T.C. MU~ VALiLiGi ii Milli Egitim Miidiirliigii 15/05/2014 Say• : 32026198/300/1944627 Konu: DO.nya Okullar Aras1 Fidan Dikme Yart~mas1 ............................................ KA YMAKAMLIGINA il<;e Milli Egitim Miidfuliigii .................................................... MUDURLUGUNE ilgi: Milli Egitim Bakanhg1 Yenilik ve Egitim Teknolojileri Genel Miidfuliigii'niin 12/05/2014 tarih ve 1869423 sayl11 yaz1s1. ilgi sayth yaz1 dogrultusunda, Finlandiya'da bulunan Online <;evre (ENO) isimli diinyadaki tiim okullara yonelik, "Diinya Okullar Aras1 Aga~ Dikme Yar~mas1" diizenlenecegi bildirilmi~tir. Soz konusu yart~ma ile ilgili ~artname yaztmtz ekinde gonderilmi~tir. Okulunuz ogrencilerine gerekli duyurunun yapllmast hususunda; kurulu~un, Geregini rica ederim. Ali TATLI Valia. il Milli Egitim Miidiirii Ekler: 1-Yazt (8 Sayfa) Dagttlm: il<;e Kaymakamhklarma Tiim Okul Miid. T.C. MiLLI EGiTiM BAKANLIGI Y enilik ve Egitim Teknolojileri Genel Miidiirliigii 12/05/2014 Say• : 88013337/821.05/1869423 Konu: DUnya Okullar Aras1 Fidan Dikme Yan~mast ·················"~i~i(}~~ (il Milli ~gitim MudurlUgu) ilgi :a) Orman ve Su i~leri Bakanhgt'mn 22.04.2014 tarihli ve 49357563-406.99/536472 sayth yaztst. b) Ozel Ogretim Kurumlan Genel Mudiirlugu'nUn 07.05.2014 tarihli ve 35235946/ 405.0111805454 sayth yaztst. Finlandiya'da bulunan Online <;evre (~NO) isimli kurulu~un, dUnyadaki tUm okullara yonelik, "Diinya Okullar Arasi Aga~ Dikme Y an~mas1" diizenlemek istediklerine ili~kin ilgi yaztsi incelenmi~tir. Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasast, Milli ~gitim Temel Kanunu ile Tiirk Milli ~gitiminin genel ama<;lanna uygun olarak, ilgili yasal duzenlemelerde belirtilen ilke, esas ve ama<;lara aykmhk te~kil etmeyecek ~ekilde, denetimi il milli egitim mudiirliikleri tarafmdan ger<;ekle~tirilmek iizere soz konusu etkinligin yaptlmast uygun gorulmu~tiir. Bilgilerinizi ve geregini rica ederim. Mustafa KO<; Bakan a. Genel Mudiir ~K: ilgi yazt ve ekleri (7 sayfa) DACiiTIM: Geregi: B Plant Bilgi: Orman ve Su i~leri Bakanltgi Temel ~gitim Genel Mudiirlugu Ortaogretim Genel MudiirlUgu Mesleki ve Teknik ~gitim Genel Mudiirlugu Din Ogretimi Genel Mudiirlugu Hayat Boyu Ogrenme Genel MudiirlUgu Bu beige, 5070 sayil1 Elektronik imza Kanununun 5 inci maddesi geregince gilvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmi~tir Evrak teyidi http://evraksorgu.meb.gov.tr adresinden 477a-9324-3132-aba5-5lcc kodu ile yapilabilir. Ozel Ogretim Kurumlan Genel Miidiirliigu AB ve Yurtdi~IOgrenim Genel Miidiirliigii Bu beige, 5070 sayJit Elektronik imza Kanununun 5 inci maddesi geregince giivenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmt~tlr Evrak teyidi http://evraksorgu.meb.gov.tr adresinden 4 77a-9324-3132-aba5-51 cc kodu ile yaptlabilir. T.C. ORMAN ve SU I$LERi BAKANLIGI Orman Genel Mudtirlugu Agaylandlrma Dairesi B~kanhgt Say1 : 49357563-406.99/536472 Konu : Dilnya okullar arast fidan dikme yar1~mas1 MiLLi EGiTiM BAKANLIGI (MEB)E :Online c;evre (ENO) isimli kurulu~tan ahnan, 07 $ubat 2014 tarihli duyuru mektubu. tlgi Ekte bir omegi verilen ve merkezi Finlandiya'da bulunan Online c;evre (ENO) isimli kurulu~tan alman davet mektubunda, kurulu~larmca 2014 ytlmda ktiresel olcyekte okullar arasmda fidan dikme yan~mast dlizenlendigi bildirilerek, bu yart~manm Ulkemizdeki okullara ve ilgili yerlere duyurulmas1 istenmektedir. Davet mektubunda, ENO'nun stirdtirlilebilir kalkmma icrin kiiresel olcrekte