科目名称 Education & Society in Japan Education and Society in Japan Intercultural Communication Japanese Cinema (E) Japanese Management Japanese Society NGO論(国際協力入門) Premodern Japanese History Reading a Play in English I Reading a Play in English II STJS (Cultural Aspects of Food Habits) STJS (Doing Fieldwork in Japan) STJS (Japanese Aesthetics & Ethics) STJS (Japanese Finance) STJS (Japanese Translation) STJS (Jpn. Phil. Of Relig. & Ethics) STJS (Modern Jpn. Lit - Fiction) STJS (Modern Jpn. Lit. in Translation) STJS (The Chemical Nature of Food) STJS(Traditional Jpn.Lit.in Translation) アートマネージメント論 アジアの思想と宗教 アジア研究特論(モンゴルの歴史と文化) アジア研究特論(台湾研究) アジア研究特論(南アジアの国際関係) あそびと生活 アメリカのジャーナリズム アメリカ女性論 アラビア語 アラビア語I アラビア語II アラビア語III アラビア語IV イベント・コンベンション エコロジー・デザイン特殊講義 エネルギー・環境・生命 エネルギー・環境・生命 エンターテイメント産業論 オセアニアの政治と経済 カナダの社会と文化 カナダの政治と経済 ギリシア・ローマ劇研究 ギリシャ語I ギリシャ語II ギリシャ語III ギリシャ語IV ギリシャ語V ギリシャ語VI キリスト教と教育 キリスト教と社会福祉 キリスト教学研究特論 キリスト教文化論 グローバル・コーポレート・ファイナンス グローバル経営論 経営データベース管理 ケミカルと人間社会 コミュニケーション学特論(きくことの科学) コミュニケーション学特論(非言語) コンピュータ映像演習Ⅰ コンピュータ映像演習Ⅱ コンピュータ利用の経営数学 ジェンダーと開発 スポーツ(ウィークリー)器械体操指導法 スポーツ(ウィークリー)剣道指導法 スポーツ(ウィークリー)柔道指導法 スポーツ(ウィークリー)創作ダンス指導法 スポーツ(ウィークリー)陸上競技指導法 スポーツ(シーズン)水泳指導法 スポーツ栄養学 スポーツ経営学 スポーツ心理学 ソフトウェア概論 ダンス・コンテンポラリーI ダンス・コンテンポラリーII ダンス・コンテンポラリーIII ダンスクラシックI ダンスクラシックII ダンスクラシックIII ダンス基礎Ⅱ ダンス基礎B テキスタイル・マテリアル論 テキスタイル演習A-31(染織) テキスタイル演習A-32(染織) テキスタイル演習A-33(染織) テキスタイル演習A-41(染織) テキスタイル演習A-42(染織) テキスタイル演習A-43(染織) テキスタイル演習A-44(染織) テキスタイル演習B-31(染色) テキスタイル演習B-32(染色) テキスタイル演習B-33(染色) テキスタイル演習B-41(染色) テキスタイル演習B-42(染色) テキスタイル演習B-43(染色) テキスタイル演習B-44(染色) 【新】英語名称 Education and Society in Japan Education and Society in Japan Intercultural Communication Japanese Cinema (E) Japanese Management Japanese Society NGO (Intro to International Cooperation) Premodern Japanese History Reading a Play in English I Reading a Play in English II STJS (Cultural Aspects of Food Habits) STJS (Doing Fieldwork in Japan) STJS (Japanese Aesthetics & Ethics) STJS (Japanese Finance) STJS (Japanese Translation) STJS (Jpn. Phil. Of Relig. & Ethics) STJS (Modern Jpn. Lit - Fiction) STJS (Modern Jpn. Lit. in Translation) STJS (The Chemical Nature of Food) STJS (Trad. Jpn. Lit. in Translation) Arts Management Asian Thought and Religions Sel. Topics in Asian Studies (Mongolia) Sel. Topics in Asian Studies (Taiwan) ST in Asian Studies (S. Asia/World) Play and Life Journalism in the U.S. Women in the U.S. Arabic Arabic I Arabic II Arabic III Arabic IV MICE (Mtgs., Incentives, Confs., Events) Special Lectures on Ecology and Design Energy, Environment and Life Energy, Environment and Life The Entertainment Industry Politics and Economy in Oceania Society and Culture in Canada Politics and Economy in Canada Classical Drama of Greece and Rome Greek I Greek II Greek III Greek IV Greek V Greek VI Christianity and Education Christianity and Social Welfare Selected Topics in Christianity Christian Thought and Culture Global Corporate Finance Global Business Management Database Management Chemicals and Human Society Sel. Topics in Communication (Listening) Sel. Topics in Communication (Non-verb.) Seminar on Computer-Made Film I Seminar on Computer-Made Film II Managerial Mathematics Using Computers Gender and Development Teaching Methods for Gymnastics Teaching Methods for Kendo Teaching Methods for Judo Teaching Methods for Dance Teaching Methods for Track and Field Teaching Methods for Swimming Sports Nutrition Sports Management Sports Psychology Survey of Software Dance (Contemporary) I Dance (Contemporary) II Dance (Contemporary) III Dance (Classical) I Dance (Classical) II Dance (Classical) III Basic Dance II Basic Dance B Textile Materials Textiles Seminar A-31 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-32 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-33 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-41 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-42 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-43 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar A-44 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar B-31 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-32 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-33 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-41 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-42 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-43 Dyeing Textiles Seminar B-44 Dyeing 【旧】英語名称 BM TOEIC(R) IA BM TOEIC(R) IB BM TOEIC(R) IB BM TOEIC(R) IB Education & Society in Japan (RJ) Education and Society in Japan (RJ) Intercultural Communication(RJ) Japanese Cinema(E) Japanese Management (RJ) Japanese Society (RJ) NGOs (Int'l. Cooperation) Premodern Japanese History (RJ) Reading a Play in EnglishI Reading a Play in EnglishII STJS(Cultural Aspects of Food Habits) STJS(Doing Fieldwork in Japan) STJS(Japanese Aesthetics & Ethics) STJS(Japanese Finance) STJS(Japanese Translation) STJS(Jpn. Phil. Of Relig. & Ethics) STJS(Modern Jpn. Lit - Fiction) STJS(Modern Jpn. Lit. in Translation) STJS(The Chemical Nature of Food) STJS(Traditional Jpn.Lit.in Translation) Art Management Asian Thought & Religions ST in Asian Studies (Mongolia) ST in Asian Studies (Taiwan) ST Asian Studies (S. Asia & the World) Play and Living Environment Studies Journalism in the US Women in the USA Arabian Arabian I Arabian II Arabian III Arabian IV Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Ex Special Lectures on Ecology Design Energy, Environment & Life Energy.Environment.& Life Entertainment Business Politics & the Economy in Oceania Society & Culture in Canada Politics & the Economy in Canada Stud in Classical Drama of Greece&Rome Greece I Greece II Greece III Greece IV Greece V Greece VI Christianity & Education Christianity & Social Welfare Special Studies of Christianity Christian Cultures International Corporate Finance International Business Database Administration for Management Chemicals & Human Society ST in Communications (Listening) ST in Communications (Non-verbal) Seminar on Computer of Film I Seminar on Computer of Film II Business Mathematics on the Computer Gender & Development Teaching Method of Gymnastics Teaching Method of Kendo Teaching Method of Judo Teaching Method of Dance Teaching Method of Track and Field Teaching Method of Swimming Nutrition for Sports Sports business administration Sport & Exercise Psychology Introduction to Software Dance ContemporaryI Dance ContemporaryII Dance ContemporaryIII Dance ClassicI Dance ClassicII Dance ClassicIII Basic Dance 2 Basic DanceB Textile Material Seminar on Textiles Art A-31 Seminar on Textiles Art A-32 Seminar on Textiles Art A-33 Seminar on Textiles Art A-41 Seminar on Textiles Art A-42 Seminar on Textiles Art A-43 Seminar on Textiles Art A-44 Seminar on Textiles Art B-31 Seminar on Textiles Art B-32 Seminar on Textiles Art B-33 Seminar on Textiles Art B-41 Seminar on Textiles Art B-42 Seminar on Textiles Art B-43 Seminar on Textiles Art B-44 適用カリキュラム年度 2007以降 2006以前 科目名称 テキスタイル演習C-31(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-32(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-33(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-41(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-42(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-43(染織表現) テキスタイル演習C-44(染織表現) テキスタイル演習D-31(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-32(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-33(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-41(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-42(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-43(服飾表現) テキスタイル演習D-44(服飾表現) デザイン演習A-21(ドローイング) デザイン演習A-22(ドローイング) デザイン演習B-21(イラストレーション) デザイン演習B-22(イラストレーション) デザイン演習C-21(グラフィックデザイン) デザイン演習C-21(グラフィック広告表現) デザイン演習C-22(グラフィックデザイン) デザイン演習C-22(グラフィック広告表現) デザイン演習D-21(グラフィック技法Ⅰ) デザイン演習D-21(グラフィック技法Ⅱ) デザイン演習D-21(グラフィック技法A) デザイン演習D-21(グラフィック技法B) デザイン演習D-21(グラフィック編集) デザイン演習D-22(グラフィック編集) デザイン演習E-21(ヴィジュアルアート) デザイン演習E-22(ヴィジュアルアート) デザイン演習F I(建築製図) デザイン演習F II-21(建築・空間デザイン) デザイン演習F II-22(建築・空間デザイン) デザイン演習G-21(メディアアート) デザイン演習G-22(メディアアート) ドキュメンタリー ドキュメンタリーA ドキュメンタリーB ドキュメンタリー実習 ドキュメンタリー論Ⅰ ドキュメンタリー論Ⅱ ピアノAⅠ ピアノAⅡ ピアノAⅢ ピアノAⅣ ピアノAⅤ ピアノAⅥ ピアノAⅦ ピアノAⅧ ピアノBⅠ ピアノBⅡ ピアノBⅢ ピアノBⅣ ピアノBⅤ ピアノBⅥ ピアノBⅦ ピアノBⅧ ビジネスコミュニケーション基礎(英語) ビジネスコミュニケーション基礎(中国語) ビジネスコミュニケーション上級(英語) ビジネスコミュニケーション上級(中国語) ビジネスコミュニケーション中級(英語) ビジネスコミュニケーション中級(中国語) ヒトと自然環境 ヒューマンコンピュータインターフェイス ファイナンス入門 ファッション文化論 フィールド・スタディ(中国) フィールドワーク(a) フィールドワーク(b) フィールドワークA フィールドワークB フィールドワークC フィールドワークD フィールドワークE フライトオペレーション特論Ⅰ フライトオペレーション特論Ⅱ フライトオペレーション特論Ⅲ ブランド論 プレゼンテーション演習 ホスピタリティ・コミュニケーションA(英語) ホスピタリティ・コミュニケーションB(英語) ホスピタリティ特論Ⅰ ホスピタリティ特論Ⅱ ホテル管理会計 マクロ経済学 マルチメディア日本語教育 ミクロ経済学 メディア -きのう 今日 明日ランドスケープ文化論 リスクマネジメントに関する法制度 レジャー産業実習 レジャー産業論 レトリックの歴史 ロシアの社会と文化 ロシア東欧経済論 ロシア東欧経済論 異文化溝通導論 医療ソーシャルワーク論 【新】英語名称 Textiles Seminar C-31 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-32 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-33 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-41 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-42 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-43 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar C-44 Dyeing, Weaving Textiles Seminar D-31 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-32 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-33 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-41 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-42 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-43 Dress Expressions Textiles Seminar D-44 Dress Expressions Design Seminar A-21 (Design) Design Seminar A-22 (Design) Design Seminar B-21 (Illustration) Design Seminar B-22 (Illustration) Design Seminar C-21 (Graphic Design) Design Seminar C-21 (Graphic Advert.) Design Seminar C-22 (Graphic Design) Design Seminar C-22 (Graphic Advert.) Design