Role of B-Estrogen receptors stimulation in the prevention and treatment of colorectal polyps Mariabeatrice Principi Gastroenterology Section D.E.T.O. University of Bari Estrogens regulate growth, differentiation, and functioning of various target tissues both within and outside the reproductive system. The biological actions of estrogens are mediated by estrogen binding to one of two specific Estrogen Receptors (ER) ER-α and ER-β Messa C, Di Leo A. Scand J Gastroenterol 2000 ER-α and ER-β exhibit tissue-specific expression. Variations in the phenotypes of knock-out mice lacking ER-α or ER-β suggest that these proteins have different biological activities. In vitro and invivo studies in ER-β knock-out mice indicate that ER-β is a modulator of ER-α activity. ER-β is able to reverse the effects of ER-α and to inhibit Estradiol-dependent proliferation. Couse JF. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2000 Hall JM Endocrinology 1999 Liu MM J Biol Chem 2002 Normal cells ERα↑ α↑ ERβ↑↑↑ β↑↑↑ ERβ β Balance ERα α Growth inhibition Proliferation Tumor cells ERα↑↑↑ α↑↑↑ ERβ↓ β↓ Bardin, Endocrinol related cancer 2004 ERs and CRC Incidence and mortality rates for CRC: F < M (Potter,1993) Risk and benefit of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: principal results from the Women’s Health Initiative randomized controlled trial. Rossouw J.E. et al. JAMA 2002 Reciprocal expression of ERα α and ERβ β is associated with estrogenmediated modulation of intestinal tumorigenesis. Weyant M.J et al Cancer Research 2001 ER-β expression in large bowel adenomas: Implications in colon carcinogenesis. A. Di Leo et al Digestive and liver disease, 40 (2008) 260–266 The sharp decline of estrogen receptors expression in long-lasting ulcerative-associated carcinoma M. Principi et al. (under review) Silymarin •Extract from the seeds of milk thistle (Silybum marianum). •is a mixture of four isomeric flavonoids (silybinin, isosilybinin, silydianin and silychristin). It is already used for the treatment of alcoholic liver disease and as an anti-fibrotic agent. •It is a selective ER-β agonist. Wuttke-Seidlova D. J of Steroid Biochem & Mol Biol 2003 dietary administration of silymarin significantly suppressed the development of azoxymethane(AOM)-induced rat colonic carcinoma, in conjunction with modulation of cell growth in colonic adenocarcinoma. Phytoestrogens, compounds derived from plants, are structurally and functionally related to estrogens with an increased binding affinity vs ERβ. • Isoflavones : contained many foods Biologically activein forms are: such as soy, legumes, tofu. • •Lignans : contained in fruits, vegetables, Isoflavones: Genistein and Daidzein grains (corn, wheat, barley, rice, bran). • Lignans: Enterolactone and Enterodiol • Coumestans: contained in cereals • Coumestans: Coumestrol Diet SYL LIG SYL+LIG Reduced number and size of polyps Lowest number of mice bearing HGD polyps Barone M. et al Carcinogenesis 2010 Cancer in DSS colitis Modified Diet Standard Diet number and size of polyps Histological score C57BL/J6 male mice aged 4 weeks (weight 22gr) ER-alpha and beta expression M. Principi et al. (under review) 100th day “Color-view Miniendoscopic System” (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany). Number of polyps Volume of polyps Number of polyps < 3mm Number of polyps ≥ 3mm Total polyp number Modified Diet 2.43±1.5 0.93±1.00 3.36±1.78 Modified Diet 2.17 ± 2.55 12.99 ± 19.66 15.16 ± 20.12 Standard Diet 5.68±3.26 3.52±2.1 9.20±3.26 Standard Diet 7.93 ± 5.71 Polyp volume Polyp volume <3mm ≥ 3mm Total volume 134.34 ± 113.58 ERβ LI (%) Histological score SCORE 0 SCORE 1 SCORE 2 SCORE 3 Modified Diet Standard Diet 126.41 ± 113.89 72.73% 10.39% 9.09% 7.79% 46.78% 12.28% 10.53% 30.41% Modified Diet Standard Diet Polyp Proximal Mucosa Distal Mucosa Healthy Mucosa 57,66±7,25 43,78±2,55 63,85±3,43 _ 24,32±3,74 52,98±5,53 46,59±2,15 _ Could there be a possible chemopreventive effect also in humans? “A randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled study to assess the effect of supplements containing a selected mixture of specific estrogen receptor beta agonists on proliferative (Ki.67) and apoptotic biomarkers (Tunel and Caspase-3) of intestinal mucosa.” n= 600 patients