授業コード Code 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 0150427 427 221 専攻 Major 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 履修取り下げ 制度 The course withdrawal system ホプソン ネイスン コースツリー/種別 Subject type 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 集中 日本史入門 (Introduction to Japanese history) 単位 Credit 備考 Others 転用科目コード Substitue for 2 受講年次 Open for 文学部2年生以上 他学部3年生以上可 NUPACE学生履修不可 利用する 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration 授業の目的 Purpose From hunter-gatherers to Imperial Japan to herbivorous males in one semester. This is a lecture course following the development of life and society in the archipelago from prehistory to the present. Lectures will be recorded on video and made available online for review. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content Weekly Schedule 2. Prehistory 3. Earliest Records 4. Ritsuryō: “Japan” Part I 5. Nara 6. Heian 7. Warriors I: Kamakura (Quiz 1) 8. Warriors II: Disorder 9. Tokugawa I 10. Tokugawa II 11. Meiji (Quiz 2) 12. Interwar 13. WWII 14. Postwar 15. TBA Assignments 1. Weekly readings 2. Wiki contributions (You will create your own digital sourcebook of Japanese history) 教科書 テキスト Textbooks None. All readings will be made available through the class website. 参考書 References None. All readings will be made available through the class website. 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review 1. 2. Weekly readings Wiki contributions Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation Monday attendance 40% Quizzes 30% (15% each) Wiki contributions 30% 連絡方法 Contact information [email protected] 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 847 専攻 Major [地域史研究・講義] 講義 ホプソン ネイスン(HOPSON, Nathan edwin) 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 集中 日本近代史 (Modern Japanese history) 単位 Credit 備考 Others 種別 Subject type 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 転用科目 Substitue for 2 NUPACE学生履修不可 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration This course surveys the dramatic transformation of Japan from isolated “feudal” state to expansionist empire to modern economic superpower and producer of hybrid cars, cool games, cute characters, and wacky TV. 授業の目的 Purpose The course has the following principal goals: 1. to become conversant with a general narrative of events (1850-present) 2. to learn to read and interpret primary documents Fri 4 will be lecture. The lectures will be videotaped and made available online for review and/or for students unable to attend. Mon 1 will focus on discussion of the previous lecture and primary source materials. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content Weekly Schedule 2. Bakumatsu 3. “Restoration?” 4. Meiji I 5. Meiji II 6. WWI 7. Interwar I 8. Interwar II 9. WWII 10. Rebuilding 11. “Doubling” 12. “Bubbling” 13. “Losing?” 14. TBA Assignments 1. Weekly readings 2. Two primary source analyses (One page each) 3. Final paper or digital humanities project Final Paper/Project ・Analytical five-page paper on one of three provided topics. ・Group project using digital technologies to present data in innovative and informative format. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks None. All readings will be made available through the class website. 参考書 References To supplement your knowledge of Japanese history as needed, I recommend the library’s electronic copy of: ・Tsutsui, William, ed. A Companion to Japanese History. Blackwell Publishing. 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review 1. 2. 3. Weekly readings Two primary source analyses (One page each) Final paper or digital humanities project Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation Monday attendance Source analyses Final paper/project 35% 30% (15% each) 35% 連絡方法 Contact information [email protected] 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 856 専攻 Major 単位 Credit 備考 Others 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration [日本文化論II・演習] 演習 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 火曜:2限 岩田 クリスティーナ(IWATA Kristina) 大学院演習:文学の理論と実践 IV (Graduate Seminar: Literary theory and practice IV) 2 NUPACE学生履修可 The course is open to all graduate students as well as (graduate and undergraduate) NUPACE students. It will mostly be taught in English but all participants should have some understanding of Japanese; reading responses and seminar papers can be submitted in either language. 授業の目的 Purpose This is a reading-intensive course the outcome of which depends on your preparation and active discussion in class. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content This graduate seminar will examine a broad range of topics in modern literature and related fields. The course is designed to give maximum support to students and aims to familiarize them with critical and theoretical approaches useful for their specific research projects. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 種別 Subject type 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 転用科目 Substitue for No textbook is required for this course. All readings will be made available as PDFs, etc. 参考書 References TBA 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review This is a reading-intensive course the outcome of which depends on your preparation and active discussion in class. Assignments will depend on the class size but are likely to include short writing assignments, presentations and panel discussions. Students are expected to write a final research paper of 20-25 pages. 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation Participation 30% Reading responses 20% Presentation/Discussion leader 20% Seminar Research Paper 30%. An attendance rate of at least 80% is mandatory for all students. 連絡方法 Contact information Email me at kristina.iwata(at)nagoya-u.ac.jp 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 850 専攻 Major 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 単位 Credit 備考 Others 種別 Subject type [日本文化論II・講義] 講義 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 火曜:4限 日本文学とジェンダー (Japanese literature and gender) 2 NUPACE学生履修可 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration The course is open to all third and fourth year undergraduate as well as graduate students. NUPACE students with a background in literature and/or gender studies are welcome. Students should be prepared to read one (short) novel per week for this class. The course will mostly be taught in English but reading responses and seminar papers may be submitted in Japanese as well. 