ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ 17 - 18 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2012 AMATHUS BEACH HOTEL ΛΕΜΕΣΟΣ EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS 17 - 18 MARCH 2012 AMATHUS BEACH HOTEL LIMASSOL ΟΠΤΙΚΟΣ - ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΗΣ: Εξεταστής πρώτου βαθμού OPTICIAN - OPTOMETRIST: The primary eye care provider ΥΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΙΓΙΔΑ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ • CYPRUS OPTICAL ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF (ECOO) THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΥ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ THE BOARD OF THE CYPRUS OPTICAL ASSOCIATION Πρόεδρος / President Makis Eleftheriou Αντιπρόεδρος / Vice- President Giorgos Petsas Γραμματέας / Secretary Giorgos Costaras Ταμίας / Treasurer Andreas Tsangaris Μέλη / Members Irene Kiritsi, Demetris Kitros, Constantina Kyrillou, Harris Kontides, Adolfos Kanettis ΟΡΓΑΝΩΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ / ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Giorgos Petsas, Demetris Kitros, Giorgos Costaras, Makis Eleftheriou ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ / GENERAL INFORMATION Τέλος Εγγραφής / Registration fee: €70 Περιλαμβάνει παρακολούθηση επιστημονικού προγράμματος, καφέ στα διαλείμματα, βεβαίωση συμμετοχής και συμμετοχή στο επίσημο δείπνο του Σ.Ο.Κ. Includes: attendance to all COA presentations, coffees, certificate of attendance, COA gala dinner. Συμμετοχή στο δείπνο για συνοδούς και εκθέτες €50. Accompanying persons and exhibitors for dinner €50. Διανυκτέρευση ξενοδοχείου: Μονόκλινο €89.00, δίκλινο €103.00 το βράδυ, με πρόγευμα. Hotel accommodation: Single €89.00, double €103.00. All above rates are per room per day and include breakfast. Κρατήσεις / Reservations: Tel.: + 357 25832000, Fax: + 357 25832530 [email protected] • www.amathus-hotels.com/limassol Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, Σας καλωσορίζω στο 11ο Παγκύπριο Επιμορφωτικό Συνέδριο του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου, ένα συνέδριο που έχει θεσμοθετηθεί και τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Συμβουλίου Οπτικών Κύπρου. Το ΔΣ του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου, στα πλαίσια των προσπαθειών του για συνεχή επιμόρφωση, έχει θέσει ως στόχο την πλήρη επιμόρφωση των μελών του σε ψηλό επίπεδο ώστε αδιαμφισβήτητα και δικαιωματικά, ο οπτικός-οπτομέτρης της Κύπρου να θεωρείται εξεταστής πρώτου βαθμού. Στην Ευρωπαϊκή οικογένεια του σήμερα ο οπτικός-οπτομέτρης δεν ασχολείται μόνο με την κατασκευή και την προμήθεια γυαλιών οράσεως, αλλά εκπαιδεύεται στην οπτομετρία, στην ανατομία και φυσιολογία του ματιού, στη γενική παθολογία, τους φακούς επαφής κ.ά. Είναι λοιπόν επόμενο με βάση τα πιο πάνω και με τις επιστημονικές γνώσεις που διαθέτει, να είναι σε θέση να διακρίνει πρώτος καταστάσεις ή ενδείξεις που μπορούν να γίνουν επικίνδυνες για την όραση και την υγεία του πελάτη του, να τον πληροφορήσει σωστά και να τον παραπέμψει στον ειδικό. Γίνεται αντιληπτό πως ο κοινωνικός ρόλος του οπτικού-οπτομέτρη αναβαθμίζεται ιδιαίτερα και δίκαια χαρακτηρίζεται εξεταστής πρώτου βαθμού. Με τα πιο πάνω στο μυαλό και με την ελπίδα πως οι ομιλητές μας θα εμπλουτίσουν και ανανεώσουν τις γνώσεις μας, σας εύχομαι καλή επιμόρφωση. ΜΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΥ, Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου Dear Guests and Colleagues, On behalf of the board and the members of the Cyprus Optical Association, I am honored to welcome you to our 11th educational congress. The board of our Association is committed to offer continuously education and training for its members. For this reason it prepares and organizes various activities in the field of optometry and optics, contact lenses and eye care management. Primary eye care is within the scope of practice of the optician in Cyprus. It is officially approved by the Cyprus Optical Council which is the regulatory body of our profession. The role of the Cypriot optician in primary eye care is not only the supply and fitting of optical appliances but the practice of optometry as the main and essential provision of primary eye care. The presence of our distinguished guest speakers promises a very successful and sharing event. It is my pleasure to welcome them all in Limassol. Looking forward to another fruitful meeting, once again I extend to everyone a warm welcome. MAKIS ELEFTHERIOU, President of the Cyprus Optical Association 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΙΕΣ - THANKS 