CL Trauma + CL Revision Hip Prosthesis Proteza kuka Product description a n d SUR G ICA L TEC H NI Q UE Opis proizvoda i kirurška tehnika 0123 Index Sadržaj page/strana 3 Product description Opis proizvoda page/strana 3 CL Trauma CL trauma page/strana 4 CL Revision CL revizija page/strana 4 Advantages Prednosti page/strana 5 Surgical Technique Kirurška tehnika page/strana 5 1. Preparation of the operative field 1. Priprema operacijskog područja page/strana 5 2. Resection of the femoral head 2. Resekcija femralne glave page/strana 5 3. Preparation of the medullary canal 3. Priprema medularnog kanala page/strana 6 4. Cement introduction and stem implant 4. Postavljanje cementa i implantata page/strana 6 5. Trial reduction 5. Probna redukcija page/strana 6 6. Head insertion 6. Umetanje glave page/strana 6 7. Final reduction 7. Konačna redukcija LEONARDO DA VINCI: the Vitruvian Man. Studies of human proportions (1490) LEONDARDO DA VINCI: Vitruvijski čovjek. Studije ljudskih proporcija (1490) Product description Opis proizvoda CL Trauma CL trauma The CL TRAUMA cemented hip pros- CL TRAUMA cementna proteza kuka thesis fills the diaphyseal canal so good ispunjava diafizni kanal na tako dobar that the layer of acrylic cement is made način, da je sloj akrilnog cementa uni- uniform, both antero-posteriorly and forman i antero-posteriorno i latero-me- latero-medially. dialno. The straight shape and an appropriate Ravni oblik i odgovarajuća duljina osigura- length assure a safe implant stability vaju sigurnosnu stabilnost implantanta čak even in cases of bones with insufficient i u slučaju kostiju s premalo trofizama. trophism. Veliki vijenac omogućava puni kontakt s A large collar favours the full contact with kalkarnom regijom the calcar region. Sekcija otpora proteze proizvedena je s The resisting section of the prosthesis has ciljem minimiziranja svih napetosti koje se been conceived with the aim of minimizing vrše na cement. all stresses applied to the cement. CL TRAUMA stem predstavlja CCD kut od The CL TRAUMA stem presents a 135° 135”, na raspolaganju je u tri veličine i rea- CCD angle, is available in three sizes and liziran je s nehrđajućim čelikom AISI 316 L is realized with stainless steel AISI 316 L (ASTN F 1348). (ASTM F 1348). 12/14 konus stema kompatibilan je sa svim The 12/14 taper is compatible with femoralnim glavama jer ima promjer 22.2, all femoral heads having 22.2, 28, 32 28, 32 i 36 mm za totalne implatante ili s and 36 mm diameter fot total implants endo i biartikularnim glavam za aplikacije or with endo and biarticular heads for u traumatologiji. applications in traumatology. Sistem se isporučuje s osnovnim kom- The system is supplied with an essential pletom instrumenata koji su laki za upora- and easy-to-use instrument set, made of bu, napravljeni sa serijom od tri monolitne a series of three monolitic rasps. rašpe. Trial heads for preliminary reductions are Probne glave za preliminarne redukcije na available on request. raspolaganju su na zahtjev. Cemented Stems - Taper 12/14 Cementna tijela – konus 12/24 AISI 316/L 2606.05.010 SMALL MALI 2606.05.015 MEDIUM SREDNJI 2606.05.020 LARGE VELIK Instrument Set Set instrumenata 9026.10.010 SMALL Rasp MALA rašpa 9026.10.015 MEDIUM Rasp SREDNJA rašpa 9026.10.020 LARGE Rasp VELIKA rašpa Product Description Opis proizvoda CL Revision CL Revizija The CL REVISION hip prosthesis is char- CL REVIZIJU proteze kuka karakterizira acterized by a long collared stem and is dugi stem sa ovratnikom i zamišljena je za conceived for cemented revisions. cementne revizije. The stem is available in three sizes Tijelo je na raspolaganju u tri veličine (dulji- (length 185, 205 or 255 mm) to assure a na 185, 205 ili 255mm) good distal fixation. CL REVIZIJA proteze realizirana je u The CL REVISION prosthesis is realized in Ti6AI4V Ti6AI4V Titanium Alloy (ASTM F 136), has Legura titanija (ASTM F 1 36) ima konus 12/14 taper and the CCD angle amounts 12/14 a CCD kut iznosi 135”. to 135°. Cemented Stems - Taper 12/14 Cementno tijelo – konus 12/14 Ti6Al4V 2710.15.045 h. 185 mm h. 185 mm 2710.15.055 h. 205 mm h. 205 mm 2710.15.065 h. 255 mm h. 255 mm Instrument Set n 9026.10.015 SREDNJA rašpa MEDIUM