英文解釈1 文の構造 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① The house stood on a hill. ② In the house stood a man. (2) ① The girl appeared quiet. ② The girl appeared quietly. (3) ① I found the book easy. ② I found the book easily. (4) ① He made his son a violin. ② He made his son a violinist. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) O-Yuki proved a very good daughter-in-law. When Minokichi’s mother came to die,― some five years later,―her last words were words of affection and praise for the wife of her son. And O-Yuki bore Minokichi ten children, boys and girls―handsome children all of them, and very fair of skin. <注> O-Yuki「お雪」 daughter-in-law「嫁[義理の娘]」 fair of skin「(肌の)色が白い」 (2) Though it is becoming increasingly easy to move from place to place, our inability to communicate with one another, gives rise to numerous misunderstandings and makes real contact between people of differing nationalities impossible. <日本大> <注> increasingly「ますます」 give rise to ~=cause ~ nationality「国籍」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <関西外短大> ①Television is a technological miracle, a wonderful new instrument of communication, capable of widening and enlarging mankind’s horizons. ②It has given each individual a powerful means of increasing his or her awareness of the world and of his or her fellow human beings. ③It has made entertainment a basic human right, available, on tap and on demand, at virtually any hour of the day or night. ④It has changed the life-style and daily habits of all who have received it into their homes. ⑤There can be no doubt that as an instrument of communication and information television is of the utmost potential value. <注> widen ~=make ~ wide enlarge ~=make ~ large horizon「限界」 awareness「認識」 on tap「必要な時いつでも」 on demand「要求があり次第」 virtually「事実上」 utmost「最大の」 (1) ①~⑤の主節部分がそれぞれ第何文型に属するか述べよ。 (2) 下線部⑤を和訳せよ。 (3) 次の問の答えとして最も適当なものを1つ選べ。 Which idea is not used to describe television? ア. Television is constantly available. イ. Television has replaced reading books. ウ. Television provides a huge amount of information. エ. Television is a tool of communication. 英文解釈2 文の種類 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① What is it for? ② What is it like? (2) ① Why don’t you have any wine? ② Why don’t you have some wine? (3) ① How far is it from here to the station? ② How far it is from here to the station! (4) ① Let us sing a song, will you? ② Let us sing a song, shall we? 2.和訳せよ。 (1) The belief in the common man is the core of the democratic creed. The idea of a free people is inconceivable without it. How can a people be free if its members cannot think and act for themselves? And why should they be free if their thoughts and their emotions are unworthy of respect? <群馬大> <注>common「一般の」 core「核心」 creed「綱領」 inconceivable「考えられない」 Should+S+be~?「一体 S は~なのか」 unworthy of~「~に値しない」 (2) How I hated this school, and what a life of anxiety I lived there for more than two years! I made very little progress at my lessons, and none at all at games. I counted the days and the hours to the end of every term, when I should return home from this hateful servitude. <注>anxiety「気苦労」 games「運動競技」 ~, when…=~, and then… term「学期」 hateful「嫌な」 servitude「奴隷の境遇」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 “Hello, Tom. (A ) is your little dog?” “He is fine, thank you, Mary. I have given him a new name. I (① ) decided to call him Fido. But there is only one trouble (a ) him; he eats too much. He eats more than I (② ) now. (b ) look at him. He’s growing very fat, (③ ) he?” “I think so (c ). Now’s the time to teach him some new tricks before he gets too big.” “Do you know a good (d )?” “Well, (B ) don’t you teach him to run to the front door of your house and bring (e ) the newspaper? The boy who delivers the paper to your house (④ ) always throw the paper on the porch. Look, there (⑤ ) today’s paper on the grass.” “That’s a very good idea.” <注> trick「芸(当)」 deliver「配達する」 (1) (A)(B)に適当な疑問詞を入れよ。 (2) (①)~(⑤)に適当な語を次のア~クから選んで入れよ。 ア. do イ. don’t ウ. does エ. doesn’t オ. is カ. isn’t (3) (a)~(e)に適当な語を次のア~オから選んで入れよ。 ア. back イ. just ウ. one エ. too オ. with (4) 下線部を和訳せよ。 キ. have ク. haven’t 英文解釈3 句・節 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① Barking dogs do not bite. ② Walking dogs is good exercise. (2) ① The curtain in the room is dirty. / The curtain to hang in the room is dirty. ② The curtain hanging in the room is dirty. / The curtain hung in the room is dirty. (3) ① The newspaper reported that the news was reliable. ② The newspaper that reported the news was reliable. (4) ① He asked me where she lived. / He took me to the house where she lived. ② He took me where she lived. / The house is where she lived. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Science is the attempt to discover, by means of observation, and reasoning based upon it, first, particular facts about the world, and then laws connecting facts with one another and (in fortunate cases) making it possible to predict future occurrences. <桃山学院大> <注>observation「観察」 reasoning「推論」 predict「予言する」 occurrence<occur「起こる」 (2) If a man is honest and hard-working, we respect him, whether he is a poor laborer or a wealthy merchant. For all honest labor is equally honorable, and the test of a good citizenship is not what kind of work a man does, but how well he does the work that is given him to do. <注> laborer「労働者」 honorable「立派な」 test「試す手段,試金石」 citizenship「市民の資格」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <日本大> Even honest advertisements can sometimes be misused. advertisement ①for the latest electric iron, (A (B ) the one ②she bought last year. Mrs Smith sees an ) is slightly better or more beautiful She feels ③she must have one ④before her neighbour Mrs Jones gets one. She begins to complain to her husband ⑤about her perfectly good iron, and keeps up the psychological pressure (C ones quite unnecessarily, (D ) he has bought her one of the new ) one considers ‘⑥keeping up with the Joneses’ necessary. <注> advertisement「広告」 misuse「誤用する」 slightly「わずかに」 psychological「心理的な」 keep up with the Joneses「(隣人や友人に負けまいとして)見栄を張る」 (1) 下線部①~⑥に対する文法的名称として適当なものを1つずつ選べ。 ア. 名詞句 イ. 形容詞句 ウ. 副詞句 エ. 名詞節 (2) (A)~(D)に入れるのに最も適当な語を1つずつ選べ。 ア. than イ. till ウ. unless エ. which オ. 形容詞節 カ. 副詞節 英文解釈4 基本時制 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① Where did you come from? ② Where do you come from? (2) ① Tell me when you are ready. ② Tell me when you will be ready. (3) ① I will study if it rains tomorrow. ② I will study if it will rain tomorrow. (4) ① Shall I wait here? / Will you wait here? ② Shall we wait here? / Shall he wait here? 2.和訳せよ。 (1) “I can’t take you to town, Tom. I’m going there on business. But you and Mary shall each have a nice present. I will get you a model car and Mary shall have a doll.” “Will you take us to town some day, Father?” “All right. I will.” “When shall we go, Father?” “Well, let’s go next Sunday.” <注> a model car「模型自動車」 (2) The first thing that men learned, as soon as they began to study nature carefully, was that some events take place in regular order and that some causes always give rise to the same effects. <注> event「出来事」 give rise to ~=cause ~ 3.次の英文の(1)~(8)に入る最も適当な語を,下の①~⑩から選んで,必要があれば適当な形に 変えて記入せよ。ただし,その際2語以上になってはならない。 The word “boycott” (1 <西南学院大> ) from a person’s name. Captain Charles Boycott was an Englishman who lived in Ireland in 1880. At that time, Englishmen (2 the Irish farmland and many Irish farmers (3 these English landlords did not even (4 (5 ) much of ) rent to the English. Most often, ) in Ireland and therefore used agents to ) the rent. Captain Boycott was one such agent. As a form of protest against him, the Irish together (6 ) to pay him the rents, would not sell food or goods to his household, and would not speak to him and his family. Nowadays if one (7 company, or even a whole nation, one is protesting against it and (8 <注> landlord「地主」 agent「代理人」 protest「抗議(する)」 household「家族(全員)」 ① boycott ② collect ③ come ④ go ⑤ hope ⑥ live ⑦ make ⑧ pay ⑨ refuse ⑩ own )a ) to change it. 英文解釈5 完了時制 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I didn’t read the paper this morning. ② I haven’t read the paper this morning. (2) ① He has been to the station to see his friend off. ② He has gone to the station to see his friend off. (3) ① I had not arrived there before it began to rain. ② I had hardly arrived there before it began to rain. (4) ① I will have been home until he arrives. ② I will have been home by the time he arrives. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) “It is fortunate that you have come to see me today, because I will have been on board about this time tomorrow,” said Mr. Kimura, the captain of the Taiyo-maru. He had recently returned from his six months’ voyage. <注> on board (a ship)「船に乗って」 (2) Shakespeare has not always been so symbolic a figure. He was once an actor and a playwright, when neither actors nor stage-plays were regarded as respectable or of any importance. The notion that he was the supreme genius of the English-speaking race did not begin until he had been dead more than a century: but since then it has become so firmly accepted that no schoolboy can avoid a detailed study of at least one of his plays. <注>symbolic「象徴的な」 figure「人物」 playwright「劇作家」 stage-play「舞台劇」 respectable「立派な」 supreme「最高の」 race「民族」 detailed「詳しい」 3.英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <同志社女大> I [①go] to tell you about a rather curious experience I [②have] three years ago. morning in October a letter arrived by the first post which rather puzzled me. (1)One The envelope [③typewrite] and it contained just a single ticket for Wyndham’s Theater for the same evening. No letter or card to say who it [④be] from―just the ticket. Of course, it was obvious what [⑤happen]―somebody had found himself with a ticket that he could not use and [⑥send] it on to me, [⑦forget] to put a note in with it. However, no one [⑧do] telephone, so during the afternoon I got through to two people who might [⑨send] it, but neither of them [⑩have]. The play was Bulldog Drummond, and (2)I hadn’t seen it, so naturally decided to go. <注>post「便,集配」 puzzle「当惑させる」 get through to~「~に電話連絡する」 (1) 下線部(1)を和訳せよ。 (2) 下線部(2)を和訳せよ。 (3) [①]~[⑩]の動詞を最も適当な形に変えよ。 英文解釈6 進行形 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I am seeing her tonight. ② I am seeing her home. (2) ① The machine was stopping. ② The machine was always stopping. (3) ① She was staying abroad last month. ② She has been staying abroad for the last month. (4) ① It will be raining about this time tomorrow. ② It will have been raining a whole week tomorrow. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) I have been in England three months now. I hope you don’t think I’ve forgotten you. There have been so many places to see and so many things to do that I’ve not had much time for writing letters. I shall soon be starting my studies at college. So far I’ve been learning about England and British ways of living. <注> so far「今までは」 (2) He was having a nightmare. He was going down a steep, icy slope on skis and below him there was a deep dark gully. The wind was screaming past his ears, and his speed became greater and greater as he neared the gully. He tried to stop, but he knew it was impossible on that ice. He screamed, but the wind took the sound out of his mouth. He knew he was going to crash and he knew it was going to be bad and he resigned himself to how bad it was going to be. <東京大> <注>nightmare「悪夢」 steep「険しい」 gully「渓谷」 scream「(人が)悲鳴を上げる,(風が)ピューピューうなる」 crash「衝突[墜落]する」 resign oneself to~「~に身を任せる」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <東京外大> Dr. Cahn’s mental faculties ①are declining. He no longer knows his own age, and he ②is forever confusing Will and George. Communication is another problem. Even simple words like “heat” ( ③ ) him sometimes. ④(around/happening/him/is/of/sense/the/what) is all but lost. He has to be told repeatedly that his wife is “not well”. ⑤What is even more pathetic, perhaps, is the total absence of memory of the time he worked (for fifty years!) at the very hospital to which he is being taken. <注>mental faculty「頭の働き」 decline「衰える」 confuse「混同する」 all but=almost (1) 下線部①②の進行形の意味に最も近いものを1つずつ選べ。 ア. ~している最中だ イ. ~する予定だ ウ. ~しつつある (2) (③)に入れるのに最も適当な動詞を1つ選べ。 ア. fail イ. forget ウ. leave エ. lose (3) ④の( )内の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (4) 下線部⑤を和訳せよ。 pathetic「痛ましい」 エ. ~してばかりいる 英文解釈7 動詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① The students still remained. ② The students remained still. (2) ① She looked angrily at me. ② She looked angry at me. (3) ① He left his son a million dollars. ② He left his son a millionaire. (4) ① I lay down for an hour. ② I lay myself down for an hour. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Tom has grown tall and he is getting fat. He seems strong because he looks tough and sounds rough. But actually he is much weaker than he appears. After he proved to be weak, he has become a coward. <注>tough「たくましい」 rough「荒っぽい」 coward「臆病者」 (2) “Let’s run a race to the foot of the hill over there,” said the hare to the tortoise. “OK,” said the latter, and they started running. Which do you think won the race? Of course the hare did, because he did not stop running. After he reached the goal, the hare slept a sound victor’s sleep. <注>hare「野うさぎ」 tortoise「(陸の)亀」 3.次の英文の(1)~(8)に入る最も適当な語を,下の①~⑩から選んで,必要があれば適当な形に 変えて記入せよ。ただし,その際2語以上になってはならない。 <西南学院大> In this dictionary you will find the meanings of over 3,000 common English idioms clearly (1 ). To (2 ) the meaning even clearer, each idiom has an example sentence, which also (3 (5 ) to (4 ) you how the idioms can be ). With any dictionary of idioms there is always the problem of selecting what will (6 words (8 ) into such a dictionary. By this we (7 ) that certain ) to be used together more often, or more naturally, than others. <注>certain「特定の」 ① carry ② confuse ③ explain ④ go ⑤ help ⑥ make ⑦ mean ⑧ show ⑨ use ⑩ tend 英文解釈8 助動詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① Will it be true? It must be true. ② Can it be true? It can’t be true. (2) ① He would not help her with the housework. ② He would often help her with the housework. (3) ① She may have to read this book. ② She may have read this book. (4) ① I used to cook my own food. ② I’m used to cooking my own food. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) I wonder where I can have dropped my purse. I may have had it stolen while I was watching the football game. I need not have carried it today. How absent-minded I must have been! I ought to have been more careful. <注> absent-minded「ぼんやりした」 (2) He is terribly stubborn. You may as well try to persuade him, but it’ll be almost impossible. You might as well wish the sun to rise in the west as hope to change his mind. I dare say you would rather not go and see him. <注>terribly「ひどく」 stubborn「頑固な」 3.次の文中の(1)~(8)に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれア~エから1つ選べ。 <明治大> “I have been looking for this office since I arrived at the station. This kind of place ( 1 ) be in the main street. Anyway, I ( 2 ) me a hotel, please.” “Certainly, sir. But you ( 3 ) so far. If you’d turned left at the station, you ( 4 ) one straightaway. But ( 5 ) see if we can find you something suitable?” “I only want a room for one night but I can’t stand sleeping in noisy rooms.” “Unfortunately, all the hotels here are near the main road. But I have an idea. You ( 6 ) come home with me, sir. You’ll be more comfortable. In fact, when you ( 7 ) my wife’s cooking, you’ll realize you ( 8 ) have come to a better place.” <注>straightaway=right away (1) ア. can イ . need ウ. ought エ. should (2) ア. like you finding イ . would like you to find ウ. would like that you find エ. am wanting you to find (3) ア. didn’t need to walk イ. need have walked ウ. must have walked エ . weren’t to walk (4) ア. would have found イ . had found ウ . should find エ . would find (5) ア. let’s イ. shall we ウ . will we エ . are we to (6) ア. had better イ . would better not ウ . had rather エ. would rather not (7) ア . tasted イ. should taste ウ . taste エ . have taste (8) ア . oughtn’t イ. might ウ . may エ. couldn’t 英文解釈9 受動態 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① It’s been painted white. ② It’s being painted white. (2) ① Who was the boy hit by? ② Who was hit by the boy? (3) ① The boy was made clean by his mother. ② The boy was made to clean by his mother. (4) ① The man is known for his lyric poems. / The man is known as a lyric poet. ② The man is known to my friends. / A man is known by his friends. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) The world’s population is expected to double in about 40 years. More food must be produced to take care of so many added people. New types of food must be developed from plants that grow on the land and in the seas. These challenges must be met. Until needless hunger is made to disappear from the world, the story of man and his food problems will not be finished. <宇都宮大> <注>challenge「難問」 (2) The name of Sir Philip Sydney will never be forgotten; for it was the name of a Christian gentleman who always had the good of others in his mind. Was it any wonder that everybody wept when it was heard that he was dead? It is said that, on the day when he was carried to the grave, every eye in the land was filled with tears. <注> Sir Philip Sydney「フィリップ・シドニー卿」 the good「幸福」 weep「泣く」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <山梨大> ①It is a fact, easy to forget today, that throughout history, from the earliest recorded time until quite recently, the fashion of clothes has been set by men and the same fashion reflected in female clothing. Many young women now wear jeans, tight-fitting trousers made ( ② ) denim. ③This is a fashion first designed for male wear, and not disagreeable ④when worn by a young man, provided he is not fat, but very unbecoming when worn by the wrong females. But the young women love their jeans, not least the feminists among them, ⑤unconscious that by wearing them they proclaim male dominance. <注>denim「デニム(厚地綿布)」 disagreeable ↔ agreeable「感じのよい」 unbecoming「似合わない」 feminist「男女同権論者」 proclaim「宣言する」 dominance「優越」 (1) 下線部(1)を和訳せよ。 (2) (②)に入れるべき最も適当な前置詞を1つ選べ。 ア. by イ. from ウ. in エ. of (3) 下の単語10個のうち8個を用いて,下線部③と同じ内容の Jeans で始まる英文を作れ。 first, by, to, worn, were, designers, women, be, men, made (4) 下線部④に最も近い意味の英語の表現を,下の( )に適語を入れて完成せよ。 when a young man ( )( ) (5) 下線部⑤を,them と they が何を指しているかが分かるように和訳せよ。 英文解釈 10 不定詞(1) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I want someone to talk to. ② I want someone to talk to him. (2) ① He is happy to work with her. ② He is difficult to work with. (3) ① Did he learn how to swim? ② How did he learn to swim? (4) ① Her dream was to become a doctor. ② Her daughter was to become a doctor. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Father told me to take a letter to the post office, but I forgot to do so. In the evening I remembered about the letter and looked around the room to find it. But the letter was not to be seen anywhere in the house. I was afraid to see Father, but Mother only smiled and said, “Be careful not to forget next time.” <注>not ~ anywhere「どこにも~ない」 (2) Advertising is one of the biggest and most continuous psychological influences on our lives. It is literally everywhere. Wherever, by day or night, our eyes and ears are open; we are likely to see or hear some invitation to buy something. It is as though we were surrounded by a vast army of salesmen, each struggling to win our attention; each with something for us to buy, something we are made to feel that we must buy if we are not to live our lives under handicap. <注>advertising「広告」 continuous「連続的な」 psychological「心理的な」 literally「文字通り」 by day or night 「夜となく昼となく」 It is as though S were ~「まるで S は~のようだ」 a vast army of ~「大勢の~」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <専修大> Television and radio present commercials for products ①to clean almost every area of the body. Some time ago advertisers invented the letters “B.O.”―for “body odor”―②to sell deodorants ③to eliminate body smells. The (1)(ア disease, イ like, ウ commercials, エ seem, オ made, カ a, キ B.O.). Deodorants are now used daily by most American adults and are considered necessary. After B.O., “bad breath” is viewed as the second great sin (A ) cleanliness. Countless mouthwashes and toothpastes promise ④to prevent this. Television commercials usually imply that no one can be popular, or even socially accepted, (B ) using necessary deodorants, mouthwashes or toothpastes. <注>odor=smell deodorant「デオドラント」 eliminate「除去する」 mouthwash「口腔洗浄液」 (1) 下線部(1)の語を正しく並べ換えて意味の通る語順に直した場合,( )内の4番目にくる単語 の記号を答えよ。 (2) (A)(B)に入れるべき最も適当な単語を,次のア~カの中から1つずつ選べ。 ア. against イ. as ウ. by エ. for オ. with カ. without (3) 下線部①~④のto不定詞と同じ用法のto不定詞を含む文を下のア~エの中から1つずつ選べ。 ただし,2度選ぶものがある。 ア. I want to go to Senshu University. イ. He worked very hard to support his family. ウ. Do you have any magazine to read on the train? エ. To be frank, I don’t like the way he runs the company. 英文解釈 11 不定詞(2) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① My parents made me marry him. ② My parents let me marry him. (2) ① He seemed to have done everything he had to. ② He meant to have done everything he had to. (3) ① He ran so fast as to surprise us. ② He ran fast so as to surprise us. (4) ① To tell the truth does not always pay. ② To tell the truth, it does not always pay. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Civilization is a product of adversity. The great civilizations of all time seem to have arisen where nature made production possible only a part of the year, and thus made it necessary for man to work and save up for the time when he could not produce. <注>civilization「文明」 adversity「逆境」 arise「発生する」 thus「従って」 (2) Strange to say, technology, although of course the product of man, tends to develop by its own laws and principles, and these are very different from those of human nature or of living nature in general. Nature always, so to speak, knows where and when to stop. <注>in general 「一般の」 <千葉大> 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 A lot of parents are still uncertain about television. ①When it first appeared in the majority of homes, some parents thought it ought to be forbidden like cigarettes. most of the early fears can now be seen to have been exaggerated. ②But As with most things, children take from television what they want and largely ignore the rest. The point is that children will seldom turn to any but their favorite television programs if they themselves have <③and/be/do/enough/interested/to> in. ④Young children would normally rather have their parents read to them than watch a story read on television. <注>exaggerate「誇張する」 turn to ~「~に注意を向ける」 (1) 下線部①を和訳せよ。 (2) 下線部②と同じ意味になるように,( )に適当な語を入れよ。 But now we ( ( )( ). (3) <③>の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (4) 下線部④を和訳せよ。 ) that most of the early fears ( ) 英文解釈 12 分詞(1) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① They have a growing daughter. ② They have a grown daughter. (2) ① The boy called Tom and asked him a question. ② The boy called Tom asked him a question. (3) ① She kept waiting for him. ② She kept him waiting. (4) ① I hear the bell ringing at noon. / I hear the bell rung at noon. ② I hear the bell ring at noon. / I hear the bell rang at noon. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore. I have amused myself by now and then finding a smooth pebble or a pretty shell, but the great ocean of truth still lies before me unknown and unexplored. <注>amuse oneself「楽しく遊ぶ」 now and then「時々」 pebble「小石」 explore「探究する」 (2) Many a Western visitor to Japan with a knowledge of Japanese picked up in his own country experiences a mild shock when he hears a Japanese who has just had his cigarette lit by a stranger, for example, thank him with a sumimasen instead of the expected arigato. <注> many a+単数=many+複数 pick up「聞き覚える」 light「火をつける」-lit-lit 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <大阪工大> <和歌山大> It is a winter’s evening in Tokyo. In a four-roomed house in one of the western suburbs a family sits after supper ①(enjoy) the glow from an electric foot-warmer, ②(know) as a kotatsu, sunk in the centre of the floor. Over the shallow square pit that contains the heater is a low table. Over the table is a large quilt, perhaps twice as large as the table. Round the table, sitting on cushions on the floor with their stockinged feet hanging into the pit and with the quilt covering their knees, sit four people of different ages. They are old Mrs. Saito, her son, her daughter-in-law, and favourite grandchild, a young man in his twenty-first year. This young man, Saito Mamoru, is lecturing his elders on the aims and ideals of the Chinese Communist Party. Old Mrs. Saito, now ③(approach) eighty, can scarcely follow them but she senses that his remarks are both dangerous and wicked, and she becomes increasingly restless and ④(disapprove). His father, Saito Terao, is more sympathetic, but as he dislikes seeing the old lady ⑤(provoke) he will soon take her side and tell his son to stop talking. <注>glow「熱」 pit「穴」 quilt「掛け布団」 cushion「座布団」 sense「察する」 wicked「不道徳な」 restless「落ち着かない」 disapprove「不賛成である」 sympathetic「共感して」 provoke「怒らせる」 (1) ①~⑤の( )内の動詞を適当な形に変えよ。 (2) 下線部を和訳せよ。 英文解釈 13 分詞(2) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① Having lunch, I watched television. ② Having had lunch, I watched television. (2) ① The book written in English has many readers. ② The book, written in English, has many readers. (3) ① Not wanting to leave the child, the mother stayed there. ② The child not wanting to leave, the mother stayed there. (4) ① He sat with his eyes closed. / He sat with his eyes open. ② He sat with his eyes shining. / He sat with his eyes toward me. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) “George S. Kaufman,” I repeated, enjoying the sound as I pronounced it. She stared at me blankly, the name having meant nothing at all to her, and then added hastily, “That’s very nice.” <注>stare at ~「~を見つめる」 blankly「ぽかんと」 hastily「慌てて」 (2) His work finished, he went into his room. He sat down on the sofa, with his legs crossed and his head resting on the back of the sofa. He was tired but content to have written the first chapter of his new novel. <注>rest on ~「~にもたれる」 back「背もたれ」 content(ed)=satisfied 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <東京医大> A woman [①wear] blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop. Though she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. The shop assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. ②Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. She returned to the shop the [③follow] morning [④dress] in a fur coat, ( ⑤ ) a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. ⑥Having sought out the rude assistant, she asked for the same dress. realizing/not/who/was>, the assistant was eager to serve her this time. <⑦she/ With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said that she did not like it. ⑧She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. <注>serve「応対する」 scornfully「軽蔑して」 punish「懲らしめる」 seek out「探し出す」 (1) [①][③][④]の動詞を適当な形に変えよ。 (2) 下線部②⑥を副詞節に書き換えよ。 (3) (⑤)に適当な前置詞を入れよ。 (4) <⑦>の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (5) 下線部⑧を和訳せよ。 英文解釈 14 動名詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I remembered posting your letter. ② I remembered to post your letter. (2) ① He is proud of having a foreign car. ② He is proud of having had a foreign car. (3) ① I feel like flying in the sky. ② I feel like I’m flying in the sky. (4) ① He is sure of winning first prize. ② He is sure to win first prize. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) At first he refused the money because of my having done the job, but I insisted on his taking it. Man is sometimes more generous when he has little money than when he has plenty; perhaps to prevent him from being thought to have only little. <注>generous「気前のよい」 plenty (of money)=a lot of money (2) She made a point of taking part in everything the boys did. She was always on hand, and always the first to take up any daring or crazy idea. Everybody felt awkward about her continuous presence, but there was no chasing her away, because that meant a fight. <注>on hand「近くに居合わせて」 take up ~「~を始める」 daring「向こう見ずな」 feel awkward「迷惑を感じる」 continuous「連続的な」 chase ~ away「~を追い払う」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 ①Owing to Mary’s face being buried in her hands, she did not notice a figure: it came quietly into the porch, and ②on seeing her, first moved as if to step back, then paused and looked at her. Mary did not raise her head for some time, and when she looked around, her face was wet and her eyes were drowned and dim. “Mr. Smith,” she exclaimed, “how long have you been here?” “I’ve just come to cheer you up, Mary,” he said. “Please accept my condolences on your mother’s death.” “Thank you, Mr. Smith,” she said ③wiping her eyes. “④I know it’s no use crying, but…” “You can’t (⑤ ), Mary. ⑥What else is worth crying over?” <注> figure「人影」 step back「後ずさりする」 pause「立ち止まる」 drown「水浸しにする」 dim「かすんだ」 exclaim「叫ぶ」 cheer ~ up「~を励ます」 condolence「お悔やみ」 wipe「ぬぐう」 (1)下線部①②を接続詞を用いて書き換えよ。 (2)下線部③に最も近い用法のものを1つ選べ。 ア . I remained sitting on the sofa. イ. I avoided sitting on the sofa. ウ . I watched him sitting on the sofa. エ. I watched TV sitting on the sofa. (3)下線部④⑥を和訳せよ。 (4)(⑤)に入れるのには不適当な語句を1つ選べ。 ア . but cry イ . help but cry ウ. help crying エ. help to cry 英文解釈 15 仮定法 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① If he should invite me to dinner, I should be surprised. ② If he would invite me to dinner, I should be pleased. (2) ① Without you, life would be boring. ② Life without you would be boring. (3) ① Left alone, she lost her way. ② Left alone, she might have lost her way. (4) ① This house is small; otherwise it would be perfect. ② This house is small, but otherwise it is perfect. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) I feel as if I were being born again and becoming a new man, no longer English but Japanese. If only I could pick up this new language as easily as Japanese children do! But it gets harder and harder as I go on. <注>pick up=learn (2) Such a community could not have come into existence before, and if it had, without railways it would certainly have dropped to pieces long before now. Were it not for railways or telegraph, it would be far easier to govern California from Peking than from Washington. <熊本女大> <注>community「共同社会」 come into existence「存在するようになる」 drop to pieces「ばらばらになる」 telegraph「電信」 govern「統治する」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <関西学院大> The ozone layer of the atmosphere absorbs a great deal of the ultraviolet light of the sun, fortunately for living things on the earth. ①If all this light, unfiltered, reached the surface of our planet, we should be literally sunburned to death. Of course, some of the ultraviolet light does get through and this small amount converts certain substances into vitamin D, which is necessary for health. ②Were the ozone layer just twice as concentrated as it is, too little ultraviolet radiation would reach the earth and there would be a great lack of vitamin D. We should all suffer from rickets ( ③ ) we found some other source for this important vitamin. <注> layer「層」 atmosphere「大気」 absorb「吸収する」 ultraviolet light「紫外線」 unfiltered「ろ過されないで」 literally「文字通り」 sunburn「日焼けさせる」 concentrate「濃縮する」 radiation「放射(線)」 rickets「くる病」 (1)下線部①を和訳せよ。 (2)下線部②をIfで始まる節に書き換えよ。 (3)(③)に入れるのに最も適当なものを1つ選べ。 ア. had イ. if ウ. provided エ. unless 英文解釈 16 関係詞(1) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I know whose mother is a teacher. ② I know a boy whose mother is a teacher. (2) ① What he said is true. ② That he said so is true. (3) ① She is such a pretty girl as everyone loves. ② She is such a pretty girl that everyone loves her. (4) ① There are some people who I know are helpful. ② There are some people I know who are helpful. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) In Britain, one of the minor duties of good citizenship is not to disturb the private life of other citizens. If this is not true, then Englishmen are not what they used to be, and their passion for privacy, and what’s more respecting the next man’s privacy, is dead and gone. <注> citizenship「市民であること」 disturb「侵害する」 dead and gone「なくなってしまって」 <東京大> (2) Once rapid transportation services made that particular strip of suburban property easily accessible and therefore very valuable, there was no dweller in the whole city but wanted to own at least a partial interest in it. Almost overnight, every citizen with sufficient spare cash started making investments in real estate, but the boom had a shorter life than was expected. <注>a strip of ~「細長い~」 property「所有(物),地所」 accessible「行きやすい」 dweller「住人」 partial↔total interest「利権」 real estate「不動産」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 Once there was a little girl ( A ) was very pretty, but also very lazy. Her parents were rich, and had a great many servants; and these servants were very fond of the little girl, and did everything for her ( B ) she ought to have been able to do for herself. Perhaps this was ( C ) made her so lazy. When she grew up into a beautiful woman, she still remained lazy; but ①as the servants always dressed and undressed her, she looked very charming, and nobody thought about her faults. At last she was married to a brave warrior, and went away with him to live in another house in ( D ) there were ②but few servants. ③She was sorry not to have as many servants as she had had at home, because she was obliged to do most of the things for herself which other folks had always done for her. <注> warrior「軍人」 be obliged to ~=be forced to ~ folks=people (1) (A)~(D)に適当な関係代名詞を選んで入れよ。同じものを繰り返し用いてはならない。 ア. who イ. whose ウ. whom エ. which オ. that カ. what (2) 下線部①に最も近い用法のものを1つ選べ。 ア. She sang as she washed. イ. As I was late, I took a taxi. ウ. Dance as you are taught. エ. As you know, he is very rich. (3) 下線部②に最も近い用法のものを1つ選べ。 ア. He is not an adult but a child. イ. He is nothing but a child. ウ. He is but a child. エ. There is no one but loves his own child. (4) 下線部③を和訳せよ。 英文解釈 17 関係詞(2) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① The girl to whom I introduced him is my niece. ② The girl I introduced to him is my niece. (2) ① The boy will come when he has more time. ② The day will come when he will have more time. (3) ① The room is where he left it. ② The coat is where he left it. (4) ① This is the way he did it. ② Do this the way he did it. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Little Linsay always liked to pick up things and keep them. He had special places in which he kept his things. Each time anything small was missing, all we had to do was to say, “Linsay, where is it?” Off he would go to one of the places where he kept things and come back with the thing we were looking for. <注>Off he would go to ~ = He would go off to ~ (2) He and his colleagues at the agricultural agency with which he is associated will find it advantageous to confer with those to whom the practice of agriculture is best known; that is, the farmers of the county, before they commence the actual drafting of recommendations concerning changes that some ecological studies have indicated are likely to be beneficial. <注>colleague「同僚」 agency「機関」 confer「相談する」 that is,~=namely,~ commence=start county「郡」 draft「立案する」 recommendation「勧告」 ecological「生態学の」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <センター・改> A friend of mine, ( A ) lived in an extremely crowded neighborhood in New York next to the railroad track, once commented, “The only time ( B ) it is quiet around here is when the train goes by.” Of course, he meant that the only time he could think was when the very loud noise of the train drowned out all the disturbing neighborhood noises. The noise of the train created a kind of quiet during ( C ) he could concentrate. <注> drown out~「~をかき消す」 disturbing「騒々しい」 quiet「静けさ」 (1) (A)~(C)に適当な関係詞を入れよ。 (2) 下線部と同じ用法の when を含む文を1つ選べ。 ア. I was out when he came. イ. The question is when he came. ウ. The day when he came was fine. エ. The day is when he came. (3) Which of the following statements is correct? ア. The place where my friend lived became quiet only after the train had passed. イ. The place where my friend lived was full of noises which reminded him of passing trains. ウ. In New York, the trains were so noisy that my friend could not give full attention to his thoughts when they went by. エ. In New York, the trains were so noisy that they always filled the areas near the track with disturbing noises. オ. My friend could concentrate only when the trains were passing by. 英文解釈 18 関係詞(3) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① I said nothing which made him angry. ② I said nothing, which made him angry. (2) ① The office where I work is near here. ② The office, where I work, is near her. (3) ① Whoever comes will be welcome. ② Whoever comes, he will be welcome. (4) ① He went there late, however. ② He went there, however late. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) The weather, which had been damp and misty, with frequent downpours of rain, improved very much in the following week, and, as often happens in January, there were several days with the sun shining, no wind and light frosts at night. <注>damp「湿った」 misty<mist「霧」 downpour「どしゃぶり」 frost「霜」 (2) Whenever you write, you try to imitate what you have read. You do it without knowing it. Some people go so far in this imitation that in answering the phone they use the accent of whoever happens to be calling. <桃山学院大> <注>go far「度を越す」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <東京工芸大> One day ( A ) I was eighteen years old, I went to Hull, ( B ) I met a boy ( C ) I knew. His father was captain of a ship which was to go by sea to London that very day. This boy, ( D ) was to sail in her, said to me, “Will you not come with us, Rob?” ①As he did all he could to make me say I would go, very soon the thought of home flew out of my head, and I went on board with him. When we got out to sea the wind rose and a very bad storm came upon us. Things got worse and worse till at last one of the crew cried out that we had sprung a leak and that the ship would soon be full of water. Just when we thought our end had come and we must all sink into the sea, a light-ship ( E ) was not far from us sent a small boat out to help us. ②But so great was the storm that it could not get near us even though the brave men who rowed it did whatever they could to pull through the wind and waves. Then our men threw them out a rope with a buoy to it, ( F ) they caught hold of. We drew them close to our ship, and thus we all got into the boat. We were ③but just in time, for very soon after we saw our ship sink. <注> fly out of~「~から飛び出る」 rise「(風が)強くなる」 spring a leak「漏れ口ができる」 light-ship「灯台船」 pull through~「~を切り抜ける」 buoy「ブイ」 (1) (A)~(F)に適当な語を重複しないように1つずつ選べ。 ア. where イ. which ウ. who エ. whom オ. when カ. that (2) 下線部①②を和訳せよ。 (3) 下線部③に最も近い用法のものを1つ選べ。 ア. He is not an adult but a child. イ . He is nothing but a child. ウ. He is but a child. エ. There is no one but loves his own child. 英文解釈 19 比較(1) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① He made as many mistakes as she did. ② He made as many as ten mistakes. (2) ① He did not so much ask me as order me. ② He did not so much as ask me. (3) ① He is as great a scientist as any. ② He is as great a scientist as ever lived. (4) ① She is cleverer than she was. ② She is more clever than wise. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) From that time on, his only desire was to store up as much money as he could, so he worked from morning till night. When night came, nothing was so pleasant to him as to take out and pile up the bright coins, and count them one by one. These pieces were like so many children of his own. <注>store up「蓄える」 pile up「積み上げる」 (2) The idea of his brothers waiting for the letter he had promised them, and perhaps thinking him forgetful of them, was as bitter a grief as any which he had to undergo for many a long year. As he had once owned himself in the wrong, there was nothing for it but to write an apology, the composition of which was as disagreeable a task as had ever fallen to his lot. <注>bitter「つらい」 grief「悲しみ」 undergo「経験する」 own ~ (to be)…「~が…だと認める」 an apology「詫び状」 disagreeable「嫌な」 fall to one’s lot「~にふりかかってくる」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <広島大> Few people in Japan or elsewhere fully realize how great the language barrier is in Japan’s international contacts. In most of the rest of the world differences of language with other countries seem not to raise serious problems but to be only ( A ) difficulties. ①In such countries as India, for example, the problem of understanding is not so much between this leadership and the outside world as between it and the less educated people. This is a far ( B ) problem than the one Japan faces, but it is a domestic ( C ) than international problem. In most of the world, foreign language skills seem to have been developed sufficiently to meet the needs, and, on the surface, the same seems true of Japan. Almost all Japanese study English for six years in ( D ) and senior high school and many for ( E ) years in university. Japanese mass media send back to Japan a huge amount of copy on the outside world, and foreign books and articles are translated into Japanese and published in amazing quantities. ②The reverse flow of reporting, translation, and published materials put out by Japanese in English or other foreign languages is extremely modest by comparison but at least is much greater than a decade or two ago. <注> leadership「指導者層」 copy「(新聞記事になる)事柄」 flow「流れ」 modest「わずかな」 (1)(A)~(E)に適当な語を重複しないように1つずつ選び,記号で入れよ。 ア. further イ. graver ウ. junior エ. minor オ. rather (2)下線部①②を和訳せよ。 英文解釈 20 比較(2) 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① He is no more diligent than she is. ② He is no less diligent than she is. (2) ① She can speak French, much more English. ② She cannot speak English, much less French. (3) ① The darker it grew, the colder we felt. ② As it grew darker, we felt colder and colder. (4) ① I am the happiest in my company. ② I am happiest in her company. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) What is liberalism? It is not easy to describe, much less to define, for it is hardly less a mood than a doctrine. As the latter, it is directly related to freedom. As the former, it tends to be subjective and anarchist. <筑波大> <注>liberalism「自由主義」 anarchist=anarchistic「無政府主義的な」 (2) They had been drifting about in the boat for not less than three hours. The wind and the rain grew harder and harder, and there was no island in sight. They were all wet and tired, but the smallest boys were no more afraid than the older ones were. They cheered up one another by singing their favorite songs. <注>drift (about)「漂流する」 cheer up「励ます」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 We are always curious about other people. We wonder how much they are like us, or how much they differ from us. We find ourselves agreeing or disagreeing with their actions. We are particularly interested in people who have had unusual experiences. It is no surprise, therefore, ①(better/biography/fiction/sells/than/that) in the world of books. ②When it is a question of famous men and women, we become all the more curious. For the more we learn about great men and women of the past, the more we learn about history. ③The more we learn about others, the more we learn about this wonderful creation of God called human nature. ④And the more we learn about human nature, the more we learn about ourselves. <注> biography「伝記」 human nature「人間性」 (1) ①の( )内の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (2) 下線部②③を和訳せよ。 (3) 下線部④と同じ意味になるように,次の文の( )に適当な語を入れよ。 And ( ) we learn more about human nature, we learn more ( more about ourselves. ) 英文解釈 21 否定 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① He has few books. / He has only a few books. ② He has a few books. / He has not [quite] a few books. (2) ① I don’t know all of them. / I don’t know any of them. [=I know none of them.] ② I don’t know both of them. / I don’t know either of them. [=I know neither of them.] (3) ① We cannot treat the matter very carefully. ② We cannot treat the matter too carefully. (4) ① It is nothing but a toy. / It is all but a toy. ② It is anything but a toy. / It is but a toy. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Not everybody is capable of judging rationally. The majority does not necessarily embrace goals because they are desirable or fight for values because they are socially useful. Take, for instance, the matter of freedom, surely one of the great goods in civilized society. Modern experience has shown that, while many are willing to die for it, others do not appreciate it and will not defend it. <明治大> <注>rationally「合理的に」 embrace「抱く」 (2) So far is it from being true that all men are naturally equal that no two people can be half an hour together but one will acquire superiority over the other. He has now not the least inclination for the meeting: nothing keeps him from flight but a silly fear lest he should be thought unmanly. <注>superiority「優越感」 inclination for~「~を求める気持ち」 flight<flee「逃げる」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <早稲田大> The child need do (① ) by order; ②nothing is good for him but what he recognizes as good. ③When you are urging him beyond his present understanding, you think you are exercising a foresight which you really lack. To provide him with useless tools which he may never require, ④(for/him/the most useful tool/you/man/deprive/will) ― common sense. If you would have him docile as a child, he will be a credulous fool when he grows up. You are always saying, “What I ask is for your own good, though you cannot understand it. ⑤What does it matter to me whether you do it or not? My efforts are entirely on your account.” All these fine speeches with which you hope to make him good are preparing the way for any rascal or tempter to snare him. <注>foresight「先見の明」 docile「従順な」 credulous「だまされやすい」 rascal「ならず者」 snare「わなをかける」 tempter「誘惑者」 (1) (①)に入れるのに最も適当な語を1つ選べ。 ア. anything イ. everything ウ. nothing エ. something (2) 下線部②③を和訳せよ。 (3) ④の( )内の語を並べ換え,さらに不足している1語を補って意味の通る英文を完成させよ。 (4) 下線部⑤と同じ内容になるように,( )に適当な語を入れよ。 It makes ( )( ) to me whether you do it or not. 英文解釈 22 前置詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① He will come in a week. / He will come within a week. ② He came after a week. / He came a week after [later]. (2) ① We talked on the beach over beer. ② We talked on the issue over the phone. (3) ① A man in a hat stood beside her. ② A man with a hat off stood besides her. (4) ① With all his money, he is not happy. ② With all his money, he must be happy. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) A stout old lady was walking down the middle of a street in Petrograd with her basket under her arm to the great confusion of the traffic and with no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that the pavement was the place for foot-passengers, but she replied that she was going to walk where she liked. <早稲田大> <注>stout「太った」 confusion「混乱」 pavement「歩道」 foot-passenger「歩行者」 (2) Wordsworth saw, with some clarity, the coming of the machine age and his admiration of mathematics and of science as a method of investigating the mysteries of the universe made him in no way diminish his hostility to the increase of industrialization in England, with all the social consequences that he deplored. <名古屋工大> <注>Wordsworth「ワーズワース <英国の自然詩人>」 clarity「明快さ」 hostility「敵意」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <岐阜女大> Animal communication deals only (A ) the here and now, with the possible exception (B ) the semantic dance of the honey bee which refers (C ) something (D ) a distance. Yet here too a distinction appears. ①The dancing bee is not like a returned diplomat reporting the result of his recent mission; it is going through what animal ethologists call “intention movements” ― an attention-getting mechanism designed to encourage its fellow workers to action shared by the community. If the other bees do not respond at once, there is nothing the courier bee can do, ②save repeat the same dance over and over again. Its method of communication is instinctual, inflexible, and invariant. (E ) contrast, the human language is infinitely flexible. Man can talk about anything. He is, therefore, ③(animal/capable/lying/of/only/the). <注> semantic「意味を持った」 diplomat「外交官」 animal ethologist「動物行動学者」 instinctual「本能的な」 inflexible「柔軟性のない」 invariant「不変の」 courier「案内人」 (1) (A)~(E)に適当な前置詞を下から重複しないように選んで入れよ。 ア. at イ. in ウ. of エ. to オ. with (2) 下線部①を和訳せよ。 (3) 下線部②に最も近い意味の語を1つ選べ。 ア. except イ. rescue ウ. spare エ. store (4) ③の( )内の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (5) 本文の内容に一致するものを1つ選べ。 ア. ミツバチのダンスは,人間の言語と対等の働きをしており,時間と空間に制約されず自由 に情報を伝達することができる。 イ. ミツバチのダンスは本能的なものであるから,言語としての役割を果たしているとは言えない。 ウ. 人間の言語は社会的なきまりであって,その点でミツバチのダンスと同じ働きをしている。 エ. ミツバチのダンスが伝える情報は狭く限定されていて,人間の言語の柔軟性とは比較にならない。 英文解釈 23 接続詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① She is not a singer but an actress. ② She is not only a singer but also an actress. (2) ① The fact is that he wrote this poem. ② The fact that he wrote this poem is surprising. (3) ① In case there is a fire [In case of a fire], push this alarm button. ② Keep a bucket of water here in case there is a fire [in case of a fire]. (4) ① I ran so fast that I was in time. / I did not run so fast that I would be in time. ② I ran fast so that I would be in time. / I ran fast, so that I was in time. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) No matter what happens, keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger, till you find that you have accomplished a purpose — not the one you began with perhaps, but one you will be glad to remember. <注>accomplish「達成する」 (2) If a professor asks students whether they have understood an explanation he has given, he wants a straightforward yes or no. While he expects respect from his students, he does not expect them to say yes for that reason when the answer is clearly no. Nor does he expect them to say yes for fear that acknowledgement of lack of understanding would show that they are not smart. <立教大> <注>straightforward「率直な」 acknowledgement<acknowledge「認める」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 I happened to glance into the compartment next to mine. Sitting there was a man who many years before had been my neighbour. It used to take many hours to get away from him (① ) he began a conversation. I was not at all sorry when he went to live in another part of London. We had not met since then, (② ) did I wish to meet him now, (③ ) my holiday was about to begin. Luckily, at that moment ④he was too busy talking to the man opposite him to catch sight of me. ⑤The moment the train came to a halt, I called a porter, who in no time at all had carried my luggage out of the station and found a taxi. ⑥As I drove towards my small hotel, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at my narrow escape. When I reached the hotel, I went straight to my room and rested there (⑦ ) it was time for dinner. Then I went down to the lounge and ordered a drink. ⑧I had hardly raised the glass to my lips before an all too familiar voice greeted me. I had not escaped from my tiresome neighbour after all! He grasped me warmly by the hand and insisted ⑨that we should share a table in the dining-room. “This is a pleasant surprise,” he said. “I never expected to see you again after all these years.” <注> compartment「仕切り客室」 halt「停止」 a sigh of relief「安堵の溜め息」 tiresome「やっかいな」 (1) ①②③⑦の( )に適当な語を下から重複しないように選んで入れよ。 ア. nor イ. once ウ. until エ. when (2) 下線部④を複文に書き換えよ。 (3) 下線部⑤⑧を和訳せよ。 (4) 下線部⑥⑨を句に書き換えよ。 英文解釈 24 名詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① It was of use. I handled it with care. ② It was out of use. I handled it without care. (2) ① This road leads to the station. ② This road leads you to the station. (3) ① There were few rooms for rent. ② There was little room for doubt. (4) ① He is a poor swimmer but he is an experienced sailor. ② He is a competitive swimmer but he is a bad sailor. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Some people at home drop cigarette ends into their ashtrays with proper care, but out-ofdoors they cast them aside carelessly on the streets, which is quite a nuisance to nonsmokers. The roads are not your ashtrays. The method of dealing with a piece of cigarette end will tell us what sort of man you are. <注>a cigarette end「煙草の吸いがら」 ashtray「灰皿」 nuisance「迷惑な行為」 (2) To the great annoyance of many readers a considerable portion of the space in any papers is occupied by advertisements. It is of course the revenue from these which enables papers to be sold at a price which represents only a fraction of the cost. <関西大> <注>annoyance「困惑」 portion「部分」 revenue「収入」 represent「表す」 fraction「一部」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <共立女短大> It always took her by surprise to find him lying down. She’d be carrying up the laundry or her sewing when she’d pass the open bedroom door and see him on their bed. ① Sometimes she’d hurry past the door without a word as if the sight of him embarrassed her. She couldn’t imagine lying down during the day doing nothing. ②Just the thought of it made her jumpy. If he’d only sleep, it wouldn’t bother her so much. But he never ③did. He lay there wide awake and he looked unlike himself. Sometimes not even gazing out the window, but staring up at the empty ceiling in a way ④(her/made/of/someone/that/think) very old. Yes he was only thirty-five, a burly, lively man. ⑤He looked out of place, lying so still. <注> take ~ by surprise「~を驚かせる」 laundry「洗濯物」 sewing「縫い物」 jumpy「神経質な」 burly「たくましい」 (1) 下線部①②を和訳せよ。 (2) 下線部③を動詞1語で言い換えよ。 (3) ④の( )内の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 (4) 下線部⑤の意味に最も近いものを1つ選べ。 ア. 彼はそこから外を見た イ. 彼は身を乗り出して外を見た ウ. 彼は場違いに見えた エ. 彼の居場所がないように見えた 英文解釈 25 冠詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① She is paid ten dollars an hour. ② She is paid by the hour. (2) ① The old are more helpful than the young. ② The old is more helpful than the new. (3) ① A black and white dog is running after a cat. ② A black and a white dog are running after a cat. (4) ① The two men who were of an age went to the sea together. ② The two men who were of age went to sea together. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) It does not seem to be a matter of choice whether one should be a poet or a discoverer ― a Newton can not become a Shakespeare at will ― but everyone can choose to be or not to be his greatest self, and the choice is most effective when made in youth. <注>at will「意のままに」 be one’s greatest self「最大の自己になる」→「自分の能力を最大限に発揮する」 (2) There has been little dispute about whether the general level of welfare has increased ― this nobody, I think, will deny. But the size of the gap between the rich and the poor is a very different question from the question how far both rich and poor are better off than they were a generation, or a century, ago. <佐賀大> <注>dispute「論争」 welfare「福祉」 be well off「暮らし向きがよい」 3.次の英文の( )に,a, an, the から適語を補え。不必要な場合は×と示せ。 <神戸女学院大> ( 1 ) first time I met ( 2 ) Sadie Salinger, she invited me to ( 3 ) elegant dinner party at her lovely home in ( 4 ) New York City. I enjoyed ( 5 ) evening that I spent with her so much that I asked her for ( 6 ) second date. For ( 7 ) second date, I took Sadie to ( 8 ) Pierre’s, a fancy French restaurant in ( 9 ) Manhattan. ( 10 ) food at Pierre’s was not as good as we had expected, but ( 11 ) prices were so high that we were impressed anyway. Leaving ( 12 ) restaurant, we tried to find ( 13 ) taxi. We had to wait nearly ( 14 ) hour until a cab driven by ( 15 ) university student stopped. I asked ( 16 ) driver to take us to ( 17 ) disco where we had first met. Unfortunately, he misunderstood and took us to ( 18 ) disco with ( 19 ) same name in ( 20 ) another part of the city. <注>fancy「上品な趣味の」 cab=taxi 英文解釈 26 代名詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① A picture of my father’s is missing. ② A picture of my father is missing. (2) ① I don’t like this one. Show me another (one). [Show me the other (one).] ② I don’t like these ones. Show me the others. [Show me some others.] (3) ① Some of them respect him, and others despise him. ② Some of them respect him, but the others despise him. (4) ① Such as money does not always bring happiness. ② Money, as such, does not always bring happiness. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) The wagon he made all by himself rolled of itself down the slope and fell off the cliff. He was beside himself with anger as it was meant for himself and he wanted to have it to himself. <注>wagon「荷車」 cliff「崖」 (2) With regard to theory and practice there are two opinions. Some say that theory is one thing and practice another, so that they do not necessarily go together. Others are again of opinion that it is because of the inaccuracy of theory that the two do not agree. <注>with regard to ~「~に関しては」 go together=agree again「また一方で」 be of (the) opinion that…「…という意見である」 inaccuracy「不正確さ」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 ①The city was small enough then to make it easy to walk to any market you chose. If you wanted {②a meat/a piece of meat/meats} for your table, you went to the meat market. Or, if you planned to have {③fish/a fish/fishes} for dinner, ④it was not far to the Fulton Fish Market. Here the fishing boats brought in their catch (A ) day. In the Washington Market the food the farmers brought covered the tables with bright colors. The ladies of the day went from one market to (B ) buying supplies. They marketed with care, watching the cost of (C ) thing they bought. There were (D ) things that were not to be had in the markets. For (E ) they went to special shops. ⑤At one shop they could buy sweets, at another good things to drink. <注>catch「捕獲物」 supplies「必需品」 sweets「砂糖菓子」 (1) 下線部①を和訳せよ。 (2) {②}{③}から適当な語句を1つずつ選べ。 (3) 下線部④と同じ用法のものを1つ選べ。 ア. It is quarter to one. イ. It is far from a fine day. ウ. It is dark in the room. エ. It is a short walk to the store. オ. It is quiet in the library. カ. It is nice to see you. (4) (A)~(E)に適当な語を下から重複しないように選び,記号を入れよ。 ア. another イ. each ウ. every エ. some オ. these (5) 下線部⑤を和訳せよ。 英文解釈 27 It の用法 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① It is good for you to stay with me. ② It is good of you to stay with me. (2) ① It was my opinion that he should change his mind. ② It was my opinion that made him change his mind. (3) ① It seems that he will win. ② It seems likely that he will win. (4) ① It is a long time since he returned. ② It was a long time before he returned. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) In one’s reading, great writers of the past must be given the most attention. Of course it is both natural and necessary to be familiar with those of the present, for it is among them that we are likely to find friends who have our own anxieties and requirements. But let us not submerge ourselves in a sea of insignificant books. <注>anxiety「不安」 submerge=sink (2) Americans take it for granted that a private enterprise system should be competitive. We expect competitions to be the principal means by which the public interest is protected, and consequently we think it a major function of the State to see to it that competition is kept vigorous. To this end we protect competition by law. <お茶の水女大> <注>private enterprise「私企業」 the State「国家」 vigorous「活発な」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 The reckless boy, after the first cold night, will skate out over the deep water: ①it makes no difference to him whether the ice is strong enough to bear him or not. He will go out in his boat in a high wind: ②it never occurs to him that he has to calculate the strength of the wind as compared with his own strength and skill. ③This seems to be bravery, but it is not the real bravery. If ④it happens that a child sits playing on the railway track when the train is coming, we do not say, “How brave that child is! Will he ⑤make it? No, ⑥(all/be/him/it/over/will/with).” A case like this is the courage of a fool, rather than that of a brave man. The really brave man does not overlook the danger. ⑦It matters to him what the danger is, and what he is able to do in it. <注>reckless「無謀な」 calculate「計算する」 bravery=courage overlook「見落とす」 (1) 下線部①②⑦を和訳せよ。 (2)下線部③は複文に,④は単文に書き換えよ。 (3)下線部⑤の意味として最も適当なものを1つ選べ。 ア. それを作る イ. 成功する ウ. 到着する (4) ⑥の( )内の語を適当な語順に並べ換えよ。 エ. 間に合う オ. 回復する 英文解釈 28 形容詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① It is alive. / It is lively. ② It is live. / It is living. (2) ① He is pleasant to talk with. ② He is pleased to talk with her. (3) ① Germany is an industrial nation. ② The German are an industrious nation. (4) ① He is a literate, sensible, and considerate man. ② He is a literary man, considerably sensitive to the world. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) The effect of railways was to bring all the regions of the country into close relation with one another, and to make extensive travel possible for all the social classes for the first time. They had, in fact, an effect on single countries comparable to that which air travel is having on the entire world in the 20th century. <中央大> <注>extensive「広範囲の」↔intensive「集約的な」 (2) There are various ways of being happy, and every man has the capacity to make his life what it needs to be for him to have a reasonable amount of peace in it. Why then do we persecute ourselves with illusory demands, never content until we feel we have conformed to some standard of happiness that is not good for us only, but for everyone? <一橋大> <注>reasonable「ほどよい」 peace「安らぎ」 persecute oneself with ~「~で自分を苦しめる」 illusory「幻想的な」 conform to ~「~に合致する」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <山梨大> (A ) words must have been our first words when the world was (B ). The minds of men were raw, like a child’s. Men’s needs were few and so their thoughts were (C ). Life for a man was in the main a hunt for food, a fight with foes, a quest for a mate, and a search for a place to rest (D ) from the storm and (E ) beasts. And their first words were mere grunts or growls, barks, whines, squeals like those of the beasts. ①These rough, strange sounds were made to show how they felt. They meant joy or pain or doubt or rage or fear-things like that. But these sounds came, in time, to grow more and more plain as real words. They were short words, strong and clear. And these first short words, used by our ancestors, way back in the mists of time, still have strength and truth. ②They are bred in our flesh and bone. We may well call such words the lifeblood of our speech. <注>raw「未熟な」 foe=enemy quest=search grunt「ブーブーいう声」 growl「うなり声」 whine「鳴き声」 squeal「金切り声」 rage=anger mist「霧」 flesh「肉」 lifeblood「生き血」 (1) (A)~(E)に適当な形容詞を下から選んで入れよ。 ア. crude イ. safe ウ. short エ. wild オ. young (2) 下線部①を和訳せよ。 (3) 下線部②はどういうことを言っているか,日本語で説明せよ。 英文解釈 29 副詞 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① He did not die happily. ② Happily he did not die. (2) ① They made the very same mistakes. ② They made much the same mistakes. (3) ① He tried hard to solve the problem. ② He hardly tried to solve the problem. (4) ① Father came home late. ② Father has come home lately. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) Most of the Egyptians live in the valley along the Nile. The rest of their country is mostly waste land. It is often said that Egypt is the gift of the Nile. But the Nile alone did not make Egypt. The people and the river together made it. <注>valley「流域,谷(間)」 gift「賜物」 (2) Most casual visitors to the zoo are convinced, as they stroll from cage to cage, that the funny gestures of the inmates are no more than a performance put on solely for their entertainment. Unfortunately for our consciences, however, this view of the contented, playful, caged animal could in many cases be hardly farther from the truth. <一橋大> <注>casual「時たまの」 stroll「ぶらつく」 inmate「檻の中の動物」 playful「遊びたわむれている」 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <大阪市大> May looked at Roger steadily, though her heart was beating (A ). Her throat was dry. It was awful to be so scared. The (B ) thing was to set her teeth and make a dash at it. ①She knew Roger well enough to be aware that it was useless to beat about the bush. “Roger, I want you to let me divorce you.” “May,” he cried. He stared at her with horrified bewilderment. “Please don’t speak. I want you to listen to me. You’ve (C ) been kind to me. I’ve got no fault to find (a ) you. It’s (D ) that I can’t go on like this any longer. I’m so (E ) lonely.” His eyes were suddenly distressed. “My dear.” “I’m not blaming you for that. I know it isn’t your fault.” “②I know I’m away a great deal. I’d take you with me if I (b ), but I can’t. ③It’s a very peculiar job I’ve got and I must be completely on my own.” “I realize that.” “You must know that I love you, May.” She gave him a faint derisive smile. ④The worst was over now and she had her nerves under control. <注>divorce「離婚する」 bewilderment「当惑」 distress「悲しませる」 derisive「嘲笑的な」 (1) (A)~(E)に適当な語を下から選んで入れよ。 ア. always イ. fast ウ. just エ. only (2) (a)(b)に適当な語を入れよ。 (3) 下線部①~④を和訳せよ。 オ. terribly 英文解釈 30 呼応・話法 1.下線部に注意して,各文を和訳せよ。 (1) ① My family is small. ② My family are all small. (2) ① He says (that) it is an interesting book, and I like to read it. ② He says (that) it is an interesting book, and that he likes to read it. (3) ① She suggested that we (should) not be so serious about work. ② She suggested that we were not so serious about work. (4) ① She wondered how tall he was. ② She exclaimed how tall he was. 2.和訳せよ。 (1) I asked him what he was doing, on the short-cut from Kabulong to Alor Lipis. He said he’d been working in Singapore and had gone to Kabulong because his father was ill, and that he himself had come to Alor Lipis to work. <注>short-cut「近道」 Kabulong「<地名>カブロン」 Alor Lipis「<地名>アロル・リピス」 (2) “Can’t you tell me, Mr. Lumley, just what it is that you don’t like about the rooms?” There was no mistaking the injured bitterness in Mrs. Smythe’s voice. Charles very nearly groaned aloud. Must he explain, point by point, why he hated living there? Her husband’s cough in the morning, the way the dog barked every time he went in or out? <注>Lumley「ラムリー」 Smythe「スミス」 injured bitterness「むっとした厳しさ」 groan「うめく」 point by point「1つ1つ」 cough「咳」 <大阪市大> 3.次の英文を読んで,後の問に答えよ。 <東京工大> I met, not long ago, a young man who aspired to become a novelist. Knowing that I was in the profession, ①he asked me to tell him how he should set to work to realize his ambition. I did my best to explain. ②“The first thing,” I said, “is to buy quite a lot of paper, a bottle of ink, and a pen. After that you merely have to write.” But this was not enough for my young friend. He seemed to have a notion that there was some sort of almighty cookbook, full of literary recipes, which you had only to follow attentively to become a great novelist like Dickens, Henry James, or Flaubert―“according to taste,” as the authors of recipes say, when they come to the question of seasoning and sweetening. ③Wouldn’t I let him have a glimpse of this cookbook? ④I said that I was sorry, but that (unhappily―for what an endless amount of time and trouble it would save!) I had never even seen such a work. He seemed sadly disappointed; so, to console the poor boy, ⑤I advised him to apply to the professors of drama and short-story writing at some reputable university; if any one possessed a trustworthy cookbook of literature, it should surely be they. <注>aspire「熱望する」 almighty「万能の」 recipe「調理法,秘訣」 attentively=carefully season「味つけする」 sweeten「甘くする」 console「慰める」 reputable「立派な」 (1) 下線部①⑤を直接話法に書き換えよ。 (2) 下線部②を間接話法に書き換えよ。 (3) 下線部③と同じ内容になるように,( )に適当な語を入れよ。 He ( )( )( )( ) wouldn’t let ( glimpse of this cookbook. (4) 下線部④を和訳せよ。 ) have a 英文解釈1 文の構造 1. (1) ① その家は丘の上に立っていた。 ② その家の中に一人の男が立っていた。 (2) ① その少女はおとなしそうだった。 ② その少女は静かに現れた。 (3) ① その本は(読んでみたら)易しかった。[私はその本が簡単だと分かった。] ② 私はその本を簡単に見つけた。 (4) ① 彼は自分の息子にバイオリンを作ってやった。 ② 彼は自分の息子をバイオリン奏者にした。 2.(1) お雪は非常に立派な嫁になった。巳之吉の母が死んだ時―5年ほど後のことだったが―彼女が 最後に言ったことは息子の嫁に対する愛情と賞賛の言葉だった。そしてお雪は巳之吉の子を 10 人 産んだ。男の子も女の子もみな端正で,非常に白い肌をしていた。 (2) あちらこちらへ移動することはますます容易になっているが,我々が互いに意思疎通できない ために,数多くの誤解を生じ,国籍の異なった人々どうしの本当の触れ合いができない。 3. (1) ① 第2文型 ② 第4文型 ③ 第5文型 ④ 第3文型 ⑤ 第1文型 (2) 全訳下線部参照 (3) イ 【全訳】テレビは科学技術の奇跡であり,意思伝達の新しい素晴らしい道具であり,人類の限界を広 げたり,拡大したりすることのできるものである。テレビは個人に,世界と仲間の人間に対する認 識を増加させる強力な方法を与えたのである。テレビは娯楽を事実上日夜どんな時間でも,必要な 時いつでも要求があり次第手に入る基本的人権にしてしまった。テレビは,テレビを家庭に受け入 れた人全ての生活様式と日常習慣を変えてしまった。テレビが意思伝達と情報の道具としてこの上 ない価値を秘めていることには疑問の余地がない。 英文解釈2 文の種類 1. (1) ① それは何のためにあるのですか。 ② それはどのようなものですか。 (2) ① なぜあなたはワインを飲まないのですか。 ② ワインでもどうですか。 (3) ① ここから駅までどれくらい(距離が)ありますか。 ② ここから駅までなんと遠いのだろう。 (4) ① 私達に歌を歌わせてくれないか。 ② 歌を歌おうじゃないか。 2.(1) 普通の市民に対する信頼が民主主義の綱領の核心である。自由な国民の概念は,それなしには 考えられない。もし国民の個人個人が自分で考えたり行動したりすることができなければ,どう してその国民は自由でありえようか。また,もし国民の個人個人の思想や感情が尊敬に値しない ものであれば,どうして彼等が自由だと言えようか。 (2) 私はこの学校をいかに嫌ったことだろう。また,2年以上もの間,何と気苦労の多い生活をそ こで送ったことか。私は学課ではごくわずかの進歩しかしなかったし,運動競技では全く進歩し なかった。私は各学期の終わりまでの日数と時間数を指折り数えた。その時が来れば,この嫌な 奴隷状態から逃れて家へ帰るのだ。 3. (1) (A) How (B) Why (2) ① キ ② ア ③ カ ④ エ ⑤ オ (3) (a) オ (b) イ (c) エ (d) ウ (e) ア (4) 全訳下線部参照 【全訳】「こんにちは,トム。小犬は元気?」「元気だよ。有難う,メアリ-。小犬に新たに名前をつけ たんだ。ファイドと呼ぶことに決めたよ。でも1つだけ困ったことがあるんだ。彼は食べ過ぎるんだ よ。今の僕よりもたくさん食べるんだから。ちょっと彼を見てよ。すごく太ってきているだろう」「私 もそう思うわ。大きくなり過ぎないうちに今こそ何か芸を教える時だわ」「いい芸を知っているかい」 「ええ,あなたの家の玄関の入口まで走って行って新聞を持って来るのを教えるのはどうかしら。あ なたの家に新聞を配達する男の子は,いつも新聞をポーチに投げるわけではないわ。ほら,今日の新 聞が芝生の上にあるわよ」「それはとてもいい考えだ」
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