A La Carte (292kB)

All our prices are inclusive of 20% VAT
A discretionary Service Charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill
If you have any known allergies, when ordering your meal, please advise the waiter, so that he can guide your choice
All our products are fresh and subject to availability
Please be aware that we serve special raw dishes like beef carpaccio which cannot be served to under aged children or pregnant ladies
Il Ghiotto [ghiot-to]: the one who likes to eat well (Italian explanatory dictionary)
Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938), one of the most emblematic names in Italian literature, has been appreciated all over the world
for his magical poems and prodigious prose, including two outstanding masterpieces, Terra Vergine and Il Piacere.
What many people don’t know is that our Gabriele D’Annunzio was a great gourmand. He believed that by keeping a healthy and
balanced diet he would enhance his spiritual and mental self so that he would find the inspiration needed for others to enjoy his
work. Nicknamed ‘il ghiotto’ by family and friends we respectfully honor Gabriele with this title for our menu.
Since we have been given the liberty to use ‘terra vergine’ as the name of our restaurant, ‘il ghiotto’ as the name of our menu and
‘il piacere’ as the name of our wine list, we hope you realize that our moral duty towards the one that has been, Gabriele
D’Annunzio, to keep and follow his same ideas about the wonders of food.
Aside from the unique atmosphere, you will experience with us as well the excellence of our service, knowing that all of our dishes
are made following centuries old recipes using the finest organic produce imported from Abruzzo for you and all of our customers
to enjoy.
Palle cac’e ova, “special croquette”, created from cheese out of cow’s milk, hand milked by the Abruzzesi farmers in the heart of the
Appennino mountains, and the true taste behind our best cheeses.
The Arrosticini, Gabriele’s favorite, charcoaled lamb skewers, signature dish of the Abruzzo region and the restaurant, cooked from
the meat of lambs that have been fed and bred on the hills and mountains of Abruzzo, delivered straight to your table, obviously
through the kitchen …, so you can be the judge of the unique flavour.
Having said that, forget about the outside surroundings and let us :
FYI - no visa is needed!!!
Pallotte Cac’e’ove servite con salsa di pomodoro e scaglie di caciotta al tartufo nero
Classic Abruzzi’s cow cheese “balls” served with tomato sauce and sliced black truffle caciotta
Served with a glass of - Pecorino, Caldora 13% 2011 -Abruzzo
Anellini alla “Pecorara”, salsa rossa leggermente piccante con funghi, zucchine e ricotta fresca
Ring shape pasta “Pecorara” style served with a slightly spicy tomato sauce with mushrooms, courgettes and fresh ricotta cheese
Served with a glass of - “Bianco di Ciccio”, Zaccagnini 11.5% 2011-Abruzzo-
Tagliata di Tonno con Radicchio ed aceto balsamico
Sliced tuna steak with radicchio served with balsamic glaze from Modena
Served with a glass of - Tullum DOC Passerina, Feudo Antico 13% 2011-Abruzzo-
Sorbetto al Limone fresco
Fresh lemon sorbet
Special skewers made from castrated Abruzzi lamb's meat
Served with a glass of - Montepulciano "Marina Cvetic", Masciarelli 14.5% 2008 -AbruzzoPre dessert
“Chef’s Madness”
Crepes di uova italiane con salsa di arance fresche e Grand Marnier
Italian eggs Crepes served with fresh orange and Grand Marnier sauce
Served with a glass of – Plaisir “bianco”, Zaccagnini 13% 2008 -Abruzzo-
7 Course food menu for £45
7 Course food and wine menu for £65.50
Tagliere Nostrano
Min 2 Pers
Special selection of Abruzzi’s cold cuts and “Caciotta” cheeses served with toasted ciabatta bread
Formaggio Primo Sale alla piastra servito con insalata verde, pomodorini e funghi saltati
Melted Primo Sale scamorza cheese served with green salad, cherry tomatoes and sautéed mushrooms
Pallotte Cac’e’ove servite con salsa di pomodoro e scaglie di caciotta al tartufo nero
Classic Abruzzi’s cow cheese “balls” served with tomato sauce and sliced black truffle caciotta
Breasaola Abruzzese servita con rucola, pomodorini e scaglie di parmigiano
Sliced dried Abruzzi’s beef served with rocket salad and shaved parmesan cheese
Tartare di Tonno fresco adagiata su di un letto di rucola e capperi, con salsa di avocado e limone
Tuna tartare served on a bed of rocket salad and capers accomplished with an avocado and lemon sauce
Tortino Di Melanzane gratinate con scamorza e Salsiccia Abruzzese
Gratin of Aubergines with scamorza cheese and spicy Abruzzese sausage
Brodetto alla “Vastese”
Fish soup ”Vastese Style” of seafood and mixed fresh fishes of the day
Carpaccio di Pesce Spada affumicato accompagnato da una crema di avocado e dobloni di limone
Smoked Swordfish carpaccio served with avocado cream and lemon doubloons
Fritto misto del “Trabucco”
Fritto Misto of Calamari, scampi, scallops and prawns served with zucchini and shaved lemon zest
Our Selection of Fresh Salads
Lattuga, mais, pomodoro fresco , cetrioli, olive nere a tagliata di tonno fresco
Lettuce, sweet corn, fresh tomato, cucumber, black olives and fresh tuna tagliata
Finocchio, arance, ceci, sedano
Fennel, orange, chickpeas, and celery
Lattuga, olive nere, olive verdi, pomodorini, radicchio, mozzarelline
Lettuce, black olives, green olives, cherry tomatoes, radicchio and baby mozzarella