Sem. D-21 (Graph. Techniques I) Design Sem. D-21 (Graph. Techniques II) Design Sem. D-21 (Graph. Techniques A) Design Sem. D-21 (Graph. Techniques B) Design Seminar D-21 (Graphics Editing) Design Seminar D-22 (Graphics Editing) Design Seminar E-21 (Visual Art) Design Seminar E-22 (Visual Art) Design Sem. F I (Architectural Drafting) Design Sem. F II-21 (Arch. Space Design) Design Sem. F II-22 (Arch. Space Design) Design Seminar G-21 (Media Art) Design Seminar G-22 (Media Art) Documentaries Documentaries A Documentaries B Documentary Making Practicum Documentaries I Documentaries II Pianoforte A I Pianoforte A II Pianoforte A III Pianoforte A IV Pianoforte A V Pianoforte A VI Pianoforte A VII Pianoforte A VIII Pianoforte B I Pianoforte B II Pianoforte B III Pianoforte B IV Pianoforte B V Pianoforte B VI Pianoforte B VII Pianoforte B VIII Foundations of Business Communic. (Eng.) Found'ns of Business Communic. (Chinese) Advanced Business Communication (Eng.) Advanced Business Communic. (Chinese) Intermediate Business Communic. (Eng.) Intermed. Business Communic. (Chinese) Humans and the Natural Environment Human-Computer Interface Introduction to Finance Fashion and Culture Field Study (China) Fieldwork (a) Fieldwork (b) Fieldwork A Fieldwork B Fieldwork C Fieldwork D Fieldwork E Selected Topics on Flight Operations I Selected Topics on Flight Operations II Selected Topics on Flight Operations III Brand Management Seminar in Presentation Skills Hospitality Communication A (English) Hospitality Communication B (English) Selected Topics in Hospitality I Selected Topics in Hospitality II Hotel Management Accounting Macroeconomics Multimedia in Japanese Language Teaching Microeconomics The Media: Past, Present and Future Landscape and Culture Regulatory Framework for Risk Management Leisure Industry Practicum Leisure Industry History of Rhetoric Russian Society and Culture The Russian and East European Economies The Russian and East European Economies Sino-Japanese Cross-Cultural Comm. (C) Medical Social Work 【旧】英語名称 Seminar on Textiles Art C-31 Seminar on Textiles Art C-32 Seminar on Textiles Art C-33 Seminar on Textiles Art C-41 Seminar on Textiles Art C-42 Seminar on Textiles Art C-43 Seminar on Textiles Art C-44 Seminar on Textiles Art D-31 Seminar on Textiles Art D-32 Seminar on Textiles Art D-33 Seminar on Textiles Art D-41 Seminar on Textiles Art D-42 Seminar on Textiles Art D-43 Seminar on Textiles Art D-44 Seminar on Design A-21 Seminar on Design A-22 Seminar on Design B-21 Seminar on Design B-22 Seminar on Design C-21 Seminar on Design C-21 Seminar on Design C-22 Seminar on Design C-22 Seminar on Design D-21 Seminar on Design D-21 Seminar on Design D-21 Seminar on Design D-21 Seminar on Design D-21 Seminar on Design D-22 Seminar on Design E-21 Seminar on Design E-22 Seminar on Design F I Seminar on Design F II-21 Seminar on Design F II-22 Seminar on Design G-21 Seminar on Design G-22 Documentary Documentary A Documentary B Practice on Documentary Making Documentary I Documentary II PianoforteAⅠ PianoforteAⅡ PianoforteAⅢ PianoforteAⅣ PianoforteAⅤ PianoforteAⅥ PianoforteAⅦ PianoforteAⅧ PianoforteBⅠ PianoforteBⅡ PianoforteBⅢ PianoforteBⅣ PianoforteBⅤ PianoforteBⅥ PianoforteBⅦ PianoforteBⅧ Foundations of Busi Communication(Eng) Foundations of Busi Communication(Chnse) Advanced Business Communication(English) Advanced Business Communication(Chnse) Business Communication (English) Business Communication (Chinese) Human and Natural Environment Human Computer Interface Money and Finance Fashion & Culture Field Study(China) Fieldwork Fieldwork FieldworkA FieldworkB FieldworkC FieldworkD FieldworkE Special Topics on Flight Operations I Special Topics on Flight Operations II Special Topics on Flight Operations III Brands Management Presentation Practice Seminar Hospitality Communication A Hospitality Communication B Special Topics in Hospitality I Special Topics in Hospitality II Hotel Managerial Accounting Macro Economics Multimedia in Teaching Japanese Micro Economics The Media, its Past, Present & Future Landscape & Culture Regulatory Framework of Risk Management Leisure Industry Internship The Leisure Industry The History of Rhetoric Russian Society & Culture The Russian & East European Economies The Russian & East European Economy Cross-Cultural Communication Social Work in Health 適用カリキュラム年度 2011以前 2012以降 科目名称 映画演出研究 映画演出研究A 映画演出研究B 映画演出原論 映画音響デザイン論 映画技術演習Ⅰ 映画技術演習Ⅱ 映画撮影技術論 映画撮影実習Ⅰ 映画撮影実習Ⅱ 映画撮影実習Ⅲ 映画特講 映画特講-41 映画特講-42 映画特講-43 映画特講-44 映像演技と演出 映像論 映像論A 映像論B 英語III BM KENTEI Test Skills 英語IIIBasic Grammar Skills (E/PI) 英語IIIBasic Reading Skills (E) 英語IIIBasic Speaking Skills (E) 英語IIIBasic Writing Skills (E) 英語IIIPronunciation Skills (E/PI) 英語IV BM KENTEI Test Skills 英語IVActive Listening (PI) 英語IVChildren’s Stories (PI/I) 英語IVCommunicative Writing (PI) 英語IVDiscussion Skills (PI) 英語IVEnglish thru TV 1 (PI) 英語IVIntro to News Reading (PI) 英語IVPresentation Skills (PI) 英語IVReading for Pleasure (PI) 英語IVSelf-Study with Computers (PI) 英語IVStudy Abroad English 1 (PI/I) 英語V BM KENTEI Test Skills 英語VAuthentic Reading (I) 英語VBusiness English (I) 英語VDiscussing Current Issues (I) 英語VEnglish in the News (I) 英語VEnglish thru TV 2 (I) 英語VI BM KENTEI Test Skills 英語VIAcademic Writing (UI) 英語VIEnglish for the Job Market (A) 英語VIGlobal Issues (A) 英語VIGrammar Skills (UI) 英語VIGreat Debate (UI) 英語VIListening thru Film (A) 英語ViMovie Video Presentations (I) 英語VIPublic Speaking (A) 英語VIStudy Abroad English 2 (UI) 英語VListening to the News (I) 英語VReading Current Events (I) 英語VSelf-Expression in English (I) 英語VYouth Culture (I) 英語エクステンションA(Acad Rd&Wrt I-2) 英語エクステンションA(Acad Rd&Wrt I-3) 英語エクステンションA(Acad Rd&Wrt II-2) 英語エクステンションA(Acad Rd&Wrt II-3) 英語エクステンションB(Acad Writing-3) 英語エクステンションB(Acad Writing-4) 英語エクステンションB(Active List-2) 英語エクステンションB(Authentic Rd-3) 英語エクステンションB(Business Eng-3) 英語エクステンションB(Children’s Lit-2) 英語エクステンションB(Disc Curr Iss-3) 英語エクステンションB(Eng in News-2) 英語エクステンションB(Eng in News-3) 英語エクステンションB(Eng thru Media-2) 英語エクステンションB(Eng thru Media-3) 英語エクステンションB(Lang&Culture-3) 英語エクステンションB(Lang&Culture-4) 英語エクステンションB(Online Comm-2) 英語エクステンションB(Rd for Pleasur-2) 英語エクステンションB(Wrt for Comm-2) 英語文献講読Ia 【新】英語名称 Studies in Film Direction Studies in Film Direction A Studies in Film Direction B Principles of Film Direction Film Sound Design Seminar on Film-making Technique I Seminar on Film-making Technique II Cinematography Techniques Cinematography Practicum I Cinematography Practicum II Cinematography Practicum III Special Lectures on Cinema Special Lectures on Cinema-41 Special Lectures on Cinema-42 Special Lectures on Cinema-43 Special Lectures on Cinema-44 Acting and Direction in Film Film and Video Film and Video A Film and Video B English III BM TOEFL® Test Skills English IV BM TOEFL® Test Skills English V BM TOEFL® Test Skills English VI BM TOEFL® Test Skills English III BM KENTEI Test Skills English III BM TOEIC® Test Skills English III BM TOEIC® Test Skills Eng III Basic Grammar Skills (E/PI) Eng III Basic Reading Skills (E) Eng III Basic Speaking Skills (E) Eng III Basic Writing Skills (E) Eng III Pronunciation Skills (E/PI) English IV BM KENTEI Test Skills English IV BM TOEIC® Test Skills Eng IV Pre-TOEFL® Writing (PI/I) Eng IV Active Listening (PI) Eng IV Children’s Stories (PI/I) Eng IV Communicative Writing (PI) Eng IV Discussion Skills (PI) Eng IV English thru TV 1 (PI) Eng IV Intro to News Reading (PI) Eng IV Presentation Skills (PI) Eng IV Pre-TOEIC® Listening (PI/I) Eng IV Reading for Pleasure (PI) Eng IV Self-Study with Computers (PI) Eng IV Study Abroad English 1 (PI/I) English V BM KENTEI Test Skills English V BM TOEIC® Test Skills Eng V Authentic Reading (I) Eng V Business English (I) Eng V Discussing Current Issues (I) Eng V English in the News (I) Eng V English thru TV 2 (I) English VI BM KENTEI Test Skills English VI BM TOEIC® Test Skills Eng VI TOEFL® Test Skills (UI) Eng VI TOEFL® Writing Skills (UI) Eng VI Academic Writing (UI) Eng VI English for the Job Market (A) Eng VI Global Issues (A) Eng VI Grammar Skills (UI) Eng VI Great Debate (UI) Eng VI Listening thru Film (A) Eng V iMovie Video Presentations (I) Eng VI Public Speaking (A) Eng VI Study Abroad English 2 (UI) Eng VI TOEIC® Test Skills (UI) Eng V Listening to the News (I) Eng V Reading Current Events (I) Eng V Self-Expression in English (I) Eng V Youth Culture (I) Eng Ext.A(Acad Reading and Writing I-2) Eng Ext.A(Acad Reading and Writing I-3) Eng Ext.A(Acad Reading and Writing II-2) Eng Ext.A(Acad Reading and Writing II-3) Eng Ext.A(TOEFL® Test Skills-3) Eng Ext.A(TOEIC® Test Skills-3) Eng Ext.B(Academic Writing-3) Eng Ext.B(Academic Writing-4) Eng Ext.B(Active Listening-2) Eng Ext.B(Authentic Reading-3) Eng Ext.B(Business English-3) Eng Ext.B(Children’s Literature-2) Eng Ext.B(Disc. of Current Issues-3) Eng Ext.B(English in the News-2) Eng Ext.B(English in the News-3) Eng Ext.B(English through Media-2) Eng Ext.B(English through Media-3) Eng Ext.B(Language and Culture-3) Eng Ext.B(Language and Culture-4) Eng Ext.B(Online Communication-2) Eng Ext.B(Pre-TOEFL® Writing-2) Eng Ext.B(Pre-TOEIC® Listening-2) Eng Ext.B(Reading for Pleasure-2) Eng Ext.B(TOEFL® Test Skills-3) Eng Ext.B(TOEFL® Writing-3) Eng Ext.B(TOEIC® Test Skills-3) Eng Ext.B(Writing for Communication-2) Reading English Sources Ia 【旧】英語名称 Studies in Direct Studies in Direct A Studies in Direct B Principles of Direct Sound Design Seminar on Transition of Film I Seminar on Transition of Film II Principles of Filming Teachnique Cinematography I Cinematography II Cinematography III Special Courses on Cinema Special Courses on Cinema-41 Special Courses on Cinema-42 Special Courses on Cinema-43 Special Courses on Cinema-44 Acting & Direction in Film Film & Video Film & VideoA Film & VideoB Eng III. BM KENTEI Test Skills Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng III. Basic Grammar Skills (E/PI) III. Basic Reading Skills (E) III. Basic Speaking Skills (E) III. Basic Writing Skills (E) III. Pronunciation Skills (E/PI) IV. BM KENTEI Test Skills Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng IV. IV. IV. IV. IV. IV. IV. Eng Eng Eng Eng IV. Reading for Pleasure (PI) IV. Self-Study with Computers (PI) IV. Study Abroad English 1 (PI/I) V. BM KENTEI Test Skills Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng V. Authentic Reading (I) V. Business English (I) V. Discussing Current Issues (I) V. English in the News (I) V. English thru TV 2 (I) VI. BM KENTEI Test Skills Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng VI. Academic Writing (UI) VI. English for the Job Market (A) VI. Global Issues (A) VI. Grammar Skills (UI) VI. Great Debate (UI) VI. Listening thru Film (A) V. iMovie Video Presentations (I) VI. Public Speaking (A) VI. Study Abroad English 2 (UI) Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng V. Listening to the News (I) V. Reading Current Events (I) V. Self-Expression in English (I) V. Youth Culture (I) Ext.A(Academic Read. and Writ. I-2) Ext.A(Academic Read. and Writ. I-3) Ext.A(Academic Read. and Writ. II-2) Ext.A(Academic Read. and Writ. II-3) Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Ext.B(Acad Writing-3) Ext.B(Acad Writing-4) Ext.B(Active List-2) Ext.B(Authentic Rd-3) Ext.B(Business Eng-3) Ext.B(Children’s Lit-2) Ext.B(Disc Curr Iss-3) Ext.B(Eng in News-2) Ext.B(Eng in News-3) Ext.B(Eng thru Media-2) Ext.B(Eng thru Media-3) Ext.B(Lang&Culture-3) Ext.B(Lang&Culture-4) Ext.B(Online Comm-2) Active Listening (PI) Children’s Stories (PI/I) Communicative Writing (PI) Discussion Skills (PI) English thru TV 1 (PI) Intro to News Reading (PI) Presentation Skills (PI) Eng Ext.B(Rd for Pleasur-2) Eng Ext.B(Wrt for Comm-2) English Ia 適用カリキュラム年度 科目名称 英語文献講読Ib 英語文献講読IIa 英語文献講読IIb 英字紙を読む 英米演劇文学 英米児童文学 英米文化講読(日米間コミュニケーション) 英米文学と宗教 英米文学講読(英米演劇) 英米文学講読(英米小説) 英米文学入門 英米文学入門 応用マクロ経済学 応用ミクロ経済学 応用航空気象 応用表計算プログラム 化学概論 化学特論Ⅰ 化学特論Ⅱ 家庭と教育 海外留学・研修準備学習 確率論と統計学 学芸員のための教育学概論 学校経営と学校図書館 学際・統合科学基礎(イギリスと日本の教育) 学際・統合科学基礎(ことばとロジック) 学際・統合科学基礎(異文化と国際的な学び) 学際・統合科学基礎(教えることと学ぶこと) 学際・統合科学基礎(現代社会と教育A) 学際・統合科学基礎(現代社会と教育B) 学際・統合科学基礎(人と教育-名著を読む) 学際・統合科学基礎(人と情報-名著を読む) 学際・統合科学基礎(人と組織-名著を読む) 学際・統合科学基礎(人と知識-名著を読む) 学際・統合科学基礎(地方政治と環境政策) 学際・統合科学基礎(地方政治と環境政策) 学際・統合科学基礎(日本の大学世界の大学) 学習指導と学校図書館 環境と産業 環境科学総合演習 環境科学特論Ⅰ 環境科学特論Ⅱ 環境法学 環境法及環境問題 環太平洋の民族と社会 管楽合奏Ⅰ 管楽合奏Ⅱ 管楽合奏Ⅲ 管楽合奏Ⅳ 管楽合奏Ⅴ 管楽合奏Ⅵ 管楽合奏Ⅶ 管楽合奏Ⅷ 管弦楽概論 管弦楽合奏Ⅰ 管弦楽合奏Ⅱ 管弦楽合奏Ⅲ 管弦楽合奏Ⅳ 管弦楽合奏Ⅴ 管弦楽合奏Ⅵ 管弦楽合奏Ⅶ 管弦楽合奏Ⅷ 観光安全システム論 観光交通論 観光産業実習(海外旅行業) 観光産業実習(航空関連産業) 観光産業実習(国内旅行業) 観光産業実習(宿泊業) 観光地域と観光開発 企業の意思決定とOR 企業金融法 危険物と環境 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-81 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-82 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-83 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-84 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-85 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-86 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-87 器楽実技(Vn/Va)-88 器楽実技(コントラバス)-81 器楽実技(コントラバス)-82 器楽実技(コントラバス)-83 器楽実技(コントラバス)-84 器楽実技(コントラバス)-85 器楽実技(コントラバス)-86 器楽実技(コントラバス)-87 器楽実技(コントラバス)-88 器楽実技(チェロ)-81 器楽実技(チェロ)-82 器楽実技(チェロ)-83 器楽実技(チェロ)-84 器楽実技(チェロ)-85 器楽実技(チェロ)-86 器楽実技(チェロ)-87 器楽実技(チェロ)-88 器楽実技(ピアノ) 器楽実技(ピアノ)-81 器楽実技(ピアノ)-82 【新】英語名称 Reading English Sources Ib Reading English Sources IIa Reading English Sources IIb Reading Newspapers in English Anglo-American Drama Anglo-American Children's Literature Readings in Anglo-American Culture Religion in Anglo-American Literature Readings in Anglo-American Lit. (Drama) Readings in Anglo-American Lit. (Novel) Intro. to Anglo-American Literature Intro. to Anglo-American Literature Applied Macroeconomics Applied Microeconomics Applied Aviation Meteorology Applied Spreadsheet Programs Survey of Chemistry Selected Topics in Chemistry I Selected Topics in Chemistry II Family and Education Prep. For Overseas Study/Training Probability Theory and Statistics Intro. to Education for Museum Curating School Management and School Libraries Found. IS (British and Jpn Education) Found. IS (Language and Logic) Found. IS (For. Cult. and Intl Learning) Found. IS (Teaching and Learning) Found. IS (Society and Education A) Found. IS (Society and Education B) Found. IS (Education and Classics) Found. IS (Information and Classics) Found. IS (Organization and Classics) Found. IS (Knowledge and Classics) Found. IS (Local Pol. & Environ. Policy) Found. IS (Local Pol. & Environ. Policy) Found. IS (Japanese and Foreign Univs.) Study Guidance and School Libraries Environment and Industry Seminar on Environmental Science Sel. Topics in Environmental Science I Sel. Topics in Environmental Science II Environmental Law Intro. to Envir. Problems in Jpn and Chn Race and Society in the Pacific Rim Wind Ensemble I Wind Ensemble II Wind Ensemble III Wind Ensemble IV Wind Ensemble V Wind Ensemble VI Wind Ensemble VII Wind Ensemble VIII Introduction to Orchestral Music Orchestra I Orchestra II Orchestra III Orchestra IV Orchestra V Orchestra VI Orchestra VII Orchestra VIII Safety Systems for Tourism Traffic in Tourism Practicum in Overseas Tourism Industry Tourism Industry Practicum (Airlines) Practicum in Domestic Tourism Ind. Practicum in the Hotel Industry Tourist Areas and Tourism Development Corporate Decision-Making & Ops. Rsrch. Corporate Finance Law Hazardous Materials and the Environment Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-81 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-82 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-83 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-84 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-85 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-86 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-87 Instrumental Music (Violin/Viola)-88 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-81 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-82 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-83 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-84 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-85 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-86 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-87 Instrumental Music (Double Bass)-88 Instrumental Music (Cello)-81 Instrumental Music (Cello)-82 Instrumental Music (Cello)-83 Instrumental Music (Cello)-84 Instrumental Music (Cello)-85 Instrumental Music (Cello)-86 Instrumental Music (Cello)-87 Instrumental Music (Cello)-88 Instrument Practice (Piano) Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-81 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-82 【旧】英語名称 English Ib English IIa English IIb Reading English Newspapers English Drama English Children's Literature Readings in British & American Culture Religion in English Literature Readings in English Literature (Drama) Readings in English Literature (Novels) Intro to British & American Literature Introduction to English Literary Studies Applied Macro Economics Applied Micro Economics Applied Avn. Meteorology Advanced Spreadsheet Processing Introduction to Chemistry Advanced Topics in Chemistry I Advanced Topics in Chemistry II Family and Its Educational Function Prep. For Overseas Study/Internship Probability Theory & Statistics Survey of Education for Museology Course School Management & School Libraries Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies Found. IS (Language & Logic) Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies Found. IS (Teaching & Learning) Found. IS (Society & Education A) Found. IS (Society & Education B) Found. IS (Education & Classics) Found. IS (Information & Classics) Found. IS (Organization & Classics) Found. IS (Knowledge & Classics) Found. IS (Local Gov't. & Envir. Policy) Foundations of Interdisciplinary Studies Found. IS (Japanese/Foreign Univ.) Guided Study & School Libraries Environment & Industry Comp. Seminar on Environmental Science ST in Environmental Science I ST in Environmental Science II Environmental Jurisprudence Envir. Law & Envir. Problems Race & Society in the Pacific Rim Wind EnsembleⅠ Wind EnsembleⅡ Wind EnsembleⅢ Wind EnsembleⅣ Wind EnsembleⅤ Wind EnsembleⅥ Wind EnsembleⅦ Wind EnsembleⅧ Introduction of orchestra music OrchestraⅠ OrchestraⅡ OrchestraⅢ OrchestraⅣ OrchestraⅤ OrchestraⅥ OrchestraⅦ OrchestraⅧ Safety System of Tourism Transportation for Tourism On-Site Study in Travel Industry Tourist Industry Training (Airlines) On-Site Study in Travel Industry On-Site Study in Hotel Industry Tourist Areas & Development of Tourism Corporate Decision-Making & OR Corporate Financing Laws Hazardous Materials and Environment Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-81 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-82 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-83 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-84 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-85 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-86 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-87 Instrumental Music(Vn/Vo)-88 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-81 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-82 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-83 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-84 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-85 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-86 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-87 Instrumental Music(Double Bass)-88 Instrumental Music(Cello)-81 Instrumental Music(Cello)-82 Instrumental Music(Cello)-83 Instrumental Music(Cello)-84 Instrumental Music(Cello)-85 Instrumental Music(Cello)-86 Instrumental Music(Cello)-87 Instrumental Music(Cello)-88 