May 2014 Lions Gate Quilters From Your President Marg Marlow, a longtime member of the Lions Gate Quilters' Guild, passed away on April 19th. I didn't know Marg very well but over the years I took several quilting classes from her at The Thread Bear, Creative Edge Quilting and Sewing and through the Guild and always enjoyed them. Over the past years we exchanged emails often when she organized Quilt Retreats for our guild. Genevieve Tobin and myself shared a ride to Squamish for Marg's funeral service and we reminisced about classes with Marg. Both of us clearly remember Marg telling us to, "Just do it , take that pretty quilt top, layer it, and start to quilt it!!" I can still hear her saying that when I hesitate to machine quilt. Her machine quilting class was one of the best I have ever taken. Leslie Rutledge did a lovely job in helping display many of Marg's quilts and hang thread and fabric works on the walls. The Totem Hall felt warm and inviting and I could feel Marg's presence. Leslie also created a living memories slide show for all of us. It was a lovely testament to her friend. I know there were many quilters at the Hall that afternoon and I realized what a lifelong bond this wonderful craft of ours forms between us. During the service several people commented that the most important things in Marg's life were: Family, Friends and Fabric and that was so evident on that Saturday. We will miss you Marg. Sonia Milanez and Joan Gold, our librarians, would really like your input into the selection of library materials. You can email them at: [email protected] or follow the link in our Newsletter under Library Survey Form. If you have recently purchased a book or two or if you are looking through your own personal library collection and come across a favourite title please share those titles with Sonia and Joan. We will all benefit. I received an email from the coordinator of the gallery space at the West Vancouver Memorial Library asking if our guild would be interested in exploring the possibility of a quilt exhibit at the library. She is looking ahead to January 2015 or possibility the fall of 2014. This seems like an ideal opportunity to share our work with the North Shore Community and reconnect with quilt lovers several months after our Quilt Show. We do need a few people who would undertake to organize and work with this person on behalf of the guild. The library exhibits usually are displayed for 6 to 8 weeks and the library takes 15% sales commission on any sales involved. The space holds about 25 mid-size paintings although there is room for some larger quilts. If you are interested in getting involved in this project please let me know. I have more detailed information as to the specific sizes of areas in the library which can be used for display purposes. I would like to respond to this request before the summer. During our April meeting Show and Tell we measured a total of 2,476 inches which brings our grand total to 36,894 inches or approx. 934.03 metres. Please continue to measure your quilts' circumferences as we participate in the Walk to Brock Challenge. Our May meeting is dedicated to our Community Quilts program. Please come and congratulate our Community Quilts Committee and be awestruck by our guild's wonderful efforts and beautiful quilts. Don't forget your name tags, mugs, cash for 50/50 tickets and Ridge Meadows Guild Raffle Quilt tickets and our own Show Raffle tickets. Return your library books and pay your fines please. Remember to bring your cheque book for Workshop registration and your library fines if they have gotten out of control. And bring your Show and Tell and any Community Quilts you have been feverishly working on. I look forward to seeing you on May 27th. Happy Quilting, Betty Lions Gate Quilters Guild YOUR 2014 EXECUTIVE President Betty Clarke [email protected] Vice President Debbie Barrett [email protected] Secretary Paulette Morton Treasurer Suzanne Patchell Program Coordinator Newsletter Editor Laurel Hickey [email protected] Librarians Sonia Milanez & Joan Gold [email protected] Membership Joan Herrin [email protected] Members-at-Large Joan Elliott & Norine McCaffrey Workshop Coordinator Anne Pelton [email protected] OTHER POSITIONS Archives Tanith Laughton Bus Tour Coordinator Brenda Sangster Community Quilts President Anita Jones-Gould COPS Day Coordinator Marsha McKay CQA Liaison Dorothy Porter [email protected] Hospitality Committee Dorothy Mosely, Mona Morrison and Rose Moore Quilt Show Coordinator Dianne Ritter & Rebecca Skiffington Spring Retreat Coordinator Leslie Rutledge Raffle Quilt Coordinator Becky West Webmaster Colleen Bell ADVERTISING RATES Small business card size $8 per month Medium quarter page $12 per month Large half page $16 per month May 2014 Community Quilts First, a request that those bringing finished community quilts to the meeting measure them so we can add the inches to our total for the �Walk to Brock Challenge’ and help out Dorothy. Please put the measurements on masking tape on a corner of the quilt. We will have a table to collect them beside our table of kits. When I signed on to be president of LGQG Community Quilt Society it was because I felt it was an important part of our giving to the community we live in. I was very happy to find in my information binder a short history of Community Quilts. Doree Piercy, Val Jeffery and Dolores Bell decided to use some of their leftover scraps to see if they could make some reasonably pleasing quilts. They had so much fun that they thought a weekend event open to all guild members should be held to make quilts for North Shore facilities. So Doree contacted several potential recipients. Dolores booked the Lucas Centre and organized the first Community Quilt Workshop with the help of Val, Renata Doerfert and Shirley Mortell. Fifty members made 35 bed quilts. This was in 1992 and while I don't have the exact number it appears almost 2000 !!! quilts have been donated to a number of good causes since then. The Lions Gate Community Quilts Society had to be formed to receive quilt show raffle money - required by B.C. government. of any items, in whole or part, is strictly prohibited. Yearly since then we have had very enjoyable quilt weekends with lots of conversation, companionship and productivity which I hope will continue for years to come. We look forward to showing all manner of quilts made over the past year at the upcoming meeting. From the Executive of the Lions Gate Quilters’ Thank you to everyone who has helped with our endeavors. Deadline: Second Tuesday of the month This newsletter is for the sole use of the members of the Lions Gate Quilters’ Guild. Reproduction Guild. Anita Jones-Gould - 2- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 2014 Quilt Show Report We are just over a month away from show opening so this newsletter has a lot of information in it. This is going to be a great show and I look forward to seeing you there! Dianne Ritter, Quilt Show Coordinator Quilt Drop Off • If you have an emergency and are unable to make your shift please let Vicki know as soon as you can so she can arrange coverage. • Drop off begins at 6PM on Wednesday June 11th. • You will receive a receipt for your quilt. KEEP IT. You will not be able to retrieve your quilt without it. If someone else will be picking your quilt up for you make sure they have the receipts. • Please dress appropriately. Dressy casual is appropriate. Sweat pants, yoga gear, shorts are not. • • Remember to smile. It helps to make our guests feel welcome. Raffle Ticket Stubs, Boutique Items, Pin Cushion Challenge and items for Education will not be accepted at the quilt drop off area. They will have separate areas to accept items. • If you have any questions about your responsibilities for a given shift please talk to Vicki. • Remember you must have a sleeve properly affixed to the back of your quilt. • Remember that each item must have a tag with your name/code and price on it. • You do not have to have a label on your quilt but you must have your name and phone number on the sleeve. • You must come and collect any unsold items between 6 and 6:30 on the 14th. • If you have to withdraw your quilt please let us know ASAP. • Once you have dropped off your quilts please exit the Sportsplex unless you are working on set up. Boutique Items For Sale Bernina Virtuosa 153 Quilter's Edition Working at the Show • If you haven’t already volunteered for the show please contact Vicki. REMEMBER for every two hour shift that you volunteer for your name is entered into a draw for prizes. Names will be drawn at the June meeting. You must be in attendance at the meeting to be eligible. • Please arrive at the volunteer table before your shift is set to begin to allow for check in time. $700.00 For information please contact Tina at [email protected] - 3- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Quilt Pick UP • • On private property I would think that starting June 1 would be reasonable and gives us about two weeks before the show. Pick up will begin at 6PM on Saturday the 14th. We have to exit the facility by 7 PM. Be sure to arrive well before 7 to collect your quilts. E-mails: I am sending an e-mail with our poster and list of merchants to all our merchants, to other guilds and to all our members asking everyone to forward to as many people as possible. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR RECEIPT/s! Publicity: Linda Heese Education: Karen Munro Posters and Bookmarks: Thanks to everyone who has taken posters to display at various libraries, recreation centres, church halls, stores, work bulletin boards, etc. This should really help to make people aware of our show. I recommend getting the posters up about June 1 – enough time for people to see them but not too soon that they forget about the show or that the posters get taken down before June 14. The posters and bookmarks will be available at the May meeting – please distribute widely. If you have a particular talent that you would like to share with our guests please let Vicki know that you want to volunteer in the education area. Merchant Mall: Jo Ann Lee Well quilters, we have and amazing merchant mall this year. We have 17 vendors coming to us from all over BC. Many of our vendors do accept pre-orders of their goods. If you are in need of a specific item from one of our vendors and do not want to be disappointed that that item is not at the merchant mall, you can pre-order it. It will be packaged and ready for you to pick up at the quilt show. Check out the merchants websites and contact them with your requests. Lawn Signs: These will be available at the May meeting. Please find any frames you have so they can be reused. The municipalities allow us to post signs from June 3 to June 15. Alderspring Design Gibsons BC 1-866-986-5957 / 604-886-5957 [email protected] Carola's Quilt Shop Gibsons BC 604-886-1245 [email protected] Cindy’s Threadworks Qualicum Beach 250-738-0560 [email protected] Creative Edge North Vancouver BC 604-982-0088 [email protected] Di-Versity Quilting Supplies Pritchard BC 250-577-3494 Fax 250-577-3499 Eileen Neil Qualicum Beach BC 250-752-8684 [email protected] Fibre Expressions Sechelt BC 604-885-6677 [email protected] - 4- Kismet Quilts Port Alberni BC 250-723-6605 [email protected] The Needle and I Burnaby BC 778-397-8001 [email protected] Passionate Dyes Vancouver BC 604-315-1044 Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Poppins Quilts Parlour Penticton BC 250-493-1815 [email protected] Quilters Dream Fabrics Vancouver BC 604-250-8698 [email protected] Stitchers Muse Needleart Nanaimo BC 250-591-6873 [email protected] Quilted Bear Ladner BC Delta BC 604-940-7051 [email protected] Wool Penny Rugs Lions Bay BC 604-926-6630 [email protected] Cherry Tree Quilts Summerland BC 1-250-494-1314 Fax: 1-250-494-1362 [email protected] Quilters Connection Burnaby BC 604-290-3454 [email protected] Raffle Quilts At the May meeting, it will be your last chance to purchase a book of quilt raffle tickets, for advance sales to your family and friends prior to the quilt show in June. Tickets are sold in books of 15 tickets, at a cost of $25.00. All tickets are to be sold at 3 for $5.00. As done previously, the member buys the book of tickets up front for $25.00, sell the tickets (this money is now yours) and return the stubs for the draw. We keep track of member names and ticket books. Please return your completed book stubs to the Raffle Quilt Committee at our monthly meeting in May, or when you drop your quilts off for the show . Please ensure all stubs are returned to the raffle committee for the draw at the end of our quilt show, to ensure all tickets sold are entered for the draw on June 14th. Help sell the quilt raffle tickets, to provide support and funding for the Community Quilts Program. The Raffle Quilt Committee Becky West, Norine McCaffrey, Suzanne Patchell, Betty Clarke Program Committee May meeting we are looking forward to a presentation of Community Quilts. June meeting will be a Social. We will play a game called Strip Poker for Quilters. Each person brings 6 WOF strips 2.5” wide. The theme for the fabric is �In the Garden’. Genevieve Tobin Program Committee - 5- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Workshops by Anne Pelton Summer is almost here, but would you believe, we are already thinking about workshops for the fall! We still have a few spaces left in our Stack-N-Whack workshop on May 24th. At the May Guild meeting we will start taking registrations for two of our fall workshops, both of which are quite unique in their own way. CANADIANA in CLOTH with Dianne Stevenson STACK-N-WHACK with Sandi Bajcar Stack-N-Whack quilts, also known as Kaleidoscope quilts, are popular for their bold, striking, symmetrical designs and for their remarkably simple method of construction. Stackn-Whack is an easy way to create quilt blocks with unique kaleidoscope designs. Learn about Canadian history and world contributions like you have never heard before. Each student is encouraged to add blocks and designs that are relevant to their own family background, culture and history, and every quilt is as individual as its maker. You never expected to learn this much about our country while having so much fun. DATE: Saturday, May 24, 2014 PLACE: St. Catherine's Church 1058 Ridgewood Dr, N Van (top of Edgemont Village) TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. COST: $30 This is a look at Canadian history in 8 classes over 8 months. Each session is about 3 hours, including a presentation on an aspect of Canadian history or contribution that has had a positive effect in the world, a little break, and then finished off with some patterns that pertain to the lesson. Sewing is done at home. TEMPERATURE CHECK with Krista Hennebury Krista showed us the technique, now she will