10 ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟ ΕΠΙΜΟΡΦΩΤΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ 10 EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS ο ΟΠΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΠΤΟΜΕΤΡΙΑΣ th IN OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS 12-13 ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 2011 • AMATHUS BEACH HOTEL • ΛΕΜΕΣΟΣ 12-13 FEBRUARY 2011 • AMATHUS BEACH HOTEL • LIMASSOL ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ • CYPRUS OPTICAL ASSOCIATION MEMBER OF (ECOO) THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF OPTOMETRY AND OPTICS Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, Είναι με ιδιαίτερη χαρά που σας καλωσορίζω στο 10ο Παγκύπριο Επιμορφωτικό Συνέδριο του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου, ένα συνέδριο που έχει γίνει θεσμός για τον Σύνδεσμο μας. Μέσα στα πλαίσια της συνεχούς επιμόρφωσης και εκπαίδευσης το ΔΣ του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου αποφάσισε την διοργάνωση του 10ου επιμορφωτικού συνεδρίου οπτικής και οπτομετρίας, έτσι ώστε να δοθεί η ευκαιρία σε όλους να εμπλουτίσουν τις γνώσεις τους, να συμμεριστούν και να εκφράσουν απόψεις στον οπτικό και επαγγελματικό τομέα . Η παρουσία διακεκριμένων και παγκόσμιας εμβέλειας ομιλητών στο τομέα της οπτικής, οπτομετρίας και οφθαλμολογίας, μας προσφέρει μια μοναδική ευκαιρία επιμόρφωσης που θα συμβάλλει με το δικό της τρόπο στην καθημερινή εργασία του Κύπριου επαγγελματία οπτικού. Θα ήθελα να τους καλωσορίσω στη Λεμεσό και να τους ευχαριστήσω έκ των προτέρων, για την παρουσία τους σ’αυτό το ιστορικό γεγονός του συνδέσμου μας. Με την ελπίδα πως όλοι θα επωφεληθούμε από τις γνώσεις και εμπειρίες των Ομιλητών μας, σας εύχομαι καλή επιμόρφωση. ΜΑΚΗΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΥ Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου Distinguished Guests, Dear Colleagues, It brings me great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th educational congress of the Cyprus Optical Association that is taking place at the Amathus Beach Hotel in Limassol. The Board and the members of the Cyprus Optical Association are committed to the advancement in science and take true pride in organizing such well researched and prepared event. The presence of our prestigious speaking guests in the field of optometry, optics and eye care management gives us the chance to refresh our memories and educate ourselves. I am sure we will all learn from their wide experience and benefit from this unique opportunity and gathering. It is my pleasure to welcome them all here in Limassol. I am very appreciative for the time that every one of you took to be here, in this very important day in the history of our Association. I am looking forward to a very successful learning and sharing event and once again I wish you all a warm welcome. MAKIS ELEFTHERIOU President of the Cyprus Optical Association ΔΙΑΚΕΚΡΙΜΕΝΟΙ ΟΜΙΛΗΤΕΣ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ DISTINGUISHED GUEST SPEAKERS • Armin P. Duddek, Optometrist, dipl. Augenoptiker SBAO President ECOO • Dr George Papamichael, MD PhD Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon • Jonathan Walker, BSc FCOptm FAAO DipCLP Global Professional Services CooperVision • Dr Byki Huntjens, PhD, MSc, MCOptm Lecturer in Optometry and visual science. City University London • Spyros Konstantakopoulos, BSc (Hons) MCOptom FIACLE Professional relations Manager Bausch + Lomb • Alexandra Iatrides, Ophthalmic Optician, CL Fitter Representative for Greece & Cyprus Maui Jim Sunglasses • Dr Christos Constantinou, MD Ophthalmologist, Eye-Surgeon • Maria Theocharidou, MC Optom, BSc (Hons) Optometry, BSc Orthoptics, Practice Manager • Aspasia Simillidou Theodosiou, BSc Marketing, MSc Human resource management and organizing analysis. Programme Director People Achieve • Helmer Schweizer, Optometrist, CL Specialist, MBA, BBA Ciba Vision, a Novartis Co. Area Manager Balkans and Head Professional Affairs I DM • Frank Lautenbach, Dipl.-lng.