Music Practice (Piano) Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-81 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-82 適用カリキュラム年度 2007~2011 2012以降 2012以降 2007~2011 科目名称 【新】英語名称 【旧】英語名称 器楽実技(ピアノ)-83 器楽実技(ピアノ)-84 器楽実技(ピアノ)-85 器楽実技(ピアノ)-86 器楽実技(ピアノ)-87 器楽実技(ピアノ)-88 器楽実技(金管)-81 器楽実技(金管)-82 器楽実技(金管)-83 器楽実技(金管)-84 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-81 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-82 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-83 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-84 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-85 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-86 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-87 器楽実技(金管/打楽器)-88 器楽実技(打楽器)-81 器楽実技(打楽器)-82 器楽実技(打楽器)-83 器楽実技(打楽器)-84 器楽実技(打楽器)-85 器楽実技(打楽器)-86 器楽実技(木管)-81 器楽実技(木管)-82 器楽実技(木管)-83 器楽実技(木管)-84 器楽実技(木管)-85 器楽実技(木管)-86 器楽実技(木管)-87 器楽実技(木管)-88 器楽実技AⅠ 器楽実技AⅡ 器楽実技AⅢ 器楽実技AⅣ 器楽実技AⅤ 器楽実技AⅥ 器楽実技AⅦ 器楽実技AⅧ 器楽実技BⅠ 器楽実技BⅡ 器楽実技BⅢ 器楽実技BⅣ 器楽実技BⅤ 器楽実技BⅥ 器楽実技BⅦ 器楽実技BⅧ 気象と環境 戯曲演習 戯曲基礎 技術スタッフ応用I 技術スタッフ応用II 技術スタッフ基礎 技術スタッフ入門 脚本演習C 脚本実習A 脚本実習B 救急救命演習 救急処置法 教育原理 教育原理(保育) 教育実習事前・事後指導 教育実習事前・事後指導A 教育実習事前・事後指導A 教育実習事前・事後指導B 教育実習事前・事後指導B 教育心理学 教育心理学(教職課程) 教育心理学(保育) 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-81 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-82 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-83 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-84 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-85 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-86 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-87 教会音楽実技(ゴスペル)-88 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-81 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-82 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-83 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-84 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-85 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-86 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-87 教会音楽実技(パイプオルガン)-88 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-81 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-82 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-83 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-84 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-85 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-86 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-87 教会音楽実技(ハンドベル)-88 教職実践演習(幼稚園) Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-83 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-84 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-85 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-86 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-87 Instrumental Music (Pianoforte)-88 Instrumental Music (Brass)-81 Instrumental Music (Brass)-82 Instrumental Music (Brass)-83 Instrumental Music (Brass)-84 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-81 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-82 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-83 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-84 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-85 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-86 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-87 Instrumental Music (Brass/Percussion)-88 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-81 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-82 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-83 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-84 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-85 Instrumental Music (Percussion)-86 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-81 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-82 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-83 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-84 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-85 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-86 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-87 Instrumental Music (Woodwinds)-88 Instrumental Music A I Instrumental Music A II Instrumental Music A III Instrumental Music A IV Instrumental Music A V Instrumental Music A VI Instrumental Music A VII Instrumental Music A VIII Instrumental Music B I Instrumental Music B II Instrumental Music B III Instrumental Music B IV Instrumental Music B V Instrumental Music B VI Instrumental Music B VII Instrumental Music B VIII Weather and the Environment Seminar on Drama The Basics of Drama Applied Technical Staff Work I Applied Technical Staff Work II Foundations of Technical Staff Work Introduction to Technical Staff Work Seminar on Script Writing C Script Writing Practicum A Script Writing Practicum B Seminar in Paramedics Emergency Measures for Sports Injuries Principles of Education Principles of Education (Daycare) Pre- & Post-Teaching Practicum Guidance Pre- and Post- Ed. Practical Guidance A Pre- and Post- Ed. Practical Guidance A Pre- and Post- Ed. Practical Guidance B Pre- and Post- Ed. Practical Guidance B Educational Psychology Educational Psych. (Teacher Training) Educational Psychology (Daycare) Church Music (Gospel)-81 Church Music (Gospel)-82 Church Music (Gospel)-83 Church Music (Gospel)-84 Church Music (Gospel)-85 Church Music (Gospel)-86 Church Music (Gospel)-87 Church Music (Gospel)-88 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-81 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-82 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-83 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-84 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-85 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-86 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-87 Church Music (Pipe Organ)-88 Church Music (Hand Bell)-81 Church Music (Hand Bell)-82 Church Music (Hand Bell)-83 Church Music (Hand Bell)-84 Church Music (Hand Bell)-85 Church Music (Hand Bell)-86 Church Music (Hand Bell)-87 Church Music (Hand Bell)-88 Teacher Ed. Pract. Sem. (Kindergarten) Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-83 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-84 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-85 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-86 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-87 Instrumental Music(Pianoforte)-88 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-81 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-82 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-83 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-84 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-81 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-82 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-83 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-84 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-85 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-86 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-87 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-88 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-81 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-82 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-83 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-84 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-85 Instrumental Music(Brass Instruments)-86 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-81 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-82 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-83 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-84 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-85 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-86 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-87 Instrumental Music(Wind Instruments)-88 Instrumental Music Instrumental MusicAⅡ Instrumental MusicAⅢ Instrumental MusicAⅣ Instrumental MusicAⅤ Instrumental MusicAⅥ Instrumental MusicAⅦ Instrumental MusicAⅧ Instrumental MusicBⅠ Instrumental MusicBⅡ Instrumental MusicBⅢ Instrumental MusicBⅣ Instrumental MusicBⅤ Instrumental MusicBⅥ Instrumental MusicBⅦ Instrumental MusicBⅧ Weather & the Environment Seminar on Plays Introduction of Plays Studies of Staff WorksI Studies of Staff WorksII Basic Staff Works Introduction to Staff Works Seminar on Script WritingC Practice on Script Writing A Practice on Script Writing B Training Courses for Emergency Emergency Measures of Sports Injuries Principle of Education Principle of Education Pre- and Post- Edu. Practical Guidance Pre- and Post- Ed Practical Guidance A Pre- and Post- Edu. Practical GuidanceA Pre- and Post- Ed Practical Guidance B Pre- and Post- Edu. Practical GuidanceB Pedagogical Psychology Educational Psych (Teacher Training) Educational Psychology Church Music(Gospel)-81 Church Music(Gospel)-82 Church Music(Gospel)-83 Church Music(Gospel)-84 Church Music(Gospel)-85 Church Music(Gospel)-86 Church Music(Gospel)-87 Church Music(Gospel)-88 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-81 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-82 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-83 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-84 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-85 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-86 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-87 Church Music(Pipe Organ)-88 Church Music(Hand Bell)-81 Church Music(Hand Bell)-82 Church Music(Hand Bell)-83 Church Music(Hand Bell)-84 Church Music(Hand Bell)-85 Church Music(Hand Bell)-86 Church Music(Hand Bell)-87 Church Music(Hand Bell)-88 Practical Seminar for T.E. (Kind.) 