11ο ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΥΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΙΓΙΔΑ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου ευχαριστεί θερμά τους χορηγούς, τους ομιλητές, καθώς επίσης τις πιο κάτω εμπορικές εταιρείες που λαμβάνουν μέρος στην έκθεση οπτικών ειδών υποστηρίζοντας έτσι το Συνέδριό μας. The Board of the Cyprus Optical Association expresses its sincere thanks to the sponsors, the speakers and the following participating companies for their support to our congress. • ALION LENSES CO. LTD • C&C TRADING • D.S. DEMETRIOU ENTERPRISES LTD • DERIGO HELLAS A.E.E • KNOWLEDGE TRAINING & CONSULTING LTD • MAUI JIM • NEA OPTIKI S.A. • OPTOTELIA LTD • OPTIMIZE LTD • POTAMITES MEDICARE LTD • REDEX LTD • THEMISTOCLEOUS STELIOS LTD • THEOFANIDES OPTICAL HOUSE • UNDER SHADE TRADING LTD • UNIFRAME LTD • VARNAVAS HADJIPANAYIS (VHP) LTD ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΝ Κατά τη διάρκεια του συνεδρίου θα λειτουργεί έκθεση οπτικών ειδών. OPTICAL EXHIBITION The Association is hosting its optical exhibition alongside the congress. 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ ΟΜΙΛΗΤΕΣ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ GUEST SPEAKERS r. Theodoros Potamitis, MB, ChB, FRCOpth, Consultant vitreo-retina surgeon, D Pantheon Eye Centre, Cyprus r. Wolfgang Cagnolati, DSc, MSc, FCOptom, FAAΟ, Imm.P.P.ECOO, Vising D Associate Professor, Lecturer elmer Schweizer, Optometrist, CL Specialist, MBA, BBA, Ciba vision, a Novartis H Co., Area Manager Balkans and Head Professional Affairs I DM ichalis Maimaris, Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, MBA,Charter Marketer, M Business Consultant and Trainer at Knowledge Training& Consuling ikolas Papalos, B.Eng.(Hons), MSc, ΜRINA, MSNAME, Operations Manager at N Alion Lenses ans Stetter, Munich University degree in Applied Sciences for optics and H precision engineering, Product Manager, Senior Expert Consulting & Professional Services at Rodenstock Dr. Katerina Papastavrou, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Pantheon Eye Centre, Cyprus Adolfos Kannetis, Optician-Optometrist Aspasia Simillidou Theodosiou, BSc Marketing, MSc, PhD candidate Spyros Konstantakopoulos, BSc(Hons), MCOptm, MHAO FIACLE, FBCLA, BAUSCH+LOMB Vision Care Professional Relations Manager 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS Πρόγραμμα / Programme Σάββατο 17 Μαρτίου /Saturday, March 17 15:00 - 16:30 ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΩΝ-ΚΑΦΕΣ / REGISTRATION-COFFEE 16:30 - 17:00 ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ ΟΜΙΛΙΑ INTRODUCTION Makis Eleftheriou, Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Οπτικών / President of Cy.O.A. ΧΑΙΡΕΤΙΣΜΟΙ ADDRESSES Wolfgang Cagnolati Πρώην Πρόεδρος ECOO / Imm.Past President ECOO Stelios Mylovas, Πρόεδρος ΠΕΟΟ / President of PEOO Andreas Tsangaris, Πρόεδρος Συμβουλίου Οπτικών Κύπρου / President Cyprus Optical Council Zacharias Zachariou, Βουλευτής, Μέλος της επιτροπής Υγείας της Βουλής / Member of Parliament, Health Committee Τitos Christofides, Υφυπουργός παρά τω προέδρω / Under Secretary to the President ΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΩΝ OFFICIAL OPENING 17:00 - 17:25 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΔΩΣΤΕ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΕΣ ΦΑΚΩΝ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΤΗΝ ΟΡΑΣΗ ΠΟΥ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΞΙΖΕΙ / GIVE TO THE CONTACT LENS WEARERS THE VISION THEY DESERVE Spyros Konstantakopoulos 17:25 - 17:50 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΟ ΜΙΑΣ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΜΕΝΗΣ ΕΞΕΤΑΣΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΑΤΙΩΝ / THE CONTENTS OF A FULL EYE EXAMINATION Dr. Wolfgang Cagnolati 17:50 - 18:15 ΔΙΑΛΕΙΜΜΑ - ΚΑΦΕΣ / COFFEE BREAK 18:15 - 18:40 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΕΠΙΤΥΧΗΣ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗ Φ.Ε. / FITTING FOR SUCCESS Helmer Schweizer 18:40 - 19:05 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΟΙ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΕΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΕΣ ΣΕ ΚΑΙΡΟΥΣ ΥΦΕΣΗΣ / BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES IN TIMES OF RECESSION Michalis Maimaris 19:05 - 19:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΒΙΩΣΙΜΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΟΠΤΙΚΟΥ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΥΠΡΟ / ENSURING THE VIABILITY OF THE OPTICAL PROFESSION IN CYPRUS Nikolas Papalos 19:30 21:00 ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΙΔΩΝ / VISITING THE OPTICAL EXHIBITION ΔΕΙΠΝΟ / DINNER, live music, AMATHUS B. HOTEL, Demetra Hall. 