interviewed potential participants Sixty patients, naïve for previous or concomitant CRC chemoprevention, were randomised to: Placebo or Active Dietary Intervention (ADI) 175 mg Silymarin + 20 mg flaxseed extract + 750 mg oat fiber extract For 60 days before surveillance screening colonoscopy. Assessment of cell proliferation, apoptosis and levels of ERβ in the non-adenomatous mucosa. Urinary lignans-assessed phytoestrogens intake in the diet showing active dietary intervention (ADI) compliance. n=60 patients enrolled and randomised 1:1 n=30 ADI T0 n=30 PLACEBO TWICE/DAY for 60 days n=10 drop-outs (7 Placebo, 3 ADI) T60 n=50 final patients population Phytoestrogen intake and compliance were assessed by urinary measurements i.e., enterolignans enterodiol (ED) and enterolactone (EL), at T0, T30 and T60 Endoscopy and Histology Pancolonoscopy with polypectomy and 8 biopsies Microbiological and Biochemical Analysis ERβ and ERα mRNA (RT-PCR) ERβ and ERα proteins (ELISA) Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence ER-β and ER-α expression, Apoptosis (Caspase-3), Proliferation (Ki-67) Endoscopy and Histology 21/50 patients with recurrent polyps Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence Microbiological and Biochemical Analysis ERβ protein ERβ mRNA ERα protein ERα mRNA ERβ/ERα protein -α NONRECURRENT ERβ protein ERβ mRNA ERβ LI ERα protein ERα mRNA ERα LI TUNEL LI Caspase-3 LI Ki-67 LI 0.805±0.13 2.278±1.1 9 47,533±15.4 7 0.423±0.0 6 0.295±0.2 15.333±9.7 6 39.444±15. 6 55.33±20.41 6 43.777±17.2 4 1.105±1.0 7 34,875±16.6 7 0.532±0.1 1 0.159±0.3 2 16.750±8.8 6 31.375±12.9 3 29.53±9.13 45.31±11.29 ADI PL 0.773±0.13 In patients without polyp recurrence, there was a significant increase of the ER-β pattern (mRNA, protein and LI) in the ADI vs the placebo group. Chemopreventive dietary manipulation, targeted to the selective upregulation of ER-β, of intestinal carcinogenesis ???? Scopo della tesi È stato condotto uno studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato con placebo, allo scopo di valutare se una supplementazione dietetica di breve durata (60 gg) con una miscela brevettata di fitoestrogeni e fibre insolubili (EVIENDEP®), fosse in grado di determinare una significativa variazione dell’espressione degli Ers nella mucosa colica sana di pazienti sottoposti a sorveglianza endoscopica per una pregressa polipectomia. È stata valutata, inoltre, l’espressione di biomarkers di proliferazione epiteliale (Ki-67) e di apoptosi (TUNEL e Caspasi-3) L’analisi dei risultati è stata condotta in due step: 1. EVIENDEP Vs PLACEBO 2. Suddivisione in 4 sottogruppi: ADI con polipi recidivanti ADI senza polipi recidivanti PL con polipi recidivanti PL senza polipi recidivanti Materiali e metodi 1. DISEGNO DELLO STUDIO E POPOLAZIONE IN ESAME600 pazienti potenzialmente arruolabili Maschi e femmine in post-menopausa Età ≥ 50 anni Criteri preliminari Pregressa colonscopia con polipectomia Colonscopia di sorveglianza programmata a 3-5 anni SCREENI NG CRITERI DI INCLUSIONE CRITERI DI ESCLUSIONE Parametri biochimici ematici (Hb ≥ MICI, neoplasie maligne, malattia 12 g/dl, PLT ≥ 120.000/mm3, renale, BMI ≥ 30, anemia o Azotemia ≤ 40 mg/dl,M) coagulopatie P.A. normale o ipertensione Chemioterapia o Tx controllata farmacologicamente corticosteroidea entro 6 mesi dall’arruolamento Tx antiaggregante o anticoagulante entro 30 gg dall’arruolamento HRT, SERMS, entro 6 mesi dall’arruolamento ASA e altri FANS entro 6 mesi 2. ENDOSCOPIA E ISTOLOGIA Sono stati registrati numero, localizzazione, dimensioni dei polipi visualizzati durante l’esame endoscopico È stato seguito un protocollo standard per la rimozione: Polipi < 0.5 cm elettrocoagulazione Polipi > 0.5 cm rimozione con pinza bioptica ed esame istologico Sono state eseguite 8 biopsie su mucosa sana del sigma per ogni partecipante: 7 in azoto liquido per analisi biochimiche e microbiologiche 1 fissata in formalina al 4% per l’immunoistochimica. 3. ANALISI BIOCHIMICHE E MICROBIOLOGICHE mRNA di ERβ e di ERα attraverso real time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR); Proteine di ERβ e di ERα attraverso dosaggio ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay). 