network sistemiyle cyah~an bir kurulu~ oldugu, 2000 yilmda ba~layan cralt~malarma halen dlinyanm 157 Ulkesinden 10.000 i a~ktn okulun kanhm sagladtgmt ve Rio+20 Zirvesinde yapttklart taahhUtle, 20 17' ye kadar 100 milyon fidanm dikilmesi konusunda taahhutte bulunduklar1 belirtilmektedir. ilk ENO fidan dikme glinUnlin 21 Eylill2004 de organize edildigi~ her yd22 Mayts ve 21 Eyllil olmak Uzere ytlda iki kez ENO fidan dikme gUnu yaptld1gt ve bu dogrultuda 10. fidan dikme ytlmt kutladlklart, 2014 ytlt Mayts aymda yaptlacak etkinlik temasmm "Hayat i~in aja~lar" (Trees for life) oldugu bildirilmektedir. ENO, 10. y1l kutlamalan creryevesinde fidan dikme konusunda ktiresel olcrekte ozel bir acytlgmt ve "Treelympics" b~hg1 altlndaki yart~maya bireysel, okul ve illke olarak katlbm saglanabilecegini belirterek yar1~manm 4 ana kategoride gercrekle~ecegini duyurmaktadtr. yan~ma Buna gore, yan~a kategorileri; 1- En fazla saytda fidan diken 6-12 y~ arast ~ocuklar, 2- En fazla say1da fidan diken okullar, 3- En fazla saytda fidan diken 13-18 yaf aras1 ~ocuklar ve gen~ler 4- Ulkeler: a) Katdan okul yiizdesi en yiiksek olan iilke, b) En fazla say.da :fidan diken Ulke, C5u t~vrakm 5070 Sayllt Kanun c) KatJhmc1 say1s1 en fazla olan iilke. gl:lregmce E-imza ile imulandrgt tasdik olunur. 22::.lot.(2o1.4.. ~eklinde belirlenmi~r. Not: 5070 sayll1 elekrronik imza kanunu geregi bu beige elektronik im7ll ile ' ""' imzalanmt~tt~ Evrak Dogru!ama Kodu: PFVXAOVFHAQHPEQGCUBC Evrak Takip Adrcsi: http. ·ebys.ogm.gov.tr/dogrula TC. Onnan ve Su 1§leri Ba.kanhgt SO~toztl Cad. No : 4/E Kat: 21/B 06560 SOgtitozti/ANKARA AynntJh bilgi ivin: ~.KEMALOOLU T.C. ORMAN ve SU i$LERi BAK.ANLI<ii Orman Gene! Miidiirliigu Agaylandtrma Dairesi B.anh~ Yan~mamn, 20 Mart - 24 Ekim 2014 tarihleri arasmda dikilen fidanlar1 kapsayacagm1, yar1~ma sonucunun 20 Kastm 2014 de aytklanacagmt ve yan~aya katilan tiim katthmctlara sertifika, her bir kategoride olmak iizere kazananlara da, daha sonra belirlenecek 5diillerini alabilmeleri i9in Finlandiya'ya uyak bileti verilecegi bildirilmektedir. Orman Genel Miidiirliigiimiizce, Bakanbgmtz ile yiiriittiigiimiiz agaylandirma i~birligi protokolleri kapsammda, pek 90k okulda vocuklar, gen9ler, egitimciler ve velilerin de kattbmty]a fidan dikme l)!ah~alan yaptlmaktadu. Bu kapsamda, 2013 ythnda iilkemiz genelinde 6.005 okulda 10.432 dekar alan aga~landtrdarak, 760.851 adet fidan toprakla bulu,turulmu,tur. Bu nedenle yan~aya katthm saglanmasmm, iilkemizin bu alandaki faaliyetlerinin tantttmma katkt saglayacagt gibi yocuklanmtzm da yar1~mada iddiah olabilmek i9in daha 90k fidan dikmeleri konusunda te~vik edici olacag1 d~iiniilmektedir. Orman Genel Miidurliigii tarafmdan, iilkemizden sozkonusu yart~maya katihm saglayacak olan okullara, iicretsiz fidan temini, her tiirlii teknik bilgi ile yan~a ~larmm elverdigi 5lviide teknik yardtm destegi saglanacaktlr. Yan~ma ile ilgili diger detaylara http://treelympics.enoprogramme.org adresinden ula:;ulabilecek olup, yart~mamn Bakanhgtruzm ilgili birimlerine ve okullara duyurulmas1 ile katthm saglayacak olan okullarm bulunduklan yerdeki orman bolge miidiirliikleri veya orman i~letme miidiirliiklerimiz ile temasa geymelerinin saglanmas1 hususunda; Bilgilerinizi ve geregini arz ederim. ibrahim <;iFrc;i Bakana. Muste~ar Yardimctst Ek ENO Programt ( 4 Sh.) Dag1t1m: Geregi: Bilgi: -Milli Egitim Bakanhgt (Meb)e -Egitim Ve Dt~ tli~kiler Dairesi Ba§kanhgma -27 Orman B5lge