13 th EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS Program EUROPEAN UNION TRANSPORT: DEMAND MEETING SUPPLY Sponsors CONGRESS EPTS 2015 President of the Republic of Croatia European Platform of Transport Sciences HZDP Croatian Scientific Society for Transport European Platform of Transport Sciences April 22-24, 2015 ZAGREB, CROATIA 13 th EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS Croatian Scientific Society for Transport expresses its thanks for the assistance and cooperation in organisation of the Congress to the Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatian Chamber of Economy, and Croatian Academy of Engineering. HZDP http://www.hzdp.hr Hrvatsko znanstveno društvo za promet Siget, P.P. 60, 10020 Zagreb, Novi Zagreb Phone/fax + 385(0)1 611 6101 Mobile + 385(0)91 200 4260 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HZDP CROATIAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY FOR TRANSPORT 13 th European Transport Congress EUROPEAN UNION TRANSPORT: DEMAND MEETING SUPPLY Sponsors President of the Republic of Croatia European Platform of Transport Sciences European Association of Societies for Transport Sciences April 22-24, 2015 Zagreb, Croatia 2 Congress committees EPTS COMMITTEE Prof. DDr. Sc. Franko Rotim Croatian Scientific Society for Transport, Zagreb Members of the EPTS Board Presidents of the national scientific societies for transport Prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Svitek, Chairman of the EPTS Board Czech Technical University in Prague Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Belz, Secretary General of the EPTS econex verkehrsconsult gmbh, Wuppertal Alexander Ktenas, Representative of the Young Forum Europe Young Forum Europe (YFE) Prof. Dr. Sc. Vesna Cerovac Department for Transport, Croatian Academy of Engineering Prof. Dr. Sc. Ivan Miloš Center for Transport Engineering, Croatian Academy of Engineering Academician Prof. Dr. Sc. František Palik Scientific Society for High-Speed Railways, Prague Academician Prof. Dr. Mario Plenković President of the International Federation of Communication Associations PROGRAM AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Prof. dr. Marija Bogataj (Slovenia), prof. dr. Mustafa Mehanović (Federation B&H), prof. dr. Kristi M. Bombol (Macedonia), prof. ddr. Hubert Bronk (Poland), prof. dr. Vesna Cerovac (Croatia), prof. dr. Božo Čorić (Federation B&H), prof. ddr. Elzbieta Marciszewska (Poland), prof. dr. Miljenko Ferić (Croatia), em. prof. ddr. e. h. Gerhard Heimerl (Germany), prof. dr. Heiner Hautau (Germany), prof. dr. Pavao Komadina (Croatia), prof dr. Martin Lipičnik (Slovenia), prof. dr. Ante Mišković (Federation B&H), prof. dr. František Palik (Czech Republic), prof. dr. Mario Plenković (Croatia), prof. dr. Silvestar Perše (Croatia), prof. ddr. Franko Rotim - president (Croatia), prof. dr. Vojo Višekruna (Federation B&H), prof. ddr. Elzbieta Zaloga (Poland), prof. dr. Ratko Zelenika (Croatia). ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE Sinan Alispahić, Krunoslav Antoliš, Vaska Atanasova, Ivica Baković, Hrvoje Baričević, Sebastian Belz, Mato Benakić, Miljenko Bošnjak, Dragan Čišić, Ivan Ćuže, Verica Dančevska, Željko Devčić, Čedomir Dundović, Ante Goleš, Franjo Golubić, Vitomir Grbavac, Nenad Grgas, Marijan Grmovšek, Zdravko Happ, Emil Hnatko, Dinko Kardum, Nikola Krstanovski, Radoslav Krtalić, Mirsad Kulović, Osman Lindov, Božo Markić, Branko Maković, Franjo Mihoci, Miroslav Mikula, Ivan Miloš, Darko Mlinarić, Edna Mrnjavac, Velimir Ostoić, Igor Pejić, Zdravko Peran, Silvestar Perše (president), Tomislav Petrinović, Tomislav Petrović, Dino Posavec, Veselin Protega, Nedjeljko Prskalo, Drago Pupavac, Drago Sever, Dragan Soldo, Mario Soldo, Žarko Šantić, Mirko Tatalović, Ivan Turk, Vinko Ugrina, Milan Utović, Katja Vojvodić, Darko Vukadinović, Damir Zec, Tomislav Župić. HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 3 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF THE CONGRESS The Congress uses Croatian and English as its official languages. It is possible to use the services of simultaneous translation by borrowing headphones. On borrowing the headphones one will receive a card, which will be erased when the headphones are returned. REGISTRATIONS OF PARTICIPANTS Send your registration form to the following address (or by e-mail to [email protected]): HRVATSKO ZNANSTVENO DRUŠTVO ZA PROMET Siget P.P. 60 10020 ZAGREB, NOVI ZAGREB CROATIA Phone/fax + 385 (0)1 611 6101 Phone + 385 (0)91 200 4260 Registered participants will receive Congress’ materials and final printed program in the time of registration to the Secretariat. Registration fee amounts 185.- EUR per participant (fee for EPTS students amounts 60.- EUR), and should be paid in the time of sending registration form, to the foreign currency account SWIFT: ZABAHR2X IBAN: HR3223600001101527526 with Zagrebačka banka, or it is to be paid in cash upon the registration to the Secretariat. USEFUL INFORMATION Congress starts at April 22, 2015 (Wednesday), at 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m, by EPTS Board meeting in the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Zagreb, Vukovarska st. 269a, followed by welcome dinner. For the participants the Secretariat will work at 23 April (Thursday) from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and at 24 April (Friday) from 8:30 a.m. at the lobby of Congress Hall of Chromos Tower (Vukovarsk 271). Casablanca Restaurant offers a variety of convenient foods and beverages. Starting from 8:00 p.m. at 23 April (Thursday) the common dinner for all participants will be held at Restaurant Casablanca. On the second day (Friday, 24 April) Congress continues the session at 9:00 a.m. Map showing the location of the Chromos Tower, contained in this Program, should allow you an easier orientation. Chromos Tower parking lots are free, as opposed to parking in the surrounding area. ROOMS RESERVATION At the very participants of the Congress is to secure suitable accommodation. Please consult the Congress 2nd Announcement with information about hotel booking. EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 4 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Day 23.04.2015 Time 8:30 CONGRESS HALL 10:00 Registration of participants 10:00 - 12:00 Congress opening and Working session I Diploma thesis and Doctorial thesis awards Chairmanship (1) V. Cerovac, S. Belz, F. Rotim, I. Baković Presentations R-EP1 • R-EP2 • R-EP3 • R-EP4 • R-EP5 R-EP6 • R-EP7 • R-EP8 • PREZ 12:00 - 13:30 L u n c h b r e a