting stronger every day—do not deny that some
of the outward causes of dental decay may occasionally
be responsible. But they are convinced that tooth decay is principally caused by a shortage of building
material, and that this shortage is the result of bad
blood and lymph conditions. This internal cause of
tooth decay, according to these dentists, plays an important role not only in fetal life but also in childhood
and adulthood.
At the Vienna congress dentists of both groups
went into heated discussions. Each of them brought
forth arguments based on painstaking experiments
that seemed to support their view. When the conference ended, the outcome was still up in the air.
But this conflict had at least one positive result:
Both groups agreed on the need of paying attention
to proper nutrition—simple, well-balanced meals, less
sugar and sweets, lots of vegetables during the entire
year (most of them raw), lots of potatoes, fruit, and
little or no meat.
Prof. R. W. Bunting, of Michigan, demonstrated
the part sugar can play in tooth decay by adding to
the food of a group of children on an otherwise wellbalanced diet about eight ounces of sugar daily for
a period of five months. The result was that 44 per cent of these
children, who had not shown any
trace of tooth decay before the
experiment was begun, developed
actual caries (tooth decay). When
these sugar portions were withdrawn the caries gradually disappeared also. Professor Bunting
was convinced that a bacillus (acidophilus) , which he found only
in the saliva of these sugar-fed
children, is the rogue that causes
tooth decay.
But among these children there
were some who kept their good teeth in spite of the
daily sugar portion. Bunting's investigations revealed
that these children had been on a well-balanced diet
for some time before his experiments started.
On the other hand, he found that a rather small
group of the children continued to have bad teeth
in spite of the well-balanced diet. They turned out to
be children who had been eating many .sweets and
had been on an unbalanced diet before the experiments
These remarkable results show plainly that inheritance and disposition can rarely be held responsible
for caries.
Almost at the end of the congress something happened that nearly upset the applecart of those who
were reluctant to change old ideas. The surprise came
from where it was least expected—from Palestine. Dr.
Mansbach, a health officer of Tel Aviv, a most modest,
unpretentious man, read a short paper to the congress
that electrified the delegates.
The Jewish health authorities surely are confronted with terrible tooth conditions. The immigrating Jews who come mostly from Europe, and have
been living in towns for more than two thousand years,
usually arrive in Palestine with their teeth in bad
shape. They suffer a good deal under the new climatic
conditions, and, as most of them come to their ancient homeland without a penny, they are obliged to
lead a very hard life. "Naturally," Dr. Mansbach said,
"we were very curious to find out what consequences
(Turn to page 30)
this state of affairs would have
F. Lewis
TOOTH DECAY is widespread, but it is an unnecessary evil. Johnny could keep
his teeth healthy—if he did not have an abundance of sweets to eat every day.
You know you have varicose veins—but what to do?
Here's how to prevent, treat, and relieve them.
ARICOSE veins is perhaps the most prevalent
malady in the United States, for more than
half the population are afflicted with it. It
occurs chiefly in the legs, where stagnant
pools of blood form in blood vessels that are not functioning normally. Poor muscle tone, weak vein walls,
and absence of the normal number of valves in the
veins of the legs are states contributing to the formation of varicose veins.
A constant miracle is the return of the blood to its
pumping station from all parts of the body. Ingeniously located within your legs are primary blood channels. The action of your large leg muscles massages
the blood upward. There is no backflow, because at
regular intervals along the blood channels in the leg
are valves, which allow the blood to flow only toward
the heart. The lungs create suction, which plays a part
in drawing blood toward the heart.
In healthy persons the calf muscle contractions assist by driving the blood back through the large veins.
But in some persons the valves of the large veins are
inadequate to support the column of blood, and every
relaxation of the calf muscles allows the blood to flow
back down the main veins. The result is permanent
stoppage of blood and overloading of the veins in the
leg, which bulge in jagged pockets.
The immediate cause of varicose veins is not definitely known. Heredity may play a prominent part,
though many observers believe that the cause is purely
mechanical in nature. The blood coming from the legs
and thighs on its way back to the heart courses
through the veins in the abdomen and chest. An abdominal tumor or chronic chest condition with cough
may cause a back pressure, which may be the mechanical factor responsible for varicose veins.
The disease is common in adults of all ages, sexes,
and races. Frequently it occurs during pregnancy.
Flat feet may be a contributing factor. Constricting
garters and tight girdles increase back pressure upon
the veins, sometimes causing veins to dilate and enlarge. Obesity can be an aggravating accompaniment.
An occupation that requires heavy lifting and constant standing may also be a factor in producing the
The fact that varicose veins are not uncommon in
persons who are chronically constipated leads some
observers to believe that constipation may contribute
mechanically to varicose states.
Whether the cause be mechanical or otherwise,
however, the end result is the same. Any factor or
combination of factors that brings about increased
pressure within the vessels in the legs will most likely
lead to thinning and weakening of the vein walls and
finally varicosities.
Persons with varicose veins usually complain that
their legs feel tired and heavy. If they have pain, often
it is described as a burning, stinging sensation. A
few complain of aches and cramps in the calves of
their legs.
Varicose veins of long standing lead to discoloration of the lower limbs, to eczema of the skin, and
eventually to ulcers. They are also subject to inflammation. Inflammation in varicose veins may cause
serious illness of a recurrent nature, causing the sufferer to lose much time from work.
A slight bruise, which under ordinary circumstances would cause no inconvenience, may lead to a
varicose ulcer. The ulcer may become large, penetrating all the leg structures, even to the bone, if the
patient does not get proper treatment.
The victim of varicose veins should have a complete physical examination; and factors causing mechanical obstruction, such as pelvic tumor, chronic
cough, and too tight clothing, should be eliminated.
Infections such as chronic pelvic inflammation should
be cleared up. Correction of personal habits and change
of occupation may be of help.
The fact that one has varicose veins does not mean
that he must be uncomfortable for the remainder of
his life. Even the worst cases are usually amenable to
a form of treatment that does not include a serious
operation or long hospital care. Modern surgery can
control practically every case in a matter of weeks.
The disease has been recognized since ancient
times. As early as the seventh century after Christ,
Paul of Aegina (607-690), considered by historians the
greatest commentator on the writings of Hippocrates
and Galen, tied off the great vein in the upper thigh
for relief of varicose veins. Modern surgery is based
on this ancient theory.
Specialists are certain of one thing: Varicose veins
can never be returned to normal; they only get progressively worse.
Often the patient will need no more than elastic
stockings, which the physician will prescribe. Made
today to resemble ordinary hose, these stockings force
the vein to collapse, and thus the blood is made to seek
other veins. Doctors often prescribe elastic stockings
for all pregnant women to prevent the possibility of
varicose veins.
Sometimes the physician uses an injection that
temporarily freezes, and obliterates the vein. The patient needs no hospitalization for this treatment, but
his relief may.not be permanent.
The operation for varicose veins consists in cutting
the main superficial vein in the thigh or behind the
knee, and other secondary enlarged veins may also
have to be cut and tied, thus blocking backflow of
blood down into the leg. After the operation the calf
and thigh muscle contractions drive the blood through
numerous fine-webbed channels into the muscle veins
of the thigh. The marvelous adaptability of the human
body, placed in it by the Creator, enables the blood to
find new routes.
In serious cases a more effective operation is performed. A surgeon skilled in such work will actually
pull the large vein out of the leg. He does this by making an incision just below the groin and another below
the ankle. He inserts a steel wire into the vein, ties
one end of the vein to it, and pulls the entire vein out
the other end. Other veins then take over the function.
However, there are precautions you can take if you
are developing these painful bulges. If you work at a
long standing job, make a point of moving frequently
and perhaps doing a few deep knee bends and toe
raises to help stimulate circulation. At home while you
are relaxing with the newspaper, radio, or television
you should elevate your legs at least to the level of
your chair. Before retiring or at any time during the
day, you should rub your calves briskly upward to
help speed the blood toward your heart, and prevent
the formation of pockets in the veins. These precautions can help you retard the more serious consequences
of varicose veins.
MODERN MEDICINE has much to offer you in
your battle against varicose veins. If you know
preventive measures, you may keep free of them.
Tired of tasteless food? less than your best
work? fear of mouth, throat, or lung cancer?
It's time for your declaration of independence!
0 YOUR doctor has advised you to quit smoking! That's not a bad idea, especially if your
blood pressure is up, or you have a bad heart
or an ulcer. No one can really claim that
tobacco has any beneficial effect on the body, especially
in these conditions.
It is well known that diseases of such organs as
the nose and throat, the blood vessels, the digestive
organs, and the nerves are aggravated by the use of
the "weed." So here are a few simple ways for you
to help your body break the smoking habit.
The first and most important thing is to stop!
No one gets anywhere by trying to taper off. If you
try rationing yourself to one cigarette after each meal,
you will find yourself anxiously watching the clock,
waiting for the moment to return when you can light
up again. Your nerves will get no rest. No, the only
way to stop smoking is to stop!
Here are some of the things you can do to help
yourself not to smoke. For the next few weeks stay
away from other smokers as much as possible. You can
help to remove nicotine and other poisons from your
body by daily hot baths and mild laxatives, such as
milk of magnesia and Epsom salts.
Your diet should include large quantities of fruit,
such as oranges, apples, pears, peaches, dates, figs,
raisins, and prunes. You may find it necessary to eat
more often than three times a day during the next
few weeks. This is wise, because you have often depended on the nicotine of a cigarette to raise your
blood sugar level. If you feel faint when you are tired
and hungry, for this period of struggle eat regularly
and at more frequent intervals than the usual three
times daily. Don't go hungry. You can strengthen
your resolve not to smoke by keeping your blood sugar
high. A little hard candy is often a real help in the
first few weeks.