4. IMMUNOISTOCHIMICA E IMMUNOFLUORESCENZA Espressione dei ERs; Proliferazione cellulare attraverso il Ki-67; Apoptosi attraverso la Caspasi-3. Il dosaggio della Caspasi 3 è stato condotto in modo da permettere la valutazione sia della sua espressione esclusiva che della co-espressione con ERβ. Risultati 1. RISULTATI ENDOSCOPICI ED ISTOLOGICI n=50 hanno eseguito la colonscopia al T60 n=21 (42%) riscontro di polipi recidivanti 58% elettrocoagulati in situ 42% esame istologico 9% iperplastici 14% tubulari 14% tubulari con displasia di basso grado 5% tubulo-villosi con displasia di basso grado 2. ANALISI MOLECOLARE DEI RECETTORI DEGLI ESTROGENI Placebo ADI (N=27) (N=23) mean± ±SD P value mean± ±SD ERβ protein 0,768±0,10 0,822±0,08 0.04 ERβ mRNA 0,994±0,99 1,266±1,24 0.1 ERα protein 0,51±0,11 0,49±0,12 0.5 ERα mRNA 0,139±0,28 0,230±0,24 0.2 1,571±0,42 1,734±0,20 0.07 ERβ/ERα protein 3. VALUTAZIONE DEI MARKERS IMMUNOISTOCHIMICI LI Placebo (N=23) ADI (N=27) mean± ±SD mean± ±SD P value ERβ 37,708±5,31 39,222±2.69 0.06 ERα 20,416±10,71 16,481±10,67 0.2 ERβ/ERα 2,437±1,53 6,564±10,04 0.06 TUNEL 31,541±11,54 35,592±14,97 0.07 Caspase-3 29,717±7,98 32,937±13,54 0.1 Ki-67 44,833±10,38 53,923±20,91 0.07 Il test di correlazione di Spearman ha mostrato che, nel gruppo ADI, l’ ERβ LI è direttamente collegato al TUNEL e alla Caspasi-3 ERβ E APOPTOSI A. Espressione del recettore β degli estrogeni nucleare (segnale rosso); B. Espressione della Caspasi-3 nucleare (segnale verde); C. Contrasto nucleare con TOPRO-3 (segnale blu); D. Fusione dei tre segnali. Entrambe le molecole sono localizzate nel terzo superiore delle cripte. 4. ESPRESSIONE DEI BIOMARKERS NEI PAZIENTI CON E SENZA RECIDIVA DI POLIPI RECURRENT ADI PL NONRECURRENT ERβ protein ERβ mRNA ERβ LI ERα protein ERα mRNA ERα LI TUNEL LI Caspase-3 LI Ki-67 LI 0.822±0.0 8 0.730±0.9 35,142±18.8 0.518±0.1 0.209±0.2 18.785±10.0 0 31.93±13.3 29.09±12.7 53.14±21.73 9 0 3 6 3 9 0.763±0.0 1.474±0.6 38,833±12.8 4 0.485±0.1 0.09±0.11 32.00±10.5 31.000±3.8 5 2 ERβ protein ERβ mRNA ERβ LI ERα protein ERα mRNA ERα LI TUNEL LI Caspase-3 LI Ki-67 LI 0.805±0.13 2.278±1.1 9 47,533±15.4 7 0.423±0.0 6 0.295±0.2 15.333±9.7 6 39.444±15. 6 55.33±20.41 6 43.777±17.2 4 1.105±1.0 7 34,875±16.6 7 0.532±0.1 1 0.159±0.3 2 16.750±8.8 6 31.375±12.9 3 29.53±9.13 45.31±11.29 29.50±10.23 1 43.66±10.31 4 ADI PL 0.773±0.13 Riassumendo… Questo studio è stato progettato per verificare se un supplemento dietetico costituito da silimarina e lignani potesse modificare i livelli di Ers nella mucosa colica umana. L’EVIENDEP ha determinato un aumento significativo del contenuto medio delle proteine di ERβ, come pure una tendenza verso l’aumento del rapporto ERβ/ ERα. I livelli di mRNA di ERβ, invece, pur risultando più elevati rispetto al gruppo Placebo non hanno raggiunto differenze significative. L’espressione di Erα (proteine ed mRNA) si è rivelata simile tra i due gruppi. È stata mostrata una proporzionalità diretta tra ERβ e l’apoptosi, confermando quanto è stato dimostrato in precedenza nel modello murino ApcMin/+ . La somministrazione di EVIENDEP è stata incapace di influenzare le recidive dei polipi, in quanto il breve periodo di somministrazione (60gg) non è stato progettato con lo scopo di dimostrare l’effetto chemiopreventivo dell’ADI sulla crescita dei polipi intestinali. Conclusioni e sviluppi futuri In conclusione, questo studio ha chiaramente confermato il ruolo di ERβ sul controllo dell’apoptosi e la possibilità che la sua espressione possa essere modificata da un supplemento dietetico a base di fitoestrogeni. Questi risultati potrebbero stimolare ulteriori studi, anche più estesi, volti a intraprendere l’obiettivo di dimostrare le potenzialità dell’EVIENDEP nell’ambito della chemioprevenzione secondaria del CCR. GRAZIE PER L’ATTENZIONE Tab.1: Study design and flow N=600 patients contacted by phone for study presentation and invitation to participate. •20% refused to participate or to undergo the preliminary interview •20% had the scheduled screening colonoscopy already performed •40% were prescribed cardioaspirin •5% developed an active tumor (breast, liver, stomach), or other invalidating pathology •5% were deceased n=60 enrolled and 1:1 randomized n= 60 urinary lignan assessment at baseline (T0) n=30 allocated to Placebo n=30 allocated to ADI n=26 completed the 60 days oral