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ Κυριακή 18 Μαρτίου / Sunday, March 18 09:30 - 10:00 ΚΑΦΕΣ / COFFEE 10:00 - 10:25 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΠΟΛΥΕΣΤΙΑΚΟΙ ΦΑΚΟΙ ΤΗΣ RODENSTOCK / RODENSTOCK’S PROGRESSIVE LENSES Hans Stetter 10:25 - 10:50 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΣΥΓΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΑΝΟΜΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΑΘΜΙΑΣ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΔΑΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΑΤΙΩΝ ΣΕ ΤΡΕΙΣ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΕΣ ΧΩΡΕΣ / COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DELIVERY OF PRIMARY EYE CARE IN 3 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Dr. Wolfgang Cagnolati 10:50 - 11:15 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΣΚΛΗΡΟΙ ΚΑΙ RGP ΑΚΑΜΠΤΟΙ ΦΑΚΟΙ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ.ΑΡΧΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ ΕΦΑΡΜΟΓΗΣ / RIGID CONTACT LENSES PRINCIPLES OF FITTING Adolfos Kannetis 11:15 - 12:00 ΔΙΑΛΕΙΜΜΑ - ΚΑΦΕΣ / COFFEE BREAK / ΕΠΙΣΚΕΨΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ 12:00 - 12:25 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION TO ΚΟΚΚΙΝΟ ΜΑΤΙ / THE RED EYE Dr. Theodoros Potamitis 12:25 - 12:50 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΠΑΡΑΠΟΝΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΠΕΛΑΤΩΝ / EFFECTIVE COMPLAINT HANDLING TECHNIQUES Aspasia Simillidou Theodosiou 12:50 - 13:15 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ / PRESENTATION 10 ΚΑΝΟΝΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΕΓΚΑΙΡΗ ΔΙΑΓΝΩΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΓΛΑΥΚΩΜΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ ΚΛΙΝΙΚΗ ΠΡΑΞΗ / 10 RULES NOT TO MISS GLAUCOMA IN YOUR DAILY PRACTICE Dr. Katerina Papastavrou 13:15 - 13:30 ΛΗΞΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ - ΑΠΟΝΟΜΗ ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΩΝ CLOSURE - CERTIFICATES OF ATTENDANCE ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ: Γιώργος Κωσταράς COORDINATOR: George Costaras (ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΑΓΓΛΟΦΩΝΕΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΘΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ) (ALL GREEK PRESENTATIONS WILL BE TRANSLATED IN ENGLISH) 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS ΚΛΙΝΙΚΟ ΦΡΟΝΤΙΣΤΗΡΙΟ / PRACTICAL WORKSHOP Άκαμπτοι Φακοί Επαφής - Μέθοδοι Εφαρμογής Rigid Contact Lenses - Principals of Fitting Adolfos kannetis Κυριακή / Sunday, 18/03/12, 11:15 - 11:40 Αίθουσα / Room: Posidon Πρoκρατήσεις στη Γραμματεία Έγκαιρα • Μέγιστος Αριθμός Ατόμων 10 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΟΜΙΛΗΤΩΝ / SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY Dr THEODOROS POTAMITIS MB ChB FRCOpth Date of birth 29th January 1963. Consultant vitreo-retinal surgeon, Pantheo Eye Centre, Cyprus. Former Lecturer in Ophthalmology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, UK. Graduate of Leicester University, UK July 1987. Ophthalmology training University of Birmingham, UK. Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Studies coordinator European Vitreo- retinal society. Founding member of Pantheo Eye Centre at the beginning of 1998. A mixed specialty private ophthalmic clinic, providing services on a contractual basis, to the government of Cyprus. Pantheo consists of ten ophthalmologists, two orthoptists, two optometrists and specialist nursing staff and with supporting secretarial staff. It provides a full range of ophthalmic services. WOLFGANG CAGNOLATI, DSc, MSc, FCOptom, FAAO Dr. Wolfgang Cagnolati received his optometry education in Germany and the USA. He graduated as an optometrist (staatl. gepr. AO) from the HFOF Berlin, now University of Applied Sciences, Department of Ophthalmic Optics/Optometry, Berlin and received his Master of Science in Clinical Optometry degree from Pennsylvania College of Optometry (USA). He has been practising optometry in Germany since 1974, and since 1986 in his own practice in Duisburg, specialising in binocular vision, paediatric optometry and contact lenses. He is a Fellow of the College of Optometrists (UK) and a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (USA). Furthermore is he a visiting associate professor at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences (Beuth Hochschule für