(FH) Augenoptik/BSc WVAO Produktmanager Brillenglas ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ / PROGRAMME Σάββατο, 12 Φεβρουαρίου / Saturday, February 12 15:00 - 16:30 ΕΓΓΡΑΦΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΩΝ - ΚΑΦΕΣ / REGISTRATION - COFFEE 16:30 - 17:00 ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΗ ΟΜΙΛΙΑ INTRODUCTION Makis Eleftheriou, Πρόεδρος Συνδέσμου Οπτικών / President of the Cyprus Optical Association ΧΑΙΡΕΤΙΣΜΟΙ ADDRESSES Armin Duddek Πρόεδρος ECOO / President of ECOO Stelios Mylovas Πρόεδρος ΠΕΟΟ / President of PEOO Adolfos Kannetis, Πρόεδρος Οπτικού Συμβουλίου Κύπρου / President of the Cyprus Optical Council Υπουργός Υγείας κ. Χρίστος Πατσαλίδης The Minister of Health Mr Christos Patsalides ΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΩΝ OFFICIAL OPENING 17:00 - 17:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION 17:30 - 18:00 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Armin Duddek Η ECOO και το Ευρωπαϊκό δίπλωμα - Εκσυγχρονισμός ECOO and the European Diploma - An Update 18:00 - 18:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Jonathan Walker Η πρόκληση της διόρθωσης της Πρεσβυωπίας The challenge of correcting Presbyopia 18:30 - 19:00 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Byki Huntjens Διαπίστωση διαθλαστικού προβλήματος στο υγειές μάτι, με διαφορετικές κλινικές μεθόδους / Different clinical procedures to identify refractive error in a healthy eye 19:00 - 19:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Spyros Konstantakopoulos Νέο Όραμα στη Φροντίδα Φακών Επαφής Νew Vision in Contact Lens Care 19:30 George Papamichael Φακοθρυψία σε τυπικό καταρράκτη έναντι φακοθρυψίας σε τραυματικό καταρράκτη Phacoemulsification of a typical cataract Vs phacoemulsification of a traumatic Cataract ΕΓΚΑΙΝΙΑ ΕΚΘΕΣΗΣ - ΚΟΚΤΕΙΛ ΠΑΡΤΥ OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION - COCKTAIL PARTY ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ / PROGRAMME Κυριακή, 13 Φεβρουαρίου / Sunday, February 13 09:30 - 10:00 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Alexandra D. Iatrides Polarized Plus 2 Technology and Maui Passport Digital RX Tech 10:00 - 10:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Christos Constantinou Γλαύκωμα, Ο Ύπουλος Ληστής της Όρασης Glaucoma, the devious robber of Vision 10:30 - 11:00 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Maria Theocharidou Όραση και η αποκατάστασή της Vision Stimulation and Rehabilitation 11:00 - 11:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΙΜΜΑ - ΚΑΦΕΣ / COFFEE BREAK 11:30 - 11:45 ΑΠΟΝΟΜΗ ΤΙΜΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΙΩΝ ΠΡΩΗΝ ΠΡΟΕΔΡΩΝ AWARDS TO ΤΗΕ ΕΧ-PRESIDENTS Andreas Savoullis Antonis Theophanides Costakis Pilides Simon Gavrielides Dinos Mappourides 11:45 - 12:15 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Aspasia Simillidou Theodosiou Επαγγελματική προσέγγιση πελατών με σκοπό την πώληση / Approaching clients professionally with the aim of selling 12:15 - 12:45 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Frank Lautenbach Φακοί SEIKO Freeform μοναδική και απαραίτητοι για κάθε οπτικό κατάστημα / The uniqueness of SEIKO freeform lenses makes them a must 12:45 - 13:30 ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ PRESENTATION Helmer Schweizer Selling the best possible product and professional care - how to talk about and charge for them 13:30 - 14:00 ΛΗΞΗ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ - ΑΠΟΝΟΜΗ ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΩΝ CLOSURE - CERTIFICATE AWARDS 14:00 ΓΕΥΜΑ / LUNCH ΣΥΝΤΟΝΙΣΤΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΥ: Γιώργος Κωσταράς / COORDINATOR: George Costaras (ΟΛΕΣ ΟΙ ΑΓΓΛΟΦΩΝΕΣ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΘΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΖΟΝΤΑΙ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ) ( ALL ENGLISH PRESENTATIONS WILL BE TRANSLATED IN GREEK ) ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΟΜΙΛΗΤΩΝ / SPEAKERS BIOGRAPHY Armin P. Duddek, Optometrist, Dipl. Augenoptiker SBAO