Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 Telephone: 718-295-3770 Fax: 718-367-2240 PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Fr. Eric Rapaglia PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues Rev. Fr. Alejandro Baumann PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. John A. Ruvo PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Telephone: 718-295-6080 Fax: 718-561-5205 CATECHETICAL CENTER COORDINATOR Sr. Loreto Bigay, S.M.C. Telephone: 718-295-7397 Fax: 718-295-7656 MASSES: Saturday Evening: 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:30am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), 11:00am (Italian),12:30pm (English) Weekdays: 8:30am (English, Mon.-Sat.) 12noon (English, Mon.-Sat.) 7:00pm (English, Mon.-Fri.) HOLY HOUR: 12:30pm (Sat.) CONFESSIONS: Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm DEVOTIONS: Each night from 6 - 7 pm we will expose the Blessed Sacrament and say the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration and nightly devotions until Benediction. Monday: Miraculous Medal; Tuesday: Divine Mercy; Wednesday:O. L. of Perpetual Help; Thursday: St. Joseph; Friday: St. Pio (1st Friday); O. L. of Guadalupe (2nd and 5th Friday); St. Anne (3rd Friday);St. John Vianney (4th Friday). BAPTISMS: Baptisms are celebrated at 1:45 pm on the 2ND SUNDAY of each month in SPANISH, the 3RD SUNDAY in ENGLISH. Arrangements must be made by phoning one of the priests at the rectory at least one month prior to the Baptism. Parents and godparents MUST attend a Pre-Baptism instruction at 8:00 pm on the Monday prior to the Baptism. Sponsors must present Confirmation Certificates from the parish from which they received this Sacrament. MARRIAGES: Couples desiring to be married must make the necessary arrangements beginning with a phone call to one of the priests at the rectory at least six months before the proposed wedding date. Information will be given regarding the church requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony. ANOINTING OF THE SICK A priest should be called whenever anyone is seriously ill. Families should take care not to wait until the person is dying. In case of an emergency, the rectory should be called at any time. PARISH MEMBERSHIP New parishioners should register at the rectory as soon as possible after moving into the parish. ENVELOPES Every adult in the parish should receive and use our envelopes for the Sunday collection. Children attending our Parish School or Religious Ed. classes receive and are encouraged to use their children’s envelopes. MT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Avenue. Information concerning the parish school should be obtained from the school during the normal school hours. The parish school telephone number is published above. April 6, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH ANNOUNCED MASSES REST IN PEACE……Please pray for the deceased members of our parish, especially Maria Adornetto and Carolina Ferrante Skouras & for our military. SUN. APRIL 6th SIXTH SUNDAY OF LENT 8:30am Fr. Nicholas Basile 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 Francesco e Vincenza Bordenga 12:30pm Frank Pappas WEDDING BANNS… III. Christopher Gerard Barbieri & Lindsay Peguero Pasquale Gennaro Porpora & Regina Lee Buonfiglio MON. APRIL 7th LENTEN WEEKDAY; ST. JOHN BAPTIST 7:30am Feliciano Fernandez 8:30am Nan Christensen 12:00pm Laurence & Lily Borgatti 7:00pm For all souls MEMORIALS OFFERED THIS WEEK Sanctuary Lamp - Giuseppe & Pasqualina Lupo & Deceased of the Adesso, Cafaro & Diorio Families by grandson & cousin, Joseph Lupo TUES. APRIL 8th LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30am Biagia Angiola 8:30am Salvatore & Giuseppina Florio 12:00pm Maria Di Lizia 7:00pm Frank Pappas, Christine Covino & Jennie Salce 9th LENTEN WED. APRIL WEEKDAY 7:30am For a special intention 8:30am Sr. M. Letizia Nunzi 12:00pm