show us how to make her whole design in this warm/cool colour study class. Her Temperature Check quilt has been selected for the juried quilt show at CQA in June, in the new Modern Quilt category, and we can be the first to learn how to make this stunning wall hanging. DATES: Guild meeting days Oct 28/14, Nov 25/14, Jan27/15, Feb 24/15, Mar 24/15, APR 28/15, May26/15, Jun23/15. PLACE: St. Andrews & St. Stephens Church (our Guild meeting place) TIME: 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. COST: $120 (which includes a $30 kit fee for photocopying all her notes) DATE: Saturday, October 25, 2014 PLACE: St. Catherine's Church 1058 Ridgewood Dr, N Van (top of Edgemont Village) TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. COST: $45 Other Guilds' Workshops with available space: ENCORE by Bonnie Hwang June 14, at the Sacred Heart clubhouse in Ladner. Course fees are $50 plus $10 for the pattern (available at the workshop). Contact Pat at [email protected] CUTTING UP THE PRETTIES by Pat Pauly October 9-10, 2014. Cost $140 Contact Jennifer Cooper at [email protected] - 6- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 LGQG Workshop Cancellation Policy • If a class overfills on the first night of registration, there will be a lottery. • If a class does not fill on the first night of registration, the workshop committee will decide if the class will go ahead. • If a class does go ahead all those registered on the first night would be guaranteed a spot. Further registrations would be collected on a first come basis. • In other words, if you really want to attend a workshop make sure you get your cheque into the workshop committee in person, by mail or with a friend by the first night of registration. • If you must withdraw from a workshop for which you have registered, please remember that YOU are responsible for filing your space before your monies will be refunded. Membership The Quilt Show is almost upon us!! Have you been working hard to get that last stitch in the binding, putting your labels on and, oh, don’t forget the need for a 4” sleeve. Not sure how to do something? Ask your fellow quilters as we all are a great resource for one another. To date we have 123 members in our guild. Do you know someone who might be interested in quilting and would like to join us? Bring them to a meeting – the first visit is free. After that there is a $5.00 drop in fee payable at the membership table or a membership is $55.00 a year. Please remember that the prorated rate of $27.50 is for New Members only and comes into effect September through December. However, membership is currently $75.00 until after the Quilt Show and includes your membership and four tickets to the quilt show. To be a door prize winner, be sure to be wearing your nametag at the meeting. Congratulations to our April winners: Sonia Milanez and Kory Lowe. Nametags are available for $1.00 each if you forget to bring your own. D o yo u k n o w a m em b e r w h o is i l l o r o t h e r w i s e n e e d s c h e e r i n g u p ? If s o, p l e a s e g i v e t h e i n f o rm a t i o n t o o u r Me m b e r s - a t - l a r g e , J o a n E l l i o t o r N o r i n e Mc C a f f r e y ( o r a n y e x e c u t i v e m e m b e r ) t o h a v e a c a r d s e n t f r om t h e G u i l d. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. See you in May and at the Quilt Show!! Joan Herrin - 7- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Library Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying all this beautiful weather. Please don't forget to participate in our brief survey! It will help us better understand what types of books are popular. Click the following link to access the survey: You can check out our online library to browse for books and DVDs. Click the following link to view the library: Also, please remember to return overdue books – there are quite a few! If you are returning an overdue book, please bring a dollar or two for the overdue box. Finally, here are the new additions to the library this month: Books • New Classic Patchwork: 78 Original Motifs & 10 Projects (Saito, Yoko) • Adding Layers - Color, Design & Imagination: 15 Original Quilt Projects from Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession (Doughty, Kathy) • All My Thanks and Love to Quilts: Art Quilts Created by Keiko Goke (Goke, Keiko) • Modern Quilt Perspectives: 12 Patterns for Meaningful Quilts (Knauer, Thomas) DVDs • Art Quilt Design from Photo to Threadwork (with Sarah Ann Smith) • Quilts and Free Form Fabric Art (with Rayna Gillman) Thank you, Sonia Milanez, LGQC Librarian COPS* Days WHEN: Saturday, June 7, July 19, Aug 16 from 9:30 to 4:30 WHERE: St. Catherine’s Church, 1058 Ridgewood Drive, North Vancouver COST: $10.00 plus a plate of sweets or savouries. *C.O.P.S. (Creative Ongoing Process Session) Everyone is welcome… new members, long-time members, friends, everyone! Beginnings This month, Debbie Barrett shares her