k 13:30 - 15:00 Working session II Chairmanship (2) V. Dančevska, I. Miloš, M. Mehanović Presentations A-01 • A-02 • A-03 • A-04 • A-05 • A-06 • A-07 • A-08 A-09 • A-10 • A-11 • A-12 • A-13 • A-14 • A-15 • A-16 15:00 - 15:30 B r e a k 15:30 - 17:00 Working session III Chairmanship (3) V. Dančevska, I. Miloš, M. Mehanović Presentations A-17 • A-18 • A-19 • A-20 • A-21 • A-22 • A-23 • A-24 B-01 • B-02 • B-03 • B-04 • B-05 • B-06 • B-07 • B-08 17:00 - 18:00 Discussion Moderator's exposition of unpresented articles (S. Perše) 20:00 HZDP Dinner for participants EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 5 CONFERENCE PROGRAM Time Day CONGRESS HALL 24.04.2015 9:00 9.00 - 10:30 10.30 Working session IV Chairmanship (4) E. Hnatko, F. Rotim O. Lindov B-09 • B-10 • B-11 • B-12 • B-13 • B-14 • B-15 • B-16 B-17 • B-18 • B-19 • B-20 • B-21 • B-22 • B-23 • B-24 B-25 • B-26 • B-27 • B-28 • B-29 10:30 - 11:00 D i s c u s s i o n 11:00 - 11:30 Moderator's exposition of unpresented articles (S. Perše) 11:30 - 12:00 Final discussion and Congress closing OTHER CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 23 April (Thursday): 1 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. Zagreb visit by bus for EPTS members (Chromos Tower - tour - Chromos Tower) 24 April (Friday): 2 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 3 Committies for conclusions: 4 Travel to Nikola Tesla memorial home in Smiljan, including the Plitvice Lakes National Park visit and lunch at Plitvice Lakes Group A) A. Dedić, I. Miloš, M. Bošnjak; Group B) E. Hnatko, F. Mihoci, Z. Peran. General assembly of the Croatian Scientific Society for Transport will be held at Friday, 23 April, starting at 18:15 hours, in Congress Hall. EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 6 ARTICLES XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS R-EP1 Awarded diploma thesis R-EP2 Awarded doctorial thesis R-EP3 Prof. Dr. Sc. Sönke Reise Anna Langenbeck, M. Sc. Department of Maritime Studies at Warnemunde, Hochschule Wismar – University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Rostock-Warnemunde, Germany GERMAN SHIPPING COMPANIES' REACTION ON NEW SECA-LIMITS OF 2015 – AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS Njemačke brodarske tvrtke reagiraju na nove SECA rokove 2015 – Empirijska analiza R-EP4 Dr. Sc. Tomasz Kwarciński Faculty of Management and Economics of Services University of Szczecin ASSESSMENT OF THE ACCESSIBILITY OF PASSENGER TRANSPORT IN RURAL AREAS IN POLAND ON THE EXAMPLE OF ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE VOIVODESHIP Procjena dostupnosti prijevoza putnika u ruralnim područjima u Poljskoj i na primjeru Zapadnopomorskog vojvodstva R-EP5 Dr. Sc. Marcin Liberadzki Warsaw School of Economics THE EIB PROJECT BOND CREDIT ENHANCEMENT INITIATIVE TO PROMOTE TRANSPORT INVESTMENTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION EIB Projekt Bond Credit pojašnjenje iniciijativa za promicanje prometne investicije u Europskoj uniji R-EP6 Prof. dr. hab. Maria Trojanek Dr. sc. Radosław Trojanek Economical University in Poznań LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF PURCHASING OF LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS IN POLAND Pravni i financijski aspekti kupnje zemlje za ceste