supplementation n=4 withdrew consent in advance of T60 colonoscopy n=3 lost to T60 colonoscopy: n=1 protocol violation because of NSAID prescription for flu symptoms n=1 protocol violation because not inscribed in surveillance program by screening colonoscopy n=1 dropped-out because of surgery n=23 underwent T60 colonoscopy and assessed for study end-points n=27 completed the 60 days oral supplementation n=3 withdrew consent in advance of T60 colonoscopy n= 50 urinary lignan assessment at 30 day of supplementation (T30) n= 50 urinary lignan at 60 day of supplementation (T60) n=27 underwent T60 colonoscopy and assessed for study end-points n=50 Per Protocol Population (PPP) Tab. 2: Baseline Demographics (PPP) and comparison between the study groups DEMOGRAPHIC DATA Sex Age (years) Weight (kg) Height (cm) Season of Enrolment PL (n=23) ADI (n=27) PPP (n=50) Male n (%) 17 (73,9%) 19 (70,4%) 36 (72,0%) Female n (%) 6 (26,1%) 8 (29,6%) 14 (28,0%) 61,6±5,2 62,6±6,5 62,1±5,9 60,0 63,0 61,0 75,5±13,8 78,8±12,6 77,1±13,1 80,0 80,0 80,0 169,5±9,0 170,6±9,5 170,1±9,2 172,0 172,0 172,0 mean±sd median mean±sd median mean±sd median Spring n (%) 2 ( 8,7%) 5 (18,5%) 7 (14,0%) Summer n (%) 2 ( 8,7%) 6 (22,2%) 8 (16,0%) Autumn n (%) 15 (65,2%) 11 (40,8%) 26 (52,0%) Winter n (%) 4 (17,4%) 5 (18,5%) 9 (18,0%) P* 1.00 0.56 0.32 0.67 0.29 Tab. 3: Urinary lignan (ng/ml) at different timepoints Placebo (n=23) ADI (n=27) P ED+ELT0 697.8±963.3 410.3±336.9 0.27 ED+ELT30 472.4±475.5 3300.1±1535.5 <.001 ED+ELT60 116.0±235.2 327.5±313.1 <.001 Δ ED+ELT30-T0 -251.2±1085.9 2889.8±1445.0 <.001 Δ ED+ELT60-T0 -393.9±415.0 -82.8±380.7 <.02 EDT0 117.3±135.6 51.8±55.0 0.06 EDT30 65.6±63.1 1084.6±1066.9 <.001 EDT60 17.2±48.5 77.2±75.1 <.001 Δ EDT30-T0 -57.1±156.4 1032.8±1041.6 <.001 Δ EDT60-T0 -89.9±105.6 25.4±96.7 <.001 ELT0 580.5±853.3 358.5±335.0 0.35 ELT30 391.3±440.8 2215.5±1366.2 <.001 ELT60 81.6±177.4 250.3±275.2 <.001 Δ ELT30-T0 -189.2±931.1 1857.0±1199.1 <.001 Δ ELT60-T0 -498.8±861.9 -108.2±320.1 <.01 Tab 4: ERs protein content and patients distribution around the ERs cut-off value ERβ β mean± ±sd Median (cutoff value) ≤ 0.82 ERα α PL (n=23) ADI (n=27) PPP (n=50) 0.77± ±0. 1 0.82± ±0.1 0.8± ±0.1 0.76 0.84 15 (65.22%) P 0.04 10 (37.04%) 0.82 25 (50.0%) > 0.82 8 (34.78%) 17 (62.96%) 25 (50.0%) mean± ±sd 0.51± ±0.1 0.49± ±0.1 0.50± ±0.1 Median (cutoff value) 0.50 0.45 0.47 ≤ 0.47 8 (34.8%) 18 (66.7%) 26 (52.0%) 0.05 0.44 0.02 > 0.47 15 (65.2%) 9 (33.3%) 24 (48.0%) Tab.5:Biomarkers in the non adenomatous mucosa of non-recurrent and recurrent patients BIOMARKER IN NORMAL MUCOSA NON-RECURRENT N (%) RECURRENT N (%) PPP N=25 PLACEBO N=7/23 (30.4) In situ n=3 (42.9) P+H n=4 (57.1) ADI N=18/27 (66.7)(a) (P=0.03) In situ n=10 (55.6) P+H n=8 (44.4) 0.161± ±0.2 mean± ±sd (%:IHC) PPP N=25 PLACEBO N=16/23 (69.6) ERα mRNA 0.202± ±0.3 0.149± ±0.3 0.296± ±0.3 0.132± ±0.2 0.057± ±0.1 ERα (%) 16.240± ±9.0 16.750± ±8.9 15.333± ±9.8 19.840± ±12.0 27.000± ±11.4(e) (P= 0.04) ERα (Elisa) 0.496± ±0.1 0.532± ±0.1 0.431± ±0.1(c) (P= 0.02) 0.506± ±0.1 0.473± ±0.1 0.518± ±0.1 (f) (P= 0.05) Ki-67 (%) 48.920± ±15.6 45.313± ±11.3 55.333± ±20.4 50.583± ±19.2 44.286± ±9.6 53.176± ±21.8 ERβ mRNA 1.483± ±1.3 1.036± ±1.1 2.278± ±1.2(c) (P= 0.03) 0.838± ±0.9(b) (P= 0.03) 1.041± ±0.8 0.759± ±1.0(f) (P= 0.004) ADI N=9/27 (33.3) 17.056± ±11.3 ERβ (%) 39.440± ±17.1 34.875± ±16.7 47.556± ±15.4 36.560± ±15.4 40.429± ±12.5 35.056± ±16.5 ERβ (Elisa) 0.785± ±0.1 0.773± ±0.1 0.806± ±0.1(a) (P= 0.04) 0.807± ±0.1 0.767± ±0.0 0.822± ±0.1(d) (P= 0.04) Caspase-3 (%) 33.120± ±12.5 29.563± ±9.2 39.444± ±15.6 30.125± ±10.1 31.500± ±3.8 29.667± ±11.5 TUNEL (%) 35.840± ±15.5 31.375± ±12.9 43.778± ±17.2(c) (P= 0.04) 31.60± ±11.4 31.857± ±9.6 31.500± ±12.2(f) (P= 0.03) Fig 1. Colocalization of ERβ and Caspase-3 immunostained cells in cryptae-villi from normal mucosa. From upper left to right panel: ERβ (red), Caspase-3 (green), TOPRO-3 (blue) counterstained nuclei in cryptae-villi, colocalization of the three stainings at x400.From lower left to right panel: ERβ; Caspase-3; TOPRO-3 (blue); co-localization at x1200. The presence of estrogen receptor (cytosolic and nuclear) in colorectal tissue has been demonstrated in several studies TC. Alford et al. Cancer- 1979 NY. Zhu et al. Clin Med J -1981 A. Di