inspiration in choosing the fabrics for her mystery quilt, a journey that took her from masculine to romantic. Share your own journey in quilting and what inspired you as you began the process of making a quilt. If you’ve ever felt the urge to say more about your quilt, here’s the place. Please send your photo(s) and story to [email protected]. - 8- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Debbie Barrett I am entering my 10th year a quilter. My first tentative steps in buying cloth were rapidly succeeded by an online buying frenzy of must have fabric lines. Obviously time passed much quicker than my (1) ability to find the perfect pattern and (2) time needed to bust the growing stash, and although there are still some fabrics that I definitely like, I find that my tastes have changed the more I am exposed to other quilting styles and techniques. I was hoping find a project to use up some older fabrics and a few judiciously selected new ones. The mystery quilt through our guild was the perfect opportunity. I had always wanted to do a “blue quilt”. I’m not naturally drawn to the colour, but started to accumulate a few pieces that I assumed would be some sort of masculine quilt. Unrelated to this, I had also bought yardage from the Anna Griffin Sigourney line few years ago. It was a gentle muted blue, almost grey with a romantic feel to it and a coordinating border print. The mystery quilt became a focus for using up some of the fabrics I had accumulated, because the yardage requirements were quite open to being done in a scrappy fashion and value seemed to be the most important element. I thought I could quell my anxiety about doing a mystery and not being pleased with the outcome, if I limited the fabric colours. I started with the blue romantic floral and easily chose some dark navy in 3 different pieces. The medium value was less easy, but I thought that the grey tones in the floral would be best matched with medium gray prints that had some geometric patterns. I had a few white scraps and added a few more ½ yards of white to maintain the scrappy feel. At this point the border print became too obviously “yellowed” and although I keep going back to it, it isn’t going to make the quilt top. As I started to construct the blocks, I was a little disappointed as I sensed that the dark was “too dark”, but I persevered and by the time the layout instructions were sent, I was captivated by the result. I won’t spoil the outcome for you as I do plan to have the top finished for the June guild meeting, but suffice it to say, that I will change the final construction of the top in an effort to maintain the airy romantic feel. (The blue fabric for the men in my life has been repurposed!) - 9- Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Guild Meetings Other Events Are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at St Andrews and St Stephens corner of 27th St. and Chesterfield. May 28 - June 22, 2014 Textile Arts and Mixed Media by Jennifer Love and Kathy Ainscough The Gallery at Artisan Square, Bowen Island, BC 604-947-2454 Next Guild Meeting Tuesday, May 27th at 7:30pm Next Executive Meeting Monday, June 2nd at 7:30pm June 6 & 7, 2014 Chilliwack Piecemakers Quilts in the Valley Tradex, Abbotsford Lions Gate Quilters’ Guild PO Box 54194, Lonsdale West PO, North Vancouver, BC V7M 3L5 LGQG June 6–8, 2014 Woolley Fiber Quilters Annual Quilt Show Downtown Sedro-Woolley, WA, USA Upcoming Guild Events MAY Saturday, May 24 Stack-N-Whack class Tuesday, May 27 Guild Meeting June 11–14, 2014 Quilt Canada 2014 St Catharines, ON. Canadian Quilters' Association Online registration May 1, 2014 JUNE Saturday, June 7 COPS day Friday & Saturday, June 13 & 14 LGQG Show Tuesday, June 24 Guild Meeting June 13 & 14, 2014 LGQG 2014 Album of Quilts Show Capilano University Sportsplex 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver September 20, 2014, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A Celebration of our Quilts by the Countryside Quilters of Langley Willoughby Reformed Church 20525 72 Avenue, Langley. Email for information: [email protected] - 10 - Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 Other Quilt Guild Websites Please visit the guild websites for up-to-date information about meeting times and locations. Canadian Quilters' Association Blue Mountain Quilters Guild (Port Coquitlam) Boundary Bay Quilters Guild (Boundary Bay) Campbell River Friendship Quilter's Guild Parksville Quilt House Quilters' Guild (Coombs, Vancouver Island) Victoria Quilters' Guild Sunshine Coast Quilters Guild (Sechelt) Langley Quilters' Guild Squamish Valley Quilters' Guild Nanaimo Quilters' Guild Chilliwack Quilters' Guild Fraser Valley Modern Quilt Guild (Abbotsford) Fraser Valley Quilters' Guild (Delta) Vancouver Modern Quilt Guild Vancouver Quilters Guild Whistler Valley Quilters Guild - 11 - Lions Gate Quilters Guild May 2014 - 12 -
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