Avoid all highly seasoned foods and stimulating
drinks. Omit pepper, mustard, and all hot condiments.
TOBACCO has no beneficial effect on your body. If your family
physician advises you to give it up, more power to you—and him!
IF YOU DON'T RELISH delicious food and zestfully enjoy its
delicate flavors, nicotine may be blacking out your sense of taste.
As for specific medicines, some folks have found
relief in chewing gentian root. Others rinse their
mouth three or four times a day with a weak solution
of silver nitrate (1 part to 5,000 parts or 1 part to
8,000 parts) after eating. Then there is a new preparation obtainable at some drugstores that has proved
. useful in many cases. But no medicine can ever be a
substitute for will. The desire to break the habit is
the most important medicine.
Get plenty of exercise in the open air. Keep your
mind occupied and yourself moderately busy. Do not
falter in your determination to master this habit. It
is well worth all the effort.
And the reward? No more smoker's throat. No
chronic bronchial cough. No more palpitation, but a
quiet, steady heart, a calm pulse, sweet breath, a clean
mouth, a relaxed body, and a mind in control of itself.
You are no longer addicted to a pack of cigarettes and
a box of matches.
And what does all this add up to? Simply this:
You are more likely to enjoy a long, happy, healthy
life radiant with the realization of moral power. You
will be master of yourself, no longer a slave. Life holds
no more exhilarating satisfaction for you or anyone
else than this.
One morning some friends called on a businessman.
Their mission was urgent, but the clerk said, "You cannot
see him now."
"We must see him at once," they replied.
So the clerk yielded, and beckoning with his hand said,
"I will show you where he is, but please be quiet." Then
he led the way back into the storeroom among the boxes.
There in a secluded corner of the store was the businessman. He was on his knees praying, and before him lay
an open Bible.
This businessman had discovered that a few minutes
spent with God every morning helped him through the perplexities and endless red tape of the company's business.
He was prepared to face people and reality with a serene
spirit. His mind was clearer because he prayed. He had
better judgment.
Prayer should not be regarded as a means to achieve
financial success, but it certainly will produce men of
conscience and principle who know how to make money
the honest way. Someone—probably a businessman—bequeathed to us what he calls "The Businessman's Prayer":
"MY FATHER: Help me to remember that three feet
make one yard, sixteen ounces make one pound, and sixty
minutes one hour. Help me to do business on the square.
Make me sympathetic with the man who has broken in
the struggle, and keep me from putting in the gaff where
it does not belong. Blind me to the petty faults of others,
but reveal to me my own. Deafen me to the rustle of unholy skirts and help me to live day by day so that when
I look across the dinner table at my wife, who has been
such a blessing to me, I shall have nothing to conceal.
And when comes the sound of low music and the scent of
flowers and the crunch of footsteps on the gravel, make
the ceremony short and the epitaph simple: 'Here lies
a man.' "
In the political and business world there is a manwanted sign out. This generation has produced many
businessmen of integrity who have earned one thousand,
ten thousand, or one million dollars honestly. More such
men are needed.
The distinctive trademark of businessmen is honesty
and service. Most men of integrity have found that prayer
helps build these principles into their business. If you are
troubled to know how to pray, try "The Businessmayet
Prayer." Offer this prayer honestly, and purpose sincerely
to make God the senior partner of your enterprise. Have
the satisfaction of knowing that your business is making
a contribution to society. Perhaps you have discovered
already: Prayer really changes things.
EKG - the _Heart's rata*
The story of the electrocardiograph
and what it has meant in heart disease.
OW embarrassing it is to the doctor when
the newspapers carry the headline, "Prominent Citizen Drops Dead in Front of Doctor's Office!" When such a thing occurs
after the man has had a careful physical checkup and
been reassured as to the state of his health, there always arises the disquieting thought, "Has the doctor
been negligent or incompetent?" No, most likely
neither, but an accident has happened that up until
a few years ago had no prospect of being foreseen,
and even now with the best in examining technic it
may give no sign that it is just around the corner.
Before we had some of the modern aids in detecting trouble, we had to go on only what the patient
could tell us about his discomforts—and sometimes he
was singularly inept at that—and what we could
learn by our five senses, aided by the stethoscope, the instrument the doctor uses to listen
to hearts.
In heart conditions where the valves are
damaged or imperfectly formed, and abnormal
sounds are thus produced, the stethoscope is
the chief help to the doctor. But where the
disease is in the hardened, narrowed, or
stopped-up blood vessels, there is nothing to
be heard. You cannot hear hardening of the
arteries or a blood clot in the heart arteries.
By a peculiar mockery of fate the person may
be told that he is all right, and within only
a matter of minutes life's little candle may be
snuffed out because of a major coronary seizure. (Remember cor is "the heart," and coronary arteries therefore are "the arteries of
the heart.") And no one honestly may be held
blameworthy, for even with the electrocardiograph a perfectly normal record may be obtained in the face of serious heart disease.
Because of the unreliability of being guided
by what can be heard and seen in examining
patients, one of our most famous heart specialists has said that "in a person over fifty
years of age, a physical examination is never
complete without an electrocardiogram."
There are five major groups of heart disease:
1. Congenital heart disease, with which the
patient is born, the organ having developed
faultily. This is the type seen in infants.
2. Rheumatic heart disease, due to infecTHE ACTION of your heart creates a tiny electrical impulse, and the trace
tion and damage of the heart valves by rheuof this movement is the record made by the electrocardiogram for your doctor.
2. A light to enable
the doctor to see the
3. An instrument
for putting accompanying time lines on the
photographic record.
4. A camera for reRusso, From Kaufmann-Fabry
cording the heartbeat
YOUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN is eager to have you discuss your health problems with him. Don't
and the time lines.
worry along over symptoms you think mean heart trouble. Let him be the judge and counselor.
5. Leads to connect
different parts of the
matic fever. Ninety per cent of heart disease up to the
patient's body to the electrocardiograph.
age of twenty is due to this cause.
The essential element, of course, of an electrocardio3. Syphilitic heart disease, due to syphilis earlier
graph is the string galvanometer. A word about the
in life, the heart disease showing up about twenty
string. It is of quartz flecked with gold, and is in diyears later.
ameter about half the size of a red blood cell. It moves
4. Hypertensive (high blood pressure) heart disback and forth in a magnetic field. Both ends of the
ease, coming on at any age, but usually in later life.
string (one end as Pole A and the other as Pole B) are
5. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, hardening of the
connected with the patient leads, and move in a direcarteries, which occurs usually after forty, but may
tion determined by the difference in electrical pressure
come on even in the twenties.
of the parts connected.
In congenital heart disease the stethoscope usually
What makes the electrocardiograph work? The
tells us definitely that something is wrong, and the
heart is made to contract by a bodily electric impulse
electrocardiogram may be of some help in classifying
that starts in the most sensitive part of the heart,
the defect.
the auricle wall. This impulse goes down over the
In rheumatic heart disease physical examination
auricular muscle and is picked up by what might be
tells practically the whole story, and but little if anythought of as the electrical wiring system of the heart.
thing is added by the electrocardiogram.
The electrical impulse travels on down this system
On the contrary, in heart disease caused by arterioand out into the muscle of the heart, causing it to
sclerosis, or high blood pressure, the heart sounds may
contract. The electrocardiograph picks up this electribe entirely normal. Here the X-ray and the electrocal current and records it on the tracing.
cardiogram may be of great help. However, one third
Some people are fearful lest when they are hooked
of the cases of angina pectoris may have a normal
up to the machine they will be electrocuted. However,
electrocardiogram. The electrocardiogram is valuable
the shoe is decidedly on the other foot. Their electrical
in inverse proportion to what you hear when you excurrent is put into the machine, not a current from
amine the heart. If you hear a lot, there is little learned
the machine into them.
from the electrocardiogram.
Just a word about the size of the electrical currents
What is an electrocardiogram? It is a tracing made
of the body. Now, everybody knows that no heart lives
by a machine called the electrocardiograph. The elecand beats for two thousand five hundred years. But
trocardiograph measures the slight electrical currents
simply for illustration only, someone has calculated
set up by the muscular action of the heart.
that if the total energy produced by a heart from the
The electrocardiograph consists essentially of the
time of ancient Babylon, six hundred years before
following parts:
Christ, up to now could be stored up, there would be
1. An Einthoven's string galvanometer, which alonly enough electrical energy to light a flashlight bulb
gebraically computes the difference in electrical presfor one second. We therefore deal with minute quantisure between two points in the body.
(Turn to page 29)
ties in the electrocardiograph.
We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose
stamped, addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
11. A.
Mouth Without Roof
My one-year-old daughter was born
without a roof in her mouth. In what
way will this affect her speech, and
can anything be done about it?
It is important that you see a doctor close at hand about your baby's
mouth. The baby probably will need
to be treated surgically. Your doctor
will advise you and probably refer you
to a specialist.
Usually such a condition interferes
with a baby's ability to nurse, take
its milk, and talk.• Very fine plastic
surgical work is done now on such
mouths, and your baby should be all
right if she has the proper care.
* * *
Veins in Face
Small veins break in the skin on my
face. What causes this condition?
It would require a careful medical
checkup to determine the cause of the
breaking of the small veins on your
face. They are often due to a fragile
condition of the tissues, especially of
the blood vessels.
The right kind of diet, with supplementary vitamin intake, including
particularly vitamin B complex and
vitamin C, would be helpful.
I don't believe there is any danger results, but certainly not consistent
of their causing cancer any more than results.