Born in1966 in Berlin/ Germany. Married, father of 2 daughters. Graduate of Higher professional school for ophthalmic opticians in Olten, Switzerland in1993. Since 1997 Optometrist, Contact Lens Specialist. Director and owner of Prolens AG. Clinical investigator for Prolens AG, Switzerland. Pargon Vision sciences, USA. In 2008 Vice President of ECOO, President Elect. In 2010 President of ECOO. Member of many professional associations in Germany and Switzerland. Publishes many articles as author or co-author regarding contact lenses and vision. Lectures, workshops and seminars at optometry meetings George Papamichael, MD, PhD, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon Born in 1956 in Paphos, Cyprus. After graduating from the A΄ Gymnasium of Paphos in 1974, He served for 2 years in the infantry οf Cyprus National Guard as a 2nd Lieutenant. In September 1977, he began his medical studies at University of Leipzig in Germany. Graduated in 1982 with an MD, cum laude, and αfter completing one year of pre-reg. training he was accepted for Specialist training in Ophthalmology in the Charite Hospital of Humboldt University in Berlin. In 1987 he successfully completed the Specialist course and in 1988 he received his Ph.D. on Intraocular Lenses, with magna cum laude honors. Since 1998 he has been practicing Ophthalmology in Nicosia, Cyprus Specializing in cataract surgery, Eximer laser surgery and Argon laser Treatments. In addition he leads a clinic for clinical retina, which ιncludes OCT-and fluorescein Angiology examinations as well as Treatments for SNV . Jonathan Walker, BSc FCOptom FAAO DipCLP Graduated from the University of Aston in Birmingham with a BSc. In Ophthalmic Optics in1975. He owns a private practice in Walsall. In 1984 he passed the DipCLP by the College of Optometrists and is also a foundation fellow of the College. He has been a College examiner for PQE exams from 1994-2005. 1989-1991 worked one day a week in Professional Service for Bausch Lomb. 1991 he joined Polymer Technologyfor 14 months. 1992 he became a part-time lecturer at the University of Aston and was Working in the CL clinic. He is also secretary of the Local Optical Committee in Walsall. In 1995 the role of Scientific Programme Officer to the BCLA was created for him,and along with the BCLA secretariat, is responsible for the programme of the prestigious BCLA conference. In 2008 he was awarded Honorary Life Membership to the Association. He served as a consultant to the following Advisory panels, Bausch& Lomb, Cooper Vision, Johnson&Johnson, and Ciba Vision΄s Academy Of eyecare excellence and Visioncare Research. His current position is Clinical Consultant to Global Professional Services at CooperVision but still works in his practice 1-2 days a Week. Dr Byki Huntjens, PhD, MSc, MCOptom, Lecturer City University London In 2008, Byki finished her PhD called “Acute anterior ocular Changes in Diabetes Mellitus” at the University of Manchester, where she also completed her Masters degree in 2003. She is a qualified optometrist for 9 years and she graduated from the Hog school van Utrecht (The Netherlands). She currently works as a lecturer at City University, showing a research interest in the effect of supplementation on macular Pigment and retinal thickness, and changes in dynamic aberrations in Diabetes Mellitus. Spyros Konstantakopoulos, BSc (Hons), MCOptom, FIACLE Professional relations Manager, Hellas / Cyprus / Balkans, Bausch + Lomb.He is an optometrist, Contact Lens Fitter. Alexandra D. Iatridou Ophthalmic Optician, CL Fitter Ophthalmic Optician / CL fitter, with studies in Pre- Medicine and Public Health. Certified Optician, American Board of Opticianry. Fellow of the National Academy of Opticianry, USA. Licensed Optician, Ministry of Health, Greece. Over 25 years in the Ophthalmic field: Owner/Managing Optician- Contact Lens Fitter. Importer/Distributor οf ophthalmic products for Greece and Cyprus. Marketing Director/Scientific & Techical Adviser Hoya Lens Corp/Optoyia, Athens, Greece. Presently working for Maui Jim