u Poljskoj R-EP7 Mr. sc. Adam Hoszman, Ph.D. cand. Warsaw School of Economics THE ROLE OF ANCILLARY REVENUE IN AIRLINES Uloga pomoćnih prihoda u zračnih prijevoznika R-EP8 Prof. dr. hab. Elżbieta Marciszewska Dr. Izabella Bergel Warsaw School of Economics DISABLED PASSENGERS MOBILITY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLICY Mobilnost putnika s posebnim potrebama u politici održivog razvitka HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 7 Articles PREZ Roland Stadlbauer Thales Austria GmbH, Vienna, Austria SOLUTIONS FOR AUTOMATIC TRAIN CONDITION MONITORING WITH INTEGRATION IN THE OPERATION MANAGEMENT Rješenja za automatsko željezničko praćenje stanja s integracijom u vođenju pogona A-01. Prof. dr. sc. Ivan Miloš Ana Miloš Dubravka Maras FONDOVI EUROPSKE UNIJE U FUNKCIJI RAZVOJA ŽELJEZNIČKE INFRASTRUKTURE Funds of the European Union in Function of Railway Infrastructure Development A-02. Janko Presečki, dipl. ing. Drago Pejić, dipl. ing. Dr. sc. Miljenko Ferić PRIJEVOZ LAKOPOKVARLJIVIH PREHRAMBENIH PROIZVODA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ – PREGLED, PROVJERA, ISPITIVANJE I CERTIFICIRANJE TRANSPORTNE OPREME Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs in the Republic of Croatia – Inspection, Testing and Certification of the Transport Equipment A-03. Prof. dr. sc. Mirsad Kulović BALANCING DEMAND AND SUPPLY OF FREIGHT ROAD TRANSPORT: THE CASE STUDY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Balansiranje potražnje i ponude u cestovnom transportu tereta: Studija slučaja Bosne i Hercegovine A-04. Dr. sc. Ante Dedić Dr. sc. Ratko Zelenika, professor emeritus TRŽIŠNA KOMPETENTNOST HŽ PUTNIČKOG PRIJEVOZA Market Competence of Croatian Railways Passenger Transport A-05. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Blašković Zavada Izv. prof. dr. sc. Dubravka Hozjan Mr. sc. Renato Humić, dipl. ing. UTJECAJ MEĐUNARODNOG OKRUŽENJA NA RAZVOJ ŽELJEZNICE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Impact of the International Environment on the Railway Development in the Republic of Croatia A-06. Igor Pejić, MA Samir Džaferović, MA PRIMJENA EUROPSKOG ZAKONODAVSTVA U PRISTUPU TRŽIŠTU MEĐUNARODNIH PRIJEVOZNIH USLUGA U BOSNI I HERCEGOVINI Legislation in the Access to the Market of International Transport Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 8 Articles A-07. Prof. dr. sc. Fadila Kiso Mr. sc. Mario Bušić Mr. sc. Nermin Zijadić SEETO SVEOBUHVATNA MREŽA – KRITIČKA ANALIZA PRINCIPA I PERSPEKTIVE RAZVOJA SEETO Comprehensive Network – Critical Analysis of Principles and Developing Perspectives A-08. Mr. sc. Nikola Mandić LINIJSKI OBALNI POMORSKI PROMET – HRVATSKI BRODARI NAKON PRISTUPANJA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE EUROPSKOJ UNIJI Coastal Liner Shipping – Croatian Ship´s Operators after the Accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union A-09. Dr. sc. Ante Dedić Dr. sc. Miljenko Bošnjak ANALIZA BILANČNE STRUKTURE KAO PODLOGA ZA USPJEŠNO POSLOVANJE PODUZEĆA Analysis of the Balance Sheet Structure as a Basis of Successful Enterprise A-10. Dr. sc. Jacinta Grbavac Akademik Vitomir Grbavac Ivica Baković, senior lecturer ULOGA POSLOVNIH KOMUNIKACIJA U STRATEŠKOM MENADŽMENTU ORGANIZACIJA The Role of Business Communications in Strategic