Carolina Ferrante Skouras 7:00pm Deceased Members of the Spano, Mercurio & D’Aiello Families THURS. APRIL 10th LENTEN WEEKDAY 7:30am Lorenza Mirafra 8:30am Maria Grande 12:00pm Angie Palermo & Lucy Piperno 7:00pm Alphonse Manna FRI. APRIL 11th LENTEN WEEKDAY; ST. STANISLAUS 7:30am Giuseppe Ricciardella 8:30am Lori McCalip 12:00pm Erma Borgatti 7:00pm Gerardine Mautone SAT. APRIL 12th LENTEN WEEKDAY 8:30am Lucy & Pasquale Fina 12:00pm Francesco Cibelli 5:00pm Andrea, Maria, Steve & Anthony Acierno SUN. APRIL 13th PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF OUR LORD 8:15am Lindo & Maria Borgatti 9:30 Pro Populo 11:00 P. Antonio Maria D’Antonio 12:30pm Olga D’Amico & Giorgio Mazzone SUNDAY MASS COLLECTION 3/30/14 Collection ..............................................$2,902.05 3/30/14 Children’s Collection ............................. 231.25 Last year’s Collection ….................................... $3,585.70 2 Fridays in Lent - Stations of the Cross Each Friday of Lent one of the Parish Priests will lead the Congregation in the Stations of the Cross: 11:15 am (Italian); 5:15 pm (English); 7:45 pm (Spanish). Recall that Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence. Thirteen Tuesdays in Honor of Saint Anthony Each Tuesday until the Tredicina in June, we pray the 13 Tuesday Novena to St. Anthony at 6 pm, followed by Mass. Blessed Bread is available. St. Anthony’s Bread April 8th – Vincent Ferro In Loving Memory of Carmela & Pasquale Ferro and Norma Grattini & Family Bible Group will continue every Thursday in Lent at 7:30pm in the Catechetical Center. HOLY NAME SOCIETY All men of the parish are invited to join the members of the Holy Name Society at their monthly Corporate Communion Mass next Sunday, April 13th at 8:30 a.m., and after Mass in the Msgr. Ruvo Meeting Room. There will be a review from My Catholic Faith of (1) Divine Providence; (2) Existence of God; and (3) Divine Revelation, followed by a brief meeting. Refreshments will be served. St. Joseph Pasta Night Due to the renovations being done in Fatima Hall, the St. Joseph Pasta Night is being postponed. We are planning a St. Padre Pio Pasta Night in September. Look for details in the bulletin and on the website in August. Thank you to all of you who always support our fundraising efforts. San Giuseppe Pasta Night A causa dei lavori di ristrutturazione in corso in Fatima Hall, S. Giuseppe Pasta Night è stata rinviata. Stiamo progettando un S. Padre Pio Pasta Night in Settembre. Cercate i dettagli nel bollettino e sul sito-web nel mese di agosto. Grazie a tutti. MASS ATTENDANCE FOR WEEKEND OF MAR. 30, ‘14 Adults………………………………………....496 Children……………………………………….160 Total…………………………………………...656 April 6, 2014 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL CHURCH CATECHETICAL CORNER This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley ANGOLO CATECHETICO Questa è la Fede dal Canonico Francesco Ripley “The Fifth Commandment” "Il Quinto Comandamento" 3 The Fifth Commandment forbids: Il Quinto Comandamento proibisce : f) Quarreling, which tends toward fighting and even murder; f) Il litigare, che tende verso la lotta e persino omicidi; g) Injurious words, which lead to quarrels and their consequences. “Whoever shall say, You Fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” (Matt 5:22) g) Le parole ingiuriose, che portano a liti e le loro conseguenze. "Chiunque dirà, pazzo, sono in pericolo del fuoco dell'inferno”. (Mt 5,22). h) Scandal, which is any word, deed or omission, wrong or seeming to be wrong, and leading others to sin. Those who give bad example to those under them, such as parents who curse and quarrel before their children, those who by their behavior teach or suggest evil, those who ridicule piety in others, those who counsel others to do evil, and those who provoke others to sin are guilty of malicious scandal. Another name for it is “soul murder.” What a terrible