Certain oils containing mildly irrisunshine would cause cancer. We continually give ultraviolet treatments to tating substances have proved effecour patients in the office, with definite tive in clearing psoriasis from the
benefit. One, of course, should avoid skin for a time. Many persons are
a l?ad burn, but even with that I have benefited by exposure to Unobstructed
never known it to cause cancer.
sunlight. Complete body exposure for
gradually increasing periods, starting
with a few minutes, often leads to a
thorough change in the skin condition, leaving a soft, normal brown
skin. However, absence of sunlight
may soon result in a recurrence of
gis great to Oe
In the last year or two some have
claimed excellent results in the Use of
the new hormone ACTH in treating
this condition. More observations
should be recorded, we think, before
Oh, it's great to be old and childish and blind,
we can recommend without reservaTo be wrinkled and gray and toothless and
tion this approach to treatment.
And be to a bed, cot, or wheel chair confined.
Tut, tut, don't be discouraged or confused
with shame.
Hearing Inconsistency
But be thankful you're alive and are doing quite
That the Lord has a care for His children on
That the Lord He is gracious, as many can tell;
And He will reward you in accord with your
• • •
•-• ••
• •
Cancer From Ultraviolet?
I expose my two little daughters to
ultraviolet rays five to seven minutes
each side about four times a week during the winter. Recently I heard that
ultraviolet rays may cause cancer. Is
this true?
I think it is a fine idea for your little girls to have ultraviolet treatments.
What causes psoriasis, and how
should it be treated?
The cause of psoriasis is not known,
and as a result treatment is directed
largely at symptoms. Some have
thought it comes from the use of too
much protein, and diets low in protein have been proposed. These diets
have given some degree of favorable
Why are people sometimes able to
hear certain sounds but not other
The ear is capable of hearing sounds
through a great range of vibrations,
from low tones, in which the vibrations are relatively few per second,
to high-pitched tones, in which the
vibrations may number thousands per
The ear may deteriorate in a certain range, so that a person may fail
to hear a spoken voice or the telephone bell but at the same time hear
perfectly the high-pitched notes of a
singing bird. It is known that there
have been persons who could nqt hear
thunder, which has a slow vibration
rate, yet could hear perfectly all everyday sounds. If there is partial loss
of hearing, the victim might not be
able to identify syllables or words easily.
Nothing duplicates this
most complete, balanced
massively potent
Diet Supplement
Yes—thanks to 22 years of research,
Thompson scientists are now able to
provide all this truly remarkable health
protection in one small tablet.
No other product, even at three times
the cost, gives you the same complete
range and rich potencies as NUTRIFAX.
18 VITAMINS! Including B12, Folic
Acid, and the entire B complex plus A,
C, D, E, K, and P.
11 MINERALS! Including copper,
phosphorus, iron, iodine, fluorine, and
Compare the Potency—
Compare the Price
The Overactive Mind
Authoritative New
(Continued from page 11)
Prevention of mental fatigue naturally depends largely on the patient's
habits of recreation. One busy Londoner had such habits of ingrained
composure that he even designated
his cable address as "Undisturbed,
London." Self-discipline and thought
control are not always enough, however, to reduce fatigue of this type.
A complete change of location or vocation may become necessary if the patient cannot arrange for a sound recreational program. The schoolteacher
who becomes a student in the summer
opens her mind to new subjects. She
may enjoy this mental change as much
as a long journey to foreign lands.
Widen your interests to escape everyday monotony and take time out to
Each life should build a step upon
which those that follow can climb a
little higher.—Emplovment Counselor.
For The
Does a hearing impairment become pro-
gressively worse? Are persistent or recurring ear noises a sign of deafness?
Does lost hearing cause other complications?
These and other important questions
of vital interest to the 15 million persons
in the United States who are hard of
hearing are answered in an authoritative
new illustrated booklet, "How You Can
Help Yourself to Hear Better." It is now
available to the hard of hearing readers
of this magazine without any cost or
obligation whatsoever.
To obtain your free copy, which will
be sent in a plain wrapper, simply send
your request to: Electronic Research Director, Beltone Hearing Aid Company,
1450 West 19th Street, Department 2612,
Chicago 8, Illinois. A postcard will do.
180 tablets only $7
42 tablets only $2
At all good health food counters. If not available from a
local dealer, order direct by
mail. We pay postage. No
"Every vitamin for every need"
St. Louis 3, Mo.
Los Angeles 27, Calif.
Owe a friend a favor?
Send him a subscription to
$2.75 a Year-25c Single
Washington 12, D.C.
Beautifully Located in a Subm
of Our Nation's Capital
THIS modern general hospital
maintains therapeutic standards aimed
at bringing new strength and vigor to
body, mind, and spirit of each medical,
surgical, and obstetrical case admitted.
Riverdale, Maryland
feel the exhilaration of a genuine
change in outlook. These new ideas
and activities will give you the same
results as a good vacation. They will
both prevent and cure mental fatigue.
It is important for each of us to
strike a happy balance in our mental
and physical activities. "All work and
no play makes Jack a dull boy," especially if his work is of a mental or
highly responsible nature.
A dangerous, vicious cycle can result from the habitual use of sedative drugs to overcome the tension
and insomnia of an overactive mind.
Avoid them! Use instead such relaxing measures as the prolonged neutral bath, the restful general massage
(which acts as a form of passive exercise and improves the circulation), and
special progressive exercises designed
for release of both muscular and nervous tension. Physical exercise in the
out-of-doors when possible is of course
ideal for finding relief from excessive
mental activity.
Why not try to streamline your activities, eliminating some of the taxing mental exercises that you might
either delegate to others or find actually unnecessary? Cultivate a sense
of buoyancy and elasticity in your
working habits by avoiding the rigid
pattern of yesterday. In spite of the
speed and pressure around you, give
yourself time for all your activities,
Individually Fitted—Personally Serviced
Tasty New
Q- Dishes?
71-ei SOVEX
Delicious vegetable flavoring rich in B, B:
For meaty-flavored sandwiches
Savory seasoning for gravy, soup, roast
Adds new zest to vegetable dishes, etc.
Peps up lagging appetites
14-oz. Jar Sovex, $1.00 postpaid
(West of Mississippi, $1.15)
105 Sherwood St., Holly, Mich.
and keep your schedules flexiblenever ironclad.
Assume an attitude of gratitude and
of practical optimism. It will go a
long way in postponing your mental
fatigue when you find prolonged mental activity necessary. In other words,
allow yourself to think only positive
thoughts, never negative thoughts.
Feel confident that there will always
be an answer to your every need if
you seek more fully the help of divine
power when your own ability and
strength are about exhausted.
Questions for this department should be addressed: Mother's Counselor, LIFE
& HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
Mental Strain and Illness
Can a mental strain cause a person to feel ill physically? We are
having some financial trouble, and I
feel ill all over, having felt this way
since the trouble began. We are
wondering if it can be mental. We
have- three small children, and they
are problems too. I have had several
examinations, and the doctors always
say I am in good health.
say about body temperature. Dip her
in quickly, laughing playfully as you
do it. The cooler bath will not be uncomfortable.
After two or three times, and she
is quite used to it, make it just the
least bit cooler. Splash the water
around her and rub her little back
and body vigorously. Thus, by introducing the cool bath gradually, you'll
be able to• make it just as much fun
as the warm bath.
Yes, mental strain and worry can
make one physically ill. Illness is
caused more often by such strain than
by anything else. You may lack vitamins. Yeast tablets are not expensive,
and they are good builders. Ask your
heavenly Father to help you. Cast your
burden on Him. Pray for courage, and
love your children a lot. They are life's
great compensation.
* *
Cool Baths
I have had a lot of criticism about
giving my little eight-month-old girl
cool baths. Some of my friends seem
to think I'm positively cruel. It's true
that the baby doesn't like the cool bath
too well, and she cries when the water
touches her. She prefers the warm
bath. I tried cooling the water just a
trifle at first, but she still cried. Perhaps you could tell me how to get her
accustomed to a cool bath.
Giving babies cold baths successfully depends a great deal on how it
is managed. If this program is begun
early, babies don't mind it at all.
They never mind playing in cold water in the back yard when they get a
Let the warm cleansing bath be very
warm, but short, so that baby is
warmed through. Then make the
cooler bath just a' little less warm22
Ignore Thumb-sucking
Diet for Regularity
My baby has been constipated since
she had a sick spell at the age of five
weeks. I tried everything to bring her
back to normal. Is there anything that
can be done for my little girl?
I think a nervous complex can be developed in a baby by the mother's
being too anxious about constipation.
Missing a day now and then does no
harm. If the baby is on the right nutritional program, nature will take
care of the constipation problem.
There is danger in your efforts to
get the best of the situation that you
give her too much sweet. Many babies
do well with no sweetening at all in
their formula. Babies should have orange, tomato, or other fruit juice.
Their vegetables should not have fat
added to them, nor should their cereal
be sweetened.Don't let your baby see that you
are anxious about her bowel movements. A child soon feels the mother's
anxiety, and his reaction to it may
create more of a problem than the constipation itself.
My children all suck their thumbs,
and nothing I can do helps. What do
you advise?
When thumb-sucking becomes such
a problem and issue in the home, it
is better to ignore it and let the children suck their thumbs. Any plan that
is a failure always makes a problem
I believe in your case the best thing
is to stop worrying about it and be
a happy companion to your children,
and the chances are they will finally
forget to suck their thumbs. You
might make a joke of it once in a
while by sucking your own thumb for
their amusement. But don't let them
see that you are upset about their
* * *
Although my little boy is more than
two years old, he doesn't have all his
teeth. What can I do for him?
Some children are late in cutting
their teeth. Most children don't have
all their teeth by your little boy's age.
It is probably nothing to worry about,
if his general health is good.