Miidtirlugune Not: 5070 saytl! e!ektronik imza kanunu gere&i bu beige e!ektronik imza ile imzalanmJ$tlr. Evrak DoANJama Kodu : PFVXADVFHAQHPEQOCUBC llvralc Takip Adresi: http~'!ebys.ogm.gov.tr/dogrula TC. ~an ve Su t~leri Bakanbg. &s~t6zU Cad. No : 4/E Kat : 21/B 06560 S<lAfitozQ/ANKARA Aynnuh bilgi i~in: $.KEMALOGLU T.C. MiLLI EGiTiM BAKANLIGI Ozel Ogretim Kurumlar1 Genel Mudurlfigu Say1 : 35235946/405.0111805454 Konu: Dlinya Okullar Aras1 Fidan Dilone Yan~mas1 07/05/2014 YENiLiK VE EGiTiM TEKNOLOJiLERi GENEL MUDURLUGUNE ilgi: a) Orman ve Su i~leri Bakanhgt'mn hila tarih ve 536472 say1h yaztsl, b)Yenilik ve Egitim Teknolojileri Genel Mudfulugu'niin 07/03/2012 tarihli ve B.08.0.YET. say1h Genelge. Finlandiya'da bulunuan Online <;evre (ENO) isimli kurulu~tan alman davet mektubunda, kurulu~lannca 2014 yllmda kfuesel Ol9ekte okullar arasmda fidan dikme yart~mast duzenleme istegine ili~kin ilgi (a) yaz1 ve ekleri incelenmi~tir. Diinya Okullar Aras1 Fidan Dikme Yan~mas1 GeneI Mudfulugumfizce uygun gorillmekte olup, ilgi (b) Genelge 9er9evesinde GeneI MudfulUgiinfizce degerlendirilmek fizere ilgi (a) yaz1 ve ekleri ekte gonderilmi~tir. Bilgilerinizi ve geregini arz ederim. YusufOKUMU~ Daire B~kan1 V. EK:ilgi yaz1 ve ekleri Bu beige, 5070 sayJ11 Elektronik imza Kanununun 5 inci maddesi geregince gUvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanml~tlr An in<. itiatoo to ENO Tree Planting Day and Trcel.mpics 2014 /Schools httpsJ!rnaiLorrnansu.gour owat?ac""lfcm&t lPMN\ltc&id Rw~ An invitiaton to ENO Tree Planting Day and Treelympics 2014 /Schools [email protected], ENO Programme [[email protected]] ad1na GOnderildi:07 SUbat 2014 Cuma 10:18 Kime: [email protected] Elder: PORTUGUESE_ENO_TREEPtANTIN... Lpdf(109 KB); Spanish_ENO TREI:PIANTING_D..,1.pdf(114 KB); Welcome_to_Celebrate_ENO_T.... Lpdf {167 KBJ Dear Ministry of Environment. could you be so kind and forward this information to schools and networks in your country'.' [,1"1 v.:arm regards. ENO Programme Association Finland 0 7 ---------------·------------------·---------------·-··---------------·----·---------------------------!~---~~--~-----·-· /' ; AN JNVITAllON TO ENO TREE PLANTING DAY 22 MAY 2014 Environment Online- EKO is a global virtual school and network lor sustainable development. Sine.: the launch in 2000. over 10 0000 schools in 157 countries have joined ENO and made concrete deeds for the environment like planted trees. Two annual ENO tree planting days .take place on r·~ days. 2! May for biodiversity and 21 September for peace ENO made a strong commitment in Rio+20 Summit about planting 100 million trees by 2017. This was highlighted also in the summary of commitments by Rio Secretariat. The first ENO Tree Planting Day was arranged 2I September 200·t I.ast September schools celebrated lOth ENO Tree Planting Day for peace. We are now celebrating 10 years oftree planting in 2014. Our theme for 22 May 2014 is ffTrees for life". Trees play a \ital role in rural and urban populations. fhey arc needed to enrich and anchor soil. to maximite water supplies. to beautiJ)r and humanise townships and urban areas and to proYidc shade and shelter. 