Management Organization A-11. Doc. dr. sc. Rašid Zuko Admir Henić, ing. RAZVITAK PROMETNOG SUSTAVA SISAČKO–MOSLAVAČKE ŽUPANIJE – PREDUVIJET RAZVOJA GOSPODARSTVA REGIJE, REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE I ŠIRIH DRŽAVNIH ZAJEDNICA Development of the Transportation System of Sisak–Moslavina County as a Precondition for Economic Progress of a Region, Republic of Croatia and the Wider Community A-12. Mr. sc. Ina Pejčev Dr. sc. Valentina Basarić Mr. sc. Jelena Mitrović Simić Dr. sc. Milica Miličić ISTRAŽIVANJE KARAKTERISTIKA PUTOVANJA STUDENATA Research of Students´ Travel Characteristics A-13. Prof. dr. sc. Davor Brčić Dr. sc. Marko Slavulj Dino Šojat, mag. ing. ANALIZA FUNKCIJE AUTOBUSNOG PODSUSTAVA U ODRŽIVOJ URBANOJ MOBILNOSTI Bus Subsystem Analysis in the Scope of Sustainable Urban Mobility HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 9 Articles A-14. Prof. dr. sc. Zoran Bundalo Dr. sc. Ivan Ćuže Dr. sc. Miljenko Bošnjak Mr. sc. Dragan Đorđević PRILOG ISTRAŽIVANJU UTJECAJA KORIŠĆENJA INDUSTRIJSKIH KOLOSIJEKA NA UKUPNE TRANSPORTNE TROŠKOVE Research Contribution in Examining the Influence of Private Sidings on the Total Costs of Transport A-15. Dr. sc. Miljenko Bošnjak Prof. dr. sc. Zoran Bundalo Mr. sc. Tomislav Župić Ante Bošnjak, dipl. ing. ANALIZA EUROPSKIH VELIKOBRZINSKIH ŽELJEZNICA Analysis of European High-Speed Railways A-16. Prof. dr. sc. Mustafa Mehanović OSNOVE METODOLOGIJE IZRADE PLANA RADA VOZAČA U PRIJEVOZU PUTNIKA Methodological Basis of Developing a Driver's Work Plan in Passenger Transport A-17. Mr. sc. Amel Kosovac ULOGA LOGISTIČKIH PERFORMANSI INDIKATORA U RADU POŠTANSKO LOGISTIČKOG CENTRA The Role of Logistics Performance Indicators in Postal Logistics Center A-18. Igor Pejić, MA Prof. dr. sc. Abidin Deljanin Mr. sc. Mirza Berković ZNAČENJE LOGISTIČKIH CENTARA U FUNKCIJI POVEĆANJA KVALITETE USLUGA Importance of Logistics Centers to Increase the Quality of Services A-19. Dr. sc. Ante Dedić Antonija Đurić, univ. spec. oec. Danijela Dedić, mag. oec. POSLOVNO IZVJEŠĆE – NAJVAŽNIJI IZVOR PODATAKA ZA OCJENU USPJEŠNOSTI POSLOVANJA PODUZEĆA (PRIMJER IZRADE) Business Report – The Most Important Data Source of Successful Business Evaluation (An Example of Reporting) A-20. Mr. sc. Pavle Pitka Dr. sc. Milan Simeunović Mr. sc. Nenad Saulić ANALIZA RAVNOMJERNOSTI INTERVALA SLIJEĐENJA U JAVNOM GRADSKOM PRIJEVOZU PUTNIKA Uniformity Headway Analysis of Urban Public Transport EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 10 Articles A-21. Prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Dvorski Suzana Keglević Kozjak, univ. spec. oec. Mr. sc. Tanja Šestanj-Perić KOMPARATIVNA ANALIZA POSLOVANJA HRVATSKIH PODUZEĆA U CESTOVNOM PRIJEVOZU ROBE Comparative Analysis of Croatian Business Companies in Road Freight Transport A-22. Zrinka Lacković Vincek, mag. oec. Prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Dvorski Doc. dr. sc. Vladimir Kovšca UTJECAJ INOZEMNIH IZRAVNIH ULAGANJA NA IZVOZ USLUGA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Croatian Services Exports A-23. Zrinka Lacković Vincek, mag. oec. Prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Dvorski Jurica Sugnetić, mag. inf. INTELIGENTNI TRANSPORTNI SUSTAVI U RAZVOJU CESTOVNOG PRIJEVOZA Intelligent Transport Systems