You should be sure, of course, that
he is on a good nutritional program.
He probably should be getting something in the way of cod-liver oil concentrate and some vitamin B complex.
74 hew
Makes juice and discharges pulp
in one operation. Also grinds
nuts into creamy spreads and
shreds vegetables for salads and
soups. New exclusive revolutionary feature— Made of
cast nylon, tough as steel, which reduces to a minimum
any contact of food with metal.
Write today for free descriptive literature.
1229 So. Central Ave., Lodi, California
Which of These
Danger Signs Are Yours?
Lack Energy
Tire Easily
Poor Appetite
Can't Do Much Work
Act Older Than You Are
Feel Older Than You Are
Eyes Tire Easily Look Older Than You Are
Use a Vita-Mix
lour Government, through the
Bureau of Human Nutrition, Leaflet
288, says the 7 basic foods give
energy and protect health. Without
enough of each you may develop
the symptoms listed above. Use a
Vita-Mix for a delicious way to get
your leafy green vegetables, citrus
fruits, potatoes and other vegetables,
milk products, dried beans or peas,
breadstuffs, and butt& or margarine
as a supplement to the regular diet.
Use a Vita-Mix to grind grains,
make bread crumbs, chop vegetables,
whip cream, churn butter, make
omelets, pie fillers, cake batter,
sauces, sherbets, baby foods, purГ©es.
With Vita-Mix make health cocktails in 1 to 4 minutes, soup without boiling in 3 minutes, cake
batter ready for oven in 3 minutes. Use it to chop nuts, make
sandwich spreads from leftovers,
make peanut butter, make powdered sugar. No wonder it's one
of the housewife's best friends.
More than a juicer, Vita-Mix is a
liquefier, a grinder, a blender, a
juicer, a mixer. Easy to clean. Just
unscrew base from Mason jar, drop
in dishpan. Less work too. Just store
what you make right in the Mason
Sells in
Stores For
By reducing the price for a limited time, we are
selling these machines to more people than ever before. Because the Vita-Mix is so useful, we know
you'll be showing it off to friends and neighbors,
and then they'll be buying a Vita-Mix. Order now,
because this offer is definitely for a limited time only.
Dept. LH-2
Rush me your Vita-Mix at $29.95. One year
factory guarantee
.(Continued from page 9)
This operation is called a tracheotomy.
It was in the development of antitoxin for the treatment and temporary
prevention of diphtheria that medical
science triumphed in one of its most
important victories. It was found that
when increasing doses of diphtheria
toxin were injected into a horse, the
animal's blood came to contain increasing amounts of antitoxin, which
chemically was just like the antitoxin
developed in the human body. Later
some of the horse's blood could be
drawn, the antitoxin-containing serum
separated, and injected into a person
having diphtheria. This often produced dramatic improvement, and
eventually proved to be lifesaving in
nearly every case where the treatment could be begun within a day or
two after the onset of the disease.
It was also found that the antitoxic serum was an efficient preventive of the disease for a period of two
"Life is 10 per cent what you make
it and 90 per cent how you take it."
Drink essential
Vitamin A
the easy
Every glassful of this solidladen EVEREADY Carrot
Juice is rich in Vitamin A
(Carotene) in all three
forms — Alpha, Beta and
Gamma. The Beta type,
which yields twice as much
Vitamin A in the body as
either of the other two,
is abundantly present in
EVEREADY Carrot Juice.
Specially selected midwinter crop carrots, allowed
to develop to vitamin-andmineral-rich maturity in
California's mild climate,
insure greater Carotene
* For free pamphlet of
recipes and vitamin facts,
write Dole Sales Co.,
215 Market Street,
San Francisco 6, Calif.
Get EVEREADY Carrot Juice at your
health food store and grocer's.
or three weeks if given to a person
who had been exposed or was in danger of being exposed to diphtheria, but
had not yet shown any symptoms.
Later it was found that a mixture of
toxin and antitoxin would stimulate
the building up of a much more lasting immunity. Still later a modified
toxin, called toxoid, was found to be
a much more efficient immunizer than
the toxin-antitoxin mixture. Recently
penicillin and some of its relatives
have proved to have some value in
fighting diphtheria germs, but they do
not give promise of replacing antitoxin in treatment or toxoid in prevention.
In spite of all these discoveries, do
not think lightly of diphtheria. It is
still a menace to life, and may work
rapidly if it gets a start.
Keep all children and youth protected by a course of three spaced injections of toxoid a month during the
first few months of life, with a single
booster injection every two or three
years thereafter. Then if suspicious
symptoms develop, call a physician at
once, so that he may determine the
true nature of the trouble, and give
antitoxin, do a tracheotomy, or both
if needed. It may not always be possible to prevent diphtheria, but it
should nearly always be possible to
keep it from taking life.
Enjoy carefree relaxation under the Florida sun . . Cool lake breezes . . . Peace
of mind—away from clamoring resort
crowds. Walker Memorial Sanitarium offers you the modern facilities of its departments of Dietetics, Surgery, Maternity,
Laboratory, X-ray:
.Write for illustrated booklet "L"
Paid. 7/o 5&
•••• ••••
Here's the last word in Yogurt Incubators!
Want to make good tasty Yogurt at home? Then
get this Electromatic Thermo-Cult Yogurt Incubator.
Makes enough Yogurt for the whole family (4 quarts).
Automatic; foolproof; easy to clean; operates on AC
or DC current. Only $14 postpaid. Available at leading health stores or order from:
8478 Melrose Place, Los Angeles 46
piece of bark into a swiftly rushing
stream, and watch it go bobbing along
and soon pass out of sight? That compares to our kidney tubes when we
drink plenty of water. The poisons are
carried along rapidly.
"Did you ever try to float a piece
of bark in a stream that was almost
dry? It soon gets caught among the
stones and stays there, to rot and
decay. A stream like that is soon
murky and not pleasant to see.
"When we do not drink enough waA CLUB FOR BOYS AND GIRLS
ter poisons get caught along the kidney tubes, and soon irritate the lining and make it sore and scaly. So,
to keep our kidneys healthy and to
hurry the poisons out of the body,
we need to drink from six to eight
sugars we eat are stored in fat cells glasses of water each day besides the
AY I have a drink too?"
"Please wait until I have had and muscles. But the protein building water found in our food and in milk.
stones have no place to stay.
a glassful."
"Some foods are irritating to the
"How can you tell when you get a
"Let us continue our trip and see kidney tissues, such as too much proglassful, when you are drinking at what happens to them. We have tein, pepper, mustard, and other
the fountain ?"
reached the glomerulus, where the spices.
"I counted the swallows in a glass tubes get so tiny our red-blood-cell
"Plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables,
of water. Miss Wilson, our conference boats cannot get through. So we will and dairy products help to keep Kidnurse, says we should drink from six jump onto a uric-acid-crystal boat.
neyville clean and healthy."
to eight glasses of water each day."
"How we do rush
"Miss Kay, why do we need to drink along this tiny
six to eight glasses of water each stream! Hang on;
day? Isn't there enough water in a here we go around
glass of milk each meal?"
a sharp curve. We
"That does help. In fact, nearly all hardly catch our
the foods we eat contain large amounts breath before our boat
of water. But we need much more rushes around anthan is contained in foods alone. Let other curve. For a
us take a trip to Kidneyville, as we while we twist, so
will call Johnny's kidney. We shall that it is worse than
pretend we are very tiny, so that we a roller coaster. Then
can float along on a red-blood-cell boat. down we plunge
"Kidneyville is made up almost en- around the Loop of
tirely of canals, or tiny tubes. There Henly, and up again
are millions of them, so tiny that they to some more twisted
are hard to see under a microscope. parts. All this time
We shall go floating in on a very large the water is being
stream of blood flowing through the squeezed through the
Portal Vein. This large vein begins walls and back into
to divide and divide, until the walls the blood stream, and
get so close together that we can the liquid we are floathardly squeeze our blood-cell boats ing in contains more
through. In fact, much of the water and more poisons and
is squeezed out, and the cells sail along refuse, which need to
one at a time.
be thrown out of the
"This stream now contains many body. At last it flows
poisons and tiny bits of refuse from
down into the bladder,
the foods we eat, and some of the
reservoir from
fluids are pressed through a tiny unit
it is carried
called a glomerulus. The blood cells do
outside the body.
not get through.
"There are many
"The proteins we eat, such as those
found in cottage cheese, eggs, and miles of these tiny
beans, are broken down into micro- glomeruli and tiny
scopic bits. We sometimes call them tubes, which make
amino acids. They are building stones, up the kidney tisfor proteins build and repair tissues sues. When we drink
in the body. But the building stones lots of water each
that are not used today cannot be day the little tubes
stored anywhere in the body for fu- have plenty of water
ture use. There is no storehouse for to keep them clean.
proteins. The extra fats and the extra Did you ever throw a
Wings of Health
H. A. Roberts
The wings of the Humming Bird
beat more than 80 times per second, a physical impossibility without adequate nutrition.
4. Devaney
Sdool Zeotelted
HREE nutritious and well-balanced
meals every day are essential to
the health and well-being of every
school child, says Dr. R. H. Riley,
Maryland director of health. Stressing the fact that the school lunch
should provide one third of the daily
food requirement, Dr. Riley calls attention to the following statement
prepared by nutritionists of the State
department of health.
"Food eaten at school should perform an important role in the general
food plan for the day, whether the
meal is selected at a school cafeteria
or carried from home.
"During the year most children eat
more than 150 lunches at school. This
meal can be both nutritious and appetizing, or it can be so uninteresting
that it will remain uneaten.