Technik) in Berlin. From the beginning Wolfgang Cagnolati was involved in the European Diploma in Optometry from the European Council of Optometry and Optics (ECOO) and served as Chairman of the Board of Examiners and Chairman of the Board of Management for the same organisation (ECOO). Wolfgang Cagnolati was President of the Vereinigung Deutscher Contactlinsenspezialisten (VDC) from 1987-1999. In 2005 he has been awarded the “Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” on behalf of the German president Horst Köhler for services to optometry and to Germany and its citizens and in 2006 an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from Pennsylvania College of Optometry. In 2008 he was awarded the “Léon-Hauck Preis“ des Zentralverband der Augenoptiker (ZVA) for his commitment to the development of Optometry in Germany and abroad. In 2010 he has been awarded the Witello Medal “Pater Optometriae“ by the Department of Optometry and Biology of the Visual System of the University of Medical Science in Poznan (Poland), the Optometrie Preis from the Vereinigung Deutscher Contactlinsenspezialisten und Optometristen (VDCO/Germany) and Fellowship Award from the College of Optometrists (UK). 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS HELMER CARL GERORG SCHWEIZER, Optometrist, CL specialist, MBA, BBA Born in 1957 in Germany, married with 2 children. He is an Optometrist, Contact lens specialist, MBA, BBA Area Manager and Head Professional Services, CIBA VISION IDM (Int. Distributor Markets), based in Embrach, Switzerland. Head of Professional & Marketing Services, Lenses, CIBA VISION Int. Head of Marketing & Sales, CIBA VISION Switzerland. Project Director, Research & Development, CIBA VISION GLOBAL HQ, USA. Contact Lens Specialist in various positions and companies. Optometry education in Munich, Germany. He presented many workshops, posters and continuous education events in various countries among others Abu Dhabi, Australia, Canada, China, Cyprus, France, Greece, Singapore, Portugal and USA. NIKOLAS PAPALOS Nikolas Papalos graduated from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne University in 1995 obtaining a First Class Honors B.Eng. in Naval Architecture. He continued his studies at University College London (UCL) obtaining in 1996 his Master of Science degree sponsored by the British Ministry of Defense. In both degrees emphasis was given in techno-economic analysis. He was employed at Alion Lenses in 2001 as Operations Manager with the task of modernizing the production capabilities to the highest possible standards. He gradually upgraded all company departments to a level equivalent to top European prescription labs and led Alion Lenses successfully to the freeform era and full automation. He follows the European market trends always focusing on improving quality and product availability. ΗANS STETTER Born May 13, 1957 in Munich, Germany. Hans Stetter started his professional career after making his final degree at the University of Applied Sciences for optics and precision engineering in Munich, Germany in 1981. He joined the Rodenstock Company later in 1981 and he made his first steps in optics as a development engineer for ophthalmic lenses. Patents and several important lens products of Rodenstock were results of his work during the period of 1981 to 1987. In 1987 Hans Stetter changed from the development department to the freshly founded Rodenstock marketing department as a product mamager for all Rodenstock brand lenses. In 1991 he won the internationally well accepted innovation price of the German economy “Price for Innovative Product Management” for Rodenstock. The long experience built up in several marketing functions during the years resulted as Senior Expert Consulting & Professional Services in 2011. The main content of his work today is to build up knowledge in all subsidiaries through trainings, workshops, knowledge data base management and developing as project leader new consulting and multimedia programs for eye care professionals. SPYROS KONSTANTAKOPOULOS, BSc ( Hons ), MCOptom, FIACLE Professional relations Manager Bausch + Lomb. 