Leo et al. Dis Colon Rectum 1992 Polyamine levels are higher in ER negative colon cancer than ER positive •The estrogen receptors are poorly expressed in the tumor mucosa compared to healthy mucosa surrounding the tumor. •Cancers of the colon ER - have a worse prognosis of ER +. The subtypes of the estrogen receptor ER-α and ER-β have been demonstrated in both colorectal and gastric tissue with a different expression of ER-β in tumor tissue than normal N. Takano et al. Cancer Letters 2002;176:129-35 A. Cavallini, A. Di Leo. Dig Dis Sci 2002; 47:2720-8 ER-β mRNA – + c-myc and cyclins ( A;D1) p21(Cip1) and p27(Kip1) cell cycle arrest (phaseG2) (Paruthiyl, Cancer Res 2004) Estrogens regulate growth, differentiation, and functioning of various target tissues both within and outside the reproductive system. Fisher B Cancer Res 1984 Couse JF Endocr Rev 1999 Pettersson K Annu Rev Physiol 2001 Francavilla A, Di Leo A. Hepatology 1989 Messa C, Di Leo A. Scand J Gastroenterol 2000 Barone M, Di Leo A. Dig Dis Sci 2006 ESTROGENS • Steroid hormones • Major production site: ovary • Estradiol: the most powerful body estrogen History of Estrogen Receptor Identification of estrogen receptor Jensen E.W. , DeSombre E.R.: "Mechanisms of action of female sex hormones" Annu Rev Biochem. 1972 Discovery of receptor β (485AA, pm 54.2 Kda) S. Mosselman, J. Polman, R. Dijkema : “ER β: identification and characterization of a novel oestrogen receptor“ FEBS LETT- 1996 Estrogen Receptors contain the evolutionarily conserved structural and functional domains DNA binding AF-1 ERα ERβ NH- NH- Ligand binding Dimerization AF-2 -COOH -COOH ER-α and ER-β are the products of separates genes present on distinct chromosomes (locus 6q25.1 and locus 14q23-24.1, respectively) Menasce LP. Genomics 1993 Estrogen receptors genomic pathway. Estrogens (E2) enter the cell by diffusion and bind to specific receptor proteins (ERs). Upon estrogen binding, ERs either bind effectively to DNA elements of their target genes or activate other genes through the interaction with AP-1 site. In both cases, ERs activate transcription, protein synthesis and finally several biological effects. Estrogen receptors non-genomic pathways Palmitoylation of cytosolic ERs allows them to localize at the plasma membrane where they associate with caveolin-1 (CAV). Upon estradiol (E2) stimulation, ER-a is de-palmitoylated and dissociated from caveolin-1, stimulating signals of cell proliferation. On the contrary, after binding to ER-b, E2 increases the association of the receptorial complex with caveolin-1 and p38 (a member of the MAPK family), in order to promote apoptosis ER-α α Cell Growth ER-β Inhibition Cell Growth Estrogen and colorectal cancer Inverse association between the risk of large adenomas (> 1 cm) and current use of hormone replacement therapy. (Grodstein F. Ann Intern Med. 1998) Normal N=4 UC N=8 UC-Dysplasia N=4) P value° BETA ER 35.0±3.3 26.4±15.3 31.2±1.7 0.17 ALPHA ER 21.5±1.9 23.4±6.2 25.5±1.0 0.22 BETA/ALPHA 1.6±0.2 1.2±0.7 1.2±0.1 0.15 Tunel 16.7±1.7 17.0±4.4 22.7±0.9 0.05 Ki-67 24.5±4.8 39.6±10.7 65.2±8.8 0.004 Tunel/Ki-67 0.7±0.1 0.4±0.2 0.5±0.3 0.14 The fall of estrogen receptors expression in long-lasting ulcerative-associated carcinoma M. Principi et al. Normal (8) UC (14) LGD (10) HGD (12) CRC (12) p value Subanalisys ER α 24.2 ± 5.2 23.3 ± 4.3 25.4 ± 1.2 42.2 ± 6.2 59.8 ± 5.1 < 0.0001 CRC > HGD > LGD = UC= Normal ER β 34.3 ± 3.1 26.8 ± 7.8 29.4 ± 3.7 19.6 ± 5.1 18.4 ± 8.1 < 0.0001 LGD = Normal > UC > HGD = CRC Beta/alpha 1.42 1.15 1.16 0.46 0.31 Ki 67 26.02 ± 3.3 37.9 ± 6.4 45.7 ± 6.2 60.6 ± 5.2 71.1 ± 5.1 < 0.0001 CRC > HGD > LGD > UC > Normal TUNEL 17.9 ± 3.5 20.1 ± 2.5 30.7 ± 5.2 15.3 ± 3.1 10.1 ± 1.9 < 0.0001 LGD > UC = Normal > HGD > CRC TUNEL/Ki 67 0.68 0.53 0.67 0.25 0.14 ANOVA più correzione secondo Bonferroni Preliminary data Etiopathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer Environmental factors (diet, exercise, obesity, smoking and alcohol intake ) Genetic factor: -Approximately 25% of colorectal cancers occur in individuals with a family history of the disease, including 5% caused by the genetic syndromes familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). - Risk is also higher in individuals with inflammatory bowel