"Mothers who pack lunches for
their children to carry to school can
simplify the task of providing varied
and attractive noonday meals by planning them at least a week in advance.
They will find it helpful to include,
lunch-packing in their day's working
schedule, so as to avoid last-minute
rush. To make the job easy, have a
definite work place for packing the
lunch and reserve a special shelf or
drawer as close to this place as possible for storing school lunch supplies.
"For top nutrition, the packed lunch
should contain a sandwich or other
main dish supplying two ounces of
protein food—eggs, cheese, peas,
beans, or peanut butter. Use enriched
or whole-wheat bread in sandwiches
or along with the lunch, and two
teaspoons of butter or fortified margarine are desirable. Green or yellow
vegetables and fresh, frozen, canned,
It is estimated that over 75 per cent of Atnericans
suffer nutritional deficiencies. Yet these same people
must face the terrific demands of modern living.
More than 1,400 Americans enter a hospital as
patients every 24 hours of the day. Can faulty nutrition be a contributing factor?
Loma Linda, Calif.
To make sure of adequate amounts of essential
vitamins and minerals, ask your health food store or
write for
or dried fruits in the lunch should
total three-fourths cup. Include a half
pint of milk in some form. Simple desserts suitable for the school lunch are
fresh fruit in season, baked custards,
and dried fruits.
"Careful packing can add considerably to the appetite appeal of a box
lunch. Wrap sandwiches separately,
and thoroughly clean and wrap raw
fruits or vegetables. Thermos bottles
or clean jars with tight lids are necessary for licjuids and soft foods. Paper
napkins and disposable place mats
should be placed in the box if they are
not available at school. Unusual items
and occasional surprise treats add interest to children's lunches."
* * *
Doctors at the Denver National
Jewish Hospital have recently hailed
a plastic sponge developed by a home
experimenter in his wife's kitchen
oven. The sponge will replace diseasedestroyed lung tissue, filling up the
space so that breathing may be more
nearly normal in a patient who has
had lung surgery.
If you have a question or problem regarding food or
diet, address: The Dietitian, LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
My growing family is fond of goulash. Can it be made without meat?
If so, what would I serve with it to
replace meat and make a complete ration?
Goulash is a term usually referring
to a dish made of onion, tomato, meat,
and a starchy food as potatoes, macaroni, spaghetti, or rice.
A very nourishing goulash is made
as follows : Cook a large finely minced
onion in two or three tablespoonfuls
of melted fat. Add finely minced sweet
pepper if available, about a pint of
canned tomatoes, a can of large red
beans, and a small package of macaroni that has been cooked separately.
To blend flavors, heat all together over
a very low fire or bake. A bay leaf is
often added and removed before serving.
With this one-dish meal two glassfuls of milk would make a complete
ration, making up for the absence of
meat in the dish. Fruit would be a
pleasing dessert.
* * *
Plain Cake
How can I make a plain cake that
will be attractive?
A sponge cake may be varied, and
it is the plainest, most wholesome of
cakes. You can add pure food color according to your color scheme if the
cake is for a special occasion. You can
bake the sponge cake in a shallow pan
and cut out fancy shapes by pressing
cooky cutters into the well-baked cake.
The small pieces may be topped with
whipped cream and a colored cherry
or with cream cheese diluted with a
little milk until creamy and then
sweetened with honey.
Sponge cake can be delicious with
nuts and black walnut extract added.
It is good even without icing. Some
add a little mashed banana or minced
cooked prunes to their sponge cake
batter. Sponge cakes make tender fruit
shortcakes, and when served with
whipped cream or the vegetable topping that resembles whipped cream
they are quite rich enough.
These foods should be at the top of
your shopping list. They are mentioned
by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
as most plentiful and hence most
thrifty buys at this season. They represent normal seasonal availabilities.
Dried prunes
Winter pears
Canned or frozen
Irish potatoes
Dried peas
canned peas
Cottage Cheese
Dried beans
Peanut butter
Tree nuts
Oat products
Monoglycerides and Diglycerides
I notice the words "mono glycerides"
and "diglycerides" among the ingredients on the labels of foods we are using. What are they, where do they
come from, and are they wholesome?
Monoglycerides and diglycerides are
chemical compounds derived from
glycerine, which is usually or often
extracted from lard. The glycerides
are widely used in shortenings, cake
mixes, ice creams, and baked goods.
According to the Government bulletin—Union Calendar No. 1139—on
"The Investigation of the Use of
Chemicals in Food Products," their
safety has not been determined. We
read from page 7 of this bulletin that
"there is a controversy among reputable scientists as to whether these compounds are safe for use in foods."
The homemaker would be wise to use
oil in cooking and make her own ice
cream and. baked goods.
* * *
Orange or Tomato?
Fresh oranges and lemons are expensive here. Does the orange juice
concentrate really contain the same
amount of vitamins as fresh juice?
Is tomato juice as nutritious as orange juice?
Orange juice concentrates may be
depended on as substitutes for fresh
orange juice if the labels say so. Tomato juice is about half as potent in
vitamin C as a rule, so if you are depending on tomato juice as a substitute for orange juice, it is best to use
at. least twice as much.
Tomato juice is richer than orange
juice in some of the other vitamins.
It is five times richer in vitamin A and
three times richer in the vitamin niacin. Have you ever used tomato juice
or orange juice in salad dressing, especially French dressing? You will be
happily surprised at the pleasing flavor.
Disaster Help
The Red Cross provided relief in
2,500 disaster operations during the
last decade. Some 1,600,000 persons
were given assistance.
Ten Ways to Worry Less
OUR problems have little if any-
Ything to do with your worrying.
The habitual worrier dreams up
things to fret and stew about, actually
making them up out of thin air. Or
he develops a morbid anxiety about
possibilities that haven't one chance
in a thousand of coming true. If a
particular problem is solved, the worrier simply transfers the worry to his
health, his children, or his wife's affection. Worriers always find something to fret about.
Chronic worry actually is a state
of mind that results when an inner
sense of security is lacking, according to psychiatric authorities. The
turbulence caused by inner anxiety
ta.0 u u4g
How thoroughly we criticize
And diagnose as bad
The very faults in other folks
That we have always
Plf% PV% PIM
and bewilderment cannot be bottled
up, and seeks expression through the
worry process. The individual seeks
to rationalize this insecure feeling by
attributing it to some outside cause.
Innermost thoughts, wishes, and desires, unless powered by action and
given concrete expression, become
frustrated. If this occurs consistently,
a person begins to doubt that his aims
and goals ever will become reality.
Finally he loses all confidence.
A real sense of security can be
achieved only through the expression
of inner energies. Here are ten ways
to worry less and accomplish more.
1. Don't think of problems as difficulties, think of them as opportunities
for action.
2. After you have done your best
to deal with a situation, forget it and
go on to the next thing.
3. Keep busy. Keep your hours
filled with work, recreation, and sleep.
4. Don't concern yourself with
things you can't do anything about.
5. Stop building air castles. For the
time being, eliminate daydreaming.
Are you literally "starved"
for the right kind of sleep?
New medical findings revealed! You may
not be getting the "sleep food" you need!
a vital substance in your bloodstream
may have a lot to do with how well you
sleep. This substance, known medically
as blood sugar, is an important source of
nourishment for the brain.
At bedtime, and especially during the
long nighttime hours without food, your
supply of blood sugar may become seriously lowered. Thus, your brain and nervous system may suffer from insufficient
"sleep food." You may feel too nervous
to go to sleep ... too restless to sleep well.
How you can help your body
get needed "sleep food"
Drugs or sleeping pills can't supply "sleep
food." And sweet, sugary foods and drinks
provide only a quick jet of sugar that is
too quickly burned up. But here is a way
—a delicious, drugless way—to help your
body get needed "sleep food." This sleepaid is a POSTIIM "NIGHTCAP"—a delicious
drink made with Instant Postum and
hot milk, taken shortly before retiring.
Your Postum "Nightcap" is good-tasting and safe—contains no drugs to harm
you. Moreover, your Postum milk drink
gives you easily digested nourishment
that is slowly converted into blood sugar.
Thus, it helps assure the slow, steady flow
of vital "sleep food" to your brain. That's
why a Postum "Nightcap" helps you
get refreshing sleep—the kind that leaves
you rested, looking and feeling like new!
So safe, so easy—try id
Every night before you retire, fix yourself a Postum "Nightcap." It's easy— add
a rounded teaspoon of Instant Postum
to a cup of hot milk, and stir. Try this for
just 10 days—then see if you aren't sleeping better—feeling fresher—looking like
a new person! Get Instant Postum now.
Postum is an ideal mealtime
beverage, too. No caffein—no drugs
—no chance for "cof fee nerves:'
A Product of
General Foods
i1-ia "SLEEP-FOOD Nig htcap
-For sleepless Millions !
6. Don't put off an unpleasant task
until tomorrow. It simply gives more
time for your imagination to make a
mountain out of a possible molehill.
7. Don't pour out your woes and
anxieties to other people. Their sympathy makes it easy for you to feel
sorry for yourself.
8. Get up as soon as you wake up.
If you remain in bed, you may use
up as much nervous energy living your
day in advance as you would in actual
accomplishments of the day's work.
9. Arrange your schedule to cut
down on hurrying. Hurrying helps to
shatter poise and self-confidence.
10. Break up big projects into simple steps of action. Then negotiate
those steps one at a time. Don't allow
yourself to think about step number
two until you've executed step number one.