教職総合演習 Seminar for Teacher Training General Seminar for Teaching Profession 教職総合演習 Seminar for Teacher Training Seminar for the Teaching Profession 適用カリキュラム年度 2006以前 2007 総文・BM・健福 2007 LA 2008以降 科目名称 近代文学の世界 金融商品取引法 金融論 経営データベース管理 経営情報システム演習 経営情報システム概論 経営戦略論 経済開発論 経済学入門 経済数学入門I 経済数学入門II 経済政策 経済統計論 経済変動論 芸術と人間 芸術音楽特講-41 芸術音楽特講-42 芸術音楽特講-43 芸術音楽特講-44 健康とスポーツ 健康と食生活 健康栄養学実験 健康管理と航空生理 健康教育概論 健康心理アセスメント概論 健康心理カウンセリング概論 建築文化論 弦楽合奏Ⅰ 弦楽合奏Ⅱ 弦楽合奏Ⅲ 弦楽合奏Ⅳ 弦楽合奏Ⅴ 弦楽合奏Ⅵ 弦楽合奏Ⅶ 弦楽合奏Ⅷ 現代アジアの教育と文化 現代の企業システム 現代の金融システム 現代の産業システム 現代の情報システム 現代の労働システム 現代社会と人権 現代社会のしくみ 現代社会研究 現代文学の世界 現代流通論 言語とジェンダー 言語と心理 言語と文化 公衆衛生学 口語表現法II 広告戦略論 江戸文学の世界 航空安全とヒューマンファクター 航空関連法規基礎 航空機に搭載されるエンジン 航空機の仕組みと構造1 航空機の仕組みと構造2 航空機の仕組みと構造3 航空機の仕組みと構造4 航空気象Ⅰ-1 航空気象Ⅰ-2 航空気象Ⅱ 航空気象Ⅲ 航空交通管制用語Ⅰ(英語) 航空交通管制用語Ⅱ(英語) 航空特論Ⅰ 航空特論Ⅱ 航空無線電話と電波法 航空輸送産業実習 航空力学1 航空力学2 高齢者レクリエーション 国家論 国語・漢字検定I 国語・漢字検定II 国際学とキャリア 国際関係特論(人間の安全保障) 国際協力フィールドワーク(アフリカ) 国際協力フィールドワーク(フィリピン) 国際協力フィールドワーク(日本) 国際協力研修(カンボジア国際協力研修) 国際協力研修(バングラデシュ国際協力研修) 国際協力研修(フィリピン国際協力研修) 国際協力論 国際金融論 国際交通論 国際投資論 国際理解教育(スペイン言語文化研修) 国際理解教育(フランス言語文化研修) 国際理解教育(海外協働学習体験) 産業・組織心理学 産業発達と環境保護 子どもと開発 子どものからだと健康 詩と朗読 資格英語Ⅱ 資格英語I 【新】英語名称 The World of Modern Literature Financial Instruments and Exchange Law Money and Banking Database Management Management Info. Systems Seminar Management Info. Systems Survey Corporate Strategy Economic Development Introduction to Economics Intro. to Mathematics for Economics I Intro. to Mathematics for Economics II Economic Policy Economic Statistics Economic Fluctuations Art and Humanity Special Lectures on Classical Music-41 Special Lectures on Classical Music-42 Special Lectures on Classical Music-43 Special Lectures on Classical Music-44 Sports and Wellness Health and Dietary Habits Health and Nutrition Laboratory Health Maintenance & Aviation Physiology Survey of Health Education Intro. to Health and Psych. Assessment Intro. to Health and Psych. Counseling Architecture and Culture String Ensemble I String Ensemble II String Ensemble III String Ensemble IV String Ensemble V String Ensemble VI String Ensemble VII String Ensemble VIII Education and Culture in Contemp. Asia Contemporary Corporate Systems Contemporary Financial Systems Contemporary Industrial Systems Contemporary Information Systems Contemporary Labor Systems Contemporary Society and Human Rights Structure of Contemporary Society Studies in Contemporary Society Contemporary Literature Contemporary Distribution Management Language and Gender Language and Psychology Language and Culture Public Sanitation Basic Speaking Skills in Japanese II Advertising Strategy The World of Edo Literature Aviation Safety and Human Factors Foundations of Aviation Regulation Aircraft Engines Aircraft Design and LM 1 Aircraft Design and LM 2 Aircraft Design and LM 3 Aircraft Design and LM 4 Meteorology for Aviation I-1 Meteorology for Aviation I-2 Meteorology for Aviation II Meteorology for Aviation III Air Traffic Control Terms I (English) Air Traffic Control Terms II (English) Selected Topics in Aviation I Selected Topics in Aviation II Aviation Radiotelephony and Radio Law Air Transport Industry Practicum Aerodynamics I Aerodynamics II Recreation for the Elderly The State Japanese and Kanji Aptitude Tests I Japanese and Kanji Aptitude Tests II Careers in International Studies Selected Topics in IR (Human Security) FIC: Africa FIC: Philippines FIC: Japan TIC: Cambodia TIC: Bangladesh TIC: Philippines International Development Studies International Finance International Transportation International Investment TIE: Spanish Language and Culture TIE: French Language and Culture TIE: Cooperative Learning Overseas Industrial and Organizational Psychology Environment and Industry Children and Development Children's Bodies and Health Reading Poetry Aloud English for Aptitude Tests A (TOEIC®) English for Aptitude Tests B English for Aptitude Tests I 【旧】英語名称 適用カリキュラム年度 Studies in Modern Literature Financial Services Act Money & Banking Database Management for Business Business Information System Seminar Business Information System Management Strategy Economics Development Introduction to Economy Intro to Mathematics for Economics I Intro to Mathematics for Economics II Economics Policy Economics Statistics Economics Fluctuation Art & Humanity Special study of classical music-41 Special study of classical music-42 Special study of classical music-43 Special study of classical music-44 Sport & Wellness Health and Life of Eating Experiment in Health and Nutrition Health Maintenance and Avn. Physiology Health Education Health Psychological Assessment Health & Psychological Counseling Architecture & Culture String EnsembleⅠ String EnsembleⅡ String EnsembleⅢ String EnsembleⅣ String EnsembleⅤ String EnsembleⅥ String EnsembleⅦ String EnsembleⅧ Education and Cultures in Modern Asia Contemporary System of Enterprise Contemporary System of Finance Contemporary System of Industry Contemporary System of Information Contemporary System of Labor Contemporary Society & Human Rights Study of Contemporary Society Studies on Contemporary Society Studies in Contemporary Literature Contemporary Channel Management Language & Gender Language & Psychology Language & Culture Sanitation Basic Speaking Skills in JapaneseII Strategic Advertising Studies in Edo Literature Avn. Safety and the Human Factor Fundamentals of Aviation-Related Regulat A/C Engines A/C Design and LM 1 A/C Design and LM 2 A/C Design and LM 3 A/C Design and LM 4 Avn. Meteorology I-1 Avn. Meteorology I-2 Avn. Meteorology II Avn. Meteorology III ATC Vocabulary I (English) ATC Vocabulary II (English) Special Topics in Aviation I Special Topics in Aviation II Avn. Radiotelephony and Radio Law Training in the Air Transport Industry Aviation Dynamics 1 Aviation Dynamics 2 Recreation for Senior Citizens Nationhood Qual Tests for Japanese & Kanji I Qual Tests for Japanese & Kanji II Int'l Studies for Career Purposes Human Security FIC:Africa FIC:Philippine FIC:Japan TIC: Int'l Cooperation in Cambodia TIC: Int'l Cooperation in Bangladesh TIC: Int'l Cooperation in Philippines International Cooperation International Finance International Traffic Studies on International Investment TIE: Spanish Language & Culture TIE: French Language & Culture Training in International Education Industrial & Organization Psychology Indust. Devel. & Environ. Protection Children & Development Body Composition and Health in Children Introduction to Reading Poetry English for Qualification B English for Qualification I 2007~2011 2007~2011 2012以降 科目名称 資格英語II 資源・エネルギー論 資源循環論 時事英語講読 自主研究(アメリカボランティア研修発展) 自主研究(スペイン言語文化研修発展) 自主研究(フランス言語文化研修発展) 自主研究(モンゴル環境研修発展) 自主研究(中国企業研修(上海)発展) 自主研究(中国企業研修(北京)発展) 自然科学基礎(ヒトの生物学) 自然科学基礎(化学) 自然科学基礎(生きもののつくりとはたらき) 自然科学基礎(生物学) 自然科学基礎(物理学) 自然環境調査法 社会と環境 社会科学基礎(これからの日米関係) 社会科学基礎(マルクスを読む) 社会科学基礎(映画で学ぶ経済学) 社会科学基礎(日本とアジアの経済関係) 社会科学調査演習 社会環境調査法 社会福祉とマネージメント 社会福祉援助技術現場実習 社会福祉援助技術現場実習指導Ⅰ 社会福祉援助技術現場実習指導Ⅱ 社会福祉援助技術現場実習指導Ⅲ 社会福祉法制論 社会文化・メセナ論 宗教と教育 宗教音楽史 宗教学の諸問題 宗教学概論 書道研究Ⅰ 書道研究Ⅱ 女性と社会 商業科教育法I 商業科教育法II 商業科教育法III 商業科教育法IV 商業登記の実務 小児栄養 小児保健(講義) 小児保健(実習) 消費者行動論 証券取引法 障害学 障害児保育 障害者レクリエーション 障害者福祉論 上演実技I 上演実技II 上演実技III 上演実技IV 乗員養成と乗員計画 情報コンテンツデザイン 情報デザイン論 情報と職業 情報と倫理 情報ネットワーク演習 情報科教育法I 情報科教育法II 情報社会論 職業指導I 職業指導II 食と栄養 心理学研究法 新事業・新商品開発論 身体原理入門 進路指導論 人間と環境 人種と民族 人文科学基礎(英語と日本語の仕組み) 数学概論 制作Ⅰ(ビデオ実習) 制作Ⅱ(フィルム実習) 制作Ⅲ(フィルム実習) 制作基礎I 制作基礎II 政治学概論 整音演習Ⅰ 整音演習Ⅱ 生物学概論 生物学特論Ⅰ 生物学特論Ⅱ 精神保健福祉援助技術各論 精神保健福祉援助技術各論 精神保健福祉援助技術総論 精神保健福祉援助実習I 精神保健福祉援助実習II 精神保健福祉援助実習III 精神保健福祉論I 精神保健福祉論II 声楽AⅠ 声楽AⅡ 声楽AⅢ 声楽AⅣ 声楽AⅤ 【新】英語名称 English for Aptitude Tests II Resources and Energy Resource Recycling Readings in Current Events in English Ind. Studies (Volunteering in the US) Ind. Studies (Spanish Lang. and Culture) Ind. Studies (French Lang. and Culture) Ind. Studies (Environment in Mongolia) Ind. Studies (China-Shanghai) Ind. Studies (China-Beijing) Found. Natural Sciences (Hum. Biology) Foundations of Natural Sciences Found. Natural Sciences (Life Science) Found. Natural Sciences (Biology) Found. Natural Sciences (Physics) Methods in Natural Environment Research Environment and Civilization Found. Social Sciences (Japan and US) Found. Social Sciences (Reading Marx) Found. Social Sciences (Econ. in Film) Found. Social Sciences (Japan and Asia) Seminar in Social Science Research Methods in Social Environment Research Social Welfare and Management On-Site Practicum in Social Work On-Site Practicum in Social Work I On-Site Practicum in Social Work II On-Site Practicum in Social Work III Social Welfare Policy Law Culture and Patronage in Society Religion and Education History of Religious Music Contemporary Issues in Religious Studies Survey of Religious Studies Studies in Calligraphy I Studies in Calligraphy II Women and Society Methods of Teaching Commerce I Methods of Teaching Commerce II Methods of Teaching Commerce III Methods of Teaching Commerce IV Commercial Registration in Practice Children's Nutrition Children's Health (Lecture) Children's Health (Practicum) Consumer Behavior Securities and Exchange Law Disability Studies Daycare for Children with Disabilities Recreation for Persons with Disabilities Welfare for Persons with Disabilities Performance I Performance II Performance III Performance IV Cabin Crew Planning and Training Information Content Design Information Design Information and Work Ethics and the Information Society Seminar in Network Systems Methods of Teaching Info. Science I Methods of Teaching Info. Science II Information Society Career Guidance I Career Guidance II Nutrition and Food Research Methods in Psychology New Business/New Product Development Introduction to Human Kinetics Life Course Guidance Humans and the Natural Environment Race and Ethnicity Found. Humanities (English and Japanese) Survey of Mathematics Production I (Video) Production II (Film) Production III (Film) Basic Stagecraft I Basic Stagecraft II Survey of Political Science Sound Post-Production I Sound Post-Production II Survey of Biology