'I hey arc also crucial tor biodiversity conscrvatit::tn. Products and St'rvice~ fi'Om trees include food. timber. fibre. medicines and energy. The impact of planting trees is mw of the "ays of of[,etting t)Ur carbon emissions. lo celebrate l 0 years or tree planting. \\ c organise special "Treelympies". o contest f()f tree planting on individual. school and country leveL For Treelympics, we count all the trees plant~·d trom 20 March to 24 October 2014. We hope to ::.ec many schools to lake part from your country. ENO TRF~J!:LYMPICS 2014 - TREJ~ PLANTIN<; CONTEST FOR SCHOOLS ENO Treelympics is a trt!e planting contest for schools. induding statT and p.m:nts. I .ocal communities are welcome to assist schools but the actual planting has to be by schools only. With schools we mean from kindergardcn Lo senior high schools. students from 6 yrs to 18 yrs. ENO Treetympics is a locai event. 1rccs are rlanted locally and infunnatinn of them will he put online. Therefore it is the most environmentally frkndly olymric games in the world. With us:-<istanc~o.' of local communities. schools are .u>ked to find areas that arc big enough . .suitable fi1r tree planting and safe. Trees have to be planted within contcl;t schedule. It will start ::!0 March ::!0 14 (International Day of l Iappiness) and will lin ish 24 October :w 14 ( t 'N Day t Results will be announced ::W Nov 2014 ({!niversal Children's DayJ. INSTRUCTIONS I. Register your school online to ENO Treelympics on e\·ent website. Teachers or principals can make the registration. also for student categories. 2. Organise your tree planting event/s between 20 \1arch - 2.4 October 2014. Get local communith:!i and sponsors 3. Plant trees. species of local origin~ Note: only school members are eligible to plant (students. teachers. staff and parents) : ~uc al communiti.cs arc we lcnmf' tn a?c'tist wi!.~ seedlit.1t;.s. p!antin~ area~ and preparatory work: 4. Submit the information of planters and trees planted {locution. numbt>r. species} with using an online application. For the proof we need 2-3 photos of trees planted. Note: the overall results of ENO Tr~!elympics are based only on the data submitted online. lf schools have connecitivity problems they are asked to get as.;;islancc from local school authorities. CATEGORIES Children 6 -12 yrs biggest number of trees planted Schools biggest number of trees planted Children & youth 13~ 18 ~·rs biggest number of trees planted Countries biggest percentage of schools as participants biggest number of trees planted biggest number of participants CERTIFICATES & A\V.<\RI>S All the participants will receive certificates . Winner or rcprescntati\·e in each category are gi·ren flight tickets to f<'inland to receive their award! Other awards will be available .ts well! Welcome to join on c\·ent website http://treelvmpics.cnoprogramme.org Find more infom1ati<m about by email int~1)1 :;D<morgr~nlmc:,._N£. Find infornution attached as pdf tile in ENGLISH, SPANISH AND PORTUGtiJ•:SE kind regards. Mika Vanhanen founder. CEO Environment Online - ENO Siltakatu 12 B I4 8()1 00 Joensuu Finland l\'"'t f)"\ "'\HI f t- I~\ Environment Online- ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Since the launch in 2000, over 10 0000 schools tn 157 countries have loined ENO and made concrete deeds for the environment like planted trees. Two annual ENO tree planting days take place on UN days, 22 May for biodiversity and 21 September for peace. ENO made a strong commitment in Rio+20 Summit about planting 100 million trees by 2017. This was highlighted also in the summary of commitments by Rio Secretariat. The first ENO Tree Planting Day was arranged 21 September 2004. Last September schools celebrated lOth ENO