Lattuga, pomodoro fresco, cipolle, carote, uova sode
Lettuce, fresh tomato, onions, carrots and hard-boiled eggs
Rucola, pomodorini, scaglie di formaggio, vitello a scaglie
Rocket, cherry tomatoes, shaved parmesan and slices of veal
Handmade Paste & Risotti
Sagne e Ceci
Typical Abruzzi handmade “Sagne” pasta served with chickpeas and a slightly spicy garlic and herbs soup
Anellini alla “Pecorara”, salsa rossa leggermente piccante con funghi, zucchine e ricotta fresca
Ring shape pasta “Pecorara” style served with a slightly spicy tomato sauce with mushrooms, courgettes and
fresh ricotta cheese
Chitarra al ragout di cinghiale abruzzese
Chitarra served with wild boar ragout
Gnocchi di Patate con scamorza affumicata e zucchini
Potatoes gnocchi served with smoked scamorza cheese and courgettes
Ravioli al Formaggio di Pecora con carciofi e scaglie di Pecorino Nostrano
Ravioli stuffed with sheep cheese served with artichokes and shaved pecorino “nostrano”
Tagliatelle saltate con funghi e tartufo nero
Tagliatelle pasta with mushrooms and black truffle
Lasagna vegetariana in salsa bianca con carote, zucchine, carciofi, mozzarella fresca e parmigiano
Abruzzi vegeterian lasagna with carrots, zucchini, artichokes, mozzarella and parmesan
Pappardelle con salsa di coniglio piccante e carote
Pappardelle with spicy rabbit sauce and carrots
Girasoli al Branzino serviti con salsa di astice e gamberetti
Sunflower Ravioli stuffed with sea bass served with lobster and shrimp sauce
Bucatini “Terra Vergine”
Bucatini pasta served with an unique “mussels passata” accomplished with fresh scampi, prawns and crabmeat
Chitarra all’astice fresco con pomodorini freschi
Chitarra served with fresh lobster sauce and cherry tomatoes
Penne fresche al pesce spada con olive nere capperi ed olio di oliva extra vergine
Fresh penne pasta served with swordfish, black olives, capers and extra vergine olive oil
Linguine con polpa di granchio piccante e limone
Linguine served with crab, chilli and shaved lemon skin
Risotto ai frutti di mare in bianco
Risotto with fresh seafood
Risotto al Montepulciano D’Abruzzo con funghi di stagione e scaglie di Pecorino nostrano
Risotto “mantecato” with Montepulciano D’Abruzzo, fresh mushrooms and shaved pecorino “nostrano”
Arrosticini ( 10 pz)
Special skewers made from castrated Abruzzi lamb's meat
Arrosto misto ( Min 2 pers)
Mixed grill of Lamb chops, beef fillet, chicken breast and Italian pork sauces served with sautéed potatoes
Noce di vitello italiano saltato con limone servito in salsa Bianca
Italian veal loin stir-fry with lemon and white sauce with grilled vegetables
Tranci di Filetto di Agnello Abruzzese con crema di funghi e tortino di patate
Sliced Lamb fillet laid on a “tortino” of potato and mushrooms, finished with a fresh mushrooms sauce
Costatine di Agnello Abruzzese alla griglia con sautéed di verdure
Grilled lamb chops served with sautéed vegetables
Petto di pollo alla “Abruzzese”
Grilled chicken breast Abruzzese style with grilled peppers, onions and chopped tomatoes
Filetto di manzo alla griglia con vegetali saltati
Grilled beef fillet served with sautéed vegetables
Tagliata di manzo con rucola, pomodorini e scaglie di parmigiano
Beef tenderloin sliced with rocket, cherry tomatoes and shaved parmesan
Scamorza affumicata alla piastra con prosciutto crudo e insalata mista
Melted smoked scamorza cheese with dry cured Abruzzo ham served with mix salad
Costoletta di vitello alla griglia con patate al forno servito con crema di asparagi e carciofi freschi
Grilled Veal chop with roasted potatoes served with a fresh sauce of asparagus and artichoke
Pesce spada alla griglia e “caponatina Abruzzese”
Grilled swordfish served with “Abruzzi style caponatina” of black olives, capers and aubergine
Tagliata di Tonno con Radicchio ed aceto balsamico
Sliced tuna steak with radicchio served with balsamic glaze from Modena
“Guazzetto” di Merluzzo
Abruzzi style “Guazzetto” of cod served with black olives, boiled potatoes, chopped tomatoes and broccoli
F.Y.A. … Terra Vergina has a very strict policy in terms of the origin of the ingredients; the whole menú has been structured in order to offer you top
quality food, freshly sourced from Abruzzo.
Side Dishes
Patate al forno
Roasted potatoes
Patatine fritte
French fries
Verdure grigliate
Grilled vegetables
Radicchio alla piastra o saltato in padella
Radicchio grilled or pan-fried
Spinaci saltati con olio di limone e aglio
Sautéed of spinach dressed with lemon oil and garlic
Insalata verde
Green salad
Peperoni saltati con alici
Sweet Peppers tossed with anchovies
Purè di Patate all’Olio Extravergine di Oliva
Mash Potatoes with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Tiramisú Terra Vergine con frutti di bosco freschi
Tiramisú “Terra Vergine style” served with fresh berries
Crepes di uova italiane con salsa di arance fresche e Grand Marnier
Italian eggs Crepes served with fresh orange and Grand Marnier sauce
Insalata di frutti di bosco freschi servita con sorbetto
Fresh berries salad served with sorbet
Tortino caldo al cioccolato fondente servito con salsa alla vaniglia
Warm chocolate fondant pudding served with custard sauce
Profiteroles con cioccolato e panna
Chocolate profiteroles with wipped cream
Torta di mele
Apple tart
Tagliere di formaggi misti Abruzzesi con miele al tartufo
Mix cheese selection from Abruzzi served with truffle honey
Selezione di Gelati e Sorbetti
Various choices of ice-cream and sorbets