Selected Topics in Biology I Selected Topics in Biology II Topics on Mental Health Welfare Tech. Topics on Psychiatric Social Work Tech. Overview of Mental Health Welfare Tech. Practicum in Mental Health Welfare I Practicum in Mental Health Welfare II Practicum in Mental Health Welfare III Mental Health Welfare I Mental Health Welfare II Vocal Practice A I Vocal Practice A II Vocal Practice A III Vocal Practice A IV Vocal Practice A V 【旧】英語名称 English for Qualification II Resources & Energy Resource Circulation Readings in Current English Ind. Studies (American Volunteering) Ind. Studies (Spanish Lang. & Culture) Ind. Studies (French Language & Culture) Ind. Studies (Mongolian Environment) Ind. Studies (China [Shanghai]) Ind. Studies (China [Beijing]) Found. Natural Sciences (Biology) Foundations of the Natural Sciences Found. Natural Sciences Foundations of the Natural Sciences Foundations of the Natural Sciences Research Methods in Environment Science Society & the Environment Found. Social Sciences (Japan-US) Found. Social Sciences (Marx) Found. Social Sciences (Econ. Thru Film) Found. Social Sciences (Japan-Asia) Social Reserch Research Methods of Social Environment Social Welfare & Management On-Site Sutudy in Social Work On-Site Sutudy in Social Work I On-Site Sutudy in Social Work II On-Site Sutudy in Social Work III Low of Social Policy Social Culture & Mecenat Religion & Education History of Religion Music Problems in Religious Studies Survey of Religion Studies on Calligraphy I Studies on Calligraphy II Women & Society Methods of Teaching CommerceI Methods of Teaching CommerceII Methods of Teaching CommerceIII Methods of Teaching CommerceIV Practical Lessons on Commercial Registra Child Nutrition Child Health (Lecture) Child Health (Practice) Buyer Behavior Securities exchange law Study of Functioning Disability & Health Care and Ed. for Children with Dis. Recreation for the Handicapped Welfare for the Handicapped PerformanceI PerformanceII PerformanceIII PerformanceIV Training of and Planning for Crew Member Contents Design Modality and Media Information and Vocation Ethics & the Information Society Seminar in Networking Methods of Teaching Info ScienceI Methods of Teaching Info ScienceII A theory to information society Career GuidanceI Career GuidanceII Nutrition & Food Psychological Research Methodology New-Business/Product Development Strateg Atlas of human body and kinetics Lifecourse Guidance Human Life & the Environment Race & Ethnicity Found. Humanities (English & Japanese) Introduction to Mathematics Production 1(Video) Production II(Film) ProductionIII (Film) Basic StagecraftI Basic StagecraftII Survey of Politics Sound Post Production I Sound Post Production II Introduction to Biology Advanced Topics in Biology I Advanced Topics in Biology II Topics on Mental Health Welf techs Topics on Psyciatric Social Work Outline of Mental Health Welf techs On-Site Study in Mental Health Welf I On-Site Study in Mental Health Welf II On-Site Study in Mental Health Welf III Mental Health WelfareI Mental Health WelfareII Vocal PracticeAⅠ Vocal PracticeAⅡ Vocal PracticeAⅢ Vocal PracticeAⅣ Vocal PracticeAⅤ 適用カリキュラム年度 2012以降 2011以前 2012以降 科目名称 声楽AⅥ 声楽AⅦ 声楽AⅧ 声楽BⅠ 声楽BⅡ 声楽BⅢ 声楽BⅣ 声楽BⅤ 声楽BⅥ 声楽BⅦ 声楽BⅧ 西洋美術史A 西洋美術史B 専攻演習(健康科学A) 専攻演習(健康科学C) 専攻演習(健康科学D) 専攻演習(健康科学D) 専攻演習(健康科学F) 専攻演習(精神保健福祉A) 専攻演習(精神保健福祉B) 専攻演習(保育A) 専攻演習(保育B) 専攻演習(保育C) 専攻演習(保育D) 専攻演習(保育E) 専攻演習(保育F) 専攻演習(保育G) 専攻演習(保育H) 専攻入門(ビジネスエコノミクス・総合政策) 専攻入門(メディア) 専攻入門(英米文学) 専攻入門(環境学) 専攻入門(基礎数理) 専攻入門(教育学) 専攻入門(言語) 専攻入門(国際関係・国際協力) 専攻入門(国際経済) 専攻入門(社会学) 専攻入門(情報科学) 専攻入門(心理学) 専攻入門(世界文学) 専攻入門(中国文学) 専攻入門(哲学・思想) 専攻入門(歴史・人類学・地域研究) 組織の中の人間関係 操縦法と知識Ⅰ 操縦法と知識Ⅱ 操縦法と知識Ⅲ 操縦法と知識Ⅳ 早期英語教育 相談援助演習Ⅲ 相談援助現場実習 相談援助現場実習指導Ⅰ 相談援助現場実習指導Ⅱ 相談援助現場実習指導Ⅲ 総合演習 騒音と環境 造形基礎 造形芸術入門 造形実技入門A(平面デザイン基礎)-21 造形実技入門A(平面デザイン基礎)-22 造形実技入門B(素描)-21 造形実技入門B(素描)-22 造形実技入門C(デジタル編集基礎)-21 造形実技入門C(デジタル編集基礎)-22 造形実技入門IA(平面デザイン基礎I) 造形実技入門IB(素描I) 造形実技入門IC(デジタル編集基礎I) 造形実技入門IIA(平面デザイン基礎II) 造形実技入門IIB(素描II) 造形実技入門IIC(デジタル編集基礎II) 足の健康科学 卒業研究 卒業論文 卒業論文(健康科学A) 卒業論文(健康科学B) 卒業論文(健康科学C) 卒業論文(健康科学D) 卒業論文(健康科学D) 卒業論文(健康科学E) 卒業論文(健康科学F) 卒業論文(健康科学F) 卒業論文(精神保健福祉A) 卒業論文(精神保健福祉B) 体力測定評価実習 大学での学びと経験 大学での学びと経験 知識情報社会論 知識表現とプログラミング 知的財産権と経営 地域エンパワーメント方法論 地域エンパワーメント方法論 地域社会参加(バイリンガル地域研究) 地域社会参加(異文化理解教育リーダー研修) 地域社会参加(国際理解訪問授業) 地域社会参加(多文化共生支援) 地域社会参加(地域学校パートナーシップ) 地域社会参加(不登校生学習支援) 地域住環境論 【新】英語名称 Vocal Practice A VI Vocal Practice A VII Vocal Practice A VIII Vocal Practice B I Vocal Practice B II Vocal Practice B III Vocal Practice B IV Vocal Practice B V Vocal Practice B VI Vocal Practice B VII Vocal Practice B VIII History of European and American Art A History of European and American Art B Seminar (Health and Sports Science A) Seminar (Health and Sports Science C) Seminar (Health and Sports Science D) Seminar (Health and Sports Science D) Seminar (Health and Sports Science F) Seminar (Mental Health and Welfare A) Seminar (Mental Health and Welfare B) Seminar (Daycare A) Seminar (Daycare B) Seminar (Daycare C) Seminar (Daycare D) Seminar (Daycare E) Seminar (Daycare F) Seminar (Daycare G) Seminar (Daycare H) Intro to Major (Business Economics) Intro to Major (Media Studies) Intro to Major (Eng. and Amer. Lit.) Intro to Major (Environmental Studies) Intro to Major (Mathematics) Intro to Major (Education) Intro to Major (Linguistics) Intro to Major (Int'l Rel. and Coop.) Intro to Major (International Economy) Intro to Major (Sociology) Intro to Major (Information Science) Intro to Major (Psychology) Intro to Major (Contemp. and World Lit.) Intro to Major (Chinese Literature) Intro to Major (Philosophy) Intro to Major(Hist./Anthro./Area Stud.) Human Relations in Organizations Private Pilot License Ground School Commercial/Instrument Pilot Training I Commercial/Instrument Pilot Training II Multi-Engine Ground School Childhood English Education Seminar on Social Work III On-Site Practicum in Social Work On-Site Practicum in Social Work I On-Site Practicum in Social Work II On-Site Practicum in Social Work III Comprehensive Seminar Noise and the Environment Fundamentals of the Plastic Arts Introduction to Visual Arts and Design Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts A-21 Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts A-22 Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts B-21 Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts B-22 Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts C-21 Intro. to Tech. of Plastic Arts C-22 Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IA Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IB Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IC Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IIA Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IIB Intro. to Techniques of Plastic Arts IIC Health Science of Podiatry Senior Research Senior Thesis Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science A) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science B) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science C) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science D) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science D) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science E) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science F) Grad. Thesis (Health/Sports Science F) Grad. Thesis (Mental Health/Welfare A) Grad. Thesis (Mental Health/Welfare B) Practicum on Phys. Fit. Measur. & Eval. College Learning and Experience College Learning and Experience Knowledge-Intensive Society Knowledge Programming Intellectual Property Rights & Managemt. Methods of Community Empowerment Methods of Community Empowerment LCI: Bilingual Area Studies LCI: Cultural Leadership LCI: Int'l. Understanding LCI: Multiculturalism LCI: Local School Partnerships LCI: School Nonattendees Community Residential Environments 【旧】英語名称 Vocal PracticeAⅥ Vocal PracticeAⅦ Vocal PracticeAⅧ Vocal PracticeBⅠ Vocal PracticeBⅡ Vocal PracticeBⅢ Vocal PracticeBⅣ Vocal PracticeBⅤ Vocal PracticeBⅥ Vocal PracticeBⅦ Vocal PracticeBⅧ History of European & American Art A History of European & American Art B Seminar (Health & Sports ScienceA) Seminar (Health & Sports ScienceC) Seminar (Health & Sports ScienceD) Seminar (Health and Sports ScienceD) Seminar (Health & Sports ScienceF) Seminar (Mental Health & WelfareA) Seminar (Mental Health & WelfareB) Seminar (Nursery Care A) Seminar (Nursery Care B) Seminar (Nursery Care C) Seminar (Nursery Care D) Seminar (Nursery Care E) Seminar (Nursery Care F) Seminar (Nursery Care G) Seminar (Nursery Care H) Acad. Disc.: Business Econ & Policy Acad. Disc.: Media Acad. Disc.: English & American Lit. Acad. Disc.: Environmental Science Acad. Disc.: Mathematical Principles Acad. Disc.: Education Acad. Disc: Language Acad. Disc.: Int'l. Relations & Coop. Acad. Disc.: International Economics Acad. Disc.: Sociology Acad. Disc.: Information Science Acad. Disc.: Psychology Acad. Disc.: World Literature Acad. Disc.: Chinese Literature Acad. Disc.: Philosophy & Thought Acad. Disc.: History, Anthropology, etc. Human Relations within Organizations Private Pilot Grd. Comm./Inst. I Comm./Inst. II Multi-Engine Grd. Early English Education Cinematography III On-Site Study in Social Work On-Site Study in Social Work I On-Site Study in Social Work II On-Site Study in Social Work III Seminar Noise and Environment Basic Education Through Plastic Arts Introduction to Visual Arts & Design Intro to Plastic Art Techs A Intro to Plastic Art Techs A Intro to Plastic Art Techs B Intro to Plastic Art Techs B Intro to Plastic Art Techs C Intro to Plastic Art Techs IC Intro to Plastic Art Techs IA Intro to Plastic Art Techs IB Intro to Plastic Art Techs IC Intro to Plastic Art Techs IIA Intro to Plastic Art Techs IIB Intro to Plastic Art Techs IIC Health Science of the Podiatry Graduation