授業の目的 Purpose The course is intended to examine the relationship between literature and gender from a broad perspective. To this end, we will look at literary representations of gender and sexuality issues within a wide range of modern and contemporary literary texts. We will also consider how gender plays an important role when it comes to the production and reception of literature in different historic and social contexts. The course will cover the gendering of representational modes, reading practices, writing and genre conventions, and much more. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content We will look at a number of modern and contemporary works dealing with issues of gender and sexuality and discuss the influence of gender roles / gender hierarchy on literary production as well as on reception. This is not a lecture but a reading-intensive course the outcome of which depends on your preparation and active discussion in class. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks TBA during the first class meeting. 参考書 References TBA during the first class meeting. 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 岩田 クリスティーナ(IWATA Kristina) 転用科目 Substitue for Assignments will depend on the class size but are likely to include short writing assignments, presentations and panel discussions. Undergraduate students are expected to write a final research paper of 15-20 pages on a topic of their choice (pending my approval); graduate students should submit 20-25 pages. 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation TBA during the first class meeting. 連絡方法 Contact information Please email me at kristina.iwata(at)lit.nagoya-u.ac.jp 授業コード Code 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 転用科目コード Substitue for 0150430 430 401 [日本文化学演習] 0150503 専攻 Major 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 単位 Credit 備考 Others コースツリー/種別 Subject type 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 木曜:3限 朱 宇正 文化史研究方法論:入門編I (Introduction to Research Methods for Culture and History I) 2 受講年次 Open for 文学部2年生以上 NUPACE学生履修可 履修取り下げ 制度 The course withdrawal system 利用する 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration This course is primarily designed for the second year G30 students. Class will be conducted in English. 授業の目的 Purpose This is an introductory course for learning and practicing the basics of research methodology used in cultural and historical studies. Class will cover the entire procedure of research from finding a topic and researching academic sources to writing a proposal and research report. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content Lectures will be given on basic principles of academic research, including finding and reviewing sources, and developing research questions. Students are expected to develop their own research project, producing an end-of-term research paper. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks No particular textbook is required. Reading materials will be handed out if necessary. 参考書 References Charles Lipson, How to write a BA thesis : a practical guide from your first ideas to your finished paper (University of Chicago Press, 2005) James D. Lester, James D. Lester, Jr, Writing research papers : a complete guide (Pearson, 2012) Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 他学部3年生以上可 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review Preparation of reading and writing assignments 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation Research Proposal 20% Review of Literature 20% Research Paper 40% Presentation 10% Class Participation 10% 連絡方法 Contact information Office hour: Detailed information will be given in class 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 854 専攻 Major 単位 Credit 備考 Others 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration [基層文化論III・演習] 演習 朱 宇正(JOO Woojeong) 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 水曜:3限 文化史研究方法論IV (Research Methods for Culture and History IV) 2 NUPACE学生履修可 This course is primarily designed for the first year master’s student in G30 program who need a survey of research method in humanities and social sciences. Class will be conducted in English. 授業の目的 Purpose Planned as the second part of reviewing and practicing research methods for graduate studies, this course aims to examine researches with various methods in cultural and historical studies, and provide students an opportunity to conduct their own research using the methods covered in class. Students are expected to develop and write a chapter that can be a part of their master’s thesis. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content Most classes will be in seminar form, presenting, analysing and discussing exemplary research articles tailored to each student’s research project. There will be mid and end of term presentation sessions to report and discuss the progress of individual research. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks No particular textbook is required. Reading materials will be handed out. 参考書 References Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 種別 Subject type 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 転用科目 Substitue for Yvonne N. Bui, How to Write a Master's Thesis (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009) Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, The Craft of Research (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review Preparation of reading and writing assignments 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation Research Paper Presentation Class Participation 連絡方法 Contact information Office hour: Detailed information will be given in class 50% 30% 20% 授業コード Code 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 転用科目コード Substitue for 0150435 435 611 [日本文化学演習] 0150506 専攻 Major 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 単位 Credit 備考 Others 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 木曜:2限 映像テクスト分析 (Critical film analysis) 受講年次 Open for 2 文学部2年生以上 NUPACE学生履修可 履修取り下げ 制度 The course withdrawal system 利用する 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration This is a lecture of film studies. It is basically open to students who have demonstrated certain interest and background knowledge in cinema studies, and have the competency in reading and analyzing cinematic texts in English. Preferably we welcome students whose written and spoken English abilities are adequate enough for them to participate in presentations and to write short essays and so forth. 