フリーアカデミー 中学・英文法問題集

フリーアカデミー 中学・英文法問題
. 【 such ∼ that ‥‥ 】
He is (
) a good boy (
) we like him.
She is (
) great singer (
) I cry when she sings.
Today is (
) beautiful day (
) I want to go to the park.
They were (
) strong (
) they won the game.
He is (
) boy (
) he runs every morning.
The fireworks were (
) beautiful (
) I took many pictures.
. 【 such ∼ that ‥‥ 】
He is ( such ) a good boy ( that ) we like him.
She is ( such ) ( a ) great singer ( that ) I cry when she sings.
Today is ( such ) ( a ) beautiful day ( that ) I want to go to the park.
They were ( so ) strong ( that ) they won the game.
He is ( such ) ( a ) ( healthy ) boy ( that ) he runs every morning.
The fireworks were ( so ) beautiful ( that ) I took many pictures.
制作・著作 : フリーアカデミー※転用禁止
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