Rasp Advantages Prednosti ◗ Simple and reliable system, used for ◗ jednostavan i pouzdani sistem koji se more than 10 years. može rabiti i 10 godina ◗ Easy-to-use, precise instruments. ◗ precizni instrumenti, laka uporaba ◗ System suitable for a large number of ◗ sistem odgovara velikom broju pato- pathologies. Komplet instrumenata logija. Surgical Technique Kirurška tehnika The CL TRAUMA stem may be implanted CL TRAUMA tijelo može se implantirati through the usual surgical approaches to kroz uobičajene kirurške pristupe zglobu the hip joint. The following pictures refer kuka. Slijedeće slike odnose se na postero- to the postero-lateral approach. lateralni pristup. 1. Preparation of the operative field 1. Priprema operativnog pod ručja The patient is lying in a lateral position. Pacijent leži u lateralnoj poziciji. Postero-lateral incision (Fig. 1). Postero-lateralna incizija (al. 1) After opening the fascia lata and detach- Nakon otvaranja fascie lata i skidanja ing the lateral rotators, the joint cap is cut lateralnih rotatora, reže se čašica zgloba i and the head of the femur dislocated posteriorno dislocira femur. 〔1〕 〔2〕 〔3〕 posteriorly. 〔4〕 2. Resection of the femoral head 2. Resekcija femoralne glave Femoralna glava se uklanja transcervikal- Remove the femoral head by transcervi- nom resekcijom uskladu s onim što je cal resection, according to what planned pre-operativno planirano, pod kutem od pre-operatively, at a 45° angle with the 45” na os femura axis of the femur (Figs. 2-3). 〔5〕 3. Preparation of the medullary canal 3. Priprema medularnog ka nala The dyaphisis is punched by means of Diafiza se probuši pomoću dlijeta koje je na a chisel available in the operating room raspolaganju u OP-sali (sl. 4). (Fig. 4). The preparation of the medullary canal Priprema medularnog kanala započinje sa begins with the solid rasp, starting with solidnim turpijanjem pri čemu se započinje the smallest one and keeping the correct s najmanjom rašpom, uz održanje korektne antiversion (ca. 15°) (Figs. 5-6). antiverzije (oko 15”) (sl. 5-6). 〔6〕 Surgical Technique Op er ační postup 〔7〕 〔8〕 4. Cement introduction and stem implant 4. Uvođenje cementa i tijela imlantata Acrylic cement is filled into the medullary Medularni kanal se puni akrilnim ce- canal (Fig. 7). mentom (sl. 7). By means of an impactor insert the stem Pomoću impaktora se tijelo uvodi u medu- into the medullary canal and gently tap larni kanal i blago ga se udara sve dok nije until prosthesis is fully seated. sjeo u potpunosti 5. Trial reduction 5. Probna redukcija The determination of the head size is Sada je moguće odrediti veličinu glave. now possible. Postavite probnu glavu (28 ili 32mm) preko Fit the trial heads (28 or 32 mm dia.) konusa stema i reducirajte sjedište zgloba over the stem taper and reduce the jpint postavljanjem glave u acetabularnu seating the head into the acetabular cup čašicu koja je implantirana prethodno. previously implanted. Choose the length Izaberite duljinu femoralne glave koju of the femoral head to be used (S, M, L) ćete rabiti (S,M,L) s testiranjem napetosti testing the joint tension (Fig. 8). zgloba (sl. 8). Remove the trial head. Uklonite pokusnu glavu. 6. Head insertion 6. Umetanje glave Verify with care the cvleanness of the Provjerite pažljivo čistoću Morse konusa i Morse tapers and fit the femoral head. montirajte femoralnu glavu. Blagi aksialni A gentle axial tap with a plastic beater udarac plalstičnim čekićem osigurati će ensures the stability of the head-stem stabilnost spoja tijelo-glava (sl. 9). coupling (Fig. 9). 〔9〕 〔10〕 7. Final reduction 7. Konačna redukcija At the end verify the perfect cleanness Na kraju provjerite apsolutnu čistoću of the sliding surfaces and definitively kliznih površina i definitivno reducirajte reduce the joint (Fig. 10). zglob (sl. 10). For further information about our products, Glede daljnjih obavijesti o našim proizvdi- please visit our web site ma molimo vas da pogledate našu web stranicu This documentation has been written by Ovu dokuemtaciju ispostavio je Odsjek za Lima-Lto Sales & Technical Department prodaju i Tehnički odsjek tvrtke Lima-Lto. 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