Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 Telephone: 718-295-3770 Fax: 718-367-2240 PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Fr. Eric Rapaglia PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Rev. Fr. Alejandro Baumann PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. John A. Ruvo PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Telephone: 718-295-6080 Fax: 718-561-5205 CATECHETICAL CENTER COORDINATOR Sr. Loreto Bigay, S.M.C. Telephone: 718-295-7397 Fax: 718-295-7656 MASSES: Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), 11:00am (Italian),12:30pm (English) Weekdays: 8:30am (English, Mon.-Sat.) 12noon (English, Mon.-Sat.) 7:00pm (English, Mon.-Fri.) HOLY HOUR: 12:30pm (Sat.) CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS: Each night from 6 - 7 pm we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and say the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration and nightly devotions until Benediction. Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: Divine Mercy; Wednesday:O. L. of Perpetual Help; Thursday: St. Joseph; Friday: St. Pio (1st Friday); O. L. of Guadalupe (2nd and 5th Friday); St. Anne (3rd Friday);St. John Vianney (4th Friday). BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated at 1:45 pm on the 2ND SUNDAY of each month in SPANISH, the 3RD SUNDAY in ENGLISH. Arrangements must be made by phoning one of the priests at the rectory at least one month prior to the Baptism. Parents and godparents MUST attend a Pre-Baptism instruction at 8:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Baptism. Sponsors must present Confirmation Certificates from the parish from which they received this Sacrament. MARRIAGES: Couples desiring to be married must make the necessary arrangements beginning with a phone call to one of the priests at the rectory at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Information will be given regarding the church requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK A priest should be called whenever anyone is seriously ill. Families should take care not to wait until the person is dying. In case of an emergency, the rectory should be called at any time. PARISH MEMBERSHIP New parishioners should register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. ENVELOPES Every adult in the parish should receive and use our envelopes for the Sunday collection. Children attending our Parish School or Religious Ed. classes receive and are encouraged to use their children’s envelopes. MT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Avenue. Information concerning the parish school should be obtained from the school during the normal school hours. The parish school telephone number is published above. January 19, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH ANNOUNCED MASSES SUN. JANUARY 19th SECOND SUNDAY IN ORD. TIME 8:30am Rose, Paul & Rocco Neglio 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Alfredo Ferrante 12:30pm For our deceased parishioners MON. JANUARY 20th ST. FABIAN; ST. SEBASTIAN 8:30am For the Holy Souls in Purgatory 12:00pm For the end to gay marriage 7:00pm Erion Mecani 21st TUES. JANUARY ST. AGNES 8:30am Pilar Zeledon 12:00pm For the good health of Carolina Ferrante 7:00pm Jose & Lucy Ruiz WED. JANUARY 22nd DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN 8:30am For an end to abortion 12:00pm Franco Cibelli 7:00pm For vocations to the Holy Priesthood 23rd ST. THURS. JANUARY VINCENT 8:30am For vocations to the Religious Life 12:00pm Gaudencia Ignacio & Albert Giacoio 7:00pm For vocations to Holy Matrimony FRI. JANUARY 24th ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 8:30am For the sick of the parish 12:00pm Michael Verini 7:00pm Leonardo D’Aiello SAT. JANUARY 25th CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL 8:30am For the conversion of hearts 12:00pm Jacqueline Fasano 5:00pm Leonardo D’Aiello SUN. JANUARY 26th THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:30am For special intentions 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Aniello ed Immacolata Squillante 12:30pm Vincent Di Nino Italian Presepio ~ At the Belmont Library ~ Extended through January 30th SUNDAY MASS COLLECTION 1/12/14 Collection ..............................................$3,072.20 1/12/14 Children’s Collection ............................... . 284.05 Last year’s Collection ….................................... $3,168.25 2 REST IN PEACE Please pray for the deceased members of our parish, especially Frank Pappas & for our fallen military. Day of Penance Wednesday, January 22nd is a day of fasting and prayer in sorrowful commemoration of the Supreme Court decision 41 years ago legalizing abortion. If fasting is not possible, the Church asks her children to do some other penance. March for Life Bus Information For those persons interested in going to Washington, DC for the annual Pro-Life March on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 buses are leaving from: Fordham University [Phone: 207-831-9352] and St. Lucy’s Church [Phone: 718-882-0710] 2014 Masses Sunday and weekday Masses still available - The Mass is the best gift we can offer for our deceased loved ones Lectors January 25 - 26 5:00 p.m. A. Merolla 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. B. Rivera C. Modesto & Hna. Martina TBA R. Powers Mid-Winter’s Beefsteak Dinner Saturday, February 8th at 7pm Caffuzzi Hall All you can eat steak and french fries Live entertainment by The Paul Rich Orchestra Raffles and 50/50 - Tickets just $35 Call the rectory for more info. - Carpooling available - MASS ATTENDANCE FOR WEEKEND OF JAN. 12, ‘14 Adults.. ...................................................... ..580 Children ...................................................... .182 Total ............................................................ 