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ Dr KATERINA PAPASTAVROU, Ophthalmic Surgeon Date of birth 3rd December 1975 Ophthalmic Surgeon, Pantheo Eye Centre, Cyprus Graduate of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 2000 Ophthalmology training, Athens Greece Fellowship in Glaucoma, Birmingham UK Member of the Pantheo Eye Centre team since 2007 with main interest in glaucoma. MICHALIS MAIMARIS Michalis has a lengthy and broad background in Strategic Planning, Management and Marketing. His prime interest is in the use of information technology in Marketing (CRM, Digital Marketing, Marketing Metrics – ROI). He is a holder of a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, and an MBA from Henley Management College. Having fulfilled the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (U.K) he became a Full Member and Chartered Marketer. Recently he became a Certified Management Consultant, having passed the exams of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes. He has worked for fifteen years in managerial positions in the Marketing Departments of companies in different sectors, including FMCG, Retailing, International Business and Consulting. During the past ten years he is a business Consultant and Trainer at Knowledge Training & Consulting, the company he had founded. Michalis’ services are unique, offering his clients innovative and applicable ideas for their work place. During the last eight years he has participated in many seminars abroad with Michael Porter, Tom Peters, Stephen Covey, Gary Hamel, Fred Reichheld, and 50 other worldwide known Professors, Authors and Business Thinkers, acquiring in-depth knowledge in the fields of Leadership, Strategic Management, Customer Relationship Management, Social Media Marketing, Sales (KAM), Customer Service and the Future Company. ADOLFOS KANNETIS, Optometrist Adolfos presence in the Optical field starts in 1961 when after studies and training in Germany and the UK he joined the family Optical firm that his Uncle Nicos S. Nicolaides established in the year 1926. Now as President of Nicolaides Optical with his three children Nicolas (Optometrist), Elizabeth (Optometrist) and Louise (Optician) manage both the Wholesale as well as the Optical Outlets of the company. His involvement in various activities over the years are: Past President of The Cyprus Optical Association, Past President of the Cyprus Optical Council, Founder Member of the British Contact Lens Association(BCLA), Past Member of the ECOO Professional Services Committee, Member and Past President (1999/2000) of the Rotary Club of Limassol, Founder Member of the Cyprus and later the Limassol Aero Club, 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS Founder Member of the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society (5B4- CP), Member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Golf Federation. He is in full Optometrical Practice and specializes in difficult contact lens cases. He has lectured and practiced contact lens fitting in the King Hussein Military Hospital in Amman Jordan during 1975 to 1977. He has presented various Optical subjects in Cyprus and Greece as well as Lebanon and Jordan, United Kingdom and USA, His relaxation Hobbies are Golf, Windsurfing, Aero sports, Billiards and Computer Graphics. ASPASIA SIMILLIDOU THEODOSIOU Aspasia combines a strong HR background with the practical experience of working in retail, both as shop floor assistant and store manager in her student days. She is a graduate of King’s College, London, earning her Masters in Human Resource Management & Organisational Analysis. She specialises in customer service processes, effective telephone communication, emotional intelligence, communication skills and culture change processes. To create deep and lasting performance improvements for her participants, Aspasia uses practical aspects of emotional intelligence in her training. She has worked in high-profile projects both in Cyprus and the Middle East, for multi-nationals. She is a guest at conferences, where her lively presentation style has captivated large audiences. Aspasia’s appearances at TV shows give her the chance to share her knowledge with the general public. She also does that through her various publications. In addition, Aspasia is now towards gaining her PhD in Human Resource Management, focussing her research on emotional labor and its relationship to job satisfaction, development, and burnout. She is researching the concept of emotional labor in the Cyprus Banking Industry. 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ 11th EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ / CYPRUS OPTICAL ASSOCIATION Τ.Κ. 33368, Παραλίμνι 5313, Κύπρος, Τηλ. Γραφείου: 00357 23821124, Φαξ: 00357 23730530 PO box. 33368, Paralimni 5313, Cyprus, Tel. Office: 00357 23821124, Fax: 00357 23730530 11o ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ • ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ www.coa.org.cy email: [email protected]
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