Studies Graduation Thesis Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science A) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science B) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science C) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science D) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science D) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science E) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science F) Grad. Thesis(Health & Sports Science F) Grad. Thesis(Mental Health & Welfare A) Grad. Thesis(Mental Health & Welfare B) Measurement of Physical Fitness College Studies and Experience First Year Experience Knowledge - Intensive society Knowledge Representation & Programming Int'l Property Rights & Management Housing and Community Planning Methodology of Community Empowerment Service Learning: Bilingual Area Studies Service Learning: Cultural Leadership Service Learning: Int'l Understanding Service Learning: Multiculturalism Service Learning: School Partnership Service Learning: School Nonattendees Community and Housing 適用カリキュラム年度 2007以降 2006以前 2006~2011 2012以降 2 2 2 2 2 2 科目名称 地学概論 地学特論Ⅰ 地学特論Ⅱ 地球科学と宇宙科学 地盤と環境 地方財政論 中央銀行と貨幣政策 中国のマスコミ 中国近現代思想研究 中国古代思想研究 中国語リスニングⅡ 中国語リスニングⅢ 中国語リスニングI 中国語科教育法I 中国語科教育法II 中国語総合I 中国地域研究 中国文言文講読 中国文字学研究 中小企業経営論 中小企業経営論 中小企業入門 中小企業論 中小企業論 中世文学の世界 中等英語科教育法I 中等英語科教育法II 中等英語科教育法III 中等英語科教育法IV 中等社会科・公民科教育法I 中等社会科・公民科教育法II 中等社会科・地理歴史科教育法I 中等社会科・地理歴史科教育法II 中等商業科教育法I 中等商業科教育法II 中等商業科教育法III 中等情報科教育法Ⅳ 中等情報科教育法I 中等情報科教育法II 中等数学科教育法I 中等数学科教育法II 中等数学科教育法III 中等数学科教育法IV 中等中国語科教育法I 中等中国語科教育法II 中等中国語科教育法III 中等中国語科教育法IV 中等理科教育法I 中等理科教育法II 中等理科教育法III 中等理科教育法IV 聴覚障害者のコミュニケーション 哲学研究特論 哲学研究特論A 哲学研究特論B 東アジアの現代社会 東アジア研究 東南アジアの現代社会 東北アジア研究 東洋音楽史 特殊講義A 特殊講義B 特別講義 読書と豊かな人間性 南アジア研究 日中環境問題概論 日中跨文化交際 日中対照言語学 日中対照言語研究 日中比較文化 日本の宗教 日本経済史 日本研究特論(日米文化社会比較) 日本古典文学史(中国語) 日本語(チュートリアル)-41 日本語(チュートリアル)-42 日本語(チュートリアル)-43 日本語(チュートリアル)-44 日本語(専門基礎)-21 日本語(専門基礎)-22 日本語S11(体験活動)A 日本語S11(体験活動)B 日本語S12(サバイバル会話) 日本語S13(日本語で学ぶ現代大衆文化) 日本語S15(地理・歴史・社会の用語) 日本語S16(上級会話) 日本語S17(文芸と表現) 日本語S18(文章表現・中級) 日本語S1A(KAN.) 日本語S1B(KAN.) 日本語S2(ディスカッション) 日本語S2A(DIS.) 日本語S2B(DIS.) 日本語S3(発音と自然な話し方) 日本語S4(文法・中級) 日本語S5(文法・上級) 日本語S6(聴解とノートのとり方) 日本語S7(新聞とニュースで学ぶ現代日本) 日本語S8(文章表現・上級) 【新】英語名称 Survey of Earth Science Selected Topics in Earth Science I Selected Topics in Earth Science II Earth Science and Space Science Ground and the Environment Local Public Finance Central Banks and Monetary Policy Mass Communications in China Studies in Modern Chinese Thought Studies in Classical Chinese Thought Chinese Listening II Chinese Listening III Chinese Listening I Methods of Teaching Chinese I Methods of Teaching Chinese II General Chinese I Chinese Area Studies Readings in Literary Chinese Studies in Chinese Philology Small and Medium Enterprise Management Small and Medium Enterprise Management Intro. to Small and Medium Enterprises Small and Mid-Sized Businesses Small Businesses Medieval Literature Methods of Teaching English I Methods of Teaching English II Methods of Teaching English III Methods of Teaching English IV Meth. of Teaching Soc. Stud. (Civics) I Meth. of Teaching Soc. Stud. (Civics) II Meth. of Teaching Soc. Stud.(Geog/Hst) I Meth. of Teaching Soc. Stud(Geog/Hst) II Methods of Teaching Commerce I Methods of Teaching Commerce II Methods of Teaching Commerce III Methods of Teaching Information Tech IV Methods of Teaching Information Tech I Methods of Teaching Information Tech II Methods of Teaching Mathematics I Methods of Teaching Mathematics II Methods of Teaching Mathematics III Methods of Teaching Mathematics IV Methods of Teaching Chinese I Methods of Teaching Chinese II Methods of Teaching Chinese III Methods of Teaching Chinese IV Methods of Teaching Science I Methods of Teaching Science II Methods of Teaching Science III Methods of Teaching Science IV Hearing Disablities and Communication Selected Topics in Philosophy Selected Topics in Philosophy A Selected Topics in Philosophy B Contemporary Societies of East Asia East Asian Studies Contemporary Societies of Southeast Asia Northeast Asian Studies History of Eastern Music Special Lectures A Special Lectures B Special Lectures Reading and the Full Life South Asian Studies Intro. to Envir. Problems in Jpn and Chn Sino-Japanese Cross-Cultural Comm. (C) Japanese-Chinese Comparative Linguistics Japanese-Chinese Comparative Linguistics Japanese-Chinese Comparative Culture Japanese Religions Japanese Economic History Sel. Topics in Jpn. Studies (Japan-US) History of Japanese Classics (Chinese) Japanese (Tutorial)-41 Japanese (Tutorial)-42 Japanese (Tutorial)-43 Japanese (Tutorial)-44 Japanese (Basic Academic Skills)-21 Japanese (Basic Academic Skills)-22 Japanese S11 (Experiential Activities) A Japanese S11 (Experiential Activities) B Japanese S12 (Survival Conversation) Japanese S13 (Modern Pop Culture) Japanese S15 (Terms for Social Studies) Japanese S16 (Advanced Conversation) Japanese S17 (Literary Expressions) Japanese S18 (Intermediate Writing) Japanese S1A (KAN.) Japanese S1B (KAN.) Japanese S2 (Discussion) Japanese S2A (DIS.) Japanese S2B (DIS.) Japanese S3 (Pronunciation/Speaking) Japanese S4 (Intermediate Grammar) Japanese S5 (Advanced Grammar) Japanese S6 (Listening/Notetaking) Japanese S7 (News) Japanese S8 (Advanced Writing) 【旧】英語名称 Introduction to Earth Science Advanced Topics in Earth Science I Advanced Topics in Earth Science II Earth Science & Space Science Ground and Environment Local Finance Central Bank & Money Policy Mass Communication in China Studies on Chinese Modern Thought Studies on Chinese Classical Thought Chinese Listening II Chinese Listening III Chinese ListeningI Methods of Teaching ChineseI Methods of Teaching ChineseII General ChineseI Chinese Regional Studies Readings in Chinese Literacy Studies in Chinese Orthography Management of Small Businesses Management of Small Enterprises Introduction to Small Enterprises Small & Med-Sized Businesses Studies on Small Business Studies in Medieval Literature English Teaching Methods I English Teaching Methods II English Teaching Methods III English Teaching Methods IV Methods of Teaching Soc Stud (Civics) I Methods of Teaching Soc Stud (Civics) II Meth of Teaching Soc Stud (Geog/Hist) I Meth of Teaching Soc Stud Geog/Hist) II Methods of Teaching CommerceI Methods of Teaching CommerceII Methods of Teaching CommerceIII Methods of Teaching Information Tech. IV Methods of Teaching Information Tech. I Methods of Teaching Information Tech. II Methodology of Mathematics Education I Methodology of Mathematics Education II Methodology of Mathematics Education III Methodology of Mathematics Education IV Methods of Teaching ChineseI Methods of Teaching ChineseII Methods of Teaching ChineseIII Methods of Teaching ChineseIV Methodology of Science Education I Methodology of Science Education II Methodology of Science Education III Methodology of Science Education IV Communication of Auditory Disorders Selected Topics in Philosophy Studies Selected Topics in Philosophy Studies A Selected Topics in Philosophy Studies B Contemporary Society in E. Asia Studies on East Asia Contemporary Society in SE Asia NE Asian Studies History of Asiatic Music Special Lecture A Special Lecture A Sport & Industry Reading & the Full Life Studies on South Asia Survey of Envir. Problems in Jpn & Chn Japan-China Cultural Exchanges Japanese-Chinese Contrastive Linguistics Japanese-Chinese Comp Linguistics Japan-China Comparative Culture Japanese Religion Japanese Economics History ST in Japanese Studies (Japan-US) History of Japanese Classics(Chinese) Japanese(Tutorial)-41 Japanese(Tutorial)-42 Japanese(Tutorial)-43 Japanese(Tutorial)-44 Japanese(Basic Academic Skills)-21 Japanese(Basic Academic Skills)-22 Japanese S11(Experiential Activities)A Japanese S11(Experiential Activities)B Japanese S12(Survival Conversation) Japanese S13(Modern Pop Culture) Japanese S15(Terms for Social Studies) Japanese S16(Advanced Conversation) Japanese S17(Literary Expressions) Japanese S18(Intermediate Writing) Japanese S1A(KAN.) Japanese S1B(KAN.) Japanese S2(Discussion) Japanese S2A(DIS.) Japanese S2B(DIS.) Japanese S3(Pronunciation/Speaking) Japanese S4(Intermediate Grammar) Japanese S5(Advanced Grammar) Japanese S6(Listening/Note-taking) Japanese S7(News) Japanese S8(Advanced Writing) 適用カリキュラム年度 2012以降 2011以前 2007~2011 2012以降 科目名称 日本語S9(職業コミュニケーション) 日本語の音声 日本語演習(漢字I)-21 日本語演習(漢字II)-21 日本語演習(漢字II)-22 日本語演習(口頭表現I)-21 日本語演習(口頭表現I)-22 日本語演習(口頭表現II)-21 日本語演習(口頭表現II)-22 日本語演習(口頭表現III)-21 日本語演習(口頭表現III)-22 日本語演習(初級・サバイバル会話) 日本語演習(初級・漢字) 日本語演習(初級・体験活動) 日本語演習(初中級・発音トレーニング) 日本語演習(上級・ニュースと新聞) 日本語演習(上級・会話) 日本語演習(上級・現代大衆文化) 日本語演習(上級・上級文法)-21 日本語演習(上級・上級文法)-22 日本語演習(上級・職業コミュニケーション) 日本語演習(上級・新聞とニュース) 日本語演習(上級・体験活動) 日本語演習(上級・対照表現演習・日中) 日本語演習(上級・対照表現演習・日朝/日韓) 日本語演習(上級・大学のレポートの書き方) 日本語演習(上級・地理と歴史の用語) 日本語演習(上級・地理歴史社会の用語) 日本語演習(上級・聴解とノートのとり方) 日本語演習(上級・日本語で読む国際関係) 日本語演習(上級・日本語で読む比較文化) 日本語演習(上級・文芸と表現) 日本語演習(上級・文章表現) 日本語演習(上級・文法) 日本語演習(中級・ディスカッション) 日本語演習(中級・漢字) 日本語演習(中級・現代大衆文化) 日本語演習(中級・初中級文法) 日本語演習(中級・上級準備) 日本語演習(中級・体験活動) 日本語演習(中級・発音と自然な話し方) 日本語演習(中級・文法) 日本語演習(読解I)-21 日本語演習(読解I)-22 日本語演習(読解II)-21 日本語演習(読解II)-22 日本語演習(読解III)-21 日本語演習(読解III)-22 日本語演習(文章表現I)-21 日本語演習(文章表現I)-22 日本語演習(文章表現II)-21 日本語演習(文章表現II)-22 日本語演習(文章表現III)-21 日本語演習(文章表現III)-22 日本語史 日本語専門基礎AII-21 日本語専門基礎AII-22 日本国憲法 日本政治(中国語) 日本地域研究特論(日本映画) 日本地域研究特論(日本教育論) 日本的企業管理 日本文学講読C 日本文学講読D 日本文学講読E 日本文学作品講読(古典) 日本文学作品講読(中国語) 乳児保育 認知の科学 認知症ケア論 博物館学I(概論) 博物館学II(経営・情報論) 博物館学III(資料論) 博物館学特論(博物館展示論) 博物館学特論(文化遺産論) 博物館実習 発育発達学 発声朗読法I 発声朗読法II 伴奏法Ⅰ 伴奏法Ⅱ 表現論A(メディア表現論) 表現論B(広告表現研究) 舞台音楽演習 舞台監督の仕事 I 舞台監督の仕事 II 舞台芸術基礎I 舞台芸術基礎II 舞台芸術研究-41 舞台芸術研究-42 舞台芸術研究-43 舞台芸術研究-44 舞台芸術特講-41 舞台芸術特講-42 舞台芸術特講-43 舞台芸術特講-44 舞台美術と舞台運営 福祉のための諸科学I 福祉のための諸科学II 【新】英語名称 Japanese S9 (Occupational Communication) Introduction to Japanese Phonetics