sin! Even murder of the body is one of the sins mentioned in the Bible as “crying to Heaven for vengeance.” Scandal is undoing the work of Christ, who came to save all men, and doing the work of the devil. “Woe to the world because of scandals,” said Our Lord, and “he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matt 18:7). Often, illinstructed people take scandal from even lawful things; hence, particular care is necessary when this danger is present. h) Lo scandalo, che è una parola, azione o omissione, sbagliato o che sembra essere sbagliato, e porta altri al peccato. Coloro che danno cattivo esempio a quelli sotto di loro, come i genitori che maledicono e litigano davanti ai loro figli, quelli che con il loro comportamento insegnano o suggeriscono male, quelli che mettono in ridicolo la pietà negli altri, quelli che consigliano ad altri di fare il male, e quelli che provocano altri al peccato sono colpevoli di scandalo dannoso. Un’ altro nome è " omicidio dell’anima". Che peccato terribile! Anche l'omicidio del corpo è uno dei peccati menzionati nella Bibbia come "piange vendetta al Cielo". Lo scandalo è il disfare dell'opera di Cristo, che è venuto per salvare tutti gli uomini, e fare il lavoro del diavolo. "Guai al mondo per gli scandali", ha detto Nostro Signore, e "colui che avrà scandalizzato uno di questi piccoli che credono in Me, sarebbe meglio per lui che una macina da mulino sarebbe appesa al collo, e che sarebbe annegato nelle profondità del mare". (Matt 18:7). Spesso persone mal istruiti prendono scandalo anche da le cose lecite, quindi, particolare attenzione è necessaria quando questo pericolo è presente. Meditazione per la Quaresima Suor Ruth Burrows, O.C.D. I nostri cuori vanno sempre chiedendo: “Che altro, Signore? Cosa vuoi da me? Che cosa è manca ancora? Fammi vedere tutto ciò che impedisce il Tuo amore nel pieno ambito in me. Fammi vedere. Aiutami a vedere la mostra. Aiutami a sentire la risposta alla domanda: 'che cosa ancora’”? Che cosa chiede il Signore, ciò che Egli si rese conto era così amaramente difficile per il cuore umano, è stata la “conversione”: che accettando di voltarsi a destra, ad essere srotolata dalla padronanza di sé, l’egocentrismo, e dall’ autoorientamento che è la nostra condizione nativa, di diventare posseduto da Dio, centrato su Dio, direttato a Dio. È ciò che Egli intende diventando un piccolo, un bambino, che solo è in grado di ricevere il regno, di conoscere i misteri del regno. Questo facendo di nuovo è opera esclusiva di Dio. Ma dobbiamo accettare il Suo lavoro, dobbiamo permettere che la Sua mano divina prende possesso di noi e ci formarci nella vera forma. E noi resistiamo con tutte le nostre forze. Egli sa che solo quando siamo così ri-formati possiamo essere veramente felici. La nostra miseria nasce dal nostro egocentrismo. La gioia e la libertà sono in possesso di Dio. “Ah, se solo tu sapessi che cosa è per la vostra pace”! (Lc 19:42). Vediamo quindi di aprire i nostri cuori a Dio che il Suo Spirito possa prendere possesso di noi e il sogno di Dio può diventare una realtà nella nostra vita – il sogno della nostra vocazione – Dio solo. Lenten Meditation Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D. Our hearts should be always be asking, “What more, Lord? What do you want of me? What is still wanting? Show me anything that is preventing Your love having full scope in me. Show me. Help me to see the showing. Help me to hear the answer to the question: ‘what still?’” What our Lord asks, what He realized was so bitterly hard for the human heart, was “conversion”: that accepting to turn right round, to be uncoiled from the self-possession, selfcenteredness, and self-orientation that is our native condition, to become God-possessed, God-centered, Goddirected. It is what He means by becoming a little one, a child, who alone is capable of receiving the kingdom, of knowing the mysteries of the kingdom. This