disease. Prognosis. The overall 5-year survival rate for colorectal cancer in England and Wales is approximately 50% but varies according to the stage of disease at diagnosis. Colorectal Tumorigenesis Several lines of epidemiologic, clinical and experimental evidences have been reported showing that estrogen hormones may be involved in malignant colorectal tumors. Epidemiological Data Biological Data The presence of estrogen receptor (cytosolic and nuclear) in colorectal tissue has been demonstrated in several studies TC. Alford et al. Cancer- 1979 NY. Zhu et al. Clin Med J -1981 A. Di Leo et al. Dis Colon Rectum 1992 Polyamine levels are higher in ER negative colon cancer than ER positive •The estrogen receptors are poorly expressed in the tumor mucosa compared to healthy mucosa surrounding the tumor. •Cancers of the colon ER - have a worse prognosis of ER +. The subtypes of the estrogen receptor ER-α and ER-β have been demonstrated in both colorectal and gastric tissue with a different expression of ER-β in tumor tissue than normal N. Takano et al. Cancer Letters 2002;176:129-35 A. Cavallini, A. Di Leo. Dig Dis Sci 2002; 47:2720-8 Experimental Data Dimethylhydrazine risk of CRC in rats (M>>F) Administration of 17β β estradiol CRC-dimethylhydrazine induced in male rats and female (Singh S. Gut 1995) Protective effect of estrogen on the development of colorectal cancer has been studied in an animal model APCMin / + mice C57BL/6J-Min/+mice: After ovariectomy intestinal adenomas (77%) Administration of 17betaestradiol intestinal adenomas ER-β β ER-α α (Weyant M.J. Cancer Research 2001) ER beta and Colorectal Cancer Today We have recently demonstrated a significant reduction in the expression of ER-β already in the precancerous stage of colorectal cancer. Di Leo et al Digestive Liver Disease 2008 In this study adenomatous samples were obtained from 25 patients (M/F: 13/12, aged 55-75 years, mean 65 years) found to be affected by colonic polyps and treated with endoscopic polypectomy. Results Normal colonic mucosa Adenomatous tissue Fig 1 Immunohistochemical evaluation of ER-β expression in normal colonic mucosa and adenomas. (A) Normal colonic mucosa in which most enterocytes, with the exception of some (black arrows), show consistent immunoreactivity for ER-β (B) Adenomatous tissue in which only cells clusters (black arrow) show nuclear positivity for ER-β. Results Fig 2 Evaluation of ER-α and ER-β labelling index in normal colonic mucosa and in adenomatous polyps. Fig 3 Evaluation of PCNA and PARP labelling indexes in normal colonic mucosa and adenomas. Results Fig 4. Correlation between ER-β expression and PCNA labelling index in adenomas. Normal mucosa ER-β Results Adenomatous tissue ER-β PCNA PCNA ER-β and PCNA ER-β and PCNA Fig 5 Evaluation by confocal microscopy of ER-β and PCNA immunolabelling. Inverse relationship exists between ER-β and PCNA expression. Colonocytes showed elevated ER-β (5A) and low PCNA immunolabelling (5B) in normal mucosa as compared to adenomatous polyps (5D and E, respectively). Our data not only confirm the involvement of ER-β in colorectal cancer but suggest a possible explanation for the protective effect of oestrogens on cancer development. In order to verify the key role of ER-β the pathogenesis of CRC, our research group has carried out an experimental study of 6 patients with “Familial Adenomatous Polyposis” (FAP) (4 ♂ and 2 ♀)) aged between 29 and 52 years who undergoing colonoscopy and subsequent colectomy. Barone M, Di Leo A. Scand J of Gastroent 2010 Results Normal mucosa Adenomas with low-grade dysplasia High-grade dysplasia Carcinomatous tissue Fig 1. ER-β expression in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous colon tissues from patients with FAP. Results Normal mucosa Adenomas with low-grade dysplasia High-grade dysplasia Carcinomatous tissue Fig 2. ERa expression in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous colon tissues from patients with FAP. Results Normal mucosa Adenomas with low-grade dysplasia High-grade dysplasia Carcinomatous tissue Fig 3. Ki-67 expression in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous colon tissues from patients with FAP. Results Normal mucosa High-grade dysplasia Adenomas with low-grade dysplasia