762 January 19, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH 3 CATECHETICAL CORNER This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley ANGOLO CATECHETICO Questa è la Fede dal Canonico Francesco Ripley “Simony” “Simonia” Simony, called after Simon Magus, who tried to buy spiritual power from St. Peter (Acts 8:18), means the buying or selling of spiritual things for a temporal price or reward. Offerings made on the occasion of spiritual favors—and not in payment for them—are not simony, e.g., Mass stipends, offerings on the occasion of baptisms, marriages, etc. These are meant to be contributions toward the upkeep of clergy, who are dependent on the offerings of the people, and also to provide for the necessities of the public worship of God. It is customary for Catholics to support their priests in this way, for thereby they merit special blessings for themselves. In order to guide people and to prevent abuses in regard to Mass stipends and stole fees, many dioceses have standardized the amount which it is usual to offer, although, of course, there is no question of the performance of a spiritual work being conditional on a certain offering being forthcoming. Priests do not sell Masses nor do people pay for Masses. The Mass cannot be sold, but its offering supposes the outward necessities: bread, wine, altar, vestments and a person specially authorized to offer the Mass in the name of Christ and the Church. The Mass offering is a contribution toward these external necessities, and especially toward the upkeep of the priest, who stands at the altar on behalf of the people. When a Catholic gives a Mass stipend, the Mass is applied according to his intention. La simonia, chiamato dopo Simon Mago, che ha cercato di acquistare il potere spirituale da San Pietro (Atti 8,18), significa l'acquisto o la vendita di cose spirituali, per un prezzo temporale o una ricompensa. Offerte fatte in occasione di favori spirituali, e non a pagamento per loro, non sono simonia, ad esempio, gli stipendi della Messa, le offerte in occasione di battesimi, matrimoni, ecc. Questi sono destinate ad essere contributi verso il mantenimento del clero, che dipendono sulle offerte della gente, e anche per provvedere alle necessità del culto pubblico di Dio. È consuetudine per i cattolici per sostenere i loro sacerdoti in questo modo, per così meritare benedizioni speciali per se stessi. Al fine di guidare le persone e per prevenire gli abusi in materia di stipendi della Messa e il costo delle stole, molte diocesi hanno standardizzato l'importo che si è solito offerto anche se, naturalmente, non si tratta delle prestazioni di un lavoro spirituale essere subordinata una certa offerta sia imminente. I sacerdoti non vendono Messe né la gente paga per le Messe. La Messa non può essere venduta, ma la sua offerta suppone le cose esternamente necessarie: il pane, il vino, l’altare, paramenti e una persona espressamente autorizzate ad offrire la Messa nel nome di Cristo e della Chiesa . L'offerta della Messa è un contributo per queste necessità esterne, e in particolare verso il mantenimento del sacerdote, che si trova presso l’altare in nome del popolo. Quando un cattolico dà uno stipendio per la Messa, la Messa viene applicata secondo la sua intenzione. Meditation Msgr. Romano Guardini (†1968) It is in this life of faith of the Church that the individual shares, and in different ways. The Church is the original principle from which the life of the individual comes; it is the ground which supports him, the atmosphere he breathes…the Church is a living whole which penetrates the individual. It is from it that he draws his life, without needing to know why….But the “Church” can also be aloof from the individual, pull itself together, and face him, the repository of a sacred authority. This is what it does when it teaches, distinguishes, judges, or commands. It is to the Church, not the individual, that the new life is entrusted; the divine teaching, the mystery of Christ, and the sacred government; and there is likewise conferred on it the creative power to transmit and to propagate the faith. The role of the Church is entirely maternal: it bears us, it is the ground which supports us, and the atmosphere in which we live. Of course, it is God who is working through it; but through the intermediary of the Church he gives to the individual the content of faith and the power to believe….By recapitulating all, it becomes a teacher, and by exercising authority, it becomes a judge. Here also it is God who acts through it, through it alone and not through individuals, even though they be the most gifted and intelligent of persons. It is through the intermediary of the Church that God teaches and judges the faith of the individual, according to the Word: “He who refuses to hear even the Church, let him be to you as the heathen and the publican.” Meditazione Mons. Romano Guardini (†1968) E' in questa vita di fede della Chiesa che l’individuo condivide, e in modi diversi. La Chiesa è il principio originario da cui la vita dell'individuo deriva; è la terra che lo sostiene, l'atmosfera si respira ... la Chiesa è un tutto vivente che penetra l'individuo . È da essa che egli trae la sua vita , senza bisogno di sapere perché .... Ma la "Chiesa" può anche essere distaccato presso l'interessato, tirare se stesso insieme , e affrontarlo , il deposito di un'autorità sacra. Questo è ciò che fa quando insegna, distingue, giudica, o comanda. È alla Chiesa, non l'individuo che la nuova vita è affidata; l'insegnamento