When writing, please enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply. Address: Home
Editor, LIFE Cr HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
Good Old February. I like February. all, if there are small children in the could play and mother could watch
The biggest part of the winter is be- family, why not plan the kitchen with him. Mother had a small padded table
hind us, and spring is near. Spring the nursery right next to it? It will nearby, with a stack of diapers handy,
planting and grape tying are ahead be a simple matter to convert this where she could quickly change baby.
of me and garden making (except the nursery into a playroom, study, or A little shelf above the table held
gardens we make on paper, which are guest room later on.
powder, extra pins, and oil.
always the loveliest). I can catch up
The draperies can be drawn across
on many things in February.
the glass window for complete privacy.
Carrots to Please. For dressing up
We have a wood range to keep the And with the protection of the glass
Mrs. Dale Hamilton, of Fort
kitchen warm. I do like my wood panel, decorator fabrics that ordinar- carrots
Florida, passes on the
range. It's convenient to set food at ily can't be used in the kitchen will
the back of the stove if the family add unusual warmth, color, and gaiety. suggestion of boiling them with a
doesn't gather right on time. Keeps
However, if you must have the chil- spoonful of shortening in the water,
it hot. I like to bake in a wood stove dren in the kitchen, try to provide a and when they are tender and the waoven. Seems as if bread is tastier and play area where they can see what's ter almost all boiled away, add a half
going on and be happy. Some mothers can of mushroom soup just as it comes
have a low, well-padded box to keep from the can. Makes tasty cream sauce
the toddler in control. He can stand up on the carrots.
Kiddies and the Kitchen. One of the when he wishes and watch the happenPretty Aprons. Mrs. Otto McBee, of
larger fixture manufacturers has a ings about him.
sketchbook of ideas to assist in planThe Kitchen Reporter tells of one Akron, Ohio, a classmate of mine, sent
ning and remodeling home bathrooms, couple who put a small fence (one of me a charming little apron last spring
kitchens, and utility rooms.
these adjustable fences for keeping of soft print in tiny red, blue, and
I was interested in a kitchen that kiddies on the porch) across one yellow blossoms, with a yellow border
will permit mother to cook and baby corner of the room and placed the all around the apron and set in at
sit at one and the same time. After baby's toys in this area. Here baby at each side to form a pocket. Mrs.
Gerald Hoagland, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, sent me a beautiful frosty-blue
organdy apron with a white pleat in
the center and lace-edged pockets. You
know, a dress-up apron does something for you. Let's dress up our
Executive Research, Inc.
Helpful Hints. Mrs. Fred Burkett,
of San Antonio, Texas, says in order
to "protect the upholstery of your
overstuffed chairs from soil or hairoil stain, make a half slip cover of
clear plastic yardage to put beneath
your knit or cretonne slip covers. Or
use flowered or figured plastic and
trim with harmonizing braid, rickrack, or lace. Arm-rest protectors can
be made to match." Mrs. Burkett also
uses the "protective caps from milk
bottles as individual salt dishes for
radishes and celery and for individual
portions of salad dressing, tartar
sauce, jelly, and butter. Especially useful on the sickroom tray. They can
be burned after use."
The Heart's Tracing
(Continued from page 19)
It is interesting to know that although one or two scientists suspected
the presence of an electrical impulse
in connection with the beat of the
heart, it was not until Willem Einthoven, of Germany, in 1903 gave us
a machine and an idea that have developed into our present knowledge.
What happens when an electrocardiogram is taken? The patient lies
quietly on the doctor's table. Practically the only muscle active when one
is relaxed is the forcibly contracting
heart. Think of the heart as a wetcell battery. Electric current flows between the poles of the battery and
throughout the solution. So the current produced by the heart flows
through the body toward the extremities. A battery has polarity—a negative and a positive side—and so has
the electrical current of the heart.
The amount and quality of current going to any extremity depend on the
position of the heart in the body, as
well as changes in the heart muscle
produced by disease. This, of course,
is what gives us the changes recorded
on the electrocardiogram, which is
taken from the different extremities
in combination.
Of what value is the electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of disease? How
can it help us? In the early days it
was chiefly used in diagnosing disturbances in the rhythm of the heartbeat, that is, rapid heart action and
slow heart action. The science of electrocardiography has so sharpened the
diagnostic acumen of the doctors and
educated them to recognize differences
in heart performance that in most
cases they can diagnose these differences quite well without any instrumental aid.
The chief helpfulness of electrocardiography, therefore, has shifted to
another field; namely, changes in the
heart muscle owing to a shortage of
blood caused by narrowed or plugged
coronary arteries. This is the so-called
coronary artery heart disease, or arteriosclerotic heart disease. Arteriosclerotic heart disease occurs in two
chief forms:
1. Angina pectoris ("breast pain"),
due to temporary inadequate blood
supply, usually caused by exercise,
emotion, or eating. At other times
there is no discomfort.
2. Coronary blockage, often called
coronary thrombosis. This occurs
where an area of the heart is permanently robbed of blood because of complete closure of an artery.
When an area of the heart muscle
is deprived of blood supply, and is
undergoing death from it, there are
different levels of injury in the area.
In other words, some sections, chiefly
the center, will be hit harder than
others; the surrounding area will be
practically normal, and there will be
various gradations in between.
In order to put things in their right
perspective, I would say that in evaluating the different procedures used in
diagnosing heart disease as a whole,
the emphasis certainly does not rest
upon electrocardiography. Our most
experienced and respected teachers
evaluate the importance of the different parts of the complete examination
on a percentage basis as follows:
1. History of the case
2. Physical examination
3. X-ray examination
4. Electrocardiography
In spite of the fact that the physical examination and history do not
Cellu Natural Fruit Juices
Pressed from fresh, sun-ripened fruits, undiluted, unsweetened. Strawberry, Light Cherry,
Dark Cherry, Peach, Apricot, others.
Write for name of dealer.
1750 West Van Buren Street
Chicaro 12, Illinois
Zof eta
3 A-\
Good health is the foundation upon
which all successful living is built.
$2.75 a Year-25c Single Copy
Washington 12, D.C.
always give the complete story, they
are by far the most important elements of the whole. This is why it is
unsafe and poor practice to diagnose
heart disease from the electrocardiogram alone, without any contact with
or examination of the patient. Nowadays, however, with both "QRS" and
"T" wave changes in the electrocardiogram, and the use of the newer leads
to supplement the old, a much higher
degree of accuracy is possible than
used to be the case.
I should like to speak a word of
comfort and cheer to those suggestible
souls who, like medical students, will
straightway suffer symptoms of heart
disease. I would say, Be of good cheer
if the following are your symptoms:
1. Shortness of breath (90 per cent
due to causes other than heart disease).
2. Pain over the heart area (90 per
cent due to causes other than heart
3. Swelling of the ankles (90 per
cent due to causes other than heart
4. Palpitation (never means serious
heart disease).
So don't be afraid to face the situation. Go around and see your doctor,
tell him the story, and after an examination allow him to give you the best
news that you have had for some time
—that you have no heart disease.
In the HEART of
Tat.444i Cyitcuufiks
Cu Auk
First thing to do in Detroit Is check
m at Hotel Tuner! You'll enjoy
every minute. Newly modernized.
Beautifully decorated. Within
walking distance of all downtown
stores, theatres and business activities ... yet, you enjoy the evergreen atmosphere of Grand Circus
The Toiler Dining
Room or Cafeteria
for excellent food
modestly priced.
800 ROOMS ot
Harry E. Paulsen, cert. .Mgr.
:Sce-s;:ce.ce•-:•••••• '
from a
A TIP young man of 91
110fILES ot
(Continued from page 5)
"The believe it
or not man"
Mr. Bartlett is a renowned chemist and engineer who
designed the world famed power plant at Niagara Falls.
He is one of the first men to make $100,000 a year.
The food supplement he developed to aid his own recovery from a nervous breakdown, became a business
that he has operated for over 50 years. Our armed
forces used millions of KEVO-ETTO to combat fatigue.
Mr. Bartlett works 16 to 18 hours a day, drives his own
car, does not wear glasses and is usually taken to be
in his early 60's.
voices calling from treetops or other unexpected places, "Hi, Miss Marsh!" Often
she is confronted with problems such as
this: "Miss Marsh, is it all right for me
to brush my teeth with soap? Will that
count?" Inquiry reveals that mother keeps
the tooth paste high above the reach of
tiny fingers. Again, "Miss Marsh, what
can I do to learn to run as fast as John?"
She cannot simply reply, "Eat spinach";
these are weighty problems.
While teaching at Washington Missionary College, she was asked to conduct the
children's page for LIFE & HEALTH. She
little realized then that she would continue the pleasant task for so many years.
It has brought friends as the grown-up
children come to her college classes and
still think of her as Aunt Sue. She also
wrote Graded Lessons in Health, a manual for grade-school teachers.
Her hobbies are children, nature, and
music, and her great desire is to reach
the new earth, where one can study and
not have to stop to sleep, where one can
spend eternity learning a few of the
marvelous and interesting things found
even in this old world, where the teacher
will be the Creator Himself.
* * *
o package
also larger sizes
Deep sea kelp
Wheat Germ
Brewers yeast
Soy milk
Egg calcium, etc.
KEVO CO. Cr LH-6, 900 Foothill 6-1yd., Azusa,
Calif. Enclosed find:
( 1 10c for 4 Kevo-Etts and mailing
$1.35 for 112 Kevo-Etts, postpaid
( 1 $2.59 for 224 Kevo-Fits, postpaid
And You Think You Work Hard!
If you think you are overworked,
just think of this: Every day your
heart beats 100,800 times, your blood
circulates a total of 168 million miles,
and your lungs inhale 438 cubic feet of
"Work doesn't wear us out; it is
dreading '4- that unravels our nerves."
C. M. French ("It's Great to Be Old,"
page 20) is a perky old gentleman who
has just reached the century mark.