in Development of Road Transport A-24. Prof. dr. sc. Drago Pupovac PROMETNA PONUDA I POTRAŽNJA Transport Supply and Demand B-01. Prof. dr. sc. Abidin Deljanin Prof. dr. sc. Fadila Kiso Mr. sc. Ermin Muharemović CHOICE OF OPTIMAL LOCATION OF LOGISTIC CENTER IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA USING METHODS OF SCORING EVALUATION AND VALUE ANALYSIS Izbor optimalne lokacije logističkog centra u Bosni i Hercegovini s primjenom metoda bodovnog ocjenjivanja i vrijednosne analize B-02. Ph. D. Milica Miličić Ph. D. Predrag Atanasković M. Sc. Tatjana Savković M. Sc. Branko Dejanović UPRAVLJANJE VOZNIM PARKOM FLEETBOARD SUSTAVOM Fleet Management Using the FleetBoard System B-03. Ph. D. Milica Miličić Ph. D. Valentina Basarić Ph. D. Predrag Atanasković M. Sc. Tatjana Savković DYNAFLEET SUSTAV ZA UPRAVLJANJE TRANSPORTOM Dynafleet System for Transportation Management HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 11 Articles B-04. Assoc. Prof. Ljupko Šimunović, Ph. D. Mario Ćosić, Ph. D. Cand. Zoran Kordić, M. Sc. TRAFFIC CALMING AS A CONTRIBUTION TO SAFETY OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS IN URBAN AREA Smirivanje prometa kao doprinos sigurnosti ranjivih cestovnih korisnika u urbanim sredinama B-05. Doc. dr. sc. Tatjana Stanivuk Boris Medić, student Marta Medić, student STATISTIČKI PRIKAZ INSPEKCIJSKIH PREGLEDA SIGURNOSTI PLOVIDBE PRI HRVATSKOM MINISTARSTVU POMORSTVA, PROMETA I INFRASTRUKTURE TIJEKOM PROTEKLIH PET GODINA Statistical Review of Inspections of Safety of Navigation in Croatian Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure During the Past Five Years B-06. Mr. sc. Miroslav Grubišić Prof. dr. sc. Snježana Rezić Dr. sc. Miljenko Bošnjak SMANJIVANJE EMISIJE ISPUŠNIH PLINOVA DIZELSKIH MOTORNIHVOZILA KORIŠTENJEM SCR TEHNOLOGIJE Reducing of the Harmful Emissions Diesel Motor Vehicles Using SCR Technology B-07. Dr. sc. Ivan Ćuže , predavač Prof. dr. sc. Zoran Bundalo Anita Ćuže, student PRILOG ODRŽAVANJU TRAMVAJSKIH VOZILA I NJEGOVOJ EKSTERNALIZACIJI Contribution to Maintenance and Outsourcing of the Tram Vehicles B-08. Dr. sc. Robert Maršanić Danijerl Frka, dipl. ing. Doc. dr. sc. Ljudevit Krpan UTJECAJ DOMICILNOG STANOVNIŠTVA NA PROMET U MIROVANJU U URBANIM SREDINAMA The Impact of the Local Population to the Parking in Urban Areas B-09. Ivan Škiljaica Vladimir Škiljaica PROCEDURE FOR COMPARISON OF SYNCHRONISATION OF WORK OF PROPELLING ENGINES OF SHIPS-PUSHBOATS AND THEIR PROPELLERS Postupak za provjeru usaglašenosti rada pogonskih motora broda potiskivača i njegovih propelera EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 12 Articles B-10. Ivo Aščić, dipl. ing. Dino Posavec, mag. ing. Mario Kelečić, dipl. oec. UTJECAJ POŠTANSKE MARKE NA ZAŠTITU SUDIONIKA U PROMETU The Influence of a Postage Stamp on the Protection of Traffic Users B-11. Prof. dr. sc. Samir Čaušević Dr. sc. Pero Škorput Mr. sc. Ivan Ševo VIŠERAZINSKI INTEGRACIJSKI MODEL ZBRINJAVANJA OPASNOG OTPADA Multilevel Integrity Model of Dangerous Waste Management B-12. Dr. Sc. Ile Cvetanovski Dr. Sc. Verica Dančevska Cvetanka Cvetanovska, Postgrad. studies student PEDESTRIAN SAFETY TREATMENT IN THE CITY OF VELES IN REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Sigurnosni tretman pješaka u gradu Velesu u Republici