Polarized Plus2 Sunglasses and Free Form (digital) Rx Techology. Christos Constantinou, MD Ophthalmologist, Eye-Surgeon Born in 1954 in Milia / Famagusta. He graduated from B΄ Gymnasium of Famagusta in 1972. After the war in 1974 in Cyprus, he went to Moscow where began his medical studies graduated in 1980 with an MD and he continued with his specialization in Ophthalmology until 1984. Since his return to Cyprus, he has been practicing Ophthalmology in Larnaca as a private Ophthalmologist. Member of the Cyprus Ophthalmological Company, he served as its secretary and in 2005 - 2009 President. He is currently a secretary of the Company. Maria Theocharides, BSc (Hons), MCOptom, BSc Orthoptics Graduated from the City University London with a BSc in Optometry in 1999. She obtained her first BSc degree in Orthoptics from the University of Liverpool in 1996. She is a qualified optometrist / orthoptist for 10years. Between 2000-2010 worked in various eye clinics in the UK and Cyprus. She currently works at Nakis Theocharides Opticals, Nicosia. She shows a special interest in children and visual development, low vision rehabilitation, specific learnig difficulties and neuro-ophthalmology and retina. She published many articles in optometry in national newspapers and magazines. In the last 3 years participated in many symposia and seminars in Rome, New York, London, Antwerp and Limassol. Aspasia Similidou Theodosiou – Program Director of “People Achieve” Aspasia is a program director of the “People Achieve” company, specialized in customer services, corporate culture and communicational techniques. She uses practical methods to teach the people who participate in her seminars how to create a positive and unforgettable customer experience to their clients. She has worked in several trading companies, banks, hotels and logistics. She has served some of the greatest organisations in Cyprus, in Qatar and in Bahrain. She was invited in many conferences and her presentations have always riveted the audience’s attention. Numerous articles written by her were published in magazines, newspapers and the Internet, and she has also been on many television programs to share her experiences and knowledge with the people. She did a Masters Degree in King’s College, London, on “Human Resource Management and Organizational Analysis” and currently she is doing a Doctorate on the subject “Emotional labor: The case of Cyprus Banking Industry” at a British university. Helmer Carl Georg, Schweitzer Optometrist, CL specialist, MBA, ΒΒΑ Born in 1957 in Germany, married with 2 children. He is an Optometrist, Contact lens specialist, MBA, BBA Area Manager and Head Professional Services, CIBA VISION IDM (Int. Distributor Markets ), based in Embrach, Switzerland. Head of Professional & Marketing Services, Lenses, CIBA VISION Int. Head of Marketing & Sales, CIBA VISION Switzerland Project Director, Research& Development,CIBA VISION GLOBAL HQ, USA. Contact Lens Specialist in various positions and companies Optometry education in Munich, Germany. He presented many workshops, posters and continuous education events in various countries among others Abu Dhabi, Australia, Canada, China, Cyprus, France, Greece, Singapore, Portugal and USA. ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΙΕΣ Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Συνδέσμου Οπτικών Κύπρου, ευχαριστεί θερμά τους χορηγούς, καθώς επίσης και τις εταιρείες που λαμβάνουν μέρος στην έκθεση για την υποστήριξη τους στο Συνέδριο. THANKS The Board of the Cyprus Optical Association expresses its sincere thanks to the sponsors and the participating companies for their support to the congress. ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΟΠΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ / CYPRUS OPTICAL ASSOCIATION Τ.Κ. 33368, Παραλίμνι 5313, Κύπρος Τηλ. Γραφείου: 00357 23821124, Φαξ: 00357 23730530 PO box. 33368, Paralimni 5313, Cyprus Tel. Office: 00357 23821124, Fax: 00357 23730530 www.coa.org.cy • email: [email protected]
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