Born in Iowa on the beautiful prairie
home of the meadow lark and the bobolink in 1852, Mr. French grew to young
manhood in the free air of the farm.
His longevity he attributes to his farm
life, without the use of narcotics or alcoholic beverages, and an old-fashioned
farm diet consisting of vegetables, fruits,
grains, and nuts, with a good supply of
dairy products.
After finishing rural school he studied
at Battle Creek College, in Michigan. Once
when he had a severe cold he went to
the old Health Reform Institute, where he
was placed in a box with a lighted alcohol
lamp and properly broiled. He was then
taken out of the cabinet and placed on
a chair in the middle of the bathroom
floor, while an operator poured a pail of
cold water over him from head to toe. He
was then dried with a sheet, dressed, and
discharged—cured. This treatment in the
old Health Reform Institute was simple
and primitive, but it later gave impetus
to the Battle Creek Sanitarium with its
up-to-date equipment and improved methods of hydrotherapy.
Mr. French taught in grade schools for
fifty years. He has a hobby of writing letters to editors; and newspapers throughout Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah have
received letters from him in both English and Spanish. Father of three daughters, he now lives in San Jose, California.
Turning Point
(Continued from page 13)
on the children's teeth, because if the
inheritance factor really had something to do with tooth decay, it certainly had to show up in this case."
The Jewish scientists were all inclined to believe that this factor would
show up. But to their great surprise
it did not! The younger generation
of the Jews in Palestine have almost
unbelievably good teeth. On an average, 40 per cent of the children are
entirely free from tooth decay up to
their fourteenth year. This is still
more amazing in a comparison of this
percentage with the percentages of
other countries (10.3 per cent in
northern Spain was the next highest
These facts show plainly that caries
is not inherited but caused by surrounding conditions.
But the state of teeth among the
children in Palestine still differs
greatly, for only 10 per cent of those
who have immigrated during the most
recent years have healthy teeth. This
brings the average of all immigrated
children to 25 per cent with good
teeth. The 40 per cent average is
brought about because of the greatly
improved dental condition of all children born in Palestine from immigrant
parents. The reason for this improvement is that these children are exposed to sunshine in a manner their
elders never were before they came,
and their food contains less meat,
much fruit and vegetables, and excellent milk.
But more amazing still are the results that Dr. Mansbach reported from
the community settlements, where the
children grow up in special homes under scrupulous and loving care. Their
food surely is simple. They get most
of the products of the settlements
(which are agricultural). The results?
The average of healthy teeth in these
settlements is 81 per cent (the town
of Oslo, in Norway, had 64 per cent),
and in numerous groups 100 per cent
is reached up to the sixth year. But as
soon as the children are placed in
private settlements, the percentage
sinks to 49 per cent, because here they
often get too much sugar and sweets,
and their food lacks proper balance.
Dr. Mansbach explained that the
food in the community settlements is
rich in vitamins, being made up of
raw vegetables, fruit, and very little
meat. Meat is given only twice a week
and in very small portions. "You may
call the fare frugal," Dr. Mansbach
said, "but it surely is building up
healthy little bodies. Vitamin C seems
to play a decisive role. Though the
children's food is the same in all our
settlements, there are a few that cannot counterbalance the lack of citrus
fruits in summer (which are plentiful only in winter in Palestine). In
some communities, therefore, a scarcity of vitamin C exists in summer,
and causes among other symptoms impairment of dental health. Thus the
yearly average of perfect teeth is
brought down to 60 per cent (as compared to 96 per cent in other communities). But we are now in a position to counteract this vitamin C deficiency during the summer months by
increasing cultivation of the green
pimiento, which is very rich in this
* *
Date Torte
Try a special treat for guests by
serving a date torte—a light, somewhat crisp yet chewy mixture that is
almost a cake, not quite a cookie, yet
is so altogether pleasing in every way
that its uses are legion.
Grease the pan well; bake the date
torte slowly. Bake enough so that you
may keep it on hand for weeks for an
assortment of impromptu desserts.
Then slice it into squares and serve
with sweetened whipped cream or custard sauce, or crumble and serve
folded into cream or pudding mixtures, or serve topped with vanilla ice
cream, or cut in bars and swathe in
lemon sauce.
cup dry bread crumbs
* teaspoon salt
3 eggs, separated
cup sugar or honey
teaspoon vanilla
cups sliced dates
* cup coarsely chopped nut meats
Add salt to crumbs. Mix with dates and
nuts. Beat egg yolks until light; continue
beating and add sugar gradually. Add
vanilla, then fruit and nut mixture. Fold
in stiffly beaten egg whites.
Spread the mixture over well-greased
shallow pan and bake in 300В° oven for
about an hour, or until done. When cool,
cut in squares and serve with whipped
cream, ice cream, or custard sauce. It is
also delirious crumbled and served in
sweetened whipped cream or custard.
for something
IT'S WONDERFUL—the way Worthington Breading Meal enhances the fine
flavor of your favorite foods . . . covers
choice morsels with a crusty coat of nutritious extra goodness. Worthington Breading Meal is a wholesome mixture of toasted
bread crumbs, potato meal, soya meal, and
vegetable seasonings.
It's a perfect breading mix for tender,
lean, protein-rich CHOPLETS . . . for
VEELETS, the succulent, bite-size chunks
of wheat protein ... or for deliciously
different SOYLOIN STEAKS. Just dip
these popular Worthington Foods in
the Breading Meal and pop them into
a skillet.
Worthington Breading Meal is ideal
for loaves and patties, too—and for
many other uses.
For extra taste appeal and extra food
value, be sure to get convenient, economical, ready-to-use Worthington
r i
Worthington Foods, Inc.
Worthington, Ohio
A Pt /ewe ?wage
A gngredients:
Faith in God
Use unsparingly to encourage consecration.
Love for others
Too much cannot be used.
Add plenty to prevent discouragement.
Faith in others
A generous amount increases ambition.
Good cheer
In large measure chases away gloom.
A huge lump prevents friction.
Use this very important item with discretion.
Used generously promotes harmony.
Sense of humor
Add for spice and variation.
In large measure encourages appreciation.
Abundantly added to stimulate effort.
Sm des
Generously sprinkled over all to relieve monotony and to
cover mistakes.
After the above ingredients have been blended into a smooth and rosy cream, apply
a generous portion to the heart each morning. Massage well, leaving surplus to be
absorbed. Follow at once by cheerfulness, courage in facing life, and plenty of effort
to make someone else happy. The results are amazing. Previous symptoms of heart
trouble will soon disappear.
NOTE.—This is a proved prescription that has been used with great success by many
people, and is guaranteed to bring desired results when followed as ordered,
The products
advertised in
How to Sleep
Here's a formula for a night of
sound, refreshing sleep, as suggested
by Dr. David F. Tracy, a New York
psychologist, who spent a season with
the St. Louis Browns to help them out
of a batting slump. Dr. Tracy is not
only able to help patients relax but
also can put them to sleep. But most
important, he says, is for patients to
be able to put themselves to sleep.
Here's his suggestion: Close your
eyes, imagine that you're looking down
the side of your nose. Keep your eyes
closed, and then imagine that it's a
cold winter day, and you can see the
vapor passing in and out of your nose.
Keep your eyes closed, and watch the
vapor passing to and from your nose.
Now, say to yourself, "I'm going to
sleep. Nothing matters, because I'm
going to sleep, and I won't awaken
until morning."
You may notice noises in the room.
These will become less noticeable, and
they won't mean anything to you, and
soon you will fall into a deep slumber,
to awaken refreshed the next morning.
By RUTH MC ELHENY, Dietitian
AVE you come to the point that
you feel it's impossible to get
Mary to eat her meals? If so, you do
have a problem. But there is a solution.
Perhaps you are overanxious. You
must keep in mind that children are
smaller than adults. Your kiddies
don't require the amount of food you
do. As a child specialist put it, children eat until they are satisfied;
whereas we adults overeat, and put on
extra pounds. Don't be alarmed if your
child doesn't eat all you expect her
to, so long as she maintains her growth
and weight.
Children do not grow at a steady
rate, but by .spurts. Generally they
grow more rapidly in the spring and
gain in weight faster in the fall. During the period of rapid growth they
will have a stepped-up appetite, but
during the lull they do not require so
much food. Naturally they will then
eat less.
When Mary doesn't eat her breakfast, do not be disturbed; don't make
an issue of it. She won't starve before
dinnertime. The mistake some mothers make is feeding children crackers
or cookies in the middle of the morning. This should never be done, for the
child's appetite is spoiled for the next
meal. If Mary decides she is hungry
in midmorning, give her a glass of
water or fruit juice only, so that she
will have a keen appetite for her meal.
Eating between meals is a bad habit,
and it should never be started.
Do you set a good example before
Mary? Does your husband come to
the table and say, "Jane, you know
I don't like spinach"? If he does, do
you expect Mary to eat spinach? Do
not discuss food at the table except
in a complimentary manner. Perhaps
you aren't eating the foods you expect
her to eat. Children imitate their parents. Even though you don't like a
food, don't let Mary know about it;
,keep it a secret.
There is a story told about a man
who ate oatmeal every morning with
his daughter so that she would eat
and enjoy it. After she left home for
school he said, "No more oatmeal for
me!" But he had never let her know
he disliked it all the time.
Mealtime should be an anticipated
pleasure. You spend at least fortyfive hours each month eating. Forget
your cares and problems. Enjoy your
family, and talk about pleasant things
of mutual interest. Although the conversation of Mary and her little
brother is a bit elementary, let them
feel a part of the family by having
a chance to speak. They need a feeling of security.
Although you will teach them good
manners, don't be so rigid that they
feel ill at ease. It takes time and
experience to learn to eat properly.