Tree Planting Day for peace. We are now celebrating 10 years of tree planting in 2014. Our theme for 22 May 2014 is ''Trees for life". Trees play a vital role in rural and urban populations. They are needed to enrich and anchor soil, to maximize water supplies, to beautify and humanise townships and urban areas and to provide shade and shelter, They are also crucial for biodiversity conservatron. Products and services from trees include food, timber, fibre, medicines and energy. The impaa of planting trees is one of the ways of offsetting our carbon emissions. To celebrate 10 years of tree planting, we organise special "Treelympics"~ a contest for tree planting on individual, school and country level. For Treelympics, we count all the trees planted from 20 March to 24 October 2014, We hope to see many schools to take part from your country. Find more information about Treelympics 2014 and ENO Tree Planting Day by email [email protected] and on the event website http:fltreeday.enogrogramme.org kind regards, Mlka Vanhanen founder, CEO Environment Online - ENO Siltakatu 12 B 14 80100 Joensuu Finland WTreelvmpics Treeplanting 2014~NO contest for schools ENO Treelymplcs is a tree planting contest for schools, including staff and parents. local communities are welcome to assist schools but the actual planting has to be by schools only. With schools we mean from kindergarden to senior high schools, students from 6 yrs to 18 yrs. ENO Treelympics is a local evertt Trees are planted locally and information of them will be put online. Therefore it is the most environmentally friendly olympic games in the world. With assistance of local communities, schools are asked to find areas that are big enough, suitable for tree planting and safe. Trees have to be planted within contest schedule. It wUf start 20 March 2014 (international Day of Happiness) and will finish Z4 October 2014 (UN Day). Results will be announced 20 Nov 2014 (Univer~al Children's Day). INSTRUCTIONS 1. Register your school online to ENO Tree!ymplcs on event website. Teachers or principals can make the registration, also for student categories. 2. Organise your tree plantlng event/s between 20 March • 24 October 2014. Get local communities and sponsors 3. Plant trees, species of local origin· Note: only school members are eligible to plant {students, teachers, staff and parents) . Local communities are welcome to assist with seedlings, planting areas and preparatory work. 4. Submit the information of planters and trees planted (location, number, species) with using an online application. For the proof we need 2-3 photos of trees planted. Note: the overall results of ENO Treelympics are based only on the data submitted online. If schools have connecitivity problems they are asked to get assistance from local school authorities. CATEGORIES Children 6 ·12 vrs Schools biggest number of trees planted biggest number of trees planted Children & youth 13-18 yrs biggest number of trees planted Countries biggest percentage of schools as participants biggest number of trees planted biggest number of participants CERTifiCATES & AWARDS All the participants will receive certificates , Winner or representative in each category are given flight tickets to Finland to receive their award! Other awards will be available as well! Welcome to join on event website http://treefymptcs.enogrogramme.org
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