divino, il mistero di Cristo, e il governo sacro; e non è altresì conferito il potere creativo per trasmettere e propagare la fede. Il ruolo della Chiesa è interamente materna: ci sopporta, è la terra che ci sostiene, e l'atmosfera in cui viviamo. Certo, è Dio che sta lavorando attraverso di essa, ma per il tramite della Chiesa, dà all'individuo il contenuto della fede e la forza di credere .... Per ricapitolare tutto, diventa un maestro, ed esercitando autorità, diventa un giudice. Anche qui è Dio che agisce attraverso di essa, solo attraverso di essa e non attraverso gli individui, anche se essi siano i più dotate e intelligenti delle persone. È attraverso l'intermediario della Chiesa che Dio insegna e giudica la fede del singolo individuo, secondo la Parola: “Chi rifiuta di ascoltare anche la Chiesa, che sia per te come il pagano e il pubblicano”. LECCIONES DE CATECISMO Esta es la Fe por el canónigo Francisco Ripley “La Simonía” La simonía, llamado después de Simón Mago, quien trató de comprar el poder espiritual de San Pedro (Hechos 8:18), significa la compra o venta de cosas espirituales por un precio temporal o recompensa. Las ofrendas hechas con motivo de favores espirituales - y no en el pago de ellos - no son simonía, por ejemplo, estipendios de misas, ofrendas con motivo de bautismos, matrimonios, etc. Estos están destinados a ser contribuciones para el sostenimiento del clero, que son depende de las ofrendas del pueblo, y también para atender a las necesidades de la adoración pública de Dios. Es habitual que los católicos apoyar a sus sacerdotes de esta manera, porque por ella se merecen bendiciones especiales para ellos. Con el fin de orientar a las personas y para evitar los abusos en relación con estipendios de misas y robaron honorarios, muchas diócesis han estandarizado la cantidad que se suele ofrecer, aunque, por supuesto, no se trata de la ejecución de una obra espiritual de ser condicionada a una cierta oferta de ser próxima. Los sacerdotes no venden misas ni qué la gente paga para las misas. La Misa no se puede vender, pero su oferta supone las cosas externas necesarias: el pan, el vino, el altar, las vestimentas y una persona especialmente autorizada para ofrecer la misa en el nombre de Cristo y de la Iglesia. La ofrenda de la Misa es una contribución a estas necesidades externas, y especialmente hacia el mantenimiento del sacerdote, que se sitúa en el altar en nombre del pueblo. Cuando un católico da un estipendio para la Misa, la Misa se aplica de acuerdo a su intención. Meditación Mons. Romano Guardini (†1968) Es en esta vida de fe de la Iglesia que las comparte el individuo, y de diferentes maneras. La Iglesia es el principio original de la que proviene la vida del individuo, sino que es la tierra que lo apoya, la atmósfera que respira ... la Iglesia es un todo viviente que penetra en el individuo. Es a partir de él que él dibuja su vida, sin necesidad de saber por qué .... Pero la “Iglesia” también puede ser ajeno a la persona, rehacerse, y él, el registro de una autoridad sagrada cara. Esto es lo que hace cuando se enseña, distingue, jueces o comandos. Es a la Iglesia, no el individuo, que la nueva vida se le confía, la enseñanza divina, del misterio de Cristo, y el gobierno sagrado, y no es lo mismo confirió sobre ella el poder creativo para transmitir y propagar la fe. El papel de la Iglesia es totalmente materna: nos da, es la tierra que nos sostiene, y el ambiente en el que vivimos. Por supuesto, es Dios quien está trabajando a través de él, pero a través de la mediación de la Iglesia que le da a la persona el contenido de la fe y el poder de creer.... Por la recapitulación de todo, se convierte en un maestro, y mediante el ejercicio de la autoridad, que se convierte en un juez. Aquí también es Dios quien actúa a través de él, a través de su cuenta y no a través de las personas, aunque sean los más dotados e inteligente de las personas. Es a través de la mediación de la Iglesia que Dios enseña y juzga a la fe de la persona, de acuerdo con la Palabra: “El que se niega a escuchar, incluso la Iglesia, sea para ti como el gentil y el publicano”. This Week’s Calendar Monday N.A. at 5:30pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Exercise Class at 8:30pm in Fatima Hall Tuesday Adult Rel. Ed. at 7pm in Catechetical Center Knights of Columbus at 8pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Wednesday Neo-Cat. at 7pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Thursday A.A. at 6:30pm in Fatima Hall Exercise Class at 8pm in Fatima Hall Friday Bereavement Group at 1pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Choir Practice at 7pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Saturday Spanish Adult Rel. Ed. at 10am in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Giorno di Penitenza Mercoledì, 22 gennaio è un giorno di astinenza e preghiera in triste commemorazione della decisione 41 anni fa della Corte Suprema che legalizzò l’aborto. Se il digiuno non è possibile, la Chiesa chiede ai suoi figli di fare qualch’altra penitenza. Día de Penitencia Miércoles, 22 enero, es un día de ayuno y oración en recuerdo doloroso de la decisión del Tribunal Supremo hace 41 años que legalizó el aborto. Si el ayuno no es posible, la Iglesia pide a sus hijos a hacer alguna otra penitencia. Pro-Life Holy Hour Join us every second and fifth Friday of the month at 6pm Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the unborn, pray for us Lectors & Choir Members Needed Is the Holy Spirit leading you to serve at Mass as a Lector or Choir Member? Please come to the rectory and leave your name * Serve the Lord with gladness *
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