連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Consolidated Statementes of Cash Flows 2007 年、2008 年 11 月 30 日に終了した事業年度/ For the years ended November 30, 2007 and 2008 (百万円 / ¥ million) 2007 2008 Cash Flows from Operating Activities 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net income before income taxes and minority interests 税金等調整前当期純利益 15,192 13,876 Depreciation and amortization 減価償却費 12,388 13,408 Loss on impairment of fixed assets 減損損失 227 – Amortization of goodwill のれん償却額 31 25 Equity income 持分法による投資利益 (122) (89) Write-down of investment in securities 投資有価証券評価損 35 404 Write-down of golf course memberships ゴルフ会員権評価損 0 45 Increase (Decrease) in reserve for retirement benefits 退職給付引当金の増加額(減少額) (287) 8 Increase in prepaid pension costs 前払年金費用の増加額 (3,514) (3,565) Decrease in reserve for directors’ and corporate auditors’ retirement pay 役員退任慰労引当金の減少額 (374) (705) Increase (Decrease) in reserve for sales rebates 売上割戻引当金の増加額(減少額) 76 (621) Decrease in reserve for directors’ and corporate auditors’ bonuses 役員賞与引当金の減少額 (24) (8) Increase (Decrease) in reserve for bonuses 賞与引当金の増加額(減少額) 11 (59) Decrease in allowance for doubtful accounts 貸倒引当金の減少額 (114) (71) Interest income and dividend receivable 受取利息及び受取配当金 (747) (713) Interest expense 支払利息 698 685 Gain on sales of investment in securities 投資有価証券売却益 (138) (160) Gain on sales of stocks in related companies 関係会社株式売却益 − (985) Loss on sales and disposal of fixed assets 固定資産売却損益及び除却損 741 544 Increase in notes and accounts receivable 売上債権の増加額 (524) (1,559) Increase in inventory たな卸資産の増加額 (1,042) (1,947) Increase (Decrease) in notes and accounts payable 仕入債務の増加額(減少額) (367) 10,000 Increase (Decrease) in accounts payable-other 未払金の増加額(減少額) 754 (6,821) Increase (Decrease) in accrued consumption taxes 未払消費税等の増加額(減少額) 840 (453) Increase in long-term accounts payable 長期未払金の増加額 479 375 Other その他 734 (850) Sub total 小計 24,953 20,762 Interest income and dividend received 利息及び配当金の受取額 585 1,039 Interest paid 利息の支払額 (679) (668) Income tax paid 法人税等の支払額 (2,528) (6,668) Net cash provided by operating activities 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー 22,331 14,466 Cash Flows from Investing Activities 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Sales of securities 有価証券の売却による収入 8 – Purchases of tangible fixed assets 有形固定資産の取得による支出 (10,195) (12,170) Purchases of intangible fixed assets 無形固定資産の取得による支出 (659) (562) Purchases of investment in securities 投資有価証券の取得による支出 (347) (135) Sales of investment in securities 投資有価証券の売却による収入 1,073 338 Sales of stock due to the changes in the consolidated subsidiaries 連結範囲の変更を伴う子会社株式の売却による収入 − 1,843 Purchases of stock with no changes in the consolidated subsidiaries 連結範囲の変更を伴わない子会社株式の取得による支出 − (28) Sales of subsidiary stock not affected by the changes in the consolidation 連結範囲の変更を伴わない子会社株式の売却による収入 − 90 Loans receivable made 貸付けによる支出 (668) (515) Collection of loans receivable 貸付金の回収による収入 604 390 Disbursements for deposit to bank 定期預金の預入れによる支出 (328) (1,468) Withdrawal of time deposits 定期預金の払戻しによる収入 18 1,422 Other その他 (672) 1,107 Net cash used in investing activities 投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (11,166) (9,687) Cash Flows from Financing Activities 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Borrowing on short-term loans 短期借入れによる収入 83,132 106,287 Repayment of short-term loans 短期借入金の返済による支出 (80,982) (106,934) Borrowing on long-term loans 長期借入れによる収入 1,950 1,200 Repayment of long-term loans 長期借入金の返済による支出 (4,101) (2,953) Paid in from minority shareholders 少数株主からの払込による収入 – 179 Cash dividends paid 配当金の支払額 (2,218) (2,132) Cash dividends paid to minority shareholders 少数株主への配当金の支払額 (146) (211) Repurchases of treasury stock 自己株式取得による支出 (387) (1,148) Net cash used in financing activities 財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー (2,757) (5,712) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 (10) (87) Increase (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 現金及び現金同等物の増加額(減少額) 8,396 (1,021) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 21,212 27,699 Increase in cash and cash equivalents due to the increase of newly consolidated subsidiaries 新規連結子会社増加に伴う現金及び現金同等物の増加額 − 27 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents due to changes to the ends of accounting periods for consolidated subsidiaries 連結子会社の決算期変更に伴う現金及び現金同等物の減少額 (1,909) – Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of the Year 現金及び現金同等物の期末残高 27,699 26,705 連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書/Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 18
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