Carcinomatous tissue Fig 4. Cell apoptosis evaluated by TUNEL in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous colon tissues from patients with FAP. Results Fig.5 Correlation of ER-β expression with Ki-67 or TUNEL. The reported values were obtained in normal, mild dysplastic and high dysplastic tissues of six patients. This study demonstrates a precise correlation between reduced ER-β expression and progression toward neoplasia concomitant with decreased apoptosis, in FAP patients. Our results support the evaluation of ER-β levels as a surrogate biomarker prognostic for tumor progression, and suggest the use of ER-β as possible therapeutic target for chemoprevention in patients at high risk of colonic neoplasia. Confirmation of the role of ER-β in intestinal carcinogenesis ESTROGENS: possible chemopreventive but many side effects, mediated primarily by ERα!!! Future Prospects Phytoestrogens Epidemiological studies have shown a low incidence of CRC among asian populations whose diet is rich in soy, a source of Phytoestrogens (isoflavones). Dietary Factor easily modified!!! Phytoestrogens Phytoestrogens are compounds derived from plants, are structurally and functionally related to estrogens with increased binding affinity vs ERβ. Classification of Phytoestrogens Phytoestrogens are divided into 3 main groups: • Isoflavones: content in many foods such as soy, legumes, tofu. • Lignans: content in fruits, vegetables, grains (corn, wheat, barley, rice, bran). • Coumestans: content in the forage. Phytoestrogens Biologically active forms are: • Isoflavones: Genistein and Daidzein • Lignans: Enterolactone and Enterodiol • Coumestans: Coumestrol Silymarin •Extracted from the seeds of milk thistle [Silybum marianum]. •Is a mixture of four isomeric flavonoids (silibinin, isosilibinin, silydianin and silychristin). •It is already used as for the treatment of alcoholic liver disease and as an anti fibrotic agent. •Is a selective ER-β agonist. Wuttke-Seidlova D. J of Steroid Biochem & Mol Biol 2003 Kohno et al. have shown that dietary administration of silymarin significantly suppressed the development of azoxymethane(AOM)-induced rat colonic carcinoma, in conjunction with modulation of cell growth in the colonic adenocarcinoma. 120 rats aged 5 weeks were randomly divided into 7 groups. Groups 1–5 received 3 weekly s.c. injections of AOM (15 mg/kg body weight). Rats in groups 2 and 3 were fed diets containing 100 or 500 ppm silymarin for 4 weeks, respectively, commencing 1 week before the first dose of AOM.Groups 4 and 5 were fed diets mixed with 100 and 500 ppm silymarin, respectively, for 30 weeks of the postinitiation phase, starting 1 week after the last administration of AOM. Group 6 was fed the diet mixed with 500 ppm silymarin for the entire study period (34 weeks). Group 7 served as an untreated control. We recently conducted an experimental study to evaluate the association between phytoestrogensdietary factors and the development of colorectal cancer in male mice genetically predisposed to develop intestinal polyps (pre-cancerous) as carriers of the somatic mutation of tumor suppressor gene Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC). Barone M, Di Leo A. Carcinogenesis 2010 Forty-five intact male Apc Min/+ mice: - 15 diet fed carcinogenic (control) - 15 fed with control diet with the addition of 0.02% silymarin - 9 mice fed with control diet + 6.24% lignin - 6 mice fed with control diet with the addition of 0,005% silymarin + 6,24% lignin Results Results Results 24 h Fig 1. ERβ:ERα mRNA ratio and ERβ and ERα protein expression in WT and ApcMin/+ mice. 48 h 72 h Fig 2. Enterocyte migration along the crypt/villus axis at different times after BrdU labeling in Apc Min/+ mice. Results Non-adenomatous tissue in ApcMin/+ mice Fig 3. Epithelial cell proliferation in WT animals and in normal and adenomatous tissues in ApcMin/+ mice. Adenomatous tissue in ApcMin/+ mice Fig 4. Cell apoptosis evaluated by TUNEL and cleaved caspase-3 (CC-3) protein expression in WT and ApcMin/+ mice. Our data support appropriate dietary management as a feasible approach to counteract polyp development on the Apc mutated mucosa, targeted to the selective upregulation of ERβ. In our experimental conditions, ERβ increased