授業の目的 Purpose 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content This course is designed to engage students with vital research perspectives in Film Studies on theory, method and analysis. Building upon the study of a wide range of global films produced at different times, we would navigate the students through several crucial strands of film theories and cultivate their ability in critically approaching the style, aesthetics, and politics of a film work. Theoretical toolkits that we would explore include but are not limited to mise-en-scene, thematic and auteur criticism, genre, psychoanalysis, gender studies, new media theory and so forth. Lectures, screenings, discussions/presentations and oral/written analyses. Under the academic guidance and facilitation of the lecturer, students are expected to critically evaluate theories and arguments from their readings and learn to apply the concepts and theories in film analysis. It is also expected that the students could communicate (not mechanically reciting) their ideas effectively via discussions and presentations as well as in writing assignments. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks a compilation of key readings 参考書 References a compilation of key readings 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review Film-viewing underlines your study flow of the seminar. Screenings will 1) take place as part of the weekly class, or 2) the lecturer will book the classroom for film-viewing as extra to the weekly course plan; 3) assigned to the students for self-study. For students who cannot make the scheduled group screenings for good reasons, they are urged to loan the DVDs from the lecturer or at the local video-shops. 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation 25% Attendance & contribution to class discussion/presentation 30% Reading Journal Assignment (x2) 10% Take Home Project 35% Final Paper 連絡方法 Contact information Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 馬 然 コースツリー/種別 Subject type Lecturer: MA Ran ([email protected]) Office Hour: School of Letters, Rm. 224, appointment by email 番号 Number 科目種別/学科目 Course title 858 専攻 Major 単位 Credit 備考 Others 履修条件 注意事項 Requirements for class registration 種別 Subject type [基層文化論I・演習] 演習 担当教員 Instructor(s) G30 Program 講義題目 Title 転用科目 Substitue for 馬 然(MA Ran) 開講期 Semester 開講時間帯 Day and time 前期 木曜:4限 大学院演習:映像の理論と実践 IV (Graduate Seminar: Cinema theory and practice IV) 2 ・全研究科のG30院生受講可 ・G30以外の文学研究科院生受講可 ・G30以外の他研究科院生要相談 This seminar is basically only open to graduate students who have demonstrated certain interest and background knowledge in cinema studies, and have the competency in reading and analyzing cinematic texts in English. Preferably we welcome students whose written and spoken English abilities are adequate enough for them to participate in presentations and to write short essays and so forth. Graduate Seminar: Cinema theory and practice IV--THE POLITICS OF IMAGES 授業の目的 Purpose This theory-intensive seminar seeks to explore and reflect upon cinematic image’s (im)possibility in representing memory, desire and reality in contemporary times. Following a one-month theory building session based on group reading/discussion of works by philosophers and art historians such as Michel Foucault, Georges Didi-Huberman and Jacques Ranciere, we would dedicate the remaining part of the seminar to the critical analysis of a group of contemporary films by global filmmakers, most of which are documentaries. Varying in styles and produced under diverse social-historical contexts, these unique works either eulogize the rise of Nazi, or re-zoom in onto the holocaust memory, interrogate the Chinese Cultural Revolution, virtualize the Battle of Okinawa, document the Japanese Red Army, and follow a one-man’s search questioning Japan’s war responsibility. Through this unusual journey, not only we reconsider how would cinema and image engage political movements and subjects that have been either significant to or suppressed in modern history. Also, we hope that the exploration of both political images and of the politics of image would illuminate our continuing debate in the field of film studies and visual culture. 授業の内容 授業の方法 Content Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Primarily designed as a graduate-level seminar, it to great extent relies on the discussions/presentations on the part of the students to facilitate the flow of each session. Under the academic guidance and facilitation of the lecturer, students are expected to critically evaluate theories and arguments from their readings and learn to apply the concepts and theories in film analysis. It is also expected that the students could communicate (not mechanically reciting) their ideas effectively via discussions and presentations as well as in writing assignments. 教科書 テキスト Textbooks a compilation of key readings/texts 参考書 References a compilation of key readings/texts 受講生の 自宅学習 Preparation and review Film-viewing underlines your study flow of the seminar. Screenings will 1) take place as part of the weekly class, or 2) the lecturer will book the classroom for film-viewing as extra to the weekly course plan; 3) assigned to the students for self-study. For students who cannot make the scheduled group screenings for good reasons, they are urged to loan the DVDs from the lecturer or at the local video-shops. 成績評価の 方法と基準 Evaluation 30 % Attendance & Contribution to class discussion/presentation 10 % take-home project 30 % Reading Journal (10%x3) 30% Final Paper 連絡方法 Contact information Email: [email protected] Office Location: School of Letters, Rm 224 Office Hours: by email appointment
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