re-making is God’s exclusive work. But we must accept His work, we must allow His divine hand to take hold of us and wrench us into true shape. And we resist with all our might. He knows that only when we are thus re-shaped can we be truly happy. Our misery springs from our self-centeredness. Joy and freedom are in God’s possession. “Ah, if only you knew what is for your peace!” (Lk 19:42). Let us then open our hearts to God that His Spirit may take possession of us and the dream of God become a reality in our lives—the dream of our vocation—God alone. Lectors April 12 - 13 - Palm Sunday - Lectors TBA LECCIONES DE CATECISMO Esta es la Fe por el canónigo Francisco Ripley “El Quinto Mandamiento” El Quinto Mandamiento prohíbe: f) Discutir, que tiende a la lucha e incluso el asesinato; g) Palabras lastimeras, que conducen a peleas y sus consecuencias. “Cualquiera que diga: Necio, quedará expuesto al infierno de fuego”. (Mateo 5:22). h) Escándalo, que es cualquier palabra, obra u omisión, equivocada o que parecía estar mal, y guiar a otros al pecado. Los que dan mal ejemplo a sus súbditos, como los padres que maldicen y se pelean delante de sus hijos, para los que con su comportamiento sugieren el mal, los que ridiculizan la piedad de los demás, los que aconsejan a otros a hacer lo malo, y los que provocan a otros al pecado son culpables del escándalo malicioso. Otro nombre para él es “asesino del alma”. ¡Qué terrible pecado! Incluso el asesinato del cuerpo es uno de los pecados mencionados en la Biblia como “llorar al Cielo por venganza”. Escándalo es perder la obra de Cristo, que vino para salvar a todos los hombres, y hacer el trabajo del diablo. “¡Ay del mundo por los escándalos”, dijo Nuestro Señor, y “el que escandalice a uno de estos pequeñitos que creen en mí, más le vale colgarse una piedra de molino al cuello, y ser arrojado en lo profundo del mar”! (Mateo 18:7). A menudo las personas instruidas escandalizan incluso de las cosas legales, por lo que hay que cuidarse especialmente cuando el peligro está presente. Meditación de Cuaresma Hermana Ruth Burrows, O.C.D. Nuestros corazones siempre están preguntando, “¿Qué más, Señor? ¿Qué es lo que quieres de mí? que es lo que esperas? Muéstrame lo que impide descubrir tu amor en mí. Enséñame. Ayúdame a descubrir tu enseñanza. Ayúdame a oír la respuesta a la pregunta: ‘¿calladamente’”? Que es lo que nuestro Señor pide, lo que se dio cuenta es tan amargo y difícil para el corazón del hombre, fue la “conversión”: el aceptar dar la vuelta a la derecha, que se desenrolla desde el dominio de sí mismo, el egocentrismo y la auto-orientación que es nuestra nativa condición, para ser poseídos por Dios, centrado en Dios, dirigida por Dios. Es lo que quiere decir al convertirse en un pequeño, un niño, el único que es capaz de recibir el reino, de conocer los misterios del reino. Este re- hacer es obra exclusiva de Dios. Pero debemos aceptar su trabajo, debemos permitir que su mano divina se apodere de nosotros y nos haga verdadera arcilla. Y nosotros nos oponemos con todas nuestras fuerzas. Él sabe que sólo cuando estemos re-formados seremos verdaderamente felices. Nuestra miseria brota de nuestro egocentrismo. La alegría y la libertad están en la posesión de Dios. “¡Ah, si supieras lo que es para tu paz!”(Lc 19:42 ). Vamos ahora, abrir el corazón a Dios que Su Espíritu pueda tomar posesión de nosotros y el sueño de Dios sea una realidad en nuestras vidas, el sueño de nuestra vocación -solo por Dios. Cardinal’s Appeal 2014 To date you parish has received $22,359 in pledges/gifts towards the 2014 Cardinal’s Appeal from 115 families. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. L’Appello del Cardinale 2014 Ad oggi la nostra parrocchia ha ricevuto $22,359 di promesse/donazioni verso il 2014 Appello del Cardinale da 115 famiglie. Vi preghiamo di essere i più generosi possibili. Grazie per il vostro gentil sostegno. El Apelo del Cardenal 2014 Hasta la fecha, la parroquia ha recibido $22,359 en promesas/ donaciones para el Apelo del Cardenal 2014 hasta 115 familias. Por favor sea tan generoso como sea posible. Gracias por su cooperación. Food Pantry - We are accepting donations of non-perishable food items at the rectory to stock up our food pantry. Thank you for your generosity. Home Consecrations If anyone is interested in having their home consecrated to the Sacred Heart please leave your name and address and number at the rectory and one of the priests will call you to schedule the consecration. Via Crucis-6pm-Friday, April 11th from O. L. of Mercy and continuing to Our Saviour, St. Simon Stock, St. Martin of Tours & OLMC. All are encouraged to participate. OLMC School Spring Forward Card Party Caffuzzi Hall - Saturday, May 3rd - 6pm to 10pm $25 ($30 at the door) Tickets still available at the Rectory & School Campania Association Pilgrimage to Washington, DC May 17-18 Visit: Capitol Hill; Jefferson, Lincoln, Korean, Vietnam & MLK, Jr. Memorials; Air & Space Museum; Arlington Nat’l Cemetery; Kennedy Family Tomb. See changing of the guard at Tomb of Unknown Soldier. Holy Mass May 18th in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. For info, call Nick Trombetta at 646-404-1760. This Week’s Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday N.A. at 5:30pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Exercise Class at 8:30pm in Fatima Hall Adult Rel. Ed. at 7pm in Catechetical Center Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall Neo-Cat. at 7pm in Fatima Hall ESL Class at 7:30pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. A.A. at 6:30pm in Fatima Hall Exercise Class at 8pm in Fatima Hall Bereavement Group at 1pm in Msgr. Ruvo Rm. Spanish Choir Practice at 7pm in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Spanish Adult Rel. Ed. at 10am in Msgr. Ruvo Mtg. Rm. Neo-Cat. at 8pm in Fatima Hall HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2014 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL, BRONX, NY PALM SUNDAY - APRIL 12th and 13th 5:00 p.m. (English) [Fr. Urbano] 8:15 a.m. Sunday (English) [Fr. Salty] 9:30 a.m. Sunday (Spanish) [Fr. Baumann] 11:00 a.m. Sunday (Italian) [Fr. Rapaglia] 12:30 p.m. Sunday (English) Solemn Entrance into Church [Fr. Urbano] MONDAY & TUESDAY - APRIL 14th & 15th - Regular weekday schedule SPY WEDNESDAY - APRIL 16th 7:30 a.m. [Fr. Salty] 8:30 a.m. School Children's Mass [Fr. Baumann] 12 noon [Fr. Urbano] 6:00 -7:00 pm Holy Hour w/ Rosary, Chaplet and Novena to Our Lady 7:00 p.m. Mass [Fr. Rapaglia] HOLY THURSDAY - APRIL 17th 9:00 a.m. Tenebrae (English, Italian & Spanish) [Fr. Rapaglia] 7:30 p.m. Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Supper [Fr. Rapaglia w/ concelebrants] (English; Italian & Spanish Hymns & Readings) Holy Hour: (c. 9:15pm; The Altar of Reposition will be prepared in Fatima Hall. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will end at midnight.) [Fr. Rapaglia] GOOD FRIDAY – APRIL 18th 9:00 a.m. Tenebrae (English, Italian & Spanish) [Fr. Rapaglia] 10:00 a.m. - Stations of the Cross: (Spanish) [Fr. Baumann] 11:00 a.m. - Stations of the Cross: (Italian) [Fr. Rapaglia] 12 noon - Stations of the Cross: (English) [Fr. Urbano] 3:00 p.m. - Rosary w/ The Passion of the Christ Film [Choir sings] [Fr. Rapaglia] 6:30 p.m. -Liturgy of Lord's Passion: (English; Italian & Spanish Hymns & Readings) [Fr. Urbano & concelebrants] th HOLY SATURDAY - APRIL 19 9:00 a.m. Tenebrae (English, Italian & Spanish) [Fr. Rapaglia] 6:00-8:00 pm Confessions (All Priests) 8:00 p.m. - Easter Vigil: (English; Readings & Hymns in Italian & Spanish) [Fr. Baumann & concelebrants] EASTER SUNDAY - APRIL 20th 8:15 a.m. Mass: (English) [Fr. Rapaglia] 9:30 a.m. Mass: (Spanish) [Fr. Baumann] 11:00 a.m. Mass:(Italian) [Fr. Urbano] 12:30 p.m. Mass:(English) [Fr. Rapaglia]
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