Makedoniji B-13. Mr. sc. Stjepan Novak Mario Novak Irena Novak POVEĆANJE EFIKASNOSTI SUSTAVA INFORMACIJSKO -KOMUNIKACIJSKIH TEHNOLOGIJA POMOĆU MOBILNIH APLIKACIJA U UPRAVLJANJU PROMETNIM PODUZEĆIMA Increasing the Efficiency of Information and Communication Technology Using Mobile Applications in the Management of Transport Companies B-14. Assoc. Professor Beti Angelovska Full Professor Aleksandar Markoski THE ROLE OF URBAN VEHICLE FLEET TECHNOLOGY IN EXHAUST EMISSION AMOUNT – EXAMPLE OF BITOLA TOWN Uloga tehnologije urbanog voznog parka u količini ispušnih emisija – primjer grada Bitola B-15. Olivera Petrovska Vesna Antoska Knights Stojche Deskovski AUTOMATIC AIRCRAFT LANDING USING GPS-BASED TECHNOLOGY Automatsko slijetanje zrakoplova uporabom tehnologije zasnovane na GPS-u B-16. Dr. Sc. lvo Dukovski Prof. Dr. Sc. Gjorgij Manchevski Mr. Sc. Nikolche Talevski LOGISTICAL APPROACHES TO COMMUNAL WASTE MANAGEMENT - CASE STUDY OF REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Logistički pristupi upravljanju komunalnim otpadom - Slučaj Republike Makedonije HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 13 Articles B-17. Assistant Professor Krunoslav Antoliš, Ph. D. Ivančica Varjačić, crime investigation specialist ANALIZA RAČUNALNOG KRIMINALITETA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ Analysis of Computer Crime in the Republic of Croatia B-18. Dr. sc. Dinko Mikulić Dr. sc. Željko Marušić Marin Mikulić, dipl. ing. USPOREDBA OVLAŠTENIH I NEZAVISNIH SERVISA NA TRŽIŠTU ODRŽAVANJA MOTORNIH VOZILA Comparison of Authorised and Independent Repairers in the Market of Motor Vehicle Servicing B-19. Mr. sc. Želimir Papković STATUS RATNOG BRODA Warship Status B-20. Mr. sc. Luka Grbić BRODOVI ZA PRIJEVOZ KONTEJNERA – TRIPLE –E Container Ships – Triple-E B-21. Doc. dr. sc. Drago Ezgeta Prof.dr. sc. Samir Čaušević Prof. dr. sc. Abidin Deljanin ORGANIZACIJSKI I LEGISLATIVNI OKVIR ZA RAZVOJ INTELIGENTNIH TRANSPORTNIH SUSTAVA The Organizational and Legislative Framework for the Development of Intelligent Transport Systems B-22. Teo Brusić Mr. sc. Ivo Brozović Dr. sc. Marijana Cucalić EMISIJA STAKLENIČKIH PLINOVA IZ PROMETA Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Traffic B-23. Muhamed Barut, dipl. ing. Doc. dr. sc. Fuad Klisura Mr. sc. Dragana Agić Prof. dr. sc. Mirsada Oruč ODREĐIVANJE OPASNIH MJESTA NA DIONICI CESTE VISOKO-SEMIZOVAC Determination of Dangerous Places at the Section the Road Visoko-Semizovac B-24. Mr. sc. Semir Selimović Doc. dr. sc. Fuad Klisura Mr. sc. Dragana Agić Izv. prof.dr. sc. Sabahudin Jašarević KVALITETA RADA STANICA TEHNIČKOG PREGLEDA VOZILA OVISNO O RADNIM AKTIVNOSTIMA VODITELJA Quality of Work of Station for Technical Inspection of Vehicles Depending on Activities of Chief Engineer EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 HZDP 14 Articles B-25. Adnan Alikadić, MA Adem Zolj, MA Igor Pejić, MA Prof. dr. sc. Osman Lindov VIZUALIZACIJA PROMETNO-SIGURNOSNIH PARAMETARA BICIKLISTIČKIH STAZA U GRADSKIM SREDINAMA Visualization of Traffic Safety Parameters of Bicycle Paths in Urban Areas B-26. Adnan Omerhodžić, MA Adnan Tatarević, MA Samir Džaferović, MA Prof. dr. sc. Osman Lindov PROJEKTIRANJE I INOVIRANJE PROMETNE SIGNALIZACIJE I OPREME U NASELJIMA - PROBLEMI I PREPORUKE Design and