Do you set the proper example for
them to follow? Any emotional upset
will interfere with a child's digestive
system and yours as well. Mealtime
should be an occasion that Mary and
her brothers and sisters will cherish
in fond memory when they go off to
ILK-SCREEN printing is ideal for
hobbyists who want to throw a
bit of artistic skill and a bit of manual
craftsmanship together. The two ingredients can be combined in almost
any proportion. Copies of original
sketches can be reproduced by this
method with a fidelity that will delight
would-be owners of water colors,
crayon sketches, or oils. On the other
hand, those of us who like to dabble
but are short on creative ability can
easily copy and adapt other people's
designs to our use, and thereby produce acceptable invitations, posters,
greeting cards, and many other items.
Hitting the high points, here's how.
You'll need a printing outfit, which
at its simplest is little more than a
frame mounted by hinges on a printing base. On this frame silk has been
tightly stretched. A frame can be purchased for about ten dollars—a small
one, that is. If you're clever with
things like hammer and saw, you can
rig one up for yourself without exhausting effort.
The principle of silk screening is
one step up from stenciling. The merit
of the process is that it holds the
center and other loose parts of your
pattern in position. This was always
the problem in stencil printing, until
Samuel Simon got the idea of using
a .silk fabric as a screen, or ground,
to, hold a stencil without tying it.
He patented the silk-screen process in
Eiigland in 1907.
;There are many processes of putti*g your stencil on the silk, varying
in! their degrees of complication and
each possessed of individual merit. For
hare, it's enough to say that you can
work out an original design directly
on the silk or trace the design of your
Trost 8tcAings in tie sorest
Listen, while round you frost gems glisten.
Your pause is momentary ere you feel
The rapid penetration, the snappy-keen sensation,
Of blue-white-diamond air that cuts like steel.
Tiny snowflakes sparkle, as cracking tree limbs
The furred and feathered creatures near at hand.
There's a brilliant, blinding brightness,
An all-encircling whiteness.
As King Winter casts his spell o'er all the land.
A track runs o'er the snow and back
As though its maker knew not where to go,
And so there's a calm, cold beauty rare
As we, read here and there
Nature's autographic etchings in the snow.
college or have homes of their own.
It takes time to plan tasty, attractive meals every day, but it is time
well spent. If your meals look good
and taste better, you will not only win
compliments from your husband and
children but discover that many problems will never confront you. Flowers
on the table lend a friendly charm to
any table. Watch for new and different ways to serve your meals.
If you have been worried about
Mary's not eating, you no doubt have
been doing yourself more harm than
her. As long as she feels well and is
growing properly you may be assured
that she is eating all her little body
choice on the silk or on profilm or
paper. The area outside the design is
blocked out by one of several methods.
Once your design is in place, and
the material you are using for blocking out the areas not to be printed
is adhered or dried, as the case may
be, you place paper on which the design is to be printed on the base, and
drop the screen holding your pattern.
You put process paint on the screen
and push a roller across it. You then
have a print of your original design
—a faithful, accurate copy. The blocking-out material has held back the
paint where you didn't want it. The
silk has permitted it to come through
the screen smoothly and instantly to
make the design. It's as simple as that.
Make as many prints as you like just
by pushing the roller across the screen.
By choosing the proper kind of
paint, you can print wall paper, fabrics, even wood. You can print in one
color or several. The effects are limited only by your patience and imagination. Artists are constantly experimenting with the process, developing
new technics and procedures. Yet it's
simple enough for the rest of us.
Silk-screen printing is a great
hobby. It'll get you dirty, and make
you forget to go to bed, and set you
to dreaming up all sorts of uses for
your productions (a girl we know
printed up so much wall paper she
had to beg her friends to use it), but
after all, why have a hobby if it doesn't
lead you a merry chase? Have fun!
Silk Screen Stenciling as .a Pine Art, by Biegeleisen
& Cohn (McGraw-Hill), thoroughly covers the processes involved in making a Screen. working out the designs, stopping out, and printing. Silk-screen supplies
may be obtained from Arthur Brown & Bro., Inc.,
67 West 44th Street, New York 18, N.Y., Naz-Dar
Company, Chicago, Illinois, and art-supply stores everywhere.
Happy Miss Sick-Abed
IN EVERY home where children are
San Francisco's newest and most
modern hotel now offers you
the ultimate in attractive accommodations and service at
moderate rates.
from S 3 50
Family Suites also available.
a part of the family, there are sure
to be many sick-abed days. Everything
from a mild case of the sniffles to a
more severe illness such as measles or
mumps means that the ailing child
will be popped into bed, for that is the
only way an active child can be kept
quiet. Although the miracle medicines
are eliminating childhood diseases in
amazing fashion, youngsters will catch
cold, bruise or sprain their ankles, and
get upset stomachs.
Children can be happy when they
have to stay in bed. They should be
kept in a pleasant mood, so that their
attitude toward a forced time there
will be cheery, not gloomy. Though
their lively activities must be sup-
A splendid location in the heart of
Downtown Los Angeles. 555 delightful rooms, all with all
modern hotel facilities.
Wonderful Food
The Grill
The Coffee Shop
Garage Adjoining
pressed during a convalescence or an
injury, their spirit of adventure stays
with them. They will be delighted with
anything different, anything involving
their curiosity.
Colorful "grill plates" (plates having divided sections) in unbreakable
materials can be purchased in the tencent store. Children will enjoy their
meals twice as much on such plates as
on the ones they use every day at the
family table. Besides, food will look
much more dramatic on the bright
plates, particularly if mother plans
foods that have color—a very wise
thing to do. We "eat with our eyes,"
you know, and an attractive meal is
far more likely to be eaten than a
colorless one.
Visualize, for example, mashed potatoes, buttered turnips, and creamed
cauliflower on an ordinary dinner
plate, and you will bring to mind as
drab a meal as one can imagine. This
meal, if eaten, would satisfy the appetite but bring no artistic pleasure.
On the other hand, picture the same
fluffy white potatoes sprinkled with
paprika on a bright green plate. Imagine the cubes or slices of white turnips
combined with golden-yellow carrots,
and the creamed cauliflower poured
over toasted whole-wheat bread and
sprinkled with green parsley and
grated egg yolks.
If those two plates were side by
side, you would at once understand
why any child's appetite might be dull
if given the first. Make all meals as
colorful and attractive as possible, and
the food problem will be nil.
When you serve milk, cocoa, or milk
shakes, why not serve in a tall glass
with a handle, similar to the ones at
the sweet shop? The drink in that container will be much more popular with
little Miss Sick-Abed. And don't forget to include a couple of bright
If the medicine a child must take
has a disagreeable taste, give her a
small piece of ice to hold on her tongue
before taking it. The ice chills the
taste buds, and makes the task a simple one.
Visitors are fun for any convalescing child. But in case she isn't
allowed any for a time, suggest to her
friends that notes and post cards will
be happily received. If the small invalid is old enough to write, get a box
of note paper in the ten-cent store and
let her answer her correspondence.
Note paper can be obtained with all
sorts of gay designs decorating them,
and youngsters love to have their
"very own" on which to write. Bed
tables are ideal for writing and coloring. If there isn't one in the home,
a card table will act as a good substitute if placed against the bed with
two legs folded under and a pillow
holding the table level. Another though
not quite so good substitute is the
drop leaf of a sewing machine. Shove
the machine against the bed and open
the leaf and extend it over the child's
Coloring books are fun and inexpensive. Crayons may be made
stronger and less likely to break and
make the bed untidy if they are wound
firmly with adhesive tape.
Children love to watch things move
and grow, so the family canary or
goldfish globe is quite an addition to
a juvenile sickroom. Bulbs planted in
pebbles or seeds sprinkled on wet cotton will be fun to watch, as will any
growing plant. They all help to pass
time away.
Keep the sickroom fresh, clean, orderly, and gay. Anyone's surroundings
have an effect on the occupant, and
children are no exception. There is no
excuse for a whiny, demanding sickabed child. If such a one is found, the
fault is with the mother!
The Main Entrance to the Sanitarium
month bring us a choice confection and food—and the message
—"Spring is 'round the corner."
Is your "SAP" frozen and inert, or is it
flowing full of energy and food, and able
to carry life-giving oxygen to the cells of
your body? ASSISTING your physician,
today's hospital is a necessary link in the
nation's health.
The New Hospital Wing
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Quite different from the current
books written for youth, this volume
shows how a young person can harmonize
his emotional and mental conflicts for the
highest success. Like a house with many
windows looking out upon charming vistas,
it is filled with incidents and episodes that
reveal the benefits of a life established on
the principles of true living. It not only
makes those principles clear, but it makes
them attractive in a delightfully persuasive style. The author, who himself carved a noble career out of
hardship, has a challenging
message here for every
energetic youth
of today.
20 at
Oaeld SC
A hospital patient said: "Thank you for
that wonderful book. I could hardly lay it
down until I had finished reading it. I am
buying copies for three of my friends."
A publicist declared: "The brisk and growing sale of this challenging book is the best
recommendation of its stimulating contents.
It's a winner for the attention of youth."
A college professor wrote: "This book in
the hands of America's young men and
women would counteract the influences that
discourage their ambitions and thwart their
purposes today. It holds aloft a steady light
by one who has conquered life's difficulties."
Drop us a postal card today for
a full description of this beautifully illustrated, 408-page, inspirational book. We want to tell you
(without obligation) more about
its 78 pictures, its choice of bindings, and its contents. You will be
proud to own one and to present
one as a gift to your friends.
The two pictures by Harry Anderson illustrating this advertisement are copyrighted by the Review and Herald and appear in the book.