with no significant change in ERa expression, thus supporting ERβ as an inhibitory mediator of aberrant intestinal proliferative phenomena, favoring the maintenance of proper pro-apoptotic activity. Our dietary-managed ApcMin/+ mice produced a reduced tumor multiplicity and size, an increased epithelial cell migration, a reduced cell proliferation and an increased apoptosis and a lowgrade dysplasia. Animal models: C57BL/6J-APC min/+ and wild-type male mice APC min/+ mice were divided into two groups of 18 animals each and given: 0.2 mL vehicle (0.5% w/v carboxy methyl cellulose and 0.025% Tween 20 in distilled water) or 750 mg silibinin/kg body weight by p.o. gavage in 0.2 mL vehicle for 5 d/wk for 13 wk. Negative controls (n = 9 per group) of wild-type mice were given vehicle or same silibinin treatment as for APC min/+ mice. Results Fig 1. Silibinin treatment of APCmin/+ mice resulted in a strong inhibition in intestinal tumorigenesis in terms of decreased polyp number, size, and appearance In small intestine Results Fig 2. Silibinin feeding inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis selectively in small intestinal polyps of APCmin/+ mice. This study clearly show: In vivo antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of silibinin in polyps, which collectively contribute to its strong chemopreventive efficacy against spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in APCmin/+ mice. Present findings underscore the possibility that silibinin would be an effective agent in CRC prevention trials for patients with FAP. Further demonstration of in vivo efficacy chemopreventive dietary manipulation of intestinal carcinogenesis !!! Possible chemopreventive effect also in humans? “We can conclude that estrogens are important in protecting against CRC initiation and progression, and that the protective effect most likely is mediated by ERβ. Several clinical trials of ERβ-specific ligands are ongoing for different indications such as the prevention of menopausal symptoms. To our knowledge, however, no clinical trials of ERβspecific ligands are being or have been performed for the prevention or treatment of CRC. Such trials are needed to finally establish the significance of ERβ as a target of CRC prevention or therapy.” NOTE La Sicurezza è stata valutata attraverso la determinazione dei segni vitali ed esami ematochimici al basale (T0), dopo 30 (T30) e 60 (T60) giorni di supplementazione La Compliance dei pazienti all’assunzione degli integratori è stata valutata mediante la misurazione dei livelli di fitoestrogeni urinari (ED ed EL) a T0, T30 e T60 Normal mucosa ER-β Adenomatous tissue ER-β PCNA PCNA ER-β and PCNA ER-β and PCNA Fig 5 Evaluation by confocal microscopy of ER-β and PCNA immunolabelling. Inverse relationship between ER-β and PCNA expression. Colonocytes showed elevated ER-β (5A) and low PCNA immunolabelling (5B) in normal mucosa as compared to adenomatous polyps (5D and E, respectively). We recently conducted an experimental study to evaluate the association between phytoestrogensdietary factors and the development of colorectal cancer in male mice genetically predisposed to develop intestinal polyps (pre-cancerous) as carriers of the somatic mutation of tumor suppressor gene Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC). Barone M, Di Leo A. Carcinogenesis 2010 Our data support appropriate dietary management as a feasible approach to counteract polyp development on the Apc mutated mucosa, targeted to the selective upregulation of ERβ. In our experimental conditions, ERβ increased with no significant change in ERa expression, thus supporting ERβ as an inhibitory mediator of aberrant intestinal proliferative phenomena, favoring the maintenance of proper pro-apoptotic activity. Our dietary-managed ApcMin/+ mice produced a reduced tumor multiplicity and size, an increased epithelial cell migration, a reduced cell proliferation and an increased apoptosis and a lowgrade dysplasia. Our group recently conducted a randomized double blind and placebo controlled study to evaluate the impact of ERβ-targeted dietary supplementation on top of the common diet on balance between proliferation and apoptosis in colon epithelial.
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