Innovation of Traffic Signs and Equipment in Settlements - Issues and Recommendations B-27. Mr. sc. Tina Cvahte, Assistant Ph.D. Darja Topolšek, Assist. prof. University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE AND EU PERSPECTIVES ON URBAN CONSOLIDATION CENTRES Znanstvena literatura i EU perspektive gradskih konsolidacijskih centara B-28. Prof. dr. sc. Osman Lindov Adnan Omerhodžić, MA Adnan Tatarević, MA Adnan Alikadić, MA SIGURNOSNI ASPEKT PROJEKTIRANJA I IZGRADNJE AUTOBUSNIH STAJALIŠTA U ULICAMA U NASELJU Safety Aspects of the Design and Construction of Bus Stops in the Street in Settlement B-29. Prof. dr. sc. Mustafa Mehanović Doc. dr. sc. Drago Ezgeta ASPEKTI DEFINIRANJA METODOLOGIJE ISTRAŽIVANJA TRANSPORTNIH TOKOVA ROBE U IPA PODRUČJU Definition Aspects of Goods Transport Flows Methodology Research in the Field of IPA HZDP EPTS: XIII EUROPEAN TRANSPORT CONGRESS, 2015 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF SOCIETIES FOR TRANSPORT SCIENCES PROMETNI SUSTAVI 2012.HZDP EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF SOCIETIES FOR TRANSPORT SCIENCES PROMETNI SUSTAVI 2012. Chromos Tower The side, north entrance Chromos tower The main, south entrance Vukovarska 271 a v elo inz He rska rska va elo inz He a Vukov a Vukov EPTS - European Transport Congress Chromos Tower HZDP Introduction 13 European Transport Congress is held under the title EUROPEAN UNION TRANSPORT: SUPPLY MEETING DEMAND in Zagreb, 22-24 April, 2015 The organizer of the Congress is Croatian Scientific Society for Transport under the sponsorship of the European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS). Several parts Proceedings will have the conclusions of the Congress and will also include articles received in the last moment. CONGRESS GOALS The main goal of Congress is presentation and exchange of scientific, expert and practical cognition of transport and other professionals in the European Union transport and transport system related questions, especially having in mind supply-demand relationships. Recommendations and conclusions of Congress, it is expecting, will be useful in the analisys and rising a quality of European Union transport policy, having in mind planned EU enlargement too. Congress, also, have important function to promote further development of contacts between scientific transport societies, transport professionals and other interested in better transport in European Union and everywhere. CONGRESS THEMES Transport as a factor in the process of integrating the European North and South Transport between the European North and South within the context of the overall European transport system Competition and co-ordination in the market of transport services on the routes linking the European North and South Traffic and its role in the development of economy and tourism F F F F F F F F F F F F Transport systems management Transport systems organization Business management Expert and intelligent systems Sustainable transport Transport and logistics Optimization and simulation methods Maintenance Infrastructure Environment Traffic safety Education To all participants Croatian Scientific Society for Transport wishes pleasant stay in Croatia. http://www.hzdp.hr
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