Intermediate Japanese (Kanji I)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Kanji II)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Kanji II)-22 Intermediate Japanese (Speaking I)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Speaking I)-22 Intermed./Adv. Japanese (Speaking II)-21 Intermed./Adv. Japanese (Speaking II)-22 Advanced Japanese (Speaking III)-21 Advanced Japanese (Speaking III)-22 Elem. Japanese (Survival Conversation) Elementary Japanese (Kanji) Elem. Japanese (Experiential Activities) Elem./Inter. Japanese (Pronunciation) Advanced Japanese (Newscasts/Newspapers) Advanced Japanese (Conversation) Advanced Japanese (Modern Pop Culture) Advanced Japanese (Advanced Grammar)-21 Advanced Japanese (Advanced Grammar)-22 Advanced Japanese (Work Communication) Advanced Japanese (Newspapers and News) Adv. Japanese (Experiential Activities) Adv. Japanese (Expressions in Jpn/Chn) Adv. Japanese (Expressions in Jpn/Kor) Adv. Japanese (Academic Essay Writing) Adv. Japanese (Geography/History Terms) Adv. Japanese (Terms for Social Studies) Adv. Japanese (Listening/Note-taking) Adv. Japanese (International Relations) Adv. Japanese (Comparative Culture) Adv. Japanese (Literary Expression) Advanced Japanese (Writing) Advanced Japanese (Grammar) Intermediate Japanese (Discussion) Intermediate Japanese (Kanji) Intermed. Japanese (Modern Pop Culture) Intermed. Japanese (Elem/Inter Grammar) Intermed. Japanese (Prep. for Adv. Jse) Intermed. Jse (Experiential Activities) Intermed. Jse (Pronunciation/Speaking) Intermediate Japanese (Grammar) Intermediate Japanese (Reading I)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Reading I)-22 Advanced Japanese (Reading II)-21 Advanced Japanese (Reading II)-22 Advanced Japanese (Reading III)-21 Advanced Japanese (Reading III)-22 Intermediate Japanese (Writing I)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Writing I)-22 Intermediate Japanese (Writing II)-21 Intermediate Japanese (Writing II)-22 Advanced Japanese (Writing III)-21 Advanced Japanese (Writing III)-22 History of the Japanese Language Foundations of Japanese Language AII-21 Foundations of Japanese Language AII-22 Japanese Constitutional Law Japanese Politics (Chinese) Sel. Topics in Japanese Studies (Film) Sel. Topics in Japanese Studies (Educ.) Japanese Business Management Readings in Japanese Literature C Readings in Japanese Literature D Readings in Japanese Literature E Readings in Japanese Lit. (Classical) Readings in Japanese Lit. (Chinese) Daycare for Infants Cognitive Recognition Care for Those with Dementia Museology I (Introduction) Museology II (Admin. and Information) Museology III (Sources and Data) Sel. Topics in Museology (Exhibitions) Sel. Topics in Museology (Cult. Herit.) Museology Practicum Studies in Growth and Development Vocalization and Reading Aloud I Vocalization and Reading Aloud II Accompaniment Practice I Accompaniment Practice II Expression A (Media Expression) Expression B (Advertising Expression) Seminar on Stage Music The Work of the Stage Manager I The Work of the Stage Manager II Basic Performing Arts I Basic Performing Arts II Studies in Theater Arts-41 Studies in Theater Arts-42 Studies in Theater Arts-43 Studies in Theater Arts-44 Special Lectures on Theater Arts-41 Special Lectures on Theater Arts-42 Special Lectures on Theater Arts-43 Special Lectures on Theater Arts-44 Stage Design and Stage Management The Sciences for Social Workers I The Sciences for Social Workers II 【旧】英語名称 Japanese S9(Occupational Communication) Introducing Japanese phonology Elem. Jpn. (Kanji I)-21 Inter. Jpn. (Kanji II)-21 Inter. Jpn. (Kanji II)-22 Inter. Jpn. (Speaking I)-21 Inter. Jpn. (Speaking I)-22 Inter./Adv Jpn. (Speaking II)-21 Inter./Adv Jpn. (Speaking II)-22 Adv. Jpn. (Speaking III)-21 Adv. Jpn. (Speaking III)-22 Elem. Jpn. (Survival Conversation) Elem. Jpn. (Kanji) Elem. Jpn. (Experiential Activities) Elem./Inter. Jpn. (Pronunciation Skills) Adv. Jpn. (Newscasts/ Newspaper Articles Adv. Jpn. (Conversation) Adv. Jpn. (Modern Pop Culture) Adv. Jpn. (Advanced Grammar)-21 Adv. Jpn. (Advanced Grammar)-22 Adv. Jpn. (Occupational Communication) Adv. Jpn. (News) Adv. Jpn. (Experiential Activities) Adv. Jpn. (Expressions in Jpn. & Chn.) Adv. Jpn. (Expressions in Jpn. & Kor.) Adv. Jpn. (Academic Essay Writing) Adv. Jpn. (Terms in Geography & History) Adv. Jpn. (Terms for Social Studies) Adv. Jpn. (Listening/Note-taking) Adv. Jpn. (International Relations) Adv. Jpn. (Comparative Culture) Adv. Jpn. (Literary Expressions) Adv. Jpn. (Writing) Adv. Jpn. (Grammar) Inter. Jpn. (Discussion) Inter. Jpn. (Kanji) Inter. Jpn. (Modern Pop Culture) Inter. Jpn. (Elem./Inter. Grammar) Inter. Jpn. (Prep. for the Adv. Jpn.) Inter. Jpn. (Experiential Activities) Inter. Jpn. (Pronunciation/Speaking) Inter. Jpn. (Grammar) Inter./Adv Jpn. (Reading I)-21 Inter./Adv Jpn. (Reading I)-22 Adv. Jpn. (Reading II)-21 Adv. Jpn. (Reading II)-22 Adv. Jpn. (Reading III)-21 Adv. Jpn. (Reading III)-22 Inter. Jpn. (Writing I)-21 Inter. Jpn. (Writing I)-22 Inter./Adv Jpn. (Writing II)-21 Inter./Adv Jpn. (Writing II)-22 Adv. Jpn. (Writing III)-21 Adv. Jpn. (Writing III)-22 History of Japanese Language Japanese Language Foundations AII-21 Japanese Language Foundations AII-22 Japanese Constitutional Law Japanese Politics(Chinese) Select. Topics in Japanese Studies: Film Select. Topics in Japanese Studies: Ed. Japanese Management Readings in Japanese Literature C Readings in Japanese Literature D Readings in Japanese Literature E Read. in Japanese Literature (Classical) Readings in Japanese Literature(Chinese) Care and Ed. for Babies Cognition and the Human Brain Dementia Care Museology I Museology II Museology III Selected Topics in Museology Selected Topics in Museology Museum Practicum Growth & Development Study Vocalization & Reading Aloud I Vocalization & Reading Aloud II Accompaniment PracticeⅠ Accompaniment PracticeⅡ Expression A(Media Expression) Expression B(Advertising Expression) Music on Stage Seminar The work of the stagemaneger I The work of the stagemaneger II Basic Performing ArtsI Basic Performing ArtsII Studies in Art of the Theater-41 Studies in Art of the Theater-42 Studies in Art of the Theater-43 Studies in Art of the Theater-44 Sp Lectures on the Art of the Theater-41 Sp Lectures on the Art of the Theater-42 Sp Lectures on the Art of the Theater-43 Sp Lectures on the Art of the Theater-44 Designing and Managing Stage Social Sciences for Social Workers Social Sciences for Social Workers 適用カリキュラム年度 科目名称 福祉科教育法I 福祉科教育法II 福祉科教育法III 福祉科教育法IV 福祉行財政と福祉計画 物理学概論 物理学特論Ⅰ 物理学特論Ⅱ 紛争論 文章構成法 米国航空法規概論 編集演習Ⅰ 編集演習Ⅱ 保育の英語Ⅰ 保育の英語Ⅱ 保育学 保育原理 保育実習Ⅰ 保育実習Ⅰ(施設) 保育実習Ⅰ(保育所) 保育実習Ⅱ 保育実習Ⅲ 保育実習指導 保育内容(環境) 保育内容(健康) 保育内容(言葉) 保育内容(人間関係) 保育内容(総論) 保育内容(表現) 保健体育科教育法I 保健体育科教育法II 保健体育科教育法III 保健体育科教育法IV 法律学概論(国際法を含む) 民族研究 余暇と観光 幼児理解の理論と方法 養護原理 養護内容 旅行業実務と観光地理A 旅行業実務と観光地理B 倫理学研究特論 倫理学研究特論A 倫理学研究特論B 倫理学研究特論C 臨床心理学職域論 【新】英語名称 Methods of Teaching Welfare I Methods of Teaching Welfare II Methods of Teaching Welfare III Methods of Teaching Welfare IV Admin. and Planning of Social Welfare Survey of Physics Selected Topics in Physics I Selected Topics in Physics II Conflict Resolution Writing Composition Survey of US Aviation Laws & Regulations Seminar on Film Editing by Computer I Seminar on Film Editing by Computer II English for Daycare I English for Daycare II Studies on Daycare Principles of Daycare Daycare Practicum I Daycare Practicum I (Facilities) Daycare Practicum I (Centers) Daycare Practicum II Daycare Practicum III Directed Practicum in Daycare Topics in Daycare (Environment) Topics in Daycare (Health) Topics in Daycare (Language) Topics in Daycare (Human Relations) Daycare Studies (Overview) Topics in Daycare (Expression) Methods of Teaching Health and P.E. I Methods of Teaching Health and P.E. II Methods of Teaching Health and P.E. III Methods of Teaching Health and P.E. IV Intro. to Jurisprudence (and Int'l Law) Ethnic and Racial Studies Leisure and Tourism Understanding Children: Theories/Methods Principles of Nursing Nursing Content Travel Agency Jobs & Tourism Geography A Travel Agency Jobs & Tourism Geography B Selected Topics in Ethics Selected Topics in Ethics A Selected Topics in Ethics B Selected Topics in Ethics C Working in Clinical Psychology 【旧】英語名称 Methods of Teaching WelfareI Methods of Teaching WelfareII Methods of Teaching WelfareIII Methods of Teaching WelfareIV Admin and Planning of Social Welfare Introduction to Physics Advanced Topics in Physics I Advanced Topics in Physics II Disputes Thesis Writing Skills in Japanese Survey of US Aviation Law/Regs Seminar on Computer of Film I Seminar on Computer of Film II English for Nursery Schools I English for Nursery Schools II Sci. of Early Childhood Care and Ed. Principle of Nursery Care and Education Child Care Practicum I Child Care Practicum I (Institutions) Child Care Practicum I (Centers) Child Care Practicum II Child Care Practicum III Directed Practicum in Child Care Prin. of Nursery Care (Environment) Prin. of Nursery Care (Health) Prin. of Nursery Care (Language) Prin. of Nursery Care (Human Relations) Prin. of Nursery Care (Outline) Prin. of Nursery Care (Expression) Methods of Teaching Health and P.E.I Methods of Teaching Health and P.E.II Meds. of Teaching Health and P.E.III Methods of Teaching Health and P.E.IV Survey of Jurisprudence (& Int'l Law) Ethnic & Racial Studies Leisure & Tourism Theor. and Meth. of Childhood Studies Principle of Nursing Principle of Child Care Travel Agency Jobs & Geography A Travel Agency Jobs & Geography B Selected Topics in Ethical Studies Selected Topics in Ethical Studies A Selected Topics in Ethical Studies B Selected Topics in Ethical Studies C Range of Duties in Clinical Psychology 適用カリキュラム年度
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